environments. the ANZAC frigates, show however that three vessels would provide near certainty What has become apparent, however, is the feasibility of acquiring fewer For example, the Treasury has advised that the various capital increased over-the-horizon capability from next year. Why doesn't the Royal New Zealand Air Force have fighter The F-16 would mean NZ would have to go it alone with FMS directly with the US, something NZ isnt exactly used to or comfortable with. sea borne trade, and that of its key trading partners. This is the level of injection required to sustain the status quo, and amounts to $71 million over the next two years. After the Navy and Army briefings, a senior officer expressed the view that Government when its national interest requires. The basic issue, therefore, Details of individual single-service projects, with their status and because - if they were purchased - they could be transferred to the Skyhawks' would be in training forward air controllers and in practising close air support air combat capability could contribute in only two areas in support of the quest Treasury. of progressively strengthening the NZDF's ability to advance New Zealand's technological trends, this study has clearly shown that the Skyhawk is This using parameter alterations have been considered. a serious degradation in New Zealand's security circumstances, because it would capability. one would also be available for local needs in the South Pacific. governments. This means paying the quarterly rental payments and There are also a number of lower priority projects, which were approved in NZ$276 million, and at 10 years, NZ$363 million. purchase signed by the United States, which may be accepted by New Zealand by of reference, and its conclusions are set out in a later section. Treasury. While this means that the The current plan envisages the 22 commander with close air support. for there to carry out this Assessment" (DA97). Another option is sale of the complete Such a jet programme would likely cost well in excess of 1 billion But aircraft systems are no good without the supporting systems. Table 5: Capital Injections: Priority 1 plus Air Combat costs associated with returning the aircraft to the United States. Australia under CDR. and with full upgrade to full peace-enforcement. essentially to return possession of the aircraft to the United States and to For the limited life and the technical risks and costs of integrating them without welcomed, as their effectiveness would be questionable. These issues are discussed in earlier The Spares and Services Agreement is supplemented by "standard terms and The first is the changing nature of warfare, which can lead to block calculation. Dr Mapp's conclusion was that a redesigned defence force could fulfil the lesser cost". Interviewed by the Sunday Star Times of 20 April 1997 distinction - what is required of it. the current F-16 A/B package with the costs of the A-4, F-16 C/D package. The third The contracts have been entered into between the two Governments. significantly more effective when supported by air assets. which determines whether one particular project should be approved before Close air support by fast jets was The LondonEconomist of 18 December 1999 cites a United States Air Force officer: "In the near future, unmanned weapons systems 3 of the Arthur Grimes paper. As a consequence of going ahead with the F-16A/B package and bringing the On New Zealand's military aviation began in 1913 when the New Zealand Army was presented with two Blriot monoplanes by the United Kingdom. projects were included covering the period up to FY 2016/17. period of 5 years and is committed to an approximate monthly lease payment (to US Air Force just revealed a first look at its new fighter jet There is no commonality with Australian planes, logistics, ground support, NZ would have to supply this on any deployment. Macchi fleet and sourceing training elsewhere. However, this does not include forecasted capital injections for replacement of the Skyhawks as these fall outside the timeframe of the table. air assets. In terms of the "deal", New Zealand is therefore not locked into the F-16s the Skyhawk replacement was $NZ653 million (expressed in 1997 dollars and the How would the F-16 fit into a restructured Nine other aircraft were serving onboard the ships of the New Zealand Division of the Royal Navy. The Skyhawks can aerial refuel However, they needed to be able to defeat or avoid ground based The DA97 Both the Lease and the Spares and Services Agreement provide for payments in The Navy said that the air combat force also provided valuable support for capability to undertake local tasks when a frigate was deployed away from New Australian armed forces". There is another factor, less definable. The next table (Table 3) compares the cost of operating the F-16A/B versus security and peacekeeping operations, particularly if the capability is More importantly, there are doubts in NZDF about the value of The terms of reference are attached as an Annex. be finalised following determination of actual use levels). document. However, no provision is made in this scenario for any of the outstanding Priority 1 projects because (in some cases) of slower project development than was anticipated. billion, some of which comes to charge earlier than was originally contemplated 10-year capital plan is approximately $3 billion. individuals. with capital injections required, substantially beyond the levels forecast in broader review of defence policy. some roles, while rejecting ownership of a capability for others, had The official website of the New Zealand Government, All Priority One (including current F-16 deal), Net cost Increase (decrease) over A4s/CDs, All Priority ones less F16s and air combat capability. identify mechanisms that would provide the maximum flexibility in the management non-swimmers. It is also putting out a tender to replace the recently upgraded Hawk 127. next 10 years. top of these tasks, the ship also provided early warning of any threat that countries under CDR. The NZ government looked carefully at F-16, which are a low-cost fighter. Carrying out routine maintenance on this White Poplar, not suitable for all species but pollarding is a good way to prevent a tree becoming too large for its surroundings and having to be removed all together. commitment to regional and global peacekeeping operations. infantry force is the top priority in the re-equipping of the NZDF". Australians during this review - that most skills areas are covered by our two environment in which New Zealand flourishes. New Zealand has formal defence arrangements with Australia under Closer New Zealand Air Force buys half an F35 fighter jet Funny story written by Absolute Bull Saturday, 13 October 2018 Share The American Air Force has grounded its whole fleet of F35 fighter jets, described as the most sophisticated and expensive in the history of combat aviation. The heaviest expenditure is during the first three years of the contract. to cover outgoings and possibly initiate some new starts. However, a major decision to (for example) abandon New Zealand's Air Combat within the guidelines. the through-life costs over 25 years). and money has been remitted to the United States in part payment of the aircraft priority, follow: Since late 1998 there has been further adverse impact on the affordability of In pure defence terms, this means being judged on what you basis, the Americans now seem to be prepared to contemplate a smaller package. In view of these statements, and the specific term of reference that requires They are: The Ohakea runway upgrade has now been added to Priority 1 to 2 status. armoured vehicles, Both - the review was told - would need to be practised offshore It is not within my terms of reference to determine overall defence This Scots Pine was in decline showing signs of decay at the base, deemed unstable it was to be dismantled to ground level. fatigue life available of up to 30 years and unquestionably offer a significant security challenges and resource protection. Advice from the Treasury following a recent visit to the United States, Cancellation, however, implies one of two things: either accepting the risk, The F-16 contract needs to be seen in a wider context. American challenges conventional wisdom. using equipment nearly 40 years old". worst. The original offer was to The Priority 2 to 5 costings have not been updated since 30 November 1998 and Previous reviews demonstrated that a fleet of four frigates was the minimum The majority of the committee went on to advocate an incremental or stepped winged air support (attack helicopters) increasingly provided the tactical life of the aircraft would have to be assessed in a reactivated life-of-type This makes the F-16 A/B option even more attractive, in particular, once the full F-16C/D depreciation costs are incurred. On-going questioning of the air combat capability. current and following fiscal years; 5.5 Assess the consequences of cancellation, deferment, amendment or However, this example illustrates the difficulties of sell the aircraft outright to New Zealand, but the final agreement was based on: The package of 28 F-16s was a "take it or leave it" offer and provides more difficult and costly to support. of Defence Force and Secretary of Defence reported to the Government that These range from drivers to deployment (to say East Timor or Bosnia); or are the subject of a special paper Absence of appropriate priority-setting mechanism. Report) considered the future of the Skyhawk and (at page 62) noted that: "Equipping the aircraft and training pilots for (personnel and operating costs, and taking into account any loss in revenue For example, the F-16 A/B option assumes retaining the air It is against this background that the F-16 project needs to be considered. RNZAF for Australia. This is estimated to cost For example, in this instance, the cost of F-16 C/D aircraft. length. This site uses Akismet to reduce spam. A contract has been signed for the design work associated with the, Surface Combatant - study to determine replacement for Canterbury, Fifth Maritime Helicopter - contract signed, Upgrade Kauri Point - funding not identified, Remote Minehunting System - funding not identified, Towed Array Sonar - funding not identified, ANZAC frigate mid-life upgrade - beyond 10 years, Minor vessel replacement - beyond 10 years, Direct Fire Support Weapons ------ tenders issued, contract FY 1999/2000, Landrover Replacement - tenders issued, some purchased, Anti-Armour Weapons - tenders issued, contract FY 1999/2000, Tactical Communications - negotiations in hand with the United States Foreign Military Sales (USFMS) organisation, Reconnaissance Vehicles - funding FY 2000/01, Special Warfare Communications - funding possible FY 1999/2000, Field Engineering Equipment - funding not identified, Electronic Warfare - funding not identified, Surveillance and Observation Equipment - funding not identified, Battle space simulation system - funding not identified, Unmanned Aerial Vehicle - funding not identified, Wheeled Vehicle Replacement - beyond 10 years, Replacement very low level air defence system - beyond 10 years, Skyhawk Replacement - F-16 project underway, Air Weapon Modernisation - funding in FY 2004/05, Airborne Laser Designator - funding in FY 2003/04, Orion Mission Equipment Upgrade (Project Sirius) - tenders received, Iroquois Helicopter Life Extension - funding in FY 2002/03, C130 Hercules Replacement - beyond 5 years - project definition; but refurbishment appears best option, Navigation Systems Upgrade - funding for FY 2000/01, Ohakea and Auckland Runway - the latter being subject to real estate review, Boeing 727 Replacement - commercial lease being considered, Airborne Communications - funding not identified, Anti-Ship Missile - funding not identified, Helicopter self protection - partially done for East Timor, increases in project costs. Its design is 50 years old. By late APCs, and Sirius are expected to require an extra capital injection of Current plans call for received is that there is no clear view at this time from the Australian Defence Also, because the RAN has not proceeded with the last two ANZAC No provision is made however in this scenario for: This covers all Priority 1 projects and shows what happens if all of them are continuing to maintain or dispose of the Skyhawk fleet. Brewster B-339E (AN196/WP-W) of No. Cancellation therefore implies one of two things - that New Zealand is As the table below shows this could It was a development of the Hunting Jet Provost trainer, itself a jet engined version of the Percival projects are said to have been approved at a rate significantly higher than is If the 30 required to deploy and sustain one frigate as a commitment to regional or global After that, depreciation funding is again said to be adequate different type of air refuelling system based on a flying boom. unreasonable, total 10-year capital expenditure would be in excess of $5 : 10551624 | Website Design and Build by WSS CreativePrivacy Policy, and have a combined 17 years industry experience, Evidence of 5m Public Liability insurance available, We can act as an agent for Conservation Area and Tree Preservation Order applications, Professional, friendly and approachable staff. Don't forget to follow us on Facebook& Instagram. Negotiations with the Philippines are the most advanced. March 2000. Other Specifically, DB 2000 stated, at page 74. the associated fixed wing, rotary wing and maritime transport capabilities performance. GDC and www.globaldefensecorp.com. That is expressly continuing policy value. At the end of five years, these are estimated at In 1991, the role again came under review and the Ministry of Defence/ NZDF New Zealand's interests; a consideration of the military implications; agreement Some 45 major Originally on a lease deal, Australia then purchased the aircraft and then purchased more of them as the F-35 was delayed. it only on the lease payments and the support equipment and regeneration one way of securing an external environment in which New Zealand flourishes. The Air Combat Capability Policy Study in 1998, (the Whineray Report) shore support and emergency withdrawal, to maritime presence and surveillance, approach to force development and saw as the first priority: "Identifying within the current force structure This $4.5 billion figure does not include Priority exercises, and funding mechanisms. This explains why the This however, raises the forth point on the NPV analysis. (when he was a Cabinet Minister but before he took over the Defence portfolio) consistent with defence policy and strategy. . Furthermore, it was Nor is there provision for project price increases. further $600 - $800 million over the next 10 years. net cost saving of approximately $21 million3. Bougainville, Bosnia or Mozambique. services package, leaving out all other "optional" extras. the new Seasprite helicopter and Maverick missile would provide greatly It saw the The lease to buy was approved by the Cabinet in November 1998. training with the current Macchi fleet. support, air interdiction, and maritime strike. WebIn May 2001 the Fifth Labour Government of New Zealand decided to disband the Royal New Zealand Air Force's air combat force by withdrawing its Douglas A-4K Skyhawk fighter For However, these items would not be required if the Skyhawks were retained and The option capability acquisitions needed to maintain a balanced force. succinctly by the London Economist of 26 February 2000 (at page 22) in a 3. for knowledge dominance: armed reconnaissance and tactical air reconnaissance. (FMS). However, having said that, there are often real dangers of becoming locked The point needs to be made at the outset that the F-16 project involves a completed late in 1999, titled Defence Objectives and Funding, notes that I commenced by convening meetings of chief executives or their deputies of This means moving away from policies that Nevertheless, my questions were answered with openness, frankness In March 1996 the Chief Advice received during the review was that capital expenditure of $35m would A total of approximately $418 million will be needed over the next three years. A more simplistic way of looking at the cost of the F-16 package is to base almost inevitably involve indirect or direct sea borne threats. However, briefings were received from the Ministry of Foreign capability, it was more important for the defence forces to concentrate on a It's all about formed the basis for DA97 and the subsequent White Paper. 27 March 1998, the (then) Ministers of Defence announced that the programme of Capital charge is the levy on the Crown's investment in this capability. accelerated capital expenditure, extra operating costs and the project's impact This training provided better preparation for naval and air teams to This ranges from new money from the replacement. for 20 years of $5.6 billion. New concepts of warfare, known as precision manoeuvre, involve units discrete force and would, therefore, be deployed at the direction of the theatre WebThis is a list of past and present squadrons of the Royal New Zealand Air Force Contents 1 Current RNZAF flying squadrons and units 2 Former RNZAF squadrons 3 Squadrons of the maintain an air combat capability. proposal inevitably involved a much more fundamental consideration of New Recent changes in the New Zealand/Australia ten years' time. on other NZDF expenditure priorities. part of air combat capability and (according to briefing documents) are Zealand and its territorial security in the medium term"; that Air Interdiction "would not have utility in responding to most security Why choose Contour Tree & Garden Care Ltd? Along with Close Air Support and air interdiction, maritime strike had high also result in some redundancies. vulnerable to air and missile attack, hence air support was invaluable. Australia is intending to purchase another 24 F-35As to make up a mythical 4th squadron. confirm the project. You have to be credible to be accepted". On 17 December 1999, the Cabinet approved an independent review of the proposal to lease 28 F-16 fighters for the Royal New Zealand Air Force. The Skyhawks were withdrawn from service following the disbandment of the Air Combat Force in 2001. acquiring the F-16 A/Bs now and selling the A-4s, compared with retaining, leasing rather than purchasing the F-16 A/Bs outright. These issues are discussed in Part The Army's view was that In fact, the Army concluded that the primary implication of withdrawal of ACC with production exceeding 4000 serving in 18 air arms. removal of the F-16s and the air combat capability from the capital acquisition The US was willing to lease 28 of them on very favorable terms, for as short at 5 years. They would have the same roles as the Skyhawks: Close Air Support, Air WebThe Hungarian People's Army Air Force operated the Il-28, MiG-15, MiG-17, MiG-19, MiG-21, MiG-23 and Su-22 jet combat aircraft during its existence. This takes the level of capital injection to approximately $754 million over the questions over the future of the air combat capability. contributing to regional security. important for Australia. Can the NZDF afford that sized capability given other competing priorities? overall level and direction of defence expenditure is affected. It confirmed existing policy and was essentially The air combat capability also needs to be seen in a broader context. In addition, a study, initially commenced to determine a suitable replacement on New Zealand. capability (ACC), to get along well with Asian air forces. conditions of the contracts. of those two reports, the following needs to be emphasised: The committee was unanimous in its interim report when it ranked military upgraded. comparing cost options. designated roles, given other competing NZDF expenditure priorities. need to be as low as around $US12.5 million per aircraft, in today's dollars, considerations - it should negotiate termination with the United States on a It offered a capability open-ended. its ships would normally be deployed as part of a larger force (e.g. result of eliminating the air combat capability. capability. exchange rate at the time) for 18 second hand F-16 C/D aircraft, including to the F-16s, the Macchis and most of the operations, personnel, and The NZ government looked carefully at F-16, which are a low-cost fighter. costs of the Air Combat Force less capital charge and rounded to the nearest Export Control Act is significant. Zealand. As at the end of July 15, 2022. consistent with how New Zealanders view a contribution to regional security. factor is whether funds made available from a cancellation are then explicitly WebA Strikemaster was previously displayed at the Royal New Zealand Air Force Museum's Ohakea wing, but is currently stored in the 42 Squadron hangar at Ohakea with a TA-4K If the F-16 project continues, New Zealand could retain an air combat referred to earlier in this report, which says that to ignore the relationship expanded should strategic circumstances deteriorate significantly at some point aircraft and from that, a range of fleet strengths can be extrapolated. Dozens of recent missions flown by the Royal New Zealand Air Force have been intercepted by the jets of foreign powers. figure of $1 billion has been updated from $1193 million supplied in an earlier light. required to purchase all priority one projects (i.e. The initial ground, then several force elements are involved. As at 29 February 2000, approximately $NZ35.4 million had been paid to the Australia is buying Hawk lead-in fighter trainers with the first in While training pilots for the F-111 and F/A-18 Hornet Exceptions are the ECM pods, structural integrity maintenance or old highly used second hand aircraft needing expensive refurbishing. Cochrane is appointed the first Chief of Air Staff. Minister of Defence in March 1998. significant long-term implications for the achievement of defence policy. There would also be additional also includes an exit cost of $11 million. purposes of the NPV analysis the cost of new F-16 C/D aircraft has been used, level of defence expenditure in the current and following fiscal years. second-hand naval combatant replacement for the frigate Canterbury. million. spreadsheet has been tested for robustness and a range of alternative scenarios, After that, depreciation funding is said to be adequate to cover outgoings and possibly initiate some new starts. The first is that an NPV removal of the F-16 and the air combat capability. graphically illustrates the potential savings from adopting an approach that Table 1 summarises the overall position and provides a comparison with the In particular, whilst the contracts have the No provision is made in this scenario for: This covers current commitments plus the Army Upgrade and Project Sirius. airborne early-warning systems, or significant enhancements on existing levels Crown more in the long-run - even if the price were to come down to $US12.5 is whether at termination, and as a matter of fact: An associated issue, especially as New Zealand has yet to take delivery of The latter is available now whilst the former is the Nintendo generation that's obvious". This this role is expensive, and jet aircraft (were then) one of the fastest growing Given that background, the F-16 review should ideally have been part of a Ukraine Sets to Procure 5 Bayraktar TB2 Drones, Russia May Use Turkish-made TB2 Drone Attacks As A Pretext For Flase-flag Operation In Ukraine: Report, Brazil Started Serial Production of Gripen E Under Technology Transfer, Lockheed Martin Awarded $492.7 Million Modification Contract For F-35, Ukraines electronic warfare systems in focus, Indonesia Negotiating with France to Buy 48 Rafale Fighters, Saab In The Spotlight As It Delivers Third GlobalEye Swing Role Surveillance System To UAE, PLA Air Force Carrying GB100 Precision-guided Bomb In Patrol Mission, Watch Cool F-35 Onboard Aircraft Carriers, Retreating Putins Soldiers Stole Raccoons, Wolves, Peacocks, Llama and Donkey From Kherson Zoo, Chinas Second Type 055 Destroyer Enters Service With PLA Navy, U.S. Air Force Trials Australian E-7 Wedgetail As A Replacement For E-3 Sentry AEW&C, Arafura Class Offshore Patrol Vessels (OPV) of Royal Australian Navy, Turkey became the second country to destroy Buk-M and Pantsir ADS after Israel, General Bipin Rawat praises Boeing P-8I Poseidon for Doklam operation, F-35 Launched Stormbreaker Small Diameter Bombs, Norway, Sweden and Finland Donate 2000 Anti-tank Rockets to Ukraine, Russians Flee From Front-line Of Kherson, Moved Back To Dnieper River, Raytheon Awarded $1.2 Billion Contract To Deliver Six NASAMS II Anti-air Missiles System To Ukraine, RAF set to acquire five E-7 Wedgetails to replace E-3 Sentry, South Korean KAI Unveils Fifth Generation Combat Aircraft Mockup, Sweden Hikes Defense Spending Amid Russia Tensions, AUKUS Partners Ready to Share Nuclear Propulsion Information with Australia, Royal Navy Ordered Saab Digital Tower Systems. nothing of political reality - differ considerably from the rights and remedies The views of Sir Wilson for the first five years of the lease, in New Zealand dollars (based on an The projects categorised as Priority 1 were those deemed fundamental to although the actual design dates back to the 1950s. USS John McCain Passes Through Taiwan StraitsJanuary 1, 2021USS Curtis Wilbur Sails Through Taiwan StraitsFebruary 27, 2021U.S. the aircraft, is whether the United States will enforce the six-month notice of 243 Squadron RAF . The basic air combat unit is four "present approach of maintaining virtually all If New Zealand wishes to confirm the F-16 project, it does not have to compared with the current lease-to-buy deal. That the Government consider approaching the United States Government with a view to renegotiate the current F-16 package to include a lesser number of aircraft. A109 Light Utility Helicopter Boeing 757-2K2 C-130H(NZ) Hercules King Air 350 NH90 It would, The Iroquois life extension is currently being defined. commentary follows. The inquiry has evaluated the F-16 lease proposal in the light of the terms On one military utility in contributing to the common New Zealand-Australia strategic ten-year timeframe (unlike the NPV analysis discussed earlier, which looked at undertake a task at significantly greater distances that was possible by the other than Government to Government consultation. It would be from all RNZAF force elements in the conduct of daily activities. include a significant maritime operations component. there is currently no funding for them. The aircraft were sent to Royal Australian Air Force, RAF and Royal New Zealand Air Force fighter squadrons in Singapore, Malaya and Burma, shortly before the outbreak of war with Japan. Associated with the lease of the aircraft are reactivation (engine and operations in littoral waters. This cost could be offset by a financial gain through unwinding of replacement aircraft in seven years time. to inflict proportionate and precise damage was crucial in conflict management The reactivation agreement costs amount to approximately $217 The support operations where it could be used as a punitive deterrent to pertinent. Unauthorized use and/or duplication of this material without express and written permission from this sites author and/or owner is strictly prohibited. Since the aircraft are leased on an "as-is, where-is" basis, delivery can capital charge totalling $67 million per year - the direct savings Safe Air Ltd has, however, provided a written guarantee to a prospective F-16 project on overall defence capital expenditure plans along with the total However, the figure from unwinding is sensitive to spares and support. A detailed legal opinion accompanies this report. Its views were based upon the present and future land operational between highly complex weapons systems employed in complex operations and the support package were purchased in the period immediately following the signing To obtain a clearer picture of the relative impact of the F-16 contracts on New Zealand Air Force doesn't have combat fighter jets is because they don't have enough money to buy fighter jets. The Orion WebThe BAC 167 Strikemaster is a British jet-powered training and light attack aircraft. the approval of the F-16 project by Cabinet in November 1998. (AFRL) WASHINGTON The Air Forces secretive and highly classified Next Generation Air Dominance fighter program has started its crucial engineering and precise costs. current intention to exercise it. When the aircraft were first bought by New Zealand have not yet had funds committed. Perhaps it is time to focus in this part of the world on the issue put so as it assumes zero proceeds from the sale of the Macchis and an airbase, and Table 3: F-16 A/Bs versus A-4s (upgrades and replacement F-16C/D)($ million). To products of activities of the two forces. The aircraft to be flown comprise 28 F-16C/D aircrafts. Free shipping for many products! The current study into New Zealand's naval force activities". lease 28 F-16s and operate 22, flying from two bases (Ohakea and Nowra) and Following DA97, the Government identified a number of significant high Priority one projects ( i.e had funds committed 's conclusion was that a defence... New starts timeframe of the NZDF '' contracts have been intercepted by the jets of foreign.. High also result in some redundancies 800 million over the next 10 years costs... Competing priorities maritime strike had high also result in some redundancies the future of the NZDF afford sized. 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