Unaware he had become the lead story in every major newspaper, Ramirez had taken a bus to Tucson, Arizona to see his brother. Ramirez then pulled up at a place with "a chain-like fence" and got out of the vehicle with his victim. Give me your gun. While Russell didnt want to glamorize Ramirez in the Netflix docuseries, theres no escaping the fact that this guy became the Jim Morrison of serial killers, the director says. By the mid-'90s, Ramirezmay have shown little remorse, but it would've been beneficial for Netflix viewersto learn a little more about his perspective. Theres a lot of support out there for this genre. Jan 13, 2021, 4:00 AM. Having collaborated with Justin Broadrick, The Haters/G.X. Because he had so much time on his hands in prison, when he received the . After killing the husband, the wife runs screaming from the room, where she is killed by James March. Is Martin Luther King Day a paid holiday? Their fiber is also a source of beta glucans, a component of dietary fiber that causes oats to congeal when cooled. "I'd say 'can I go to the bathroom?'. Are they a source of inspiration for you? Ramirez died of complications secondary to B-cell lymphoma at Marin General Hospital in Greenbrae, California, on June 7, 2013. When he was questioned if he was evil, Ramirez said; "We are all evil. Richard Ramirez with his lawyers in 1985. Can you tell us how your relationship with audio, and / or personal affairs influences your work with your clothing? According to court transcripts released at Richard Ramirezs trial, the vicious serial killer confessed his crimes to police shortly after his arrest. Lifetime aired the 2016 TV film, The Night Stalker, starring Lou Diamond Phillips as the serial killer and Kimberly Jrgen as Lioy, while the killer has been the subject of several podcasts including Last Podcast on the Left, Murder Made Me Famous and True Crime All the Time.. How have you managed your challenges without having it affect your work? As a 12-year-old, Richard - or "Richie", as he was known to his family - was strongly influenced by his older cousin, Miguel ("Mike") Ramirez, a decorated U.S. Army Green Beret combat veteran who often boasted of his gruesome exploits during the Vietnam War. Q.V. It is a great source of inspiration for my work since the beginning. Reducing Bullying: Application of Social Cognitive Theory, What Propels Sexual Murderers: A Proposed Integrated Theory of Social Learning and Routine Activities Theories, On the Continuing Problems of Media Effects Research, Learned Unsustainability: Bandura's Bobo dolls revisited, Female Stereotypes in Music 1 " Sticks 'N Stones May Break My Bones, But Words They Hurt Like Hell: " Female Stereotypes in Popular Song Lyrics, THE EFFECT OF ANIMATED SUPERHERO VIDEO CLIP ON THE DEGREE OF COOPERATION AMONG FEMALE PRESCHOOLERS DURING ORAL MEDICATION ADMINISTRATION, THE UNIVERSITY OF DODOMA COLLEGE OF EDUCATION SCHOOL OF EDUCATIONAL STUDIES DEPERTMENT OF POSTGRADUATE STUDIES ASSIGNMENT: Albert Bandura's Social Cognitive Theory in relation to curriculum, Media and prosocial values in religious society, Media Culture: The Fears And Anxieties Surrounding Contemporary Childhood, Theories and Perspectives in Criminology 1, The Relationship between Media and Crime & Media Portrayals of Criminals, Criminal Profiling: Lust and Violence Intertwined, Eyewitnesses to TV Versions of Reality: The Relationship between Exposure to TV Crime Dramas and Perceptions of the Criminal Justice System, THE INFLUENCE OF VIOLENT PROGRAMME ON SOCIAL BEHAVIOUR OF ENUGU STATE UNIVERSITY OF SCIENCE AND TECHNOLOGY (ESUT) STUDENTS, Psychology Theoretical Approaches and Application in Practice.docx, Student responses with examiner commentary A-level Psychology 7182/3 Issues and Options in Psychology, Examining human behavior in video games: The development of a computational model to measure aggression, The children of today, the society of tomorrow: Aggressive behaviour and discrimination in cartoons broadcasted on Romanian TV, Satanism and Psychopathology: Some Historical Cases, LESSONS FROM BANDURA'S BOBO DOLL EXPERIMENTS: LEADERSHIP'S DELIBERATE INDIFFERENCE EXACERBATES WORKPLACE BULLYING IN HIGHER EDUCATION, THE SIGNIFICANCE OF SOCIAL LEARNING THEORIES IN THE TEACHING OF SOCIAL STUDIES EDUCATION. Ramirez told police robbery-homicide detective George Thomas: "I did it, you know. There became this fetishization or celebritization of him as a character. He was popular then and is popular over three decades later, especially as his story has resurfaced over the past five years amid the true-crime craze on TV and podcasts. Richard Ramirez, a serial kidnapper, burglar, rapist, and murderer, who became known as the "Night Stalker", terrorized Los Angeles residents from the spring of 1984 up until his August 31, 1985 arrest. For example, some studies believe an individuals history of violence is the single most predictive factor of violence and the history of substance abuse the second most predictive factor (Ackerman, 1999, p. 147). For me its relaxing.Im not always a big fan of noise that continously shifts/changes.I like noise that is dense and builds. "The Night Stalker," was an American necrophilic (once) and pedophilic serial killer, serial rapist, robber, and one-time enucleator. Taking the public's fears and realising them on . I was around 6years old), SALEMS LOT, TORSO, CITY OF THE LIVING DEAD, THE BIRD WITH THE CRYSTAL PLUMAGE, DEMONS, BLACK CHRISTMAS, BLACK BELLY OF THE TARANTULA, NOROI: THE CURSE, FROM THE DARK, PHANTASM, NIGHTMARE CASTLE. In one of his few interviews, speaking from prison to 3TV reporter Mike Wattkiss, Richard Ramirez said he had studied Satanism. At the time Lioy was courting Ramirez, she was still writing Stamos mother letters. Research has demonstrated there is no simple answer, since criminologists all seek to explain the phenomenon of violent crime in different theoretical concepts. To begin, unwavering from the inception, he was producing within exprimental genres that are informed by counter-culture, non normative approaches to creating sound that is not made to impress to classically trained, but as an alternative expression. "After a while, we stopped on the side of the road and he said, 'there's a gas station over there. Early Childhood Richard Ramirez was born February 29, 1960 in El Paso, Texas as the youngest of five children. WHEN I CREATE, I LOOK AT A GARMENT INSIDE & OUT. Federal Trade Commission Chair Edith Ramirez talks about privacy, data security, and what government is doing to protect consumers and foster competition in these areas Topics: philadelphia, pennsylvania, bernie sanders, richard trumka, john podesta, tom wolf, bernie,. Night Stalker: The Hunt for a Serial Killer documents the shockingcrimes of Richard Ramirez, but leaves out plenty of details about his motivations and life story. I want you to go in there and I want you to tell them to call 911 and have them get your family to come get you'. Give me your gun. I think bands like Throbbing Gristle, SPK, Skinny Puppy, Legendary Pink Dots, Nurse with Wound were all a gateway into seeking out more obscure music. In Night Stalker, interviewees recall the circus-like atmosphere of the trial, and realizing the Night Stalker wastaking advantage of the spotlight. Then there are groups that are about hate. I KNEW HE WAS HIV+ PRIOR TO BECOMING INVOLVED AND TOOK PRECAUTIONS. Where they are at the time, the limited amounts of information, the fragile broken puzzle and where does it lead? It wasnt about exploiting, but presenting male eroticism. He was 24 years old when he committed his first known murder, killing 79-year-old Jennie Vincow, who was also sexually assaulted, stabbed, and burgled. YOUR POINT OF VIEW IS JUST AS IMPORTANT THAN SOMEONE THAT'S BEEN DOING IT FOR 30 YEARS. "It was almost like 'I'm sorry that I'm doing this to you, but I'm not sorry because I'm not going to stop'," she said. In 2016, KQED News was taken inside to interview some of the hundreds of inmates being held there, and got a clearer look at the cells where those condemned to death spent much of each day. Between the victims, the police and news reporters interviewed on camera, Russell feels that they created a portrait of a time and place that no longer exists, he says. I am specifically in love with giallo thrillers. Most of his victims were living in the Los Angeles area at the time of their assault and murder, while three in the San Francisco Bay area were his first and two of his last killings. Investigators knew little about hismotivations, butslowly pieced together a modus operandi while also acquiring crucial information from survivors. He shared Polaroid photos of his victims, including Vietnamese women he had raped. To inquire about a licence to reproduce material, visit our Syndication site. One of my firsthorro films to see. His responses had viewers hooked, so much so that many could actually see sense in the killer's words. I dont apologizefor using such images in my work. In a fit of rage, Mike pointed his .38 caliber revolver at Jessie and pulled the trigger. IT WAS NOT JUST "FUN'', IT WAS IMPORTANT. In theory, being a multimedia artist who shares the (alarmingly very common, yet not public) name, Richard Ramirez as the only other public figure in media who happens to be associated with criminal acts, from Richards practice - is a large challenge to begin with. Richard Ramirez (born Ricardo Leyva Muoz Ramirez ), a.k.a. We had the opportunity to talk to Richard in hopes of sharing his admirable developments that have not only inspired us, but has led us through our own pitfalls. Anamorphose. AP. Ramirez, 25, is charged in Los Angeles County with 14 counts of murder, five attempted murders, 19 burglaries, six robberies, seven rapes, five acts of forced oral copulation, seven of sodomy, three lewd acts with children and two kidnappings. Jack Ludden builds open and collaborative work environments by bridging experts together. Yet, a 2012 government report by the Defense Science Board (DSB) Task Force Report: Predicting Violent Behavior states that targeted violence cannot be reliably predicted. FRIENDS BEGAN ASKING ME TO DO PIECES FOR THEM TOO. Ramirez pleaded not guilty at the hearing to 68 felony counts, including more than a dozen murder charges. I WAS ALSO A SURVIVOR OF A GAY BASHING ALONG WITH A BOYFRIEND. NOT JUST MY PARENTS/SIBLINGS, BUT ALL OF MY FAMILY INCLUDING AUNTS, UNCLES, COUSINS, NIECES, NEPHEWS. But you don't know Satan before laughing and repeatedly banging his head on the table. Netflixs Night Stalker: The Hunt for a Serial Killer is the latest project to focus on Richard Ramirez and his Los Angeles killing spree that took place between June 1984 and August 1985. You use a lot of homosexual sadomasochistic images for your covers.Alot noise musicians use this kind of cover but with women, is this related to you homosexuality? "This country is founded in violence," he said, adding: "Violent delights tend to have violent ends killing is killing whether done for duty, profit or fun.". Richard Ramirez, also known as the Night Stalker, was given 19 life sentences for multiple murders, attempted murders, rape and burglaries in the Los Angeles area between 1984 and 1985.. Netflix's latest true crime series, Night Stalker: Hunting for a Serial Killer, takes a deep dive into the investigation into his vile crimes.. One of the most terrifying aspects of the Night Stalker's . As per a few excellent podcasts with NoiseExtra and Harsh Truths where Richard speaks about being particularly moved by the experimental, instrumental B-sides and off cuts from these groups, his interest increased in making sounds that werent so conventional. Harry & Meghan Markle 'Netflix deal banned them from controlling anti-royal shows like The Crown - but pair didn't mind', Lindsey Graham rails against bid to convict Trump and fears move may lead to impeachment of GEORGE WASHINGTON, Night Stalker: The Hunt for a Serial Killer. Less than two weeks before Ramirez was caught, he left Los Angelesafter learning about the media's interest in his crimes. Anti - Fashion could perhaps be within the inceptions of how one might describe Richards clothing lines - although we would describe it as a fashion style that we have come to love, collect and even offer a collection of these looks. In anticipation of Anomalie's first ever show in Romania, we had the chance to talk with Chris about the gig, Anomalie, Trascending Visions fest and more. Tuesday, December 6, Exuviath, Mauna Sol and Groza played in Quantic. Ramirez was also convicted of the attempted murders of five more people as well as of several counts of sexual assault and of burglary. Richard:I HAD A ROUGH HIGH SCHOOL EXPERIENCE. The Ripper: Does Netflix's True Crime Series Glorify Serial Killers? Abusive father Sustained two serious head injuries Epileptic until his early teens Became influenced by his cousin Miguel at the age of 12 - Obscene and violent photographs - Murdered his wife in front of . So shoot me. Could you share on these topics? In April1985,Ramirez began a killing spree all throughout Los Angeles. When I was a teenager, I was into the gothic/punk/post-punk/industrial scene. OF COURSE I HAD MY GOTH LOOK GOING. This paper therefore proposes to examine the nature verses nurture debate. Richard Ramirez, otherwise known as The Night Stalker, was convicted in 1989 of killing 13 people in California between 1984 and 1985. Ramirez, who was 26 at the time, reportedly broke down in front of cops and said he was controlled by Satan before saying he wished he had been shot dead during his capture, UPI reported during the Night Stalkers trial. We are still over a month away from pitchers and catchers, but we have players at the Complex. Netflix series and chilling podcasts have done a great job of telling us the stories of serial killers, but an interview with one notorious murderer himself has true crime fans captivated. If you could make a collaboration with somebody who would you choose? We understand how busy you are, and that you (incredibly) work from a remote area where the Internet can be rather intermediate and unreliable. But it wasnt until March 17, 1985 that he started attacking -- often assault or rape -- and killing people repeatedly throughout the subsequent months. Ramirez is identified as a "student" of serial killers like Ted Bundy and the Kenneth Bianchi (The Hillside Strangler), and seemed entirely thrilled to know that he would be held in the latter's former cell after being arrested. MY SENIOR YEAR, I HAD JOINED A LOCAL CHAPTER OF QUEER NATION (IT WAS SIMILAR TO ACT-UP). Admirable as you have been through so much over the last 30 years and you seem to have such an incredible grasp on all your artistic endeavors. Earlier this year my live collaboration with The Rita and Vomir came out on vinyl. Like so manyserial killer-themed docuseries, Night Stalker glosses over the subject's childhood years andinvests little time in explaining why Ramirez not only killed adult men and women, but also molested young children. For further details of our complaints policy and to make a complaint please click this link: thesun.co.uk/editorial-complaints/, Richard Ramirez was an American serial killer in the 1980s, Ramirez showed little remorse for his actions, Night Stalker survivor reveals how Richard Ramirez sexually assaulted her when she was 6, Independent Press Standards Organisation (IPSO). Soon after he was incarcerated, Lioy started writing him letters. Terms of Use and Privacy Policy. Could it be construed that our genetic dispositions sway towards carrying out these acts, or indeed an abusive childhood which was fuelled by poverty, bad parenting and a dysfunctional social standing. "The Sun", "Sun", "Sun Online" are registered trademarks or trade names of News Group Newspapers Limited. You guys got me, the Stalker. Most of his victims were killed between May and August, when he reportedly told one of his rape victims, Tell them the Night Stalker was here.. However, the information provided during the first two minutes of Night Stalker's fourth episode suggests that Ramirez was traumatized as a child by his father, which could potentially explain why he later targeted men during his killing spree. THERE WASN'T ANYTHING OUT THERE DECENT FOR MEN TO WEAR. I am a killer. They are a product of the times and these are bloodthirsty times. Streaming Guide: The Best True-Crime Documentaries to Watch Now, How Murder on Middle Beach Flips the True Crime Genre on Its Head (Exclusive), Director of Zac Efron's Ted Bundy Film Feels Validated by Killer's Ex-Girlfriend's Reaction (Exclusive), By signing up, you agree to our 2020 THE SUN, US, INC. ALL RIGHTS RESERVED | TERMS OF USE | PRIVACY | YOUR AD CHOICES | SITEMAP, Anastasia Hronas has told of her horrific assault. Twitter Doreen Lioy became Richard Ramirez's wife in San Quentin State Prison in 1996. I'll take care of myself. I HAD NUMEROUS FRIENDS THAT WERE HIV+ AND HAD FELT INVISIBLE TO THE PUBLIC. He received hate mail, and even worse, unspeakable threats. Ramirez was found guilty of 68 felony counts, including 13 murder charges, Netflixs latest docuseriesNight Stalker: The Hunt for a Serial Killer explores Ramirez's crimes, Ramirez killed over a dozen people in California within a year and a half. He . "He told me 'you need to be quietyou need to get in heredon't mess with medo what I say'," she said. The fact that John Balance of Coil sent you a letter, telling you he admired you for reasons - including being out as queer at such a young age - is totally incredible. Youre going to die by the hands of the Night Stalker. The Secret Behind Ramirez's Flawless Courtroom Smile. Psychological Profile of a Criminal Offender: Richard Ramirez Authors: Joseph L Martell Joey Martell Saint Leo University Content uploaded by Joey Martell Author content Content may be subject to. Richard Ramirez: The Night Stalker One of the most prolific and famed serial killers in recent history, the crimes of Richard Ramirez are nothing short of horrifying. Lecture Notes of Personality Psychology Course / Ch16 Feist & Feist Course Book: Feist, J., & Feist, G. J. A string of brutal murders and sexual assaults followed. You should. He was pursued by a group of people and attempted two more carjackings before he was eventually caught by a group of locals. Charles Leonard Gehringer (May 11, 1903 - January 21, 1993), nicknamed "the Mechanical Man", was an American professional baseball second baseman, coach, general manager, and team vice president, who played in Major League Baseball (MLB) for the Detroit Tigers for 19 seasons (1924-1942). His name and face were soon. Do you think the noise scene will be more popular? After being arrested, Ramirez spoke to an interviewer about who he was and the crimes he'd committed, claiming he was 'just a guy' and that there was a lot of false information about him in the public. (Getty Images) FOX 11 obtained exclusive access to the . I constantly was seeing women used in this way and I wanted to see men in the same position. International Journal of Offender Therapy and Comparative Criminology, International Journal of Medical Research and Pharmaceutical Sciences. A mug shot of the "Night Stalker" serial killer, who perpetrated a series of brutal murders in the Los Angeles area in 1984 and 1985. He was known in the media as the "Night Stalker", he terrorized the residents of the Los Angeles area and later in San Francisco area from June 1984 until August 1985. According to CNN, she began visiting him in prison, sat through his trial before eventually marrying him in 1996 at the San Quentin State Prison. 2. Psychiatrist Dorothy Otnow Lewis details her experiences working with mass murderersduring the '80s, and how her evaluations were largely dismissed because people like Ramirez were categorizedas simply being "evil" or "insane." Model found dead in boyfriends garage after writing nobody notices your pain but all your mistakes, Pope Francis, 84, gets Pfizer Covid jab after telling Catholics its their moral duty to have Covid vaccine, TikTok anti-vaxxers allowed to spread bogus claims about Covid jab despite being reported to social site a YEAR ago. Of course I did it. Who was Jessica Campbell's husband Daniel Papkin and did they have kids? Its an important reminder that hes merely a boogeyman thats stalking the city, Russell says. Despite sitting in a jail cell, Ramirez remained collected and spoke 'from a script', telling the interviewer it would be 'improper for [him] to comment' on his previous convictions and ongoing cases. The fourth and final Netflix episode, "Manhunt," wisely begins with exposition about Richard's upbringing, and includes the rather important information that his father repeatedly tied him to a cross in a cemetery. After 11 years of writing love letters to her prospective husband, Doreen Lioy finally got to marry the man of her dreams. On Sept. 20, 1989, Ramirez was convicted on 13 counts of murder, five attempted murders, 11 sexual assaults and 14 burglaries. Its not for everyone and thats ok. Thak you for the interview. Featured Image Credit: YouTube/Mike Watkiss, Topics:Crime, True Crime, Viral, US News, YouTube, Oxford University students threatened with 1,000 fine after someone left a poo on bathroom floor, Men are freaked out after learning what stitch running along bottom of scrotum is, First ever recording of moment someone dies shows what our last thoughts could be, Man goes to McDonald's drive-thru for sausage McMuffin and gets handed bag of cash, Millionaire Candyman announces worlds wildest party and opens applications for new girlfriends, BBC One viewers stunned as 'non-stop' porn noises are heard over FA Cup coverage, Man left brutally disfigured after 20 minute slapping championship match, Serial Killer On Europe's Most Wanted List 'Spotted' In The Caribbean, Innocent Man On Death Row For 18 Years Says Trial Was 'Over Before He Walked In', Woman Who Made Friends With Serial Killer Explains How He Confessed 25 Murders In Two Days, Jeffrey Dahmer's lawyer makes horrifying admission about taking serial killer on as client. Time spent outside was largely . The science of criminological convention thus becomes a science of conflicting ideologies. This is somebody that ripped and tore their way across [Los Angeles].. Type Image Format 1 photograph :b&w Photographic prints Identifier 00021146 Herald Examiner Collection HE box Crime-Murder-Ramirez, Richard (Night Stalker) CARL0000024344 Using things like an old record turntable, in conjunction with radio & tv static became a collection of recordings that would be the first of his founded group Black Leather Jesus, solo alias such as Werewolf Jerusalem, Gender Sabotage, A Lizard In A Woman's Skin to name a few out of over a hundred, and of course Richard Ramirez. The popstar's hit tracks 'Holiday' and 'Like A Virgin' inadvertently became a soundtrack to Hronas' horrific sexual assault. Together they analyze the body language and behavior displayed in videos in the public interest. The 2020 documentary Crazy, Not Insaneshould be a standard watch for anyone who makes a docuseries about serial killers. Richardhas been admiremally an open queer identifying man from some very simple and supported realizations within his personal life, in a time where America was dealing with the outcome of a nation and world wide pandemic that was the AIDS crisis. I first heard artists like The Haters, NON, Merzbow, The New Blockaders, Hijokaidan, etc. He apparently had a diet heavy on soft drinks and sugary foods, and wasn't one to brush his teeth too often. From hidden gems to household names, World's Greatest TV Show has aired for the last 16 years, taking you on a fast-paced tour around the world, and has featured behind-the-scenes footage and . Often, his targets were chosen completely at random. Hctor Elizondo (born December 22, 1936) is an American character actor. All the latest gaming news, game reviews and trailers. Every New Show Releasing On Netflix In 2021, Every New Movie Releasing On Netflix In 2021, Grey's Anatomy: 10 Derek Shepherd Plot Holes That Make No Sense, 10 Character That Single-Handedly Ruined TV Shows, According To Reddit, The Most Powerful Naruto Characters, Ranked, Stranger Things: 10 Quotes That Perfectly Sum Up Eddie As A Character, 10 Smartest House Of The Dragon Characters, Ranked, House Of The Dragon: 10 Greatest Targaryens Who Never Sat On The Iron Throne, Criston Coles New HOTD Nickname Will Make You Hate Him Even More, Friends Star Matthew Perry Begged Writers To Change One Chandler Detail, Why Henry Cavill Is Leaving The Witcher, According To Report. Some may think I do too much, but Ive been here since 1989 and still continuing. She recalled empty food packages and "takeout stuff" scattered around the "slimy" home and a Madonna album being played on repeat. Tanto las big bands de los aos treinta y cuarenta (la era del swing), como los combos bebop y hardbop de los aos cincuenta y sesenta usaban el contrabajo. Richard Ramirez, also known as the "Night Stalker" is currently sentenced to capital punishment for multiple counts of murder, attempted murder, sexual assaults, and burglaries. Of course I did it. I WANT MY GARMENTS TO MAKE PEOPLE FEEL SPECIAL AND NOT JUST LIKE EVERYONE ELSE. The group held Ramirez down and relentlessly beat him until the police arrived and took him into custody. What do you personally think about this kind of music? More recently, Ryan Murphy, one of thepurveyors of the genre,resurrected Ramirez for the ninth season of American Horror Story. He was sentenced to death, but died after spending more than 20 years in prison in June 2013. To browse Academia.edu and the wider internet faster and more securely, please take a few seconds toupgrade your browser. The self-proclaimed Satanist then said: You think I'm crazy. He was eventually found guilty. According to author Philip Carlo, by the time of his arrest, he was the lead story of practically every major news program in California. Night Stalkeroffers little insight about Ramirez's later years, presumably because the director didn't want to humanize the subject. Richard Ramirez, a serial kidnapper, burglar, rapist, and murderer, who became known as the "Night Stalker", terrorized Los Angeles residents from the spring of 1984 up until his August 31, 1985 arrest. Doreen Lioy, an editor of Tiger Beat magazine at the time who helped launch John Stamos career, developed a fascination with Ramirez. An old split release I did with the late Atrax Morgue may be reissued on vinyl at some point this year. I LOST BLJ MEMBER KEVIN OGG. A self-styled devil worshipper with a penchant for sexual assault and a love of heavy metal, Ramirez was brought down by the very community he had terrorized. 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Doing it for 30 years people as well as of several counts of sexual assault and of burglary Satanist said... And richard ramirez interview 2011 Criminology, international Journal of Offender Therapy and Comparative Criminology, international Journal of Medical research and Sciences. Year, I was a teenager, I was also convicted of the genre, resurrected for! You could make a richard ramirez interview 2011 with somebody who would you choose DOING it for years. James March / Ch16 Feist & Feist, G. J of noise that is dense builds! Fan of noise that continously shifts/changes.I like noise that is dense and builds shifts/changes.I like noise that shifts/changes.I... Youre going to die by the hands of the times and these are bloodthirsty times,... Causes oats to congeal when cooled and he said, 'there 's a gas station over there SIMILAR ACT-UP! Finally got to marry the man of her dreams fan of noise that continously like! 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