The Loud House Fanon Wikia is a FANDOM TV Community. ", Lincoln slightly open his eyes to see it's Leni, who on her knees and was shaking him to wake him up), (Lincoln finally wakes up, relieving Leni, she hugs him). ", Lori: (surprised) "Really? You'll get over it. I know him well. ", Lincoln: Of course, I'm happy for them. Lincoln and Luna were about to pull their siblings off each other, when an idea struck Lincoln. Even if your hair is white. After a few minutes of silence, Luna spoke back. ", Luna nods her head. Without much prompt, the sisters fought each other. Luna was pretty happy with herself; even though she was worried about what Sam's reaction would've been to the letter, she seemed to reciprocate what was written on it. Just then, he hears a knock on his door. A month has passed since Bobby, Ronnie Anne, and their mother moved away. What should I do? Long story short.Lincoln is placed in the hospital and Lori's bond with her siblings and parents is broken. WORKER: Alright, Rita, we have plenty of newborn babies. I went to use the restroom while Lori held our place in line. ", Lincoln: "No, no, no, and no. The two teenagers are having fun too, and told the siblings that they make a great team. declares Luan. *, Harold: Who could that be? *stomps upstairs, slams her bedroom door so loudly they can hear it downstairs*. Good thing today is Saturday.". LENI: Yeah, Linky. ", Luna shook her head. Luna blushed heavily at the sight of her beloved rocking out. Luna arrives to Sam's house a few minutes late. Yesterday, Lincoln had uncovered a love letter signed to a certain "L. Loud." As all of the siblings' names begin with the letter L, this only further complicated matters. We're your family. Luna tightened her grip around her pillow. Lori smiles from what Lincoln said and wraps her arms around him. I guess we're due for some bonding time. It's okay. Earlier that day, Luna was so anxious about her band practice that day. (sniffs), (Lincoln then shed tears on his face and he cries once again as he's crying into his hands. I'll get over it in a few days, I am not upset. Lincoln looks up at Lori, who has a worried look on her face. He hugs Lori, who in turn hugs him back. ", Lincoln: "Well, I didn't want to worry you guys. A-and you want me to accept your apology?! Justdon't ever think you need to deal with things like this alone. Lily noticed that the house seemed to be a little less noisy, and it felt a little off. The two began to brawl. It's Still a Loud, Loud, Loud, Loud, House, Lola Loud vs Alice in Lalaloopsyland and Wacky Hatter. ", Lincoln: "Come on, Lori. She is talking to Bobby through her laptop. Lori: "I know how you feel. ", Lincoln: "It was great. LINCOLN: (blew into his tissue) Are you sure, Luna? Just seeing Sam again made her stumble on her words. I hope you can eventually forgive me for being such a jerk to you. At first I thought he was into me; but then it turned out, hes actually into guys, and he just thought of me as a buddy. Their parents still had to pay for the damages that were done to the neighborhood. ", Lynn Sr.: "Well, if he's really tired, maybe we shouldn'tbother him. I'm starting to realize something. ", Lori: "Yeah. Just then, the Loud parents come in the living room. You costed us that money, and now, we're gonna make you pay!". Clyde reminisces on the misadventures he and Lincoln engaged in, Ronnie Anne talked about how she used to tease him a lot, Grouse remembered when Lincoln's action figure was tossed into his backyard and he kept it, etc. *The next day, Lincoln and Clyde are back at Casa Loud, reading comic books in the living room. LORI: No, we're just gonna sit here for a while. From the way she saw it, her daughter had been crying frequently to the point her mascara began to fall from around her eyes like big, ugly clumps. Clyde: *voice distorted from clogged nose* Thanks, Lincoln. "Cold, cold, cold!" I didn't think Ronnie Anne being away would bother me so much, but a while after they moved, I started feeling like like I'm missing someone important in my life. Just an ordanary day for me. "Dudes, what happened?" Lincoln puts suncreen on his hand and begins rubbing it on his sister's back. She was beautiful, nice, kind, smart, and she wasn't ever afraid to get dirt under her nails. ", Lincoln: "As much as I hate to admit it, yes, that wasme. And you and Ronnie Anne got to see each other one more time. There's a romantic comedy that's gonna play. LENI: Thanks for all the nice compliments, Linky. What was once a story meant to inspire her was now an utter mockery. Howard: Sure thing, Lynn. ", (Lincoln is in his room reading a comic. While Mike is holding hiswrist and the other two have the hands on their heads, Lori glares at them. The love letter gently floats to the ground, thus confirming that this girl was Sam. Suddenly all of those sappy songs about love she had heard over the years made more sense to her. (Lisa wants to attack them, but Lori restrains her). Clyde: Yeah. I've been keepingitfrom you guys for a while. That's a kind, protective, and a TERRIFIC OLDER SISTER. Everything's good.". ", "What are some of your shared interests? Rita: "Well, Lori already taught them a lesson. Luna lightly placed her hand on her heart, sighing whilst doing so. Hair and loose teeth were flying as the dust quickly gathers to obscure the brutality. I dont EVER want to see you again! "You're real cool and all, but I'm not into chicks.". As Luan laughed on, Lisa just continued to fume, until she took out a whistle and blew on it. UmI was wonderingyou wanna see a movie Saturday? Lincoln Albert Loud. I apologize for making Lori sound like a complete jerk; my story needed a bad guy and she unfortunately was the one. ", Bobby: "It always works for Ronnie Anne. Lincoln begins tocry and Lori gives her brother a comforting hug. Her siblings stopped talking when they heard the small clicking of the door. ", Staff Member #3: "We are so sorry for this, ma'am.". "Lincoln! ", "Where are you going with this, Lincoln? Youre the first person shes done that to. Lincoln: Sorry, Lori. (out loud) "Okay. We just didn't want to scare you, so LYNN SR: We've been hiding this secret for over 11 years from you and your sisters. Lincoln: (annoyed) "I'm not a baby, Lori! Despite initially being nervous, her siblings convince her to go to the restaurant that night. Lynn Jr.: YOU ever heard of acting like a decent human being?! YOUNGER LENI: Me too. Youre a sweet, wonderful boy, and you dont deserve the treatment I gave you. I thought that because I was the oldest, that meant I had to take charge and make sure things don't get out of control. ", Bobby: "Hmm. Ready to go in the water? He has white hair and he doesn't have a name. Are you hurt?! Your mother talked to him about using language like that, but that PALES in comparison to what you did, young lady! In Lori and Leni's room, the girls are all having a sibling meeting). Maybe, you'll try to reason with him. Rita grew worried from this. Those painful words darted throughout Luna's mind in rampant succession. *The next day, at the Loud house, Lori is cutting up the dress she got. Those guys were crazy! *sighs* I wouldnt blame Clyde if he didnt want to speak to me anymore. She had her head down to the floor, never once looking up to acknowledge them. Clyde: Uh Lincoln, Rusty has a brother. An event that ha genderbent!loud house x reader (A Loud Life). There's literally nothing embarassing about this.". I think maybe it's because of how big our family is. Manage all your favorite fandoms in one place! In just a second, they sorround him. ", Lori: "Ronnie Anne, Bobby, and their mother are happy where they are. I've enjoyed spending time with you. She squeezed one of the guys' wrist and when the other two went at her, she grabbed them and made them headbutt each other. LINCOLN: (holding his head) Ugh. Lori: *looks confused why her dad sounds mad, puts her magazine down, gets up off her bed*. Lincoln is our brother! I swept the ball away from her and kicked it right into the goal!". Lori: Well, yes, but he had ruined my new dress that I literally saved for a third of a year to buy! Who cares if he's adopted? Lori laughs. Rita chuckled to herself. She had feared that this would happen, but she was more than willing to let go of her skepticism if everything paid off. Lori just broke my heart! LUNA: Yeah, bro. ", Lincoln: "I will. Luna wanted to believe it. While the Loudsisters are in their rooms doing their own things, Lincoln is in his room talking to Ronnie Anne on his laptop. Luna was left alone to ponder her mother's words. Luna places her right hand on the door, and she turns it clockwise. Lynn Jr.: *has been in the kitchen blending a protein shake, overhears her complaining* The Clydesdale got another of his nosebleeds on your snack, huh? This fanfic makes references to a couple of my Alternate Ending to "Get the Message". While I love all of you, you just hit home for me, with your intelligence at all. Now all she hoped was that Lincoln would reconcile with Clyde. Lori didn't want to discourage Luna's infatuation with that girl, but she felt that Luna needed to realize that not everything falls into place. Lori: Since Im going to the McBrides house to apologize to Clyde, theyve lifted my grounding. It was awesome. by Lance1889 22K 490 21 Until when he came downstairs, The whole family was glaring at him) + Rita: (mad) What took you so long? ", Lori: "Just some places where we'll have fun together. "Wow. The three guys crack their knuckles. After the two sit and enjoy the view for a couple minutes, Lori speaks up. Leni: O-M-Gosh, Lori, youre steaming! He was daydreaming about the girl he is in love with. Next morning, we see Lincoln in his bed, reading a comic book. He misses Ronnie Anne. Enough (Loud House Fanfic) 13 parts Complete Lincoln is tired of being pushed around and being abused by his family, and now, he is deemed bad l. Lincoln said goodbye to Saga and Koushirou and him, Zoro and Kuina walked to the forest. "Well, I took my brother's advice, and I confronted Sam on my feelings.". ", Lincoln: "Looks like this is a good time for me to use the bathroom. Not even her former attraction towards Hugh Lincoln's tutor could set her heart ablaze with such raw passion. And you are a real Loud sibling. yes, emotional Lincoln again yeah. "Can Bun Bun come as well," Lincoln asked. And it's really shocking, there's a family secret I want to tell you. *opens bag to reveal a t-shirt* Is this the dress I ruined? Get him to open up about how he feels. *sighs* This is the fourth time in two weeks hes bled all over something I was planning on eating, or wearing, or doing. He has a couple bruises on his face and a black eye. Because the older sisters are 11 years younger than in the show they have different underdeveloped personalities: Lori just went to school and dislikes boys because she had bad first experience with them. *pinches Clydes cheek* Oh, I remember going through MY first heartbreak. *Later, at the McBrides house, Clyde is watching TV with his dads, feeling a little better. What happened downstairs? Lori: "Wow, Lincoln. As she said this, she was applying the suncreen on Lincoln's other arm and chest, much to his annoyance. I won't force you.". I don't own The Loud House or it's . "Lynn pantsed you and you didn't bother picking up your pants," Lori said. After all, I talk on my phone a lot, especially when it's Bobby, and I also have a job now. Rita rushes to Lincoln an kneels down to him. (Lincoln is initially horrified at this truth, Luna tries reaching to him, but he pushes her and run upstairs to his room, completely appalled). said the raspy voice of Luna Loud as she popped out of her bedroom door. "So, you and Sam hang out with that rocker boy, correct? Y-you broke the present I loved s-so, so much! What Luan said was true. LORI: I thought it was stress of dealing with us. BACK TO THE PRESENT (Lincoln is initially horrified at this truth, Luna tries reaching to him, but he pushes her and run upstairs to his room, completely appalled) LORI: Lincoln, wait! It was why he was such an excessive planner, why he felt like he had to control every situation he was in, and why he could not abide chaos, he had to be 'the man with the plan'. ", Rita: "Did you find out what's troubling him? I actually kinda like it. Lynn Sr.: Lincoln told us that you yelled at Clyde and then slapped him. The further they argued with each other, the more outlandish their suggestions became. Lori gets up and runs towards the water, leaving Lincoln behind. ", Later that night, we see Lincoln, who has a couple bandages on his face and is wearing his pajamas, in his room getting ready for bed. Just after Lori said that, tears begin to come out of Lincoln's eyes. ", Lincoln: "Okay? Young Lori: "I love you too, little bro.". Lori: (sadly) "Oh, Lincoln." It cuts to Lori in her room. He lies right next to her and Lori puts her blanket over them. We bet 50 dollars that you would win. Lori: Not really. Now we won't be able to see each other for a long time.". Luna was silent. "Bossy teenagers, a non-practical entertainer, a pageant princess brat, a sporty fanatic." The older twin could go on. Thoughts about just laying a kiss on her lips crossed her mind several times, but she tried to suppress this until the very end of their practice. We're your family now, Lincoln. Whatever happened between her and Sam must've been especially bad. Lincoln wraps his arms around Lori. LYNN SR: Lincoln, son, you are adopted. Lincoln: "Dance Battle! Just then, Leni comes in after taking a shower. (Lori and Lincoln hug each other strongly, she kissed in his forehead), LUAN: Uh huh. Lincoln gave back Luan his assistant shirt and was walking downstairs to clean Gary's (Luan's rabbit) leftowers from one of Luan's comedy props. The walk home from Sam's house was longer than earlier that morning. Lynn Jr.: She WHAT?! LINCOLN: (disbelieving) Yeah, like that's true, Luna. She turns the water on fully expecting hot water to erupt from the shower drain. Lincoln smiles back at her with a couple tears falling down his face. LOLA: Who cares, I still don't like him. *shows her the ruined dress* Clyde literally RUINED my new dress, and IM the one who gets punished?! Lincoln and Clyde are at the table, working on homework together. I can do it, myself! I dont care if youre going through changes. Young Lori: *sighs* "Okay, Lincoln. Lori: *frowns points at Lincoln* Well, Lincoln called me a jerk! (In his room, Lincoln is sitting on his bed, depressed; Knocking is heard). I literally do hate him! We see a 10-year-old Lori sleeping in her bed. He won't even tell anyone. "That's literally reality Lincoln," Lori said. ", Lori: "Anytime. She applies some to her right hand, then, without warning, she grabs Lincoln's left arm and put some on it. LUNA: Of course, little brother, of course. She didn't want to start any scene, but what should she do now? I swear, when I find those punks, I'll, I'll-", Lincoln: "Lynn! "You're right, Lincoln. The twenty-four-year-old man was travelling in a taxi, rediscovering with a neighborhood that had not seen since five years ago, and adding that passed training in the army. 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