Russell M. Nelson Jr.: I remember the night when our mom passed away. At least I can say this, from my perspective, I know that my dad loves me. President Russell M. Nelson was sustained and set apart as the 17th president of The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints on Sunday, Jan. 14, 2018, in the upper room of the Salt Lake Temple. What was it like when he came home? And she had just finished the laundry, and he was carrying the basket up with her, you know, and they sat down on the sofa to watch the BYU game. Find us on your favorite podcasting channel or with other news and updates about the Church on And we have a couple of things in place. Sarah Jane Weaver: And I love as were talking about this as your fathers children, who was first a very prominent and renowned surgeon, then an apostle and then the prophet. I don't know how long Wendy has been sick, but because . And to help make this goal of being an internal family happen. Laurie Marsh: I think for me, too, I just have, as weve gone through those times that are more difficult, Ive just held on the example of my parents. I think if theres any dirtying up of the name to happen, its going to be on my shoulders. President Nelsons children admire their father for his discipline, optimism and activity, among many other qualities. "I feel pure joy every time I welcome a new member of our family into the world." You know, Sunday mornings, I guess. Haight. Their family includes 10 children, 56 grandchildren and 18 great-grandchildren. Russell M. Nelson Jr.: I always knew that I could ask my dad anything, and he would have the answer. In 1966, Nelson became head of the thoracic residency program that combined resources from the University of Utah Medical School, LDS Hospital, Primary Children's Hospital and the VA Hospital in Salt Lake City. Dallin H. Oaks, then a law professor at Chicago and a fellow Latter-day Saint, actively worked to recruit Nelson. Friends by Mail. You probably came into a little more chaotic home than, than the average son. [58][59], After Monson's call to the First Presidency in 1985, Nelson was assigned as the apostle to oversee the work of the church in Eastern Europe. I think hes, I dont know, mind over matter what. In May 1982 he was a visiting professor at the Hospital de Clinicas in Montevideo, Uruguay. The children noticed when their father complimented their mother. Russell M. Nelson was set apart as the president of The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints on January 14, 2018. I love this idea that she was the first person he looked for when he came home. This marked the first time since 1985 that a new church president had not retained a previously-serving counselor. So, those are words that I think describe him well. Laurie Marsh: I have to mention, because to me, its his biggest life is his focus on the Savior. I think most of us took piano lessons and then got to choose another instrument, but music was really big. So we all have that exact same opportunity. [31], Nelson became involved with the administrative aspects of medicine and was elected president of the Utah State Medical Association. [43] In 1993, he was the church's lead delegate to the Parliament on World Religions. And, but yeah, I think he set a great example of, you know, studying and doing well in school. Gloria Irion: My addition to that is when he taught me how to get the lenses out of the fish eyes. Russell M. Nelson Jr.: I think one of the things that both of them, and especially our dad was really good at, is teaching us why we do things, less about the how and more about the why. And so, obedience or adherence to rules, laws, whatever came with that understanding of why we were doing it. [129], Media related to Russell M. Nelson at Wikimedia Commons, "Russell Nelson" redirects here. And I think the other thing is, weve talked about the consistency of my dad, and my parents consistently had family prayer. He is proud of who we are and who we have become and for our own accomplishments, Russell Nelson Jr. said. Gloria Irion: Sure. EP 42 - Huge episode packed to the gills! So yeah, we know that hes curious. He loves to learn. [32], In 1981, Nelson held appointments as a visiting professor of surgery at the National Institute of Cardiology in Mexico City and the Catholic University in Santiago, Chile. So even though were not physically together, were still very emotionally attached. He said it was like a womens dormitory., Gloria Irion: It was definitely like a sorority, for sure. Gloria Irion: They had an opportunity, you know, there was no ultrasound in those days, they had an opportunity nine times to consider the name Russell Marion Nelson Jr. and never considered it, never considered it until Daddy met him. Thats what I remember. And so is his wife and my mother had an amazing role in that, as well. 1972). Gloria Irion: We would go on dates. And I just feel like hes just made it very clear of the importance of having Christ be the center of my life. Occasionally, you had to miss you know, you were sick, or you know, didnt hear your alarm or whatever. Irion added her witness that President Nelson has been prepared and preserved to lead the Church. The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints. I only remember four, maybe four or five, of my sisters at home at once rather than all nine or 10 of us being together. And now, the 96-year-old father of 10, has a new title: great-great-grandfather. We were invited, with all, all their love to come and participate in that. [64], Nelson's only son, Russell M. Nelson Jr., served as an LDS missionary in Russia. This episode of the Church News podcast features three of President Nelson's 10 Children, Gloria Irion, Laurie Marsh and Russell Nelson Jr. And it takes time, you know, we cant have everything, right that very minute. I have felt during his leadership, the importance of living our lives focused on the Savior and that that should be our number one priority, no matter what were doing. The guidance also had a clear emphasis on using counseling to assist in healing from abuse. On January 29, 1995, Emily died of cancer when she was 37 years old. Dantzel and Russell Nelson had ten children, 56 grandchildren, and 14 great grandchildren. But I also remember, I guess I have the perspective for being one of the older ones, but like on a Saturday morning, if we got our chores done, Daddy could take us to swim or to ice skate or the Salt Lake Country Club to swim or Salt Lake swimming and tennis club or, you know, he would take us on an outing if we got our stuff done and at least took a few mess-makers out of the house for a few hours so mom could try to catch up. And we all got to choose other instruments. Music was something we love to do together, Irion said. How to Have Joy. But I wouldnt say that its an overwhelming thought thats always at the forefront of my mind. President Russell M. Nelson during his career wiht a team of doctors: Gen. Sam F. Seeley, and Lt. Col. Edwin J. Pulaski, front. Im wondering if we can just start and have each of you share one quality that you think of when you think of President Russell M. Nelson. Were so grateful for that technology that allows us to do that. Russell M. Nelson Jr.: One quality I always think of about our dad is active. He always is going and doing things, whether were freshly landed on a, from an airplane, and rather than sitting in the hotel room, or sit, he likes to go out and walk, or do the dishes after a meal, or what have you. None of the Nelson children was told they must go to weekly church services. And Gloria, lets start with you. Poor guy. He made time for it. Sometimes, it was keeping Daddy from sleeping. And we go to pull this massive wire out of the box and the whole bundle of wires comes out in the shape of a box. And that was something that when I first heard that, was a huge surprise to me. Mother was a beautiful singer. But no, its been an honor. And so thats been a neat thing. Was there an emphasis on you choosing careers? I would say that I know a key part of life is to learn and to grow, to love one another, to love the Lord and enjoy the blessings that come from Him as we keep our covenants.. Russell M. Nelson Jr.: Thats kind of like coming home from your mission and they say, How was your mission? How do you sum up two years in a sentence? The Church News is an official publication of The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints. [30], In 1965, the University of Chicago offered Nelson the position as head of their department of thoracic surgery. But I know he spent a lot of time with her and with their family and tried to be supportive. I think he used it as a teaching moment for us to help us and comfort us. And so thats probably one of the main lessons that I learned growing up about. Did you focus on science and math? President Russell M. Nelson was called as a member of the Quorum of the Twelve Apostles of The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints on April 7, 1984. On February 12, 2005, Nelson lost his first wife unexpectedly. [20] Nelson was also the director of the University of Utah thoracic surgery residency program. And part of, I think, his processing his grief was like playing the piano. So, I mean, that leaves a lot of, I guess a lot of weight. February 2023. Can you share with us about what its like to be Russell Marion Nelson Jr.? Russell Nelson Jr. described another lesson he learned in the home that wasnt deliberately expressed but something he observed through his parents daily example. So, I thought that was a good example to always be a learner, a lifelong learner. I remember to when he had business trips, Im not sure how long this lasted, but I remember quite a few times, he would take one or two of us along when he had to go give a paper somewhere or something. ", "Meet LDS Church President Russell M. Nelson, a Renaissance man with perfect pitch and pure faith", "Elder Russell M. Nelson: Applying Divine Laws", "SVS Past Presidents | Society for Vascular Surgery", "Pamela Atkinson: President Nelson's work has been saving lives and souls", "President Nelson Honored as "Pioneer" of Heart Surgery - Church News and Events", "Elder Russell M. Nelson Of the Quorum of the Twelve Apostles", "What I know now that I learned from President Russell M. Nelson", "First Presidency statement cites scriptural mandate for Church committee", "Religious Leaders Hold A 2d World Parliament", "Elder Russell M. Nelson Celebrates 90th Birthday - Church News and Events", "NEWS STORY: State Department names religious freedom advisory committee", "LDS Church Apostle, his wife and 2 other couples attacked in Mozambique -", "Elder Nelson Completes Trip to Africa in Kenya - Church News and Events", "LDS Business College appoints new president", "Inauguration for LDS Business College's 13th president", "President Boyd K. Packer Dies At Age 90", President Nelson counsels Central American members to claim the blessings of the temple, live the gospel, LDS Apostle dedicates newly developed Priesthood Restoration Site, "Mormon leader says policy against gay marriage was word from God", "LDS Apostle: Policy on same-sex couples was revelation from God", "Mormon LGBT ban was 'revealed' to the prophet as God's will, says Elder Nelson", "LDS Church dumps its controversial LGBTQ policy, cites 'continuing revelation' from God", "First Presidency Shares Messages From General Conference Leadership Session", "New Mormon President: Who is Russell M. Nelson, set to become 17th Leader of The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints? And his countenance was back up. Russell M. Nelson Jr.: One thing Ive learned, hearing from others, other General Authorities as we happen to bump into them, and even down into my own life is, watching him allow priesthood holders exercise their keys. He was set apart as President of the Quorum of the Twelve Apostles by President Thomas S. Monson on July 15, 2015. "[101] Shortly after the change, Nelson said in a press release that the reversal was, "revelation upon revelation. Everything amazes me, but nothing surprises me. Twelve Smiley Stickers . First, the high priests groups at the ward level were dissolved, making all Melchizedek priesthood holders in wards and branches part of the elders quorum. What can we do for you? And he just said, Just go home and be with your, your children and love them and teach them. And so that right there was to me a good window into the eternities of how we just keep going. Gloria Irion: I thought it was really a blessing. President Russell M. Nelson of The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints poses in his office in the Church Administration Building in Salt Lake City on Wednesday, April 13, 2022. He and his wife, the former Dantzel White, have ten children. And I remember as a 14-year-old thinking, Man, are we ever gonna go home? Because we are in a different place, a different country, a different something every day, every night. There he built his own heart-lung bypass machine and employed it to support the first open-heart surgery in the United States west of the Mississippi River. Laurie Marsh: Besides having all of his sisters think that were talking to our dad when its really our brother! He also purchased one for each of his nine daughters, delivered with a note that read, With love as a potential mother.. Ordained an Apostle on 12 April 1984, Elder Nelson received his B.A. And just to rely on that faith at all times and do what you can to build that faith, be it read the scriptures, or make sure youre praying sincerely or reading general conference talks. leading the Church through a global pandemic, President Russell M. Nelsons prophetic ministry: 5 years of historic leadership, revelation and invitations, What 3 of President Russell M. Nelsons children have learned from him as a father, 15 experiences of people who followed President Nelsons invitations, including focusing on the temple, taking charge of testimony, Invitations President Nelson has given since he became Prophet, President Russell M. Nelson offers 3 deep sea fishing lessons to help improve lives in 2023, Sarah Jane Weaver: Why President Nelsons 5-year ministry is not so different from playing Scrabble, President Nelsons family gathered virtually to celebrate his birthday and hear his hopes for them, The 2 things President Nelson wants his family to know this Christmas, President Nelson is now a great-great grandfather, Calling every temple a symbol of Jesus Christ, President Nelson rededicates the Washington D.C. Temple, Episode 67: Sister Nelson on being an eyewitness to President Nelsons four years as Prophet, Episode 12: Sister Wendy Nelson joins Sister Sheri Dew to talk about President Nelsons 3 years as Prophet, Episode 47: In honor of President Nelsons 97th birthday, Sheri Dew and Michael Colemere share insights and lessons learned from the Prophet. And he said, No, I, I walked through the door and I closed it behind me. Can you share with us what you observed from that time in his life, where he leaves this career that he had prepared so much for, and turned into full-time church service? Something that when I first heard that, as well said,,! Added her witness that president Nelson has been prepared and preserved to lead the Church news is an official of! The Savior since 1985 that a new Church president had not retained a previously-serving counselor, `` Russell Nelson described. 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