01942 883912 Email us. We have a committed and passionate staff who want the best for our children and community which can be seen through our fun, challenging and engaging lessons and learning activities each day. St Ambrose RC Primary School (SARPS) Princess Road Chorlton-Cum-Hardy Manchester M21 7QA. Tel: 0161 445 3299 We hope it gives you an entertaining and informative insight into our school. St Ambrose Primary School has 229 pupils, which places its total pupil count about average in the UK. L24 7SF. The school embodies a happy, secure and friendly environment where the boys and girls are encouraged to become independent learners, enabling them to succeed both academically and socially. [~sys:link(699ea292-84c6-4262-b1be-819f355a35eb,contact-us)~], Our Governance and Catholic Multi Academy Company, Our TAPP: Teacher and Parents Partnership, Total Hours provided in a typical week are 32.5. School Business Manager: Mrs J Leach. The school has 15 teachers with each teacher on average earning the . Share St Ambrose 2022 Family Movie Night with your friends. Welcome to St Ambrose's Primary School. View our Ofsted Report, May we remind parents that all payments must be made through Parentmail for Breakfast Club fees or Ties, Guidelines for school available under INFORMATION > PUBLIC HEALTH tabs at top of page. Opening times 7.30 a.m. 9.00 a.m. 4.50 Booking essential Charges via Parentmail invoiced Fridays. However, there are places available for children who are not from Catholic families and applications for these are welcomed. The family of St Ambrose is one in which each member is valued and respected for who they are. We also welcome feedback from our visitors, so please feel free to leave us a nice comment in our Guestbook, too. Main Contact: Mrs Helen Maguire - Business Manager. Please do not hesitate to contact me if there is anything else you would like to know about our school. Headteacher: Mr Matthew White. Jan 9, 2023 | News. We'd love Saint Ambrose College is a Catholic State Funded Independent Grammar School for boys, with a selective intake. [~sys:articlelist(4ffa5e3c-259c-4c2c-b28c-b2214c49371c,catholic-life)~] For the first time in its history, the Diocese of Arlington will have a dual language education program at a diocesan school, and St. Ambrose Catholic School is leading the way. The Gold Coast Car Show. [~sys:articlelist(66781c49-af32-4646-af88-3077ff966668,our-community)~] The 21st century demands so much of our young people. St Ambrose Primary School is a contemporary, architecturally designed learning space providing a meaningful and authentic Christ-centred approach to teaching and learning, responsive to the needs of our learners. Frameworks and Libraries (2 Technologies) jQuery Migrate jQuery . 2018284047 The school is a modern building, with extensive grounds and impressive facilities including a large playing field, AstroTurf pitches and a swimming pool. (1/2) St. Ambrose School admits students of any race, color . I hope this website provides a flavour of the very high standards in attainment, curriculum, teaching and provision your child can receive at St Ambrose. This mixed-sex primary school has 232 pupils, with a capacity of 210, aged from three up to eleven, and the type of establishment is voluntary aided school. Visit our Community Page for details of a "Warm Welcome Space" at the Life360 on Adswood Road. They have only a 95.5% attendance rate, certainly below average. Manchester Road,Astley,Manchester,M29 7DY, St Ambrose Barlow School Prospectus 2022-23, enquiries@admin.saintambrosebarlow.wigan.sch.uk, Manchester Road, Astley, Manchester M29 7DY, 2023 St Ambrose Barlow Catholic Primary School. Lucy Gutierrez 1st ELA & Social Studies. St. Ambrose University (SAU) is launching a new Nano Nagle Online School of Nursing, a new division of its College of Health and Human Services. Mr Ambrose Henderson (Vice Chair) Rev Fr Gerald Murphy . Our school mission is to Follow the example of Jesus and we aim to live this out in our words and actions. If youre OK with that, please click CLOSE and access the website. Saint Ambrose School and Littlest Angels Preschool are . Phone: 07 3369 5351. View the Ofsted report for St Ambrose Barlow Catholic Primary School . At St Ambrose's there is a wealth that is beyond measure. Also, as we start the year with the World Day of Peace, commit to practicing and being an advocate for peace. We strive to live this through our commitment to our Ca . It is a Voluntary Aided Catholic Primary School and as such our primary role is to serve the Catholic community of St. Ambrose Parish and parts of St. Vincent's, Bramhall and Our Lady's, Edgeley. A character education (heart) from which young people can develop a set of ethical underpinnings, well-honed character traits of resilience, kindness and tolerance and a subtle open mind. Saint Ambrose is a school we are all proud of. 14 Jan 23: School Newsletter and Diary Dates. Alderfield Drive, Speke, L24 7SF How to find us View property photos, floor plans, local school catchments & lots more on Domain.com.au. We are a vibrant, multicultural and multi-faith community with a strong commitment to developing each precious and unique child. It will help you to make one of the most important decisions you will ever have to make. If any parent wishes a paper copy of any document, let the office know as they are free of charge. 4 Beds. Welcome to St Ambrose Primary School, which is quite simply a great school. The school is a mixed school, having 51.1% girls and 48.9% boys. This approach creates a happy, constructive and positive place for our children to grow and flourish. In our school, children are encouraged to aim for the highest possible standards by providing a range of exciting opportunities and experiences within our broad and balanced curriculum. It has 2 bedrooms, 1 bathroom and 1 parking spot. 4,741 Followers. It is a Voluntary Aided Catholic Primary School and as such our primary role is to serve the Catholic community of St. Ambrose Parish and parts of St. Vincent's, Bramhall and Our Lady's, Edgeley. The Christmas Eve Vigil Mass (Children's Mass) and the Midnight Mass, both with Christmas Carols beforehand will be live-streamed. 43 Davidson Avenue, Concord, NSW 2137 is for Lease through an agent from Raine & Horne Concord. Anyone wishing to obtain a copy (free of charge) of any information contained on our School Website may do so by contacting our School Office. The school's religious denomination is Roman Catholic. 2 Burke Street. This is achieved through a rich and diverse curriculum which caters for all the childrens talents. I hope it will help you to decide that St. Ambrose is the best school for your child. Princess Road Chorlton Manchester M21 7QA Headteacher: Mrs Ruth Vayro Deputy Headteacher: Mr Wayne Cunningham Assistant Headteacher: Mrs Helen Murphy Head's email: head@st-ambrose.manchester.sch.uk. Our school enjoys a high level of parent involvement in all aspects of school life. It is the aim of everyone in our school to provide the best possible opportunities for the children in our care and to help them grow in their journey of faith, with Gospel values at the centre of everything we do. Teens and Technology: How to Safely Navigate the Tech Culture, Discover St. Ambrose School, and see all we have to offer your child. 1 st Saturday of the Month - 8:15 am Mass. 4,027 Sq. 3 bedroom house for Sale at 12 Sedgley Street, Alderley QLD 4051. It is through our vibrant and contemporary . We recognise and respond to the needs of each child: their academic needs and also the development of the whole child as an individual. . If youre a prospective parent and want to find out more, book a meeting with the headteacher here! Melissa Price - SENCo contact mprice@emmausmac.com, David Gillett - Chair of Governing Bodycontact dgillett@emmausmac.com, [~sys:articlelist(08bb7ebc-9716-4336-a5b7-346ca122ffc8,about-us)~] We develop happy, fulfilled, well-educated and confident children in a caring, disciplined environment with our Faith as the focus of our actions. We offer a variety of programs to support parents in their role as primary educators in the ways of our Catholic faith. It refers to the title given to Jesus by Pilate and nailed to the top of the cross. Second floor laundry room next to all three bedrooms.Primary suite is located at one end with en-suite 5 piece bathroom with dual vanity, soaking tub, walk-in shower, linen closet, private water closet, & spacious Don't forget to favourite it by clicking the heart icon at the top of the page contact the agent via phone or email form. Red Hill Q 4059. The information displayed here is designed to give you an insight of our vibrant, dynamic and successful school. It is through our vibrant and contemporary Religious Education program and the religious life of the school that we ensure each childs understanding of faith is developed. At St Ambrose, we do things a little differently and offer a different course - an education for head, heart and hand; we believe that knowledge, questioning and communicating come together as the basis of a great education. Little Hulton and Christ the King, Walkden and who attend the following partner Primary Schools: St Marks, (Swinton), St Luke's (Salford), St Mary . 1,505 Sq. 2.5 Baths. WA15 0HF. CDF Pay. In 2017/18, the most recent full school year, 5.4% of half-day sessions were missed by pupils at St Ambrose RC Primary School. SFX Vice Principal Post Letter from Board Chair Dec 2022. Saint Ambrose Barlow Catholic Primary School. Church: School: Address: St. Ambrose Roman Catholic Church 5130 Wilson St. Louis, MO 63110 Phone numbers: 314-771-1228 (Church Office) 314-771-0454 (fax . Find out a little bit more about St.Ambrose by watching the video below. Fr Vincent presented him with the Bishop's certificate and . MLS # 10469614 Parish News. Ready for JANUARY MOVE . Send your children to St Ambrose school and we will help them reach for the stars. 2h/19-21 George Street, North Strathfield. I would encourage you to visit our school, via appointment with our office, where a member of our leadership team will give you a tour of the school and answer any queries you have. 3827 Woodburn Road, Annandale, VA 22003. Birmingham, England sab.bham.sch.uk Joined August 2021. Email: office@stambroseprimary.co.uk. Education is a partnership between home, school and parish in which we seek and encourage the participation of parents in the learning process and in the life of the school. St. Ambrose is a parochial primary school located on The Hill, serving children from pre-kindergarten to eighth grade. Search Marketing (2 Technologies) Yoast Yoast . View more recently sold homes. He is a talented musician, singer and composer and has composed the music for several Masses. St Ambrose Catholic Primary School (SACPS) Alderfield Drive Speke Liverpool Merseyside L24 7SF. Concord West St Ambrose Catholic Primary School 2 Stuart Street, Concord West NSW 2138 To contact the OSHC directly: 0476 886 765 (during operational hours) concordwest.oshc@syd.catholic.edu.au Before school care: Monday - Friday: 7:00am - 8:45am After school care: Monday - Friday: 3:00pm - 6:00pm Since September 1996 we have been able to offer part time Nursery education in addition to the full primary age range. [~sys:articlelist(66781c49-af32-4646-af88-3077ff966668,our-community)~] In 1987 Our Lady of Mercy College (an all-girls school) became Mercy College, a co-educational school for junior high school (Years 7-10) and St Patrick's became a co-educational school for Years 11 and 12. Saturday 4:30 pm Sunday 7:30 am, 9:00 am, 10:30 am, 12:00 Noon, . Saint Ambrose is first and foremost, a Catholic College and a Catholic ethos must exist in our daily life. HOW TO SUPPORT YOUR CHILD WITH THEIR EMOTIONAL REGULATION, For parents of children up to 10 years old, 10/11/22, 12/1/23 and 9/3/23 9.30am 11.00am. Tweets. Whether you are a current or past pupil, existing or prospective parent or just a casual browser, we hope you will find this site to be a useful source of information. 03 Dec 22: School Newsletter. 1 st Saturday of the Month - 8:15 am Mass. It is a privilege to see our children grow and mature during their time with us. Click on the Train route to see step by step directions with maps, line arrival times and updated time schedules. The 2,665 sq. Peacefully nestled into an award winning complex, built by Mirvac, this beautiful north facing apartment is one not to be missed by the first home buyer, savvy investor or young family. At St Ambrose, we do things a little differently and offer a different course - an . Cross Country Colour Run Read more. Media. On behalf of the children, governors and staff of Saint Ambrose Barlow Catholic Primary School may I welcome you to our schools website. This is achieved through a rich and diverse curriculum which caters for all the children's talents. Mudgeeraba Showground Worongary, QLD. Come and see what we are and what we do! 411 E Mifflin St, Orwigsburg, PA 17961 is a 2 bedroom, 1.5 bath townhome or condo offered for sale at $109,900. On the River Street side was CBC's primary school and on the Gregory Street side was CBC's secondary school. We hope that you enjoy visiting our website and that it helps you to understand more about our school and how we live and work together as a learning community of faith. St Ambrose Primary School opened its doors to students at the beginning of the 2015 school year. Nearby homes similar to 183 Ambrose St have recently sold between $482K to $482K at an average of $320 per square foot. St Ambrose Preparatory School is a very successful, Independent, Catholic co-educational school in Altrincham, Cheshire. Parents are the primary educators of their children. A Catholic Education. At Sydney Catholic Schools we are opening up a world of learning and opportunity that is lifelong and life affirming. View sales and tax history, use our mortgage calculator and more on Realty.com Parents are very generous, contributing their time, talent . Phone: 703-698-7171. St Ambrose Catholic Primary School; Leswell Street Kidderminster DY10 1RP; School gates open at 8.40am; Morning registration is at 8.50am - 9am; School day officially ends at 3.20pm; Total Hours provided in a typical week are 32.5; Contact Information; Tel: 01562 823568 Email: enquiry_amb@emmausmac.com: URN: 104672. As a Catholic school, all students are encouraged to follow the Catholic Ethos, however we warmly welcome children from all other faiths. The Knightly News:Read the Knightly News to find out what's happening in our school community. . Therefore, you are warmly encouraged to visit our school and see us in action. Schools must open for 195 days each year. Wicker Lane, Hale Barns Our school is a vibrant, positive place that provides a safe and welcoming environment in which to learn. Church, Concord West. Top St Ambrose Primary School Integrations and Technologies. 06 Jan 23: School Newsletter and Diary Dates. SFX VP Job Description with KCSIE DSL role Dec 2022. . Established in 1906 with a goal of providing local children with an outstanding parochial school education, St. Ambrose has remained committed to that goal for over a century. Guidelines for school available under INFORMATION > PUBLIC HEALTH tabs at top of page. Job Description with KCSIE DSL role Dec 2022. them reach for the stars and updated schedules! See what we do things a little differently and offer a different course -.! 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