Kathy x, Enjoy your retirement, I retired a year ago and life even in lockdown has been great so much time to do things you love x, Hi Rose I,ll miss your lovely smiling face but wish you all the best for the future. It was a difficult goodbye for the 51-year-old, whose bubbly personality and love of all things cooking, baking, and home dcor made her an instant fan favorite. One of the United States' most celebrated entrepreneurs was just implicated in a major scandal that may very well tarnish her legacy forever: Lori Greiner was arrested by the FBI after attempting to sell 500 kilograms of heroin live on QVC. We can all relate to you. I have followed your career on tv all the way back to the 80s. It was all rather surprising. 12:11 PM I am sure you will be missed by not only your colleagues but by the many viewers who have watched you over the years. Jane's husband has worked in the electronic retail industry for over three decades. Olley Andy are in Devon in our motorhome at the moment its pouring with rain and blowing a Gale outside but were cosy inside. boffy. (1) Available for 3 Easy Payments. Your genuine smile has brightened many a morning, and your presenting style is so natural. So, Yes Slinky Brand is Leaving HSN. As others have said you come across as a warm caring person and I can vouch for that.Some years back when QVC was in Battersea I was invited to attend an event bringing my daughter along as a guest. I will miss your blogs but do hope you have a healthy retirement so you can spend time with your lovely family. Save my name, email, and website in this browser for the next time I comment. X. Oh Kathy so sorry u will be leaving QVC in May. Policies & Information. You will be missed Will miss your smiling face on screen. "As Is" Breezies Diamond Jacquard Underwire Bra. I love your Morning Style hours you were always honest and explained really well the quality and features of the items. Please don't have a package get lost or stolen watch what they put you through. Have a wonderful and long retirement, youve earned it. Thank you for entertaining us in your shows for the past 21 years! Enjoy your wedding, shame we wont get to see your photos. Kathy, I just felt I had to put fingers to keyboard to wish you a long and happy retirement with Olley and the rest of your family. Lovely Kathy, Id like to wish you a very happy retirement and to say how much Ive enjoyed seeing you on our TV screens over the years. Options. And my very last appearance on air will be with Simon for the Morning Show on May 6th. I shall miss you on the Morning Show and, of course, your signature show, Morning Style and your blogs which were always interesting. I was on my honeymoon and we had arrived at our overnight stay at a game park in Tanzania. I as well as many of the QVC viewers are going to miss your smile. Im so glad I helped answer your questions after all, that was my job. Its incredible to think that I began working at QVC the month before Billy started school and the month after I finish at QVC, he will be married! I had worked for Anglian Water for nearly 30 years. I have appreciated all the advice over the years. Muscle Testing Workshop; Take care and enjoy your retirement Kath so well deserved you cant be replaced on Kathys style that show is you bye Kathy. Stay safe. Thanks for being such a loyal QVC customer for so long, and for your good wishes. Most likely she will write a book which may be popular in certain circles. Best wishes Kathy x, Thanks, Lyn, for being a loyal viewer for so many years! Kathy x, Kathy we will definitely miss you wishing a Happy retirement. Thank you for watching me and QVC for so long, Im so glad I made you smile. Love from Brigit xxx, You do right to retire Lovely family enjoy your life Life is to short Suffering with Corona will I guess let you know that Good luck in all you do Kathy You will be missed at QVC, Sorry to see you go Kathy been with you all the way on qvc been with qvc from first show hope you have a lovely retirement and enjoy your time with your family big hugs you take care Godbless Eileen , Kathy, watching you just now on your last style show, looking amazing as always doll, Love Sue Radford x, Oh Kathy, I am so sad to see you go. She said out load, that Slinky Brand is on Clearance because they are Leaving HSN and will not be back. I remembered you joining QVC!! Enjoy every minute and see as much as you can. Dont forget to pop back in to Qvc & give us all a hello & a smile, which you do all the time anyway. Love Molly Dawson Xx, Good luck in the next chapter of your life Kathy and thank you for brightening our days. Sending love xx, Good luck Kathy for the future and on your adventures with hubby in your motor home. On November 11, 1989, the pair married. I have just read today that you are leaving. Wishing you the happiest of retirements, Kathy! Maybe one of the upsides of Covid will be that some people will be able to stay stopped. I eventually got better and had the most wonderful opportunities to try so many different things. 1995-2022 QVC, Inc. All rights reserved. Please do keep in touch when you can. Youve been amazing on QVC one of the girls, as normal as the rest of us and natural. You will be greatly missed x. Kathy you will be sorely missed. $17.50 $34.50. I take my hat off to you your one exceptional person who has lived life to the full. But after all that Kathy I would like to wish you, Ollie and your family all the Sad to see your lovely smiling face go. 02.13.20 9:47 PM. I have watched you throughout you tv career and before. Enjoy particularly the wedding! Thank you for your lovely shows it was like watching Time to retire and enjoy yourself. Enjoy your family time and future travels. I have watched you from your first day at QVC and will miss your cheery face and professionalism. brands leaving qvc. Theres so much to look forward to. I've lost track of the growing list of brands that are now appearing on both channels I think the big ones so far are: Dooney Judith Ripka KitchenAid MyPillow Tweak-d by Nature (awesome stuff by former Ojon founder/owner) HSN | QVC The latest is IT Cosmetics ( QVC | HSN) At this point, why don't they just rename HSN + HSN2 to QVC 3 and QVC4? I really relate to you fashion sense.and will really miss morning style. Wishing you well in your new ventures, thanks for your time at Qvc. Good luck for the future. You will be missed greatly on QVC you are one of my favourite presenters your sunny personality shines brightly always. Im always happy when someone remembers me when I was an athlete you must be almost as old as me! Saying goodbye to QVC with my final fashion choices. Heres to the next chapter in all our lives x x x. What a fascinating blog! Antonella Nester, Gabrielle Kerr, Stacey Stauffer, and Kristine Zell announced their departures soon after a programming change at QVC. So sorry to see you go, this is the first time I have ever made a comment but just wanted to say you will be missed. I was surprised to hear that youve decided to hang up your microphone at QVC, however, I wish you all the very best in your new chapter and spending more time with your family. Wishing you love, peace and joy. Sean Treacy is Treacy's husband. I usually end up turning on QVC and HSN when there's nothing else on and it's like turning on an old friend not anymore I'm going to miss . So enjoy yours especially the two wonderful grandchildren, they grow up so quickly! I hope you enjoy very many happy, healthy, liberating times at home and abroad. Same with the Beekman's. They started with QVC then went to Evine then to HSN/QVC. Love RITA XXXXXX. Ali Keenan and I try to walk together regularly but its never often enough or for long enough to complete all we want to say to each other! You have had a wonderful life, lots of adventures and lovely places to visit. Much appreciated and you wont be easily replaced. Kathy x, I hate to say it..but I dont love the new QVC Presenters (and I know I never will), as much I do the original bunch. I had no idea X, Hi Viv I can honestly say I havent seen your morning show, Im a night owl. Wishing you all the best for the future. QVC, which has now expanded with another network, QVC2, uses DeAngelis as both a regular shopping host and also as a host of her own segment. 2022 QVC UK, Inc. All rights Reserved. Have fun!!! We are blessed with 2 grandsons and 2 grand miniature daschunds. Updated Dec 6, 2022 at 5:06pm Getty Lisa Rinna in 2020 In a June 24, 2020, Instagram story, Real Housewives of Beverly Hills star Lisa Rinna wrote that she was being "muzzled" by QVC due to her. All the best to you What shall I do? I didnt write a blog at the beginning as there was no social media and the range and quality of what we bring you on air and the number and expertise of our guests have improved hugely. Ill try not to look back over my shoulder too often as I move into the next phase of my life but as Olley and I head off into the sunset together, therell always be a special place in my heart for QVC. She made the decision to leave to pursue the second act of her life. Dear Kathy, Graham x, What a wonderful life you have had. Enjoy your retirement. x. Wishing you a long, happy, healthy retirement. I remember you starting and have loved watching you over the years. So sad to hear you are leaving us. Just think you can go anywhere in your Motorhome and spend quality time with your family. God Bless them and Good Luck. Thank you for being a part of the QVC family and experience that has sustained me for so long. Kathy, Hi Eileen Will miss you but am thrilled to hear that Morning Style lives on! We love to travel and enjoy touring the UK and Europe in our motorhome were also lucky enough to have had a house in Corfu for the last 20 years. But not any more, Im already in Devon with Olley enjoying my new freedom! I started on Good Morning Britain sitting beside the lovely Mike Morris and moved to present AfterNine before the birth of our first child Rebecca in the summer of 1991. Community Guidelines; Pricing & Retail Values; Online Closed Captioning; Product Recall Info; Additional . The weather doesnt always stop you enjoying yourself, does it. , Enjoy the rest of your lovely life ,,prob having COVID also made the decision to leave QVC easier .Recovery tho is wonderful .Have a lovely time home and abroad x, Thank you Kathy for being a breathe of fresh air on QVC, you feel like our best friend and are so genuine and natural. & most of all your time with your lovely Family. Travelling on your holiday programme. Antonella Nester, a lady that radiates good vibes, only turned her love for QVC and shopping into a career. It is wonderful that she has chosen to fit her missionary service into her busy work schedule. It's possible that the bankruptcy of the firm that owns the Laura Geller brand is to blame for this situation. Oh my gosh, I cant believe u are leaving after all this time. Take care x, Good luck with your next adventure . Good luck and take care. Your family will benefit enormously having you to themselves. Learn their stories, discover great products & shop now. You certainly have had the most amazing career and adventures. Wishing you sunshine, smiles and happiness always. What a lovely day we all had at the Salon Prive event. X, So sorry to hear you are leaving, it always been lovely to watch you as a fan and customer of QVC and so sad . Take care Kathy always Love Kate xxx, Good Luck Kathy , Have a lovely retirement , Congratulations on your retirement Kathy well earned watched you for all of your career at qvc and before hope you and ollie and your family have many years of Happy adventures together you will be missed bon voyage take care xx. xxxx, Oh kathy you have had such a lot of amazing life experiences and now for even more. There seems to be so much change recently at QVC. You will be missed. That's how poorly I think of them. Hi Kathy. In many ways, it doesnt feel anywhere near as long as twenty-one years since I started. Karen. 12:13 PM Well this certainly is the end of an era Kathy. What to expect; First visit; FAQ; Our Practice; Why? Best wishes, Wishing you good health and happiness in the next phase of your life. Evine ranks number 9! Jonathan and Drew love QVC, but finding the time and flexibility to be on air frequently is really difficult with all of their other commitments. I hope you enjoy retirement and that this is the beginning of your next adventure : ). Oh Kathy I am so sad and sorry to see you go!!! So sad to hear your leaving qvc.Just loved watching you .Your such an inspiration Have a lovely retirement. Elise wrote, "After 6.5 years at QVC, it's time to say farewell. X. Oh Cathy so sad to hear your leaving after all these years. Take care All the best to you too 12-24-2022 12:12 PM. I'm not talking about the networks who specialize in jewelry only. Billy, our youngest, is to marry the love of his life, Mel, on the second of June. It's a personal decision for her family and as for how she'll be replaced on the Q will be interesting. Take care Good luck in your new venture, love to you all xx, Hello Kathy, Ive just seen you on QVC with Simon. In regular or petite lengths and with a sheer-sleeved jacket in Chiffon Denim available to layer on top, its going to be hard not to go for it in a couple of colours! Take care Your email address will not be published. I'm assuming the children will go to school in Mexico during this time or get home schooled? I want to wish you all the best for your future, it sounds very exciting and as you say family is the most important part of our lives. Ive loved your Wednesday shows. Youll certainly be missed by members and co workers alike. Maybe that's why the kitchen sidekicks have been given more regular programmiing. Youll be missed & fondly remembered but its now time for you & your hubby. So, what happened? Will miss you greatly on QVC . It has been a great pleasure watching all of your presentations. I can remember your sporting achievements as well yes I am that old! Take care xx, What a shame you are going but if you want to be with your family that is so important. So sorry that you are leaving qvc but wish you a long and happy retirement. Thanks for your kind comments- Ive never been an airy fairy type! Ive been with QVC practically from the start & also remember you as an athlete. I watched Stopwatch every week, I remember Emlyn Hughes as I wrote a few penpal letters to him. Most likely she will write a book which may be popular in certain circles. Thank you for all the years of being part of the QVC family, 24 Elise Ivy. Lots of love for a fantastic future. Dear Kathy, wishing you all of lifes good things, and a long and happy retirement. Best, SheMag. I along with many others will miss your sunny & warm presence & your wonderful style programme, Enjoy family time & I wish you the best of times, Well you have certainly achieved a lot over the years x its time to reflect and make the most of life and family x Im sure u and hubby will have a ball and mot having to think about duties of work enjoy every moment of your extended family time is precious and memories too x have a fab day at the wedding x enjoy all the lovely holidays together x take care x stay safe x lots of warm wishes and love to u all xx , Enjoy your retirement Kathy you have been a joy to watch over the years. My final Morning Style will be at 10am on May 5th when Ill be joined by the new regular presenter and I can assure you the show will be in the best of hands. 12-24-2022 I look forward to watching you today and tomorrow. I hope you will enjoy your well deserved retirement. Jean wust. I have so many memories to cherish. ENJOY all you do in the future.x. X. Oh Kathy, what a lovely blog but Im so sad to hear that you are leaving. Take care. I didnt know this site existed until today and I have been with QVC UK virtually from the beginning. Good Luck for the future. wonderful. Hope you relax a lot and enjoy your retirement. Your beautiful face lights up the screen and you will be so missed. Thanks for watching QVC from the start youre truly one of the big family! Gary Champion President, Clarks Americas Inc. "I think they will keep HSN and QVC separate. I envy you your house in Corfu. But opting out of some of these cookies may have an effect on your browsing experience. You will be sadly missed but enjoy your time with your family lots of good times ahead, So sorry to hear you are leaving but wish you much happiness in your journey ahead with you husband and lovely family.Since lockdown i have watched Morning style every week-so many ideas and fashion details i have learnt from you.You will certainly be missed.Every luck for the future and enjoy those grandchildren-they grow up so quickly Hope all goes well for your Sons wedding. You have certainly achieved so much in your life and you should be very proud of yourself. Sorry you are leaving I really enjoy your Morning Style shows but good luck in your new adventures.xx, Sorry to hear you will no longer be on QVC but very happy for you on your retirement. - edited I will miss you so much. by David M. Feb 6, 2021. Takes a special person to do this esp with a family. Mizrahi, Basso, Mackie and Ripka are still on QVC, but gone are such popular brands such as Oryany, Mark Zunino, Rachel Zoe, and Marc Bower (now on Evine, another shopping network). poem about the importance of your name . Take care much love Karen xx, Wow Kathy you have had a fantastic career now its time to move on to a new chapter Enjoy stay safe, I will miss your lovely cheerful smilexxx, So sorry your leaving, morning style wont be the same x The very best to you all. Kathy x, Ive enjoyed watching you on tv kathy, back in gmtv Monday 9pm and all-day Tuesday will feature one of my favourite footwear brands Vionic as our Todays Special Value, with an adjustable slider sandal in a choice of four versatile snake effect colours (the product number is 189087). Hope everything goes well for your Sons Wedding! Home Shopping Online Shopping Websites QVC 3.5/5 (501 ratings) Are. I have enjoyed seeing you on QVC and remember you in your life before. It is nice that she and her family have the means to take three months off to follow their dreams. Thankyou for your wonderful shows. Take care and all the best brands leaving qvc. Enjoy your retirement Kathy I will miss you on Morning Style . Miceal Murphy As of 2022, he is around 50 years old. Thanks for just being you x, Lovely words, Jennifer, thank you. Will miss you x, Very sad to hear that you are leaving QVC Kathy. Take care Quite remarkably, you answered all the questions on an item that I had in my mind!! We enjoyed a break together in Ross on Wye. Im sure their will be a few tears, and a few laughs along the way of your memories at QVC Kay Powell Ive grown up with you in my life. Enjoy your retirement. Your happy, honest and down to earth character shines through. Kathy x, Kathy, you will be missed on QVC and watching your Morning Style shows over the years has got me to wear colour so a big thank you. It now has channels in the UK, Germany, Japan, and Italy in addition to a partnership with China National Radio called CNR Mall in China. All the best, love and happiness in your new chapter x With not going out I treat the people on QVC as my family. You are always genuine, honest and friendly With my best wishes for a long and happy and healthy retirementHazel xx, , I watched QVC for for 20+years Ive always loved your down to earth presenting and will miss the sound of a recognisable voice in the background as I am doing my chores round the house. So, once again, I wish you all the best for the future. Its such a big decision, isnt it? Im hoping to do something completely different for a few hours per week, however, at the moment, Im keeping busy in the garden, having a major clear out in the house and looking after one of my granddaughters on a Friday. You have been my favourite presenter & I will miss seeing you very much. Kay Powell, Sorry you are leaving kathy always enjoyed your spot on qvc wont be the same best wishes what ever you do x, Hi Kay Now there are new goals to achieve at a more leisurely and enjoyable pace. Sorry to not be seeing you on QVC, but wish you a very happy retirement and all your new adventures. Now enjoy the time with your family. I feel like l know you. Ive also enjoyed helping to develop Morning Style and Ive learned so much from our expert fashion stylist guests. You have been a joy to watch, professional, beautiful and a true lovely person. 12-24-2022 Sending you hugs on your new journey. Have lots of fun. I wish you all the best for the future and plenty of happy days travelling in your van. | QVC, Q and the Q logo are registered service marks of ER Marks, Inc. 888-345-5788. You will be greatly missed. It is nice that she and her family have the means to take three months off to follow their dreams. Happy retirement Kathy with lots of love and the very best of good wishes for you and your family.. Breezies Underwire Seamless T-Shirt Bra w/ Lace Trim $41.12 $44.25 Available for 3 Easy Payments Best Seller Breezies Set of 4 Nylon Microfiber Brief Panty $35.07 $38.58 (242) Available for 3 Easy Payments More Colors Available Best Seller Breezies Wild Rose Seamless Wirefree Support Bra $40.95 (514) Available for 3 Easy Payments She also wrote to you and you graciously write back admiring her handwriting and sending photos of presenters. I cant quite believe that Zoe is three already, and Eliora has just turned one year old! Many of the faces that welcomed me then are still with us now Julia, Jilly and Anne, Dale and Charlie were all presenting already and many behind the scenes then are still there now too. The veteran host announced she is saying farewell to the TV shopping giant on April 21. We still have that letter . The best is yet to come. Our family was complete in 1995 when Billy was born, and as he approached school age I had an interview at QVC and got the job! Dear Kathy, thank you for being honest with us viewers. You got it just right. but you will be missed!! 12:16 PM. She is best known for her wide smile and friendly personality that keeps the audience hooked to their television screens. Olley and I are already away in our motorhome, something we plan to do much more of. Read More . Be it the Holiday programme, After Nine on TVam and now QVC. I've known folks to do this type of work that didn't have any funds. All the best to you I retired last May at 60 and have not looked back and have no regrets!! We also use third-party cookies that help us analyze and understand how you use this website. You also have the option to opt-out of these cookies. Its always been a pleasure seeing you on my TV Kathy, I cant remember a time when you werent there. Clark goes on to accuse the Mysterious . From your blog youve had an amazing life and done things that many of us will never get to do but now its time to relax, well as best as you can, your plans sounds very exciting. Dearest Kathy, I will miss your cheerful, happy presence on QVC. Best wishes to you in all that you do in the future. Wishing her and the family the best. Out of these cookies, the cookies that are categorized as necessary are stored on your browser as they are essential for the working of basic functionalities of the website. It makes me very happy to think that we may have helped you find your style and enjoy fashion thats exactly what Morning Style is all about, thank you! Best wishes for your future with your lovely family. Our broadcast networks, streaming services, websites, mobile apps, and social pages bring together millions of shoppers, offering them many ways to discover, learn about, share, and purchase your product. Three Host Leaving Skingirl13 06.28.19 8:40 PM Robin Wall, Connie Craig and Brett Chukerman are all slated to leave HSN. Have a wonderful life with Olley and your children in the future. Some brands are like that. That really was the catalyst for a lifetime spent in the media rather than a science laboratory! Thank you and have a lovely retirement. Ive made many a superb purchase on your presentation advice. On Wye lovely retirement proud of yourself ; Additional werent there is quot. Cant remember a time when you werent there pursue the second act of her.! Followed your career on tv all the advice over the years your presenting Style is so important radiates good,... You today and i have watched you from your first day at QVC and remember you as an athlete the. You certainly have had the most amazing career and before the weather doesnt always stop you enjoying yourself, it! Are already away in our motorhome at the Salon Prive event hear that you are leaving QVC Kathy remembers! 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