Please?" Watch popular content from the following creators: Khadijah Stevens (@khadijahstevens1222), Catherine Mora (@misscatherinemora), Bucky's doll (@mrvl_povs), mentallyimatthebeachrn (@0butterbiscuit7), Marvel stories (@marvel_stories124) . If I weren't such a damn alcoholic, Y/N would be my girlfriend right now! When, on a dare from Rhodey, Tony starts to act on these feelings, Bucky is certain that hes trying to gain the favour of his best friend Steve, because why on Earth would someone as kind and intelligent and rich as Howard Starks son be interested as someone asrough as Bucky? All fans and fanworks are welcome! We both pulled away to catch our breath, but he said something that made me tear up, "I've quit drinking, I'm sober. Discover short videos related to avengers fanfiction team hates tony on TikTok. So, any stories like that, where one team member speaks up and won't allow the team to allow Stark to be terrorized any more. "Now's not a good time, Y/N." Team Cap is still waiting for Tony to call them back, not knowing he moved on from them. Steve didn't understand what they did wrong. LiveJournal is a virtual community where Internet users can keep a blog, journal or diary. Bucky's in a band; Tony's 18. Writer Gerry Duggan (MARAUDERS, DEADPOOL, UNCANNY AVENGERS) reteams with superstar artist Pepe Larraz (HOUSE OF X, X OF SWORDS, UNCANNY AVENGERS) to chart the course of the X-Men in a world of the Reign of X! I yell out as Dr. Or, Steve learns how much he depended of Tony, when the man is not around to clean his messes. 16 Feb 2021 avengers fanfiction tony yells at peter Tony x Peter 1. His life is a ball of stress until he meets Bucky the barista at the local and remembers that theres more to life than the next publication, but he might just be able to help with it. But we could get through it to-" he cut me off. Somebody else came to my other side and hugged me. "Unsurprisingly, they don't have an answer. Tony sighed, it was Sleepy Pete. What is it?" The Rogues are back, Tony doesn't care for them anymore but Stephen Strange and Tony Stark have a surprising amount in common. New part every week! Well, he was moping until FRIDAY told him about the bunch of people outside of his compound. After all you only value something when it's gone. Hi I'm looking for fanfictions that have a self sacrificing Bucky Barnes in it. Replaying her words in my head didn't help at all She was practically saying that she's be there the whole time, we'd go through this together, but I screwed it up! "Y/N" the voice said and hugged me. have probably never answered this fast to an ask but Im on a roll and LOVE high school aus. Peter Parker starts working there. Thanos defeats the Avengers, and now has 5 of the 6 stones. When Howard and Maria Stark are brought back to life through some hyjijks, The Trancendent souls fill them in on the last 50-60 years, when Howard finds out through the souls how the other avengers treat his son, especially Wanda almost killing him through sleep deprivation, he looses his cool and basically toxinates her and Natasha for their crimes against Tony. Shuri and MJ glanced in amusement at the embarrassed blush on, Y/N: Like you and Cap. The Rogues are allowed back into US, but the return is rougher than they were expecting. The rouge Avengers are pardoned under the influence of King T'Challa and it is up to Tony to 'welcome' them back. Summary:SHIELD High and Stark Prep have been rivals in everything from average GPA to football to knitting club. What are you talking about?. Tony felt three things, cold, pain, And hatred. ***********************************************************, Wanda likes SteveSteve likes TonyTony likes StephenStephen is an oblivious idiot who also likes Tony. FanFiction | unleash . YOU ARE READING. It started innocuously. # 15. he said referring to his beer. Y/N: You didnt see that coming. jm. He calls the task-force to take him away, Steve yelling at him like he's the villain. Tony Stark didn't want the Rogues back however with threat on the horizon he, sadly, needed them. Tony and Pepper destroy the compound and decide to make their own Aquarium in the zone. The other Avengers stared, confused. But they are unmacthed and 3/4 of Wakanda, bucky and Vision are dead. Sober Bucky wouldn't do this, or say this. Now it was my turn to be annoyed. After taking the Soldiers down Clint and Tony discuss who else knew (sam, wanda and Nat) and how to deal with them. He has to leave, but promises to come back. Summary: based on the song "18" by Anarbor. during the press tour for homecoming, marvel studios president kevin feige revealed that they had discussed the idea of each new spider-man movie covering a different school year for peter parker it was late and he wanted to get this over with peter gets the decathlon team a tour at stark industries and something goes wrong,. or. I leaned in for a kiss, catching him by surprise at first, but shortly becoming the most passionate kiss I've ever had. Both Clint and Tony realize that Steve is hiding things from them and exchange info, going to Siberia together, where the stark murder is revealed and Clint is pissed off for Tony as well. When the Rogue Avengers get pardoned and come back to live at the Tower too, they're confused as to who Peter is. +10 more. Somewhere Between a Rock and a Hard Place, by mortenavida andMassiveSpaceWren. A series of one shots based on Tony, mostly post civil war but I will take any requests. Getting together with bucky, wakanda and Pym industries working with them as new heroes come tonjoin them. As a result, he is left entirely alone in a world where no one knows he exists. There are good reasons Tony said no to the Time Heist. You knew this was just the liquor talking, but you couldn't help but ask, "Why..?" "Cut the bullshit. This is a blog dedicated to bringing you the best of Avengers Fanfiction. When the Rogues return to New york after all the radio silence from Tony and refusing to listen/watch the news, they are sruprised to find out when they break into the compound that it is changed into an aquarium. The MCU is horrible about portraying realistic consequences for things that happen. After our long talk, I went to the kitchen to make myself some tea, one of the only things that relaxes me at a time like this. Tony didnt really do dating. For you. But as he and his new team are at the private airport, an unexpected fight breaks loose and the fate of the whole universe is changed when a wizard places himself as Tony Stark's protector. Tony loses his memories of the last 6 years, and finds himself abruptly in the middle of an incredibly abusive team dynamic. I could recognize that hug anywhere "Bucky" I whispered. Pietro: I LOVE YOU. Even worse, a new enemy is surfacing and the team is out of sync. Metascore based on 10 Critics. data-widget-type="deal" data-render-type="editorial" data-viewports="tablet" data-widget-id="b79bee39-b6de-4ebe-ac64-e8eb8b4508ed" data-result="rendered">, Feb 25, 2021 avengers fanfiction peter hates team cap.. Rhodey is less than pleased to hear and see the evidence of what went down.. Tony wants to talk to Several of the men arrested in connection to the president's assassination, had ties to US law enforcement, according to CNN.. Haitian authorities arrested two . " data-widget-type="deal" data-render-type="editorial" data-viewports="tablet" data-widget-id="10c08b0d-8a13-4b39-99bd-9697de0d1f74" data-result="rendered">, Stop angsting over whether you're impressing other people, and just enjoy your hobby in all its grammar-error-prone, grotesque, cringey, projection-filled glory. His. When Tony disapears, Steve takes this chance and ralleys his own group of teams of multiple superheroes together. Sleep-deprived Tony is a cuddle monster that glomps onto the first person he finds. 12K Likes, TikTok video from annie <3 (@ellamaximoff): "#pov Youre the god/goddess of greed (Thors sibling) and you hate Tony so steal his money #yn #avengers #marvel The quality ". Its not gonna be freaking real. Tony argued. The rogues return, and while Tony doesn't care at all but his friends do. original sound - . Jessica and Loki work as The rogues PR helpers, well more so Loki as Jessica couldn't stand being around them, only liking her comfy chair. That is, until he met Tony Stark. After the Civil War. "I LOVE YOU BUCKY!" Peter Parker Rocket Raccoon Carol Danvers Nebula Okoye Scott Lang Vehicles Quinjet Benatar (formerly) Luis' Van (destroyed) Headquarters Avengers Tower (formerly) Avengers Compound (formerly) Locations Worldwide Affiliation S.H.I.E.L.D. But then, Thanos came in, and Steve's world came crashing. Sam took him clothes shopping; Clint took him on a bizarre bar hopping, I spy style scavenger hunt through the city; Steve called dibs on everything related to physical training; Bruce introduced him to some really solid sci-fi books and meditation; Natasha was his guide through the terrifying world of pop music, political correctness, and she also helped him delete all the extraneous garbage Clint had made him install on his phone; Thor introduced him to the alarming world of reality television; and Tony fixed his arm. I need something more than that!" 2). ~Y/N's P.O.V~After telling Natasha what happened, whilst still crying, it took so much for her not to break through Bucky's door and beat the shit out of him. "I'm so sorry, Y/N I- I was drunk, I didn't know what I was thinking! "God has forgotten my existence and the demons have come for me,", The best tech tutorials and in-depth reviews, Try a single issue or save on a subscription, Issues delivered straight to your door or device. This series is mostly just letters sent between Tony and Rogers during Rogers' time hiding in Wakanda. Tony Stark is a BAMF and the universe loves him. After the events of Ultron, Tony is asked by Odin to come to Asgard to help in the preparations for Thanos. (I was half asleep when the thought came up.) Person C is Steve. I sobbed. His co-worker starts looking into his theory that Peter Parker is Spider-man. In which the Rogues have returned and Tony isn't alone. 2 to before you go), back to you || sebastian stan (pt. chris evans / steve rogers Are you planning to rent out the Met? The New Avengers are not pleased, and Tony's patience along with T'challa's has run out. When the snap happened, a recoil caused 2% of decreased people to be resurrected. requests are open <3 Eight months? he repeated. They didn't expect to see Tony had already recruited a whole new team. An AU where Clint switches sides during the raft scene, and goes with Tony to Siberia. AProsthetic Heart, by ZomibieliciousXIII. ago This aged well now didn't it. " Call it a hazard of being rich and irresistibly fabulous. When the Avengers team try to hold a private meeting with tony to gain funds to track down HYDRA, Tony shows up with his essential people so that everything can be documented and such. Which leads to his account being hacked and he is kidnapped. And you are oh so sweet with your voice? Tony teased. Im not sure if its been taken down, but Bucky and Tony are together, and none of the team know and they keep taking shots at each other which are kinda low blows bc theyre dorks and Steve yells about them needing to not be horrible and theyre like oh were together how come none of you have noticed?? I looked up at Steve and he nodded, knowing I was asking him for advice. Tony may be over the Civil War, hint he's not, but his friends certainly aren't and they are going to protect him. (formerly) United Nations (Stark's faction; formerly) Status Disbanded Appearances Movie The Avengers. So he sends another and is sent bck one by Pepper accusing him of everything he's done, Steve gets pissed thinking Tony made Pepper write and send the letter but then later begins to think that Pepper is abusing Tony. Hed been (gently) poked and prodded and evaluated prior to arriving, given the Coulson stamp of approval (meaning he wouldnt snap and kill them all in their sleep), then it was like being back in school, only he was majoring in The Modern World. Jessica is assigned as the Rogue Avengers Accords delegate upon their return to the US, on the plus side she befriends Tony Stark, on the down side she has to deal with PR nightmare Steve Rogers, and his best friend PR nightmare Clint Barton. He leave with them pleading with him. he asked, annoyed. Now if only Tony would stop hiding. It doesn't go over well. No flying cars (unless you were Coulson), but still plenty of technological advances that were equal parts familiar and unfamiliar. I've found all the ones on AO3 but I'm wondering if there are others out there I haven't found. "Wrong!" INACTIVE i might come back someday, A pinky promise means something (when its with your soulmate), people like you must be the worlds loneliest creatures, im slightlyembarrassed by my bad fic searching skills, Somewhere Between a Rock and a Hard Place. I cant find it either and I know for a fact Ive read it. Just leave them in the comments. Tell him, cryofreeze., You tell him, Tin Man, why do I always have to do all the talking? .tiktok-ze5eiw-SpanViews{-webkit-flex-shrink:0;-ms-flex-negative:0;flex-shrink:0;padding-right:12px;color:rgba(22, 24, 35, .75);}77K views|.tiktok-15ooo5t-H4Link{font-family:ProximaNova,Arial,Tahoma,PingFangSC,sans-serif;font-weight:400;font-size:14px;line-height:20px;display:inline;color:rgba(22, 24, 35, .75);margin-left:12px;}.tiktok-15ooo5t-H4Link a{color:rgba(22, 24, 35, .75);}. original sound - MARVEL MINDS. I've had enough, too. This was drunk Bucky, of course. Summary:Bucky loves to steal Tonys food. Okay, look, its not James fault, no matter what the rumors say. When the Rogues get pardoned they expect a lot of things to be given to them, they really should have read the paperwork. Tony & Peter 5+1 fics. I didn't realize what I was doing to myself, but now, I do. There was a little more that happened when the Snap happened. original sound - . "We should move this somewhere else," I hear Steve say. Ok so Lord Death and Hela are sick of watching their chosen being mistreated by his so-called team and him hiding from his family so they worked a little magic and kidnapped everyone. Bucky could think of a lot of worse things than being married to his best friend. The most important one being, why is he here when he should still be retired? But I would be also really happy if somebody could recommend good hurt Bucky Barnes fanfiction or just fanfictions were Steve or sombody needs to take care I knew deep down, he didn't hate me and I truly didn't hate him-Pietro and I were kids who lost too much too early and we blamed the first person we could so we wouldn't blame ourselves. Except for Steve, who seems to be breaking in to the Avengers Compound. daniel brhl / helmut zemo Clint makes his way to ask why he was even called by steve to be here. Steve Rogers has $3,000,000 in the bank, which won't buy a Learjet, let alone a Quinjet. Again another one but with the avengers team (including bucky and Loki) where the reader is alone at the compound cause the team's all on a mission. Avengers: Age of Ultron is a 2015 American superhero film based on the Marvel Comics superhero team the Avengers After the devastating events of Avengers: Infinity War (2018), the universe is in ruins Avengers Fanfiction Peter Hates Tony After getting broken out by Natasha, Steve, and Bucky, Wanda has a hard time healing Fic Title: Secrets. "I've had enough! character: bucky character: clint barton character: darcy lewis character: fury character: harley keener character: howard stark character: hulk character: james rhodes character: jane foster character: jarvis character: laufey character: loki character: maria hill character: natasha romanov character: obadiah stane character: peggy carter "Hey, Buck. It's been hard on you, too, seeing Bucky like this. 6 months after the Avengers Civil War the Rogue Avengers have been pardoned and are back at the compound. "Sociopaths are compulsive, I'm not!" Tony Stark is not going to be walked over anymore. original sound - annie <3. There were new words to learn, old words to forget. Thanks for the help. He got the Avengers back with some new members. 9. Bucky has a crush on Tony and tries to always make sure he is the first person sleep-deprived Tony finds, thinking a cuddle session is the only time he'll get to have the genius in his arms. Causing majority to disapea form the cities. 1.3K Likes, 22 Comments. The Rogues think that the best thing to do to get Tony to talk to him is to kidnap his supposed kid that they heard about over a bug. But otherwise, I think we can probably make whatever you want to do work with less lead time. The bad news is the car turns out not to be his ex's. Add in some drama with Clint, some of Howards A+ parenting, and Tonys notorious habit of keeping things that dont matter secret and its a recipe for disaster. The Accords were scrapped, he was given a full pardon. He was a firm believer in the old adage that living well was the best revenge. Untrustworthiness. When Tony arrives on the raft he has some questions, but so does Clint Barton. FRIDAY had alerted the Avengers that Peter was having a panic attack in class. its not you (expect it is), by anyabarnes. If you dont want to get knocked over, you should keep some meat on your bones, your stance wide, and not run around corners and into him. Mental health is just as important as physical. Nice of him to turn himself in. jake gyllenhaal / quentin beck Tony says he ca't do anything, the rogues think just because Tony's rich he can fix everything, but Tony tells them he has no hand in the accords as it's drafted by the 130 countries and he can't bribe the president to pardon them either. it just so happens he has a crush on both of them. Happy tears. Yeah it does not end well, with T'challa being pissed off as well. sebastian stan / bucky barnes Weve got almost eight months, and I am very, very rich., Bucky stopped rubbing Tonys shoulder, ignoring his faint noise of protest. Because, you're right. Buckys appeared on his torso when he was thirteen and were a source of amusement and pride. The two have a lot more in common than originally thought. that is, until tony accidentally breaks james barness prosthetic arm, and he suddenly finds the most vulnerable pieces of himself surfacing whether he wants them to or not. Woah, woah, woah Youre cute and all but Im not really the dating type doll. A year later he has a successful Aquarium which only takes rescued animals, and releases them if they can. 2. The Avengers are coming here today!. Hes sad, alone, scared and depressed and theyre not here right now so he can mope. he said in a calming voice. When T'challa informs the Rogues that they have been pardoned if they sign off on the new accords, everyone under Steve's word signs off, but only Scott read the fine print on how the compound has changed and how they will be pre-selected members, tested in multiple ways before their eligable to be full-time avengers. "How are you so good at this? Peter Parker is a pain and Tony Stark is unavailable. One day she tries it on Jessica Jones. One day all the Avengers comes to their school to give a speech. TikTok video from Julia (Buckys version) (@barnesskhaleesi): "y/ns first period part 2/2! They already live together, the tax benefits would be pretty awesome, and he could stop worrying about growing old alone. This is a crowded hallway! is the worlds largest fanfiction archive and forum where fanfic writers and readers around the globe gather to share their passion. There was just one problem: Bucky was engaged to someone else. Those closest to Tony said their final goodbyes, told from Bucky Barnes' perspective. Natasha defends Tony against Wanda's magic. The One Where Peter Meets The Avengers. Its funny really. And everyone is happy. Goddamnit Pepper. 64.4K Likes, 107 Comments. Consequence: Tony finds out some things he was never intended to find out. Please consider turning it on! this book contains (mostly) Yes, that Tony Stark. The rift between Team Cap and Team Iron Man was still, unfortunately, a thing. Except for the Rouges of course, who have no idea of the compounds new porpurse, and invade the Aquarium. I hugged him back, crying into his chest. (loosely, so loosely, inspired by to all the boys Ive ever loved with a lot more angst), I Just Died In Your Arms Tonight, by Sullen. Team Cap is still waiting for the world to call back for them, but despite everything they've done, no one seems to care about them or need them. You can change your preferences at any time by returning to this site or visit our, . " What if characters were called out on their poor decisions and had to face the consequences of their actions? part 2/2 originalljud - Julia (Buckys version). Summary:Bucky had been out of it for a while, but once he started paying attention, he noticed most everyone talked shit about Tony. And when he isn't, he doesn't blame Peter at all when he hates him for it. y/ns first period part 2/2! The old Avengers make a grave error in their efforts to contact Tony, kidnapping his pseudo child, Harley Keener. Work Search: oh, and theres only one bed. Preferably complete! He got up and moved to get the teen up. In a desperate effort to stop him, they travel to the planet that he is going. The Avengers basketball team isnt messing around when its time to face the other teambut it seems Stark Prep is because they brought along some shrimp and apparently named him Team Captain to boot. This tag has not been marked common and can't be filtered on (yet). Betrayal. 6 months after the Avengers Civil War the Rogue Avengers have been pardoned and are back at the compound. Bringing them to a theater to watch Tony's life from beginning to end. "Can we talk? Tony opens a store that just sells Avengers merch because of how popular the show is. 2.8K Likes, TikTok video from MARVEL MINDS (@marvelminds1): "Pov: Tony vowed to hate y/n #marvel #tonystark #tonystarkpov #ReadyForHell #ClutchPlayChallenge #robertdowneyjr #pov #foryou". data-widget-type="deal" data-render-type="editorial" data-viewports="tablet" data-widget-id="7d572c79-5070-46a2-b4c7-5886e0b613f9" data-result="rendered">, Tony had been the first Avenger to fall for the Peter Factor as it came to be known and it happened purely by accident. The rest of the team don't really care, criticizing Tony for reacting until Natasha knocks the dish (apple pie, I think) that Wanda is "handing" to Tony to the floor. Words: 10,708. The Rogues invade the twoer when Tony and his family are about have dinner, tony lets these trespassers know that he's not here to play their games. Hopefully, his life won't have to end like it's supposed to. its no different at SHIELD boarding school, at first. 10. As such, they go to Tony Stark for funding, certain that Iron Man will help their cause. They can't go to the government for money because they would just tie them up with red tape and keep them from doing their jobs. But just because they're back doesn't mean he has to be happy about . When you are placed in a box it can be hard to escape from those biases andexpectations. Spiderman.. . And now, I want to become sober, for you. When the rogues corner Tony demanding that he bring them home, Tony has only one question."How? TPOFAS: Yes, I love him, not just like him. Something that the Avengers need to know, so he turns himself in. Avengers Team & James "Bucky" Barnes Vision (Marvel) Tony Stark Natasha Romanov (Marvel) Clint Barton Steve Rogers Matt Murdock Sam Wilson (Marvel) Bruce Banner James "Bucky" Barnes Winter Soldier Trial Post-Avengers: Endgame (Movie) Pre-Episode: s01e01 New World Order (The Falcon and the Winter Soldier) Past Bucky Barnes/Steve Rogers Hot, nerdy, relaxed, and utterly nonchalant about the whole Tony Stark package in an extremely appealing way. If you are looking for a specific ship, just drop me a line in the ask box. Siberia was cold and scarring and now Tonys alone. Therefore, Thanos cannot turn Avengers Fanfiction Team Hurts Tony. It's just that you're so inconsiderate, you always think you're right, you think the world revolves around you, and lastly, you're never there for me, especially when I need you the most!" :P. Tony realises that The Avengers weren't what he needed. At first, Peter had been an asset.. " data-widget-type="deal" data-render-type="editorial" data-viewports="tablet" data-widget-id="b4c5f896-bc9c-4339-b4e0-62a22361cb60" data-result="rendered">, Tony finally realizes where he is, the hospital wing at the, He laughed, stumbling. Cant Talk (Like Real Adults), by 27dragons and tisfan. The Avengers infuriates him and all he wants is Tony to be back. Summary:High school boys enjoying ice cream on their first date. He was sprawled out on the floor, face first and he groaned. The rest of the Avengers fill the room.. Tony underestimated by the team. Bucky Barnes Is Done With Everyones Bullshit, by periwinklepromise. Friday informs Tony that the Rogues has invaded the tower and are making their way up, Tony calls for Rhodey and Carol while he stalls them. Howard and Maria stark, as well as Erskine were resurrected. original sound - <3. As I waited for my tea to finish boiling, I sat down, put my face in my my hands and cried even more. But just because they're back doesn't mean he has to be happy about it. I walked to the kitchen with my head down low, afraid of the other avengers seeing the tears in my eyes, my puffy eyes, and just me in general. "Oh, where do I start? Summary:Tony snorted. Summary:High school AU - Adorable, sweater-wearing nerd Tony has been pining over Bucky Barnes from afar for years. This tag belongs to the Additional Tags Category. he yelled. Look, I get it, right now is tough. New part every week! The Rogues show up at Stark Tower to offer their help in the coming invasion. He has his home, and most importantly, he has Bucky. You're like a hundred years old." Well, too bad that instead of fulfilling their delusions, they are gonna get to meet some interesting animals, that want to defend their hom. The Protectors are. Lives with his aunt in their tiny apartment. Summary:A year ago Bucky lost his arm and his memory in a motorbike accident. Remorse Weeps Tears of Blood ( Avengers Fanfiction ) Avengers Search: Tony Hurts Peter Fanfic This fic was Tony /Bucky and the opening scene grabs Tony , but Rhodey gets there first and Thor is forced to back down) The Future Queen The Future Queen: A Black Panther Fanfic Peter Parker. Because of How popular the show is Stark, as well as Erskine were.. Task-Force to take him away, Steve takes this chance and ralleys his own group of of! Having a panic attack in class cant find it either and I know for a fact Ive read.... It, right now is tough Aquarium which only takes rescued animals and! Pardoned under the influence of King T'challa and it is ), by mortenavida andMassiveSpaceWren, drop! Some things he was a firm believer in the ask box he got the Avengers infuriates him all! Such a damn alcoholic, Y/N. Unsurprisingly, they do n't have to do all the talking the revenge! 16 Feb 2021 Avengers fanfiction Tony yells at Peter Tony x Peter 1 something the! 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