See? They represent a disregard for basic human rights that has no place in our communities or country, and certainly not at Nordstrom. For more, see here. About 80 people were thought to be involved in what law enforcement is calling a smash-and-grab incident in Walnut Creek, a city northeast of Oakland. I love every fucking bit of it. It is interesting that the vids showing looters loading up cars and driving away are driving later model, new cars. Propaganda allowed the non-urban populations to tell themselves that their support of urban stabilization was an act of charity, benefitted urban dwellers, and was a mark of virtue. The police were flying in. Simple-minded people are often distracted, even mezmerised, by bright shiny objects. A security guard was assaulted as a group of suspects fled with merchandise worth an estimated $25,000 during a smash-and-grab robbery Wednesday at the Canoga Park Nordstrom, CBSLA reported. By Jove, I believe youve hit the nail on the head. Other suspects remain . A week later after the waters subsided, they dragged their bodies out from under the road. There are 50 criminals running around that should be in prison. Enough already. Those people really did serve as useful idiots. By Charlie McCarthy |
People have to relearn everything about them every so often because every generation forgets what theyre really like. That white guys run slow and cant fight? If blacks are so terrified of cops why do they break the law? Dont forget they will probably declare twice what was stolen on their insurance and come out ahead. Other recent strikes against big retailers have occurred in metro areas such as Chicago and San Francisco. @LAPDWilshire in pursuit, christina heller (@CHellerTVNews) November 23, 2021, 14 people loot a Louis Vuitton store near Chicago#louisvuitton #chicago #Loot, RED CACHE (@redcachenet) November 19, 2021, LISTEN NOW: We're tracking the after hours action in shares of Nordstrom and Gap as both stocks fall. Well, if Koresh was killed all by himself, you might say he deserved what he got, although I dont see why being a scumbag should be a death sentence. People run from a Nordstrom in The Grove shopping center after the store was robbed during a protest on Saturday, May 30, 2020, in Los Angeles. For once, dont do it. Everybody wins! Movement is hindered by COVID-19 restrictions, and vehicle usage is made much more expensive by the electric car and renewable energy program. Its called jewish lightningfiling insurance claims after deliberately set fires, which has been going on for generations. So thats where we stand at this point in time and also knowing that we really need to add hundreds of thousands more to the jail and prison systems. At some point most of these guys were aware of the practice and expected to be taken out. .the vibrant (ghetto) culture is responsible for the disparities of course, naming the elephant in the room will subject one to accusations of (gasp!) November 24, 2021 8:18am. Even summer-afternoon-IQ humans are capable of such, as are any 14-year-olds, which is roughly the mental and emotional capacity of the sample population. A final note: youll note I outline the probable methods they communicate. Whats all the fuss? Guaranteed. The high street is to be eliminated dont you know, we are going to live in smart cities, in a cashless society, order everything online and have it delivered by drone. . Eight Black People Shot (by Black Shooter) atMLK Car Show and Family Fun Day in Fort Pierce, Florida, Vaccine Smackdown: Editor Ron Unz vs Anti-vaxx Crackpot, 37 Black-on-White Homicides in Gas Stations, Parking Lots, and Living Rooms: December 2022---Another Month in the Death of White America. John McCain: When "Tokyo Rose" Ran for President, Hero George Santos Marches Into His Office with Pride, Let's Replace the UN with the Hajj Qasem Soleimani Assembly of Nations. Police told reporters the individuals had garbage bags with them as they rushed into the store at Oak Brook Center Mall. No need to knock over a delivery truck in the early morning. Re the Feds: I remember the sick picture of a couple dozen FBI and BATF heroes (sic) in a group picture smiling and posing as if they had just vanquished an enemy company, right in front of the burnt compound where several dozen children were burnt to death alive. The break-in at Nordstrom was preceded by another smash and grab at a CVS in the 5800 block . The Jewish elite know this. We owe it to our employees, our customers and our communities to be very clear in condemning these acts of violence. Criminals (especially those of a certain hue) are known to operate in packs. They finally get what it means to be an American. Damian C. Chicago, IL. $98.00 Current Price $98.00. Wif dey whites we be killn I would rate this store -5 stars if I can. Then on Wednesday, four men fled with $20,000 of merchandise from an Apple store in Santa Rosa, according to police. . Blacks never understood Christmas. White people cant win this.! Russia is planning a major offensive. Most of the Bolshevik Jews (and non-Jews as well) were imprisoned, tortured and executed by Stalin. The company's flagship store in Seattle and another store in Los Angeles were looted over the weekend. who control said insurance rackets. Newsmax, Moneynews, Newsmax Health, and Independent. They dont even acknowledge the eye-rolling that store clerks do when dealing with their lame scams. Vaccine Smackdown: Editor Ron Unz vs Anti-Vaxx Crackpot, Why the Ask a Mexican! Just before 7 p.m., police responded to the Nordstrom store at The Grove in Los Angeles after it was broken into. Police in affected areas have increased patrols as stores have ramped up security. Its Official: Leftist Researchers Lie. Add to that license plates surely visible on video footage, and its obvious that law enforcement could easily amass a list of probable cause suspects without even leaving their offices. ", Nordstrom advised customers to check its website for updates on store operations, saying the situation is "evolving quickly.". 363. Corporate America has backed this BLM stuff to the hilt, and should now reap what theyve sown. POLICE UNIONS BLAME ACLU FOR RASH OF RECENT SMASH-AND-GRAB ROBBERIES: 'VOTERS WERE LIED TO'. This phenom must be an organized Insurance racket scheme. Before long, the small-business owner had a nagging feeling about the department store's line-up of Ivanka . At least five men burst into the department store around 7 p.m. on Wednesday, while shoppers were still inside, reported. COVID update: Nordstrom Ebar Artisan Coffee has updated their hours, takeout & delivery options. Portland had some pretty extensive looting too. You can bet former Mayor now Secretary Pete doesnt take the same public transit he believes the rest of us should use for that very reason. However, some attempts to show solidarity have fallen flat. Compare hardware stores in urban areas and suburban / rural areas. Shamelessness is a feature of ghetto trash. Anyone with the vaguest insight into human nature saw this coming, though they might be forgiven for underestimating the speed with which it would arrive. Remember all human nature is fundamentally good, if only we allow it to be expressed. Cant eat bling, phony diamonds, gold, or silver. The Grove shopping center, located across from the street from CBS Television City, was looted on Saturday evening, and the police kiosk outside the department store was set on fire. Powered and implemented byFactSet Digital Solutions. What You Need to Know About the 2020 Nordstrom Anniversary Sale, Nordstrom: 'We Have Been Deeply Saddened and Angered', Nordstrom Launches Its First-Ever Genderless Collection for Pride. Thats beside the point, this is nature speaking. . Dont blame black people blame commie agitators. Black US Rep Introduces Bill to Criminalize White People Criticizing Non-Whites in America or Noticing Massive Non-White I What Would MLK Day be Without a Black on Black Mass Shooting? Soon enough the idea will catch on and it becomes a general strike, or mass walk out. Its so heartwarming to see the exuberance with which our dusky buddies can crash plate glass display windows, swipe multiple flat screen Roku televisions and trays of Swarovski diamonds, and load the merch into their waiting late model Beemers for quick transport back to the hood. BTW, Have a wonderful KFC dinner this Thanksgiving. Access your favorite topics in a personalized feed while you're on the go. "It's unfortunate because these people that are here are just trying to shop for the holidays [and] for their families,"LAPD Deputy Chief Alan Hamilton said, CBSLA reported. Lenin called the white liberals useful idiots. The issue of race and the experiences of too many people of color cannot be ignored. The usual way the term has been quoted among the Right is to claim that Lenin thought that liberals would open the door for him. About 80 suspects were involved in what police are calling a "smash-and-grab" incident Saturday night at a Nordstrom location in Walnut Creek, near San Francisco. It was his own stupidity that was the source of his problems. Shoot a few and the rest will come armed. Dont sit back and be silent. Officers with the Los Angeles Police Department were involved in the chase after suspects fled in at least four vehicles. The Unz Review is now a pure racist propaganda fest setting up a race war in the USA! Useful. AI technology sends schools scrambling to preserve learning, George Santos gets two committee assignments, DeSantis proposes permanent COVID mandate ban in Florida. The 25% increase in imports has overloaded the US supply network in the same way that rush-hour traffic overloads freeways, and the US has neither the money nor political ability to upgrade its import network by, say, re-building the West Coast ports and its rail distribution network. On Sunday, thievesalso broke into a Louis Vuitton and a Saks Fifth Avenue in Beverly Hills. If a racial group has become aware that the police have become paranoid about engaging with them, people in that group with criminal tendencies are less likely to fear the police and more likely to commit crimes. One group of Jews destroying another group of Jews using oppressed black proxies to loot their made n China inventory. Ladies and gentlemen, pimps and hoes, introducing Dooky Pee singing Black Cremma. It's about Germany, The 9/11 "Double-Cross" Conspiracy Theory, Trump Raid: This is Probably the End, Friends, Germany and EU have been handed over a declaration of war, Steve Bannon Was Right!Millennials "Dont Have A Chance", Review of Unmasking Anne Frank, Her Famous diary Exposed as a Literary Fraud by Ikuo Suzuki, The Stage is Set for US Combat Troops in Ukraine. It just so happened that this was one part of the mall where they were able to get in and get out, even with our officers being deployed here.". A few shotgun blasts aimed at the thieves would stop this practice cold. The next cold front will deliver rain and Tuesday AM Forecast: Warm and humid until the next front comes through. There have been several thefts inmajor cities across California, including theSan Francisco Bay area. There is clearly some organization and planning in these raids, but nothing much more sophisticated than some messaging on Facebook, Twitter or via texting on phones. Oh theres a resolution; one thats been successful throughout human history. American. They are a part of the exact same problem, creating exactly the same division just from their own side of the fence, and have no real solutions to anything. Mutual Fund and ETF data provided by Refinitiv Lipper. So let their deities plunder at will. Id never think of looting like this (they just hand me merchandise after I present my white privilege card), but if I got the sniffles, or got locked down because a neighbor got the sniffles, Katy bar the door Id be looting too! Los Angeles flash mob vandalizes 7-Eleven. As storz burnn in da nite, Imma dreamn uva black cremma United States and Venezuela: A Historical Background, War with China! Theres a comedy club somewhere waiting for Andrew. BREAKING: Nordstrom at The Grove is now being broken into as well. All they know how to do is tear things down and theyre very ambitious: the big prize is tearing down all that remains of civilization. The warning comes after smash-and-grab looters targeted cities in California, most notably Los Angeles and the San Francisco Bay Area. Dont cry for the retailers; theyre happy to get rid of expensive storefronts and staff which resulted in relatively inefficient conversion of shoppers to customers, and now have a greater impetus so sell online and fullfill with slave labour from cheaper warehouses. . 348. If you showed the propensity to kill without question then you would be rewarded. Lynda Buel, president of Ohio-based security consulting firm SRMC, told CNN the decriminalization of low-level offenses in some states mean fewer consequences for people accused of participating in grab-and-go thefts. By Phil Helsel. Funny how the WEF/Davos crowd have revived the idea. Sign In. Dont turn your back on racism. "Thankfully, none of our employees were injured in these events, and we're communicating regularly with all of them on the actions we're taking and the ways we will continue to support them," the company said. Sounds like time for FDs to practice their burning. Use of multiple, non-Anonymous handles for commenting on this webzine is strongly discouraged, and your secret (real or fictitious) email allows you to authenticate your commenter-identity, preventing others from assuming it, accidentally or otherwise. What the US learned from the Vietnamese is, they dont have as many bombs as us.. Take away that leverage and its instant Saudi Arabia. California has seen a wave of thefts and department store break-ins. On a personal note, my local (rural) hardware store experienced a power outage. After refusing several attempts, Weaver gave in and altered the gun for a fee. The problem with racist diatribes is to act like its always been this way. Now young girls have sexual fantasies of living in a Arab kingdom until they are getting their hands and heads chopped off and sent to pick cotton or used as fertilizer. Looting must pay quite well. My bet would be that they are ultimately owned by donors to the very same politicians who defunded the police and turned the hordes of criminals loose. Europeans can hold onto entire nations of nig-nogs so long as there isnt (((international pressure))) to liberate the jigs. His comments came in response to a looting incident at a 7-Eleven last Monday where about 100 people stormed the convenience store. The Jews are playing all the sincere white racists as fools as usual, stoking them up with all the agents of provocation among them and lead articles presented like this one here. It does not mean that somebody delivers them bags of cash on a regular basis-. "We really want to prevent this from becoming a new trend where they think they can show up and take over a street or a freeway or any part of the city that they're just going to be able to do what they want," LAPD Det. Fred Branfman Risked His Life for Ordinary People, The IMF and World Bank: Partners In Backwardness, # 407, Cold War of Trump/Navarro vs. China - More Dangerous Than Covid-19, Met Police Invokes National Security About Epstein Meeting with US Senators in the UK, San Francisco: Reparations to Last 250 Years, Republican Candidate Diversity Efforts Stumble, A White Woman TV Reporter Was Murdered by a Black Gay Crazyman for Saying She Was "Going Out in the Field", The Davos World Economic Forum Is a Mirror Image Offshoot of the Bilderberg Conference, 0 Dead, 6 Wounded at Funeral Mass Shooting Near Regent Park, London, A de-Policed Los Angeles Is an Armed Los Angeles. The group struck around 10:40 p.m. PT, said Officer Drake Madison, a Los . as well as other partner offers and accept our. If they can do this unabated every late November, theyll be all set to celebrate Kwanzaa a month later and happy enough not to carjack every dumbass whitey lost off the interstate on their turf. Legal Statement. You cant summon miracles, people cant get comfort, and the soul cant get peace. NFL NBA Megan Anderson Atlanta Hawks Los Angeles Lakers Boston Celtics Arsenal F.C. Hillbillies were not given a choice in the matter, and they didnt own slaves or profit from the slave trade. The suspected mass looting is the latest in a number of flash mob robberies that have recently targeted designer stores. The group was later taken into custody. Every Jogger thats robbing a high end boutique is a Jogger thats not driving through a Christmas parade. Agreed but anyone who defends himself against a black criminal now gets put in jail for life. 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