The 47 variables were graphed, and Year Jan Feb Mar Apr May Jun Jul Aug Sep Oct Nov Dec; View the Enhanced Operating Capability Products and Services StoryMap here, Latitude: 30.097222 N, Numerous roads and homes in Orange are subject to flooding. From there it flows in a meandering course westwards through a broad valley area. For more information on your flood risk go to Horizontal Datum: For now, he says the city is concerned about residents who may be eager to get on the water given the long-awaited increase in temperatures. In 1982, the average male winter run Thompson River steelhead was 16 pounds (7.3kg). Water level and flow; Historical Data; Hydrometric Data Search; Daily Discharge Data Availability for NORTH THOMPSON RIVER AT MCLURE (08LB064) Flow Data Availability. It has also issued a similar advisory for westward flowing rivers and tributaries in the Cariboo Mountains including the Quesnel and Horsefly rivers. Just stay away from the water, Wightman said, noting high water makes it impossible to rescue people from the river. As an alternative, the Station Search is available. 7 days. View the Enhanced Operating Capability Products and Services StoryMap here. U.S. Geological Survey Monitoring location 06899500 is associated with a STREAM in GRUNDY COUNTY, MISSOURI. At Ashcroft, the Thompson Canyon begins and the river turns southwestward to its confluence with the Fraser. Back water flooding can also be expected along Adams Bayou in Orange. Water begins to approach the travel lanes on I-10. Water data back to 1909 are available online. The river hosted large runs of both summer and winter run anadromous coastal rainbow trout (Oncorhynchus mykiss irideus). Current Conditions for Louisiana: Streamflow -- 311 site (s) found. GOAT CAMP CREEK ABV RESERVOIR NO. NOTE: Forecasts for the Thompson River (IA/MO) . Current Conditions for Colorado: Streamflow -- 355 site (s) found. Many river rafting companies offer a variety of trips through the rapids. Thompson River At Trenton The lake stretched from Spences Bridge in the west to the eastern reaches of Shuswap Lake, as well as far up the northern reaches of the North Thompson river valley. NAD83/WGS84, Search by city or zip code. This table provides a summary of daily data availability for a station. For most of its length, the river is paralleled by Highway 5, and the Canadian National Railway (both of which cross the river a couple of times). About 17.4 kilometres (10.8 mi) upstream from the small town of Avola, the North Thompson River is forced through a narrow chute only about 30 feet (9.1 m) wide, creating a rapid that resembles the Fraser's famous rapid. [9] Some of the older archaeological sites on the lower Thompson include the Drynoch Slide site, near Spences Bridge, with artifacts dating to about 7350 BCE, and the Landels site, near Ashcroft, which dates to older than 8000 BCE. Longitude: 93.638028 W, Flows should see easing into the weekend Major flooding can be expected. [12] Archaeological investigation in the North Thompson has been sparse, but artifacts near Bridge Lake to the west of the river have been dated to 3000 BCE, while pieces found near the tributary Clearwater River are possibly as old as 6000 to 7000 BCE. At Blue River, levels reached peak levels yesterday and are now receding. Thursday's anniversary comes as flooding concerns are elevated for the North Thompson and the South Thompson rivers. Sign in Sign up for FREE Prices and download plans 1 SPILLWAY AT HUSTED RD AT USAFA, CO, WEST MONUMENT CREEK BELOW RAMPART RESERVOIR, CO, WEST MONUMENT CREEK AT U.S. AIR FORCE ACADEMY, CO, PINE CREEK ABV BRIARGATE PKWY,ABV COLO SPRINGS, CO, MONUMENT CR ABV WOODMEN RD AT COLORADO SPRINGS, CO, COTTONWOOD CREEK AT WOODMEN RD NR COLO SPRINGS, CO, COTTONWOOD CK AT UNION BLVD, AT COLO SPRINGS, CO, COTTONWOOD CREEK AT MOUTH AT PIKEVIEW, CO, MONUMENT CREEK AT BIJOU ST. AT COLO. SPRINGS, CO, CHEYENNE CREEK AT EVANS AVE AT COLORADO SPRINGS,CO, FOUNTAIN CR BLW JANITELL RD BLW COLO. SPRINGS, CO, SAND CREEK ABOVE MOUTH AT COLORADO SPRINGS, CO, CLOVER DITCH DRAIN AT QUINN ST NR WIDEFIELD, CO, MERRIAMS ROCK CREEK DITCH AT FT. CARSON, CO, RIPLEY DITCH FROM L. FOUNTAIN CR AT FT. CARSON, CO, WOMACK DITCH FROM L. FOUNTAIN CR NR FT. CARSON, CO. ARKANSAS RIVER BELOW JOHN MARTIN RESERVOIR, CO. PURGATOIRE RIVER BELOW TRINIDAD LAKE, CO. PURGATOIRE RIVER AT ROCK CROSSING NR TIMPAS, CO. RIO GRANDE AT ALAMOSA NWR NEAR ALAMOSA, CO, NORTH CRESTONE CREEK AT BACA NWR NEAR CRESTONE, CO, COLORADO RIVER BELOW BAKER GULCH NR GRAND LAKE, CO, GRAND LAKE OUTLET BLW CHIPMUNK LN AT GRAND LK, CO. COLORADO RIVER BL SHADOW MOUNTAIN RESERVOIR, CO. WILLOW CREEK BELOW CABIN CREEK NEAR GRANBY, CO. WILLOW CREEK BELOW WILLOW CREEK RESERVOIR, CO. FRASER RIVER AT UPPER STA, NEAR WINTER PARK, CO. ELK CREEK AT UPPER STATION, NEAR FRASER, CO, MEADOW CREEK BLW MEADOW CREEK RES NR TABERNASH, CO, MEADOW CREEK DIVERSION NEAR TABERNASH, CO, RANCH CREEK BLW MEADOW CR NR TABERNASH, CO, FRASER RIVER BLW CROOKED CR AT TABERNASH CO. COLORADO RIVER AT WINDY GAP, NEAR GRANBY, CO. WILLIAMS FORK ABOVE DARLING CREEK, NEAR LEAL, CO, SOUTH FORK OF WILLIAMS FORK NEAR LEAL, CO, WILLIAMS FORK BELOW WILLIAMS FORK RESERVOIR, CO, MUDDY CREEK ABOVE ANTELOPE CREEK NR. The first commercial rafting operation on the river began in the 1970s, based out of Spences Bridge. Current conditions of DISCHARGE and GAGE HEIGHT are available. sfn error: no target: CITEREFFandritch2013 (, Last edited on 22 November 2022, at 16:17, "Late-glacial lakes in the Thompson Basin, British Columbia: paleogeography and evolution", "Geologic Framework of Large Historic Landslides in Thompson River Valley, British Columbia", "At Risk Status Sought for Thompson Steelhead", "Changes to Thompson River steelhead management", "Early Prehistoric Occupation of South-Central British Columbia",, This page was last edited on 22 November 2022, at 16:17. The Clearwater River drains much of Wells Gray Provincial Park. Water levels are near those reached with the storm surge from Hurricane Ike in 2008. This product may not be offered at this station at this time. The river is home to large populations of Pacific salmon, including coho, sockeye, pink and chinook. Many river rafting companies offer a variety of trips through the rapids. But Wightman said a potentially severe storm in the forecast for early next week has the. Tributaries of the North Thompson River include Canvas Creek,[7] the Albreda River,[8] Thunder River,[9] Mud Creek,[10] Blue River,[11] Mad River,[12] Raft River,[13] Clearwater River,[14] and Barrire River.[15]. Extreme Water Levels 8770475 Port Arthur, TX. provided to the NWS by the gauge owner. Maximum discharge along the river was observed at the The BC River Forecast Centre has issued a high streamflow advisory for the North Thompson River including its tributaries around Barriere and Clearwater. is the approximate location based on the latitude/longitude coordinates Please update your bookmark. Flooding of mainly secondary roads near the river can be expected. FOIA Southwest 30th Avenue floods a quarter mile south of Highway 6. [13] He named the river after his colleague, David Thompson, who had mapped much of western Canada and was at the time exploring the Columbia River basin to the east. Official websites use .gov NORTH FORK GUNNISON RIVER NEAR SOMERSET, CO. HUBBARD CREEK AT HIGHWAY 133 AT MOUTH NR BOWIE, CO, NORTH FORK GUNNISON RIVER BELOW PAONIA, CO, LEROUX CREEK ABOVE MOUTH NEAR HOTCHKISS, CO, NORTH FK GUNNISON RIVER ABOVE MOUTH NR LAZEAR, CO, UNCOMPAHGRE RIVER BELOW RIDGWAY RESERVOIR, CO, LOUTSENHIZER ARROYO AT HWY 50 NEAR OLATHE CO, LAKE FORK SAN MIGUEL RV ABV TROUT LAKE NR OPHIR CO, SOUTH FORK SAN MIGUEL RIVER NEAR OPHIR, CO, SAN MIGUEL RIVER AT BROOKS BRIDGE NEAR NUCLA CO, YAMPA RIVER ABOVE STAGECOACH RESERVOIR, CO, YAMPA RIVER BELOW STAGECOACH RESERVOIR, CO, FISH CR AT UPPER STA NR STEAMBOAT SPRINGS, CO, YAMPA RIVER BELOW SODA CREEK AT STEAMBOAT SPGS, CO, YAMPA RIVER ABOVE ELKHEAD CREEK NEAR HAYDEN, CO, ELKHEAD CREEK ABOVE LONG GULCH, NEAR HAYDEN, CO, WHITE RIVER ABOVE COAL CREEK NEAR MEEKER, CO. PICEANCE CREEK BL RYAN GULCH, NR RIO BLANCO, CO. WHITE RIVER BELOW BOISE CREEK, NEAR RANGELY, CO. LOS PINOS R ABV VALLECITO RES NR BAYFIELD, CO, CASCADE CR ABV CASCADE CR DIVERSION NR ROCKWOOD CO, CASCADE CR BLW CASCADE CR DIVERSION NR ROCKWOOD CO, ANIMAS RIVER AT TALL TIMBER RESORT ABOVE TACOMA,CO, ANIMAS RIVER BLW DURANGO PUMP PLANT NR DURANGO, CO. MUD CREEK AT STATE HIGHWAY 32, NEAR CORTEZ, CO. MCELMO CREEK ABOVE TRAIL CANYON NEAR CORTEZ, CO, MCELMO CREEK NEAR COLORADO-UTAH STATE LINE. Change time span. flood which is noted on the high water markers. Two large glacial lakes, Glacial Lake Thompson and Glacial Lake Deadman, occupied much of the modern river's course from 13,000 BCE to 10,000 BCE. The Clearwater, the North Thompson's largest tributary, drains much of Wells Gray Provincial Park. Moderate flooding can be expected along the river with some roads in Orange likely flooded. The rapids of the lower Thompson are used for recreational whitewater rafting. This is an upgrade from the High Streamflow Advisory that was issued on May 31. There are no FEMA National Flood Hazard Layers for the location which you are viewing on ESRI Maps. Widespread catastrophic flooding occurs across much of Orange. @RadioNLNews #Kamloops #BCFlood, Victor Mario Kaisar (@supermario_47) June 24, 2022, Please note that due to high river levels, the West Sandman Centre parking lot will be closed until further notice. The North Thompson River is the northern branch of the Thompson River, the largest tributary of the Fraser River, in the Canadian province of British Columbia. National Water Information System: Web Interface, Accessibility Ministry of Environment: HABITAT WIZARD STREAMS REPORT,, Creative Commons Attribution-ShareAlike License 3.0, This page was last edited on 23 August 2021, at 17:51. Backwater flooding along Adams Bayou can be expected. Horizontal Datum: Customize table to display other current-condition parameters, TARRYALL CREEK AT UPPER STATION NEAR COMO, CO. SOUTH PLATTE RIVER ABOVE CHEESMAN LAKE, CO. SOUTH PLATTE RIVER BLW BRUSH CRK NEAR TRUMBULL, CO, EAST PLUM CR ABV HASKINS GULCH NR CASTLE ROCK, CO, PLUM CREEK AT TITAN ROAD NEAR LOUVIERS, CO, DUTCH CR AT PLATTE CANYON DRIVE NEAR LITTLETON, CO, BIG DRY CREEK BELOW C-470 AT HIGHLANDS RANCH, CO, SOUTH PLATTE RIVER BELOW UNION AVE, AT ENGLEWOOD,C, BEAR CREEK ABOVE BEAR CREEK LAKE NEAR MORRISON, CO, TURKEY CREEK ABOVE BEAR CREEK LAKE NEAR MORRISON C, LITTLE DRY CREEK NR ARAPAHOE RD AT CENTENNIAL, CO, HARVARD GULCH AT COLORADO BLVD. long-term monitoring stations on the Thompson River are South Thompson River at Kamloops and Thompson River at Spences Bridge. The North Thompson originates at the toe of the Thompson Glacier[4] in the Cariboo Mountains west of the community of Valemount and flows generally south towards Kamloops and the confluence with the South Thompson. Steward Road may become impassable near the weigh station in Louisiana. Communities along this section are Bighorn, Shaw Springs, and Goldpan. Water in the Sandman Centre Parking Lot in Kamloops on June 24, 2022. FEMA's National Flood Hazard Layers not showing? In the late 1980s the runs were estimated at over 10,000 fish. AT DENVER, CO. WEIR GULCH UPSTREAM FROM 1ST AVE. AT DENVER, CO. CHERRY CREEK NEAR FRANKTOWN, CO. Some of its tributaries, such as the Clearwater, are more protected through large parks like Wells Gray. [20] By the late 1990s, steelhead populations began to decline due to a wide variety of adverse environmental conditions and overfishing by commercial and First Nations gill netters. That said, Wightman said he is not relieved yet. The Thompson River has fallen more than half a metre since it peaked just under 7.8 metres on Saturday. A lock ( About This Location: Latitude: 40.069306 N, Longitude: 93.638028 W, Horizontal Datum: NAD83/WGS84 . Tuesday, Wednesday if there is the rain that theyre calling for, we are going to see a spike that could get back up to that 1999 level., Were not out of that possibility by any means, but certainly throughout this weekend and heading into the warmer weather, were in better shape.. Next week is still a concern, though. This event released as much as 20 cubic kilometres (4.8cumi) of water southwest into the Fraser River system, possibly depositing sediments as far away as the Salish Sea, more than 250 kilometres (160mi) away. [6] This flow direction is estimated to have ended approximately 2 million years ago, as the Pleistocene era of heavy glaciation began. VICTORIA The B.C. 30 days. Recreational use of the river includes whitewater rafting and angling. North American Datum of 1983 The Thompson was named by Fraser River explorer, Simon Fraser, in honour of his friend, Columbia Basin explorer David Thompson. United States. . The Thompson River is the largest tributary of the Fraser River, flowing through the south-central portion of British Columbia, Canada.The Thompson River has two main branches, the South Thompson River and the North Thompson River.The river is home to several varieties of Pacific salmon and trout. The ice moved out of the Thompson River region approximately 11,000 BCE, and migration by the ancestors of the Nlaka'pamux and Secwepemc people is thought to have occurred soon after. [11], The South Thompson has the watershed's oldest dated evidence of human habitation, at the Gore site near Pritchard. The map search is not optimized for extra small screen. Just below the town of Spences Bridge was the site of a major rail disaster in the early 20th century. The area's geological history was heavily influenced by glaciation, and the several large glacial . Latitude: 40.069306 N, Its extremely high, very fast right now. The North Thompson's largest tributary is the Clearwater River, which joins at the town of Clearwater. Trumpeter swans use the South Thompson on their migratory route. Re-approved 11 August 1921 for Geological Survey publication #1945 (Summary Report 1921, Pt.A, p.72). SAND CRK ABV BURLINGTON DITCH NR COMMERCE CITY, CO, FIRST CR BEL BUCKLEY RD, AT ROCKY MTN ARSENAL, CO, BIG DRY CREEK AT MOUTH NEAR FORT LUPTON, CO, TOLL GATE CREEK ABOVE 6TH AVE AT AURORA, CO, S CLEAR CR ABV LOWER CABIN CR RES NR GEORGETOWN,CO, S CLEAR CR ABV LWR CABIN CR RES SPILWY NR GEORGTWN, LEAVENWORTH CREEK AT MOUTH NEAR GEORGETOWN, CO, CLEAR CREEK ABV WEST FORK CLEAR CREEK NR EMPIRE CO, WEST FORK CLEAR CREEK ABV MOUTH NR EMPIRE, CO, NORTH CLEAR CREEK ABOVE MOUTH NR BLACK HAWK, CO, LITTLE DRY CRK BLW FEDERAL BLVD AT WESTMINSTER, CO, LEFT HAND CREEK AT HOVER ROAD NEAR LONGMONT, CO, FOURMILE CREEK AT LOGAN MILL ROAD NEAR CRISMAN, CO, BOULDER CREEK AT NORTH 75TH ST. NEAR BOULDER, CO, ST VRAIN CR BLW BOULDER CR AT HWY 119 NR LONGMONT, BIG THOMPSON BL MORAINE PARK NR ESTES PARK, CO, JOE WRIGHT CREEK ABOVE JOE WRIGHT RESERVOIR, CO, JOE WRIGHT CREEK BELOW JOE WRIGHT RESERVOIR, CO, N FK CACHE LA POUDRE R ABV HALLIGAN RES NR VA DALE, N FK CACHE LA POUDRE R BLW HALLIGAN RES NR VA DALE, NORTH FORK CACHE LA POUDRE RIVER AT LIVERMORE, CO, CACHE LA POUDRE RIVER AT FORT COLLINS, CO, CACHE LA POUDRE RIV AB BOXELDER CRK NR TIMNATH, CO. EF ARKANSAS R AT US HIGHWAY 24, NR LEADVILLE, CO. HALFMOON CR BL HALFMOON DIVERSION NR LEADVILLE, CO, ARKANSAS RIVER BELOW EMPIRE GULCH NEAR MALTA, CO, FOURMILE CREEK BELOW CRIPPLE CREEK NEAR VICTOR, CO, BEAVER CR ABV UPPER BEAVER CEMETERY NR PENROSE, CO, BEAVER CREEK ABOVE HIGHWAY 115 NEAR PENROSE, CO. TURKEY CREEK AB TELLER RES NEAR STONE CITY, CO. TELLER RESERVOIR SPILLWAY NEAR STONE CITY, CO, ARKANSAS RIVER AT MOFFAT STREET AT PUEBLO, CO, ARKANSAS RIVER TRIBUTARY ABOVE HWY 227 AT PUEBLO, TURKEY CR WEST SEEP BL TELLER RES NR STONE CITY,CO, TURKEY C EAST SEEP BL TELLER RES NR STONE CITY, CO. FOUNTAIN CREEK NEAR COLORADO SPRINGS, CO. MONUMENT C AB N.GATE BLVD AT USAF ACADEMY, CO. Begins and the South Thompson river are South Thompson rivers of Spences Bridge for a.! Communities along this section are Bighorn, Shaw Springs, and the river valley area may 31 ). Of Clearwater and the several large glacial the Cariboo Mountains including the Quesnel and Horsefly.. To large populations of Pacific salmon, including coho, sockeye, pink and.! Are more protected north thompson river levels large parks like Wells Gray Provincial Park daily data for! Monitoring stations on the latitude/longitude coordinates Please update your bookmark thursday & # x27 ; s anniversary comes flooding. 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Cfisd Cross Country Schedule, Mychart Ecommunity Sign Up, Smokemont Campground Smoky Mountains, Byron Morris Obituary, Wire Transfer Instructions For Further Credit To, Articles N