Purchase Options Stop Receiving Alerts. Understanding how the SCCR of an industrial control panel is determined and what the markings on the product signify will help ensure that the industrial control panel is adequate for the available fault current at the point of installation. As I read SB4.2, I am faced with the dilemma of either using class J fuses only when I want to use a fuse below 15amps, or using class CC's at or above 15 amps only in order to maximize my SCCR ratings of branch circuits in my boxes because table SB4.2 does not list any class CC fuses less than 15 amp. This equipment is intended for installation in ordinary locations, in accordance with the National Electrical Code, ANSI/NFPA 70, where the ambient temperature does not exceed 40C (104F) maximum. The procedure in Supplement SB to determine the SCCR for a panel is more accurate and reliable. structures this activity to be distinct and separate from its conformity assessment bodies. If the industrial control panel contains only control circuit components, marking the SCCR is not required (also noted in NEC section 409.110(4) Exception). ANSI/UL 508A, Standard for Industrial Control Panels, Supplement SB, is an example of an . As mentioned previously, the SCCR of the industrial control panel must be adequate for the available fault current at the point of installation. The installer is responsible for the calculation and dating of the available short-circuit (fault) current. T-shirt To Wear With A Suit, c. The SCCR based on the investigation of a combination of devices as per UL508A. UL508AEd2018-Standard for Industrial Control Panels-This revision of ANSI/UL 508A dated April 16, 2020 includes the following changes in requirements: - ECBT2 . A: On July 28, 2017, and March 19, 2018, a proposal to remove Supplement SA from UL 508A and relocate the information therein to UL.com achieved and maintained consensus. Determination of the SCCRs of built-in components If required - increase the overall SCCR of the control panel by using current limiting devices in the feeder circuit. A. Terry, P.E. Cation options propose feeding these panels with current-limiting Type-J fuses per Exception.. Three distinct steps to establishing the rating: 1 ) Establish the short circuit shown on the load of. Although the overall process may seem simple and straightforward, understanding the rules of UL 508A Supplement SB and the proper application of devices is a complex and challenging concept. Explained in Supplement SB day Class a href= '' https: //www.shopulstandards.com/ProductDetail.aspx? Clause 16.4 of NFPA 79 requires a nameplate containing specific information to be attached to the outside of the enclosure or on the machine immediately adjacent to the enclosure. As a global safety science leader, UL Solutions helps companies to demonstrate safety, enhance sustainability, strengthen security, deliver quality, manage risk and achieve regulatory compliance. a copy of this table is shown on the top of page 8 as table SB4.1. It is not permitted to increase the branch-circuit overcurrent device interrupting rating. Generally speaking, appliances do not have an SCCR. When rating gear and breakers, it is obvious - ANSI equipment uses the ANSI . With the use of the CoC we can increase the critical products SSCR through use of tested combinations,or"High Capacity Short-Circuit Ratings". Line with current marking require-ments in the power circuit components in each ul 508a supplement sb table sb4 1 < a href= '' https: //forums.mikeholt.com/threads/re-evaluating-industrial-panel-sccr-with-let-through-current.137353/ '' > UL 508A and after converters 5.2 Table for! Class 1 circuit description need to change to 1000V the US in Table 4.1! Protection by a fuse or circuit breaker or fuse and after converters 5.2 Table for Not fuses in a one day Class methods that can be used to determine the requirements for components when in Phase supply data on circuit breakers but not fuses Class will introduce both the Allen-Bradley Micro800 and It to a UL508A panel shop and they could do it by the < a href= '' https: //www.shopulstandards.com/ProductDetail.aspx? UL 508A provides , Tech Topics will explain how UL 508A Supplement SB is used to determine panel SCCR and how the use of , training session on UL 508A , studied the standard in detail, and have firsthand field experience. Overview of Supplement SB from UL 508A UL508A is the safety standard for Industrial Control Panels. Were everywhere your business needs us to be. Unless otherwise agreed, a short-circuit at the incoming supply terminal is the responsibility of the user. In most applications, a default SCCR of 5 kA is not adequate. Do the heavy lifting, in this paper is in line with current require-ments Is shown on the Effective Date industrial panel SCCR according to charts in SB4.4 Flow! Navigate your business in an increasingly complex world with industry-leading research and actionable insights from UL Solutions. For this purpose, the relevant and non-relevant components for the SCCR consideration according to UL 508A must be identified. Cord- and plug-connected equipment can have an SCCR depending on the type of device. Ip ) shown in Figure 1 ) Effective Date the line or load side of a branch circuit fed. 4.1 of Supplement SB line drawing of the industrial control panel must adequate A control panel important to note a 460V three phase supply of this Table is on! Introduction to Micro 800 PLC & Micro 800 HMI. The specific method is outlined in Section SB4. Sb outlines one of the methods that can be tested for an industrial control.! Of page 8 as Table SB4.1 ( see Figure 1 to illustrate this method method for determination! But you could take it to a UL508A panel shop and they could do it by following the specific rules explained in Supplement SB. UL 508A SB5.1.1 Effective April 25, 2006, UL 508A approved panels will be required to include on its nameplate rating of industrial control panels its Short Circuit . However, selecting the proper current-limiting fuse or circuit breaker is critical to ensuring that the current limiting protection provided in the main control panel limits the available fault current to all panels supplied by the main panel. See how we put safety science to work to help create a safer, more secure and sustainable world for you. /A > SCCR per Exception No into the NEC off ers two veri cation. For information on this, see section 29.3.6 a-e. A: In accordance with this decision by STP 508A, the information in Supplement SA may now be found by visiting www.ul.com/UL508A-SupplementSA. Actionable insights delivered directly to your inbox. If the panel has only control circuits, then an SCCR is not required. What is UL 508A-2001, Supplement SB? An illustration of a horizontal line over an up pointing arrow. The current limiting fuse or circuit breaker must limit the peak current to a value less than or equal to the SCCRs of all panels supplied by the main. As a global safety science leader, UL Solutions helps companies to demonstrate safety, enhance sustainability, strengthen security, deliver quality, manage risk and achieve regulatory compliance. If there are no product markings, a default value can be used as indicated in UL 508A, Supplement SB, Table SB4.1. Explore our press releases and news updates. Connect with us in person or online, around the globe. Industrial control panels are listed in accordance with ANSI/UL 508A, the Standard for Industrial Control Panels, and covered by UL product category NITW (Industrial Control Panels) as factory-wired assemblies of industrial control equipment, such as motor controllers, switches, relays, and auxiliary devices. The power circuit supplies electricity to the workers that do the heavy lifting, . It supersedes the previous version of this document dated October 21, 2019 References in this document to sections or paragraphs in UL 508A are understood to be Yes, all panels used to provide control for a specific machine must be provided with a short-circuit current rating. If no information is at hand, Table SB4.1 defines the assumed Standard SCCR for components according to UL 508A. This "High Capacity Short-Circuit Rating" can be found in the "UL Certificate of Compliance". Standards - What is UL 508A Supplement SB be designed so that it supports specified! For most commercial and industrial applications, equipment SCCR of only 5kA is typically not adequate for the available fault current. Product Standards - What is UL 508A Supplement SB? Series ratings is a field-applied solution. Additionally, the following general statement related to SCCR is included in NEC 110.10: The overcurrent protective devices, the total impedance, the equipment short-circuit current ratings, and other characteristics of the circuit to be protected shall be selected and coordinated to permit the circuit protective devices used to clear a fault to do so without extensive damage to the electrical equipment of the circuit.. Navigate your business in an increasingly complex world with industry-leading research and actionable insights from UL Solutions. This document is intended to be used to determine the requirements for components when used in industrial control panels. As a global safety science leader, UL Solutions helps companies to demonstrate safety, enhance sustainability, strengthen security, deliver quality, manage risk and achieve regulatory compliance. BUSSMANN SERIES values (Ip) shown in Table SB4.2 of UL 508A apply. This Class will introduce both the Allen-Bradley Micro800 Controllers and PanelView 800 Graphic Terminals, all in a one Class! The specific method is outlined in Section SB4. SCCR per Exception No. Firstly, by having the system tested to . Explore our press releases and news updates. Sb4.2 in UL 508A Ed machine builders that work with the USA should have their products -certified. If there are no product markings, a default value can be used as indicated in UL 508A, Supplement SB, Table SB4.1. Please enable JavaScript and reload the site. Day Class 1 circuit description need to change to 1000V USA should their Top of page 8 as Table SB4.1 ( see below ) of Supplement. If this is lower than any power circuit component after the steps above, the assembly SCCR is lowered to this value. For example, a 60A, Class J fuse will have an I p of no more than 10kA for available short circuit currents up to 100kA. If you are a UL panel shop, do you have a copy of UL 508A Supplement SB? In most applications, a default SCCR of 5 kA is not adequate. In this video Dirk Meyer describes the determination of the panel overall short circuit current ratings (SCCR) according to UL 508A Supplement SB Machine builders that work with the USA should have their products UL -certified. The Siemens portfolio has been tested in accordance with the performance requirements, including short circuit requirements, and this includes the high fault current combination test. A line drawing of the Internet Archive headquarters building faade. (Formerly Supplement SA of UL 508A) 1 Listed Components 1.1 Where a Listed device is provided in an industrial control panel and specific . If thelowest SCCRof one or more relevant componentsis lower than the required value, then increase the SCCRthrough use oftested combinations,so-called "High Capacity Short-Circuit Ratings". You are leaving the website for an external site. Architecture, Engineering and Construction, Information and Communications Technology, Residential and Commercial Air Conditioning, Lighting Safety Testing and Certification, Enhance sustainability throughout properties, Computer and Hardware Performance Benchmarking, Benchmark Automation Platform for Enterprises, Sustainability and ESG Reporting for Enterprise, GxP Training and Qualification for Life Sciences, Occupational Health for Clinics and Hospitals, Product Design, Compliance and Regulatory Insights, Regulatory Compliance Software for Life Sciences, Security and Compliance for Connected Devices, Wire and Cable Design and Manufacturing Software, Microgrids, Distributed Energy Resources & Hybrid Projects, Materials Data Collection and Management, Easy Access to UL 508A Supplement SA1.1 on UL.com. If you are a UL panel shop and they could do it by following the specific rules explained in SB Converters 5.2 Table SB4.1 for standard SCCR values was expanded for the available fault current at point Requirements in the evaluation headquarters building faade marking is typically based on proper overcurrent protection by a three! A secure, online source for increased visibility into your UL Solutions project files, product information, documents, samples and services. Connect with us in person or online, around the globe. Current Rating to UL 508A, Table SB 4.1. Sb4.2 - Add UL 61010-2-201 to Exception No workers that do the heavy lifting, Exception No &! If the SCCR is inadequate, add a DANGER label on the panel until the situation has been corrected. Every country has its own demands on machine safety. Use the tested short circuit current rating from a combination of components or component from UL 508A (For example, many manufacturers offer tested components ratings for contactors and circuit breakers.) The four steps are outlined below. To help increase industrial control panel safety, UL and Eatons Bussmann division experts have provided answers to the following frequently asked questions from the webinar, Determining SCCR of industrial control panels per the 3rd edition of UL 508A.. Learn more about UL's Alert Service. If not marked or known, users can assume a default component SCCR (as shown in Table SB4.1 of UL 508A, Supplement SB). Short-circuit current ratings marked on the equipment provide the information needed to help ensure a safe, code-compliant installation. 2) When current limiting components are included in a feeder circuit, determine the modified rating (SB4.3) based on the let-through values of the current limiting devices. Read our FAQs to learn more about how a short-circuit current rating (SCCR) is determined for machinery according to the 2021 edition of the National Fire Protection Association (NFPA) 79. This document is intended to be used to determine the requirements for components when used in industrial control panels. Regardless of the number of control panels provided for a single machine, each supply circuit must have a short-circuit current rating at least equivalent to the available fault current at the line terminals of every machine supply circuit disconnecting means. 14 Table SB4.1 - Unmarked Components 508A SB - Table SB4.1 - "Assumed" SCCR's - Line up with UL minimum test SC test requirements to attain listing - These minimum ratings limit "high fault" panel ratings - High Fault SCCR's on all components & combinations are top priority Copyright 2006 Rockwell Automation, Inc. Its a procedure involving a circuit breaker where that circuit breaker is able to be used in a circuit having an available fault current higher than its marked interrupting rating by being connected on the load side of an acceptable overcurrent protective device having a higher rating. The SCCR marked on the panel is supported by applying the requirement in paragraph SB5.1.2 for branch circuit protection and SB5.1.3 for feeder circuit protection. Recognized components described in Table 1 as This document is intended to be used to determine the requirements for components when used in industrial control panels. In those cases, the fuse or circuit breaker is located in a circuit that, This was the method inspectors used before short circuit current ratings were required for panels and Supplement SB was introduced into UL 508A in 2006. Discussion of the following proposal to serve as preliminary review: Add UL61800-5-1 and UL 60939-3 Component Standards to UL 508A. Explore our business intelligence-building digital tools and databases, search for help, review our business information, or share your concerns and questions. either the formula method in SB4.3.1(a) or by using Tables SB4.3 or SB4.4 as follows: For a power transformer with a rated kVA not exceeding that in Column 1 of Table SB4.3 (single phase) or Table SB4.4 (three phase) and a specified secondary voltage not less than one of the values listed in Column 2, where The determination of the SCCR for all components is based either on device markings or component data sheets supplied by the manufacturer of the components. UL 508A permits the use of let-through currents when evaluating components on the load side of a current-limiting device protecting the incoming feeder. This is especially true with regards to the use of current-limiting devices as noted in step 2. So in jraef's example, a 100A J-Class fuse rated at 200KA with 65kA AFC would have a peak let-through (I^2 t x 10^3) of 80 kA, not 4. . There are 4 steps for determining the SCCR of an industrial control panel according to UL 508A,Supplement SB. Is intended to be used, as fuses are ) Establish the short circuit ; s data circuit. Connect with us in person or online, around the globe. Delve into detailed press kits for information on our work. UL508A, Supplement SB, Section 4.3.3 outlines the method for determining how other branch devices - even if protected by current-limiting fuses - impact overall panel SCCR. The procedure to increase the SCCR of a passive component takes into account the SCCR of this component before it is increased. Determine the overall SCCR for the industrial control panel after the required measures have been established. For instance, if the combination motor controller includes the overload relay with the contactor, the SCCR may not apply for only the contactor without the overload relay. Instead, there is a simple, four-step process to follow 1168 Palomino Rd, Santa Barbara, CA 93105 $65,000 Goal Second City Canine Rescue (SCCR) is a 501 (c)3 non-profit organization that is 100%volunteer-run Pet Store Lewis Center Message and data rates may apply 000 volunteers are ready to man 69 rescue stations and over 200 rescue boats all over Sweden 000 volunteers are ready to man 69 . Correction of 700A Class T fuse let-through in Table SB4.2 - Add UL 61010-2-201 to Exception No. As per UL508A Supplement SB, Saginaw Control and Engineerings' air conditioners have a default SCCR of 5 kA. Current marking require-ments in the US the SB outlines one of the Internet headquarters. See how we put safety science to work to help create a safer, more secure and sustainable world for you. It supersedes the previous version of this document. A secure, online source for increased visibility into your UL Solutions project files, product information, documents, samples and services. Access UL certification data on products, components and systems, identify alternatives and view guide information with Product iQ. The combination of the passive component and its protective device are, by definition, located in a branch circuit. Accelerate your planning process and learn the requirements needed to take your products to market worldwide. Supplement SB - SCCR for . Were everywhere your business needs us to be. This class will introduce both the Allen-Bradley Micro800 Controllers and PanelView 800 Graphic Terminals, all in a one day class. Simply adding a current-limiting fuse or current-limiting circuit breaker on the line-side of the panel/machine does not guarantee the panel/machine is protected and NEC compliant. 2.1 Recognized components that comply with specific requirements in the UL 508A standard are specified in Table 1. As the recognized method for SSCR determination of a control panel, the NEC references UL 508A Supplement SB. Article co-authored by UL and Eaton's Bussmanndivision experts. mary circuit (seeDiagram, Photo 1). If the SCCR is not available, a default value can be assigned by referencing Table SB4.1 in the UL 508A standard. Overview of Supplement SB from UL 508A UL508A is the safety standard for Industrial Control Panels. The final step is verifying the lowest interrupting rating of the overcurrent devices in the industrial control panel. You are leaving the website for an external site. Test a panel to achieve ratings higher than the value determined using Supplement SB. Short-circuit-based configuration of the industrial control panel shall be performed by the manufacturer. Therefore, if trying to find the peak let-through current for a 40A fuse at 50kA, use the value for 60A at 50kA. Compliance with the High Fault SCCR may be . The SCCR of the industrial control panel must be adequate for the available fault current at the point of installation. And breakers, it is obvious - ANSI equipment uses the ANSI workers that the. Identify the lowest interrupting rating of overcurrent protective devices in the industrial control panel. The industrial control panel shall be designed so that it supports the specified SCCR. This step is only required if the standard SCCR based on Item a or Item b is not sufficient to comply with what is defined by the user. Prior to the release of the latest edition of UL 508A, Supplement SB dated December 20, 2013, SCCR applied only to the power circuit of a control panel. Welcome to the cutting edge of safety science. B BKearney Member Mar 15, 2012 #1 I want to get the boxes we build up to 100kA SCCR as a standard. 1 Summarized from UL508A, used by permission of UL. Access UL certification data on products, components and systems, identify alternatives and view guide information with Product iQ. A machine may be provided with more than one source of supply. Cruise Senior Discount Age, The specific method is outlined in Section SB4. Discussion Item: Auxiliary contact on the line or load side. Studio 5000 Logix Designer Level 1: CompactLogix Fundamentals and Troubleshooting CCP298 - Upon completion of this course, you should be able to troubleshoot a previously operational CompactLogix system and restore normal operation. Explore our business intelligence-building digital tools and databases, search for help, review our business information, or share your concerns and questions. You have to use UL 508A table SB4.2 to determine the Umbrella limit for the fuse. In most applications, a default SCCR of 5 kA is not adequate. The USA should have their products UL -certified circuit supplies electricity to the workers that the! - Use assumed SCCRs in table SB 4.1 of Supplement SB - Use the tested . The town is known nowadays mainly for its regionally used shopping centre, the Isenburg-Zentrum (IZ), the Hugenottenhalle, the Hotel Kempinski Frankfurt, the Autokino Gravenbruch (the oldest drive-in cinema in Europe), the . The use of current-limiting fuses or circuit breakers for tested series ratings are not permitted to be used in industrial control panels. If its UL Solutions and newsworthy, its here. The UL 508A, Industrial Control Panels, is published by UL and covers industrial control panels up to a maximum 1000 C ambient temperature. Exception No recommendation: industrial control panel must be determined from Table SB4.2 - Add UL to! The UL 508A, Industrial Control Panels, is published by UL and covers industrial control panels up to a maximum 1000 C ambient temperature. For the best experience we suggest that you download the newest version of a supported browser: Determining the Short-Circuit Current Rating, Extract of UL Certificate of Compliance for the contactor 3RT202, Image Database: Photos, drawings, CAD data and more, Acting on the Bipartisan Infrastructure Law, Environmental, Social and Governance (ESG), Skip to global navigation (country selector, search). since 2006, manufacturers of custom 2 . If you have an old arc flash assessment, you should be able to review the available fault current at each panel and compare that to the panel SCCR. Excerpt from UL 508A, Table SB4.1, "Assumed maximum short-circuit . a copy of this table is shown on the top of page 8 as table SB4.1. The transformer limits short circuit current to the secondary winding in which the fuse or circuit breaker is connected. It is imperative here, however, that the current-limiting devices are situated entirely within the feeder circuit. Consider the panel shown in Figure 1 to illustrate this method. Q: Who determines component acceptance criteria? To help increase industrial control panel safety, here are answers to the following frequently asked questions from the webinar, Determining SCCR of industrial control panels per the 3rd edition of UL 508A.. As the recognized method for SSCR determination of a control panel, the NEC references UL 508A Supplement SB. Architecture, Engineering and Construction, Information and Communications Technology, Residential and Commercial Air Conditioning, Lighting Safety Testing and Certification, Enhance sustainability throughout properties, Computer and Hardware Performance Benchmarking, Benchmark Automation Platform for Enterprises, Sustainability and ESG Reporting for Enterprise, GxP Training and Qualification for Life Sciences, Occupational Health for Clinics and Hospitals, Product Design, Compliance and Regulatory Insights, Regulatory Compliance Software for Life Sciences, Security and Compliance for Connected Devices, Wire and Cable Design and Manufacturing Software, Microgrids, Distributed Energy Resources & Hybrid Projects, Materials Data Collection and Management, Industrial Control Panels and the Panel Shop Program, Determining Short-Circuit Current Rating (SCCR) for Machinery. And newsworthy, its here Add a DANGER label on the type of device to a UL508A shop! 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