and then giving long winded opinions about how it was ultimately her fault. You seem to like the psychopath label. Only parents can say that. The juxtaposition of Shananns seemingly idyllic life and its violent end has stunned the public and attracted widespread media attention. Chris Watts: Complete Cast of Characters | True Crime Rocket Science / #tcrs. Chris Watts opened up about the many cracks in his marriage shortly after being sentenced to life in prison without parole for murdering his family. In his own words: In his own words: August 13th, morning of, I went to the girls' room first, before Shanann and . He doesnt say but of course, we are only getting Leonards side of the story and we cant hear Shananns. It paints Watts less a coward than as someone who was bullied into towing a line, until things got desperate. But it is frustrating watching people who live 1000 times above their means and then expect everybody else to forgive their debts through bankruptcy. At the time of Shanann's death, they had two young daughters, four-year-old Bella and three-year-old Celeste. I love how some people begin their comments with Im not victim blaming BUT or Obviously he should not have done it BUT . He knew his new woman wasnt going to stand for him shelling out half his income in child support, no way. Three weeks before a friend reported Shanann missing on Aug. 13, leading to the discovery that her and the girls had been murdered, Shanann texted her husband on July 24, writing, "l realized. Shanann was still very good friends with her ex husbands mother too. She was an independent representative for the multi-level marketing company Le-Vel. Chris was broken LONG before he met Shanann. We can ALL agree (to some degree) that there was something off with CW and there is something we all cant seem to put our finger on when it comes to their relationship and they may have just simply been not good for each other, both with differing personalities, strengths, weaknesses and ways of handling life, setbacks, feelings, etc. Have you ever broken up with someone and not felt bad about it? Shanann posted videos of family drama embarrassing Chris and his family, posted at least one video saying she is the dominant one in their family, insulted Chris repeatedly saying things like he has no balls and no game, insulting him to his family and to her friends. On Nov. 6, Watts pleaded guilty to the nine charges he faced, including five counts of first-degree murder. So they had been together only 8 years and 3 day at the time on that fatal morning. Shannon too did a lot for the family. I do think he has some sort of an underlying personality disorder, diagnosed or undiagnosedthis would explain a lot of his strange and undetermined behavior patterns since childhood. Cheryln Cadle, a married grandmother of 12, recalled her correspondence with Chris Watts in "Cellmate Secrets," a true-crime docuseries on Lifetime narrated by Angie Harmon. Hes passive, a yes man, doesnt want confrontation. Shanann was trying to make sense of it all. IMO they were talking divorce/separation for quite some time, possibly a year. I love Chris! she wrote. I would have never thot he would be able to kill his family, the people he loved with all his heart. Youre right, Emma, about there being a lack of grief. Our love just grows strong everyday!". Im sure not uncommon for cheaters. Chris told Shanann he wanted a divorce a few hours later. R.I.P Shanann, Bella, Celeste and Nico . @Strawheart, how do you know she didnt kill the little girls? In a new documentary from Netflix, newly revealed letters and texts show that Shanann had no idea that her marriage would soon turn deadly. Shanann knew for months their marriage was in deep deep trouble but she also thought the 3rd pregnancy was a binder to keep Chris in her control. All of this would allow him to pacify her as well as himself and buy him some more time. He wants out but. The irony is in exactly the same way he didnt feel acknowledged, towards the very end she complained that he hadnt acknowledged her or their unborn child. Was it weakness on his part or hers? There are family annihilation cases each year ~ but I heard that this one took the prize in victim blaming. They met when she was in high school and he was in law school. A 34-year-old Shanann was also 15 weeks pregnant with a boy they planned on naming Nico. Though the Watts family had financial struggles, they also had a . Interesting he says when things were not going well in their relationship, thats when she poured herself into work, out late, not coming home at all etc. In many of Shananns videos she describes him a lot like that hell do whatever I tell him to do etc. At all. And I say this as a woman you can be controlling and its something Im always working on. It is how you build one. He also knew that if he left Shanann she would make his life a living hell in every aspect of a divorce. She would contact CW and NKs employer outing them and she would stir up ANY kind of shit she could even if it would be detrimental to her own children. Based on her Facebook page, Shanann Watts had it all: a satisfying career that allowed her to travel, two gorgeous little girls, a doting husband and a new baby on the way. In Shananns mind she may have convinced herself it all had to do with the nut argument with his parents, then at the end of her life she may have gotten the message that he was cheating, but way way before that. Six days later, she was dead -- strangled at the hands of her own husband. Shanann was buried in a shallow grave, while Bella and Celeste were left submerged inside two oil tanks at the site. Shanann thought or hoped the marriage was stuttering slightly. Shanann Watts, the Colorado woman who was recently killed along with her two young daughters, was previously married to a man named Chris Watts. According to Shananns family, they werent consulted about the film and only came to know about the film when it was already in production. He wants to fade into the background. Thank you Dr. Van De Leek for your enlightament, You have even managed to make it readable and easy to read. Later, Chris took Shananns body into the back of his work truck and also took his two daughters to the oil-storage site, where he first buried Shanann and then strangled both his daughters with a blanket and disposed of them in the oil tanks. In 2010, she met Chriss Lee Watts, who was an employee of the Anadarko Petroleum, Woodlands, Texas. Chris Watts is serving five life sentences plus 48 years in prison without the possibility of parole. Wedding Picture of Shanann and Chris Watts. He seemed very distracted and disengaged. I guess what I cant get my mind around is how he moved from wanting out to strangling those little girls and his wife. Like a mercy killing. After killing Shanann, he drove her body to an oil drilling site where he worked, taking daughters Bella, 4, and Celeste, 3, with him. If so, nice of him not to say so. On the morning of Aug. 7, just six days before was she . In BENEATH THE OIL, for the first time the full extent of how Chris Watts was locked-in is revealed, as well as why he may have broken out of his deeply dysfunctional marriage the way he did. In an interview with a local news station on Tuesday, Christopher said he and his wife had an emotional conversation before her disappearance, and he pleaded for her and the kids to come home. Why SW stayed in NC all that time is beyond me. Shanann hiding her possible impending divorce, goes along with her living in denial as she does when she tells her Thrive clients that shes a better mother and all around human being because she wears a patch, eats the bars and drinks the shakes. I didnt believe it until reading thru so very many sites and articles like these with comment sections and such. lts only one way emotions and feelings. Choosing his clothes, his meals, his everything. Shananns family has said Christopher, 33, confessed to killing his wife and children. She was a victim of the Watts Family Murders that occurred on August 13, 2018, in Frederick, Colorado. Have you forgotten what he did to her and his own children? Study up! The documentary, entitled American Murder: The Family Next Door, began streaming on September 30. He has Married 5 years and 9 months. I listened to Interview podcast with the ex. She would have received spousal support but there is a time limit on that. Hes the best dad us girls could ask for., Need help? Ok so I have an opinion on this and it probably wont be a popular one but here goes. He never ever portrayed anything when it came to those poor little girls. Is Shanann the only girlfriend he ever had? Why kill them? LEONARD had heard that SHANANN was really involved in . Murder is a way to save the family from the hardships, etc. Divorce and talks of separation are obviously ways to verbally and mentally distance ones self from a S/O when talking to a potential new partner but this can oftentimes be the catalyst as wellthe reason for the Familicideone has to keep up with the lie they have already told. Now, her husband, Chris Watts, is accused of killing her and their two young girls in Frederick, Colorado. Nickole Utoft Atkinson, Friend, and Colleague of Shanann Watts. I think he was motivated by the insurance money. This might have been in an attempt to just glaze over their issues and not answer truthfully but to answer with half-truths. Having someone listen to him was a total shock to him. Covert Narcissist are incapable of real love and learn early on to mimic. Chris Watts ' pregnant wife, Shanann Watts, and daughters Bella and Celeste went missing on Aug. 13, 2018, after she missed a doctor's appointment. He seems to have a minimal social life as well. He wasnt emasculated by her, thats who he was before she came along. The thousands in shoes, clothes, purses etc. She obviously would have felt comfortable enough to leave her girls with him, to leave him for a weekend, etc. Quiet people may appear calm but Chris was not quiet inside. Shanann was married to a man named Leonard Kim and they got divorced in 2009. In 2015, Shanann and Chris Watts filed for bankruptcy, listing their liabilities at $400,000. I think she went off of what others told her about CW and what she saw for herselfher implying judgement on him, belittling his character, controlling, making off-hand commentsa lot of that is part of her character, she was outgoing, sarcastic and opinionated, that isnt always bad. He takes her side in the nutgate incident and its possible hed already made up his mind what he was going to do so he could act like he was on her side knowing it really didnt make much difference, he was going to get rid of everyone anyway. I dont think he seems like much of the lovey-dovey father/husband type. She was the same way with her 1st husband. In April 2013, Shanann and Chris moved with her family to Frederic, Colorado, and bought a five-bedroom, four-bathroom house at 2825 Saratoga Trail on a loan of $392,709. He started working out and losing weight and passing glances with Kessinger in the hallway, lunch area, etc. If Shanann was a horrible person to some it doesn't mean she killed her children when so much premeditation seems to be at hand. Shanann Watts ex husband Leonard King - (Speaking about their relationship) - YouTube 0:00 / 7:24 #ShanannWatts #ChrisWatts Shanann Watts ex husband Leonard King - (Speaking about. On August 16, the authorities discovered Shananns body buried in a shallow grave nearby, and the childrens bodies were found hidden in the oil tanks. Prosecutors have cited Watts' desire for a fresh start with his mistress, coworker Nichol Kessinger, 30, as his motive in the killings and the Google searches, as well as other facts made public in the documents, provide insight into the state of mind of a man Shanann's father described as a "heartless monster." They met in 2010 through mutual friends and married in November 2012. It seemed choreographed. Save my name, email, and website in this browser for the next time I comment. Lewis Geyer/Digital First Media Group . But one day she starts seeing subtle changes, then more physical changes, and a more assured and arrogant Chris started to emerge, she knew the marriage was definitely in trouble before she got pregnant. Shannan's body was . She ruled EVERY aspect of their lives and he complied with it all. This isnt the same obviously but it is the same mental state of mindsame thought processes. Yes, there is a way to test whether bodies could be placed through the Thief Hatch with [or possibly without] breaking bones but youre not going to like it, Welcome to the Post Truth Phase of the Chris Watts Case, Exclusive Interview with the Lindstrom Couple, Proof The Third Baby Was All Chris Watts Idea, The Final Three Weeks of the Phone Data Review #2YearsAgoTodayCW, A milder separation narrative [to Shanann]. By Adam Carlson Published on December 7, 2018 10:00 AM Shanann Watts' parents knew her marriage was having problems and that her husband of nearly six years, Chris Watts, had grown distant. Chris was arrested by Frederick Police on August 15, 2018, after he had failed a polygraph test, and subsequently, confessed to murdering his wife, Shanann. To me inside he was a volcano just waiting to erupt. Where does the need to reinforce someones mistake come from? Between his mother controling him all thru his years growing up and then Shanann taking control, a person can only take so much. It really isnt a good feeling at all to know you are expendable and vulnerable. Her first marriage lasted approximately the same amount of time. Shanann was delusional in living beyond their means but she wasnt EVIL Chris Watts is. And we know when Shanann returned from Phoenix that night she was still hoping to woo Watts back into the marriage, hence the planned trip to Aspen the following weekend, the love letter, the self-help book and the imminent gender reveal. In his eyes they had to go all of them and I believe he thought about murdering them as soon as he got a taste of freedom. Shananns job and income depended on selling the idea of Thriving. She could barely handle the 2 monsters she had, another on the way, and Chris did a lot around the house to help out with the girls, meanwhile she had them in school that cost them 2K per month. On August 13, 2018, Chris strangled Shanann in their Colorado home. I think he did use this separation or withdrawal narrative and allowed her to once again lead the conversations and try to pry and get more information for his gain and benefitthis would allow him to gaslight, manipulate, tell her what she wanted to hear. Hes a fucking psychopath. We also know that in the weeks prior Shanann was setting her husband up in her Thrive spiels as a great father and perfect husband and the best thing that has ever happened to her. "7 years ago I fell in love with you, 5 years ago I married my best friend, my soul mate, I married you!!" So I do wonder did Shanann ever really acknowledge why Chris may have been unhappy? This is the full timeline of his murder case, complete with phone records, texts . I think all the abuse and toxicity of being with Shanann and realizing that someone else would want him and treat him well made him snap. Family (1) Trivia (5) Older sister of Frankie Rzucek. Its no mystery, the Watts marriage was in trouble long before Shanann received that critical credit card alert on Saturday night, proving Watts wasnt at the Rockies Games, and suggesting he wasnt eating alone. It is/was a gut feeling that we all get, a sinking feeling that cant be explained or described but his withdrawal was a big clue that she should have put more stock in. He seems unable to make and follow through with what he leads both Shanann and Nicole K to believe. Specially after they are both dead! Offline, however, the text messages between Shanann and Chris and Shanann and her friends painted a starkly different picture. You dont just go out and buy thousands of dollars worth of shit just before filing bankruptcy and expect to keep it. way out by divorcing instead of killing her. Do there was financial issues going on. , but law enforcement has not publicly confirmed it. Watts said he strangled Shanann in their bed after he said she told her their marriage was over and she said he would never see their children again. But what made it so difficult to interrupt the happy family fairy tale? It may or may not tell the tale of whats really going on, she said. I believe he thought about murdering them as soon as he got a taste of freedom.>>>Yes. She labeled things, yes, but it was her unwillingness to let things go that was truly obsessive. There isnt a loss like it. I agree with your points. Interesting points made here. He already secured the oil field site so that no one else would be there when he disposed of the bodies. Guaranteed she didnt make enough to support herself, she needed Chris pay to keep her illusion going. Thank you so much for providing all of the analyzation and conclusion because it defines this case as it was and is. Why do you need film footage of that? I believe he didnt divorce her earlier because he needed to find someone else to take her place. I knew Chris as a middle schooler and high schooler, he went to school with my kids. should communicate even if it is good or bad information. I get really frustrated with people who peddle multi level marketing crap and expect their friends and family to subsidize their lifestyle through buying crap they dont want. Later that day, Nickole went to her house around 12:10 pm after Shanann had failed to attend her OB-GYN appointment and business meeting; she didnt even respond to any of Nickoles messages. Save my name, email, and website in this browser for the next time I comment. ', Chris Watts Case: After Investigators Speak Out on Confession, a Look Back at Tragic 2018 Killings, Chris Watts Is 'Triggered' by Netflix Documentary, Which 'Makes Him Feel a Lot of Shame': Source, Chris Watts 'Will Never See' Netflix Doc, But Its Release Sent Him 'to Some Dark Places': Friend, Shannan Watts Says Chris Is 'Best Thing that Has Ever Happened to Me' in Trailer for Netflix Series, Inside the Deceptions of Chris Watts Before He Murdered His Wife and Children, Shanann Watts' Brother 'Highly Recommends' Netflix Doc: It 'Gives My Sister a Voice', Chris and Shanann Watts' Final Texts Before He Killed Her Are Revealed in New Netflix Doc, Shanann Watts' Parents Break Their Silence on Triple Murder of Daughter and 'Miracle' Grandkids, Shanann Watts' Love Letters to the Husband Who Killed Her Are Revealed in New Netflix Doc, After Murdering His Wife and Daughters, Chris Watts Texted Mistress Saying 'I Didn't Hurt My Family', Summer Before Triple Murder, Watts Couple Had 'Full-Blown Fight' Then Hugged When They Were Seen, become intimate with an unwitting co-worker. In an interview with Dr.Phil, Chris lawyer told how Chris killed his daughters. That is never a good sign. She realized she was belittling him, and too controlling, and expressed concern to Nickole about how shje was behaving and treating people. Shanann Watts Brother Always Worried About Her and the Girls But Couldnt Protect Them, Days Before Murder, Chris Watts' Wife Shanann Was Worried: 'What If He Really Doesn't Love Me Anymore? They were Watts way of communicating to Kessinger what he just couldnt do with Shanann. Meanwhile Kessinger thought the marriage was over. He smothered his daughters to death, buried his wife in a shallow grave, dumped his daughters' bodies in an oil tank, then he went to work as if nothing happened. Chris Watts and Shanann Rzucek met in 2010. By clicking Accept All Cookies, you agree to the storing of cookies on your device to enhance site navigation, analyze site usage, and assist in our marketing efforts. Heartbreaking evidence photos and video of stained shirt, underwear and bra Shanann Watts was wearing when her husband murdered her, wrapped her in a sheet and put her in shallow grave The. It is hard to understand why Chris committed the violent acts. NK would have gotten old to him after a while just like SW did. Only he took them out first, because he knew he was going to end her life as soon as she got home. Days before Chris Watts murdered his wife, she sent chilling texts to a friend. A Netflix documentary titled American Murder: The Family Next Door directed by Jenny Popplewell was released in September 2020. Chris Watts, then 33, had grown distant from his family and was seeing a new woman. A lot of people seem to side with Shanann because shes the victim. Its not a nice feeling. Shanann Watts' First Marriage The opening 10 minutes of American Murder features social media footage of Shanann explaining her life story. She even brings it up again in the love letter she left for him. You are the reason I was brave enough to agree to number 3!, On June 19, she posted a screenshot of their texts after she sent him a photo of her ultrasound; he replied that he loved the little peanut already. I think I am starting to understand both sides of the fence which may have been prompted by the newly released Netflix Documentary or it may be because this case always sucked me in. They had no children from their marriage together and have not communicated in over ten years he estimated. Making the decisions. If that were true I dont think he would have killed them as well. May be she aspired to live a little beyond their means but she didnt kill anyone not does that make her evil. She said he had an empty head, forget everything. Chris likes other people calling the shots. He was denied bail at his first court appearance. By entering your email and clicking Sign Up, you're agreeing to let us send you customized marketing messages about us and our advertising partners. Coverts are nominally closet bi-sexuals. They may feel emasculated and when the marriage begins to fail, they lose control and parts of their own identitythis kind of melds into the CIVIL REPUTABLE killer when it comes to identity and it appears both CW and SW had their complete lives wrapped up in their family. If she hated him so much, why didnt she leave him? Chriss mom is a nasty soul and exhibits the toxic traits of a Narcissist herself, and so it would make sense. Obviously he didnt think it through well enough but I also agree with other posters, he may be someone who is easily pushed over and goes with the flow but having all those strong personality types around him doesnt overshadow the fact that he was harboring a deeper hatred/set of feelings/energy inside, layered deep within himself. She was making it very difficult for him to go through with a divorce. The Watts family eventually settled in Frederick, Colorado in a five-bedroom home they bought in 2013. Chris also said he couldnt talk to her, she wouldnt listen. 8 years and 3 day at the time on that exhibits the toxic traits of a Narcissist,. What i cant get my mind around is how he moved from wanting out to strangling those girls... For the Next time i comment obviously he should not have done it but but she wasnt EVIL Watts! His first court appearance Watts pleaded guilty to the nine charges he faced, including five counts of first-degree.! Inside he was denied bail at his first court appearance then expect everybody else to take her place naming.. Make sense love how some people begin their comments with Im not victim blaming but or obviously he not! Been in an attempt to just glaze over their issues and not answer truthfully but to answer with half-truths divorce... 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Articles S