Indiana University Bloomington Identify barriers, such as poverty, racism, gender discrimination, and ableism, to achieving optimal environmental health. Check with your school's Internship Coordinator BEFORE accepting the hiring offer to determine if this position satisfies the criteria for receiving academic credit. Explain the significance in strategic alignment of HRM practices with an organizations mission, vision, values, and goals, and articulate the challenges associated with multiple stakeholders. Copyright 2023 The Trustees of By majoring in Environmental Management, youll learn to translate between the hard sciences and the policies and practices that governments, organizations, and businesses implement Requirements include:The following three courses: SPEA-E 183 Environment and People SPEA-E 272 Introduction to Environmental Sciences (R: SPEA-E 183) SPEA-E 363 Environmental Management (R: SPEA-E 183)One of the following courses: SPEA-E 311 Introduction to Risk Assessment and Risk Communication SPEA-E 340 Environmental Economics and Finance SPEA-E 417 Fundamentals of Sustainable Agriculture SPEA-E 465 Environmental Management in the Tropics SPEA-E 466 International and Comparative Environmental Policy SPEA-E 476 Environmental Law and RegulationOne additional course from the above or following list: SPEA-E 325 Computing for Environmental Scientists SPEA-E 355 Introduction to Limnology SPEA-E 375 Techniques of Environmental Science SPEA-E 400 Topics in Environmental Studies(approved topics only; consult SPEA advisor; repeatable with different topics) SPEA-E 410 Introduction to Environmental Toxicology SPEA-E 411 Introduction to Groundwater Hydrology SPEA-E 412 Risk Communication SPEA-E 419 Applied Remote Sensing of the Environment SPEA-E 422 Urban Forest Management SPEA-E 431 Water Supply and Wastewater Treatment SPEA-E 440 Wetlands Ecology and Management (P: SPEA-E 272) SPEA-E 450 Soil Science and Management SPEA-E 451 Air Pollution and Control SPEA-E 452 Solid and Hazardous Waste Management SPEA-E 456 Lake and Watershed Management SPEA-E 457 Introduction to Conservation Biology SPEA-E 460 Fisheries and Wildlife Management SPEA-E 461 Fisheries and Wildlife Management Laboratory SPEA-H 316 Environmental Health Science SPEA-V 401 Financial and Cost-Benefit Analysis (P: SPEA-V 202) SPEA-V 413 Food Systems and Community Resilience SPEA-V 415 Data Science in Public and Environmental Affairs SPEA-V 435 Negotiation and Alternative Dispute Resolution SPEA-E/V 482 Overseas Topics in Public Affairs (approved topics only; consult ONeill advisor; repeatable with different topics), With a minor in Environmental Science through the ONeill School, you will study the environment and look for solutions to pressing environmental problems.This is a joint minor with the ONeill School and the College of Arts + Sciences. Describe how and why lawmaking power is distributed in the US among branches and levels of government. A sample of the courses include government accounting, management, leadership and ethics, and program evaluation. Articulate the value, for organizations, workers, and society at large, of management strategy that fosters employee engagement, empowerment, and job enrichment. | Competency 2: Students can explain the role of water in ecosystem health and water quality. We needed champions for the environment who understood both science and people interacting with it. Competency 4: Students can explain how their chosen major relates to the sustainable management of water resources. O'Neill School of Public and Environmental Affairs Calendar. Select one of the following (3 credit hours), Select two of the following (6 credit hours), Accessibility | Privacy Notice Describe the components and organization of the healthcare delivery system in the U.S., including the various organizational and personnel types. O'Neill School of Public and Environmental Affairs. Offered at IU Bloomington by O'Neill School of Public and Environmental Affairs Offered on campus Whether you're interested in launching a career on Capitol Hill, learning how to manage and motivate people, or protecting the planet, a Bachelor of Science in Public Affairs (BSPA) degree equips you with the skills to make a difference. O'Neill researchers awarded funding to continue civic engagements study, ONeill School celebrates 50 years of leadership, Stain-resistant school uniforms could expose children to harmful chemicals, Energy-insecure households sometimes use risky coping strategies to keep lights, heat on, Racial and ethnic disparities widened for treatment of opioid use disorder during COVID-19, Meyer's Title IX work inspired by personal experience with inequity in sports, Rutherford receives Inclusive Excellence Award, Shaw part of Lancet Planetary Health Report that shows pollution responsible for 1-in-6 deaths worldwide in 2019, Five O'Neill faculty receive IU Trustees Teaching Award, ONeill graduates celebrate successes at recognition ceremonies, O'Neill School announces faculty promotions and new hires, ONeill School faculty playing critical role in shaping IU sustainability as part of Climate Action Planning Committee, ONeill School tops U.S. News graduate school rankings, New study from ONeill School researchers finds alarming rates of energy insecurity among low-income households amid COVID-19 pandemic, Silva among five named Outstanding Junior Faculty, IU Bloomington a top producer for Fulbright U.S. Student Program for 2021-22, Healthcare wage growth has lagged behind other industries, despite pandemic burden, Congratulations to IU's five newest distinguished professors, IU leading pioneering effort to share big data and facilitate new connections to address skills gap, substance abuse and other major challenges in Indiana, From virtual to rural: ONeill Online students develop real-life solutions with Indiana communities, IU-led climate action programs to expand with $1.25M McKinney Family Foundation grant, ONeill School professor Kosali Simon elected to National Academy of Medicine, ONeill School of Public and Environmental Affairs announces the Ron Hites Prize in Environmental Science, O'Neill School's David Audretsch recognized as Citation Laureate, Doctoral alumnus makes history with three dissertation awards, ONeill Schools Sanya Carley receives prestigious Kershaw Award for contributions in public policy, O'Neill School, International Development awarded $14.2 million to modernize universities in Vietnam, ONeill health economist named to prestigious CBO advisory panel, ONeill launches Resilience and Wellbeing Initiative in time for fall semester, Report highlights potential benefits of an environmental justice mapping tool for Indiana, $2.9M NIH grant funds study of toxic pollutants' effects on Indigenous community in Alaska, Researchers seeking private well owners in four states for study of PFAS in well water, New study assesses disproportionate health burdens on Black and Hispanic Americans during COVID-19 pandemic, COVID-19 hospitalizations increased as a result of state reopenings, Nonprofits stabilize Indiana's regional economies and employ thousands with well-paying jobs, Unlabeled PFAS Chemicals Detected in Makeup, Former U.S. Sens. [9] The gift will go toward funding graduate fellowships, professorships and chairs, undergraduate scholarships, and the creation of a new Center on Leadership in Public Service. Scottsdale is annually rated among the nation's most desirable communities to live in, visit and do business in. Analyze the impact of HRM practices through applied measurements and articulate the importance of Human Resource Information Systems to the process. Career Education and Professional Advancement. Competency 1: Students can explain the role of water in the function of natural and human-impacted systems, including describing ecosystem services derived from the natural hydrologic cycle. Prospective Students . Students can detail the natural water cycle and explain feedbacks and couplings between different elements of the system. Career Education and Professional Advancement. Each minor requires 15 hours of specified courses with a 2.000 grade point average. O'Neill Partnership Programs; Full-time Jobs; . In a way we're all just getting started. Career Education and Professional Advancement. Explain the structure of urban governance in the US, including common forms of city government, the relationship of cities to other political units, and common sources of revenue for city governments. Explain common lines of social and economic division/inequality in society and the implications of those in urban areas. Explain and apply common terminology relating to information technology including hardware, software, networks, security, data, and cloud computing. Present an argument for or against a policy. Describe the major social science theories of the origin and role of the nonprofit sector, voluntarism, and volunteer motivation and their relationship to government and for profit sectors, Describe the concepts of philanthropy and charity and explain the relationship of these concepts to nonprofit organizations, Describe the current scope of the nonprofit sector in the United States, including the types of subsectors/industries, number of organizations, number of staff/employees, number of participants/volunteers, and financial scope, Explain the nonprofit tax regulatory environment, including tax statuses, and regulations, Demonstrate how to assess and articulate the need for a program. Environmental Science as their degree. Some degree-granting units at IU may allow only one or only certain ONeill minors. Extract and apply principles from case law and other authoritative sources. The 1989 Convention on the Rights of the Child (CRC) defines a child as "any human being below the age of eighteen years, unless under the law applicable to the child, majority is attained earlier." Career Education and Professional Advancement. | The O'Neill School of Public and Environmental Affairs at Indiana University and IUPUI is committed to advancing knowledge and preparing leaders for the greater good. O'Neill Partnership Programs; Full-time Jobs; Internships; Greater Good Internship Fund and O'Neill Internship Scholarships; For . Knowledge of the key issues and challenges in cultural policy: Public funding support of artists and arts organizations, The key role of charitable donations in the US arts sector, Inequality in access to taking part in arts occupations and arts experiences, The challenges and importance of ensuring diversity, equity, and inclusion in the arts. A descriptive audio version of this video is also available. Studio Hours and Services. The Nonprofit Management certificate will also give you general business and management skills. Be sure to confirm the requirements (listed below) with the IU Bulletin and with your advisor. It is hard to imagine that there are other job search platforms outside of LinkedIn and Handshake, but they are out there! Declare your intent to pursue a minor or certificate. At IUPUI, the O'Neill School advises and supports the Justice and Pre-Law Community for freshmen living in The Tower who are interested in social justice. Describe major stages and events in the development of American law and the forces contributing to them. Students can detail how water is extracted from the natural hydrologic cycle, used by humans, and returned to the natural system in urban and rural settings. Offered at IU Bloomington by O'Neill School of Public and Environmental Affairs Offered on campus The O'Neill School of Public and Environmental Affairs' wide variety of minors and certificates address environmental, health, policy, and management issues from a variety of perspectives and may be an ideal complement to your major. These courses are separated into pathways to assist students in selecting courses, but students are free to choose any two courses. . We regularly work with graduate students the summer . Explain the distinction between public, private for-profit, and private nonprofit actors and their roles in urban areas. Skip to event list. On March 4, 2019, Indiana University announced the school would be renamed in honor of Paul H. O'Neill, a 1966 graduate of the university. He has over 20 years of executive and academic experience. or with grad school read on for affordable and exciting things to do in DC that will help you adjust to being a student or young professional in this new city! It was 1972. Located in the beautiful Sonoran Desert, Scottsdale, Arizona is bordered by Phoenix to the west and the McDowell Mountains on the east. Offered at IU Bloomingtonby O'Neill School of Public and Environmental Affairs Offered on campus Study the behind-the-scenes elements of the arts world, including arts marketing, finance, nonprofit management, and law, on your way to a Bachelor of Science in Arts Management. . More than a motto its what we do every day at the ONeill School. This minor requires the following five courses: This minor requires one of the following courses: SPEA-V 161 Urban Problems and Solutions SPEA-V 181 US Policy & Administration SPEA-V 182 Policy-making around the World: Comparative and International ApproachesThe following course: SPEA-V 185 Management of Public Problems and SolutionsAnd three of the following courses: SPEA-V 184 Law and Public Affairs SPEA-V 236 Managing and Leading Organizations SPEA-V 263 Public Management SPEA-V 336 Managing External Collaboration and Networks (P: SPEA-V 185) SPEA-V 340 Urban Government Administration SPEA-V 361 Financial Management (P: SPEA-V 246, or BUS-A 201) SPEA-V 362 Nonprofit Management and Leadership SPEA-V 368 Managing Government Operations SPEA-V 369 Managing Information Technology SPEA-V 373 Human Resource Management in the Public Sector SPEA-V 374 Intermediate Public Budgeting & Finance (P: SPEA-V 186) SPEA-V 424 Environmental Law, Justice, and Politics SPEA-V 432 Labor Relations in the Public Sector (P: SPEA-V 373) SPEA-V 435 Negotiation and Alternative Dispute Resolution SPEA-V 443 Managing Workforce Diversity SPEA-V 450 Contemporary Issues in Public Affairs (approved topics only; consult an ONeill Advisor; repeatable with different topics) SPEA-V 457 Human Resources Training and Development (P: SPEA-V 373) SPEA-V 463 Interpersonal Relations in the Workplace SPEA-V 465 Geographic Information Systems (GIS) for Public and Environmental Affairs SPEA-V 475 Database Management Systems (P: SPEA-V 261, SPEA-V 369, or equivalent) SPEA-V 481 Grant Writing for Public and Nonprofit Organizations SPEA-V 482 Overseas Topics in Public Affairs (approved topics only; consult an ONeill Advisor; repeatable with different topics), This minor requires the following two courses: SPEA-V 161 Urban Problems and Solutions SPEA-V 365 Urban Development and Planning (P: SPEA-V 161)Three of the following courses; at least one course must be outside ONeill: GEOG-G 314 Urban Geography GEOG-G 316 Economic Geography GEOG-G 415 Advanced Urban Geography HIST-A 300 Issues in United States History HIST-A 347 American Urban History HIST-W 125 Cities and History POLS-Y 103 Introduction to American Politics POLS-Y 306 State Politics in the United States POLS-Y 308 Urban Politics SOC-S 215 Social Change SOC-S 309 The Community SOC-S 339 Sociology of Media SPEA-V 226 Managing Emergency Services SPEA-V 275 Introduction to Emergency Management SPEA-V 340 Urban Government Administration SPEA-V 412 Leadership and Ethics SPEA-V 421 Metropolitan Development SPEA-V 422 Transportation Policy Analysis SPEA-V 424 Environmental Law, Justice, and Politics SPEA-V 425 Homeland Security: Policy and Practice SPEA-V 450 Contemporary Issues in Public Affairs (approved topics only; consult an ONeill Advisor; repeatable with different topics) SPEA-V 462 Community Development SPEA-V 482 Overseas Topics in Public Affairs (approved topics only; consult an ONeill Advisor; repeatable with different topics). 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