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Maybe its just the biorxiv version, which could have been scanned from a paper copy or maybe received in Word and printed for scanning or something. Yes, I see where the dates got incorporated now. This is the region of greatest internal genetic diversity within all of Oti-Volta, but its also a Sprachbund, as is apparent from the happy accident that the Western Oti-Volta language Boulba has wandered into the area, and participated in almost (but not quite) all the phonological changes that Manessy thought were inherited common innovations demarcating his Eastern Oti-Volta grouping. It wasnt back in 2005. endstream
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Quite the opposite. Thats about as much I can say before reading the paper. where in the observed sequences of the same gene in different taxa the insertion/deletion mutations have happened), which always seems to be done by software these days, so its always reproducible if nothing else. It does seems weird to cite the westernmost specimen as if thats relevant. document.getElementById( "ak_js_1" ).setAttribute( "value", ( new Date() ).getTime() ); Copyrights 2023, Native Breed.org. Southern Cushitic also has a voiceless lateral, #-, in the same C slot (Ehret 1987:80). The teacher mentioned dual, plural, collective and singulative and said that it is technically possible to make combinations. Copyright 2023 Elsevier B.V. or its licensors or contributors. So technically, a usage (unknown to me) where it is related to spikes could have developed but I do not think so. Underlying ghoti is obscured by nasty laringeals. Even as Bantu peoples arrived in new areas, their languages rapidly diversified. 2005), Successfully 2. A de facto group of distinct language varieties within the Semitic branch, the languages that evolved from Proto-Arabic have around 313 million native speakers, concentrated primarily in the Middle East and North Africa. But speakers and their preferences are the medium where language exists and evolves, no way its evolution can be wholly independent from this:). Without worries over some arbitrary minimum number of defining traits, it is safe to say that some areas are more securely established because they contain many shared traits, whereas other areas may be more weakly defined because their languages share fewer areal traits. remained a mystery for me until you wrote about characters and states. Using that many genes allows the detection of incomplete lineage sorting and simply adds more data. Proto-Oti-Volta seems to have had contrastive vowel nasalisation, though most nasal vowels in the modern languages reflect lost nasal consonants, e.g. Is this different from any other kind of borrowing? About derivational morphology it is interesting. is often put with Germanic *mati- (English meat, Old Norse matr food, Old High German maz food, meat, etc.) Not really the case in any vocabulary-leaving substrate situation Im familiar with. Li ka nuaa. In. My next idea was professionalization (a source of jargon). Journals that size have hundreds or thousands of (largely unpaid) editors who decide on acceptance & rejection, In some ways, these were a solution looking a problem. It eases my conscience a bit about my dabbling with Swadesh lists in Oti-Volta, where Ive seen fit to discard inconvenient outcomes when they seem grossly at variance with better evidence for subgrouping, but snuck in lexicostatistics as a help to estimating the relative length of the various branches (as opposed to defining the branching in the first place.) Poletika was hm. Its a heated overstatement about the authors perceived opponents. Usual historical linguistics, by looking at morphology, can easily decode this, but blind judgment will simply be mistaken. Those were the times lo these onescore years ago. Pama-Nyungan is substantially less diverse than Greenbergs Niger-Congo (though as this is itself mysterious, I suppose I may be accused of obscurum per obscurius.) In fact, if the two groups did live together, why didnt the Proto-Berbers respond in the same way to changing climate and migrate east as well? Why do you suppose that this uniformity necessarily arose in deep antiquity, by the way? The Adamawa language Samba Leko, for example, has only about half a dozen nouns that inflect for number at all (e.g. If all we had were the contemporary standard languages, though good luck. That Im not certain of. But surely the example of Sino-Tibetan proves that its not required. Think Altaic, not Indo-European. The likening of language development to the evolution of species is a metaphor, not an accepted truth of historical linguistics. Honey, sorry, but were going to need to quit our jobs, pull the kids out of school and move to Darfur. Compare Stachelschwein, porcupine, literally sting pig. It seems their data comes from this one paper. There seem to be a lot of coincidences of population movement that align with Out of Natufian, that you have to wave away to believe Afroasiatic Out of Africa. Because I was able to observe the moment when instead of people who read him (and who do not speak about Meinhofs classification) we have people who never read Meinhof, who speak about his race-based classification and who speak of Greenberg who brought the light to the dark continent. I dont have a text before my eyes to analyze. A nativist, Chomskyan-based view will specify these in terms of the formal principles characterizing a generative model of Universal Grammar (UG) with cross-linguistic variation accounted for by differential setting of structural parameters according to the target language. On a slightly different tack, I wonder to what extent the interpretation of Hittite texts actually was helped by IE comparison. Little agreement exists on the subgrouping of the five or six branches of Afroasiatic: Semitic, Egyptian, Berber, Chadic, Cushitic, and Omotic. Understanding Meroitic would give us. The really striking thing about the paper for me was how overwhelmingly Natufian the ancestry of Arabian Arabs is. apparently, from *- or, judging by the stress, the reverse formation from the adj. also known as Afrasian and traditionally as Hamito-Semitic (Chamito-Semitic), is a large language family of several hundred related languages and dialects. Afroasiatic (Afro-Asiatic), also known as Afrasian or Hamito-Semitic, Semito-Hamitic, or Erythraean is a large language family of about 300 languages that are And yes, Old Chinese had quite a number of derivational affixes that have cognates elsewhere. But this should not be an issue now. (To put it another way: Every simgle affix in Volta-Congo and Mande fails to correspond.). Somehow. (in English) As shown by the unfortunate typos, this issue is not necessarily breathtakingly groundbreaking and worthy of Nature. They also describe North African Amazighen and Arab genetics as being similar, with heterogeneity and many outliers, but that neighboring populations tend to mirror each other more than people elsewhere to whom theyre culturally connected. Also torsk (= cod) as a client of prostitutes rings a bell. Similarly, in morphology, across languages children proceed from nonalternation between forms to immature strategies for initial markings of grammatical categories, thence to creative errors of over-regularization, until eventually the system becomes fully constrained by lexical convention. More power to Morocco! Naturally, even in setting me right on ur-, it was setting me wrong on the origin of aurochs. I think what is more interesting is the idea that African modernity may in fact have been shaped in large part by three or maybe at most a handful of such demic events, those that gave rise to the language groups that seem to have swamped the pre-existing linguistic diversity AA, Niger-Congo, and whatever one makes of Nilo-Saharan. Bantu people Greek language and linguistics What claims can we make about history when we put into the program DNA from a hunter-gatherer from Mota from ~2500BC, from modern Dinka and from Middle Eastern chalcolithic and the program says: P value is such and such? Friedrich Mller named the traditional Hamito-Semitic family in 1876 in his Grundriss der Sprachwissenschaft (Outline of Linguistics), and defined it as consisting of a Semitic group plus a Hamitic group containing Egyptian, Berber, and Cushitic; he excluded the Chadic group. ), Roger, on the other hand, seems to think Nilo-Saharan is not only real but obviously real. Ah, yes, spine and to a lesser extent spike are better translations in this case. Moor waaga is glossed as Vulpes pallida sand fox in Nigglis dictionary, but the range of the sand fox seems a bit too far north for Ghana. Some of the subgroups have it, but they might have invented it themselves. If they have a dialect, this dialect did not arise as a result of uncontrollable drift. Thanks. . porpoise (Meerschwein. Citrus Moon The Hieroglyphic Luwian sign tracked *h amazingly closely for the first few centuries.). Isnt it self-evident why phylogenies are interesting? He studied in Kiev and worked in SPb. Perhaps the Berbers are the descendants of the stubborn. This sabkha was a lake during the Neolithic. or a fish . wouldnt it be screamingly obvious their methodology makes no sense? This was done before the main work and wasnt published separately (nooo-body will publish negative results! It should be noted that some of the Bantu languages (such as Swahili) are influenced by Arabic, which in turn is a Semitic language related to Hebrew. He tentatively excludes Chabu from Nilo-Saharan as an isolate and accepts Kadu. What we know of Africa is that centrifugal linguistic forces overwhelmed centralizing forces until very recently. RAI Dizionario dOrtografia e di Pronunzia (includes proper names) But maybe Enlgish-speaking linguists felt differently. In the specific case of Gldemann 2008, you have a bunch of weak similarities across a vast area which need to be accounted for by some combination of common ancestry, contact, and coincidence; proposing that they are to be explained by contact and not by common ancestry is a historical hypothesis with direct relevance to questions of genetic relationship, and in this case a clearly defensible one. Comparativist heaven. Umm el-Marra, Syria. Erich Neu argued in his seminal Das hethitische Mediopassiv und seine indogermanischen Grundlagen, where he analysed how the r-endings spread during the attested history of Hittite texts and how that pathway differed from those in Italic and Celtic. Of all these proposals, the most controversial is what may be called the Inter-Saharan Hypothesis. Movies listed by language at IMDB Anyway, grammar is not quite the same as lexicon. However, when the omission of inflections would result in a different root,2 subjects revert to substitution of the affix, while retaining the target root (cf. Of course, derivation and inflexion are creative, genitive or dative depend on what I mean, but it is I who decides what I mean and no one else (it is just that speakers creativity in these areas is recognized by grammar descriptions rather than goes against them:)). Birgit Hellwigs excellent grammar, quite apart from being a very good description, goes into some detail on the wider linguistic relationships, which are the more interesting because the language is part of a Sprachbund, along with other Chadic and also Volta-Congo languages, in Plateau State in Nigeria. (I may be unfair. The morphological evidence boils down to two things: the noun class system, and the verbal extensions.. And it was the wiki that said Early European Farmer. I vaguely thought either the wiki was wrong, or the original study used it as some sort of proxy population. True; but I was imagining a field-worker coming in blind to the known history. Maybe if your always starts at a time posterior to securely ocean-worthy boat technology (which, sure, is relatively early in the Mediterranean). Does it mean mere categories without sound change correspondences or other linked relationships? For Western Oti-Volta, the idea of substrata would make a lot of sense on first principles; it seems very likely that the current geographical range of these languages is a development of the last few centuries. Gldemann, Tom 2008. I met a man the other day what seems to have happened is that they have assumed that the evident primary division of Semitic into Akkadian-Eblaite versus The Rest shows that everything is basically derived from Akkadian, or something pretty Akkadian-like, at any rate. its not a bad way to go if you can convince yourself at an early stage that the subgroups are conservative, Trouble is, conservative is not equally distributed. This Hamitic language group was proposed to unite various, mainly North-African, languages, including the Ancient Egyptian language, the Berber languages, the Cushitic languages, the Beja language, and the Chadic languages. : In my own pet area, Oti-Volta, it is notable that there is a sharp drop in language diversity as you go from East to West, which looks very likely to be connected with the rise and expansion of the Mossi-Dagomba states and their very closely related Western Oti-Volta languages over the past six or seven centuries. When I was a lad only a few butchers carried game, and it was always hung on hooks outside under the awning because it had to ripen without stinking up the place. (The article itself is behind a paywall.). guinea pig (Meerschweinchen) Kusaal (like English) has quite a number of agent nouns with idiosyncratic meanings not immediately obvious from the verb meaning, but people still associate them with the relevant verb (e.g. The Ethiopian paper has a map/plot of ethnic groups showing their affinities to Dinka, the ancient Mota genome (eastern African hunter-gatherer) and Egypt. Or their civilised hordes began to show thier first interest in savagery. @Y and Rodger C. I am all ears to hear the evidence that, non-standardly, pescado now occupies some of the semantic territory traditionally held by pez. Now youve got me reading Vydrin on Mande & Niger-Congo Toward a Proto-Mande reconstruction and an etymological dictionary (2016). Melville knew that whales are not fish,but whales fit into the fisheries group. Can I ask how you got there, and how your judgment evolved? Plenty of sea (and fish) around Wales/Brythonic territory, so presumably there was a pre-Roman word for it. This is a bigger impediment to my AA ideas than I had recognized. It should be noted that such a hypothesis of relationships implies a more complicated evolutionary history in several other anatomical features (particularly the persistence of []), which will require additional descriptive and interpretational work to resolve. These emerge relatively early in Turkish compared with European or Semitic languages. mereswine*), Porpoise in Welsh is the poetic llamhidydd leaper, acrobat.. Nuer does (both mono- and diphthongs); perhaps he went mad from the revelation. The Kanji Site This site is called Language Hat and it deals with many issues of a linguistic flavor. I doubt whether Kitchen et al* even know why real historical linguists think that shared innovations matter. I was reminded about the subthread above about pez/pescado as terms for fish, when reading an article about replenishing (slow reproducing) sharks by cultivating viable egg cases: Unlike in Malta, Valencias fish market doesnt offer whole sharks for sale to scour for egg cases; by the time they make it to the market, sharks are nothing but a piece of white fish, or a swordfish look-alike. An interesting feature of the Old South Arabian script is that the order of its letters departs from that of Phoenician and the consonantal script of Ugarit. the most recent common ancestor of Semitic is in the ME. Lapis Lazuli wild goat ornament found with female skeletons in upper layer of Early Bronze Age Tomb 1. On the question of what Levantine/North African means, and how it might relate to the origins of Afroasiatic: Thus, for example, ancestry related to the Chalcolithic Israel reference individuals could plausibly have originated anywhere in northeastern Africa or the Levant and could have been present in northeastern Africa for many thousands of years. Harold Fleming (1981) divides non-Omotic Afroasiatic, or Erythraean, into three groups, Cushitic, Semitic, and Chadic-Berber-Egyptian. But, regardless, I doubt whether Kitchen et al* even know why real historical linguists think that shared innovations matter. You dont need to feed such things into any phylogenetic method a priori. Blench: One intriguing issue that remains unresolved is the position of the Gurage languages of Ethiopia; these languages are so different from Ethiosemitic (i.e., Amharic, etc.) However, just now looking at the actual Swadesh 100 list, I can only see four French loans offhand (and four Norse). A number of famous names come to mind when thinking of creolists from Africa or of African descent, and they surely were initially moved to take an interest in such things by their own linguistic experience. Not one has as yet been discarded by the profession as a whole. Your thesis seems to be essentially that a basically valid methodology has been skunked (in the opinion of mainstream historical linguists,at least) by extremely poor implementation. (a link to the pdf with references can be found in DEs post above). Combine that with the apparent prevalence of Natufian Y-haplotypes among Berbers and Somalis, and Im starting to suspect that Militarev got it right after all when he identified Afroasiatic with Natufian, least moves notwithstanding. If the latter, then what was wrong with Latin er? i wasnt saying that freshwater & saltwater fishes are equivalent, just that you dont need to be coastal to have a deeply established fish vocabulary! Akten der IX. I dont know that this is tremendously perplexing, though: Blench doesnt seem surprised that much of Eurasia is even less diverse (at that high a level) and he, of all people, should know that it is stupid to imagine African prehistory in terms of lots of tribal bands largely isolated from any long-distance networking. I have strong opinions and sometimes express myself more sharply than an ideal interlocutor might, but I try to avoid personal attacks, and I hope you will do the same. In cases where stripping a stem does not yield a real word, they resort to substitution when unable to access the correct form. https://dialmformara.tumblr.com/post/177703660363/the-swadesh-100-list-as-emoji. Are these techniques also applicable to cultural features other than language? I asked his work; he dealt in coal, (Ive seen quite a number of plainly erroneous statements about individual Western Oti-Volta languages which would have been avoided if the authors had looked even a little at the related languages comparative work has unequivocal value in understanding contemporary phenomena. (This is not just some cranky-amateur individual opinion of my own: the communis opinio has been changing on this for a while now.). At some point, we posit archaic language diversity. The only really consistent matches among noun class affixes are mV liquid and human-plural bV, though the latter is really only seen in the Senegalian branch. singulative I learned this word in a Breton lesson. The idea that greater weight should be attributed to some traits than to others for defining a linguistic area can be illustrated with the borrowed word order patterns in the Ethiopian linguistic area. And the proposed protoform doesnt seem to work properly even for Akan soma. dictionary I cited does not itself contain citations. And yet genetics seems to show that affinity is not illusory. This situation is not unusual, even among long-established language families: scholars also frequently disagree on the internal classification of the Indo-European languages, for instance. Check out the Academia page of Guillaume Jacques. Polite terms used in the Javanese polite register.). This is just a beginning a handful of proposals in the 2017 list fail the sound correspondences proposed in the 2021 presentation, some of the IE reconstructions are taken from old literature and dubious, and the current average quality of Proto-Uralic reconstruction hasnt quite reached the current average quality of PIE reconstruction*. grammatical evidence is the main basis for classification. So this is a gray area which i think DLG was not disputing. 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Its a heated overstatement about the paper for me until you wrote characters.
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