Go to the airline website and read about their history. You should always say you enjoy a team environment because thats how youll be working most of the time as a flight attendant. Hi Heather, I dont believe the referral changes the time frame for being contacted or guarantees an interview, but employee referrals do help. Can you give me an idea of what to pack? I took the online assessment test shortly after and not even 10 minutes later I got a email, they have decided not to advance my application at this time. Required fields are marked *. Hi Haley, youre welcome, Im glad you enjoyed this article and that it was helpful. I also offer my co-worker the chance to switch roles with me for the rest of the night so she can clear her head. My best advice is be a kind hard-working team-player and enjoy yourself out there! If you tell the interviewer that you like to work alone, or that you typically like a very slow environment, it could cost you the job. Do you know anything about the health benefits for FAs, are they the same tier as say a customer service agent? I am not vaccinated but can get an exemption if need be. I didn't ever hear back following this. Remember to speak up but give others a chance to speak. If you answer some of the assessment questions a certain way you would be denied getting to the next step. You may also like: Flight Attendant Reserve What It Is & Important Things You Need To Know. You stated these events are intended for flight attendant applicants who reside in or near these cities. I was hoping to have some insight about what to expect. Once their order comes up and its ready, my co-worker who was on bar role that night starts making the customers drink. Do you feel your recent jobs helped in preparing you for this position. Hi Gabby. They may ask for proof of vaccination before training but I also believe they are allowing exemptions now (as are all other US airlines). Q - 1. , During the United FA training, is there any swim test or pool activity? Is that possible or is it a normal recruiting location and its still TBD or is it for Cleveland specifically? What can you tell me about yourself? You can also add any previous experience with working in customer service, or some seminars and trainings you went to. I just recently applied for a flight attendant role and the position seemed to be specifically for Cleveland base. 6. By accepting all cookies, you agree to our use of cookies to deliver and maintain our services and site, improve the quality of Reddit, personalize Reddit content and advertising, and measure the effectiveness of advertising. Hello EM, being colorblind is not an issue. Tell me about your worst day at work. Has anyone gone through this process? Hello! If you want ideas for specific questions, here are 26 unique questions to ask an employer. My daughter will hopefully be finishing training soon, and as a parent was wondering what the family and friend perks are and what airlines does United reciprocate with? I do. 1. High school diploma or equivalent; 2 or more years of college preferred. Id recommend talking about how you believe great customer service means going above and beyond what the customer expects and over-delivering on the promises your brand makes. United Airlines is the best US airline to work for because they have so many bases and the most international destinations of any airline in the United States. Hub Airports at United include, United Airlines Flight Attendant Interview, 101 Great Answers to the Toughest Interview Questions (affiliate), Its okay to discuss your hobbies and interests but keep it brief. Received this info 10/26/2022. Apply online by submitting your resume. I believe you can order as many as six pairs at a time to test out at home with try before you buy. Odds are the interviewer has reviewed your resume and has already gotten a feel for you and knows which skills you lack. The cost of living is extremely high in those areas. and our Could you speak on what its like to commute based on your experience or anyone you know who has commuted as a FA? Last year they would not even consider any exemptions, now exemptions are being considered. If I can do this, YOU CAN, TOO! It is important to have career goals as it shows you have ambition and are focused. I applied for flight attendant at United. Some will be the classic interview questions you find in many occupations. Thank you for your help. Try and focus on. It could be any of those or more. Lastly, my experience as a military spouse has given me the depth and perspective one would need interacting with other customs and cultures. If you are released too quickly, you most likely were not selected for the job. I was asked this question during the VI. So you can always make it work, but you may have to think out of the box in the early stages of your career. *UPDATE During the latest rounds of interviews (fall 2022), United was not giving anyone CTOs on the spot. If you dont know what to say have a look at other jobs at. I reapplied and I am in the training class scheduled for early November. 2. I do appreciate your email and considering the Future Flight Attendant. Make a list of your greatest strengths and then make a list of required strengths found in the job description. Im sorry you were denied. 3.) Try to give a politically-correct answer without taking a hard stand or sounding too opinionated. Im glad the blog and info has been helpful for you. Hello, I am almost 40 years old and was thinking of becoming a flight attendant. Hub airports are airports that serve as central transfer points, from which flights come in and go out to other cities. I told him I always dreamt of being a flight attendant, but I didnt have the qualifications. Join 10,000+ job seekers in our email newsletter and we'll send you the 30 must-know questions, plus our best insider tips for turning interviews into job offers. Here is a list of side jobs that work with the flight attendant schedule: https://futureflightattendant.com/flight-attendant-side-jobs/. Only 50% survive the first year of employment. This isnt a spot where you want to be timid. Also, make sure the room you are in is tidy. How can I prepare? You have what it takes to get a CTO and you have already proved that. Then later on can the base be in your home town? Nothing comes out perfect the first time, so you should feel more confident if you practice ahead of time with a friend or family member. English language proficiency; second languages such as Hebrew, Hindi, Dutch, and German are an asset. The most competitive candidates are invited to their Executive Offices in Chicago or Houston for final evaluation. The $67.11 is top out pay. This is information is excellent! Example: 'When a passenger refuses to comply with instructions, I repeat the instructions to them in case they didn't hear me well. State you would be proud to work for the first U.S. airline to publicly commit to reducing greenhouse emissions 50 percent by 2050 and admire Uniteds goal to become the worlds most environmentally conscious airline. How Ive had a co-worker who was a transgender women. My child just received a contingent job offer today from United Airlines. Learned a lot reading through your blog! Any thoughts? You can get a good idea of the language bases from the job postings. Hello Denese, I guess I worded my reply incorrectly, yes they state that you need proof of vaccination as a flight attendant applicant. (Well talk more about what questions to ask in a flight attendant interview soon). Login with Yahoo! To answer your last question, yes take that letter. You should be aware of the required skills and show that you possess them. When your team is on the same page, everyone works more productively and delivers a better customer experience. Unfortunately United has a requirement of corrected 20/20 vision as part of the official job description. Women should wear a blazer, dress shirt, and skirt. I am 20 years old , i wish to becoming a flight attendant for American airlines. Other airlines have you wait six months to one year to reapply if you have received a TBNT or thanks but no thanks email. Before the pandemic, they tested new uniforms with completely different colors and styles, but then tragedy struck, and they are still using the blue and black uniforms. Effective communication is crucial in the event of high-stress situations such as aircraft evacuation, security threats, delays, medical emergencies, severe weather conditions, and turbulence. Is there a way I can reapply? After flight attendant graduation, you have about a week to get to your flight attendant base and base orientation before you start working as an official United Airlines flight attendant. Classes that graduated in February 2022 were awarded Cleveland as a base. Hi Deanna, I have actually been through the first 3 stages for United Airlines flight attendant and heard anything its been approximately 2.5 months and I was hoping to hear something either yea or nay how can I find out what my status is? You can either rent a car, take an Uber, or ride the bus. If the dates that I am being asked to choose from is a conflict for me, will other dates be offered or do I have to reapply again? It does take about a week to hear back from United after the video introduction, sometimes it can be more depending on how many applicants they have to go through. When you are in training it will require your full attention and it would be next to impossible to do anything else during that time. Multi-tasking and staying calm when many things need your attention is one of the essential skills, so dont take this question lightly. 1. My friend who has worked with United for 7 years referred me. I dont belive so because it would be impossible to work out those two schedules every month. Most people undergo a 15 to 30-minute phone discussion. My question is about the the training. Experience in the service industry (such as customer, retail, hospitality, food, aviation, safety, social service, healthcare/medical position, or military). Hi Maye, United allows two retakes total, and the passing score is 80% except for retakes. 5. In this article, were going to cover the 18 most common flight attendant interview questions from airlines like: This includes behavioral and situational interview questions, as well as other types of questions that you need to be ready for. Along with knowing some basics about their company and its history, try to know one or two things that set it apart from competitors. Ability to sit in an assigned jump seat with seatbelt and shoulder harness fastened. Get our free PDF with thetop 30 interview questions and answers. It's a more personality-driven assessment, designed to assess your customer service, flexibility, and adaptability skills. https://futureflightattendant.com/flight-attendant-age-limit/, The bottom line is there is no expiration date on your dreams. Has anyone gone through this process? I live in Fort Lauderdale. United closed the flight attent application already, it was open for only about 2 days. What I was referring to was medical and religious exemptions of current and new employees. Your goal here is to show that you can stay calm, avoid confrontation, but stand your ground and explain to the passenger what needs to be done and why (for safety reasons, etc.). Dependability and timeliness are critical to success in this role and to operating our schedule and. Check out this post on flight attendant age limit advice for a more in depth answer to that question. So make sure you know some facts about their individual airline, and mention what you admire or like about their company. I applied a few days ago and never received an email saying it was submitted or anything about an assessment. The reason for the hiring event is because they need flight attendants at the base in that city. Do you think once recruiters review my printed resume (that Ill bring with me to the fair) Id be considered if I live in Atlanta? (It was previously 90 days.). United has new flight attendant classes graduating every week with no sign of slowing down, so you can expect them to be hiring flight attendants again soon. I have experience as a flight attendant, I worked for VARIG for 13 years as a flight attendant in Brazil from 86 to 99. Do you know if they re-opened it? Besides taking a chance of being denied a later date, sooner is always better for seniority purposes and that could impact the amount of time time you sit reserve etc. Learn More, Hi, I'm Deanna the creator of Future Flight Attendant. How do you explain something technical and give an example? As a brand new flight attendant you are most likely to be based in San Francisco, Newark, Houston, Denver, DC, Boston, or Chicago. Do you know if I can get my seniority for the years I worked previously. Hub airports are airports that serve as central transfer points, from which flights come in and go out to other cities. Meeting new people is exciting for me, as I love people and am a true team player. As you only work 80-95hrs monthly. This is where you convince the interviewer that you have researched the organization and are interested in their services. Best of luck to you Shellie! I was so very shy and nervous when I applied. United Airlines is the 4th largest airline in the United States. Along with asking, Why do you want to be a flight attendant? (mentioned earlier), theyll also want to hear a specific reason why you applied to their company. and how you handled it. Im doing my best to study up and prepare, this has been a dream of mine since I was a kid! Try and focus on related work experience. Im due to leave for training for UA next week and I have no idea on what to pack for this journey. Your goal should be to demonstrate that you stay calm and professional even when disagreements occur and that you realize youre on the same side as your coworkers working toward a common goal. I sure hope they did because thats where I live and Id love to have the option to be based here. Yes they do training during the holidays. The United flight attendant interview is like most other airlines face to face interviews. When they ask why you would succeed in this position, its a chance to show confidence and brag about yourself a bit. Thats how theyre thinking in the interview. Hi again, When will open resumes /job opportunities be posted again for flight attendants? There are hundreds of bits of information and steps in the hiring process, therefore, it is best to have the training and a guide to help you successfully gain the experience and get through the hiring process to land your dream job. Apply Now Flight Attendant (Greek Speakers Only) Available in 3 locations With enthusiasm I told them my story and why it was my best day. Flight attendant training is held at the brand new state-of-the-art United Airlines Flight Attendant Training Center in Houston, Texas. Thank you! Often times, she would accidentally mis interpret a situation and assume a customer had mis-gendered her. Training is intense. You need to drive motorized equipment, such as belt loaders so you need a drivers license. Hub Airports at United include Chicago OHare, Denver, Houston, Los Angeles, Newark Liberty, San Francisco, and Washington Dulles. I think I may have misunderstood your question the first time. I know lodging with AA, my daughter has her own hotel room. 3. The reason for the hiring event is because they need flight attendants at the base in that city. It doesnt even feel like a job, but an exciting lifestyle. The member lounge is called the United Club. Be someone with whom you would like to work. Hello Timeka. Typical Questions Or can I wait till I have a CJO? Flight attendants with less than one year seniority are holding lines there. The person who interviewed me at the end asked if I had any tattoos and I do not. Yes because my current job requires me to interact with people. i handled this situation very calmly and just said "I'm sorry you feel that way, are you ready to leave?" United Airlines updated its flight attendant tattoo policy in 2021 to allow visible tattoos. We were given the potential bases where new FA will be located. Once a flight attendant applicant attends a United Airlines hiring event and they are chosen to proceed, they will get a video interview invite for a VI with United. Forgot your Username or Password? Its okay to say you like both situations, but make sure you show them that you have the skills needed to handle situations where teamwork is required. The airline also wants to make sure you can get along well with different types of coworkers (along with different types of customers). I think your chances are excellent after the 180 day wait. For more information on what to wear to your cabin crew interview, we recommend this article. Why should we hire you as a flight attendant? United Airlines flight attendant jobs are some of the most coveted in the industry. Upon successful completion of initial flight attendant training, you earn your wings and become an official United Airlines flight attendant. This is twice as true when interviewing to become a flight attendant. I also had an employee (Mgr) referral letter. The United flight attendant interview is like most other airlines face to face interviews. I tried to be as helpful as possible and learn from them as well. Airlines also conduct group assessments in which they make you solve problems/scenarios as a part of a group. and that was that. Its both how you interact with people and typical interview questions. Im not sure if its open for transfers at the moment, but it is definitely still a base. You will get one day off a week, but you will need to study and take care of yourself those days. The key is to get yourself a quiet room with no distractions. for the completion of required tasks. Hi Deanna, Great information! United Airlines Interview Questions by Role. Serve and/or sell food and beverages in a diligent and professional manner. Hi I am currently a flight attendant and I really would like to work for United Airlines will United be hiring for a flight attendant position soon ? It also is not showing up in my united careers account. By the end of training she will have all of that information, and yes you will be getting free flights on United once she is an official employee. You will be judged on your teamwork and communication skills. If you are shortlisted, then you will be called for a face to face interview. Propose a strategy that includes skills like active listening and empathy to calm the client and de-escalate the situation. Congratulations! Customs and cultures are released too quickly, you earn your wings become! 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