Welcome. After twenty years of Common Meeting rejections, a measure setting minimal employees requirements for nursing houses is on the transfer. Circle K | 464 10th St. Open 24 hours/7 days. A Resource Conservation and Recovery Act (RCRA) Subtitle D landfill. Is there information that we can update to keep things accurate? The cookie is set by GDPR cookie consent to record the user consent for the cookies in the category "Functional". Necessary cookies are absolutely essential for the website to function properly. When a load of waste is accepted, the garbage trucks go to the dumping point and offload the materials. Find local administrative orders and rules New Hanover County Prosecutorial District 6 Superior Court District 5 District Court District 5 Contents County Information Top stories County Information Listed on 2023-01-17. Shred solid waste and other waste as required. Applications may be emailed to operationservices@brunswickcountync.gov or faxed to (910) 253-2539. For the less adventurous, several acres of constructed wetlands will offer a serene escape to anglers, bird-watchers, or for those just wanting to escape the stresses of daily life. To contact New Hanover County Landfill, call (910) 798-4454, or view more information below. No more than 10 gallons of liquid waste and no more than two TVs can be brought to the HazWagon at a time. It is the only facility of its type in southeastern North Carolina and offers convenience and an environmentally responsible way to dispose of dangerous materials. Scroll down to see a listing of waste locations and handlers towards the bottom of this page. A landfill is engineered to maximally reduce the effect on the environment of the waste. "My staff and I look forward to helping residents at our new location in Lower Saucon Township. If you have any questions about this program, call 798-4450. 10 am to 2 pm at the following locations: New Hanover CountyGovernment Center230 Government Center DriveWilmington, NC 28403Phone: 910-798-7311, 3002 Highway 421 North Wilmington NC 28401. YOUR 2022 - 2023 RECYCLING COLLECTION SCHEDULE The Following Holidays Could AffectYour Service Date: = January 1st - NewYears Day November 24th - Thanksgiving Day December 25th - Christmas Day. This helps to minimize the release of odors and prevent the entry of pests into the landfill site. This type of landfill has a pit with a heavily protected bottom that does not allow hazardous materials to reach the soil. Wastebits is a software development company that provides solutions for the waste industry. This cookie is set by GDPR Cookie Consent plugin. A State of Emergency remains in effect for administrative, cleanup and recovery purposes. Each Hanover County household eligible for CVWMA's curbside recycling program will automatically receive a new 96-gallon recycling cart. Canadian Tire Gas Bar | 896 10th St. All New Hanover County offices, facilities, parks, and the landfill, as well as New Hanover County Courts, resumed regular business hours on Wednesday, August 5. For households or businesses with a large quantity of electronics (10 or more large electronic devices such as TVs), please call ahead for a drop-off appointment. The site also provides for the convenient recycling of tires, appliances (white goods), yard waste, mixed recyclables, construction, and demolition debris, batteries, used motor oil, cooking oil, antifreeze, oyster shells, sharps (needles), and other materials. This type of landfill is made on top of a nonporous bedrock. Paint - latex and oil-based (solidified paint can be disposed of in the trash and will not be accepted). Mackenzie also announced extended satellite office hours at her Montgomery County office, which is located at 56 W. . Call the New Hanover County Landfill 910.798.4450 for questions on disposal options. Once approved by the Board, you will receive your franchise agreement from the County Attorneys office. Wilmington, During this time, the entire site is monitored by trained professionals. Both law enforcement agencies spent several hours Thursday at the landfill, which is located off Hwy. Cardboard is recycled into new boxes and packaging material. Your email address will not be published. New collection requirements. The New Hanover County landfill is located on over 700 acres in the northwest part of the county identified as Xeric Sandhill Scrub habitat (Coastal Plain Variant). Results of the research indicated that the constructed wetlands could be used for either primary or tertiary treatment. New Hanover County Recycling & Solid Waste oversees one of the state's most innovative integrated solid waste disposal systems. Performance & security by Cloudflare. This website is using a security service to protect itself from online attacks. This website uses cookies to improve your experience while you navigate through the website. By taking these steps, landfill operators can help protect the environment and nearby communities from potential health risks associated with landfill waste. Working in partnership with University of North Carolina Wilmington (UNCW), the North Carolina (NC) Plant Conservation Program, and the NC Natural Heritage Program is key to our success in working in harmony with nature. Once the franchise agreement materials are received, they will be forwarded to county Finance and this department for review. SUITE 2100 ATLANTA, GA 30309-3534 United States Updated: 47 minutes ago. During the processing of the waste, the main ideas are to confine the waste in the smallest space possible and to reduce the volume of the waste by compacting it. Please have your ID ready, we cannot accept materials from out-of-county residents due to permit restrictions! Dec 30, 2012 at 3:00 am. Functional cookies help to perform certain functionalities like sharing the content of the website on social media platforms, collect feedbacks, and other third-party features. The advantages of landfills over dumps are that landfills are managed with more care and landfills can even recycle the waste to produce other compounds or to even produce energy. For groups greater than 12, please schedule a week in advance. Find 2 Landfills within 43.3 miles of New Hanover County Landfill. Eight years after the idea was brought before New Hanover county commissioners, a potentially life-saving facility opened its doors in Wilmington. Friday & Saturday | 10:00am to 5:00pm | Sunday 1:00pm to 5:00pm. This page and website is a part of the WasteMap Locator, providing a comprehensive resource of contact information for waste handlers. Eligible materials include gypsum wallboard (sheetrock), unpainted/untreated scrap lumber and pallets, and concrete/brick/block. These measures include landfill liners and leachate collection systems to prevent landfill waste from contaminating nearby soil and water. The cookie is used to store the user consent for the cookies in the category "Analytics". Scrap metals, such as copper, steel, and aluminum are reprocessed into new products. All recyclables must be placed inside the . Do you have construction materials, furniture, housewares or toys that are still in good condition? We also use third-party cookies that help us analyze and understand how you use this website. The man, who was neck-deep in dirt, was freed about 8 hours after the collapse, officials said. Residents can bring household hazardous waste and electronics to the permanent facility. All City offices and New Hanover County Landfill will be closed Monday, January 2 nd. It must prevent liquids and other pollutants from reaching the soil. Please send us an email at: info@portcitydaily.com, 2023 PortCity Daily | Website by Web Publisher PRO, Delayed several times, plans for new Wilmington bar Dram Tree Tavern moving along, Wilmington-area realtor report touts best luxury sales in 15 years, acknowledges changing trajectory, North Carolina AG announces his run for governor, Court sides with Pender principal, grants immunity in student-teacher attack case, Local film festival receives $25K grant from NEA, Incubus, Coheed and Cambria headed to Live Oak Pavilion, Little Rock Nine activist to speak at UNCW for MLK celebration, Wilmington Riverwalk in running as nation's best. As the materials decompose, they are converted into nutrient-rich soil that can be used for landscaping or landfill rehabilitation. News. News. Suggest Listing North Carolina is also responsible for permitting trash disposal facilities. The wetland system was then monitored over the following four year period. Additionally, leachate collection systems are installed to capture liquids that the decomposing waste materials may generate. For alternatives to disposal, visit the alternatives page. New Hanover County makes doing the right thing easy by providing residents with multiple options for recycling waste and diverting it from landfill disposal. Pioneer Gas Bar | 857 10th St. Open 24 hours/7 days. New Hanover County Environmental Management Department has partnered with New Hanover County Public Libraries, University of North Carolina Wilmington (UNCW), Cape Fear Community College (CFCC), and the Fort Fisher Aquarium to provide satellite collection points for battery recycling. New Hanover County Recycling & Solid Waste oversees one of the state's most innovative integrated solid waste disposal systems. The Hanover County Transfer Station is located on 7301 Courtland Farm Road, U.S. Rt. Mobile Phone: (804) 365-6158. Methane is a potent greenhouse gas - over 20 times more potent than carbon dioxide. Franchise agreements are for private haulers whose business model is based around the collection and transportation of solid waste. HazWagon locations & times of collection are below. Cookie Policy | The cookies is used to store the user consent for the cookies in the category "Necessary". Gypsum wallboard is ground and added to compost or used as a soil amendment. Updated: 17 hours ago | St. Clair Co. officials . The county is currently closing the northern section -- a. We hope that will be in just a few weeks, but right now, we are encouraging you to just stay home.. This process is known as biodegradation, which occurs as bacteria and other microorganisms break down the materials in the landfill. At this time the use of constructed wetlands as treatment systems was relatively new and there were no existing projects that used them to treat landfill leachate specifically. We, Cell phones (including chargers, batteries, and earbuds), Compact Fluorescent Lamps (CFL), Tubes, and Bulbs. Below is the breakdown in the tri-county region: New Hanover County County offices, libraries, and clinics: Closed Dec 23, 26-27 Airlie Gardens: Closed Dec. 24-26 Arboretum: Grounds open. Environmental experts in North Carolina are saying the New Hanover County landfill is shrinking fast because of a burgeoning population and an increase in "major storms." The . In addition, the Household Hazardous Waste operations, including the HazWagon, are not open currently, according to the county. One cart per household will be delivered in the spring. You may contact the Hanover County Transfer Station about any information regarding: waste managing policies, recycling policies, commercial garbage, accepted types of trash, industrial waste, household garbage, appliances disposal and hazardous waste management. However, as residential developments . New Hanover Countys Environmental Management Department has implemented innovative programs that help reduce the countys reliance on landfill disposal. The disappearance of a Wilmington teenager prompted a days-long, active search of the New Hanover County Landfill by local law enforcement who now say foul play is suspected in the case.. Elite Command Junk Hauling , Schaumburg, IL. Popularity:#49 of 86 Landfills in North Carolina#704 in Landfills. Wastewater generated by the landfill (known as leachate) is processed through an advanced double reverse osmosis wastewater treatment plant. Bins are being phased out and will no longer be collected as of July 1, 2023. When a landfill reaches the point that all the cells are full, then the landfill stops operations. . The cookie is set by GDPR cookie consent to record the user consent for the cookies in the category "Functional". In 2018, there were 292 million tons of waste generated. Averagely that is 4.9 Lb. Reducing reliability on landfills and keeping our coastal environment clean and safe for our future generations is the mission of the recycling division. Analytical cookies are used to understand how visitors interact with the website. The system (pictured), which came online in June 2016, will increase recycling rates from 6,000 tons per year to 60,000 tons per year! Saturday 8 am to noon. Learn more in the sections on this page and by viewing the Construction and Demolition Debris Recycling Facility Facts Sheet (PDF) about the countys most recent projects. Monday through Friday 10 am to 2 pm. Currently, the system treats approximately 7,000,000 gallons of leachate each year. The pilot project consists of two surface flow wetland cells and three subsurface flow wetland cells. ), Batteries - including alkaline, zinc-carbon, zinc-air, lithium, sealed lead-acid, and any type of rechargeable battery (NiMH, Ni-Cad, Li-Ion, etc.). This cookie is set by GDPR Cookie Consent plugin. This website uses cookies to improve your experience. Updated: 10 minutes . Wilmington, These cookies track visitors across websites and collect information to provide customized ads. The non-recyclable garbage is then separated into hazardous waste, energy recyclable waste, landfill waste, or incinerator waste. Open Daily 7 a.m. - 7 p.m. All convenience center locations are closed the following holidays: New Year's Day ; Martin Luther King Jr. Day; President's Day ; Easter Sunday; Memorial Day ; Juneteenth; Independence Day ; Labor Day ; Veteran's Day ; Thanksgiving ; Day after Thanksgiving ; Christmas Eve ; Christmas Day Some of the waste is reprocessed not other means such as bio-chemical management.The largest categories of waste pertain to paper, food plastics, yard trims, and metals. When properly managed, landfills can protect communities from potential contamination and help preserve scarce resources by reducing emissions and protecting surface and groundwater resources. This landfill is opened on the following hours: The landfill is closed on all US federal holidays. Stanislaus County jobs Garbage trucks dump their municipal waste. NC Then the waste is separated into recyclable waste and non-recyclable materials. Nearly half of the site - over 300 acres - are protected natural wetlands (Tidal Cypress-Gum Swamp habitat) and make up the eastern border of the site adjacent to the Northeast Cape Fear River. The transfer station accepts tire, solid waste, hazardous waste, and inert material waste. These cookies help provide information on metrics the number of visitors, bounce rate, traffic source, etc. Permitting rules determine the New Hanover County Landfill design, operations, and allowable waste streams offered to county residents. But opting out of some of these cookies may affect your browsing experience. The site also boasts an innovative constructed wetlands system for the treatment of landfill leachate as well as a double reverse osmosis wastewater treatment plant. There is a lot of waste generated in the USA. In operation since 1981, the landfill was the first lined landfill in the state of North Carolina. This will help you avoid accidentally mixing potentially reactive chemicals and helps keep our attendants safe. Please note that minor children must be accompanied by an adult. To deposit materials in a chemical landfill, it is mandatory to research the local applicable laws and any federal laws that pertain to the type of waste that you intend to dispose of. This unit is enclosed, as the sun and the atmospheric conditions can interact with the waste. Cloudflare Ray ID: 78b80af8a858f7e8 Afterward that it has been sorted out, it is then loaded onto garbage trucks, and this deposits the waste onto their designated places. Over 6,000 tons per year are kept out of the landfill by separating and recycling wood waste (such as scrap lumber and pallets), cardboard, asphalt shingles, scrap metal, old appliances, bricks, concrete, and gypsum wallboard (sheetrock). For any other type of waste that you are not SURE ABOUT, you can reach them out at (910) 798-4454. Please consider donating to Habitat for Humanity's ReStore located at 1203 S. 3rd Street or 7330 Market Street; 910.686.9800 New Hanover County Landfill is located at 5210 US Highway 421 North, Wilmington, NC 28401. For any other type of waste that you are not SURE ABOUT, you can reach them out at (804) 365-6158. Updated: 1 hour ago. These are specialized for municipal waste and not for other types of landfills. The primary purpose of the pilot constructed wetlands project was to determine the feasibility and treatment efficiency achieved by using manmade wetlands to treat landfill leachate. You do not need to be present for either reading. Required fields are marked *. New Hanover County's Environmental Management Department has implemented innovative programs that help reduce the county's reliance on landfill disposal. NCDEQ sampled various points at the landfill, including raw leachate, treated water through the RO system, groundwater wells on site, and surface water from the Northeast Cape Fear River upstream from the landfill. Terms and Conditions. This landfill is opened on the following hours: Monday: 7am-4:30pm Tuesday: 7am-4:30pm Wednesday: 7am-4:30pm Thursday: 7am-4:30pm Friday: 7am-4:30pm Saturday: 8am-11:30am Sunday: closed The landfill is closed on all US federal holidays. We know that there will be a lot of people cleaning out their attics and organizing closets, and they will have trash they want to discard. HANOVER - When heavy snow is in the forecast, Don Welsh tends to wind up in the same place. Each landfill has groundwater monitoring, which means they collect the quality of groundwater before it reaches the landfill and afterward it exits the landfill. It is required for any waste hauling business that utilizes the landfill. New Hanover County residents can now safely dispose of unwanted household chemicals and electronics six days a week for free. The data says that in 2018, there was a recycling rate of 32%. It does not store any personal data. Advertisement cookies are used to provide visitors with relevant ads and marketing campaigns. Regarding liquids, they are collected onto a unit called the sump. This cookie is set by GDPR Cookie Consent plugin. Closed-toed shoes are required. During major . Fr nhere Informationen zur Nutzung Ihrer Daten lesen Sie bitte unsere Datenschutzerklrung und Cookie-Richtlinie. Volunteers will be supplied with all the supplies and tools you may need to help us to manage litter safely. The cookie is used to store the user consent for the cookies in the category "Other. In 1990 staff began to research the use of constructed wetlands to treat landfill leachate as a viable option versus conventional treatment. Visitors can also learn about the importance of water quality, ecological diversity, and their role in preserving our natural resources for the next generation. The cell will accept new waste until it is full. Please call us at 910.341.7875 with any questions or appointment needs. Residents can bring toxic materials and electronics to the HazWagon free of charge, as well as unpackaged food waste for the countys composting program, view more information on the composting page. 32 % cell will accept new waste until it is required for any waste hauling business that utilizes landfill. Franchise agreements are for private haulers whose business model is based around the collection and transportation of waste. Will be forwarded to County Finance and this department for review of in the spring provide information on metrics number., traffic source, etc browsing experience being phased out and will no longer collected... 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