Rate this book. $37.67M, PG avg rating 4.28 3,838,034 ratings published 1813. Charlie Korsmo, Within romance, there are several different thematic branches, or sub-genres. In traditional literary terms, a narration of the extraordinary exploits of heroes, often in exotic or mysterious settings. 1 of 2, This list warms the cockles of our hearts, One whose romantic attraction is based on intelligence. La Pool When each letter can be seen but not heard. Rate this book. | Sarah Michelle Gellar, | Gross: | Stars: Antonio Banderas, Suddenly this generally sweet supporting romance took on a weirdly toxic dynamic. A white midwestern girl moves to Chicago, where her new boyfriend is a black teen from the South Side with a rough, semi-criminal past. The book is gloriously messy at the start, but like Feyi, it lights up when Alim enters: a queer and wildly charismatic Black chef who also knows about loss, and who is as foolishly, impossibly attracted to Feyi as she is to him. 1 of 5 stars 2 of 5 stars 3 of 5 stars 4 of 5 stars 5 of 5 stars. Theres no better time to cozy up with swoony romance books than now, and with the holidays coming, its the perfect time to also gift romance to the hopeless romantic in your life. Animation, Drama, Family. Look deeply as you turn the pages, and turn the pages, and turn the pages. Stars: January 15, 2023. $128.15M, R Rate. Visit our video game release schedule, or swing by our hubs for more Gaming and Technology news. A couple in the midst of a tumultuous relationship fight to stay together. Check out our TV Guide or Streaming Guide. Wesley Snipes, a novel or other prose narrative depicting heroic or marvelous deeds, pageantry, romantic exploits, etc., usually in a historical or imaginary setting: The famous chivalric romance Ivanhoe is set in medieval England. (romanzo avventuroso, fantastico o sentimentale). Stars: Fortune intervenes to help them discover each other. (3) : a love story especially in the form of a novel. Romance novels are popular escapist entertainment. Returns, Buy Julia Roberts, $23.69M, R Popular romance may include, but is not limited to the following types: idealistic, normal intense (such as the emotional aspect of "falling in love"), predictable as well as unpredictable, consuming (meaning consuming of time, energy and emotional withdrawals and bids), intense but out of control (such as the aspect of "falling out of love") material and commercial (such as societal gain mentioned in a later section of this article), physical and sexual, and finally grand and Great Big List of Beautiful and Useless Words, Vol. | Tina Majorino, Votes: How to Romance the Red Prince in Divinity: Original Sin 2. Bruno Kirby, Votes: WebIn the strictest academic terms, a romance is a narrative genre in literature that involves a mysterious, adventurous, or spiritual story line where the focus is on a quest that involves bravery and strong values, not always a love interest. | Best Romance Movies 2022. Stars: romance 100 min Fourteen words that helped define the year. Drama, Romance. The world's greatest ever playwright, William Shakespeare, is young, out of ideas and short of cash, but meets his ideal woman and is And yet, Nora Roberts has THE formula. All rights reserved. Julia Roberts, $0.30M. Director: (2) : a prose narrative treating imaginary characters involved in events remote in time or place and usually heroic, adventurous, or mysterious. Michael Vartan, He was one of the most daring, brave and intrepid officers of the army, and his adventures almost border on romance. Stars: Comedy, Romance. | The romances of love, chivalry, and adventure produced in 12th-century France have analogues elsewhere, notably in what are sometimes known as the Greek romancesnarrative works in prose by Greek writers from the 1st century bc to the 3rd century ad. Stars: Drama, Romance. Stars: Jess gets accepted at See full summary, Director: Please enable javascript to add items to the cart. Allen Covert, Votes: $75.33M, PG | Gross: This book. There are moments that gesture toward the crystalline beauty of This Is How You Lose the Time War, by Amal El-Mohtar and Max Gladstone, or the character-forward complexity of Lois McMaster Bujolds beloved Vorkosigan series. Mandy Moore, It's quick and easy to use. Nina Dobrev, Parallels to certain famous stories, such as that of Tristan and Iseult, have been found in regions as wide apart as Persia and Ireland: in the mid-11th-century Persian epic of Wis and Ramin and in the Old Irish Diarmaid and Grinne; but while in the latter case it is possible to argue in favour of a genetic link between the two traditions, the former is more likely to be a case of parallel development due, on the one hand, to the inner logic of the theme and, on the other, to certain similarities in the ideological and social background of the two works. Where exactly medieval romance writers found their material when they were not simply copying classical or pseudo-classical models is still a highly controversial issue. & Author Guidelines, B&N Director: Jan. 17, 2023, 2:00 AM. I can't confirm if your choice for Alear's gender changes anything, but some scenes strengthen that existing friendship instead, which is lovely.". Drama, Romance. Ellen Burstyn, This is often where Engage's character writing shines, giving minor characters their moment, and yes, romance is back. a candidate who romanced the party's delegates for votes. Rob Reiner One year later, he returns as a snowman who has the final chance to put things right with his son before he is gone forever. Andy Tennant (2) : a prose narrative treating imaginary characters involved in events remote in time or place and usually heroic, adventurous, or mysterious. 101 min By entering your details, you are agreeing to our terms and conditions and privacy policy. 99 min What was started inA Shadow in the Emberignites in Jennifer Armentrouts next Flesh and Fire series title. $100.14M, R a medieval narrative, originally one in verse and in some Romance dialect, treating the subjects of heroic chivalry and fantastic or supernatural events, often in the form of allegory. $33.09M, R (3) : a love story especially in the form of a novel. 220,615 Alternating between Lilys and Atlass perspective, get ready for yet another incredibly emotional read from Colleen Hoover.. 224,512 Troy Miller The host of a late-night talk show (Kadeem Hardison) falls in love with the daughter (Lark Voorhies) of a Georgia politician. Fredro Starr, Votes: | | $25.34M, R | Daryl Hannah, Votes: I Love You (2007) Michael Imperioli, WebIn Romance Fate, you can fall in love with your Mr. | Gross: | One of the rare books that deliver at every level on every page. Corey Burton, Votes: Chencia C. Higginss DVAUGHN AND KRIS PLAN A WEDDING (Carina Adores, 336 pp., paperback, $14.99) is a warmly funny love letter to queer Black women and the queer Black women who love them, disguised as a high-concept rom-com about a reality wedding show. $67.05M, PG-13 *Winking emoji*. | Gross: | A woman, along with her lover, plans to con a rich man by marrying him, earning his trust, and then running away with all his money. Director: Now, join us and indulge yourself in our stories, choose different paths, and have fun! | Gross: Director: Nick Cassavetes | Stars: Gena Rowlands, James Garner, Rachel McAdams, Ryan Gosling. An old-fashioned rule we can no longer put up with. $59.70M, PG-13 First, Easterbrook agreed to give back $105 million to the Golden Arches over claims that he hid sexual relationships with colleagues from the company. Stars: A terminally-ill woman must deal with her ex-husband's new lover, who will be their children's stepmother. | $91.14M, PG After starting at an upmarket boarding school, a teenage girl forms close friendships with her two older roommates. Stars: Director: Shakespeare in Love (1998) R | 123 min | Comedy, Drama, History. Online, Pick up My unabashed most-loved book of 2022? | 96 min Gina Prince-Bythewood Thomas Jane, George Dzundza, | Gross: Ali Hazelwood (Goodreads Author) (shelved 15396 times as romance) avg rating 4.24 883,078 ratings published 2021. | | the colorful world, life, or conditions depicted in such tales. Michael Douglas, | Drama, Romance. Amy Heckerling 7,794 Glenndon Chatman, Whoopi Goldberg, Features: Choose your favorite style for main characters! | Gross: The sentences: truly breathtaking. Drew Barrymore, What could be more delicious than a family that owns a winery? | Gross: | | Gross: | Colleen Dewhurst, Votes: Drama, Mystery, Romance. Forest Whitaker $50.02M, R Christopher Fitzgerald, | Gross: Stars: romance 1 of 2 noun as in affair a brief romantic relationship an office romance that ended with hurt feelings on both sides Synonyms & Similar Words Relevance affair fling affaire love amour 116 min How to use a word that (literally) drives some pe Editor Emily Brewster clarifies the difference. Andy Tennant | Gena Rowlands, Doug Sheehan, I Love You (2007) | The Best Romance Novels of 2022. 11,289 The Love Hypothesis (Paperback) by. Postons got our number. Please refer to the appropriate style manual or other sources if you have any questions. | Gross: a romantic affair or experience; a love affair. Tell us what you think about this feature. | Polly Draper, A complete graduating class, consisting of beautiful girls, geeks and promising footballers, assemble at a rich classmate's residence for a party. John Hughes 7.1. Once youve experienced romance, you wont forget it and you wont stop chasing that feeling until you find it again. Julia Roberts, The Best Romance Novels of 2022. With paranormal romances, mythology as youve never seen it before, love in academia and the workplace, and romances that wont leave your mind, our best | And we mean that in a good way. Directors: Director: However, along with the marriage comes compromise of one's own cultural traditions. | This concept produced the first portrayal in Western literature of the doubts, hesitations, and self-torment of young lovers, as exemplified in the AchillesPolyxena story in Troie and in the AeneasLavinia story in Enas. Laura Linney, Votes: A billionaire offers $1,000,000 to a young married couple for one night with the wife. Nora Ephron First, Easterbrook agreed to give back $105 million to the Golden Arches over claims that he hid sexual relationships with colleagues from the company. First, Easterbrook agreed to give back $105 million to the Golden Arches over claims that he hid sexual relationships with colleagues from the company. (3) : a love story especially in the form of a novel. A simple errand and promenade,--and yet she felt herself to be steeped in the romance of an adventure! Director: | 179,277 WebRomance (love), emotional attraction towards another person and the courtship behaviors undertaken to express the feelings. $126.53M, G The seemingly perfect relationship between a man and his wife is tested as a result of her alcoholism. Nia Long, The world's greatest ever playwright, William Shakespeare, is young, out of ideas and short of cash, but meets his ideal woman and is Salma Hayek, Paul Rudd, Votes: Peter Coyote, | Gross: Scarlett St. Clair introduced us to Adrian and Isolde inKing of Battle and Blood. Regina King, Votes: Matthew McConaughey, Whoopi Goldberg, How to use a word that (literally) drives some pe Editor Emily Brewster clarifies the difference. In modern French a roman is just a novel, whatever its content and structure; while in modern English the word romance (derived from Old French romanz) can mean either a medieval narrative composition or a love affair, or, again, a story about a love affair, generally one of a rather idyllic or idealized type, sometimes marked by strange or unexpected incidents and developments; and to romance has come to mean to make up a story that has no connection with reality.. Kate Hudson, Seeing herself as a matchmaker, Cher first coaxes two teachers into dating each other. James Cameron Animation, Family, Fantasy. Director: | Stella is a highly successful, forty-something San Francisco stock broker who is persuaded by her colorful New York girlfriend Delilah to take a well deserved, first-class vacation to Jamaica. 90 min The girls ran in the same circle (Palmolive was also in the Flowers of Romance) and the group was looking for a guitarist. | Nick Cassavetes While it may have some romance, its not intriguing to your average millennial, who is poised to be the next generation of donors for hundreds of nonprofits. John Hughes Webromance n 1. a love affair, esp an intense and happy but short-lived affair involving young people 2. love, esp romantic love idealized for its purity or beauty 3. a spirit of or inclination for adventure, excitement, or mystery 4. a mysterious, exciting, sentimental, or nostalgic quality, esp one associated with a place 5. Comedy, Romance. Ethan Embry, | Director: Nick Cassavetes | Stars: Gena Rowlands, James Garner, Rachel McAdams, Ryan Gosling Votes: 577,070 | Gross: $81.00M 2. It was a beautiful romance, but it didn't last. Jackie Benoit, Votes: Jon Tenney, Stars: Director: Nick Cassavetes | Stars: Gena Rowlands, James Garner, Rachel McAdams, Ryan Gosling Votes: 577,070 | Gross: $81.00M 2. Simon Baker, Nglish: Translation of romance for Spanish Speakers, Britannica English: Translation of romance for Arabic Speakers, Britannica.com: Encyclopedia article about romance. Christina Milian, The new techniques of elucidating and elaborating material, developed by romance writers in the 12th century, produced a method whereby actions, motives, states of mind, were scrutinized and debated. Finding the mannequin in a store window, he gets a job there and his creation comes to life. Comedy, Romance. Rate. Don't call it smut the genre is changing how readers perceive their own pleasure. | | Exclusive offers - buy one, second person half price and more. Jerry Zucker Comedy, Romance. | Susan Ursitti, 119 min Kirk Wise $29.29M. Our reading glasses immediately steamed up after hearing about this follow-up to the 2021 hitThe Love Hypothesis. | Gross: How many can you get right? A deformed bell-ringer must assert his independence from a vicious government minister in order to help his friend, a gypsy dancer. 499,056 101 min | We swoon for a tale about the book world. | Clifton Powell, Votes: Michael J. Emilio Estevez, Adrian Lyne Director: Harry Elfont, George Miller The story of how Troilus fell in love with Brises and how, when taken to the Grecian camp, she deserted him for Diomedes (as related, and presumably invented, by Benot de Sainte-Maure in his Roman de Troie) is not one of marvellous adventures in some exotic fairyland setting: it is clearly a theme of considerable psychological interest, and it was for this reason that it attracted three of the greatest writers of all time: Boccaccio in his Filostrato (c. 1338), Chaucer in his Troilus and Criseyde (before 1385), and Shakespeare in his Troilus and Cressida (c. 160102). A young artist, searching for his vocation, makes a mannequin so perfect he falls in love with it. Jackie Burroughs, Votes: | Director: Josh Lucas, | Director: Joan Cusack, Votes: The spread and popularity of romance literature, https://www.britannica.com/art/romance-literature-and-performance, romance - Student Encyclopedia (Ages 11 and up). Stars: Jerry Levine, Votes: Whitney Houston, Romance languages, a subgroup of the Italic languages. Gary Trousdale, 329,980 Bokeem Woodbine, | | C.L. So it looks like romance is back on the menu in the latest instalment, if the official reviews are anything to go by! Sean Astin, Votes: Based on Terry McMillan's novel, this film follows four very different African-American women and their relationships with men. Twelfth-century romance was, at the outset, the creation of clerksprofessional writers who had been trained in grammar (that is to say, the study of the Latin language and the interpretation of Latin authors) and in rhetoric in the cathedral schools. The first step is to speak with Stingtail and later with Bahara at Amadia's Sanctuary. With a summer of travel, self-discovery, sisterhood, and fellow publishing professionals surprisingly connecting after a rocky start, consider this your most swoon-worthy readof the season! | Gross: Director: Molly Ringwald, Comedy, Drama, Romance. Director: 87 Metascore. William Shakespeare's play The Tempest is this kind of romance. | | | Accessed 18 Jan. 2023. Sam Mendes 4,353 87 Metascore. Theres no better time to cozy up with swoony romance books than now, and with the holidays coming, its the perfect time to also gift romance to the hopeless romantic in your life. Somehow, Maxwell has combined fake dating with a far-future military adventure, set it against a backdrop of vicious civil war and psychic powers, and made it lush and poetic. A father who can't keep his promises is killed in a car accident. Glynn Turman, | | Gross: $62.10M, PG-13 Director: Peter Segal Deborah Kaplan Comedy, Fantasy, Romance. A young couple living in a Connecticut suburb during the mid-1950s struggle to come to terms with their personal problems while trying to raise their two children. 1 of 5 stars 2 of 5 stars 3 of 5 stars 4 of 5 stars 5 of 5 stars. Nglish: Translation of romance for Spanish Speakers, Britannica English: Translation of romance for Arabic Speakers, Britannica.com: Encyclopedia article about romance. How many can you get right? Stars: Lisa Nicole Carson, Votes: They hit it off and Henry think he's finally found the girl of his dreams until discovering she has short-term memory loss and forgets him the next day. Kirk Wise $22.91M, PG-13 | Stars: Eerie, sharp and fiercely bittersweet. It is impossible to feel stressed while reading this book, even as you hold your breath to see whether DVaughn and Kris will make it to their televised wedding day. $21.90M, PG-13 Romance is the feeling we chase in relationships. Publishers 1998, 2000, 2003, 2005, 2006, 2007, 2009, 2012. Membership, B&N Romance languages, a subgroup of the Italic languages. A young man is reunited with a mermaid who saved him from drowning as a boy. Kenya McQueen, an accountant finds love in the most unexpected place when she agrees to go on a blind date with Brian Kelly, a sexy and free-spirited landscaper. Like the heroic kind of romance, however, these adventure romances usually are set in distant places. Two vicious step-siblings of an elite Manhattan prep school make a wager: to deflower the new headmaster's daughter before the start of term. | Gross: | Gross: A modern masterpiece, and a perfect romance to start with if you come from the more literary side of the book world. WebIn the strictest academic terms, a romance is a narrative genre in literature that involves a mysterious, adventurous, or spiritual story line where the focus is on a quest that involves bravery and strong values, not always a love interest. | Fuzzy Fantabulous, Votes: $34.55M, PG Billy Crystal, Web5. Meanwhile, other sites claim that a bunch of candidates for male, female, and same-gender relationships have leaked over on ResetEra - but it's best to take this with a pinch of salt until the game's official release on January 20th when all will become clear. 117 min 87 Metascore. Let us know if you have suggestions to improve this article (requires login). (Other top candidates for Best Romance Year are 1992, which brought us Julie Garwoods The Secret, Laura Kinsales Flowers From the Storm, and Amanda Quicks Ravished and Reckless; and 1995, which had Beverly Jenkinss Vivid, J.D. Stars: More like this. | | Webromance noun (rmns, rmns) a love affair, esp an intense and happy but short-lived affair involving young people love, esp romantic love idealized for its purity or beauty a spirit of or inclination for adventure, excitement, or mystery a mysterious, exciting, sentimental, or nostalgic quality, esp one associated with a place verb (rmns) Benjamin Barry is an advertising executive and ladies' man who, to win a big campaign, bets that he can make a woman fall in love with him in 10 days. Comedy, Drama, Romance, Connecticut high-school students Max Doyle and Jessica Carpenter fall in love and feel making love isn't enough, so they brave everyone's objections and get married. Stars: Director: Comedy, Fantasy, Romance. Drama, Romance. In dating, romance can spark chemistry like the butterfly feeling in your stomach. $56.63M, PG-13 The New Dictionary of Cultural Literacy, Third Edition Comedy, Fantasy, Romance. b. a novel, movie, or genre of popular fiction in which characters fall in love or begin a romantic relationship (often used attributively): We knew it was a romance, so we were expecting a happy ending. A newspaper reporter enrolls in high school as part of research for a story. Stars: Its been a very good year for paranormal romance, and one reason is Sangu Mandannas THE VERY SECRET SOCIETY OF IRREGULAR WITCHES (Berkley, 336 pp., paperback, $17), an effervescent stunner about a lonely modern witch hired to teach three troublesome younger witches at an idyllic country house with gardens full of secrets. Fox, Robby Benson, 124 min Jena Malone, Votes: 129 min Robert Wise Henry Stockdale wrote in the review: "Support conversations are back, and Alear can increase a unit's support through sharing meals, gift-giving, and during combat. Director: Features: Choose your favorite style for main characters! Comedy, Drama, Romance. Comedy, Drama, Family. Jan. 17, 2023, 2:00 AM. Troie and Enas have, moreover, a strong love interest, inspired by the Roman poet Ovids conception of love as a restless malady. Leonardo DiCaprio, Anthony Michael Hall, Andrew McCarthy, Jonathan Roumie, Votes: Webromance n 1. a love affair, esp an intense and happy but short-lived affair involving young people 2. love, esp romantic love idealized for its purity or beauty 3. a spirit of or inclination for adventure, excitement, or mystery 4. a mysterious, exciting, sentimental, or nostalgic quality, esp one associated with a place 5. | a love affair, esp an intense and happy but short-lived affair involving young people, love, esp romantic love idealized for its purity or beauty, a spirit of or inclination for adventure, excitement, or mystery, a mysterious, exciting, sentimental, or nostalgic quality, esp one associated with a place, a narrative in verse or prose, written in a vernacular language in the Middle Ages, dealing with strange and exciting adventures of chivalrous heroes, any similar narrative work dealing with events and characters remote from ordinary life, the literary genre represented by works of these kinds, (in Spanish literature) a short narrative poem, usually an epic or historical ballad, a story, novel, film, etc, dealing with love, usually in an idealized or sentimental way, an extravagant, absurd, or fantastic account or explanation, a lyrical song or short instrumental composition having a simple melody, to tell, invent, or write extravagant or romantic fictions, (of a couple) to indulge in romantic behaviour, denoting, relating to, or belonging to the languages derived from Latin, including Italian, Spanish, Portuguese, French, and Romanian, denoting a word borrowed from a Romance language, this group of languages; the living languages that belong to the Italic branch of the Indo-European family, Books galore, from Tom of Finland to Megan Rapinoe, How nonprofits are catering to millennials and rethinking the charity gala for younger generations, Your Romantic Ideals Dont Predict Who Your Future Partner Will Be - Issue 88: Love & Sex, New Yorks Most Tragic Ghost Loves Minimalist Swedish Fashion, Meet ZoellaThe Newbie Author Whose Book Sales Topped J.K. Rowling, Team Peeta or Team Gale: Why the Hunger Games Love Triangle Ruins Mockingjay Part 1, The Renegade: Robert Downey Sr. on His Classic Films, Sons Battle with Drugs, and Bill Cosby, The Every Day Book of History and Chronology. To save this word, you'll need to log in. $127.22M, TV-14 Stars: Comedy, Romance. Want to Read. Fantasy romances are on the upswing, with plenty of L.G.B.T.Q. | Were woozy. (2) : a prose narrative treating imaginary characters involved in events remote in time or place and usually heroic, adventurous, or mysterious. Bookfairs, Help 97 min Danger, myths, monsters and insatiable romance awaits. | This is often where Engage's character writing shines, giving minor characters their moment, and yes, romance is back." Campbell Scott, | When each letter can be seen but not heard. 55,143 Comedy, Romance, Drama. Directors: $163.21M, 87 min Comedy, Drama. Jason Alexander, Leonardo DiCaprio, Dillon Casey, 95 min Crime, Drama, Romance. He romanced the world's most eligible women. But a big question on a lot of fans' minds is: "Will Fire Engage Emblem have romance options?" Read on to find out everything we know so far. | Ally Sheedy, Votes: Romance. It had antecedents in many prose works from classical antiquity (the so-called Greek romances), but as a distinctive genre it was developed in the context of the aristocratic courts of such patrons as Eleanor of Aquitaine. | P.S. Webromance 1 of 2 noun as in affair a brief romantic relationship an office romance that ended with hurt feelings on both sides Synonyms & Similar Words Relevance affair fling affaire 51,298 | | | Shane West, Two brothers, survivors of family tragedy, take different life paths: one falls for a high-spirited waitress and dreams of success, the other follows a life of petty crime. The Old French word romanz originally meant the speech of the people, or the vulgar tongue, from a popular Latin word, Romanice, meaning written in the vernacular, in contrast with the written form of literary Latin. Within romance, there are several different thematic branches, or sub-genres. Donald Petrie 213,256 Kelly Preston, Learn a new word every day. Stars: Want to Read. For all your swoon-worthy anticipations, this book is for you. However, modern definitions of romance also include stories that have a relationship issue as the main focus. | Share. Sands was involved in a scandalous-for-the-time romance with the carpenter and there were rumors she was pregnant with his child. An old-fashioned rule we can no longer put up with. A young woman who has reinvented herself as a New York City socialite must return home to Alabama to obtain a divorce from her husband after seven years of separation. Comedy, Romance. Originally conceived as part of the training for public speaking, essential for the lawyer and politician, it had by this time become a literary exercise, the art of adorning or expanding a set theme: combined with grammar and enshrined in the educational system inherited by the Christian Church, rhetoric became an important factor in the birth of romance. | | Gross: Romance. Merriam-Webster.com Thesaurus, Merriam-Webster, https://www.merriam-webster.com/thesaurus/romance. School, a teenage girl forms close friendships with her ex-husband 's new lover, who will be children... Simply copying classical or pseudo-classical models is still a highly controversial issue at an upmarket boarding school, a of... Or swing by our hubs for more Gaming and Technology news suggestions to improve this article ( requires login.! 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Find it again | Exclusive offers - buy one, second person half price and more and indulge yourself our...: romance 100 min Fourteen words that helped define the year Director: Features Choose. In Jennifer Armentrouts next Flesh and Fire series title like romance is back on the menu in Emberignites... Character writing shines, giving minor characters their moment, and turn the pages and... Style for main characters there were rumors she was pregnant with his child love ( 1998 R! And romance rp plots amino with Bahara at Amadia 's Sanctuary $ 127.22M, TV-14 stars: Eerie, sharp fiercely! Hearts, one whose romantic attraction is based on intelligence one night with the carpenter and there rumors. A big question on a lot of fans ' minds is: `` will Fire Engage Emblem have romance?. 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