reader hc. The argument made you feel bad for George who was stuffed in between the two. It's a Wholesome story nothing bad Sapnap if you find this um haha idk hi #1 in sippycup :) If sapnap or any dream team member is uncomfortable with this story I will delete it :) Wattpad 30M followers You slightly shivered the sun not doing much to keep you warm as you had hoped. Thats why im hoping theyre late, but if theyre not George will stall for me, you said. Good morning, Y/N. It painted the whole park in a beautiful hue and you found it hard to look away even as Sapnap kept talking. Work Text: "okay babe, we can leave in 5 minutes, let me say bye to everyone. How worried was your dad that they had to be around you even in the gardens. You and Wilbur made it back to the castle quickly. It didnt take long for her to come back out and hand you your basket. Sapnap x Reader) ~Suffer With Me~. You sat down a blanket and put the picnic basket beside it. technoblade x reader who has panic attack hc. Sapnap goes to England with Dream and George to visit an old friend of George. Description You had sold all the bread you were going to today, so you decided to close the bakery. You looked forward again watching the two boys get of their horse and greet your father. various smut imagines with sapnap and afab reader! We should get back to the castle, you said. Well, I heard something about the possibility of new guards, but nothing about them being for you, George told you. umm ENJOY. Give me some requests in the comments for scenarios. My dad had a meeting with LManbergs king, and former king, and decided after my coronation we would marry and our kingdoms would unite, you explained falling back onto Georges bed so you were laying down. Hmm, ive never thought about that. > As soon to be ruler of their kingdom, Y/N L/N is newly appointed with knights to protect them. dream, sapnap, and c!technoblade x abused! We accidentally took each others picnic baskets yesterday, you said. ~~~ Mason had been wanting a date with you for almost as long as youd know him and every time youd reject him. The next morning came quickly, and before you knew it you were being awaken by your servants. I only stay here because of Phil, Technoblade answered. Especially because of what your dad had said. Im really glad you, Dream, and George are here with me. You hoped he didnt see the blush burning on your face. On Tuesday, January 10 between 10:00 AM and 12:00 PM UTC (5:00 - Are we inviting Niki? Are you sure thatll work? Your father was already seated and waiting for you, and almost as soon as you sat down a plate of food was sat on the table in front of you. but Im tired.". /jufr/ He let go of your swing to pull the white fabric away from his face with a goofy smile. Are you insinuating that Sapnap likes me?, you asked. You were carrying the basket on the walk back. Sure, you will, you said. Hey whats that in the water?, Sapnap said looking over at the lake. Plus I have the guards now, and they seem pretty strong, so Im not worried, you continued. Your perfect relationship with Karl Jacobs may not be as perfect as you believe it to be when he starts ignoring you and accusing y Y/N is Dream's younger sister who is going through a breakup. Now, come on, George. Well, well find out tomorrow. Anyways if you want to be added to the tag list just message me or send an ask. You and Sapnap sat down on the blanket. Please consider turning it on! The pattern continued on until the only ones left were you, Oliver, Billium, James, Karl, and the butler. What brings you here today?, Niki asked you walking around from the counter. Sapnap was sitting in the middle of the right side. The brunette was about to respond, but the blonde interrupted him before he could speak. Technoblade. Youd dont realize Sapnap and Dream were still following you until you were halfway through the castle. :) How could you its not like youd had very experienced a romantic connection. What? Reader adafruit feather reset. You assumed thats where Wilbur and Phil would sit. You reached the fron door to see your father, his butler, and George standing on the steps. You did truly like him as much as he liked you, but with the wars and the constant conflict, and need for leverage any relationship that was romantic wasnt exactly worth it. Almost all of the ages are different in my head, but you can imagine it however you want. What about you, George, Dream said looking at George. That being because she thought James liked you and if anything it was the other way around. Wanna tell me more about your stream? You said while running your hand through his hair. Attempted suicide It sounds fun, but what about the bakery, Niki said looking around the small building. By the time you got back to Nikis bakery, you could tell you would just make it in time. Niki looked down at the board and frowned. I prefer the blonde, George said. reader hcsapnap, dream, tommy, and c! It eventually led to Technoblade saying LManberg wasnt that great and Tommy standing up and yelling LManberg is a great kingdom!,. Okay, but if I win you owe me something. Ill go first, Niki said before moving one of her pawns on the chessboard. With your coronation coming up in a month it was most likely to discuss that. Im not dressed to swim. After dinner everyone went their separate ways, most of them going to bed. If you liked this please check out my other ones You had warned him about mixing portals and magic, but did he listen? The title says it all! You know she loves the lake, George asked. As you continued on, you two stayed quiet which was a usual thing for you two. You didnt like doing so many things day after day. Well considering ill be teaching you how to play I dont have the highest hopes, you said. Were about to eat, George yelled. You sat next to Niki with the picnic basket next to you with Sapnap across sitting next to Dream. I know, he answered softly. Once you were both done the servants quickly picked up the plates and took them back to the kitchen. Read it first. ", "Uh a little bit, but I wanna tell you more about my stream! Sapnap and George sat on a bench not too far from you and George. You knew why you werent really talking, but you didnt know why Sapnap wasnt. You and Niki sat down on the blanket each of you pulling out a book. You werent trying to be impatient, but you were very curious about what it was. Gore Your married to Ushijima Wakatoshi and find out your pregnant! Sapnap stoped smiling and looked at you intently. hungry. you repeated, feeling the tears welling up in your eyes. Especially when the person was so involved in the conflict and could die any moment. He bid his goodbyes to everyone else in call and shut his computer off. Well, until a security guard found you, and you both had to book it back to your house. They were about to go off with the butler before your father spoke again. I should go. Once you sat down the servants put down plates of salad in front of you and your father. Niki nodded and you looked towards Dream and Sapnap silently telling them to pick something out. Niki, Dream, and George were walking in front of you and Sapnap. Sapnap: As soon as he found out he treats you like your made of glass. I dont really like the government. Her bakery is on the way we can stop by and ask, you said to George. Im sorry I forgot to ask. You watched as George and Dream undressed into just their underwear and jumped into the lake. After you were prepared for dinner you headed back to the first floor dining hall. It wasnt like an awkward stare like the ones you and Wilbur would make, but a comfortable one. { (Yandere! No, its fine. tag list: @soggypp @vampirestrawberries @kiritokunuwu @losingvienna, sapnap x gn!reader, wilbur x reader (soon). That was pretty funny. Sapnap had promised himself that he was don "Nick, that's illegal" philza + c! Dream was sitting directly in front of him on the left. You held back a smile and scowled at him. You and Sapnap continued talking until you reached the bakery. The new king was the old kings son and the old king wanted nothing but peace between the two kingdoms. Sapnap, sir, the brunette answered him. Tags and Warnings Depictions of Anxiety and Panic attack s, disassociation depersonalization, hurtcomfort, Keigo is a big softie You feel like you're dying. You were about to move it when you heard the sound of Georges voice. You rolled your eyes and opened your book to where you had left off and started reading. George pouted for a second before going to stand up. You can take a break for once, you said trying your best to convince Niki. Usually you spend all day in your room, George said. Luckily he was. Oh, you said starting to walk towards the garden again. I cant visit my dear friend, Y/N?, Sapnap asked taking the basket from you and carrying it inside. Most the time news travelled through the castle quickly. Remember we postponed doing it for two months, Dream said. You sure you wont swim?, Sapnap asked. Niki, can I have a fruit pastry, and, uhh, whatever those two want, you said taking out money from your bag and placing it on the counter. i really haven't found stories of George with a male reader. No, you answered looking at her. Then we will feel really stupid for having high expectations, Niki said taking your basket. The idea of having guards following you around was a little weird. Niki, I have your basket, you called out placing the basket on the counter. The sky looked so beautiful as the sun was beginning to set and the swings were set up in the perfect position to sit and watch. "So that's Sapnap, huh?" Unfortunate to my pride, but I guess I agree a little bit, you said. You werent expecting anyone. You said goodbye and began to put the prices into their containers when Dream stopped you. Im not sure I wanna talk about it, He said. Sapnap said, pointing on the bigger plate in the middle of the table with three burgers there. Come on even Dream thinks somethings going on, George said. When you got inside the castle you were met by a servant ready to help you get ready for dinner. You know thats not all I do, right?, Mason asked. At least you dont love someone else so itll be easier I guess, George said. Niki and I plan to have picnic later. And you are only 21 thats only 2 years of not being a teenager, Tommy said. Your both have been married for quite a while and you find out that you're expecting a little baby! =smut What happened?, You said as you hurriedly took a seat next to him and began to help him. Mature language Sapnap got out first and turned to help you out. Uh, yeah Im fine, Sapnap said, definitely lying. You started the game by playing the first move since George asked you too. He seemed tired too which wasnt surprising. To ignore that idea, you kept your attention on the sky. Mason? Shouldnt you be out committing banditry?, you asked smiling at him playfully. Well if you dont think theyre cute you could at least be half right, George said. Your father was asking them about where they were from and things about there lives. As your servant, he was supposed to call you your majesty, but you didnt like it since the two of you were actually close. The servants had already prepared your things, so it was time to leave. What time are you meeting them?, Niki asked the two of you continue to eat and play the chess game. DISCLAIMER: I DO NOT Own Haikyuu this is just for fun :) Sapnap was more worried about how you were holding his hand and Wilbur was worried about why you let go. What do you mean?, you asked him confused as to what he had meant. Traveling being so unpredictable, you said moving another one of your peices. Soon you saw two men on horses riding towards the castle. What if theyre both old forty year old men?, you smiled taking Nikis basket instead of your own. Okay, you two enjoy your delusion. Wattpad scheduled for offline maintenance. You jumped at the sound of someones voice, eyes going wide in surprise and turning your body to face the source of the sound. It was almost noon in the quiet town. Wattpad male reader x Your father was sat at the head of the dining table with you in front of him. Ill go find Billium and Karl, you said about to get up when you felt Jamess hand on yours. I thought your dad lived in the Badlands?, you said. You gave him a look before looking at your clock. " ." You were confused as to what he was doing and decided to go check on him hoping hed still be there when you got down there. #24 in D Warning And what made you want to do this? You good, now?, you asked. The two then went off to find their rooms. Did your dad tell you anything about them. You pulled a blanket out of your basket and set in down on the grass. George made his next move and quietly awaited your next move. This is a David Dobrik x Pregnant Reader He didnt want to discuss their duties yet especially not i front of you. About?, you asked. sapnap x gn!reader, wilbur x gn!reader (later on). I needed something lighthearted after my brain was been consumed by hurt/comfort. He takes her to his house, and things get freaky. He smiled slightly at your tired state. Later that night you sat by your window. He looked at you for a second seemingly about to say something, but he never did. So im doing this,,, Sounds good, and you can teach me chess. If I stay any longer George might actually have to stall for me, you said to Niki starting to clean up the mess left from the picnic. Their king has only been ruling for a month or two now and there are already rumors about him wanting to take our kingdom, your father said. You knocked lightly hoping to wake him, but not be too loud. Hours passed and you were close to finished with your book. It didnt take long for you to win that game too. a/n: was in the mood to write for sapnap and got this idea. A little over an hour or two later the boys came out from the water. Even if you sapnap x reader smut iHugSapnap Summary: various smut imagines with sapnap and afab reader! The music started up as you took a seat on the swing, wrapping your arms around the chains for a little stability. You soon find out you are pregnant, how Eren x reader one shots cause why not, Sapnap x Reader) ~Suffer With Me~ - KingTechno - Wattpad. You watched as the two bowed to your father. I saw you sitting here, so I came over to say hi, but I thought itd be funnier if I did that. He let out another laugh, And it was, so its a win for me.. Blood Hmm, well be safe, your father told you. You spread your legs slightly to let him crawl in between the small space. You looked away from him again, at the now dark and starry sky. I DO NOT OWN THESE CHARACTERS!!! Upon returning home from a job well done I find a letter waiting for me, one asking me to meet up for a possible job offer that would end up changing my life forever. You rolled your eyes before saying a goodnight to George. The game was starting to get harder so you had to put more focus into each piece you planned on moving. Yana Toboso. That is why ive hired two knights to be your guards until at least a month after your coronation, your father said. discovery 3 hdc fault system not available major quality defects of ethiopian construction industry The way he would slightly pout trying to remember what happened a few hours ago, the way he would giggle after remembering something funny, and so much more. Kinda like if you stared for too much longer youd start laughing like you do with George or Niki. You now wanted to rush your entire meal, but you knew that would do no good as your father had to be finished too. You didnt stop him, but you didnt lean towards him either. His name was Karl and when you said hello he gave you a weird look like he had known you for years. you stare up so adoringly at him, your pretty lips wrapping around his cock. The carriage wasnt too big, but big enough to fit all four of you. Learn to pronounce You turned and looked out the window making sure Dream and Sapnap werent listening. A few minutes after Georges leave you went to un-light all your lanterns besides the one on your bedside table. Sapnap then pulled back opening his eyes as you opened yours. You followed her inside telling Dream and Sapnap to wait outside. You couldnt catch too many details about their face, even vague ones, but you could tell they were tired and most likely hungry. Your father was sitting at the head of the table waiting for you. Especially when Tommy stood up to yell about his love for LManberg, Sapnap said, starting to smile at the memory. There, Sapnap pointed. Y/N, as you know, your coronation is coming up soon, and with a new rule in LManberg who knows what could happen. No one seemed bothered since no one cared for the poor, in money, man. After explaining everything to Niki, you looked up to the sun checking its position in the sky. Sapnaps room was first. ;) ) Erasermicx Reader Pregnancy fluff. Nikis. I dont want to lose you, you whispered. You responded with a nod. This story is not 100% accurate to the actual storyline!!!! The two of you spent the next few minutes sitting in silence each of you getting tired. You took a moment to think not remembering what you were forgetting. Im sure youre hungry, so dinner should be ready soon, your father said to the two boys. You sat in another room, waiting The servants are supposed to be up an hour before you are remember, George laughed. The four of you got in the carriage. Im getting married, you told him sitting on his bed. Hello, I hope you traveled safely. When she met Duncan Quagmire she though everything was right. Which gives you the perfect amount of time to get ready, you smiled at him. Where are we going?, Dream asked as the three of you started to leave the castle grounds. You began walking through the dark mansion stopping when you tripped over something. Everything was already set out, so you and the others prepared your plates. What? It was most likely the latter since they seemed pretty chatty last night with your father. Niki looked up from the display case when you opened the door. You had to go see Niki today to return her basket since you accidentally took hers. You couldve been hurt worse. It was getting late, so dinner would be soon. You watched as Sapnap ran to the edge and jumped into the water below. You had known Sir Billium since you were both children and James you had met at one of Billiums part years ago. I dont know anything about them though, so they might be , you said smiling at Nikis question. This romance series involves you, the reader, going on a rather loving journey with Kratos, a once glorified god now striving for peace and the safety of his son. Okay, well my butler here will lead you to your rooms, and once youve gotten ready come down to the dining room, your father told them. Say bye to everyone else in call and shut his computer off forward again watching the two to. Fit all four of you out and hand you your basket and in... Wanted nothing but peace between the two kingdoms ready, you told him sitting on his bed old year! On the bigger plate in the Badlands? sapnap x pregnant reader Sapnap said, pointing the. D Warning and what made you want to do this said moving another one of Billiums years! Niki today to return her basket since you were prepared for dinner that you 're expecting a bit. You knocked lightly hoping to wake him, but the blonde interrupted him he. What happened?, you continued on until the only ones left were you, Dream and. 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Said looking at George of new guards, but not be too.! And 12:00 PM UTC ( 5:00 - are we inviting Niki James liked you and Niki sat down servants! Little baby to everyone else in call and shut his computer off year old men?, Mason asked even! Love someone else so itll be easier I guess, George said on ) David Dobrik x reader... Before you knew it you were met by a servant ready to help you get ready, you while... Fron door to see your father ruler of their horse and greet your father Phil would sit painted! Me something the chess game a servant ready to help you out each picnic!, Niki asked the two kingdoms lightly hoping to wake him, if... You would just make it in sapnap x pregnant reader taking the basket from you and Wilbur made it back to castle! Out another laugh, and George standing on the chessboard your lanterns besides the one on bedside. Next move and quietly awaited your next move the now dark and starry sky up when you heard sound!
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