NPC NATIONAL QUALIFIER. Dont go nuts but eat enough to keep your muscles full. The quarter turns consist of four main poses. Well, the Wellness Division is put in place for women that are looking to build a physique slightly bigger and more muscular than Bikini Division athletes, without muscle separation and striations. Competitors will turn slightly facing the judges with right hand on hip and left arm straight down and right leg bent at knee. Plan with your bodies response in mind and share this with your coach, as she/he will also help to let you know when you will be ready for the stage and for which division. No Exceptions. The last thing you want is a jiggling set of glutes! You should remain flexed, but still be relaxed enough to present a graceful and flowing movement as you ease into the next pose. Stance should be wider than a bikini competitor to accentuate the thickness of the quad sweep and legs, Front leg must be straight and back knee bent, Aim to create thickness through your front leg by pushing into your hip and softening the knee to activate the quad and hamstring in your pose, Still keep the waistline small by keeping your bellybutton facing towards the side of the room, Front arm must look relaxed you will get markdown for having it placed out to wide, Bring your shoulders completely towards the judges however be careful of activating your upper body and lats as you do not want the upper body to appear muscular or wide, Maintain symmetry of your shoulders from side to side, Feet should be just outside shoulder width apart to ensure the legs look thicker, Turn your toes out slightly in back pose to bring more width to your quads. Check out this video on How to wear your wellness bikini bottom. It will be the judges' first impression of your physique, so be sure to make it a good one! Upon completion, if there is LESS THAN one CALL OUT, athletes will be instructed to file off stage by the judges and stage expediter. The best way to transition is to step and turn your right foot, then follow with the left foot, and immediately hit your next pose. NPC IFBB Pro League "I" walk Posing Routine Tips As an amateur competitor the less poses you hit in your stage walk and posing routine the better. All athletes will come to the stage for each class and stand on the diagonal line. call-out depending on the number of competitors. IFBB PRO. Gracefulness and flowing transitions complete the presentation package. Through these experiences and through judges' feedback, I've tweaked my posing per the NPC's standards, and I'm ready to share that information with you. Class D Over 56. You will understand how comparisons are instructed onstage and learn how to walk with confidence and class.We cover in detail topics such as:- Different variations of your individual posing routine and stage walk- Half turn choreography- How to walk smoothly creating shape and curve correctly - How to walk to the rear of the stage keeping glutes tight and activated- Understanding the difference between back and front walk- How to land confidently at the front line Fitness does not perform at Pre-Judging. There is no mandatory front pose as such but using these below tips will help you feel confident in your pose. In Person - Mentone, Melbourne, Australia. The rear placement of the front arm brings out more definition and vascularity in your shoulder and bicep. In any NPC contest, fitness and figure athletes are required to learn the mandatory poses, of which there are four, also known as quarter turns. The wellness side pose is a compulsory pose if you stand in another position you will get marked down from the judging panel. International Posing Coach Nat Kitney is an expert in all things online coaching. Of . If your number is called, raise your hand. The athlete will take a photo alone with the trophy and another with it set to the side of the athlete. No Posing Oil but can be glazed as is currently done for the Bikini and Figure divisions. There are 4 different poses for the NPC Wellness Division; Front, Quarter Turn Right, Quarter Turn Rear, and another Quarter Turn Right. You must understand the judging criteria and proportions in the symmetry. Hands down the best experience., Im so thankful to have you on my journey from the very start, we will go all the way together, There is no way I would have won my pro card without your expertise and advice. Be sure to listen for your number and follow the instructions of the head judge. Wellness sits somewhere between bikini and physique. Bend the knees slightly, only so they are not locked out. "The best online posing coach there is that makes you feel comfortable always helps you feel confident in all aspects. Get personalized competition prep training and nutrition with everything else you need to step on stage all in one place. NPC Wellness Posing Tutorial What you will learn Lesson 1 - Judging Criteria, Front, Side & Back Pose Lesson 2 - Transitions, Foot Work & Arm Fluency Lesson 3 - Comparisons, Walking + Individual Stage Walk Choreography About this course $279.95 3 lessons Video online tutorials Watch Intro Video Watch Our Free Preview Hilton Alexandria Mark Center 5000 Seminary Rd . You will be asked to face the rear of the stage. That is because walking forward they are looking for personality presentation and confidence where as when walking to the rear the judges look for glute tightness and activation rather than style of walk. This will be the first pose the judges call after all the girls are lined up on stage. Learning and practicing the poses required for a fitness or figure contest is one of the most important aspects of competition preparation. We do not want to see the arm off to side with the elbow bent and the wrist bent upwards. A slight twist of the torso is allowed, but too much of one will result in the head judge calling you out to face the side and to not twist. It can be intimidating being up on stage in a bikini, but this is why it is important to practice as much as you can. Wellness competitors are required to showcase more muscularity in the lower half of the body in their hips, glutes, hamstrings & quads. Athletes must compete in a two-piece, so the top cannot be connected to the bottom. There is a video available through Repetrope Videos ( entitled "What are the Judges Looking for in Fitness and Figure." They will not be as lean and defined as Figure and Womens Physique. To see this working, head to your live site. The MC will call each athlete who is posing individually, in numerical order, to perform their routine. Competitors will face the rear with lower back arched with glutes pushed back. After Initial comparisons, competitors will move back to the diagonal line to the positions from which they started. Learn every aspect of your posing & presentation in our easy to follow step by step online tutorials, Judging criteria, quarter turns, how to walk & a full posing routine, Wellness Judging Criteria + Front, Side & Back Poses, Comparisons, Walking + Individual Stage Walk Choreography, Career of 10 plus years of posing coaching. These foods should be eaten with a diuretic. It will vary based on the number of athletes in your class. If you can, get someone to take pictures and/or videos of your poses so you can critique them and change them as necessary. Saleyla is the established leader in quality, affordable bikini competition suits, wellness bikinis, figure competition suits with superior customer service. In the words of the NPC IFBB Pro League worldwide and Australian head judge Michael - the more poses you hit the more opportunities you may give us on the judging panel to see something we may not like. Competitors will face front with one hand on hip, one arm straight down and one leg slightly extended. Keep your hamstrings and glutes extremely tight, but don't squeeze your cheeks together. We do not want to see the arm off to side with the elbow bent and the wrist bent upwards. Maximum of 60 seconds with a warning when 10 seconds remain. Along with this they get discounts on everything else Top Knot Strong has to offer. Keep the knee of one leg bent slightly more than the other for the same reason. Make sure that your upper body is posed smaller than lower body through slightly retracting your scapula. As a Wellness bikini competitor, a bikini bottom that fits well, and fits perfectly on your body can help you create the desired look and perfect proportions. Wellness. Not like Womens Physique. Get to know everything about the wellness division in bodybuilding! Email First Name Last Name By submitting this form, you are consenting to receive marketing emails from: Tahoe Show, LLC DBA Center Podium, 4690 Longley Ln, Reno, NV, 89502, US, Keep shoulders flexed and extended to the sides (the flaring of the lats will naturally push the shoulders outward). You will not be scored any differently if you choose to compete in this suit bottom. Learn a winning routine as a wellness competitor for the NPC IFBB Pro League stage. The MC will announce that the Top 5 will be called. Follow this step by step posing guide to the new npc/ifbb wellness division and place higher on stage. Best bikini designs and custom fitting for NPC, IFBB, WBFF, OCB or Muscle and Fitness Contests. As a regional-level NPC fitness and figure competitor, I've competed in over six shows in the past two years. Athletes enter from the backstage athlete staging area and will line up on the diagonal line as directed by our onstage expediter. Posing is the key to success. Also, be sure the judges can see your number button at all times. Featured NPC NEWS ONLINE 2022 ROAD TO THE ARNOLD - Alessia Facchin Posing Practice Contests 2021 1st Ever IFBB Wellness Olympia 6th Place Sunny Andrews Prejudging Routine 4K Video Featured The 1st Annual NPC National Women's Workshop With Food Provider Lean Feast Temecula Contests 2021 IFBB Wheelchair Olympia 4TH Place Tyler Brey Routine 4K Video And don't forget, you never know when someone is going to snap a picture of you, so make sure you're always ready! The amount of support love and guidance I have received in a short period of time has turned me from feeling lost and absolutely frightened to now being confident with posing., nat Kitney posing instagram Not as lean and defined as Figure and Womens Physique. However, Center Podium shows use the blocking found at top events like the Mr. Olympia, Arnold Classic, and Legion Sports Fest. To get started with your wellness posing today you can choose to purchase our online lessons or book an online or in person posing session with one of our NPC IFBB Pro League expert posing coaches below. The judges give you the freedom to choose which poses you do and how you do them. Here at Saleyla, we created a new category for Wellness Bikini, but keep in mind that any of the designs can be made by requirements for the new category, just shoot us a message. Wellness athletes perform four main poses. Learn how to pose for the NPC Wellness division with our step by step online courses. MARISSA ANDREWS. Here we share with you all the, For personalised wellness posing coaching to suit your physique contact us by clicking the pink button or, Face the side / quarter turn to the right, The quarter turns consist of four main poses. Nat offers expert up-to-date knowledge on Judging criteria and how to score highly in the NPC IFBB Pro League competitions. You will learn everything you need to know to be confident on stage. Keep your head and chin up, facing the side of the stage, and smile. The stage expeditor will now move all athletes not in the top off the stage. Walk out with your head up and facing the audience or judges, smiling, and waving to the audience. Keep a slight twist in the waist - don't face completely to the side or completely to the front. Posing of Wellness competitors is very unique and involves specific criteria and rules. Purchase NPC Wellness Tutorial here @natkitneyposingcoachPURCHASE TODAY email on stage with confidence as a NPC Wellness Competitor with our online posing tutorial. This breaks up the line of the leg and makes your legs look fuller and curvier. Posing for the IFBB Wellness category is very detailed and specific. There is more room for variation in this pose, so it's important to display your strengths while hiding your weaknesses. That is as judges will be comparing your physique to the other competitors on stage. Rules are the same here for all other divisions. No props or gum are permitted onstage. Do NOT hunch the shoulders! Rest with your legs elevated to keep the lines in your legs. Keep either the front facing leg or the rear facing leg slightly ahead of the other and the. Make these poses individual by adding bends, dips, bows and waves to your presentation. We are looking for conditioning almost on par with Bikini athletes, but the athletes will have slightly more muscle. Stick your butt out and upward by bending over slightly at the hips and flexing your lower back very hard. The level of comfort and professionalismis second to none. You will learn how to score highly for wellness, your full individual posing routine for stage plus much more! Her instructions are clear and easy to follow. Practice your individual presentation as well as your casual pose. You may opt to pop the heel of your front facing leg (if that is the leg that you choose to bend at the knee). Decorative pieces in the hair are not permitted. Feb 12, 2022 - follow this step by step posing guide to the new npc/ifbb wellness division and place higher on stage. Each session is 30 minutes. While you might have an awesome physique with great symmetry and conditioning, perfect posing, or lack thereof, plays a major role in how well a competitor will fare at a contest. Therefore walking to the front line. So, what should you do? There are 4 different poses for the npc wellness division; front, quarter turn. Class B Over 52 up to including 54 If needing to recomposition, you will be eating your maintenance calories to remain the same weight but change how your body looks. Posing will always be a work in progress and Im looking forward to working together in the future more., Youre not only an amazing human being but also the best posing coach in the country. Note: You may be marked down if standing incorrectly. Overalls are live-judged. . Unlike bikini models, as a wellness athlete you are required to perform quarter turns for the comparisons. Ensure you follow these tips when you pose in your stage walk and routine. There will be times when you are on stage for a very long time, or when the judges tell you to "relax." For the above posing category divisions, all registered NPC athletes will be prompted to upload their . Symmetry from side to side of your physique is required. The judges will then call SECOND CALL OUT. This may repeat depending on the number of competitors. Note: the new wellness division will be offered in our events in 2020. Turn the knees out to enhance the quad sweep. 12 + years professional dance and aerobics instructing back ground. If you choose the three or four session package, please book all sessions at one time to ensure you get the times you want. *As with All Other Divisions, No Lewd Acts Are Permitted and will result in automatic disqualification*, * We do not want to see the arm off to side with the elbow bent and the wrist bent upwards as seen below*. Your physique will look and move differently depending on the shoes you are wearing. We do not want to see the arm off to side with the elbow bent and the wrist bent upwards Amateurs will over do it and get fat very quickly. In part 1 we break down every pose step by step with simple to follow cues to accentuate all your hard work helping you to feel confident in each position.We cover in detail topics such as:- Learn judging criteria, division rules and how to score highly- Understand mandatory quarter turn poses for wellness- Step by step instructions on how to perform front, side and back poses- Learn how to and what muscles to active in each pose- Includes alternative options to choose your stronger side for front poseNPC IFBB Pro League Wellness Part 2 - Transitions We cover detailed topics such as: - Full step by step choreography of foot work and hand placement throughout your transitions- How to pivot correctly to create fluency and shape- Understanding weight placement for stability and showcasing muscularity correctly - Toe position for precise positioning of poses and your routineYou will walk away with a fully choreographed step by step routine.NPC IFBB Pro League Wellness Part 3 - Walking to the Rear \u0026 Individual Stage Walk Choreography Our most in depth part of our wellness tutorial. Custom, tailored WordPress courses, for all levels.Advanced web design and customising, by a Melbourne Wordpress designer. There are four height classes in the Wellness Division, which are as follows: Are there any rules or restrictions on the suits? Worldwide Posing Coach Nat Kitney is an expert in all things online coaching. Keep a slight twist in the NPC IFBB Pro League stage pose for the IFBB wellness is! Customer service left arm straight down and one leg bent at knee be prompted upload... Division and place higher on stage not in the NPC wellness division and place higher on all...: you may be marked down from the backstage athlete staging area and will line up on stage so 's. Up, facing the judges ' first impression of your poses so you can critique them and change them necessary! Currently done for the above posing category divisions, all registered NPC athletes will have slightly than! 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