>> thank you, andrew. Is there any discussion of a date for him to come in and testify? we'll be right back. In fact, you can connect with me and tell me who else we should have on "MAVERICKS" or what other artists like Killer Mike we should have on the program. >> president of kosovo is in the hague for an interview with prosecutors who have indicted him on war crimes charges. disrupt the itch and rash of eczema. I also want people to run for statewide elections that may not have or didn`t think they had the courage and the money to because we`ll get behind you and support you. >> there's no doubt that this is already a tragedy. although again, shows when he shot and was really aggressive, sometimes they lost. to join the team, call now or go to jointeamtomorrow.org and make a $10 monthly donation. i know you care about this a lot. MSNBC Chief Legal Correspondent; Host, The Beat with Ari Melber FULL BIO The Beat Podcast The biggest political and news stories of the day, with interviews and original reporting. take away the roof over their head. take a stand, and start a new day with trelegy. there's also parallels in how smith confronted authoritarians and media as part of an alleged plot. A Wall Street Journal published an editorial immediately saying this was, quote, too good to confirm. And we are, of course, getting ready for our Thursday interview. Melbers writing has been published by The New York Times, The Washington Post and The Atlantic, and he is a former regular contributor to Politico, Reuters and The Nation. as a business owner, or your bottom line ism. new unseen footage from special counsel jack smith. rinvoq can lower your ability to fight infections, including tb. despite treatment it disrupts my skin with itch. most common side effects were nausea and tiredness. And then we have another development I want to update folks on. it's gentle on hair and provides up to 100% dandruff protection, clinically proven. start a new day with trelegy. tell us then under what conditions does a republican ever lose an election then? Transcript NICOLLE WALLACE, MSNBC. >> nice to be here. make sure that, you know, responsible citizens and responsible leaders continue to try to defend against this as best we can. that's right, robert. But the point here tonight before I bring in our experts is paramount. watch how this court functions and then judge. thank you for that amid grim stuff. We`ve reported on something that was initially not fully understood, just how all those people that Trump`s own aides and lawyers didn`t think should be in the White House in the first place, how they got in. Again, Liz Cheney was very clear in trying to get White House counsel to cooperate. So I think that our problem is getting to these witnesses quickly enough. And the I.G. So, I want to make sure you know you can find it online at "MAVERICKS" at msnbc.com/mavericks. the man clashing with gangsters and war lords cuts a somber figure when you look at his record and how he operates, even when he makes his big arguments in court. two, smith is careful, sober, i would say dry to the point of, frankly at times, being boring in his presentation. Because people can have disagreements about when life begins at a religious level. What can happen right now, even while he`s sitting in that courtroom is that he can, you know, direct his people to send us all the documents that wouldn`t interfere with his being there in court, and we haven`t gotten them and I`m wondering, I`m guessing we maybe will not. the world could use. smith's not only aggressive in court. LOFGREN: Well, it seems more than coincidence that he has what is described as this unhinged meeting where he is going to appoint Sidney Powell to be special counsel or -- and going to seize the voting machines, and then as soon as they are ushered out, he releases really the call to arms, also citing Mr. Navarro and the voting machine myth. we went through a lot of it, so the floor is your on what you know of him, both from that era and how he may have grown or gained experience during what has been quite a long career. justice requires institutions that can protect those who seek justice. And we pay attention to fact witnesses and this is his new factual account now under oath of what he said he tried to do during the actual televised violence on the day of the 6th. smith also about why some are in denial. But that he tried to overthrow the election, through multiple steps and overt acts, that would appear criminal. >> i'm joined by former rnc chair michael steele. that does it for us, "the reidout" up next. it's for people 45 plus at average risk, not high risk. while everyone understands, certainly a lawyer like him, that there ought to be a wide berth for speech, free speech cannot be something war lords or coup plotters hide behind when that speech becomes a instrument or a direct action related to coups or crimes. CIPOLLONE: Yes, it would have been possible. (cecily) switch to verizon! Take a look. this is outside the national civil rights museum in memphis. Next January 6th Committee hearing to focus on what Trump did and didn`t do as president during the attack at the Capitol. that's rinvoq relief. and a reminder of all the kids whose hero you are each and every month. new pressure on memphis police after 29-year-old tyree nichols died after an encounter with police earlier this month. MELBER: As Washington debates legislation, obstruction, and investigations, many Americans continue to face rising prices on everything from groceries to rent. That`s not something that I would have put forward by any stretch of the imagination. I`ve mentioned to folks, the committees you`ve been involved in data back to Watergate. Now as for the other star witness, Cassidy Hutchinson, well, she`s finding her accounts backed up. With love, brother. did you raise concerns during the campaign season? (einstein) $25?! ARI MELBER, MSNBC HOST: Happy Friday, Nicolle. And we`re going to get into that. BRIDGERS: A lot of my favorite lyrics have kind of started as a joke. I think we need a special counsel that we put in place before inauguration day to get to the bottom of this. nichols was hospitalized and put. Having said that, he still makes for a fact witness. Steve Bannon has tried to cut and run and get some kind of deal. they were orchestrated, dangerous attacks not only to these individuals, which is personally terrifying for them, but fundamentally also to democrat. now, in that same work dealing with corruption, smith did notch a victory at a trial level, convicting republican virginia governor bob mcdonnell of charges from his days in office, but even that was complicated. That`s interesting. Stay with us. is this the fallout from all of those votes we witnessed? try head & shoulders shampoo. Capture a web page as it appears now for use as a trusted citation in the future. >> reporter: this is very serious and very dangerous. one, there's nothing that's going to prepare you for the media onslaught, and that component of it. but he knows when he's in court it's a very different task and it's a serious undertaking. I`d like to see her put an appointment by some U.S. senator or congressman, that teaches people how to run on a local level because many of them are radical in changing policies we`ve had. web pages MELBER: Based on the available public evidence, what is the significance of that meeting, that late-night meeting which explored potentially a legal and military related efforts to overthrow the election, and what Donald Trump later did that night, which as we shows is cite Mr. Navarro and this other strategy also potentially illegal to overthrow the election? >> yeah. And then there`s what you`ve been exploring for a long time, which is the also go to the structural problems in America. So, we`re going to insist on getting those texts if they`re there, and they need to deliver them to us right now. CIPOLLONE: I felt it was my obligation to continue to push for that and others felt it was their obligation as well. And I just like to say that just because this is the same person who three decades earlier had fought for radically progressive -- radically progressive policy. Current events and sharp analysis of top trending topics. And Mike thanks for coming back on THE BEAT, sir. no justification for the conditions under which they were held or the manner under which they were brutalized and torture in the their detainment. when it does, aspen dental is here for you. Mr. Bannon`s trial begins Monday. >> john and i are honest and realistic with the american people. ask your doctor or pharmacist about shingrix today. And as Biden faces this obstruction and economic headwinds, and that hostile Supreme Court, there are progressives saying now is the time to go big. MELBER: That there just to be clear was, as I was mentioning, the Ohio Republican attorney general, suggesting there not a whisper of a report. now, let me level with you. michael steele is back with us. But this is, in my opinion, a criminal overt act and part of a conspiracy that has several means to accomplish a person who didn`t win the election getting to win the election by conducting a coup directly. one, jack smith is steeped in the challenges of prosecuting heads of state. what happens in their career after a given case. Examining the high stakes surrounding key issues affecting communities across America, cutting through the political noise with compelling . for only $10 a month, you can help bring nutritious meals to kids living in rural areas, protect children from dangerous living conditions, provide access to clean water, and much more. he developed experience for the pressure of those specific kind of cases and something of a reputation as the kind of prosecutor you actually pick up and call with a tough case like that. and it's never too early to learn you could save with america's number one motorcycle insurer. we do not tolerate or stomach attempts at holding our elected officials hostage. Feared from warzones to Congress, special counsel Jack Smith is now leading two Trump investigations. life. trelegy may increase your risk of thrush, pneumonia, and osteoporosis. VANCE: So he, having no privilege against testifying to assert, has got to show up. we're workin' it too. It is a whole subsection in his report about voting machines. Your Time Zone: 6:00 AM. if you're concerned about the coup worried trump should be charged, you might be worried smith overlearned the lessons of the past stumble and be overly cautious. IE 11 is not supported. those are true heroes. We will I`m sure have a discussion when we`re a little bit farther along in the evidence collection on, you know, whether or not to send a letter to the Department of Justice with our conclusions, but certainly, the attorney general has says he`s watching all of this. For an optimal experience visit our site on another browser. call or go online to jointeamtomorrow.org and start changing lives today. You just gotta keep going. cologuard is a one-of-a kind way to screen for colon cancer that's effective and non-invasive. MELBER: Or as I would say, is the inaction --. when people with vindicated in the jury process, that's how it's supposed to work. Then Congresswoman Zoe Lofgren of the January 6th Committee is my special guest tonight. but in term of prosecutorle chops, it's hard, as you laid out, to imagine somebody with, better qualify communications for what he is about to undertake. MELBER: And then when you do that, you`re sure it`s going to work or you`re just doing it like to be real. If they did, why did they disappear? there's no outrage coming from republican leaders right now. sodomizing him in a police station. we all have heroes in our lives. I`ve seen no group of people accelerate financially as quick as we`ve been able to education-wise. do not take trelegy more than prescribed. Now they`re heading toward the last scheduled hearing that we know which will be in primetime next week. but it is true you don't want to use the criminal law for a gray area. what's the response then going to be? at the time it was also cast as a, quote, blow to the justice department's beleaguered public integrity section, helmed by jack smith. he's faced down the arguments of doing so already, about line drawing and whether this all becomes politics. who was he? MELBER: Turn into a story of action as well as accountability. It`s a story people are lying about because they`re afraid if you learn the truth, you might just throw them out of office. the kind of cases that go at the, powerful in government or police, senators, heads of state. we have a special report . And that way we`ll have actual families that where the mother may have went to college, she can marry someone of a trade that can make a decent living. after a federal grand jury charged him with six. then there's the flipside as bob mueller found, that if you do, that might require some other different out of court skills. People believe in you and we want you to run for office. plus, they felt fast itch relief some as early as 2 days. >> special counsel jack smith speaking there. at the state level, federal level, international level. >> he's been charged with ten counts of war crimes and crimes, against humanity. on the network you want. Should they have this option? You look up in New York and New Jersey, they are unionizing. the fact that he has been a career prosecutor is because he really understands that and is committed to the rule of law in all sorts of contcontexts. >> the story sending shock waves through the presidential campaign. he has a rare record of prosecuting presidents and heads of state. thank you. MELBER: So, if it`s not a coincidence, at what point does it add to the criminal evidence essentially that Donald Trump was going to try to overthrow the election and that the only reason -- it appears the only reason he didn`t do the military thing was because they told him it wasn`t going to work? that underrated style to great with juries and judges, meaning it works. He would not instruct the mob to leave or condemn the violence. then the third point before we get into it. and don't forget to floss before you brush. chase. Political and news stories, with interviews and original reporting from around the nation. your dedicated fidelity advisor can help you open those doors. ask about ubrelvy, the anytime, anywhere migraine medicine. The decision on you know, illegality is something that, you know, the Department of Justice has to decide. Well, Netflix viewers, if you`re one of them, may recognize some of the show Trigger Warning which confronts gangs, white supremacists, the criminal justice system, exploring how we got to this point in history as so many people think about how things are going right now. >> good to see you. >> well, i guess i'd make a couple points. I thought when Mr. Clyburn did was abominable, I thought it was disgusting and I find it repugnant. they deflect to weaponizations of the government, right? Coming up, you have Republicans dealing with actual fallout, and punishing protests, and potentially midterm problems, over all of these anti-choice rulings and the way the states are trying to ban women`s rights. NAVARRO: The report I did, the three volume Navarro report on PeterNavarro,com, by the way, voting machines were like a footnote to a footnote. and because of heroes like you, i can do things now that were impossible before. ask your doctor about once-daily trelegy, and save at trelegy.com, tonight on "the reidout" -- >> if she gets to pick her judges, nothing you can do, folks. birds flyin' high, you know how i feel. What are you saying in both in the music and your advocacy? that's usually more about bribes and kick backs than coups and war crimes. several stories coming up, including calls for more transparency in memphis, and speaker mccarthy giving more power to mtg. January 6 Select Committee member Zoe Lofgren joins Ari Melber to talk about the January 6 Committee investigating the deleted Secret Service text messages from January 5th and 6th. We are so grateful. I like to see people like Tesla and Figaro, who I met on the Bernie Sanders campaign, we should be working for him. We`re going to get into that tonight in an important way. 45 seconds, andrew, his sobriety, i said respectfully, verges on apparent boredom, yet it works in court. And his case is instructive. Have a great weekend. Welcome to THE BEAT, everyone. i screened with cologuard and did it my way! >> the truth will be laid before this court in the coming weeks. one lawmaker who was visited spoke out today. he did not deserve this. your contribution will help improve the lives of children and families around the world and you'll receive updates on how your support is tackling the issues you care about most. the city of memphis said today for the first time they will release footage related to the footage once the probe ends. trelegy for copd. they mostly prosecute civil yanls. er is yes. After the president was told people were armed and after he got to execute what has now been proven his plan to trick law enforcement and the police into not knowing that there was a march plan, that he announced and wanted to be, quote-unquote, "look spontaneous" so they would be caught unaware. given giuliani's stance and the wider challenges for most prosecutors, who as i mention rarely go after their own, there was a question what would happen. i mean, it's -- yeah, i had. I saw a South Carolinian and Jim Clyburn go to a home of state in Ohio to make sure he sabotaged our political opponent of not his liking. MELBER: It`s a deal. OK, no longer, stand by, and don`t do anything up there. you see, son, with a little elbow grease, you can do just . for all of smith's unique experience in prosecuting heads of state or dealing with prosecutors like giuliani at the local level, he also has experience specifically in this area. try head & shoulders shampoo and conditioner. It`s something I want to share with you before the weekend. >> i agree with that, ari. criminal prosecutors have very high conviction rates. cold coming on? thank you, sir. call your doctor if worsened breathing, chest pain, mouth or tongue swelling, problems urinating, vison changes, or eye pain occur. FLANNERY: Yes, I think it is enough. if you believe children deserve a better tomorrow, start here. >> exactly. why do we need to get to that moment to address this issue? the record is actually the opposite. often times i go places and the first time i hear is, no, we don't have a corruption problem here. those are people out of government. -jamie? so again, it he really is the right person for the job, with as much experience as you can have for a very unique undertaking. you just singled them out, precisely because when they convince people, some confused people or otherwise of the lie, those people then believe that they are living under the illegitimate government, that they are the freedom fighters. you said it, flo. when somebody would cam in and say, you should hire me because i've never lost a criminal case -- if you have been a prosecutor for a very long time, that tends to suggest that you may not have brought the cases that you should have brought. they concern attempts to intimidate people into not telling this court what happened to them 20 years ago and attempts to obstruct the work of this institution at any cost. For more on exactly that, we bring in former U.S. attorney Joyce Vance and federal prosecutor John Flannery. So far as I`m aware, as of this moment, we haven`t received any of those documents. smith in 2011 led that indictment of john edwards. nah, i'm working on my six pack. i have been in that situation, so i'm quite sympathetic to that. i want to hear you say it out loud. ignoring their own weaponization of citizens against elected officials, against the electoral process, undermining the very fundamental value and principle, of what this country was founded on, the embodiment of the power given to the citizens by our founders to elect and be governed by those we elect. SHAUN KRAISMAN, HOST, NEWSMAX: There are minors that are victims of rape. that's one reason some jurisdictions in the unite, and you can count had up, have over years at a time, no charges for the officials or police who work there, no matter what they do. But I take your careful legal analysis as well. MELBER: The January 6th Committee has proven to be one of the more effective, constrained, sober, and bipartisan committee investigations in the modern era which has put a lot of pressure on Donald Trump. Well, here is and here`s what he said going into the testimony. we're going to lean in, take the facts and figure out what his record suggests about the work he's doing now, and we have rare footage of smith in action, footage that has not aired on american tv, so you're almost certainly going see it for the first time now. now we'll put you in office? he'll get seat on committees. The Comic Book Murder. he also gave george santos to committees. we'll stay on the story. if you have copd ask your doctor about breztri. But let`s play a little bit here from Run, and what you`re talking about, take a look. If you just refuse to show up, you`ll get prosecuted. i want to be clear and spell out the reason we hear about the hurdles. Now, what I just told you is a reported fact. (einstein) oh?! And what`s the committee going to do about it? as viewers can hear, you're closer to it than just about anyone. i've got a plan to which i'm sticking. MELBER: Put clearly. All three are very well-liked by MSNBC viewers. Sunday, January 15th TV listings for MSNBC USA. Is the inaction, which is going to be the two hours that are going to be the focus of the final primetime hearing, is the inaction itself criminal evidence or is it not enough? He was one of the first people to jump on my black bank account -- my bank -- black campaign. and then i think the edwards case and mcdonald are -- it's so hard to generalize from those, matters, and what i mean by that, mcdonald is a case, where when it got to the supreme court, the supreme court changed the law. So, we need to congratulate that and we need to focus in and make that light of laser. IE 11 is not supported. now cell phone users have priority over us. before we dive into all that i, want to share some of the key points we have discovered as we reported out this story for you tonight, and it may prove relevant to how smith approaches the insurrection and trump case, which again has a big, big decision which is rarely made in american court or law, which is whether or not to indict a former president. After Wagner, Lawrence O'Donnell takes over at 10 p.m. and Stephanie Ruhle at 11. (einstein) i'm switching! and that's because the feds came in with an independent tough prosecutor who apparently had no fear in face of giuliani and the largest police force in the nation and all the other pressure at play for any young lawyer who might be thinking at. so this is all leading to a cataclysmic point. (cecily) what's up, einstein? New spotlight on deleted text messages by the Secret Service, as new witnesses backing up account of Trump altercation with agents. the point is, so many people minimized the damage of the election lies. he went on to develop an expertise in the hard cases that other lawyers sometimes duck. it's not a what if or a when, it's here repeatedly. smith explaining that fair prosecutions for obstruction. MIKE: It`s good to be here with the fellow hip-hopper, although you`re very well dressed and I`m going to Run the Jewels T-shirt. they brought campaign finance charges, accusing edwards of using doe neighs to conceal his mistress from voters. many you don't end up charging but they know you have been probe them. So, shout out to Greenwood for that. less sick days! MELBER: Well, Run The Jewels shirt is that`s the right thing to start with. There was a statement made by the Secret Service last night, saying that although there was some text lost, that none of the text had been asked for from the 5th and 6th had been lost. (einstein) i got what i paid for. smith determined he was, in his view, dealing a war criminal who could possibly convince trump to do a favor for a war criminal. there are strong passions headed towards him either way. He would also face jail time if convicted. you're sharing it. Follow Ari on Twitter, Instagram and Facebook. >> absolutely. it's one pill, once a day, that's effective without topical steroids. He did make waves by really backing down from his public stance that your committee was illegitimate and saying that he didn`t want to try to cooperate in some way. >> that hand gesture, by the way, is the most a motive we saw him in any footage, including at the hague, although technically he wasn't in court sock you might get more energy when he's in court in prosecutor mode. he ran the doj's department of public integrity, which deals with corruption. Ari Naftali Melber (born March 31, 1980) is an American attorney and journalist who is the chief legal correspondent for MSNBC and host of The Beat with Ari Melber.. i can play basketball. Happy to do it. oh i can't hear you you're froze-- ladies, please! when the facts suggest they have to turn and investigate their own -- government leaders, their own bosses, the police who are their government teammates in investigations -- that is harder. hold up - yeeerp? LISTEN. But it`s clear that we`re learning a lot from this committee. and for a limited time, when you make a $10 monthly donation, you'll also receive a free tote bag to share your support for children in need. >> my staff raised concerns when he had a staff member who impersonated by chief of staff, and that individual was let go when mr. santos found out about it. tell your doctor if you have a heart condition or high blood pressure before taking it. woo! We`ve had from the ground up, not the top down. Meanwhile, growing questions about the role in this coup. 03:00 am. now, edwards fought that, and despite not being a very sympathetic person at the time -- certainly not someone who was going to rebound in politics at the time -- interestingly, he won. Start organizing on her behalf. Unless we`re like that anonymous Secret Service guy who`s more interested in (INAUDIBLE) than he is at getting at the truth. we'll be right back. and your marriage survived that? MELBER: Yes, John. tv The Beat With Ari Melber MSNBC January 17, 2023 3:00pm . >> he was mistakenly accused of being involved in a bar fight. breeze driftin' on [coughing] by, you know how i feel. We reported on that, and from other people who started attacking her for this, quote-unquote, "hearsay" thing. MSNBC Chief Legal Correspondent, Host of 'The Beat with Ari Melber'. breztri won't replace a rescue inhaler for sudden breathing problems. So yes, we have a man who probably destroyed records, took them home to Mar-a-Lago, withheld the details, he should be called as a witness, I don`t prescribe to the committee what to do but --. We`re going back to the West Wing. He is legally presumed innocent. MIKE: Well, what I`m seeing in the music is what they`ve said to me, Mike, it doesn`t matter that you`re not perfect. from Cornell Law School and is a member of the New York Bar. i love it's that hesitation in the beginning like, uh, i don't know what you're referring to. That full species of crime is on the table based on this information. ask your doctor about entresto. now, a failed republican politician in new mexico is accused of a raging violent attack on the homes of four elected officials. Now, I think that in my particular -- in my community in particular, there are certain things that we could do, that we could press for, I think we could press for a black agenda. >> very different historical context, but interesting to see smith again deal with the world that we actually live in. What I`d like to see is money that we put into bulletproof vests and guns, going to the Police Athletic League, and to start a foster relationship between the police and the community. Or see this Q.R. So I would credit it as an important hypothesis to test, but it does fit other desperation incidents by the president, former President Trump. MELBER: She said that at the last hearing. for best results, use with every wash. this has been medifacts for head & shoulders. You know, folks like Sidney Powell, the kraken lawyer, and they`re advocating that the president should sign an executive order that would essentially allow folks to seize voting machines. There are still things we don`t know and there are still things that subpoena-backed investigators will find out that journalists only have pieces of, that`s just how it works. trelegy won't replace a rescue inhaler for sudden breathing problems. CIPOLLONE: Would that have been possible? Look, if he hasn`t been in touch with the FBI already, I think he can expect a phone call because all kidding aside, this meeting that he participated in is one of the most frightening points of this entire affair. >> let me jump in with a point and a question. Killer Mike has a new song out and he`s talking about how to locally organize what he says the next generation is doing already. on January 17, 2023, thank you so much for letting us into your homes during these extraordinary times. Of an alleged plot to do about it think we need a special counsel jack smith steeped. Ruhle at 11 he said going into the testimony Cheney was very clear in trying get... I love it 's -- yeah, i think we need to congratulate that and we re., take a look from the ground up, you know how i feel 's repeatedly! This all becomes politics here repeatedly: Yes, i can do things now that msnbc schedule changes ari melber impossible.... And do n't want to use the criminal law for a gray area are you saying both... To address this issue reporter: this is already a tragedy, well, here is here. 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