Observed condensation dripping in walk-in cooler near air vent. Repeat. Employee hat and cups stored in donut prep area. Repeat. Observed food debris accumulation on can opener blade stored on kitchen work table. Observed scoop handles in cocoa, whey protein and protein blend. Observed grime in soda gun holder in bar near 3-compartment sink. Observed crab cooling in deep and covered container. Repeat. Observed grill utensils stored in water under grill. Semper Fi - Bar and Grille. Food properly labeled; original container, Violation of : 17B. Observed steak, chicken, milk and pico de gallo cold hold in walk-in (WI) at temperature greater than 41F. Observed chemical spray bottle stored at dishware area without label as to identity of contents. Instructed person in charge (PIC) to keep hand sinks stocked at all times. Dim. PIC advised to fill sanitizer compartment and dip dishes in sanitizer from 3-compartment sink until dish machine is fixed. COS. Repeat. Store in dedicated employee area on bathroom shelf away from food and supplies. Corrective action (CA): Person in charge (PIC) advised to clean inside ice machine often enough to prevent mold growth. COS. Spoons and tongs stored in room temperature sanitizer water on prep counter near steam wells. Sinks at end of bar by entrance do not have water supply. Sanitizer concentration too low in cloth bucket and 3-compartment sink. Observed floor grime throughout establishment. Corrected on-site (COS): Bleach used to make chlorine based sanitizer until dispenser is repaired. Observed most recent Inspection Report stored behind cash register and not posted to public view. COS. Repeat violation. Corrected on-site (COS): 3-compartment sink to be used until repaired (sanitizer fluid stocked, not dispensing). Bar hand sinks and restrooms were not stocked with paper towels. WIC not holding food to adequate temperature. Per PIC noodles were heated and placed in right reach-in on the previous night (10/20/2019). Observed employee without hair restraint during food preparation. Corrected on-site (COS). Repeat. Corrective action (CA): Person in charge (PIC) advised to clean soda fountain more frequently. Observed dining tables sanitized using spray bottle sanitizer solution with reusable cloth. Observed burritos cooling in stacked and covered containers in walk-in (WI) cooler. Heavily stained ceiling tiles throughout kitchen. Corrective action (CA): Person in charge (PIC) advised to dilute sanitizer to the proper concentration (50-100 ppm). Observed employee drink stored in screw cap bottle instead of single service cup with lid and straw. Dish washer not sanitizing 50 ppm chlorine final rinse. Instructed to move cleaner lower. Observed dust accumulation on ceiling vent located above kitchen stove. Repeat. 2062 Sugar Pike Road, Woodstock, Cherokee County, GA, 30188 is currently for sale for the price of $115,000 USD. Verified product was out for less than 4 hours. Food worker observed wearing bracelet on wrist. PIC advised to cool foods on sheet pan set on speedrack in walk-in (WI) to promote rapid cooling. Observed hand towels not present in restrooms for handling inward swinging doors. Repeat. Observed household RAID stored under meat sink and in beverage prep area. COS. No max read temperature measuring device provided for high temp dish machine to ensure 160F at plate level. Observed employee beverage stored at work station in reusable container. Repair. Observed fish not removed from vacuum pack in cold drawer #3. COS. Repeat. Corrective action (CA): Person in charge (PIC) advised to clean and sanitize ice machine frequently enough to preclude mold growth. Make table not holding at 41F or lower (fix as soon as possible). Observed damaged flooring in upstairs storage area with reach-in freezer. $570,900. Bulk ice machine not functioning. COS. Corrected on-site (COS). Observed wipe cloth bucket not set up with sanitizer solution at correct concentration. Plastic food pans stacked while wet on clean dish shelf above 3-compartment sink. Live cockroaches observed in kitchen. Pots relocated to 3-compartment sink. Observed damaged cove near dish storage rack. Corrective action (CA): Person in charge (PIC) advised to move salads back into walk-in cooler (items loaded into salad bar within four hours) to cool down. Observed employee drinks in containers other than single-service cups with lids & straws (travel cups, plastic cups with sip lids). CA: PIC advised to have taps and lines cleaned and sanitized often enough to prevent mold and buildup. PIC advised to cool in walk-in before putting temperature control for safety (TCS) foods on the line (slaw prepped this morning). Observed expired milk stored in walk-in (WI) cooler. Toxic substances properly identified, stored, used, Violation of : 16B. COS. Repeat. Unable to identify food items without flashlight in back of cooler. It's me, Nina, your host of the Woodstock-Towne Lake Daily. Debris/grime build-up in drink guns. Make table in kitchen no table to maintain food temperature at 41F. PIC indicated that repair has been requested. PIC advised to transfer open box to container with tight fitting lid. 9770 Main St. Woodstock, GA 30188. CA: PIC advised to discard food items. Person in charge (PIC) advised to maintain availability of hand towels at each hand wash sink. Instructed person in charge (PIC) to provide designated employee area. Make table not holding at 41F or less. Corrected on-site (COS). Ste 602 Athens GA, 30605, 510 Baxter Street, Suites A & B Athens GA, 30605, 1995 Barnett Shoals Road Athens GA, 30605, 496 Baxter Street, Suite A Athens GA, 30605, 680 US 29 Hwy N Suite 215 Athens GA, 30601, 1993 BARNETT SHOALS ROAD ATHENS GA, 30605, 1119 DR MARTIN LUTHER KING PKWY. Over her 22 years in the industry, that's what Leslie Spennato has done. Observed food debris on top of pizza oven and on wire shelving near oven and in 2 door proofing cabinet. Trash/grime build-up on floor and walls under and behind equipment all along the main bar. Click the link above and choose the restaurant county from the Permitting County drop-down menu. Hot box in the back not holding food to 135F. Repeat - raw wood surfaces - walls used as partitions and some edges of bars. CA: PIC instructed to ensure that cold held TCS foods are maintained at 41F or below through routine monitoring. Grime and debris on floors in corners and under equipment in downstairs prep area. Observed single-service cups stored on floor in back storage area. Dining trays sanitized using improper method (1-bucket method). Cups and bowls without handles used for food in make table and rice warmer. Repeat. Tile damaged near back door. Repeat. Install FRP throughout this area. Gilmer County. Most recent inspection posted behind counter. Corrective action (CA): Person in charge (PIC) advised to store chemicals on bottom shelf and away from ready-to-eat foods and single-service items. COS. Hand sink not stocked with paper towels. Observed beans cooling outdoors behind restaurant. Spatulas stored in crevice in grill; ice cream scoop stored on top of cardboard lid. Most recent inspection report not posted inside establishment. Sanitizer concentration too low in cloth buckets. Sanitizer (hand sanitizer) concentration too low at mop sink dispenser. Corrected on-site (COS): PIC replaced and verified concentration of solution in bucket. Restaurant inspection findings and violations in Columbus (Ea-E.J. Corrective action (CA): Person in charge (PIC) advised to refill buckets and 3-compartment sink at the proper concentration (200-400 ppm). Car-Dependent. Corrected on-site (COS): Drinks placed in proper cups. Chlorine concentration < 50 ppm for dish machine. Recently cooked shrimp in covered bus tub. Spray bottles relocated. The inspector said shell stock tags were missing from a pan of . Inspection report posted behind counter. Person in charge (PIC) advised to store employee drinks in single service containers with lid and straw. Opened Red Bull in kitchen cook/prep area. Observed food splatter on wall under hand sink near back reach-in cooler. MACON, Georgia (41NBC/WMGT) Here are Middle Georgia's food service health inspection scores from the Georgia Department of Public Health between Monday, April . Observed expired milk stored at front bar cooler. Hand sink at back kitchen blocked by boxes. Ceiling tiles and wall at fryer & steam table - heavy grease build-up. Observed storage of wet wipe cloths on kitchen work table rather than in bucket of sanitizer solution. Observed mold growth on deflector plate in ice machine located in kitchen. Person in charge (PIC) advised to maintain can opener clean to sight and touch. See all photos from Greta Z. for Ipp's Pastaria & Bar. Moved to shallow pan in walk-in-cooler (WIC). Person in charge (PIC) advised to store open bags of food in container with tight fitting lid. Pest control record from recent treatment provided by PIC. Splash guard not present on sides of hand sink to protect adjacent cooking kettle and stored tortillas. Prep time verified, items marked. Multiple heavily stained ceiling tiles throughout kitchen. Ladies restrooms - both bars- no covered waste receptacles - Needed for feminine product disposal. PIC advised to discard cooked onions (stored in make table overnight). Observed dust accumulation on ceiling vent in storage area (add vent cover). CA: PIC advised to dilute sanitizer spray bottles to the proper concentration (200-400 ppm). Corrective action (CA): Person in charge (PIC) advised to ensure 41F or less all TCS foods in holding. Use of 5-gallon buckets for holding of corn and tomato products in walk-in (WI) cooler & for sugar at tea station. Observed employee medication stored on shelf with microwave oven and containers of sugar. Observed expired milk (chocolate) in reach-in #1 and reach-in #2 (discarded). Restaurant Reviews & Menus; . Top of toilet broken in women's restroom. Observed loose cove molding by bread storage cabinet up front. Water build-up in drawer to mid make table bottom (bottom right drawer) on line. "My immediate family hosted a birthday dinner for 10 people last night.". Corrective action (CA): Person in charge (PIC) advised to ensure all food employees sign form and keep forms on file at establishment. Saturday 11 am - 9 pm. Observed use of paper cup to dispense sugar at downstairs kitchen. Explore. Spinach in cold bar area not held at 41F or lower. Holster to scoop for ice at drink station with mold/grime debris inside. Repeat. Corrected on-site (COS): Discarded. Corrective action (CA): Person in charge (PIC) advised to ensure adequate concentration. Observed chlorine test strips not available for use at dishwash machine. Splash guards needed for side hand sinks due to proximity to storage shelves with food products. Recommended metal lidded stall cans. CA: PIC advised to cool using shallow, uncovered pans. Single-service items located in the dry storage shed were not 6" off the floor. Repeat, Test strips for Quat sanitizer not present. Env Related Contacts Brochure, State Office: CA: PIC advised to refill bottles at the proper concentration. Corrective action (CA): Person in charge (PIC) advised to ensure cold holding of TCS of 41F or less. Full Time position. Repeat. Unfinished concrete floor in mop sink area. Corrective action (CA): Person in charge (PIC) advised to discard food items and hold all TCS foods at 41F or less. Corrected on-site (COS): Sanitizer remixed. CA: PIC instructed to properly mark all TPHC items. CA: PIC advised not to use household pesticides in establishment and relocate pesticides to utility closet (outside use only). Observed several boxes of paper towels stored on floor in outdoor area. All shrimp dishes marked with an asterisk. Observed employee drink in a sports bottle stored on dry storage shelf, and employee drink in travel mug stored on bowl shelf by kitchen hand sink. Temperature control for safety (TCS) foods not held above 135F in hot station. Hang with mop head down. Heavy debris accumulation on floors behind both downstairs bars. Repeat. Corrective action (CA): Person in charge (PIC) advised that when using TPHC, the food must be labeled with the 4-hour discard time and written procedures describing the TPHC process must be on file. Repeat. Observed pest control device located above milk shake preparation station in kitchen. Physical facilities installed, maintained, and clean, Violation of : 15B. B Athens GA, 30605, 2450 South Milledge Avenue Athens GA, 30606, UGA - GEORGIA CENTER FOR CONTINUING EDUCATION, UGA - NICHE PIZZA CO., THE {TATE CENTER}, UGA Coffee and Bagels at UGA Science Learning Center, 149 Oneta St. Building 6, Unit C-6 Athens GA, 30601, 1980 Barnett Shoals Road Athens GA, 30605, 280 Williams St., Suite A Athens GA, 30606, 225 B. Cherokee Road, Unit 1 Winterville GA, 30683, 440 DEARING EXTENSION, BUILDING #1 ATHENS GA, 30606. Observed flooring peeling near storage shelf in front of ice machine. Observed several containers of lobster and crab meat cooling in make bottom (moved to ice bath). Repeat. Observed wet mops stored in mop sink between uses instead of hanging mops to air dry. Corrected on-site (COS): Items and scoop cleaned. Back door does not properly seal - gap could allow pest entry. Observed bags of soup thawing at room temperature (moved to reach-in cooler). PIC advised to sanitize table tops using sanitizer solution in spray bottle and single use paper towels at each table. Corrected on-site (COS): Closed. 117 Athens GA, 30605. Observed ventilation hood not functioning and unable to remove smoke and vapors from the grill. Observed ice accumulation in chest freezer in rear room. Observed employee beverages in reusable container. Observed quaternary ammonium sanitizer test strips not available for use in establishment. COS: Spatulas moved to container and ice cream scoop moved to container of hot water in hot well. Observed WI cooler not able to maintain TCS foods at temperature of 41F or below. They get deals done and turn clients into fans. Observed rice, noodles and cornbread dressing labeled with the wrong date (incorrect month). Hot water at men's room hand sink not reaching 100F; metered faucet not running for at least 15 seconds. Repeat, Person in charge (PIC) unable to produce signed employee reporting agreements or other verifiable means showing employees are aware of their responsibility to report symptoms/illnesses to management. Repeat. Observed green beans and salad cooling tightly covered in WC 514. ATHENS GA, 30605, Eastern Quality Vending - Pilgrim's Pride Side 1 (Old side), Eastern Quality Vending - Pilgrim's Pride Side 2 (New side), 263 W. WASHINGTON STREET ATHENS GA, 30601, 680 US HWY 29 North Ste #220 Athens GA, 30601, 4375 LEXINGTON RD.SUITE B1 ATHENS GA, 30605, 440 Dearing Extension, Bldg. Repeat. CA: PIC advised to use two bucket method or Quat sanitizer spray bottle with different paper towel for each table. Repeat. Observed condensation build-up in prep cooler #4 in drive-thru area. Food debris accumulation observed on underside of shelf at sandwich make table. Observed cheese dip stored in walk-in (WI) beyond 7 day discard date. Observed use of cup without handle to dispense frozen berries in bulk storage. COS: Items transferred to shallow pans to cool in walk-ins. Ladies waste receptacle not covered with a lid (small receptacle). Person in charge (PIC) unable to provide verifiable means that employees are aware of symptoms /illness reporting responsibilities. Walk-in cooler doors not completely self-closing. Cooler (prep) and make table not holding food to <41F. Repeat, Dumpster on gravel/earthen surface. Affected TCS foods discarded. Person in charge (PIC) advised to store drinks in single service containers with lid and straw. Corrected on-site (COS). PIC advised to thaw in walk-in cooler the night before. Ice machine in basement leaking. Corrective action (CA): Person in charge (PIC) advised to properly wash and sanitize all utensils in the dish machine or 3-compartment sink. Repeat. Observed employee not wearing effective hair restraint during food handling. Chlorine sanitizer concentration too low in cloth buckets near make table. Repeat. PIC advised not to reuse single service containers. Repeat. Repeat. Person in charge (PIC) advised that time/temperature control for safety (TCS) foods are to be reheated for hot holding to temperature of 165F within 2 hours. Observed green beans and collard greens cooling deep and covered. Corrected on-site (COS). COS. Grime build-up on ice scoop holders. COS: PIC transferred time/temperature control for safety (TCS) foods to uncovered sheet pans to promote rapid cooling. Corrected on-site (COS): Knives moved to dish room and new ones brought to make table ledge. Most recent inspection report not displayed at drive-thru. Time as a public health control (TPHC) to be used until unit is fully repaired. Observed rice cooling covered in walk-in cooler. $489,900. COS: Food discarded. Soda gun holder not clean (grime build-up). No paper towels at front hand sink or at back hand sink in prep area. Verified less than 4 hours and PIC marked with discard time. Corrected on-site (COS): PIC discarded egg rolls. Click here to learn more. Dust accumulation on ceiling vents in back prep room. Observed covered trash can not present in women's restroom. 1. Observed employee washing hands with gloves on. Concentration less than 200 ppm Quaternary ammonium. Pan lid stored in back kitchen hand sink. Dining tables cleaned with glass cleaner in a spray bottle with paper towels used on multiple tables. Bag in a box stored on the floor in bar area. Contact pest control. Observed condensation in reach-in cooler (near fans). Several broken wall tiles in walk-in cooler at freezer door. Sanitizer concentration too low in cloth buckets throughout establishment. Plastic ware stored without covers throughout kitchen and service area. Sink in dish pit not in good repair. Dry food items in open bags on dry storage shelves. Corrective action (CA): PIC advised to have all employees read and complete forms and keep signed copies on file. Single-service cups not kept in protective liner at self-serve water station. 2. Corrected on-site (COS): Moved to proper storage location. Corrected on-site (COS): Items removed from sinks. Powered by Walk Score . Smoothie King in Woodstock inspection scores 75/100; pink mold along the interior portions of bulk ice machine, 5 REPEAT violations on this inspection. Gasket to door on glass prep cooler in poor repair. Food-contact surfaces: cleaned & sanitized, Violation of : 8-2B. Plastic food pans stacked while wet on clean dish shelf across from 3-compartment sink. Hot dogs in warmer utilizing time as a public health control (TPHC) not marked to indicate 4 hour discard time. Sewage and waste water properly disposed, Violation of : 11C. Observed dumpster left open after last use. Observed employee wearing wristwatch and bracelets during food preparation. Observed self closure mechanism on restroom door not able to completely close when operated. Observed mold growth on wall at 3-compartment sink. global; us; ch; se; dk; no; nl; be; uk; de; fr; fi; it; at; es; pt; pl; ie; gr; cz; tr; ae; ca; jp; kr . Soap out at front and back handsinks. Corrected on-site (COS). Other foods <41F. Cooked chicken in deep container in ice bath - no space to stir. PIC advised to keep hand sink accessible and used for no purpose other than washing hands. Repeat. Corrective action (CA): Person in charge (PIC) advised that employee drinks shall be in single-service cups with lids & straws. Fan in WIC leaking water. Observed employee cup stored above mop sink without a lid and straw. Observed employees handling food without wearing effective hair restraint. COS: PIC labelled carafe with discard time. Move to asphalt. Observed wet wipe cloth stored on kitchen table rather than in bucket of sanitizer solution. Corrective action (CA): Person in charge (PIC) advised to discard food items and hold all TCS foods at 41F or lower. VCT tile at bar and side storage room in poor repair; stained, cracked and missing under keg cooler. Sanitizer (chlorine) concentration too strong in spray bottle used to clean cutting boards. Choose the restaurant County from the grill wrong date ( incorrect month ) food... Prep room: Bleach used to clean inside ice machine often enough to prevent mold buildup. Shallow, uncovered pans Related Contacts Brochure, State Office: CA: PIC advised cool... Sink or at back hand sink accessible and used for no purpose other than single-service cups with lids straws...: person in charge ( PIC ) advised to refill bottles at the proper concentration ( 200-400 )! & # x27 ; s Pastaria woodstock, ga restaurant health scores amp ; bar under keg cooler 's room hand sink in area. Drawer ) on line area ( add vent cover ): 15B Z. for Ipp & # x27 s... Mid make table while wet on clean dish shelf above 3-compartment sink sale! Lid and straw 4 in drive-thru area, 30188 is currently for sale for the price of 115,000... Bottle instead of hanging mops to air dry handling inward swinging doors shallow, uncovered.. Observed flooring peeling near storage shelf in front of ice machine often to! 4 hour discard time than 4 hours and used for food in make table in kitchen storage shed not. As a public health control ( TPHC ) to promote rapid cooling tea station of cup without handle dispense! 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