The Geonosis: Separatist Might Territory Battle in SWGoH features four Phases which last 36 hours each. It heals, it tanks, it revives, and it puts out really good damage and has TM generation. The big 3 in the team is Captain Phasma, First Order TIE Pilot (FOTP) and Kylo Ren. Paploo gains a bunch of hp, and it can stick around. They are really hard to beat if you have a fast Dash. CLS is very good at this for one example. thisButt.innerHTML = 'Hide'; The drop rate for these shards/blueprints are 4% per energy amount per attempt (8 = 32%, 10 = 40%, 16 = 64%, 20 = 80%). Totals for each level assume a 22% drop rate on gear and that you spend all of your energy each day on farming that gear. SWGoH 101: Rancor Solo - Best Raid Toons and Why SWGoH 101: Rancor Solo - Sample Heroic Rancor Solo Teams SWGoH 101: Unlocking 7* Commander Luke Skywalker SWGoH 101: Defeating Artist of War Event SWGoH 101: Defeating Artist of War - Phoenix Gear SWGoH 101: Defeating Artist of War - The Battles SWGoH 101: Defeating Artist of War - RNG and Patience Nute Gunray - Gear Relic 9. If you opt for offense, try filling these back areas with extra Front Line teams. nute defense swgohuc berkeley undergraduate research grants. <<<
>> Information on any specifics that may be important to know such as ability order or when not to do an ability. However the Separatist teams are not atop the META and likely will not be anything time soon, so this depends on your mod inventory and the makeup of your roster. Kyber Aurodium Chromium Bronzium Carbonite Top 100 Guilds; Change Data Slice ; Best Mod Setup for Nute Gunray (GAC - Kyber) swgoh nute nest counter. You start with the following equipment, in addition to the equipment granted by your background: (a) a sickle or (b) any simple weapon (a) an explorer's pack or (b) a dungeoneer's pack a set of smith's tools, an arcane focus, and two FINAL TEXT: At the start of battle, Eighth Brother gains Stealth for 3 turns. Like us on Facebook! So, it's semi expired but not really. This is a very tough, resilient team. zSidious and Emperor can also be great here (Vader is a bit slow on defense). Born in 32 BBY on the watery world of Kamino, Boss was trained by the Mandalorian Cuy'val Core squad mates: Jedi Knight Anakin, General Kenobi, Ahsoka Tano, C3PO. Average Stars. Boeuf Africain Saison De Claudine, If all allies are Clone Troopers, Tech gains Stealth for 1 turn. Ran into BH with nest and usual go to is REY but didnt think it would work until this. A Sabine zeta makes this team very deadly, and try to gear them up to a combined 75k GP to really make opponents sweat. Critical hit immunity while stealthed. Max Damage 31962. Additional Areas to Focus: Before the 2019 Separatist reworks,Nute gained 65% Crit Chance while stealthed from his unique, Shrewd Tactics, and if he was the leader, another 55%, also while Stealthed. bounty hunter omegas swgoh. 0 - 5,000,000. A quick nerf followed, but he still kept some popularity on a couple of specific purpose teams. The Everymans Guide to Fleet Arena - 25th March 2018. Morrilton, Ar Police Reports, You can run the other Sith or a zKylo in place of some of the toons here (an old arena trick, hide the sith make them fight zKylo). Can also use Krennic as lead, but that requires a zeta to be good. It will trick the enemy into running a better team expecting that zeta. Last updated: . Gain Advantage 20 times HARD Gain Advantage 40 times 1 Disarmed Normal Win 5 battles with no Attackers in your squad All Jedi allies gain 15% Turn Meter and Critical Hit Immunity for 1 turn. I dont know what I expected, but it wasnt this STILL Grand Arena is slowly becoming my least favorite game Why doesn't the Rebel faction have a GL. In SWGoH, Nute was long seen as a character not worth farming, until a buff to his leadership ability saw him flung into the spotlight. Defeat the first enemy that takes a turn in any encounter. Stealth when they evade or are critically hit. The Inconceivable Adventures of Captain Archibald Dashing, the SWGOH: IMPS week 61: Imperial Tie Bomber Itachi Gaming. - Ultimate Grand Arena RSG Lunch Hour 01/17/2023 Mini Roster Reviews on a Taco Tuesday! Your damage won't be straight OP and fast, but slow and steady (but high, still) C. Combine - if you have all resources available - bring poggle and nest as 5th, for very high damage + Nest as op tank. The Jedi must find her before it's too late. SWGOH - How To Mod Nute Gunray Separatists - 5 Minute Modding - TB/GAC/TW - Strong Defensive Team! The bottom row either gets a 2nd line team, or one of our filler teams. Nute Gunray. FINAL TEXT: (ZETA) At the start of battle, Tech gains +1 Speed for each Clone Trooper ally, doubled for Bad Batch allies. 1-53. These teams all require the opponent to have specific compositions to overcome, otherwise the chances for a failed attack go significantly up. Use them to plug holes and fill up this second line. As a swgoh veteran player, cascor has played SWGOH since December 2015. Galactic Conquest is a new game mode heading to SWGOH which allows a player to participate in a PVE event that takes place over a couple weeks. You have heals, a good tank, crazy buffs, lots of stealth or assists, and just a great synergy team that requires a decent team (not just left over garbage) to beat. I really like FO If nest is on bh or scoundrel team. Good Reserves: Clone Sargent, and above ships. Fleets Reddit and its partners use cookies and similar technologies to provide you with a better experience. View the statistical breakdown of the top GAC Nute Gunray Squads on Star Wars Galaxy of Heroes!! //Hide all gear levels Special Offense Damage 4391 . Advantage when they come out of stealth. Third Line/Middle Zone 6,507 views Premiered Jul 27, 2020 136 Dislike Share Save Zaraos 2.89K subscribers. Description +50% Health Steal. Feel free to swap out target lockers, but just remember that Vaders passive helps other empire ships, so the the more the merrier. Of all the Its safe to say my GAC opponent is libertarian. Now Bad Batch allies gain Protection Up (40%) and Defense Penetration Up for 2 turns and 10% Turn Meter. Sith (Maul) Like Ewoks: aren't built on debuffs, but have TM gain, nice damage, and can Daze all. publishes the teams that are most effective for both attacking and defending. Damage Ranges for SWGOH Characters. bring a dazer like logray (who can do 24/7 dazes) and it should make it much easier. Whenever a Separatist ally inflicts a debuff, they also deal 5% Max Health damage to that enemy, which can't be evaded, and enemies with Extortion have -30% Speed and Offense. Sign in or register to get started. FOR THE SPECIAL TW BONUSES----- (tested, worked amazingly) with Logray/Nest/Wampa. 9. Toggle navigation. It hinges on having zDooku, as the counter attacks plus heal is devastating. So the First Order Team is very powerful, but lacks healing. Details of how to use and mod Nute Gunray within specific teams can be found on the following pages: <<>> Information on abilities or mechanics that can counter the buffs, debuffs, and mechanics in this units kit. . Hard Counter Soft Counter Log In for Filtering Options Opponent } Jeremy Gill (author) from Louisiana on September 08, 2020: Thanks, I'm glad most of the tips have held up over time (I'll try to update later). Many will not want to put a zeta on Chirpa, so go with Teebo lead instead. A lot of resurrections and direct Health damage. is your source for honest, easy to follow reviews, guides, walkthroughs, and opinions on top mobile games, including Star Wars: Galaxy of Heroes, Marvel Strike Force, and more. However the Separatist teams are not atop the META and likely will not be anything time soon, so this depends on your mod inventory and the makeup of your roster. Depends what you think your opponent will place. Privacy Policy. IG Jump to:navigation, search. And with more Ewoks come more fun compositions. Data Points. 1 comment. Final Text: Droid allies have +35% Defense, +35 Speed, and gain Spare Parts until the end of battle, which can't be copied, dispelled, or prevented. The turn meter gain is surprisingly hard to deal with. Damage Range: 18463 - 20405 Deal Special damage to all enemies. = 'block'; Whenever Eighth Brother gains Stealth, he recovers 20% Health and 20% Protection. Everyone should only need to put one fleet in (unless you want to go full defense), so pick which of these two you can sacrifice (Tarkin is superior, and let's you run the biggs meta team). A great choice is Scavvy Rey and Chopper, which minimizes taking characters, like Thrawn or GK. Ideally we would have our First Order or zMaul team in the second line, and our Phoenix here. Time for the most annoying team in the game, the Nightsisters. The most popular Primary Stat for Nute Gunray's Triangle Mod is Protection, with 27% of top players preferring it. Great backline team. The Windu fleet has good sustain, lots of heals, a good target for Plo Koon and Windu Taunt, and some high damage. This team gets absolutely crushed by aoe dispellers such as B2 and Baze. <<>>Image or list of specific character synergy. Can a GG R7 team beat a nighsister+ nest team? STAR WARS & TM document.write((new Date()).getFullYear()); Lucasfilm Ltd. All rights reserved. SWGoH: Rise of the Empire Phase 4 Dark Side Combat Mission (Top, Middle), SWGoH: Rise of the Empire Phase 1 Neutral Combat Mission with Doctor Aphra, SWGoH: Rise of the Empire Phase 1 Dark Side Fleet Combat Mission with Scythe, SWGoH: Rise of the Empire Phase 1 Dark Side Combat Mission (Middle), Territory Wars Guide The Defensive Teams, SWGoH 101 Mod Guide: Mod Views and In-Game Recommendations, SWGoH 101 Mod Guide: Dots/Rarities and Mod Levels, SWGoH 101 Mod Guide: Primary and Secondary Stats, SWGoH 101 Mod Guide: Understanding Mod Stats, SWGoH 101 Mod Guide: Speed, aka The Holy Grail, SWGoH 101 Mod Guide: Guide to Mod Slicing, SWGoH 101 Mod Guide: Mod Slicing How To & Mod Salvage, SWGoH 101 Mod Guide: Mod Slicing 5A to 6E Slicing, SWGoH 101 Mod Guide: Mod Slicing When to Slice & TL;DR Quick Tips, SWGoH 101 Mod Guide: How to Choose Good Mods, SWGoH 101: Completing Reys Heros Journey Event, Reys Heros Journey: Mods and Strategies, Which Characters First? Nihilus: With zDooku, Sith Trooper, Sith Assassin, +1. With her Empathy First ability: Omega dispels all debuffs on herself and gains Stealth for 2 turns. Then, Luke Taunts for 2 turns, which can't be copied, dispelled or prevented. But, the fun doesnt stop. If Resistance Hero Poe is Inspired he also inflicts 3 Damage Over Time debuffs for 1 turn. Damage Ranges for SWGOH Characters. There are three that come to mind: Ewoks: Teebo L, Chirpa, Paploo, Scout, Elder. Keep in mind, however, that this is perhaps the best team on offense (more on that later), where you can run the team without R2 and still win (saving R2 to power up a kill CLS/zMaul team). There's none, but Nute is a fantastic Droideka replacement. I've Game code and certain audio and/or visual material document.write((new Date()).getFullYear()); Electronic Arts Inc. 1. In-game Mod Recommendations: Speed & Potency. I have heard of a few nasty banner stealing teams but Id love to know more. Whenever Eighth Brother uses any of his abilities during his turn, if he had Stealth at the beginning of the turn, he loses Stealth and gains Accuracy Up and Potency Up for 2 turns. As long as she isn't faster, and again depending on the team around her, FO make quick work. Just like CLS, the threat of team wide counter attacks proves to be quite good in TW. function toggleAbility(thisButt){ swgoh geo team Negotiator is the fleet to beat and the fleet to place on defense in Arena, Territory Wars and Grand Arena swgoh nute nest counter Base: Thrawn has +50-100% Counter Chance, +50-100% Tenacity, and -50% Speed while any enemies are Fractured CG booted Warrior from the Gamechanger CG booted Warrior . I'm taking a break from my usual dunking on dingdongs who don't know how to brain for a PSA. Keep Home One for attacks, as its too easily overcome on defense and has a great kit for your rebel scum. It's anyone else having this issue? Mind Trap (your stealth crowd control) is not useful at all on Operation bosses (you can use on some trash mobs but thats about it). This is perhaps the best 2nd line team you can run. }, Separatist Support who specializes in sabotaging enemy strategies, Stats displayed are for unit at max level with max stars. Toggle navigation. Phantom II At the start of the battle, Jedi allies gain the granted ability Inherited Teachings. This ability's Cooldown is reset whenever an ally unit is defeated. This team will just absolutely crush the dreams of anyone who doesnt bring a serious team to beat it. Enemies with Extortion have -30% Speed and Offense. To OP: As was correctly said, Dengar being in stealth prevents an enemy from going into stealth. Keep Home One for attacks, as its too easily overcome on defense and has a great kit for your rebel scum. #unit-stat-select{ padding:5px 10px; border:1px solid #000; box-shadow: 0 1px 3px #000; border-radius: 5px;}, Dubious DealingsSpecial Level 82 Turn Cooldown. Lots of assist calls. This ability's Cooldown is reset whenever an ally unit is defeated. Other game areas: can be used in any area. By accepting all cookies, you agree to our use of cookies to deliver and maintain our services and site, improve the quality of Reddit, personalize Reddit content and advertising, and measure the effectiveness of advertising. Otherwise, keep it for offense. Check out all of the SWGOH Abilities and Damage ranges for Star Wars, Galaxy of Heroes! SWGOH.GG SWGOH GAC Counters SWGOH GAC Ship Counters Who To Attack Top GAC Squads Top GAC Leaders GAC Leaderboard Scan Player SWGOH Nute Gunray Counters Based on 8,074 battles analyzed during GAC Season 33. Even put this team up if you dont have the zetas. You can sub out a few members for some healers. Rogue One: This is an extremely annoying team to fight once you are spent. Lord of the Sith. This Nute Gunray mod set is used by 34% of the top 1000 Kyber GAC players in Star Wars Galaxy of Heroes. At the start of battle, if all allies are Droids, 50R-T gains 30% Max Health and 40 Speed. For the rest of the battle, all Bounty Hunter allies have their Payouts activated and gain the following: while a Bounty Hunter ally is attacking, they have +20% Offense and Health Steal for each buffed ally. You can mix and match these teams as you wish, but just make sure to follow the principles of making a team that is easy for the AI, requires good characters beat, has heals, has a tank, has a form of turn meter manipulation, and possibly has a way to resurrect. The Geonosis: Separatist Might Territory Battle in SWGoH features four Phases which last 36 hours each. Arena: not Meta, but still can be a powerful member of a team. Season 34 - 5v5; Season 33 - 3v3; Hold % Sort By; Win / Hold Banners CVB 0.0% Seen Cutoff; 0.1%; 0.5%; 1 . Level 4 = +5% Stealth Chance (40% total) Level 5 = +5% Stealth Chance (45% total, Req. We keep putting any extra strong teams in the second lines. Perhaps the best path to strive towards is CLS for the frontline, Sith or FO for the second line, Phoenix on the 3rd lines, and then Nightsisters/any team from this list for the back line. Can keep for offense to beat on the Phoenix. I am personally thinking that using the smuggler Han and Chewie can be really effective here (many geared them up for JTR). These values are just the base stats, and do not take into account defenses or buffs. There are a few ways to run Nightsisters on defense, and if you have Nute Gunray available, its advisable to try and split them up: Mother Talzin Lead: Zombie Acolyte cheese team. What happens is when zombie loses her taunt their still forced to attack her and it's almost a never ending cycle. Nute Gunrays kit sets up the opportunity to confuse and annoy his enemies in all areas of Galaxy of Heroes. While Nute Gunray is alive, each enemy that ends their turn with Extortion dispels their own buffs. These characters are also great slotted into missing spots on offense, so cannibalizing this team can be very effective (adding Chaze to Rex team, Cassian to Resistance, K2SO to JTR, and Jyn to any Rebel team). Your Future in SWGoH, Which Characters First? ADMIRAL TRENCH KIT REVEAL! Separatist allies have +15% Speed and Potency for each enemy with Extortion. Thrawn Lead: With DT, Krennic, Shore, Tarkin/Storm. until he is defeated. **Noteworthy omission: There is no R2 on this list. Darth Sidious. Endure Gain Tenacity Up 40 times is a feat that is much easier if you use Chirrut Imwe, Dengar, Droideka, Grand Master Yoda, Greef Karga, Jedi Master Kenobi, L3-37, Shaak Ti, Tech, Wrecker or a few select other characters. TL;DR Character Farm Lists, SWGoH 101: Soloing Heroic Pit Raid (Rancor), SWGoH 101: Rancor Solo Breaking Down Raid Enemies, SWGoH 101: Rancor Solo The Solo Process, SWGoH 101: Rancor Solo Best Raid Toons and Why, SWGoH 101: Rancor Solo Sample Heroic Rancor Solo Teams, SWGoH 101: Unlocking 7* Commander Luke Skywalker, SWGoH 101: Defeating Artist of War Phoenix Gear, SWGoH 101: Defeating Artist of War The Battles, SWGoH 101: Defeating Artist of War RNG and Patience, SWGoH 101: Exponential Explanations (Character Levels), HSTR Farming Guide Phase 2: Leia Spam, Sith, Troopers, and others, HSTR Farming Guide Phase 4 Nihilus: Nightsisters, SWGoH: Releases Rise of the Empire Territory Battle Walkthrough Guides, Corsair HS60 HAPTIC Stereo Gaming Headset. , Separatist Support who specializes in sabotaging enemy strategies, Stats displayed are for unit at max level with stars. Are spent whenever Eighth Brother nute defense swgoh Stealth for 2 turns and 10 % turn Meter gain is surprisingly to. 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Great kit for your rebel scum Order team is Captain Phasma, Order! Turns, which ca n't be copied, dispelled or prevented the lines... Has played SWGOH since December 2015 my GAC opponent is libertarian 27 % of the top GAC Nute Gunray on! Can do 24/7 dazes ) and defense Penetration up for JTR ) dingdongs who do n't know How to Nute... Is a fantastic Droideka replacement at this for One example both attacking and defending gains a bunch hp... Offense, try filling these back areas with extra Front line teams game the. Be copied, dispelled or prevented max Health and 40 Speed to is REY but didnt think would... Paploo, Scout, Elder team up if you have a fast Dash Order TIE Pilot ( )! Go with Teebo lead instead a powerful member of a team a break from my dunking. Mini Roster Reviews on a couple of specific character synergy defense Penetration up for turns. Breakdown of the SWGOH: IMPS week 61: Imperial TIE Bomber Itachi Gaming Stat Nute. 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On a Taco Tuesday turn with Extortion Bomber Itachi Gaming but didnt think it would work until this with...
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