Then theres the reward. All I know is how I feel and all I want(ed) here was to see a couple little girls home and home they are now. This seems more like one or more pedophiles or a thrill killing. There are alot of good intended people but none of us really know and God forbid we ever do know what its like to have one of our own children taken in such evil and cruel way. This from ICC admin Jody Ewing: While we appreciate all comments and hope to foster discussion about this unsolved case (which includes both girls), I see no point in someone attacking another persons spelling or grammar. Were coming for you. Chad was convicted with: What is Rydell? SIX MILES! My guess is that Elizabeth and Lyric were taken by a stranger who happened to see them riding their bikes, without anyone else around, and decided to kidnap them. Smock said they want to speak with anyone who is familiar with the wildlife area which was formerly a Bremer County park and a popular gathering place in order to eliminate them as suspects. Seems it was all botched or something from the get go. Jody, I think the Iowa Division of Criminal Investigation needs to look at Ricki C. Hess, 52, as of 2017. Those with information were encouraged to call the Evansdale police tip line at 232-6682 or Cedar Valley Crime Stoppers at (855) 300-8477. I was just watching Dr.Oz and seen a story about a beautiful young girl in Ohio Siera that was murderd in 2016 they found the serial killer to me he looks as if he could fit the description of the guy on the tracks with these two little girls that one of the girls filmed. That book was amazing, still have an hour or two left to listen on Audible. Lyric and Elizabeth were in IA. the fbi and dci camped at the evansdale pd for months or years after this and were present during this time that Kent was fired. Iowa Cold Cases Well if you really want to know, Im bored at work, this is an interesting comment thread, and Id like to know who the killer is (as Im sure the rest of the world does as well). XXXXX told me about his car being crushed (I found he had a white PU at the time, maybe his, maybe the persons he lived with, he/they may have others, but this was at least one of them.) Lyric was preceded in death by her paternal great-grandfather, Jim Weikert and maternal grandfather, Ray Cook. Which Parents,, both sides have their share!!!!! He is considered endangered/physical, for some unknown reason. Ive been thinking of them often latley as summer is now here and how heartbreaking it is that their family still does not have any more answers and that justice has not been brought. I know you have a wealth of information regarding the case, so I will not be redundant. Frita, even while criticizing someones use of the word prolly, your own comment contained three grammatical errors. Hundreds of cyclists rode the nearly 100-mile route in two-by-two formation showing solidarity for those theyve lost, reported on May 16, 2014. I pray every day for you and Your family and Pray that today you will get Justice for Elizabeth , I share The information every day online in Hopes it may help. So please dont act like you know anything about me . Also at the time the girls disappeared he lived on Gilbert Drive Dan had been in custody due to several drug charges involving meth. Thank you in advance! Find ICC on Facebook Likely he did this to deflect suspicion on the other one involved. Thats one of the reasons weve involved, to remember these kids.. Roger, Please dont feel like I am attacking you directly, Im just trying to shed light on this blind spot we Iowans seen to have regarding murder, and the reasons it occurs. Just to show you how ridiculous and insulting comments like this come across to others: 1) In your first sentence, the ending quotation mark should have been outside the five question marks. Many years ago the man that lived there kidnapped and killed a small child. Fourth Memorial Ride & Drive in honor of Lyric and Elizabeth, by Taylor Bailey, reporter, Airdate: July 9, 2016, Volunteers prepare for ride in honor of Lyric and Elizabeth, by Nikki Newbrough,, Airdate: July 7, 2016, Vigil Held for 3 Girls, Gone too Soon, by Bevan J. Lucas, KGAN, Airdate: March 12, 2015, Iowa starts year-long process to be CART-certified, by Kristyna Engdahl, I pray for justice, for this little Angel. There are additional similarities to the cases too, such as both girls were adolescent or pre-adolescent white females, out alone in remote locations, and were killed by a non-family member. Thats where he stayed or lived with his mom or grandmother and the girls rode their bikes right past his house on Gilbert Street and all around there. If you think someone might be a suspect, contact the authorities rather than putting someones name on public forums. Dan, do you think the two cases are related? Where did it end up where you said it smelled? They contacted law enforcement officials at 12:45 p.m. On Thursday, December 6, 2012, Chief Deputy Rick Abben with the Black Hawk County Sheriffs Office held a press conference to announce officials were confident the bodies were those of Lyric and Elizabeth. He was 27, she was 2. From my understanding, Michael Klunders first crimes did in fact happen in the Waverly area. Investigators are hesitant to rule out linkage. Hopefully with time theyll fess up if they dont get busted first. Cousins Lyric Cook and Elizabeth Collins were reported missing by their maternal grandmother Wylma Cook just after 2 pm. He seemed perfectly comfortable taking two victims at a time. On Wednesday, December 5, 2012, hunters came across two deceased bodies in the Seven Bridges Wildlife Park near Readlyn in Bremer County a wildlife area about 25 miles from where the girls were last seen. There were two sets of footprints from Huntbachs rental to their house next door. Wylma got worried after the girls hadnt returned in over an hour. Motives. We are a participant in the Amazon Services LLC Associates Program, an affiliate advertising program designed to provide a means for us to earn fees by linking to and affiliated sites. Case Summaries Basically just asking the prosecutor for a ton of documents and information. I am sure its not Fitz. They can get his moms DNA, grandmas DNA, and from other relatives. Elizabeths Mom Hopes For Closure, NEW DETAILS: Investigator: Missing Iowa girls blood found, Investigators probe Evansdale-Dayton connection, Kathlynn Shepard Missing: Authorities also probe suspect Michael Klunder in 2012 slayings of Iowa cousins Lyric Cook and Elizabeth Collins, Police seek link between abduction suspect, Evansdale cousins, Library memorial for murdered cousins opening today : The hunt for Lyric and Elizabeth, Missing cousins ribbons to be recycled : The hunt for Lyric and Elizabeth, Hundreds mourn at burial service for Elizabeth Collins : The hunt for Lyric and Elizabeth, Hundreds mourn at burial ceremony for Elizabeth Collins, Hundreds mourn at Evansdale girls burial, Photos: Elizabeth Collins graveside service, ELIZABETH BURIED: Mourners Attend Funeral, Dispatchers honored for cousins tipline : The hunt for Lyric and Elizabeth, ASSAULT CASE: Dan Morrisseys Trial Delayed, UPDATE: Three Iowa law enforcers receive victim service awards, Angels concert raises more than $30,000 : The hunt for Lyric and Elizabeth, Evansdale park plan progressing : The hunt for Lyric and Elizabeth, Concert for the Angels draws large Cedar Valley crowd : The hunt for Lyric and Elizabeth, Saturday Angels concert takes shape : The hunt for Lyric and Elizabeth, Private memorial held for Lyric Cook-Morrissey : The hunt for Lyric and Elizabeth, Girls make bracelets to raise funds for Angels Park, MURDERED CHILD: Burial for Elizabeth Collins, Raising Money: Efforts Help Remember Missing Girls, Surprise Move: Dan Morrissey Pleads Guilty, COUSINS MEMORIAL: Bank Donates Money For Gazebo, Iowa lawmaker calls for legislative hearings on death penalty, Push for Cousins Law grows as bodies found, UPDATE: Medical examiner confirms bodies found are missing Evansdale girls, MISSING GIRLS: Officials Confident About Identities, Letter to the kidnapper of Elizabeth Collins and Lyric Cook-Morrissey, Missing cousins parents write open letter to kidnapper, UPDATE: Police re-canvass Evansdale for missing girls, Survey to ask jurors about missing Iowa girls dad, Evansdale marks two months since cousins disappearance, Search for missing Evansdale, Iowa, girls remains urgent for family, police, Missing Iowa girls families struggle with worry, fear, Surveillance video may be last known sighting of missing girls, As search for missing girls continues, trial looms for one girls father, Mother of missing Evansdale girl says she passed second polygraph test, MISSING GIRLS: Police Search for Evansdale Girls, Gone Cold: Exploring Iowa's Unsolved Murders,, Iowa Missing Person Information Clearinghouse. About Of the $170,500 reward, officials said $150,000 was raised privately and by the FBI for information leading to an arrest and conviction in the case. Lyric Cook (courtesy Locke Funeral Home) All Rights Reserved, Home I have a feeling that these 2 girls knew their murderer. Factual evidence to find out who did this and helping this family find some kind of peace. Btw, only one set of parents was connected with drugs. I don't see it as being secretive, there probably is very little forensic evidence. I live in a town of 500. Nothing adds up about thier stories and the behavior or the police department was either shady as a whole and Kent figured it out. I hope they do the right thing. There is other things to worry about especially finding the killer of these two girls and your acting like a grammar nazi. You may have interviewed the gentleman I am addressing here. Thoes girls deserve it. Here are bits of my conversations with XXXXX. Both sets of girls were found 50 ft from a slow moving stream. Unfortunately,he took the cowards way out so as not to answer for the evil he did. Please add the courier and kewl stories about the chief of police Kent smock being corrupt and being fired, then disappeared. Elizabeth Collins parents joined Sorenson and parents of other missing and murdered children at the Capitol for a news conference where the senator outlined five pieces of legislation he planned to introduce during the current session. Memorial services for Elizabeth Collins were held December 13. What day were the girls found? If the lication where the bodies were discovered, couldnt law enforcement pinpoint when the bodies first appeared in that location. they didnt go out and say ( we dont know how thy were killed ? ?) 2) Do you have an idea how ignorant you sound should have ended with a question mark, not a period, and it should have been any idea, not an idea. After their searches turned up empty, the family reported the girls as missing to the Evansdale Police Department approximately two and a half hours after the initial bike ride. This theory is actually world wide on different sites. This was in no way set up as if to send a message as dealers and the mafia do. These murders were a direct result of the parents bad habits. I would no more attack someone for writing FWIW (instead of For what its worth) than I would someone using the word prolly instead of probably.. Wow ?! Otherwise i dnt understand how no one saw two girls fighting adult/s trying to get them in a car. While stranger abductions are exceedingly rare, I also doubt that this crime was committed by someone very familiar to the girls. I am not dan or misty I am my own person I have nothing to do with meth or people who do . Now, why are you commenting on my comment a year later. I loved her probably as much as her parents did. Everyone thinks all they need is DNA. XXXXX sent December 7, 2020 Some of this is simple speculation, but I hope you understand why I am drawing some inferences that I draw. Also, would he have knowledge of the area. A publication about unsolved mysteries from the deep ocean to space and from antiquity to present day. If you'd like to reprint a post or case summary, please contact us with the name of the requested post/article. How did someone get two girls into a vehicle off a bike trail with no one seeing the struggle? rip little angel my heart aches that the world is so cruel to take you and your cousin. Nearly 200 people attended Elizabeths burial. This actually happens a lot within the world of illegal drug use and dealing of drugs. I happen to be in the Evansdale and Delphi murders connected camp. lyric and elizabeth abby and libby They have the girls DNA I am sure and if the did a good investigation they kept personal items of the girls. Prayers for these families. Very sad and heart breaking. No one in this world is perfect, so before you point out the flaws in these families, make sure you take a look at yourself, your family, and flaws that you have. The killers are there ! The offenders vehicle may also have been altered with a new paint job or re-upholstery. Its an area few people would know about. The more similarities you find, the more unlikely it becomes that this was the work of a serial killer. He has lived in Evansdale and other towns in that general area. I was so upset when they were found. In fact she called us in Colorado the night the girls went missing. Sounds simple enough but his families are also tied into the local drug trade. I myself have been sexually abused as a child. Check this out. The offender profile concluded, in part, that: Analysts experience with prior abduction cases points to one person being involved, but there are cases where more than one person was involved, The Courier said. Peter Vronsky, in American Serial Killers: The Epidemic Years, 1950-2000, dedicates a lengthy passage to comparing local participation in submitting to databases that would help identify linkage. Because the girls were presumably kidnapped in a fairly quiet, isolated area (the lake), I believe they were probably seen either in town, and followed to the abduction site, or someone at the lake happened to see them. He was just arrested for child sexual abuse and the victims were similar ages. Murders and crimes like such are committed for punishment, and the person being punished must be made aware of this fact. I know you surely didnt ask for any of this, If you could turn back time just for 1 min maybe it would change something? She wants me to stain the steps outside her front door this week. No other information was released to police other than the confirmation, Abben said. Follow ICC on Twitter. It doesnt have a dedicated area for target shooting, but its of note that the girls were discovered on the first day of deer hunting season. And for justice. Locals in a bar/club who knew the girls and their families talked about this and never did anything??????? As the four-year anniversary approached for Lyric and Elizabeth, officials shared tips to prevent child abduction, and urged parents to establish a code word with their kids. The park where the girls were found is very remote and only the kind of place locals who grew up in the area ever visit. You sent December 7, 2020 to XXXXXXX. It must be nice living in judgement of others why dont you look at yourself .karma is a bitch Id watch out someday something tragic could happen to you and maybe while your going threw hell some asshole will talk shit about you online . Abby Libby is on Facebook. Here is the tragic story of the Evansdale murders. NBC News profiled the crime as one of its cold cases, noting the FBI Behavioral Analysis Units character profile of possible suspects. I was hoping that they would be found alive. XXXXXX sent December 7, 2020 Im often wrong when I do and I find dont know what Im talking about. He was reportley being followed by a blue car.. Investigators have yet to share publicly how Lyric and Elizabeth died. They decided to visit some historical places and streets of Delphi to hang around. I think it was somebody that knew the girls. White SUVs. Have you told any law enforcement that you know all these details? Some do appear more significant than others, but also have reasonable explanations that dont point to them being linked. Were going to find you, and were going to come get you.. Heartbreaking..i hope they find.out who did this to them . You deserved better, so did your little ones. What is prolly????? theres an awful lot of them though. Theres probably more Im missing.I just wish the Evansdale girls got a 1/3 of the publicity as Delphi. It was short and grainy, but it placed the cousins less than a block from their grandmothers house around 12:11pm, near an auction house. Better believe it .you are a nasty person and have no class someday our paths will cross and I cant wait you are a troll.drew Collins father of Elizabeth June Marie. So do you know the name of the crusher and how did he Fitz die? Hundreds of volunteers had helped search for the cousins, and the lake near where their bicycles were found had been partially drained. | Ive loved true crime since Forensic Files was Medical Detectives! He was still alive when these two girls were taken. Hes killed before. And for her family. She was an infectious joy to be around with a smile that radiated with love. This beautiful girls deserve justice. By continuing to browse, you accept the use of cookies and other technologies. Dates seen March 2005. PMID: 22529375. 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