The hot spell in Iraq could significantly slow activities involving heavy labor under military rules. (122.0F) on July 4 ties the all-time record for this major city in Iraq. The daily range of reported temperatures (gray bars) and 24-hour highs (red ticks) and lows (blue ticks), placed over the daily average high (faint red line) and low (faint blue line) temperature, with 25th to 75th and 10th to 90th percentile bands. Heat index takes into account the humidity, environment and type of work being performed. The black lines are lines of constant solar elevation (the angle of the sun above the horizon, in degrees). N On 22 July 2016, the hottest temperature in Iraq was recorded in the town of Basra at 53.9 C (129.0 F), which makes Iraq one of the hottest countries on Earth. A disputed record temperature of 42.9C (109.2F) was measured on 24 July 2019 in, On 16 January 1889, a temperature of 53C (128F) was recorded at, According to Christopher Burt, South America's hottest reliably measured temperature is 47.3C (117.1F) at. Email. [6] The theoretical maximum possible ground surface temperature has been estimated to be between 90 and 100C (194 and 212F) for dry, darkish soils of low thermal conductivity. The fact that it is not official is little comfort. We recognize our responsibility to use data and technology for good. Over the course of the year, the temperature typically varies from 41F to 112F and is rarely below 33F or above 119F. The hourly reported humidity comfort level, categorized by dew point. In the Iraq war 2003, the five major countries, who participated were United States, Poland, Australia, Denmark and Britain. Expect maximum daytime temperatures to reach 43C with extreme heat and humidity. The cookie is used to store the user consent for the cookies in the category "Analytics". If you have questions or comments concerning the foreign climate data collections, or you need further assistance, please contact:, 301-713-2600 ext. If this is verified, it would be the Earth's hottest temperature on record, outside of Death Valley, California, and the hottest temperature recorded in the Eastern Hemisphere. In Erbil, Iraq, the average high-temperature declines considerably, from a moderately hot 28.9C (84F) in October, to an enjoyable 19.5C (67.1F). 2010-2023 World Weather & Climate InformationAll rights reserved. If you ask anyone who was there running missions OUTDOORS they will tell you the same. Copyright TWC Product and Technology LLC 2014, 2023. Incredible heat covers much of the Middle East. The information on this site is provided as is, without any assurances as to its accuracy or suitability for any purpose. The highest temperature ever recorded anywhere on earth is 134F in Death Valley, CA. The temperature never breaks 130 degrees, according to official climate records. It was regularly in the 110s, occasionally in the 120s, and NEVER in the 130s, let alone the 140s some outrageous people will tell you. It might just be me, but I find the analysis described in rejecting the record-setting reading to be fascinating. Time/General. Baghdad: Iraq's state-run Meteorological Department said on Saturday that it had registered the hottest day so far this year, with maximum temperatures hitting 53.9 degree Celsius in the . Nasiriyah, a city in south of Baghdad, recorded the countrys highest temperature of 49 Celsius (120.2 Fahrenheit) on Tuesday. With an average high-temperature of 44C (111.2F) and an average low-temperature of 26C (78.8F), July is the warmest month. After America invaded Iraq, it was discovered that Iraq did not have any weapons of mass destruction. Iraq - The highest temperature ever recorded: 53.9 C (129.0 F) . So, how hot does it really get in Iraq? D Nobody is trying to argue that people on service in Iraq arent regularly exposed to temperatures of 140F or even hotter, but that has no bearing on the record temperature, which has to be recorded under standard conditions. The hottest day clocked in at 45.3 . Many confuse heat index with official temperatures. Whole year UV Index table for Iraq Water Temperature in localities in Iraq Weather phenomena recorded in previous years in Iraq Long-term 30 day weather forecast for Iraq Iraq month-by-month travel guide to weather conditions and best times to visit. Please select a meteorological station. Official temperatures are measured by a highly accurate thermometer inside of a white louvered box that is elevated off the ground and set away from other structures. Indication of what types of reports were recorded during each hour. Hottest Month: July (84 F avg) Coldest Month: January (40 F avg) Wettest Month: February (3.39" avg) Windiest Month: June (6 mph avg) Annual precip. A 2007 Air Force Weather Agency report on Iraqs summer weather also marks the record at 124 degrees, with mean highs for July and August at 110 degrees. With a summer average high of around 110. My nephew recently returned from a six-month tour in Iraq. But even a perfectly functioning thermometer, if placed on a solid surface, is likely to deliver higher readings than one set up in an open, breezy area. You dont stay outside unless you cant avoid it. (Weather station: Baghdad, Iraq). Daily Temperatures can be very hot; on some days temperatures can reach easily 45C or more, especially in the Iraqi desert areas which causes a danger of heat exhaustion. A massive ridge of high pressure aloft (bulge in the jet stream) was centered right over Iraq, Iran and Kuwait. The metal parts of the soldiers' weapons can get too hot to handle if exposed to the sun for too long. 129.2 degrees Fahrenheit In southern Iraq,where British troops are based, the heat is compounded by unbearable humidity. A reading of 35.5C (31.9F) in akovec on 3 February 1929 and 36.0C (32.8F) in Gospi were not measured under standard conditions and are not considered to be official record lows in Croatia. Information Technology I was in the Baghdad area on all 3 deployments. This is a typical statement coming from someone who spent time in Iraq, and is not all that untrue. [7], Satellite measurements of ground temperature taken between 2003 and 2009, taken with the MODIS infrared spectroradiometer on the Aqua satellite, found a maximum temperature of 70.7C (159.3F), which was recorded in 2005 in the Lut Desert, Iran. DST Changes. Another weather source, the Weather . The same goes for the nylon and cotton suits designed to protect against chemical or biological attack. Copyright 1994 - What happens to atoms during chemical reaction? In neighbouring Iraq, temperatures reached 51.6C (124.8F) on July 1, 2021, with Omidiyeh, Iran, not far behind with a maximum temperature of 51C (123.8F) recorded so far. Maximum average temperature was +91F in 2012 Zubayr. After years of devastation, it feels good to see Iraq celebrated internationally as the host of the Arabian Gulf Cup. Next, are also high-temperature locations that experienced above 50C temperatures. Time zones for airports and weather stations are provided by . . It is a shame that people will post something with nothing but a internet search backing there statement. See more current weather. The temperatures in these regions have the potential to exceed 50 C (122 F) during the hottest seasons. Weather. However, you may visit "Cookie Settings" to provide a controlled consent. With sizzling temperatures claiming more than 300 lives this month in India, officials said Friday they were banning daytime cooking in some parts of the drought-stricken country in a bid to prevent accidental fires that have killed nearly 80 more people. Temperatures skyrocketed across portions of Iraq, Iran and Kuwait early this week as a sizzling mass of air set up shop over the Middle East. This is the only area of Iraq which receives . A report predicts more 120-plus degree days to come. The medics insist on the black flag system: when the black flag is flying over the compound, that means no exercise, at all. And Iraq is always dry, so the heat index wont be much higher than the actual temperature. Christopher Burt and weather extremes expert Howard Rainford have challenged this temperature, but the Israeli Met Office concluded that the record is valid. Seriously, the highest recorded temperature on Earth, ever, was 134 in California. The former world record was 43.3C (110F) set on 5 July 1918, in Death Valley, California. A A. Scorching heat has put temperatures as high as 165 degrees in the Middle East, as a "heat dome" passes its way through the region. So while the little white louvered box may not read 140F, they sure are experiencing that type of heat. List of Meteorological Stations in Iraq. And it has felt as hot as 159 . [12] This is lower than a 1931 record of 55C (131F) recorded in Kebili, Tunisia[13] and is matched by a 1942 record of 54C (129F) from Tirat Zvi, Israel. The best way to describe the heat wave that hits you when getting off the plane is when you open the oven door to check on something baking and the wave of hot air hits your face drying out your eyes and making you squinted. A reading of 20.75C (69.35F) on Seymour Island station operated by the Brazilian Polar science research team on 9 February 2020 was invalidated by the World Meteorological Organization owing to the reading being conducted in non-standard conditions. Kuwait on Saturday recorded the highest temperatures in the world; reaching 52.2 degrees Celsius in the shadows and 63 degrees Celsius under direct sunlight, according to Al Qabas newspaper. All data relating to the Sun's position (e.g., sunrise and sunset) are computed using astronomical formulas from the book, Astronomical Algorithms 2nd Edition , by Jean Meeus. Past Weather in Baghdad, Iraq Yesterday and Last 2 Weeks. Some troops advancing toward Baghdad have been ordered to wear protective suits over their uniforms. Satellite measurements of ground temperature taken between 2003 and 2009, . The number of hours during which the Sun is visible (black line). . Tbilisi . ", "VIOOLSDRIF TEMPERATURE ON 28 NOVEMBER 2019", "Hottest Reliably Measured Air Temperatures on Earth: PART TWO", "WMO Region VII (Antarctic: all land/ice south of 60S): Highest Temperature", "WMO verifies one temperature record for Antarctic continent and rejects another", "WMO Evaluation of Two Extreme High Temperatures Occurring in February 2020 for the Antarctic Peninsula Region", "WMO Region VII (Antarctica mainland & adjoining islands): Highest Temperature", "WMO Region VII (Antarctica plateau>2500m): Highest Temperature", "Heat wave: South Pole hits record high temperature on Christmas Day", "Bangladesh records highest temperature 42.2-degree Celsius in last 14 years", "Temperature in Sheung Shui reaches 39C, HK Observatory increases maximum temperature forecast tomorrow to 36C", "Indian summer makes history, Phalodi in Rajasthan boils at 51C", Meteorology, Climatology, and Geophysical Agency of Indonesia (BMKG), "Cuaca Panas Masih 9 Hari, Ini Daftar Hari Terpanas di Indonesia", "Temperatures in Iranian city of Ahvaz hit 129.2F (54C), near hottest on Earth in modern measurements", "Two Middle East locations hit 129 degrees, hottest ever in Eastern Hemisphere, maybe the world", "Think you're hot? Annual Weather Averages Near Baghdad. Then why do so many people talk like 130-degree temperatures are a daily occurrence in Iraq? . So, depending on where its sitting, a surface thermometer can be off by more than 10 degrees. Temperature in Iraq averaged 22.18 celsius from 1901 until 2021, reaching an all time high of 24.35 celsius in 2010 and a record low of 20.68 celsius in 1911. Most assuredly, yes, but lets not exaggerate. [5] In recent years[when?] This makes Kuwait the hottest place on earth in 2021, surpassing the temperatures reached by its neighbors, such as Iraq and Iran, at 51 degrees. December 29 2004. Iraq: 53.9 C (129.0 F) Basra: 22 July 2016 Mali is the hottest country in the world, with an average yearly temperature of 83.89F (28.83C). R May 2011 Fao was the most clear, and according to our data the most precipitation fell in Iraq, in January 2011 in Mosul. The cool season lasts for 3.4 months, from November 23 to March 5, with an average daily high temperature below 71F. Iraq has a hot, dry climate characterized by long, hot, dry summers and short, cool winters. The nations of Kuwait and Iraq have presented us with the latter over the past couple of days, as extreme heat has placed a choke hold over parts of the Middle East. After reaching 128 degrees Fahrenheit on Thursday, Basrah, Iraq, eclipsed that temperature on Friday afternoon, with a recorded high of 129.2 degrees. document.getElementById("email_link").href = email; - Please bookmark this page (add it to your favorites), An instrument placed on sand or concrete will absorb heat from that surfaceobscuring (and inflating) the actual air temperature. Its bad. In contrast with these hot countries, the highest recorded temperature ever in the South . . The heat is being pumped into the region by a high pressure system building over Saudi Arabia and is likely to last until early next week, forecasters said, providing a foretaste of conditions when the hot season begins in June. Global Measured Extremes of Temperature and Precipitation. Download : Download high-res image (244KB) Download : Download full-size image. Of the 15 hottest places in the world in the past 24 hours, seven were in Iraq with the others in neighboring Kuwait, Saudi Arabia and Iran, El Dorado website said. 'Natural environment', Te Ara the Encyclopedia of New Zealand, updated 25-Sep-2007", "March 2018: Earth's 5th Warmest March on Record", "Environmental and Social Management Framework for the Samoa Agriculture Competitiveness Enhancement Project", "Continental Weather & Climate Extremes: Based on World Meteorological Organization Defined Regions", "Servicio Meteorlogico Nacional (Argentina)", "Brasil tem novo recorde histrico de calor", "En Bo Bo se registr temperatura mxima de la historia de Chile", "Quilln tuvo hoy la temperatura ms alta de la historia de Chile: 44.9 grados a la sombra", "Valores extremos histricos climatolgicos de la red de estaciones", "Ola de calor: Florida registr un rcord histrico de temperatura", "Weather and Climate Death Valley National Park", "The world's hottest rain fell in California, setting new world record", "A World Record Low Humidity? Roughly 90 percent of the annual rainfall occurs between November and April, most of it in the winter months from December through March. Z. var str = window.location.href; Is it easy to get an internship at Microsoft? 140-something fahrenheit has never happened, let alone on a regular basis like some people will tell you. Abu Dhabi (city) is always cooler by a few degrees, but since it is on the ocean, the humidity is much higher. They were afraid Iraq would use the nuclear weapons on other countries. Heat's effects are amplified for troops wearing body armor, which adds 5 to 10 degrees to the heat readings calculated by a unit's medical staff. If you continue to use this site we will assume that you are happy with it. I live in the desert south of Abu Dhabi and was here through most of the Summer last year. (AP Photo/ Anupam Nath, File), If Your Christmas Tree Makes You Sneeze, Follow These Holiday Tips, Snow Shoveler Helper or Hinderer, A Four Legged Friend, Sun Halo Spotted At Perfect Moment In New Zealand, Cold Or Flu? That makes us even happier. . The shaded overlays indicate night and civil twilight. The hourly reported cloud coverage, categorized by the percentage of the sky covered by clouds. The monthly average temperatures in Iraq range from higher than 48 degrees Celsius (120 Fahrenheit) in July and August to below zero in January. "50.5C W.A. As Lamar Mundane says, official temperature records are taken under specific controlled conditions. The climate is influenced by Iraqs location between the subtropical aridity of the Arabian desert areas and the subtropical humidity of the Persian Gulf. 53.8 C In 2003, the hottest temperature recorded on Earth was 157 F (69.3 C), in a barren area of desert shrublands in Queensland, Australia, around 62 miles (100 km) to the north of the town of Winton. Highest precipitation sum: 135.4 mm in Greater Copenhagen, 2 July 2011. Select a city to see its average temperature, precipitation and hours of sunshine over the year. The highest-known heat index 178 degrees (81 Celcius) was recorded in Dhahran, Saudi Arabia, on July 8, 2003. Weather Today Weather Hourly 14 Day Forecast Yesterday/Past Weather Climate (Averages) Currently: 56 F. Some of the main reasons that the United States went to war with Iraq was because of the belief that Saddam Hussein was harboring terrorists in Iraq and that he had in his possession weapons of mass destruction whether they were nuclear or gas bombs the United States had no idea. Which is the best romantic novel by an Indian author? Does it sometimes reach 115 or even approach 120, yes, but it has never been 130 or even close to it. I find it interesting how many people are quoting the internet and various other sources about how others are wrong. If were using personal experience of heat as a measure, Id say the civilian covered in white phosphorous has you beat. Iraq's southern province of Maysan recorded a new record of the highest temperature on Friday, reaching 55.6 degrees Celsius. The standard measuring conditions for temperature are in the air, 1.25 metres (4ft) to 2.00 metres (7ft) above the ground,[3] and shielded from direct sunlight intensity (hence the term x degrees "in the shade"). Thats tied with the highest temperature ever recorded in the country. Bird International Airport", "Confirmed: 2016 the Warmest Year in History of Global Recordkeeping", "At 4:20pm, Lytton Climate Station reported 49.5C, once again, breaking the daily and all-time temperature records for the 3rd straight day. It does not store any personal data. "Heat mainly just saps morale," Stahl says. And Iraq is always dry, so the heat index wont be much higher than the actual temperature. - If you wish to link to this page, you can do so by referring to the URL address below. K Conditions in much of southern Iraq will far exceed that level at least part of the time, forecasters say. And it's only the beginning of the summer in Iraq. Same goes for a thermometer nailed on the side of a building. In hot temperatures, the Army typically allots at least 6.5 gallons per person each day, including enough for a ''helmet bath.'' The heat also affects equipment and fuel stores, with much more . While having the tremendous advantages of temporal and spatial completeness, these reconstructions: (1) are based on computer models that may have model-based errors, (2) are coarsely sampled on a 50 km grid and are therefore unable to reconstruct the local variations of many microclimates, and (3) have particular difficulty with the weather in some coastal areas, especially small islands. 157. Take control of your data. MORE ON WEATHER.COM: Deadly India Heatwave 2016. Necessary cookies are absolutely essential for the website to function properly. Christopher C. Burt, a weather historian writing for Weather Underground, believes that the 1913 Death Valley reading is "a myth", and is at least 2.2 or 2.8C (4 or 5F) too high. A 2007 Air Force Weather Agency report on Iraqs summer weather also marks the record at 124 degrees, with mean highs for July and August at 110 degrees. Setup For Historic Heat. In the Iraq war 2003, the five major countries, who participated were United States, Poland, Australia, Denmark and Britain. Chris Griffin of the U.S. Marine Corps. "If I were a bad guy, I would expect this to be the least likely time for us to come out. By region, the hottest temperatures ever recorded are: Africa: 131 F (Tunisia, 1931) Asia: 129 F (Iran 2017) Europe: 119.8 F (Italy 2021) Antarctica 69.3 F (Seymour Island 2020) Extreme heat waves . Temperature reached on multiple occasions; this is the most recent. As a subscriber, you have 10 gift articles to give each month. Please review our full terms contained on our Terms of Service page. Roughly 90 percent of the annual rainfall occurs between November and April, most of it in the winter months from December through March. This part of the world is a very hot place during late July. The temperature never breaks 130 degrees, according to official climate records. There are minor ones, like daily records, and there are some that are literally mind-numbing. Because Iraq is predominantly made up of desert, the monthly average temperatures in Iraq range from higher than 48 degrees Celsius (120 Fahrenheit) in July and August to below freezing in January. There has been plenty of controversy surrounding this temperature, but as of today, it still stands. Each of these records is understood to be the record value officially observed, as these records may have been exceeded before modern weather instrumentation was invented, or in remote areas without an official weather station. Highest temperature: 35.9 C in Odense, 25 June 2006 and Abed, 20 July 2022. We further caution that our travel scores are only as good as the data that underpin them, that weather conditions at any given location and time are unpredictable and variable, and that the definition of the scores reflects a particular set of preferences that may not agree with those of any particular reader. "We've had some Marines that are borderline heat casualties. There may be some other areas in Iraq that get a little warmer than Baghdad, but it would only be by 2 or 3 degrees at most. A The week got off to a blazing start in Baghdad, Iraq, with a temperature reading of 50.6 C (123.1 F) on Monday. T Weather archive for Iraq, collected from 2009 to 2012. The shaded overlays indicate night and civil twilight. it would sometimes reach 127-130 which would happen a dozen times or so during the summer months of the deployment. The day, twilights (civil, nautical, and astronomical), and night are indicated by the color bands from yellow to gray. The temperatures might drop to a mere 110 in the evening. Hot, dry desert winds can be very strong sometimes, and can cause violent sandstorms. The Lut Desert was also found to have the highest maximum temperature in five of the seven years measured (2004, 2005, 2006, 2007 and 2009). Temperatures measured directly on the ground may exceed air temperatures by 30 to 50C (54 to 90F). Please select a meteorological station. The current pattern in the upper atmosphere is conducive to even more heat. Even that is suspect as it was recorded in 1913. Knowing how hot it is somehow makes you feel even hotter. Advertisement cookies are used to provide visitors with relevant ads and marketing campaigns. The transitions to and from daylight saving time are indicated by the 'DST' labels. Obviously the people that are posting that it rarely gets above 120 degrees in Iraq have never been there. Under Defense Department rules, work shifts must be significantly curtailed when the wet-bulb temperature passes 88 degrees. The hottest recorded temperature ever on earth was in Libya on September 13, 1922, which was 58 C. From bottom to top, the black lines are the previous solar midnight, sunrise, solar noon, sunset, and the next solar midnight. This part of south central Iraq, populated by Shiites, has been relatively stable and the Marines seem to be well liked by the people . Regional authorities reported the reading, which needs to be verified by the . According to reports from the area, the temperature reached 51.7 C (125 F) in the afternoon, surpassing the all-time record high temperature of 51.2 C (124 F) for the city . After three weeks of unusually cool weather, a sustained heat wave is building in Iraq, forecasters say, and that could force cutbacks in military operations. If multiple reports are present, the most severe code is shown. These cookies will be stored in your browser only with your consent. and the world has a duty to help these people. The hourly reported wind speed, color coded into bands according to the Beaufort scale. This map shows where the core of high pressure was located. On Thursday, the southern Iranian city of Ahvaz hit a staggering 128.7 or 129.2 degrees Fahrenheit, according to two separate meteorological readings, and the "real heat" index reached 142 degrees because of humidity. BAGHDAD - Iraq's state-run Meteorological Department says it has registered the record hottest day so far this year, with maximum temperatures hitting 53.9 degrees Celsius (129.02 . In Baghdad, July and August mean daily temperatures are about 95 F (35 C), and summer temperatures of 123 F (51 C) have been recorded. In Iraq, it is usual to have about 3.9 degrees more at 13.7 C for this three-month period. The heat affects equipment, too. The invasion phase began on 19 March 2003 (air) and 20 March 2003 (ground) and lasted just over one month, [23] including 26 days of major combat operations, in which a combined force of troops from the United States, the . 9th August 2022 in Healthcare, Iraq Industry & Trade News. Highest wind gust: 194.4 km/h in Als, 28 October 2013. In . Griffin spoke to ABCNEWS in the relative cool of the evening, it read 124 degrees. Get the Iraq weather forecast including weather radar and current conditions in Iraq across major cities. Soldiers and travelers often measure the temperature with personal thermometers, which tend to give inaccurate readings. The hourly observed weather, color coded by category (in order of severity). Iraq timeline: February 1 2004 to December 31 2004. The combination of rain shortage and extreme heat makes much of Iraq a desert where mean annual rainfall for the country ranges around 133.0 mm (5.24 in). [14] 2016 and 2017 readings in Kuwait and Iran have also matched the 2013 Death Valley record, while readings in 2020 and 2021 also at Furnace Creek went even higher, up to 54.4C (129.9F/130F), however, they have not yet been validated by WMO. With his communications equipment, he's carrying even more weight than his buddies. The number of reports per month over the entire history of this station. The photo shows a maximum of 129.2F was reached, tying it with the 129.2F reading at Mitribah, Kuwait, on July 21, 2016, for the highest reliably measured temperature on Earth, according to . Ask the Explainer. ", "World's greatest 1-minute Precipitation Record", "Avaliao da Precipitao Extrema na Ilha da Madeira", "Extreme Weather: World-Record Rainfalls During Tropical Cyclone Gamede", "Where It Rained for 331 Days in a Row in the U.S.", "World record? ", "Time to Update World's Driest and Wettest Locations? The coldest winter (January to March) was in 1949 with an average temperature of 9.7 C. Nine Ways To Tell The Difference. According to Dr. Jeff Masters and historian Christopher Burt of, Thursday, July 21 was a historic day in weather history, as the temperature in Mitribah, Kuwait, soared to an eye-popping 129.2 degrees Fahrenheit(54 degrees Celsius). The hottest time of year in Baghdad, Iraq is normally August. People can become dangerously dehydrated in the desert without knowing it, partly because thirst does not develop until the body is below its ideal hydration threshold, according to military field manuals. In this Tuesday, March 31, 2015 file photo, an elderly Indian woman cooks using firewood at her home at Gobhali village on the outskirts of Gauhati, India. In general, a solid object absorbs more heat than an equivalent volume of air and can rise to a higher temperature given the same amount of sunlight. The Italian island of Sicily may have registered the hottest temperature ever recorded in Europe - 48.8C (119.8F). The hottest conditions in the next four days will probably occur halfway between Baghdad and Basra, said meteorologists at a private forecasting company, Iraq. E This temperature is considered the lowest ever officially recorded in Antarctica and in the World, as it was perceived by ground-positioned thermometers in 1983. If you are standing on black top and its 130 degrees its 130 fucking degrees where you are standing. Im willing to grant people who report 130s and 140s temperatures arent lying, but I spent two summers there, with a fair amount of time spent outdoors in the sun, and never saw a thermometer, informally or not, report anything higher than the low 120s. In hot temperatures, the Army typically allots at least 6.5 gallons per person each day, including enough for a ''helmet bath.''. How does the weatherman / lady quoting the heat index for the day know what type of work Ill be performing? Analytical cookies are used to understand how visitors interact with the website. 1988 . . heat wave shatters Canadian record for highest temperature ever recorded", "Literally hotter than the Sahara: How Western Canada became one of the hottest corners of the globe", "State of the Global Climate 2021 WMO Provisional report", "Greenland witnessed its highest June temperature ever recorded on Thursday", "More record lows since 1937 than record highs", "Datos metorologicos de los departamentos", "Early Summer Heat Broils Northern Hemisphere", "Extreme temperature scenarios in Mexicali, Mexico under climate change conditions". Expect this to be fascinating indication of what types of reports were recorded during each hour visitors interact with highest! Is influenced by Iraqs location between the subtropical humidity of the Arabian areas... 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