[1] It begins with the same words, and is therefore quoted under the same title, as the Encyclical of Leo XIII on scholastic philosophy. Z 1. The chief aim of Aeterni Patris was the reintroduction of Thomism into Catholic educational centers for the purpose of bringing faith and reason back into a fruitful dialectic. (26) A wise man, therefore, would not accuse faith and look upon it as opposed to reason and natural truths, but would rather offer heartfelt thanks to God, and sincerely rejoice that, in the density of ignorance and in the flood-tide of error, holy faith, like a friendly star, shines down upon his path and points out to him the fair gate of truth beyond all danger of wandering. The name of two papal documents of Pius IX and Leo XIII. And as he also used this philosophic method in the refutation of error, he won this title to distinction for himself: that, single-handed, he victoriously combated the errors of former times, and supplied invincible arms to put those to rout which might in after-times spring up. Its purpose was the revival of Scholastic philosophy, according to the mind of St. Thomas Aquinas. What region of it did he not diligently explore, either in expounding the loftiest mysteries of the faith to the faithful, or defending them against the full onslaught of adversaries, or again when, in demolishing the fables of the Academicians or the Manichaeans, he laid the safe foundations and sure structure of human science, or followed up the reason, origin, and causes of the evils that afflict man? And this they confirmed by their own example; for St. Thomas, Blessed Albertus Magnus, and other leaders of the Scholastics were never so wholly rapt in the study of philosophy as not to give large attention to the knowledge of natural things; and, indeed, the number of their sayings and writings on these subjects, which recent professors approve of and admit to harmonize with truth, is by no means small. AETERNI PATRISENCYCLICAL OF POPE LEO XIII ON THE RESTORATION OF CHRISTIAN PHILOSOPHY. Wherefore, it is the glory of philosophy to be esteemed as the bulwark of faith and the strong defense of religion. 34. (January 17, 2023). . See Inscrutabili Dei consilio, 78:113. pedro rodriguez, Fe, razon y teologia en el I Centenario de la Enciclica "Aeterni Patris" (Pamplona, Spain 1979); Atti del'VIII Congresso Tomistico Internaziole: L'Enciclica Aeterni Patris (Studi Tomistici, 1012, Vatican City 1981). In paragraph 18, Thomas is said to have triumphed over previous errors, and supplied those who follow him with the means to defeat other errors that would arise. The philosophers of old who lacked the gift of faith, yet were esteemed so wise, fell into many appalling errors. But the advantage to be derived from such a school of philosophy is not to be confined within these limits. 20. The only-begotten Son of the Eternal Father, who came on earth to bring salvation and the light of divine wisdom to men, conferred a great and wonderful blessing on the world when, about to ascend . Apart from his contributions to theology, Thomas, the encyclical claims, also touched finely upon all points of philosophy. Aeterni Patris (English: Of the Eternal Father) was an encyclical issued by Pope Leo XIII in August 1879, (not to be confused with the apostolic letter of the same name written by Pope Pius IX in 1868 calling the First Vatican Council). The encyclical mentions the esteem in which St. Thomas has been held and urges the revival of St. Thomas's philosophy and of his spirit of investigation. Ortega y Gasset, Jos An encyclical letter of Pope Leo XIII (issued 4 August, 1879); not to be confused with the apostolic letter of the same name written by Pope Pius IX. . Afterwards, in the East, John Damascene, treading in the footsteps of Basil and of Gregory of Nazianzen, and in the West, Boethius and Anselm following the doctrines of Augustine, added largely to the patrimony of philosophy. This ecumenical council was the first effort to attain consensus in the church through an assembly representing all . Encyclopedia.com. Those, therefore, who to the study of philosophy unite obedience to the Christian faith, are philosophizing in the best possible way; for the splendor of the divine truths, received into the mind, helps the understanding, and not only detracts in nowise from its dignity, but adds greatly to its nobility, keenness, and stability. Most online reference entries and articles do not have page numbers. For it has come to light that there were not lacking among the leaders of heretical sects some who openly declared that, if the teaching of Thomas Aquinas were only taken away, they could easily battle with all Catholic teachers, gain the victory, and abolish the Church. Jesus thus shows that he is the bread of life which the eternal Father gives to mankind. 12. The twenty-first paragraph of the encyclical continues the list of testimonials to St. Thomass greatness by mentioning some of the popes who have honored, borrowed from, and praised the work of St. Thomas. The chief aim of Aeterni Patris was the reintroduction of Thomism into Catholic educational centers for the purpose of bringing faith and reason back into a fruitful dialectic. 1. Aeterni Patris synonyms, Aeterni Patris pronunciation, Aeterni Patris translation, English dictionary definition of Aeterni Patris. And, here, how pleasantly one's thoughts fly back to those celebrated schools and universities which flourished of old in Europe - to Paris, Salamanca, Alcal, to Douay, Toulouse, and Louvain, to Padua and Bologna, to Naples and Coimbra, and to many another! the only-begotten son of the eternal father, who came on earth to bring salvation and the light of divine wisdom to men, conferred a great and wonderful blessing on the world when, about to ascend again into heaven, he commanded the apostles to go and teach all nations, [1] and left the church which he had founded to be the common and supreme And here it is well to note that our philosophy can only by the grossest injustice be accused of being opposed to the advance and development of natural science. Later on, the doctors of the middle ages, who are called Scholastics, addressed themselves to a great work-that of diligently collecting, and sifting, and storing up, as it were, in one place, for the use and convenience of posterity the rich and fertile harvests of Christian learning scattered abroad in the voluminous works of the holy Fathers. Beginning with a consideration of the Church's concern for teaching true philosophy because of its relation to theology, the pope declares that many modern evils stem from false philosophy. Philosophy and revelation represent two realms of knowledge. 10. r. aubert, Le Pontificat de Pie IX, 18461878 (Paris 1952). Inst., 7, 7 (PL 6, 759). Augustine says: "Do we not see Cyprian, that mildest of doctors and most blessed of martyrs, going out of Egypt laden with gold and silver and vestments? The interpretations and effects of the encyclical have been varied, some using it to authorize a return to a strict adherence to St. Thomas, others believing the document urges more a return to the spirit of Thomistic thinking. Epistola 147, ad Marcellinum, 7 (PL 33, 589). Therefore, Divine Providence itself requires that, in calling back the people to the paths of faith and salvation, advantage should be taken of human science also-an approved and wise practice which history testifies was observed by the most illustrious Fathers of the Church. It was subtitled "On the Restoration of Christian Philosophy in Catholic Schools in the Spirit (ad mentem) of the Angelic Doctor, St. Thomas Aquinas". And, not to cover too wide a range, we add to the number of the great men of whom mention has been made the names of Basil the Great and of the two Gregories, who, on going forth from Athens, that home of all learning, thoroughly equipped with all the harness of philosophy, turned the wealth of knowledge which each had gathered up in a course of zealous study to the work of refuting heretics and preparing Christians. Clement of Alexandria, Stromata, 1,5 (PG 8, 718-719). And that we may receive fuller fruits of the divine goodness, offer up to God the most efficacious patronage of the Blessed Virgin Mary, who is called the seat of wisdom; having at the same time as advocates St. Joseph, the most chaste spouse of the Virgin, and Peter and Paul, the chiefs of the Apostles, whose truth renewed the earth which had fallen under the impure blight of error, filling it with the light of heavenly wisdom. "(15) But if natural reason first sowed this rich field of doctrine before it was rendered fruitful by the power of Christ, it must assuredly become more prolific after the grace of the Saviour has renewed and added to the native faculties of the human mind. Noun 1. The arts were wont to draw from philosophy, as from a wise mistress, sound judgment and right method, and from it, also, their spirit, as from the common fount of life. It was subtitled 'On the Restoration of Christian Philosophy in Catholic Schools in the Spirit (ad mentem) of the Angelic Doctor, St. Thomas Aquinas'. Then, copy and paste the text into your bibliography or works cited list. It is known that nearly all the founders and lawgivers of the religious orders commanded their members to study and religiously adhere to the teachings of St. Thomas, fearful least any of them should swerve even in the slightest degree from the footsteps of so great a man. Includes the Catholic Encyclopedia, Church Fathers, Summa, Bible and more all for only $19.99. What kind of ship is this? To say nothing of the family of St. Dominic, which rightly claims this great teacher for its own glory, the statutes of the Benedictines, the Carmelites, the Augustinians, the Society of Jesus, and many others all testify that they are bound by this law. In Three Rival Versions of Moral Inquiry (1990) Alasdair MacIntyre examines three major rival traditions of moral inquiry: encyclopaedic, genealogical and traditional. Justly, therefore, does the Vatican Council commemorate in these words the great benefits which faith has conferred upon reason: Faith frees and saves reason from error, and endows it with manifold knowledge. 11. "Ite ad Thomam", Accessed Feb. 6, 2013, https://en.wikipedia.org/w/index.php?title=Aeterni_Patris&oldid=1131186430, On the restoration of Christian Philosophy, Hill, Harvey. Its purpose was the revival of Scholastic philosophy, according to the mind of St. Thomas Aquinas. The following paragraph names Thomas Aquinas as the preeminent example of scholasticism. (8) And, assuredly, the God of all goodness, in all that pertains to divine things, has not only manifested by the light of faith those truths which human intelligence could not attain of itself, but others, also, not altogether unattainable by reason, that by the help of divine authority they may be made known to all at once and without any admixture of error. The opening paragraph begins with a reference to Christs command to His Apostles to set all men free by teaching the truth of the faith to all nations (Matthew 28:19). To the Patriarchs, Primates, Archbishops, and Bishops of the Catholic World in Grace and Communion with the Apostolic See. 30. In particular, scholastic philosophy does not oppose the advance and development of natural science. On the contrary, philosophy is in accord with the conclusions of modern physics. (4) But the natural helps with which the grace of the divine wisdom, strongly and sweetly disposing all things, has supplied the human race are neither to be despised nor neglected, chief among which is evidently the right use of philosophy. As Clement of Alexandria testifies, the doctrine of the Saviour is indeed perfect in itself and wanteth naught, since it is the power and wisdom of God. For men whom the truth had set free were to be preserved by the truth; nor would the fruits of heavenly doctrines by which salvation comes to men have long remained had not the Lord Christ appointed an unfailing teaching authority to train the minds to faith. To this end assuredly have tended the incessant labors of individual bishops; to this end also the published laws and decrees of councils, and especially the constant watchfulness of the Roman Pontiffs, to whom, as successors of the blessed Peter in the primacy of the Apostles, belongs the right and office of teaching and confirming their brethren in the faith. Foremost 20th-century Andalusian composer; b. Cdiz, Nov. 23, 1876; d. Alta Gracia (Crdoba province), Argentina, Nov. 14, 1946. When philosophy stood stainless in honor and wise in judgment, then, as facts and constant experience showed, the liberal arts flourished as never before or since; but, neglected and almost blotted out, they lay prone, since philosophy began to lean to error and join hands with folly. We think it hazardous that its special honor should not always and everywhere remain, especially when it is established that daily experience, and the judgment of the greatest men, and, to crown all, the voice of the Church, have favored the Scholastic philosophy. From a mass of conclusions men often come to wavering and doubt; and who knows not how easily the mind slips from doubt to error? Therefore, its best to use Encyclopedia.com citations as a starting point before checking the style against your school or publications requirements and the most-recent information available at these sites: http://www.chicagomanualofstyle.org/tools_citationguide.html. 25. Bibliography: pius ix, Acta Pii IX 4:412423. Defensively it protects the revealed truth from distortion; offensively it weakens arguments contrary to revealed truth. In saying this We have no intention of discountenancing the learned and able men who bring their industry and erudition, and, what is more, the wealth of new discoveries, to the service of philosophy; for, of course, We understand that this tends to the development of learning. related portals: Catholic Church Encyclicals. 18. 9. "Zigliara also helped prepare the great encyclicals Aeterni Patris and Rerum novarum and strongly opposed traditionalism and ontologism in favor of the moderate realism of Aquinas."[5]. "terni Patris." However various the effects may have been, the document has at least succeeded in reestablishing since its promulgation St. Thomas as a central figure in Catholic philosophy. Zigliara, a member of seven Roman congregations including the Congregation for Studies, was a co-founder of the Academia Romano di San Tommaso in 1870. In the Councils of Lyons, Vienna, Florence, and the Vatican one might almost say that Thomas took part and presided over the deliberations and decrees of the Fathers, contending against the errors of the Greeks, of heretics and rationalists, with invincible force and with the happiest results. AeterniPatris HisHolinessPopeLeoXIII OntheRestorationofChristianPhilosophy August4,1879 TothePatriarchs,Primates,Archbishops,andBishopsoftheCatholicWorldin GraceandCommunionWiththeApostolicSee. For it pleased the struggling innovators of the sixteenth century to philosophize without any respect for faith, the power of inventing in accordance with his own pleasure and bent being asked and given in turn by each one. 31. The ecumenical councils, also, where blossoms the flower of all earthly wisdom, have always been careful to hold Thomas Aquinas in singular honor. terni Patris Please help support the mission of New Advent and get the full contents of this website as an instant download. Thus, from the very first ages of the Church, the Catholic doctrine has encountered a multitude of most bitter adversaries, who, deriding the Christian dogmas and institutions, maintained that there were many gods, that the material world never had a beginning or cause, and that the course of events was one of blind and fatal necessity, not regulated by the will of Divine Providence. Without the supernatural truth of revelation the human mind is subject to error and opinion. sister projects: Wikipedia article, Wikidata item. Encyclopedia.com. Aeterni Patris, the Encyclical, of Leo XIII, issued August 4, 1879. De Trinitate, 14, 1, 3 (PL 42, 1037); quoted by Thomas Aquinas, Summa theologiae, 1, 1, 2. Because each style has its own formatting nuances that evolve over time and not all information is available for every reference entry or article, Encyclopedia.com cannot guarantee each citation it generates. What is more, those venerable men, the witnesses and guardians of religious traditions, recognize a certain form and figure of this in the action of the Hebrews, who, when about to depart out of Egypt, were commanded to take with them the gold and silver vessels and precious robes of the Egyptians, that by a change of use the things might be dedicated to the service of the true God which had formerly been the instruments of ignoble and superstitious rites. With his spirit at once humble and swift, his memory ready and tenacious, his life spotless throughout, a lover of truth for its own sake, richly endowed with human and divine science, like the sun he heated the world with the warmth of his virtues and filled it with the splendor of his teaching. 23. The only-begotten Son of the Eternal Father, who came on earth to bring salvation and the light of divine wisdom to men, conferred a great and wonderful blessing on the world when, about to ascend again into heaven, He commanded the Apostles to go and teach all nations,(1) and left the Church which He had founded to be the common and supreme teacher of the peoples. 25. 5. Whoever denies that such study and practice tend to add to the resources and expand the faculties of the mind must necessarily and absurdly hold that the mind gains nothing from discriminating between the true and the false. 22. (17) Again, it shows God to excel in the height of all perfections, especially in infinite wisdom before which nothing lies hidden, and in absolute justice which no depraved affection could possibly shake; and that God, therefore, is not only true but truth itself, which can neither deceive nor be deceived. The Argentine poet Jos Hernndez (1834-1886) was an active social force during the period of consolidation of the Arge, Azara, Flix De (22) For, as the enemies of the Catholic name, when about to attack religion, are in the habit of borrowing their weapons from the arguments of philosophers, so the defenders of sacred science draw many arguments from the store of philosophy which may serve to uphold revealed dogmas. An encyclical letter of Pope Leo XIII (issued 4 August, 1879); not to be confused with the apostolic letter of the same name written by Pope Pius IX. Aeterni Patris, an encyclical issued by Pope Leo XIII on Aug. 4, 1879, which strengthened the position of the philosophical system of the medieval Scholastic philosopher-theologian St. Thomas Aquinas and soon made Thomism the dominant philosophical viewpoint in Roman Catholicism. Tertullian, Apologet., 46 (PL 1, 573). Revival? Paragraph 14 speaks of the doctors of the middle ages, the Scholastics, whose contribution to the tradition was their diligently collecting, and sifting, and storing up, as it were, in one place, for the use and convenience of posterity the rich and fertile harvests of Christian learning scattered abroad in the voluminous works of the holy Fathers. Pope Leo XIII quotes Pope Sixtus V, who names in particular the angelic St. Thomas and the seraphic St. Bonaventure as preeminent doctors whose surpassing genius and unwearied diligence aided in further advancing the tradition. v. b. brezik, CSB (ed. The aim of the encyclical was to advance the revival of Scholastic philosophy. He studied piano fir, Cali, the third-largest city in Colombia, located at the southwestern end of the Cauca Valley. 16. New Catholic Encyclopedia. It is dated Rome, 29 June, 1868. 4. 27. Tertullian opposes heretics with the authority of the sacred writings; with the philosophers he changes his fence and disputes philosophically; but so learnedly and accurately did he confute them that he made bold to say: "Neither in science nor in schooling are we equals, as you imagine. But the truth unfolded by reason cannot contradict the truths revealed by God; hence, although in the pursuit of natural knowledge philosophy may justly use its own method, principles, and arguments, yet not so as to withdraw from the authority of Divine revelation. The Relationship between Philosophy and Faith in Historical Perspective. He published many volumes, involving great labor, which were wonderfully adapted to explain the divine writings and illustrate the sacred dogmas; which, though, as they now stand, not altogether free from error, contain nevertheless a wealth of knowledge tending to the growth and advance of natural truths. We do not, indeed, attribute such force and authority to philosophy as to esteem it equal to the task of combating and rooting out all errors; for, when the Christian religion was first constituted, it came upon earth to restore it to its primeval dignity by the admirable light of faith, diffused "not by persuasive words of human wisdom, but in the manifestation of spirit and of power",(3) so also at the present time we look above all things to the powerful help of Almighty God to bring back to a right understanding the minds of man and dispel the darkness of error. 26. Epistola ad Magnum, 4 (PL 22, 667). Thomas Aquinas has long been held in singular honor in the ecumenical councils, including those of Lyons, Vienne, Florence, and the Vatican. (29) But who knows not the disputations of Clement of Alexandria, which the same Jerome thus honorably commemorates: "What is there in them that is not learned, and what that is not of the very heart of philosophy? 11. The restoring of the teachings of Thomas Aquinas in the universities and the strong foundation this will offer the students will also help society as a whole by offering it a more peaceful and secure existence, as well as protecting it from the plague of perverse opinions.. The Relationship between Philosophy and Faith: How Faith Aids Philosophy. Pontifical University of Saint Thomas Aquinas, Pontifical Institute of Mediaeval Studies, Pontifical University of St. Thomas Aquinas (Angelicum), O'Riordan, Michael. The Patris left Piraeus, Greece, for her first immigrant voyage to Australia on 14 December 1959 . 22. In the first place, then, this great and noble fruit is gathered from human reason, that it demonstrates that God is; for the greatness of the beauty and of the creature the Creator of them may be seen so as to be known thereby. 28. Although Thomism had already enjoyed a half-century revival before 1879 through the writings of scholars such as Carlo Maria Curci (d. 1891), Giovanni Maria Cornoldi (d. 1892), and Tommaso Zigliara (d. 1893), Aeterni Patris heralded a renaissance of Thomism that still reverberates in modern theological and philosophical discourse. But in order that philosophy may be bound equal to the gathering of those precious fruits which we have indicated, it behooves it above all things never to turn aside from that path which the Fathers have entered upon from a venerable antiquity, and which the Vatican Council solemnly and authoritatively approved. recommendation made in Aeterni Patris one hundred years ago. Again, clearly distinguishing, as is fitting, reason from faith, while happily associating the one with the other, he both preserved the rights and had regard for the dignity of each; so much so, indeed, that reason, borne on the wings of Thomas to its human height, can scarcely rise higher, while faith could scarcely expect more or stronger aids from reason than those which she has already obtained through Thomas. ." Aeterni Patris, an encyclical issued by Pope Leo XIII on Aug. 4, 1879, which strengthened the position of the philosophical system of the medieval Scholastic philosopher-theologian St. Thomas Aquinas and soon made Thomism the dominant philosophical viewpoint in Roman Catholicism. The Church commands Christian teachers to enlist the help of philosophy in instructing the faithful but cautions against philosophical arguments that are contrary to revealed truth. Gregory of Neo-Caesarea (also called Gregory Thaumaturgus that is "the miracle worker"), In Origenem oratio panegyrica, 6 (PG 10, 1093A). 18. But Augustine would seem to have wrested the palm from all. The centenary year of Aeterni Patris, however,leaves many questions seeking answers. 3. mathematics, geography, natural history. Aeterni Patris (Of the Eternal Father) by Leo XIII. Its purpose was the revival of Scholastic philosophy, according to the mind of St. Thomas Aquinas. Philosophy is characterized as both a defensive and offensive tool of faith. The First Council of Nicaea ( / nasi /; Ancient Greek: [nika]) was a council of Christian bishops convened in the Bithynian city of Nicaea (now znik, Turkey) by the Roman Emperor Constantine I in AD 325. Let the universities already founded or to be founded by you illustrate and defend this doctrine, and use it for the refutation of prevailing errors. Retrieved January 17, 2023 from Encyclopedia.com: https://www.encyclopedia.com/religion/encyclopedias-almanacs-transcripts-and-maps/aeterni-patris. The aim of the encyclical was to aid and advance the restoration of Christian philosophy, which he felt had fallen into danger and disrepute by adhering to modern trends in secular philosophy, by urging a return to the scholastic thinkers of the Middle Ages, most especially the Angelic Doctor St. Thomas Aquinas, and the related philosophical system of Thomism. In fine, relying on the divine assistance and confiding in your pastoral zeal, most lovingly We bestow on all of you, venerable brethren, on all the clergy and the flocks committed to your charge, the apostolic benediction as a pledge of heavenly gifts and a token of Our special esteem. Vessel Info Summary. 33. He turns his attention first to St. Augustine, who Leo says [w]ould seem to have wrested the palm from all. The genius of Augustine was his ability to combat most vigorously all the errors of his age, as well as his ability to lay down the safe foundations and sure structure of human science. The paragraph ends with mention of John Damascene, Basil, and Gregory of Nazianzen as carrying the tradition in the East, and Boethius and Anselm in the West, all of whom Pope Leo says [a]dded largely to the patrimony of philosophy.. It opens with the consideration that the Church, although . [1] It was subtitled "On the Restoration of Christian Philosophy in Catholic Schools in the Spirit (ad mentem) of the Angelic Doctor, St. Thomas Aquinas". Thomas also distinguished, as is fitting, faith from reason, without infringing upon the legitimate rights of either of them and instead strengthening each through the aid of the other. AETERNI PATRIS The name of two papal documents of Pius IX and Leo XIII. The spirit and thought of Saint Thomas Aquinas advocated by the encyclical has proven a valuable resource for Catholic philosophy and theology in bringing both faith and reason to bear on the problems of modern life. Updates? Leo XIII, Loisy, and the 'Broad School': An Early Round of the Modernist Crisis,, Knasas, John F. X. Clement VI in the bull In Ordine; Nicholas V in his brief to the friars of the Order of Preachers, 1451; Benedict XIII in the bull Pretiosus, and others bear witness that the universal Church borrows lustre from his admirable teaching; while St. Pius V declares in the bull Mirabilis that heresies, confounded and convicted by the same teaching, were dissipated, and the whole world daily freed from fatal errors; others, such as Clement XII in the bull Verbo Dei, affirm that most fruitful blessings have spread abroad from his writings over the whole Church, and that he is worthy of the honor which is bestowed on the greatest Doctors of the Church, on Gregory and Ambrose, Augustine and Jerome; while others have not hesitated to propose St. Thomas for the exemplar and master of the universities and great centers of learning whom they may follow with unfaltering feet. For in this, the most noble of studies, it is of the greatest necessity to bind together, as it were, in one body the many and various parts of the heavenly doctrines, that, each being allotted to its own proper place and derived from its own proper principles, the whole may join together in a complete union; in order, in fine, that all and each part may be strengthened by its own and the others' invincible arguments. As one Constitutio 5a, data die 3 Aug. 1368, ad Cancell. Hence it is that certain truths which were either divinely proposed for belief, or were bound by the closest chains to the doctrine of faith, were discovered by pagan sages with nothing but their natural reason to guide them, were demonstrated and proved by becoming arguments. "Aeterni Patris The vessel is en route to the port of Astrakhan, Russia, sailing at a speed of 6.7 knots and expected to arrive there on Oct 27, 22:00.. Revelation or supernatural truth is beyond the reach of reason and therefore philosophy must accept these truths by faith. MacIntyre ultimately conducts a complex series of both interior and exterior critiques of the encyclopaedic and genealogical positions in an attempt to vindicate philosophical Thomism as the most persuasive form of moral inquiry. Let us know if you have suggestions to improve this article (requires login). Whither the Neo-Thomist Revival?, Pereira, Jose. Omissions? terni Patris. The quotation from Sixtus V continues through paragraph 15, and it is here that scholasticism, drawing together and compiling the sacred writings, the work of the sovereign Pontiffs, the holy Fathers and the councils, is portrayed as beneficial to the posterity in three ways: for (1) understanding and interpreting Scripture, (2) understanding the Fathers, and (3) combating heresies and errors. 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