Swiss, Apfelbaum, Martin Lewis, 59, Philadelphia, Pennsylvania. He was released for flying by the Pan American Medical Department on January 15, 1974. American, Hudson, Josephine Lisa, 22, London, England. NEW YORK -- Following is a list of victims of the crash of Pan American World Airways Flight 759 in Kenner, La., as released by the airline. Argentinian. Some oddities: A lot of those aboard Pan Am 103 had the age of 20 years. The aircraft was destroyed by impact and the subsequent fire. The captain's recognition was hampered by restricted visibility, the illusory effects of a "blackhole" approach, inadequate monitoring of flight instruments, and the failure of the crew to call out descent rate during the last 15 seconds of flight. Flight Engineer Jerry Avritt, 46, Westminster, Calif. Milutin Velimirovich, 35, Heston, England. American, Morgan, Jane Ann, 37, London, England. The winds consisted of horizontal and vertical components produced by a heavy rainstorm and influenced by uneven terrain close to the aircraft's approach path. American, Gordon-Gorgaez, Linda Susan, 39, London, England. Army Sgt. It is preliminary and is based on the facts as they are known at this time. British, Stevenson, John Charles. American, Klein, Patricia Ann, 35, Trenton, New Jersey American, Kulukundis, Minas Christopher, 38, London, England British, LaRiviere, Ronald Albert, 33, Alexandria, Virginia. American, Ciulla, Frank, 45, Park Ridge, New Jersey, American, Colasanti, Gary Leonard, 20, Melrose, Massachussets, American, Concannon, Bridget, 53, Banbury, England. Wendy Lincoln, 23, North Adams, Mass., Syracuse group. As Pan Am ceased operations in 1991 enough time has passed that general passenger lists would no longer be archived. 743 followers . No one, it seems, was watching the flight instruments. American, Scott, Sally Elizabeth, 22, Huntington, New York. It was an extremely trying time. American, Bouckley, Glen, 27, Liverpool, New York. The one thing I was able to extract was a promise that the Indonesian government would produce death certificates, which we could use to process the report of American citizens death. [2], The NTSB's final report dated October 6, 1977 determined that the probable cause of the accident was:[2]. British, Jermyn, Kathleen Mary, 20, Staten Island, New York. American, Williams, Bonnie Leigh, 21, Crown Point, New York. Pan Am chief Juan Trippe called the airplanes "clippers" to link his airline with the maritime heritage of the world's great ocean liners. Although the flight crash report includes the transcription of the last conversation between the flight crew and the Pago Pago operators, many families still hold unanswered questions on what happened. Understand inbound on the localizer. It appears to me that a common thread in many of these Pan American pilot error accidents was that the captain wasn't as good as he needed to be, and the crew was reluctant to point that out. The National Transportation Safety Board (NTSB) determined the probable cause of the accident was the flight crew's tardy identification of microburst-induced wind shear. American, Pescatore, Michael. British, Bhatia, Surinder Mohan, 51, Los Angeles, California , Indian, Bissett, Kenneth John, 21, Hartsdale, New York.,American, Bouckley, Paula, 29, Liverpool, New York. Consequently, the aircraft went above the glide slope. American, Williams, Brittany Leigh, 2 months, Crown Point, New York American, Williams, Eric Jon, 24, Crown Point, New York. American, Wright, Andrew Christopher Gillies, 24, Surrey, England. 1. Password: Forgot account? Related Pages. Many lived in New Jersey, New York, Pennsylvania. Kenneth John Bissett, Hartsdale, N.Y., Syracuse group. The Pan Am 806 will mark its 50th anniversary in 2 years. maryann South American, Fuller, James Ralph, 50, Bloomfield Hills, Michigan, America, Giebler, William David, 29, London, England. Irish, Concannon, Thomas, 51, Banbury, England. Hungarian, Roller, Zsuzsanna, 27, Hungary, Hungarian, Rosen, Saul Mark, 35, Morris Plains, New Jersey . According to NTSB 49 CFR part 830, fatalities occurring more than seven days after the accident shall not be attributed to said accident. Theodora Cohen, Port Jervis, N.Y., Syracuse group. As well as being an emotional story, by telling it will bring about a huge positive outcome. Confirmation of the crash began when the Balinese began bringing down body parts. The first officer stated during his postaccident interview that the only thing he had not accomplished which he should have was to change the No. Most of the passengers were American citizens. In 1970s, after what was described as a comprehensive investigation the National Transportation Safety Board (NTSB) determined the probable cause of the accident was the flight crew's tardy identification of microburst-induced wind shear. The visibility one zero, light rain shower, temperature seven eight, wind three five zero degrees, one five, and altimeter's two nine eight five.". 44, Potomac, Maryland. American, Tsairis, Alexia Kathryn, 20, Franklin Lakes, New Jersey, American, Vulcu, Peter, 21, Alliance, Ohio. Nine passengers and one crew member, Third Officer Phillips, survived the initial crash and post-accident fire. Evidence indicated that, when the sink rate increased, the captain may have been looking outside the aircraft and, therefore, not flying reference to the flight instruments. American, Johnson, Mary Alice Lincoln, 25, Wayland, Massachusetts. 40, Newton, Pennsvlvania. Irish, Corner, Tracey Jane, 17 , Millhouses, England. Pago Pago Approach Control reported winds zero one zero degrees at one five gusting two zero. (At right, the memorial to Pan Am flight 812 in Bali. British, Buser, Michael Warren, 34, Ridgefieid Park, New Jersey, American, Buser, Warren Max, 62, Glen Rock, New Jersey, American, Butler, Steven Lee, 35, Denver, Colorado. Thus, the flightcrew is required to monitor the frequency on at least one radio receiver until passage of the 7 nmi DME fix (FAF) position. She never did. McCullers, Kenneth L., 45, captain, Sebastian, Fla . See more of Family and Friends from Flight Pan Am 806 on Facebook . On the French side, it was anathema to think that a French Catholic would be cremated. Michael Stuart, 36, Bethesda, Maryland. American, Cummock, John Binning, 38, Coral Gables, Florida. Guyanese, Morson, Eva Ingeborg, 48, New York Citv. The Third officer was James Phillips, 43, with 5,208 total pilot hours of which 4,706 were on the 707 and the flight engineer was Gerry Green, 37, who had 2,399 total hours as both a Flight Engineer and reserve first officer of which 1,444 were on the 707. Unfortunately, only four of them escaped the wreckage before the ensuing re that followed. American, Malicote, Wendy Gay, 21, Lebanon, Ohio. The animation illustrates how weather and a flight crew's incorrect actions combined to cause the downing of Pan Am 806 in Pago Pago, American Samoa.To view . ,American, Capasso, Cregory, 21, Brooklyn, New York. The decision height for the approach was 280 ft.; 250 ft above field elevation. Peter Peirce, 40, Perrysburg, Ohio, Syracuse group. 8, Esher, England. There was a back and forth with the, approach control responding to the arrival, "Clipper eight zero six, roger, and Pago weather, estimated ceiling one thousand six hundred broken, four thousand broken, the visibility - correction, one thousand overcast. [2], Nine passengers and one crew member, Third Officer Phillips, survived the initial crash and post-accident fire. This should be the (un-)complete list of unfornunate passengers aboard Pan Am 103. But I think this kind of culture beats other members of the cockpit crew to the point they stop actively monitoring because there is often very little to gain from doing so. American, Bennett, Lawrence RJV, 41, Chelsea, Michigan. British, Boyer, Francis, 43, Toulosane, France. American, Berkley, Alistair Davis, 29, London, England. British, Mulroy, John, 59, East Northport, New York. In addition he completed a voluntary flight operations review on December 11, 1973. Alexia Tsairis, 20, Franklin Lakes, N.J., Syracuse group. Log In. American, Coursey, Willis Larry, 40, San Antonio, Texas. Q: Sometimes you get repercussions from those who expect you to do more than maybe is physically possible; they complain to their congress people and Congressmen. American, Aicher, Sarah Margaret, 29, London, England. ,American, Pugh, William, 56, Margate, New Jersey. The Pan Am Clippers The flying boat dominated international airline service in the 1920s and 1930s, and the Pan Am Clippers were the most famous of all. a total of 91 passengers and crew were onboard the pan am 806 flight from auckland, new zealand to los angeles, via american samoa and hawaii when it crashed short of the runway during its landing approach on jan. 30, 1974, according to the american samoa visitors bureau, in its january 2014 enewsletter released over the weekend about the Looking at each crash in succession you start to see the CRM improve slightly. Approach control responded, "Clipper eight zero six, roger, and Pago weather, estimated one thousand six hundred broken, four thousand broken, the visibility -correction, one thousand overcast. Suzanne Miazga, Utica, N.Y., Syracuse group. 2020-08-01T17:25:30Z We had a crust of Indonesian bureaucracy. This information is not presented as the Flight Safety Foundation or the Aviation Safety Networks opinion as to the cause of the accident. British, Tanaka, Hidekazu, 26, London, England. Edgar Howard Eggleston III, Glens Falls, N.Y. John P. Flynn, 21, Montville, N.J., Syracuse group. ", Auckland International Airport (AKL/NZAA), Pago Pago International Airport (PPG/NSTU), Accident investigation report completed and information captured, 1,2 km (0.8 mls) SW of Pago Pago International Airport (PPG) (, AMEND 14 CFR 121.439 TO REQUIRE THAT A CHECK AIRMAN (1) OBSERVE A PILOT AS HE PERFORMS THE THREE TAKEOFFS AND THREE LANDINGS SPECIFIED FOR RECENT EXPERIENCE, AND (2) CERTIFY THAT THE PILOT IS QUALIFIED AND PROFICIENT TO RETURN TO HIS ASSIGNED STATUS. We had the FBI there as an identification team. Frederick S. Phillips, 25, Little Rock, Ark., Syracuse group. Only 10 percent of the people, even in America, at the time were fingerprinted. Pan Am was the main airline user of these amphibious flying boats and the only operator of the S-40 and S-42. Of the 101 occupants of the aircraft, 9 passengers and 1 crew member survived the crash and fire that followed the crash. American, Saunders, Scott Christopher, 21, Macungie, Pennsylvania. uuid:8fecdc50-d602-394e-95d5-8a3a45634590 The major victory that I think my colleague and I got was the death certificates which enabled us to write an honest report on death of American citizens an actual one as opposed to a presumptive one which certainly facilitated inheritance issues, insurance issues, which I think at least was able to help some of the families. There were two ceremonies on the beach, one for cremation and one for burial. American, Barclay, Stuart Murrav, 29, Farm Barnard, Vermont .American, Bell, Jean Mary, 44, Windsor, England. American, Gareczynnski, Kenneth Raymond, 37 North Brunswick, New Jersey, There was no indication that any of the navigational aids or aircraft instruments were faulty. [2], At 23:40:42 the 707 came in contact with trees 3,865 feet (1,178m) short of the runway 5 threshold. British, Zwynenburg, Mark James, 29, West Nyack, New York. objects in mirror may be closer mandela effect . American, Rencevicz, Diane Marie, 21, Burlington, New Jersey, American, Roller, Janos Gabor, 29, Hungary. The approach controller then said, ". It was operated by a Pan Am Boeing 707-321B bearing the registration N417PA and named Clipper Winged Racer. American, Monetti, Richard Paul, 20, Cherry Hill, New Jersey. There used to be two flights a week through Bali and they were the only non-Indonesian flights allowed outside of Jakarta at the time. Pago Pago Approach Control reported winds zero one zero degrees at one five gusting two zero. The assigned first officer had laryngitis so the assigned third officer occupied the copilot's seat and is called the first officer part of the time and third officer a few other times. At the time the sink rate increased to 1,500 the aircraft over an area of lights (known as a "blackhole"), a heavy tropical rainstorm was over the and moving toward approach end of the runway, and the first officer had the runway in sight. Alexander Lowenstein, 21, Morristown, N.J., Syracuse group. Richard Monetti, Cherry Hill, N.J., Syracuse group. William Pierce served as the General Services Officer (GSO) in Surabaya, Indonesia from 1973 to 1975. The ILS localizer is offset to the right and crosses the extended runway centerline 3,000 feet from the runway threshold. American, Woods, Dedera Lynn, 27, Willingboro, New Jersey. The assigned first officer occupied the jump seat. At the time, there were no direct flights between Apia and New Zealand and all flights at that time came through Pago Pago with a connecting Polynesian Airlines flight to Apia. One passenger died the day after the accident. In the 1980's, the B747-200F series was introduced to the fleet. American, Davis, Shannon, 19, Shelton, Connecticut. The Siberian Seven: Escaping Religious Persecution in the U.S.S.R. Indian, Sheanshang, Joan, 46, New York City. American, Leckburg, Robert Milton, 30, Piscataway, New Jersey, American, Lincoln, Wendy Anne, 23, North Adams. Irish, Mulroy, Sean Kevin, 25, Lund, Sweden. On July 22, 1973, at 10:06 P.M. local time, the Boeing 707 took off from Faa'a International Airport in Papeete. "What still haunts me today was the smell of burning bodies. Had the crew placed a greater emphasis on a stabilized approach, they would have had ample opportunity to recognize the need for a go around. British, Stinnett, Charlotte Ann, 36, New York City. British, Valentino, Barry Joseph, 28, San Francisco, California. Gandt, Robert, Skygods: The Fall of Pan Am, 2012, Wm. On January 30, 1974, the Boeing 707 Clipper Radiant crashed on approach to Pago Pago International Airport, killing 87 passengers and ten crew members. American. In the next paragraph the report puts the focus on the windshear but the paragraph after that suggests the captain was simply pushing over to make the runway. This California farm kingdom holds a key, Six people, including mother and baby, killed in Tulare County; drug cartel suspected, Im afraid for her life: Riverside CC womens coach harassed after Title IX suit, New Bay Area maps show hidden flood risk from sea level rise and groundwater, Who would execute a baby? [2], The flight was receiving signals from the Localizer and was using the Instrument landing system (ILS) for runway 5. American, Gannon, Matthew Kevin, 34, San Juan Capistrano, California. Although decades have passed, family and friends of those who perished still mourn today as a day of grief that took the lives of 97 people onboard the flight. I can't see them from my position here." [1] Contents 1 History 2 Route network 3 Fleet 4 See also 5 References History [ edit] Windshield wipers were turned on and the flaps were set at the 50 position, which completed the checklists for landing. That is certainly true. American, Lowenstein, Alexander Silas, 21, Morristown, New Jersey, American, McKee, Charles Dennis, 40, Arlington, Virginia , American, Marek, Elizabeth Lillian, 30, New York City. Tulare sheriff said a drug cartel, then backtracks. Argentinian, Canady, Valerie, 25, Morgantown, West Virginia. As the aircraft passed Logotala Hill, it apparently came out of the increasing headwind or updraft condition and the positive performance effect was probably encountered. Crompton can be reached on email:, Copyright 2023 Osini Faleatasi Inc. dba Samoa News | All Rights Reserved. Pan Am was littering the islands of the Pacific with the hulks of Boeing jetliners. American, Flick, Clayton Lee, 25, Coventry, England. Do not translate text that appears unreliable or low-quality. American (Indian), Rattan, Garima, 29, Warren, Michigan.,American(Indian), Rattan, Suruchi, 3, Warren, Michigan. Trinidadian, Tager, Marc Alex, 22, London, England. The flight transmitted "Eight zero six, wilco" at 23:39:41. Italian, Dix, Peter Thomas Stanley, 35, London, England. The plane hit some of the mountain, broke probably into the portion that dropped over the mountain. Pan American World Airways, or "Pan Am," was principal international air carrier of the United States for most of its lifetimefirst flying mail between Key West, Florida, and Havana, Cuba, in 1927. From 2340:20.5 to 2340:54, the radio altimeter warning tone sounded twice. The winds consisted of horizontal and vertical components produced by a heavy rainstorm and influenced by uneven terrain close to the aircraft's approach path. Amcrican, Cawley, Richard Anthony, 43, New York City. The airspeed during this time varied a few knots above and below 160 knots. Here is a list of names of the passengers and crew members of Pan American Flight 103, which crashed Wednesday in Scotland, killing all aboard. British, Shapiro, Amy Elizabeth, 21, Stamford, Conneccticut. Nothing much to say, but youd have to. The copilot was First Officer Richard Gaines, 37, with 5,107 total piloting hours all in the 707. Registered N454PA with manufacturer's serial number 19376/661, it had accumulated 21,625 airframe hours since its first flight in 1967. We and our partners use data for Personalised ads and content, ad and content measurement, audience insights and product development. Swedish, Cohen, Theodora Eugenia, 20, Port Jervis, New York. American, Sigal, Irving Stanley, 35, Pennington, New Jersey . Samoa News understands that the Samoan passengers on board the Pan Am flight were on their way from New Zealand to neighboring Samoa. This list is taken from The Fall Of Pan Am 103 written by Steven Emerson and Brian Duffy. Jason Coker, Mendham, N.J., Syracuse group. American, Fisher, Charles Thomas IV, 34, London, England. American, Bright, Nicholas, 32, Brookline, Massachusetts. 19 7 comments Like Most relevant Terri Clark-Suggett Brings back so many memories! . Caffarone, Hernan, 28, London, England. A Pan Am B707-321B, similar to one involved the accident,, Airliner accidents and incidents in American Samoa, Aviation accidents and incidents in American Samoa, Accidents and incidents involving the Boeing 707, Airliner accidents and incidents caused by pilot error, Airliner accidents and incidents caused by microbursts, Aviation accidents and incidents in the United States in 1974, Short description is different from Wikidata, Transport articles needing translation from Russian Wikipedia, Creative Commons Attribution-ShareAlike License 3.0. Then came "turn to your right," which would have been appropriate since the localizer was offset from centerline. There have been quite a few requests to see the passenger manifest from the flight. Mail me , if I made any mistakes, and I shall correct them at once. After years of on-again, off-again negotiations, public prognostication, and the long-promised prospect of a new epoch for global travel, the first flight with paying passengers took off to cross the Atlantic. American, O'Connor, Daniel Emmett, 31, Boston, Massachusctts. American, Swire, Flora Margaret, 24, London, England. But she stayed for quite a long time. One passenger died nine days after the accident. The most common questions is How could a trained staff on a large corporate airline flight fail to carry out their due diligence?. He has a vast collection of photographs. 2 navigational receiver selector from the VOR frequency to the ILS frequency at the final approach fix. 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