I just felt like you should know why I might get a little awkward around you right now. Also, in his Keefe's POV extra story he admits to Ro that he indeed has a crush on Sophie. Self-described great hair, ice blue eyes, and according to Sophie: attractive. Councillor Alina Councillor Bronte Councillor Clarette Councillor Darek Councillor Emery Councillor Liora Councillor Noland Councillor Oralie Councillor Ramira Councillor Terik Councillor Velia Councillor Zarina Councillor Kenric Elgar Fathdon Fintan Pyren Fallon Vacker, Teenagers Or should we get real and call it a square?. This selflessness can often be reckless, however, since he considers himself both expendable and partly responsible for his mother's actions. Dex and Keefe seem to become very good friends during Neverseen, sharing a Lufterator when fleeing to the Black Swan. Around the end of Stellarlune, Keefe was found to be hiding at a expensive looking hotel in London, after stealing jewlery from his mother, and Sophie and her friends were able to find him by the shadowflux Umber slipped into his food during the time he spent with the Neverseen. Kotlc Keefe - Etsy Australia Check out our kotlc keefe selection for the very best in unique or custom, handmade pieces from our shops. First published Sep 03, 2019. Keefe stops Fitz and Sophie from having secret telepathic conversations, and claims he can "feel Foster's secrets", and that he felt some "pretty intense emotions right now". He enjoys teasing people, especiallySophie and has a crush on her. I know some will find this to be a drag, but now we're greatly assured of an ending that Shannon can feel proud in rather than something she had to just jumble . She sits beside him all the time while he was in the coma at the Healing Center. Keeper of the Lost Cities Wiki is a FANDOM Books Community. Keefe leans closer and tells Sophie he's sorry, really, and he'll do whatever it takes to make it up to her. - Keefe Sencen 'What about Dex?' He is a member of the prestigious Vacker Family, a fact he takes pride in. In neverseen Sophie sees the "real Keefe" in exilliums tent who is just a scared, angry boy. Keefe stays there after he wakes up so Elwin could provide him with treatments for his new ability. Etsy Search for items or shops Close search Skip to Content Sign in AUSTRALIA Locale Picker Australia 0 Basket Jewellery & Accessories Clothing & Shoes He also falls in love with Fitz. In the commentary for Keefe's memories, on the one for when it was revealed that Mr. Forkle had a secret twin, and was alive, Keefe remembers that he made a promise to Mr. Forkle to "protect the moonlark". Sandor acts annoyed but is actually very fond of Keefe and sometimes trusts him. Rivals His ability as an Empath allows him to read her feelings, which makes him understand her in ways no one else can. Empathy, photographic memory, mimicking voices In Neverseen, it becomes quite obvious that Keefe likes Sophie, becoming jealous of Tam, who he believes is trying to join the "Foster Fan Club". He accidentally mimics Fitz, and when he speaks back to Ro in Ogrish, it is revealed that he manifested as a Polyglot. Healing Center Gold Tower Silver Tower Hall of Illumination Tutoring Center Secret Mentors Cafeteria, Sometimes things have to get worse before they get better.. "How goes it?" Fitz' voice calls, and a smile splits across my face at the inside joke. Gender You know, there's," but is interrupted. Keefe is an amazing artist. You seriously need to get yourself a hobby. Sophie and Biana; Sophie and Dex; Dex and Keefe; Sophie and Fitz; Fitz and Keefe; Sophie and Marella; Marella and Keefe; Sophie, Linh, and Biana; Sophie and Jensi; Sophie and Tam; Keefe and Tam; Sophie and Linh; Keefe and Linh; Dex, Fitz, and Keefe; Sophie, Linh, and Biana; Keefe and Biana He sees the Vacker's as his family and spends a lot of time with them. 'Absolutely nothing. Keefe takes Sophie to The Grove and Sophie says Flori told Sandor and Grizel it was a romantic place. He also begins to think that his father is a part of the Neverseen, but to his dismay, finds out that it is actually his mother. How old is Fitz vacker? Keefe explains that he noticed when Sophie was losing it in. Their friendship began in Level Two at Foxfire when Keefe was the weird guy who skipped a level, and Fitz was the guy who kept disappearing all the time. This may show that either he doesn't like his middle name, he's embarrassed about it, or it reminds him too much of painful memories. At home, his mother, Lady Gisela, ignores him and his father, Lord Cassius, verbally abuses him. Hermione's POV. He also pulls them on his abusive father,Lord Cassius. Alden Dedrick Vacker Elwin Heslege Lady Cadence Talle Lord Cassius Sencen Edaline Kelia Ruewen Grady Howell Ruewen, Elves (Category) Eye Color In Lodestar, Keefe impersonated Magnate Leto at Foxfire and led Sophie inside "his" office. Keefe often relies on Alden, needs his support, and views him as a father figure. Keefe was later allowed to rejoin his friends. Pairing Name He also was "dreaming about a pair of gold-flecked brown eyes" and told Ro that he would be whatever Sophie needed "until she was ready for more". Sophie, Keefe, and Lady Cadence deliver a scroll to King Dimitar from Lady Gisela (Keefe's mom) that requested that Keefe proves he is worthy and that he gets a bodyguard for extra protection. 'No one ever does that.'". Keefe is constantly teasing Sandor and trying to make trouble for him. He had later found out that it wasn't only his mother who was part of the Neverseen, it was also Alvar Vacker, whom Keefe looked up to and previously called his "hero." Fitz), Dex Keefe Linh Sophie Marella Keefe and Sophie Dex and Keefe Tam, Sophie Dex Tam Marella Jensi Keefe Linh Linh and Sophie Linh and Marella, Pairings with Dexter Alvin Dizznee (a.k.a Dex), Sophie Biana Tam Keefe Linh Fitz Marella Stina Fitz and Keefe, Sophie Tam Biana Keefe Linh Dex Fitz Stina Linh and Biana, Sophie Tam Marella Dex Biana Fitz Linh Sophie and Fitz Dex and Fitz, Sophie Keefe Marella Dex Biana Glimmer Fitz, Sophie Marella Dex Biana Fitz Sophie and Biana Keefe Biana and Marella, Alden and Alina Alden and Della Brant and Jolie Elwin and Physic Grady and Edaline Cassius and Gisela Oralie and Kenric Quinlin and Physic Tiergan and Prentice Della and Alina Della and Livvy Tiergan and Prentice Forkle and Tiergan , Bo and Ro Cad and Ro Lur and Mitya Sandor and Grizel Silveny and Greyfell, Sokeefe, Team Foster-Keefe, Keephie, Keefoster. So where's my perfect fix? -Eudora Perine All original characters belong to Shannon Messenger (Sophie, Keefe, etc). Gender When Sophie finds Amy after her parents are taken, Keefe asks if she is okay and asks if Sophie still hates him. Although Keefe tells Sophie he is happy for them and thinks they are "perfect for each other", he seems slightly upset. Sophie asks if he's okay. But anyway, read on! He usually hangs out with the Vackers and treats them like family, and vice versa. He is also kind to Sophie when she is at her weakest, and usually uses jokes when talking to her. I doubt they'd eat youbut maybe we'll get lucky!. In Stellarlune, it is confirmed that Sophie likes Keefe too. Later in Lodestar, Mr Forkle says. Keefe hugs Sophie and admits that he was worried about her. In Stellarlune, Keefe is on the run in the Forbidden Cities after stealing his father's blue pathfinder. He also doesn't have a close connected with his parents as most children do. Job Sophie doesn't respond. Keefe calls Sophie, awfully cute in a crown, and even though Sophie knows hes teasing her, she blushes from head to toe. Keefe is a factor in Sophie's decision to remain friends with Fitz. Sophie admits that she wouldnt know what to do if she didnt have him, and Keefe reassures her that shed be fine. . Sophie was constantly worried about Keefe's mental health and didn't believe that he could handle his issues with his mother. Beneath the make-up and perfectly coordinated accessories is a fearless fighter. He is described to look like a K-pop star or straight out of anime. Keefe is the first person Sophie tells that she is unmatchable, even if circumstance forced it. Keefe stroked her cheek and Sophie leaned against him for support. 'You're supposed to cry when bad things happen, Foster, not good things.' Keefe guides her over and sets her down on the bed and brings her a bottle of, Keefe reassures her while she's worried about her, "Without caring that it might be awkward or what anyone would think, Sophie, pulled Keefe into the tightest hug possible, and whispered, 'Thank you.' Although she hides behind her more impartial nature, throughout the series it is shown that Lady Gisela is an extremely manipulative person, using guilt-tripping to get what she wants. Browse through and read kotlc sokeefe stories and books. Paired with iridescent spectacles he can use different colours of light to see different things. Sophie wanted to squeeze into Keefe's chair so she could hug Keefe and show him someone cared. And I know you said you're not looking for a relationship right now-and I get it. Some motivations behind the challenge may be guilt and/or protectingSophie. Yep--it's a date. The thought of going into Keefes room for the first time makes Sophies cheeks warm. In Unlocked, after Keefe gained his new ability, it's shown that Sophie's emotions are too much for him. Keefe whistled and tells her he doesn't know where all of this "Foster confidence" is coming from but he's "here for it", and Sophie's cheeks warmed. And while she may not have manifested her special ability when we first meet her, that never stops her from taking on Fitz and Keefe in a game of base quest, (and no, it's not just because she thinks Keefe is cutethough that definitely *does* help). Despite his father's seriousness, Keefe is fun-loving and humorous, even giving the nickname Glitter Butt to Silveny despite her disliking the nickname. ', She threw her arms around his shoulders, hugging him as tight as she could. "How? Book 10 is this year. 'Now let's go see who can cause the most trouble.' While doing this, Keefe notices weird feelings about the triplets' hands, but disregards it until Dex mentions in an Imparter conversation that Lex and Bex manifested, but Rex did not. You even fixed Exillium. Customizable . Skin Color Keefe Sencen Keefe's smile "softened into something that made Sophie's cheeks warm. He tells Sophie he can't be who she wants him to be and begs Sophie not to hate him, and his last words before Sophie leaves are "I have to do this. Language: When Keefe was with the Neverseen, Umber secretly put shadowflux in his food, creating a ripple in the shadow plane. Keefe squeezes Sophie's hand, interlacing their fingers to send her a gentle breeze. "The problem is humans.". Known Black Swan Members He is a very good artist and is proud of his infamously awesome hair. Keefe is tall with messy, artfully, and carefully disheveled blonde hair and ice blue eyes with flecks of dark blue. He whispers and asks if she's okay, and Sophie is reluctant to let go of his hand. Me too. She w. Add to library 40 Discussion 28 Suggest tags. One of my favorite things.". ', You keep trying to fix everything, Sophie. Keefe steps closer to reach for Sophie's hands. Sophiementions multiple times that she thinks his drawings are incredibly realistic, so much that they look like photographs. So I've been told (by fellow KOTLC fans, who are my friends) That I should try out for the role of Sophie Foster in the soon to come KOTLC movies. King Dimitar challenges Keefe to a sparring match where the first person to draw blood from the opponent three times wins. Sophie could help but lunge forward and hug him, almost knocking him off the cot. This book gives readers a glimpse into what it's like to be in Keefe's world. This looks cute. He feels betrayed by his mother and fights with emotions of regret, grief, and guilt, causing him to lash out at his friends, telling Sophie and Fitz that the best thing they could do would be to go away. When wearing his Foxfire uniform, it is said to be a little messy, his shirt is untucked and his sleeves are rolled up to about the elbows. Keefe Sencen?' Keefe has a photographic memory. In Everblaze, he does a great deal of aiding Sophie with whatever mysteries she has to solve involving the Black Swan. In Nightfall when Keefe is apologizing for betraying everyone, Tam tells Keefe he is not worthless but parents like theirs can make him feel that way. He usually hangs out with theVackersand treats them like family, and vice versa. In Flashback, Fitz and Sophie confess their feelings for each other, leading to them beginning a relationship. "Well when you put it that way!" After waking up from his coma it was mentioned that not only was Keefe able to perfectly mimic Fitz's voice, but also having the ability to understand and respond in Ogrish, making it clear that he has manifested as a Polyglot. Keefe ends his letter to Sophie with "Love, Keefe.". ." Keefe often tries to do a lot to help his friends. His love interest is Sophie Foster, considering many gentle moments between the two and his constant teasing. In Nightfall, she's shown to be extremely manipulative. You know, so I can brag about it" when she asks him how he knows she will do good, and she smiles and thanks him. Sophie described it as "everything was new, with the soft press of his lips against hers and the way their breath seemed to fall perfectly into sync while her heart and her brain screamed, FINALLY!" He jokingly suggested to Elwin Heslege to rename the Healing Center "The Foster Center" because of how many times Sophie has been a patient there. Afterwards, Sophie consistently checks up on him by having regular telepathic conversations. During that time, Keefe takes off Sophie's gloves and crush cuffs, and entwines his fingers with hers to help calm her down by channeling her emotions. Keefe Sencen (pronounced Keef Sense-in) is the deuteragonist in the Keeper of the Lost Cities series. Sophie wraps her arms around Keefe and Keefe closes the gap, Sophie says kissing Keefe is SO. He is a member of the Black Swan and a former member of the Neverseen. And in case I don't, there's something I need you to know., 'And here's another thing you can count on. She crashes into the wall and he stands in front of her, blocking her from moving, knowing that Sophie's being ridiculous when she said that he should stay away from her, but Keefe claims that he likes to take on a challenge. His parents (particularly his father) don't appreciate his talents, and even tell him art is a waste of time. After Sophie and Fitz break up, Keefe continues to be supportive of Sophie. Because Sophie promised Keefe she would get him through this, she tells Keefe about her new teleporting, her conversation with. In addition, his mother told Dimitar to assign Keefe a bodyguard (if he won). They are childhood friends, and they have hung out with each other for many years. His smile softened into something that made Sophie's cheeks warm. Reality crashed back to Sophie and . As of Unlocked, ', 'I don't care about that,' Sophie jumped in. When Sophie asks Keefe to stay after everyone else leaves he says, "Don't worry Foster, I'm not going anywhere. Fitz and Keefe make a bet about which stair Sophie will trip on. Keefe grabs Sophie's hand and tells her not to let them get into her head, and that she knows what needs to be done. ', 'Foster, Foster, Foster--always so adorably oblivious. 'For me too. At the end ofBook 4:Neverseen, he joined theNeverseen, stealing thecachesfromSophieafter he overheardthe password in a private conversation between her andFitz. Even when Keefe flashes a smug smirk, Sophie can sense his sadness behind it and pulls him back into a hug. The train station was a lot different than 14 year old Keefe Sencen would have imagined. With theVackersand treats them like family, and vice versa his constant teasing is actually very fond of and. Mimics Fitz how old is keefe from kotlc and according to Sophie: attractive in the Forbidden Cities after stealing his father blue. They have hung out with theVackersand treats them like family, and vice versa she threw her arms around shoulders! K-Pop star or straight out of anime, Sophie can sense his behind... Of Unlocked, ' I do n't care about that, ', 'Foster, Foster considering! 'S go see who can cause the most trouble. and asks if Sophie hates... 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