Unsubscribe at anytime. Sometimes simple works best (habit + pomodoro tracker). Notion is bursting with hidden gems and a jam-packed roadmap. While my clients may call me a magician (I hear unicorn a lot too), really I just love using well crafted systems to weave our lives and businesses together. Systems are the invisible forces at play in the world that can keep things humming along smoothly, or wreak havoc on our lives. As certified Notion experts, consultants, and trainers, weve overseen Notion ops for solo entrepreneurs, teams, and at scale with larger corporations. I regularly publish new videos to help you get the most out of Notion. ago French Draco 1 6 r/VintageLadyBoners Join 23 days ago Jean Marais 1949 79 2 r/museum Join 2 mo. Enjoy these recommended resources to help you get the most out of Notion. It's a people database where Marie keeps the contacts of her clients, people she's following, and so on. $100 Work: Learning keyboard shortcuts to work faster. Youve gone down the Notion rabbit-hole but quickly got overwhelmed. Master your life and business workflows with Notion Build sustainable systems that take you from scattered to streamlined. GET 10% OFF. sharing a easy to use (and kinda Press J to jump to the feed. Marie helps ambitious business owners design their life and business systems, so they can make space for growth. Grab free and premium templates built by the worlds most prominent Notion architects. We respect your privacy. Notion Mastery, her flagship course, counts more than 2,100 students. When I began studying permaculture in 2018, I saw how so many of the principles and frameworks I was learning applied well beyond the garden, and it opened my eyes to new ways of thinking about what it means to design a sustainable and resilient business. Looking for great Notion templates to spruce up your space? Marie Poulin - Workflow design with Notion. Create your over-arching vision + break it down into goals, projects + tasks, planned out over days, weeks + months. Otherwise, whats the point? Si vous tes dj connect votre compte Notion, le modle sera automatiquement ajout votre espace de travail. Learn how to better organize and integrate your life and work through better systems. get tips, perspectives, and opinions on how you can better use Notion, Tracking daily highlights with Notion - New Years' Eve tradition. Master tags database. to easily understand who they are. Warning! HOWEVER!! Marie S'infiltre : "Prostituer des ados est devenu plus Marie-Philip Poulin named Canadas athlete of the year. When you sign up, youll get tips, perspectives, and opinions on how you can better use Notion. 4. Marie Poulin March 3, 2022 Get Notion tips in your inbox When you sign up, you'll get tips, perspectives, and opinions on how you can better use Notion. 0MMO SE | Social Marketing Bot | Cracked SEO Tools | Free SEO DVD. In Notion Mastery there are 4 Levels with 4 Tracks to explore, followed by a series of side quests & rabbit-holes that guide you through more specific niche use cases for Notion. 5. Notion A-to-Z; Notion Videos; . You'll kickstart your workspace build with a database component kit, and build up your databases and workspaces one area at a time to reduce overwhelm. Learn and master the Notion all-in-one workplace and productivity tool. Marie Poullin is back on the Keep Productive YouTube channel with another Notion video to explore her workspace. Hands-on live Notion training for your employees and coworkers. So please bear with us in the comments. Sign up for my newsletter to get the latest blog updates direct to your inbox.We will not Spam U. Marie-Philip Poulin choisie athlte de lanne au Canada. get tips, perspectives, and opinions on how you can better use Notion, Sharing Notion Databases Across Workspaces, Making the most of Notions new STATUS property, An advanced Notion weekly agenda + review. Best for companies and larger organizations looking to standardize on their Notion training. Her Business with Ben (her husband): https://weareokidoki.com OUR SPONSOR FOR OCTOBER 2019One of the best email triage tools out there. Chat with us or contact us via email shoppycourses@gmail.com if you want to pay with PayPal or Credit Card. Theyre not part of a bigger more integrated system. Ive worked with entrepreneurs and business owners of all sizes, helping them plan, design, and build beautiful and functional digital ecosystems. Marie Poulin - Notion Mastery Does anyone know where I can find a video on YouTube that shows the system, showing the parts, from Marie Poulin Notion Mastery? She's the creator of Notion Mastery, an online program and community that helps entrepreneurs and small teams tame their work + life chaos, and manage their whole life + business within Notion. Each person is tagged with has a role (influencer, collaborator, etc.) Grab my Notion templates. Make sure you check out my Notion How-To Videos. In this video, Marie shares a behind the scenes tour of how she does her weekly planning and review today. Maybe you tried loading some of the pre-made templates into your account, and got frustrated because theyre not useful enough on their own. There is only one monthly sponsor for each month, and we aim to provide you with the key features of the said sponsor to make your own informed decision. https://t.co/Kn5r0FjGHS. For over a decade Ive been teaching digital business owners how get their shit together by designing, streamlining, optimizing, and automating their business and life systems. On the same page, there is also a link to her "knowledge hub" where she stores longer documents to read later and to take notes about. RELEVANT HASHTAGS#Notion #Tours #Productivity Marie is a Notion expert who is also known for her artist approaches to the app by building powerful, yet functional workspaces. Notion is one of her favorite tools for making your goals visible and taking action on your ideas, and she loves showing folks how to use it (building a template), My personal dashboard, theming, and tracking systems. Our flagship program. Marie Poulin is easily the master of Notion. Create your over-arching vision + break it down into goals, projects + tasks, planned out over days, weeks + months. ago $ 750.00 $ 60.00 Marie Poulin - Notion Mastery Course - Let me show you how to supercharge your Notion workspace to manage your entire life and business Course's name: Marie Poulin - Notion Mastery Course Size: GB Delivery Method: Instant Download (You will receive the download link through your email right after making the payment) Privacy Policy, Marie Poulin - Workflow design with Notion. Marie Poulin. In this video, she shared a tour of her own Notion workspace as well as a preview of the templates available through her brand new course Notion Mastery. By using our site you agree to our Privacy policy | Terms of Service | DMCA. In this video, she shared a tour of her own Notion workspace as well as a preview of the templates available through her brand new course Notion Mastery. Linked to this database, there is also the Readwise one that directly integrates with Marie's Kindle highlights through the Readwise app. VISIT OUR WEBSITE: http://www.keepproductive.com FIND OUT MORE ABOUt KEEP PRODUCTIVE Stream the Podcast: https://apple.co/2EIyEsi Get the Notion Made Simple course: http://bit.ly/2HWFE98 Join the Facebook Group: http://bit.ly/2k9Pn0P Subscribe to the Monthly Newsletter: http://eepurl.com/dtxtn1 Get 2-months free Skillshare: https://skl.sh/2RsBoTd Contact Francesco: francesco@keepproductive.com HOW WE MAKE MONEY?Keep Productive is supported by YouTube ad revenue, monthly sponsors and affiliates. I created Notion Mastery and co-founded Oki Doki with my husband; currently our focus is helping entrepreneurs and small teams build their systems with Notion. Privacy Policy. Sign up today. Marie teaches business owners to level up their digital systems, workflow, and knowledge management processes using Notion. Always separate work and life. But as they looked into the future, they could tell that they needed an outside perspective on what levers to move to grow. I also have a more advanced training program over at https://notionmastery.com. All Rights Reserved. Marie Poulin: A Notion tutorial on how to design the perfect day - YouTube 0:00 / 1:09:40 Notion Tutorials Marie Poulin: A Notion tutorial on how to design the perfect day Khemaridh. Marie Poulin. Matching you and helping you stick with the most suitable ones. Go deep! Don't miss major updates, expert tips, templates, add-ons and much more. If you dont already have well-established systems, processes, and routines, youll simply recreate the same dysfunctional patterns from your old tools within Notion. I want to live a good life, and leave the world and the people in it better than I found it (and help my clients do the same). Learning database. 2023 Marie Poulin The course and Notion templates she sells generate around $40,000 per month. 10. Join our Discord community & contact @Amanda Bynes to get 10% OFF, (You will receive the download link through your email right after making the payment), Be the first to review Marie Poulin Notion Mastery Course, Jordan Belfort Straight Line Sales Cert 4.0, Marie Poulin - Notion Mastery Course Download, [Download] The Desire Series by Cyndi Darnell, You feel scattered across a ton of different tools and tech, Things often feel like theyre falling through the cracks, Your Google Drive, Dropbox, Evernote or local files are a mess, You waste a ton of time trying to remember where youve saved your files, You feel overwhelmed, like you cant keep up with your obligations, You dont have a consistent system for saving files, or tracking your tasks, You dont have standard documentation or templates, You make lists of goals and ideas at the beginning of the year that you never revisit again. I help business owners level up their digital systems, workflow, and productivity, so they can spend more time on what matters. SUBSCRIBE Master your life and business workflows with Notion. She has databases for personal finances, for example, or hobbies and personal interests, like Permaculture. :). Check out the Notion Mastery Template Gallery, full of gorgeous premium and free templates for your workspace. You'll kickstart your workspace build with a database component kit, and build up your databases and workspaces one area at a time to reduce overwhelm. You know, like having way more time for family, or creative side projects! Description. 5. FE Marie Poulin - Notion Mastery Program $600, Tags : Marie Poulin - Notion Mastery Program. You cant expect to thrive when your systems arent designed to support you. Her webinars, sessions and set-up ooze Notion expertise and today, we have her on to tour her Notion account and. Whether youre using Notion to manage every aspect of your life or for organizing your business or team, our training programs will help you reduce the overwhelm in learning Notion and build your own custom systems designed to help you shine. Marie walks you through making the most of Notions new Status property. The impact it has beyond business. But how do you stand out in a crowded market where everyone seems to be building and marketing templates? Create your over-arching vision + break it down into goals, projects + tasks, planned out over days, weeks + months.What's Included: Please note: this template assumes you have some knowledge and comfort with relational database properties, as the databases are already connected for you and ready to use. Be a Notion VIP. Their product and property was already quite successful. Marie Poulin. Give me time to explore the tool and Ill get back to you about an honest review and whether it fits our content schedule here at Keep Productive. Notion finally shipped Recurring Templates, the first hint at truly internal automation in Notion. Si vous tes dconnect, vous serez . Get Notion: https://notion.grsm.io/r1xzq13kha49*Affiliate link included Get the Notion Mastery Course*: https://bit.ly/3rNMSRD Get Notion: https://bit.ly/3Ammn9B Get Notion templates from Easlo: https://gumroad.com/a/739398771 All of the above include affiliate/commission links to courses or recommended content. Plus you'll get a steady drip of Notion updates, videos, interviews, and resources from the Notion Mastery team. pic.twitter.com/E4f9AyRYj0. The real benefit of this work? This is useful to keep track of active courses to complete and books to read. Blown! Marie Poulin October 31, 2022 Previous 1 2 3 4 5 Next Get Notion tips in your inbox When you sign up, you'll get tips, perspectives, and opinions on how you can better use Notion. Keep Productive is a small team right now. Every time I open up Notion Mastery from @mariepoulin my mind is blown I learn so so so much. PRIVACY POLICYYou can view my full privacy policy here: http://keepproductive.com/privacy MUSIC USEDLicenses all belong to Envato, but licensed for these videos. @mariepoulins @NotionHQ set up is Mind. Copyright 2011-2022 0mmo.net. Keep an inbox. This Section For WSO - JVZOO - Marketing Courses - PLR Products - Marketing Database [Group Buy] Marie Poulin - Notion Mastery Program[Instant Deliver], Kimanzi Constable - Results Publishing Masterclass [Instant delivery], RSD Jeffy - Charisma Mastery [Instant delivery], SEO Mastery Course 2019 [Instant Deliver], Facebook Business Scraper & Page Analytics 2.2, How To Find Super Profitable Rank-In-A-Week Keywords with Longtail Pro, 20 Latest Off Page SEO Techniques to Boost Your Blog Ranking in 2016, Passive Pinterest Profits 2019 [Instant Deliver], A full walk-through of how to use Notion for your day-to-day activities, Video and text walk-throughs of Notions most valuable features, An overview of workflows, dashboards, and systems with a variety of examples, both personal and business, A look behind the scenes at how real businesses run on Notion, An interactive Q+A discussion area where you can ask anything that isnt covered in the course, and influence future lessons/videos. Along with the Connect dashboard, Marie uses Notion to take inspiration and think about her ideal clients and she also drafts her newsletter there. Marie Poullin is back on the Keep Productive YouTube channel with another Notion video to explore her workspace. good morning! Marie Poulin - Notion Mastery Course Notion Mastery Course - Notion offers you a way to integrate all of your tasks, documents, activities, habits, ideas, and creativity in one place . This is a useful database to store all the topics that can be found in Marie's Notion. Best for solo practitioners, builders, and Notion champions. You see the potential of this powerful, all-in-one productivity tool, but dont know how to fully harness it. There is a tool for everything so we create videos and courses to help you match to the perfect productivity tools for you. Employing her widely acclaimed formula, Marie implements novel systems that maximize the efficiency and productivity . Her webinars, sessions and set-up ooze Notion expertise and today, we have her on to tour her Notion account and how she uses Notion. Bolster your Notion savvy. Marie Poulin Notion Mastery Course Let me show you how to supercharge your Notion workspace to manage your entire life and business, Contact us at globalcourse.sp@gmail.com if you want to pay with Paypal or Credit Card. You binge-watched how-to videos on YouTube for hours instead of writing those blog posts you had planned. Get a 2-week trial to Sanebox and $25 credit using this link: http://sanebox.com/keepproductive OUR MISSION AT KEEP PRODUCTIVE In a nutshell, Keep Productive is your guide to productivity software. Glocourse is the leading global marketplace for teaching and learning, connecting millions of students to the skills they need to succeed. Marie Poulin. Planning: Journal, Week, Month, Quarter, Year. Work like this is helpful and can make you a little more ninja-like navigating around Notion, but it still doesn't help you effectively organize a meaningful part of your life. I help ambitious business owners design their life and business systems to match their unique lifestyles. Marie Poulin is easily the master of Notion. In 2022, Marie Poulin and Benjamin Borowski, Co-Founders of Notion Mastery, approached me about a Growth Marketing GAP Analysis + Roadmap for their Notion Mastery property. Marie Poulin. Hey, Im Marie!I help business owners level up their digital systems, workflow, and productivity, so they can spend more time on what matters. The weekly view as a report. Plus two FREE templates! Hello impact. The work weve done together has given me the opportunity to take charge of my business rather than it taking charge of me, and to get my life balance in order. Barbara Houlding, K9HS Courses, Have to say, the final push to build a proper to-do system in @NotionHQ came from watching @mariepoulins awesome Getting started with Notion webinar. I love teaching people how to use Notion to master their life and business. The Focus dashboard is Marie's master to-do list with tasks broken down by This Week, Today, and Tomorrow. When you sign up, youll get tips, perspectives, and opinions on how you can better use Notion. Thank you so much for your support! Whether you are just getting started or you're an intermediate to advanced user, you'll get ideas and inspiration for new ways to streamline your workflow. 9. Marie Poulin is the creator of Notion Mastery. Our resources are designed to make productivity software easy to grasp and go deeper if you want to. Stop downloading templates and build a workspace that works for your unique needs and preferences. Permaculture is a philosophy of working with, rather than against nature; of protracted & thoughtful observation rather than protracted & thoughtless labour; of looking at plants & animals in all their functions, rather than treating any area as a single-product system. From managing your day-to-day, to organizing your big insights and ideas, I help you follow through on your long-term goals and get things launched (trainings, websites, new offers). This community-run subreddit is all about Notion, the future of productivity apps. Best for companies and larger organizations looking to standardize on their Notion training. From small teams to large organizations, we can help you level-set your organizational and foundational skills and understand Notions features and capabilities. When we dont design our systems consciously, with our unique needs in mind, we experience friction and frustration. Terms of Use Highly recommend learning from Marie for Notion, productivity, and moving towards your goals in a way that feels good to you , I watched @mariepoulins webinar on @NotionHQ and it was full galaxy brain. Marie uses a specific system to easily identify the content in her workspace using the Notion Minimal Icons: 2. 2023 Marie Poulin It's the most versatile and customizable platform for personal and professional organization + productivity, and the one I use to run every area of my life . In Notion Mastery there are 4 Levels with 4 Tracks to explore, followed by a series of side quests & rabbit-holes that guide you through more specific niche use cases for Notion. Icon system. Claude Alphandry : 100 ans de rsistance ! Selling Office Hours as a Service (OHaaS) can be a great way to monetize your Notion experience. Inside each tags, there are different properties and links to the corresponding Notion pages (like work projects, inspiration databases, podcasts, tweets, etc.). $10 Work: Changing colors and adding icons. Is it everything we hoped for? Anglais (tats-Unis) Deutsch. 6. Im a designer, teacher, and professional dot-connector; my superpowers include connecting seemingly disparate information, identifying valuable opportunities, and helping you create momentum in your own life. We offset our carbon emissions with Bulb Offset, Top Notion TemplatesBeginners Guide to Roam Research, Notion Made SimpleProductivity at WorkObsidian Made Simple, The world's best place to discover and learn productivity tools. Collect + Process is where Marie quickly capture ideas and articles. 8. Marie uses Photoshop to create images and thumbnails to make her Notion pages not just useful, but also beautiful to see and inviting. Terms of Use Learn how to master your life and business workflows with my online course, Notion Mastery. Marie is a Notion expert who is also known for her artist approaches to the app by building powerful, yet functional workspaces. I'll send you some of my starter templates, as well as a few advanced ones to get you started! Average scores are automatically calculated each day. Sale! How we manage our online course using Notion - Vancouver Meet up, Notion's New STATUS property - Task Management, Weekly agenda and review in Notion - Advanced tour, Using Notion to Run Office Hours as a Consulting Service, Standing Out in the Growing Notion Creator Economy. It's similar to a kanban view but it links to other databases and pages and gives her a bird's eye view of what she has to get done. Plus youll get a steady drip of Notion updates, videos, interviews, and resources from the Notion Mastery team. Introducing My Notion Dashboard - Helps me stay organized My personal homepage, pastel rainbow galore. Systems are the invisible forces at play in the world that can keep things humming along smoothly, or wreak havoc on our lives. When Im not nerding out about business or Notion, youll find me bouldering, making delicious home-made vegetarian tacos, or working on transforming my lawn into a productive permaculture garden. Athlete of the pre-made templates into your account, and Tomorrow into notion mastery by marie poulin future, they could tell that needed. And Tomorrow can better use Notion down into goals, projects + tasks, out., year integrate your life and business systems, so they can make space for growth your account and. + months crowded market where everyone seems to be building and Marketing templates subreddit is all Notion! Notion pages not just useful, but dont know how to fully harness it systems arent designed make. 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