Therefore, adolescent students in Myanmar were in increased need of focused interventions to reduce exposure to risk factors of non-communicable diseases, nutritional problems, and social and mental health issues through multisectoral approaches. Food accessibility and availability influenced food choices and eating practices among the students. Percentage of people aged 3 and older by grade level. The scoring for the knowledge questions was one points for correct response and zero point for incorrect and dont know responses. The proportion of good involvement in the Health Promoting School program among high school teachers was low in this study area. The high school teachers who accomplished three trainings regarding school health services were more likely to have a good level of involvement than those who accomplished one and two training. Attend the Virtual Open House for Potential Incoming Freshmen on Thursday, October 1, 2020 from, 0 p.m.-7:30 p.m. (not mandatory for application). It was possible to challenge the teachers involvement in the medical examination due to human resource limitation, time constraints, poor experience, and imbalance of the teacher-student ratio. Health is fundamental to education and so, poor health can give a detrimental effect on school attendance and academic performance [2]. A small number of interviewees reported that involving in school health research was an activity finding practical ways for healthy behavior changes, improved social skills, and higher academic achievement for the students. Other Notes: Terry Porter Classic, time and opponent TBD, game could also be played on Friday, December 2. The school offers a rigorous pre-university course of study that meets the needs of highly motivated secondary students. We offer a rigorous pre-university course of study which meets the needs of highly-motivated secondary students. Department of Anthropology, University of Yangon, Yangon, Myanmar. I enforce the students to work hard and it is the main thing to achieve their goals." Underserved students at this school may be falling behind other students in the state, and this school may have significant achievement gaps. Rufus King is home to one of the best music programs in Southeast Wisconsin and this channel will feature videos from the String Orchestra, Symphony Orchestra, Concert Band, Marching Band, Jazz . No, Is the Subject Area "Health education and awareness" applicable to this article? Attend the Virtual Open House for Potential Incoming Freshmen on Thursday, October 1, 2020 from 5:30 p.m.-7:30 p.m. (not mandatory for application). Consequently, creating a healthy environment plays an important role in their food choice during break time and school hours [58]. Grades Offered Grades Prekindergarten-5 (offers virtual instruction) Total Students 676 students Gender % Total Classroom Teachers 46 teachers Students by Grade 26 Rufus King's student population of 676 students has stayed relatively flat over five school years. 1 Basic Education High School, primary and middle schools in Dala Township and Pyawbwe Township received the COVID-19 vaccines. Emergency medical care will be provided if needed, and students who come to be vaccinated will be treated for complications after the vaccination, officials said. The fourth part comprised 43 questions to assess the involvement of high school teachers on the HPS program. The team won the Midwest Regional Championship 2009 and 2011. Although school teachers have the full authority for the promotion and successful implementation of the school health services, challenges remain in the involvement of school teachers in the HPS program with the contributing factors of inadequate resources for school health services, insufficient facilities in schools, low accessibility of training related school health services, low knowledge, and poor awareness and involvement on school health services [12, 2224]. The School Enrolment Day ceremonies were held in schools at Yangon Region to ensure that all school-age children access education in this academic year yesterday. There are also other academic honorary programs including the Spanish Honor Society, Science National Honor Society, and the National English Honor Society. The IDIs aimed to explore the benefits and barriers to involvement in the HPS program. Nutritional promotion and food safety were the main activities to promote healthy eating habits and lifestyles of the students. In the recent study, 24.7% of high school teachers had a positive attitudes towards HPS program and it was lower than the finding of the previous Myanmar study stated that the proportion of the school teachers with positive attitudes was 57.7% [26]. The chairman and officials also encouraged the enrolment situation at No (4) Basic Education High School in Ahlon Township and No (2) Basic Education High School in Latha Township. Robotics: Rufus King has a robotics program, which includes participation in the FIRST Robotics Competition. As the benefits, the high school teachers reported that school environmental sanitation affected the physical and mental wellbeing of the students and a healthy learning environment. Step 3 Youll receive your school enrollment by early December! There were some suggestions that parents socioeconomic status and education level influenced on nutritional promotion activities of teachers such as providing nutritional knowledge and healthy school lunch box. Welcome to Dallas ISD Enrollment. COVID-19 vaccines are being given to students aged 12 and over in basic education schools in Yangon Region, in line with the motto: Lets get vaccinated against COVID-19 for a healthy and happy life of education. As one interviewee commented: The preventive activities of communicable diseases are important to perform at the schools because the diseases can spread easily to other students at the school. Competing interests: The authors have declared that no competing interests exist. As shown in Table 2, the median (IQR) score of knowledge about HPS was 77.00 (6.25, 73.7580.00) with a range of 43 to 87, and 38 (19.6%) high school teachers had a high level of knowledge. The majority of teachers commented that regular exercise could promote the physical development of the students, strengthen stamina, increase the circulatory flow, and refresh the mind and the body. School teachers, with their specific knowledge of students, can provide health knowledge, respond to specific needs of the students and create caring relationships that support the students well-being [54]. Rufus King. The high school teachers believed that involvement in the HPS program could provide benefits to themselves, students, and the community such as improvement of the health knowledge, increase awareness of health problems in the school setting, the progress of healthy behaviors, improvement of physical and mental health, prevention of the disease spread, achievement of healthy and productive learning environment, and development of academic achievement. The current study found that level of knowledge and attitudes were not significantly associated with the involvement in the HPS program. Enroll Grade by Grade; Enrollment Help; Enroll in Charter Schools; Summer 2022; Other Ways to Graduate; Applying. Early College High School at El Centro College, Marvin E. Robinson School of Business and Management at Yvonne A. Ewell Townview Center, A. Maceo Smith New Tech High School at B.F. Darrell, List of schools adopting an extended calendar, Blackboard Web Community Manager Privacy Policy (Updated). document.getElementById( "ak_js_1" ).setAttribute( "value", ( new Date() ).getTime() ); School enrolment day ceremonies held at schools in Yangon region, MoE to accept enrolment registration of first-year distance, Enrolment registration of distance education courses to be, MoRAC Union Minister attends ceremonies of electric light, Advanced Accounting and Auditing Training School inaugurated, Nay Pyi Taw hosts School Enrolment Day ceremony (2021-2022), School enrolment week kicks off in Nay Pyi Taw, Weekly update prices of Bayintnaung commodities, Illegal timbers, foodstuffs, consumer goods and vehicles confiscated, Publication of Judicial Strategic Plan (2023-2027), Year One Action Plan (2023) made, Myanmar ships $5 mln worth of exports in Q4 2022, 52 cargo ships scheduled to arrive at Yangon Port in Jan 2023, SAC Chairmans wife Daw Kyu Kyu Hla attends opening ceremony of 19th Annual Meeting of MWAF, All Tatmadaw members need to systematically take practice shaping a capable military unit: Senior General, Yangon United sign Hlaing Bo Bo on two-year loan, Harmonize all concepts and outlooks for motherland Myanmar, New Yangon-Dala River Bridge construction expected to complete 100% in early 2024, Shwedagon Pagoda Trustees Board calls for bid to purchase over 2.4 mln gold foils, Originally established on 12th January 1964 as The Working Peoples Daily, the New Light of Myanmar is Myanmars oldest. Both the face-to-face interviews and IDIs were conducted after receiving informed consent from all participants. No, Is the Subject Area "Behavioral and social aspects of health" applicable to this article? All IDIs were transcribed verbatim and analyzed thematically. 026 Rufus King District. Yes Besides, I think we can report and advocate the difficulties to the upper level by doing researches related to school health promotion." In 2016, Myanmar Global School-based Student Health Survey validated that the prevalence of unhealthy behaviors such as unhealthy dietary habits including eating junk foods (46%) and drinking carbonated soft drinks (45%), physical inactivity (30.2%), alcohol drinking (4.3%), and using tobacco (6.6%) increased among 1317 year students [21]. More discrepancy among states and regions was occurred in HPS activities and it was 78.8% in Yangon Region [30]. P.S. Citation: Naing KM, Htun YM, Tun KM, Win TT, Lin H, Sein TT (2022) Involvement of high school teachers in Health Promoting School program in selected township, Yangon Region, Myanmar: A cross-sectional mixed methods study. Data Availability: All relevant data are within the manuscript and its Supporting Information files. The minimum sample size including a 10% non-response rate was 165 high school teachers. School health training is the act of increasing the knowledge and skill of teachers for performing the school health services. 0% 2% 4% 6% 8% Count Graduate School Undergraduate High School Grades 5-8 Grades 1-4 Kindergarten Preschool 0.00% 0 4.34% 216 8.51% 424 7.08% 353 6.97% 347 5.45% 272 0.00% 0. The majority of interviewees suggested that dengue hemorrhagic fever, lymphatic filariasis, acute gastroenteritis, food poisoning, and worm infestations were the diseases that could be prevented by involving in school-based disease control activities. Among the 194 participants, most were female (94.8%) and the male-female ratio was 1:18. The involvement of school teachers in the HPS activities can contribute to an enhancement of action competencies on healthy living with professional development [20]. For the barriers on community outreach, one of the interviewees reported: "When we want the parents to come to the school for discussion the academic performant of their children, some parents gave a reason that they were working at that time or they couldnt take a leave from the job. GreatSchools is a 501(c)(3) non-profit organization. On March 30, 2012, Milwaukee Mayor Tom Barrett and County Executive Chris Abele declared March 30 "Rufus King Day" both on the city and county level. Writing review & editing, Affiliation Rufus King regularly enters a variety of local and national science and engineering competitions. 2 Basic Education High School in Kamayut Township, No. Using mixed methods study was one of a strength of the study and consequently, the results could support to evaluate the in-depth insights of benefits and barriers to involvement in the HPS program among the high school teachers. Elementary School, Dallas Hybrid Preparatory at Stephen J. Hay, Downtown Montessori at Ida B. This section includes test score information by subject and grade. 235609. [5] 95% of graduates matriculate to higher education. If you already know the school your student will attend, you can start the enrollment process for the current 2021-2022 school year or the upcoming 2022-2023 school year by clicking Enroll Here below. A pretest was conducted among 15 high school teachers (5% of the sample size) in No.5, Basic Education High School, Mingaladon to assess the reliability. A mixed methods explanatory sequential study was conducted among 194 high school teachers in Thanlyin Township, Yangon Region, Myanmar, from June to August 2020. The school is ranked the 1,658th best public high school in the country by U.S. News & World Report, making it the 42nd best performing public high school in the state of Wisconsin. These results matched those observed in the studies done in Myanmar and India [26, 49]. Rigorous courses can help students prepare for and get into college, including coursework in STEM subjects. Additionally, teachers face a variety of challenges in their social interactions with students, parents, and health professionals and the differences in culture, personal characteristics, and school-related issues [25]. Rufus King International High School (414) 267-0700 1801 W. Olive St. School Hours: 8:05 AM - 3:20 PM Home About Calendar Students Athletics IB Program Families Alumni Staff Contact You are here: Home / Calendar Calendar RKIHS Athletics Calendar January 2023 Previous Next School Improvement Plan and State Report Card What you should consider when choosing a high school, 9 probing questions for a high school tour, You should care (a lot) about a school's curriculum, schools approach to at-risk students affects your child. The data were coded and then charting was done to arrange the data into appropriate subthemes of nine domains. Non-MPS families can apply by following these steps. Yes Community outreach of school health services could improve the effectiveness of life skill programs by changing the students negative school experiences and behaviors. Investigation, Some schools adopted an extended calendar for the 2022-2023 school year. For the involvement of school teachers in the HPS program to be satisfactorily improved in Myanmar, it is necessary to assess the level of involvement in the HPS program and its related factors among high school teachers. If you have any questions or need help with enrollment, our Dallas ISD ONE Centers are here to help. After receiving informed consent from all participants, IDIs were conducted in a teachers restroom during class break times. Science: Rufus King has entered a 15-member team in the Wisconsin Science Olympiad since its beginning in 1985. School health services are part of the whole school approach that is promoted by the World Health Organization (WHO) through the Global School Health Initiative launched in 1995 [11]. Rufus King High School has over 55 extracurricular activities for students to participate in, including several activities not available in other schools in the region.[20]. The possible explanations for these variations were due to the differences in the demographic nature of the study area and sample size of the study population. The mixed methods typically capitalizes on data reflecting individual lived experiences and provides more policy-relevant insights [35]. High School Equivalency (Ages 17-21) Enroll in High School Equivalency Classes (Ages 17-21) Find a School . And, its difficult to carry out the healthy school lunch box method because of the economic status of their families." On April 4, 2011, Rev. In the current study, the high school teachers with 20 years and more duration of service were more likely to involve in the HPS program than the other categories of service duration. Moreover, the whole community might receive many benefits from healthy behavioral changes. Providing sufficient human resources and material, conducting the on-the-job and refresher training, enhancing parent-teacher cooperation, and strengthening the community partnerships were crucial to improve the level of involvement and reduced the barriers for the achievement of the Health Promoting School program. The quantitative data were collected by face-to-face interview method using the structured questionnaire. This also accorded with the observation of a Nigeria study, which showed that the teachers with a service duration of 21 years and more were more involved in health inspection of the students than those with less than 21 years of teaching experience [54]. The results of the current study should be considered in taking note of the strengths and limitations. 2 and No. The majority of school teachers reported that by increasing health education activities in school, children could aware of health problems and improve their health knowledge. After the addition of a feeder middle years program in the 20102011 school year, the high school was renamed Rufus King International School High School Campus. The languages offered at King are Spanish, German, and French. The overwhelming majority of interviewees reported that eating nutritious food could not only promote immunity and physical growth but also diminish health problems. Security was also provided by the fire brigade and the Myanmar police during the vaccination. Roles As the barriers, the students could not follow the directives of the school health team and their parents could not cooperate with the teachers in the implementation of the school health activities. Teachers play a fundamental role in the promotion and successful implementation of school health services. This result might be explained by the fact that older school teachers might have well experiences in school health services and more accomplished training related to school health services. Therefore, the school teachers should implement the guidelines to optimize a coordinated approach to regular physical activity among school children, with the school health team, the media, religious organizations, and community organizations [37]. 3,225 Sq. here. $530,000. (21 years old male teacher with good involvement). Healthcare officials and Red Cross members gave the vaccines to students aged 12 and above from Bahan Township at No. It was consistent with the previous Nigeria study stated that there was a significant relationship between previous formal training in the school health program and health inspection of the students [54]. Among the school's academic electives are sociology, psychology, geography, and economics. 3 Beds. Academic Accomplishments AP Classes: Yes. For the teachers involvement, the proportion of good involvement in the HPS program among high school teachers was 23.7% in this study. List of schools adopting an extended calendar, The application platform is fully supported by the latest versions of the following browsers: Desktop - Chrome, Safari, Edge, Firefox; Mobile - Chrome, Safari. The study was approved by the Ethical Review Committee of the Post Graduate Board of study, Defence Services Medical Academy, and all methods were conducted with the provisions of the ethical approval. A small number of interviewees indicated that the students could share health knowledge with others. It was nominated for the award by Wisconsin Governor Scott Walker and Wisconsin Superintendent of Public Instruction Tony Evers. Art: King students have received honorable mentions in the Wisconsin Regional Scholastic Art Awards Competition, the Photographic Society of America Awards Competition[25] and the United States Congressional Art Competition.[26]. Community outreach in the schools activities is vital for the effectiveness of the HPS program and so, the school teachers should involve the school health activities closely with parents and the community [50, 64, 65]. For a small number of interviewees, the students negative behavior, poor communication between students and teachers, and poor awareness of the students on the counseling activities were the main obstacles in successful implementation. 4 /10. A small number of interviewees remarked that in the urban schools, the waiting for municipal garbage trucks to discard the wastes was the main problem in disposing of the refuse. Funding: The author(s) received no specific funding for this work. For the quantitative strand, the sample size was determined by using the single population proportion formula [31], with an assumption of 8% margin of error, 95% confidence interval, and 52.6% of teachers with good practice scores in school health activities [26]. The program incorporates the International Baccalaureate Middle Years Programme (MYP). Below is a list of MPS schools that can transfer this information to a students application. However, it was contrary to that of Saudi Arabia study stated that the majority were 6 years and more services duration as teaching professionals [24]. Most of the high school teachers, 159 (81.9%), were achieved B.Ed. In this study, insufficient materials and human resources, time constraints, incompetence of the teachers, poor cooperation of school health partnerships, insufficient awareness of parents, low family economic status were the barriers of the school teachers while involving in the HPS program. Copyright 2021. It was developed based on an extensive literature review [26] and also adopted from the main issues of school health by MOHS, Manual for School Health, 2019 [32], and Myanmar National Comprehensive School Health Strategic Plan (20172022) [15]. Among the school's academic electives are sociology, psychology, geography, and economics. best practices of College Success Award winning schools. Contact Rufus King High School (414) 267-0700 1801 W. Olive St. Thanlyin Township (16 45 57.06 N, 96 15 5.38 E) is located 10.42 kilometers far from Yangon City, where is an industrial and commercial center of Myanmar. Source: CCD Public school data 2020-2021, 2021-2022 school years List of MPS schools that can transfer this information to a students application the whole might... Governor Scott Walker and Wisconsin Superintendent of Public Instruction Tony Evers and awareness applicable... Of people aged 3 and older by grade level and National Science engineering! Of people aged 3 and older by grade level offered at King are Spanish,,. Township received the COVID-19 vaccines Midwest Regional Championship 2009 and 2011 influenced food and. Downtown Montessori at Ida B information by Subject and grade study should be considered in note... 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