Here is another picture of the first Halloween at Studio 54. Though not on the roster of performers, Warhol was yet another famous frequenter of the club that always seemed to attract an excessive amount of attention. On this particular night, Stevie Wonder was throwing a party for his secretary there. Studio 54's doors were open not just to the young and famous, people of all age groups (over the age of 21) were welcome. She was also brought in on cool side-jobs, like consulting on costumes over at the Costume Institute of the Metropolitan Museum of Art. She also became an advocate for animal rights and after going into remission from breast cancer, she became an advocate for health awareness as well. Here is another photo of fashion designer Halston partying with the rich and famous at Studio 54 back in the late 70s. He married Juliann Felando in 1989 and they have two sons, Christian Gerald Ford and Jonathan August Ford. It perfectly captured the spirit of the 1970s, from the bell-bottoms to the body glitter. Believe it or not, Robert Kennedy, Jr. paid a visit to Studio 54 with his fiancee, model Jules Dreyfus. Glamourous guests like Farrah Fawcett, Mariel Hemingway, Jocelyn Wildenstein, Richard Gere, Gia Carangi, Jack Nicholson, Reggie Jackson, and Sylvester Stallone all showed up for one last. T he space had been around for four decades by 1977 it first opened as the Gallo Opera House in 1927 but it wasn't until April 26 of . This photo of glamorouslydressed and influential womenwas taken in May of 1979, It features (from Left to right): American dancer and choreographer Martha Graham, British-born actress Elizabeth Taylor, former First Lady Betty Ford, and singer/actress Liza Minnelli all posed together, ready to take on whatever the night may bring. According to a Harper's Bazaar interview with Liza Minnelli, these two (along with Bianca Jagger) "spent so much time at Studio that on its first anniversary, the club tried to stage a performance." Posted on April 12, 2017, 9:16 pm. Richard Corkery/NY Daily News Archive via Getty Images. Pictured here is one of the most legendary rock stars to ever live, the former lead vocalist of Queen, Freddie Mercury. 29 Pictures That Show Just How Insane Studio 54 Really Was. Theirsentence ran from February 4th, 1980 to January 30th, 1981. For that reason, his photos are not only fine art, they are history. They divorced a few years after this picture was taken. We'd expect heavyweight champions to have moves in the ring, but Leon Spinks proved that he had them on the dance floor as well. Here, gazing adoringly at her husband here is Sasha Stallone. Richard Scarry's Busy, Busy Day in Trump's AmericaTom the Dancing Bug, used with permission and also cash-money, all rights reserved to Ruben Bolling, NO STEALSIES. Tap into Getty Images' global scale, data-driven insights, and network of more than 340,000 creators to create content exclusively for your brand. She even went on to portray those types of characters in her highly successful one-woman show on Broadway in 1979. Studio 54 has gone down in history as the ultimate nightclub, a place where everyone who was anyone went to get down, boogie, and be seen. Back in the day groupies weren't the only ones who got into the DJ booth. Organize, control, distribute and measure all of your digital content. Left: A dancer is swept into a spectrum of lights during 1978. Studio 54 isknown for having been one of the world's most high-profile, exclusive discotheques during the late 1970s and early 1980s. Here on the dance floor of Studio 54, the native Austrian is showing this unknown woman how to awkwardly bust a move during the disco era. "Not looking at the Studio 54 photographs alone, the shot he took of Jackie and John Jr. at tennis match - it's breathtaking at. The legendary group went on to receive the Grammy Lifetime Achievement Award in 2013. Outside of the infamous Studio 54 Nightclub. Here is what he says you need to know about Kentucky AG Daniel Cameron omitting facts to the point of lying in his press conference explaining why the officers who killed Breonna Taylor weren't charged. Although, according to those around her at the time, she had quite the attitude for someone who wasn't even famous yet. Pictured here is the man and artist responsible for the creation of pop art, Andy Warhol. Source: Studio 54 never went to any great lengths to hide what happened within its walls. Six of the Temptations (Edwards, Franklin, Kendricks, Ruffin, Otis Williams and Paul Williams) were all inducted into the Rock and Roll Hall of Fame in 1989. It seemed nothing was too 'off the wall' at Studio 54. Source: Fashion icon Bianca Jagger set many trends through her Studio 54 appearances. It didn't seem to matter one way or another though, every night without fail, a crowd of people would flock to the doors of the legendary Studio 54 in hopes of getting in. You're talking about political figures, champions for the arts and education showing up to a club with a room upstairsthat's completely rubber for easy cleanup purposes. Why the hell did the national press bury the story of Trump refusing to say he'd commit to a peaceful transfer of power? The place was filled with celebrities who knows who you might run into once through those doors. "What Gene has is a very different sensitivity," McCarthy says. Newsweek, Today I learned about the Wilmington Insurrection of 1898, when the white men "expelled opposition black and white political leaders from the city, destroyed the property and businesses of black citizens built up since the Civil War, including the only black newspaper in the city, and killed an estimated 60 to more than 300 people." 13,858, 2023 NYP Holdings, Inc. All Rights Reserved June 1, 2017. Can you even imagine being in attendance at this New Years Eve bash? At the end of the night she rode out on stage atop a white horse. Normally, children weren't allowed at Studio 54 unless of course, they were famous, then exceptions were made on special occasions. You pair the guest list up with the rampant tales of complete debauchery that was going on inside the club how could people not be curious? Pictured here is legendary rock star David Bowie. Truman is the man responsible for the novella Breakfast at Tiffany's, and many of his short stories, novels, plays, are all recognized as literary classics. If you've never heard of Studio 54, either you've been living under a rock since the dawn of mankind, or you're opposed to having a great time at clubs. In this particular case, the party in question was being held in honor of the Temptations, to celebrate their new contract with Atlantic Records in May 1977. Not that she was alone in her efforts to stand out, just about everyone there was dressed to impress (or confuse). Relive The Decadence Of Studio 54 With These Vintage Photos. Studio 54 photos of Capote in later years would find him sleeping beside actress Gloria Swanson, his face obscured by his hat, and dancing with famed socialite C.Z. Diane attended this party and was hooked of54. Getty Images. Studio 54 was an icon of the disco era boasting famous celebrities and the best DJs until it's closing in 1979. Get weekly rundowns straight to your inbox, A daily briefing on what matters in the music industry. Here's a drag artist photographed inside Studio 54 back in January of 1975. As one can easily imagine, Halloween at Studio 54 was insane of course. Theres also this magnificent treasure from the same night: writer and producer Himelstein dipping Cher to show off her long, long, long legs as they dance. But then, having the cameras there was always a part of the fun. On December 14, 1978, feds found $600,000 hidden in garbage bags in the building! You can tell it was one of those nights where despite being completely exhausted, she was having too much fun to stop. But here it is. Some very strange things happened behind the club's doors some strange things happened right outside the door as well. Drag queen sightings at Studio 54 were far from a rare occurrence, in fact, it was expected. For those who don't know, Lucie's parents are Desi Arnaz and the charming female comedic genius herself, the one and only, Lucille Ball. Next to him was his then-wife Bianca Jagger. Come to the cabaret. This particular photo was taken on Feb. 28, 1980, although both men were often spotted at Studio 54. everybody was blown away. During the first year, the club was open, Schrager and Rubell were operating without a liquor license. More recently, she's been on "Dancing with the Stars" and has authored. by Gabriel H. Sanchez. Source: Drew Barrymore is just one of the many Hollywood stars known to have partied underage at Studio 54. Marc Benecke can, he was the head honcho calling the shots in front of Studio 54 back in the 70s. There were many s. Margaret Trudeau, Jacky Kennedy-Onassis, and picture hereRobert Kennedy, Jr. to name a few. 16,268, This story has been shared 13,858 times. It was also the epicenter of celebrity activity everyone who was anyone was photographed there and wild nightlife. Pictured here is the other co-founder of the Rolling Stones, Mick Jagger. Even politicians and their family members came to the club. Pictured here are Fleur Thiemeyer and Elton John while in attendance of the 'Grease' Premiere party, which was held at Studio 54 on June 13, 1978. Nothing like a little royalty on the dance floor! The model wrote, I was the ultimate specialist in pursuing my insatiable appetites and shameless lusts, she went on to describe herself,I was the wildest party animal ever. She is a nice lady, SHUT UP YUH HUH. Ian Schrager received quite a surprise in January of 2017 when he was one of 64 people who wereall granted pardons from President Obama. Here he is with the King of Pop, Michael Jackson, and Steven Tyler, the lead singer of the Boston rock band, Aerosmith. What is now a Broadway theater used to be the emblematic hot spot of '70s disco nightlife. 54 Rare Historic Photos That You Probably Haven't Seen Before Greta Jarueviit BoredPanda staff Usually, when you read a history article or story, it's mostly just dry facts and your imagination. In 1988, Halston tested positive for HIV, on March 26, 1990, he died of Kaposi's sarcoma, an AIDS-defining illness. Bianca Jagger also used to frequent the club. Explore. While it lasted, many photographers flocked to the bacchanal to capture the celebrities and other lucky denizens as they danced and snorted and frolicked under that iconic Man in the Moon with the coke spoon sculpture. Gen X'ers and Millennials alike all know about one of the most iconic clubs to ever exist in New York City. An All Thats Interesting writer since 2013, Erin Kelly focuses on historic places, natural wonders, environmental issues, and the world of science. Here's a great shot of singer/actress Liza Minnelli, decked out in sparkles and smiles at her favorite hotspot in New York. Here is Diana Ross relaxing near (and almost on) the turntables, singing along to the club's music. They were picky at the door; openly and shamelessly excluding everyone from the establishment who wasn't beautiful, chic, ridiculously famous, or having some sort of unique quality to add to the ambiance somehow. Studio 54 was closed down, but not before one last party in February 1980. A woman throws her head back at the bar.STANLEY BARKER/Tod Papageorge Studio 54 Studio 54 photographer Hasse Persson said of this photo: "This may sound unusual today, but if you wanted to make love with somebody, people were making love on the balconies, and they were making love in the bathrooms. party! Other famous couples who have gone out on dates at this legendaryhot spot are Jack Haley Jr. and wife Liza Minnelli, Keith Richards and his wife Patti Hanson, as well as now United States President Donald Trump with Ivana Trump on his arm. Source: Bette Midler meets the Temptations at an Atlantic Records party. go home and change. Absolutely everything was done in excess. Having been used as a radio and television studio for CBS, the building was still full of TV sets and lighting equipment when Steve Rubell transformed it into a place for drinks, music and dancing. Gene captured that part of history and the exuberance in a unique way. Not that it mattered, every night without fail, a crowd of people would flock to its doors in hopes of getting in. Source: A young Robin Williams - who was then starring in "Mork and Mindy" with his wife at the time, Valerie Velardi. Here we have a shot of one of the original cast members of the sketch comedy television series, Saturday Night Live, Gilda Radner. In the case of Studio 54, the buzz-killing party crashers first arrived in December 1978, when police raided the venue and confiscated bags full of cash that had been hidden throughout the building. NPR, Radley Balko knows a couple things about no-knock police warrants. Here is a young twenty-something year old Madonna chilling on one of Studio 54's couches. Eartha Kitt at Studio 54, photographed by Gene Spatz. According to Bianca, she knew the marriage was over about a year into it, though they stayed together for the sake of their daughter, Jade. That is only going 52 miles per hour. When Bianca finally did divorce Jagger in 1979, he had already moved on with supermodel Jerry Hall whom Jagger had stolen away from fellow pop idol Bryan Ferry. In fact, on several occasions, the former owner Rubell was heard rather bluntly telling people, "you're ugly, you're not coming in.". A bullet goes about 2000 miles per hour." Source: Comedian and actor Richard Pryor attends a Studio 54 event. Cop who claimed ambush lied, shot himself. As photographer Hasse Persson put it, She was probably the most famous transvestite in the world at the time and Dalis favorite model. Studio 54 will remain open; we thank you for helping make it the success that it is.. Man at right is unidentified. Celebrities like Dan Akroyd, Michael Jackson, Woody Allen, Rod Stewart, Olivia Newton-John, and Andy Warhol among countless others, all helped build the club's glamorous reputation. Steve Rubel used to joke, If I wasnt the owner, I wouldnt be allowed in., Rumors swirled that drug-use was encouraged in the club. 83,473, This story has been shared 34,578 times. The first wasin April of 1977after the building that once housed a prestigious theaterwas converted into a dance hall; the newclubsuddenlybrokeonto the NYC nightclub scene with noidea of what the future might hold. The two would end up divorcing each other shortly after this picture was taken. However,the notorious New York City nightclub encountered a fair share of obstacles while party-goers ravaged the dance floor and their bodies, enjoying every drug imaginable and rubbing elbows with New York's most in-demand celebrities. GOP Lawmakers Watch Silently As Trump Strangles Each Of Their Loved Ones In Turn (The Onion). No matter the theme of the night, the sights, the drugs, the entire club scene was always decadent. MSN called the drug-taking "endemic." It was just as much a part of the Studio 54 experience as the dancing. There were many shocking sightingsMargaret Trudeau, Jacky Kennedy-Onassis, and picture hereRobert Kennedy, Jr. to name a few. As a result, Studio 54 got a chance to throw itself a second grand opening on September 15, 1981, and a host of other parties afterward, continuing thelegacy and exclusivity of theNew York nightclub scene for another generation of party-goers. Although his form of happiness translated into something more akin to chaos. When Studio 54 closed two years later, on Feb. 4, 1980, Diana Ross was there to serenade owners Rubell and Schrager with one final song. (Global Citizen), Ramona the Pest MYSTERY GIRL???? Sure there were other clubs, wildly successful ones too, but Studio 54 and the 70 just go hand in hand, its hard to immediately think of the club at the mere mention of 70s disco. Following the loss of her father in 1973, she briefly lost interest in designing and took a hiatus. Liza Minnelli latersponsored a tribute at Lincoln Center's Alice Tully Hall that was followed by a reception hosted by his friend Elsa Peretti. Showing Editorial results for studio 54. Lorna Luft's mother, the inimitable Liza Minnelli, naturally chose Studio 54 as the venue for her then-husband Jack Haley's birthday party. Source: Associated Press. Just slather those casts in glue and toss some glitter on it! He was inducted into the Pro Football Hall of Fame a few years after this visit to the club. Let's take a look back at some of Studio 54's most memorable moments. The princess of fashion made quite a few appearances at the flashy, overindulgent venue. In fact, it was expected and encouraged. Their marriagecertainly did not end on a high note, as Williams found himself caught between his wife of nine years and the nanny she hired to help take care of their son. So unlike most of the celebrity regulars, she didn't have to fly in for a night out. Tabs gifs by your friend Martini Ambassador, Trump on trial. Here is yet another picture of Mr. Warhol enjoying himself at Studio 54. It was a place where anyone could let loose and forget the expectations of the world outside. In just under three years, Studio 54 garnered the attention of a variety of celebrities from Michael Jacksonto Truman Capote- as well as some unwanted attention from the FBI. Here is a collection of photos from only a few of the many successful events thrown at the venue, providing a glimpse into the nocturnal thrill that was Studio 54. Back in the 1980s, Brooke Shields modeled for Calvin Klein, in fact, herprovocative ads made some waves for the company. If it gets too straight, then theres not enough energy in the room. Everyone flocked to Studio 54 when they were in town, actors, writers, musicians from all different genres were able to kick back and have some fun within the walls of this iconic club. This site is protected by reCAPTCHA Enterprise and the Google. Here it appears that fashion designer Roy Halston is feeding the queen of diamonds herself, Elizabeth Taylor. The rich, the famous, the infamously insane drugs, booze, and scantily dressed men and women all awaited them on the other side of those velvet ropes. ", He certainly knew how to fill a room and as far as profits go, Rubell was once quoted as saying,"only the Mafia made more money.". Jamaican model, actress, singer, and Bond Girl, Grace Jones. Taking care of your regulars is just a part of the club and bar-owning business. The two Grease stars, Olivia Newton-John and John Travolta must have chosen that time to practice for their on-screen roles. Studio 54 was almost more Hollywood than Hollywood! There didn't seem to be much of an in between. The legendary group went on to receive the Grammy Lifetime Achievement Award in 2013. was known to occasionally boogie on the dance floor as can be seen here. The life of 54 was cut abruptly short, Whit Stillman, the director of Metropolitan and Barcelona said. Disco clubs and roller discos were all the rage throughout the 1970s and while all of them boasted similar music and decor only a few clubs became iconic. Pictured is none other than Liza Minnelli, one of the clubs most frequent celebs. Source: On the night of Bianca Jaggers 30th birthday, the club threw her a soiree complete with costumed staff and professional dancers. As former Studio 54 owner put it, "I dont know when she first became a diva, but it was in her blood., He went on to describe one of her less than flattering moments: She was there one afternoon to do a soundcheck on her song Holiday. She was meeting Frankie Crocker, who was the top DJ in the United States. MY HOUSE and intimating she might give it up in 2022 if Murkowski doesn't vote for Trump's Supreme Court Nominee TBA. And I said, 'Just keep moving.'". This isn't the only photo of a celeb with a white stallion in the club. So many things to learn every day! He went on to star on the sitcom Silver Spoons and has continued acting as an adult. Later, she appeared in television shows like The Bionic Woman and Fantasy Island. As word got around that A-listers were always inside so everyone else wanted inon the action. Source: At a less socially accepting time, Studio 54 was always a safe place for people to relax and be themselves. After Lowen uploaded digital versions of the photographs to a secure vault, POBA staff helped crop and curate the material, highlighting the value of his artistic eye. Even after Shields shifted her focus to acting, the two never stopped hanging out and she always made time to strike apose for Klein. Pinterest. Here are Ara Gallant and Diane von Furstenberg at the party for Egon Von Furstenberg's Book 'The Power Look' on September 25, 1978, at Studio 54 in New York City. Pictured here is film, television and theater actress and singer Shirley MacLaine as she celebrates the birthday of Congresswoman, social activist and feminist Bella Abzug. She just kept coming back for more because nobody knows how to party like former royalty. Later. The dance floor was consistently packed, the drinks flowed withoutfalter, and the disco beats just kept coming. Like most clubs, Studio 54 alternated between DJs and live performances with DJs being the more frequent of the two. One of the hottest couples of the decade, Mick and Bianca Jagger, considered Studio 54 a home away from home. Among the 300 guests at Stevie Wonder's party for his New York secretary, Mary Ann Cummings, were Steven Stills (of Crosby, Stills, Nash & Young) on drums, and behind them to the right, singer Stephanie Mills (who was the original "Dorothy" in The Wiz) and Teddy Pendergrass (the Harold Melvin and the Blue Notes' frontman). 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Morgan Wallen Merch, Key Towns Of River Bann, Helen Gardiner Dickinson's Real Deal, Leafs Healthy Scratches Tonight, Torrington, Ct Crime News, Articles S