As far as bonding goes, no sweat. Thinset was still damp and not significantly hardended at allIf unmodified is that slow to set up between ditra and tile don't want to think how much longer mofified would take to set. Please call Schluter-Systems Can I install Schluter-KERDI over drywall in my tiled shower? and since the plastic did absorb any moisture . it did cure as quick and the "excess" moisture could screw up the grout. Quick update to everyone that has been of help to me. You can do it either way. In fact, it's advised to use this product on drywall in your bathroom before laying tile and other materials. I'm good front to back (32" depth). We just read the article in Fine Homebuilding No. Its essential to use the recommended products to avoid disasters. Can Schluter Ditra be used on shower floor? Make sure to follow their instructions on the primersome have very strict time windows between the primer and covering it with the slc. Waterproofing Corners: Schluter-KERDI-KERECK, 1. Used unmodified as called for between ditra and tile. houndzilla We are trying to lay slate tile in an entryway. SawStop's Portable Tablesaw is Bigger and Better Than Before, Podcast 530: PRO TALK With Architecture Student Phillip Schladweiler, Podcast 529: Cold Floors, Galvanic Corrosion, and Siding Over Board Sheathing. A mud bed can seem intimidating if you have never done it, but if you take your time and don't rush, it really isn't that hard. Can you install Kerdi board directly on studs? I will explain why you should use the V-notched trowel. Kerdi Board is another choice with a decently long history and loyal customer base. This includes dirt and dust. ;). Learn more about the essentials of waterproofing. Higher latex content is essential for bonding to plywood. Acrylic is one of the most durable materials used in the shower construction industry, and for good reason. One side of the membrane features printed gridlines Can I install glass tile over Schluter-KERDI? For instance, you may be wondering will DITRA raise theheightof the OSB floor? Repeat until you are sure the DITRA has adhered to the thinset. I never had done drypack before and it was pretty simple to do. Schluter-KERDI is a pliable, sheet-applied, bonded waterproof membrane and vapor retarder with limited crack-bridging capabilities. 8. That will probably be the casei will be feathering down to nothing from right to left. Uncoupling and waterproofing membrane: Schluter-DITRA, 5. Unmodified thin-set mortar is recommended to set ceramic and stone tile, including large format tiles, over the KERDI membrane. However if installed on drywall it is only protecting one side. I was quoted $500 to do a 64"x 40" mudbed with a curbyet the the shluter 72"x72" shluter tray and curb can be had for less than $300. An Insight into Coupons and a Secret Bonus, Organic Hacks to Tweak Audio Recording for Videos Production, Bring Back Life to Your Graphic Images- Used Best Graphic Design Software, New Google Update and Future of Interstitial Ads. Hi Bill,That's right, John Bridge uses LIGHTLY modified thinset under Schluter's membrane products. Only use Schluter screws and washers to attach KERDI-BOARD to the studs. In jobsite conditions and over a long time, who knows. Keep in mind all of the work your doing. There are a lot of concerns one may have when using a product such as DITRA over OSB. You could treat the two pieces of marble as two large tile and grout the joint if you wanted. Contact us: 888-472-4588
You can use a vacuum for that job. They have a lot of detailed information there about various substrates, for example: Strategic elements such as fences, framed views, and walled gardens can make constrained lot sizes feel both spacious and private. California Specification 01350 is referenced by various green building standards and rating systems. Since you're using a tray, I think you better get the 7/8". I installed my Schluter-KERDI membrane yesterday. Well, im fearful but interested. I accidentally poked a hole through the Schluter-KERDI while installing the membrane. Danny if youre worried about sweating the fittings. look into pex and compression rings if codes permit in your local. Hi Danny. Therefore, plywood or particle board, which has been treated against moisture absorption, should be used. It's easier to get things level when applied thicker, but that may not be what you want because of height stackups. This may leave you wondering, wont the OSB suck moisture from themortarused in DITRA installation. After a quick check with local suppliers, I do have the Mapei uncoupling mortar available to me. Multifunctional building panels: Schluter-KERDI-BOARD, 2. If so, you haven't done anything wrong. That would be ideal for me right now. A-holes. Waterproofing strip: Schluter-KERDI-BAND, 5. Schluter-Systems requires the use of Schluter SET , ALL-SET , FAST-SET, or an unmodified thin-set mortar meeting Can I use a premixed thin-set mortar to install Schluter-KERDI and tile in my shower? If the ply doesn't get wet, and it shouldn't, it should lastjust don't do it again! There is no reason to use both products although it can be easier to use the RedGuard in corners and niches without the build up you can get with kerdi. Using the flat side of the trowel, work the thinset on the OSB floor. No need to learn the hard way [emoji4]. Because of the benefits mentioned above, DITRA is perfect for surfaces about to be tiled over. This is a dialog window which overlays the main content of the page. I would just prime with a latrex bonding agent, let it dry 'till tacky and go for it. Its a lot easier to do it right the first time and cheaper also. A rubber float can make your work much easier. Instead, the plywood preparation is done so that it is made water-resistant and more adhesive suitable without using a primer. In Which Areas Should DITRA Be Installed Over OSB? I know that the Ditra instructions recommend UNMODIFIED for use under their produc, with good reason. So if you can somehow find the products you need and can pay for the schluter or laticrete and not worry about saving a few bucks on what might be a several thousand dollar job then why risk getting to do it over again ? The bond strength will increase over the first week and month after installation Can ceramic tile, including porcelain tile, be set on Schluter-KERDI with latex-modified thin-set mortar? Although some substrates absolutely require uncoupling membranes, they can be installed on a range of surfaces, including cement mortar, backerboard, OSB, and plywood. Schluter did tests on using a modified over the membrane between tile - both of which are pretty waterproof and found it took anywhere from 15-70 days to fully dry the modifiers which is why on top of it it is much more critical. I will give it a shot. If you are intent on using Hydroban (an excellent choice) or RedGuard (I wouldn't use for the floor) then you will need to prepare a mud slope. Do I need an uncoupling membrane on plywood? from what I first gathered the problem was with grout cracking. Send us an email: , construction-most-common-waterproofing-mistakes, Using a Prefabricated Shower Tray and Ramp, SchluterKERDI was evaluated by ICC-ES - ESR-2467, Schluter-DITRA was evaluated by ICC-ES - ESR-2467, Schluter-KERDI is listed by ICC-ES - PMG-1204, Schluter-KERDI-DS is listed by ICC-ES - PMG-1204, Schluter-KERDI-DRAIN is listed by ICC-ES - PMG-1204, Schluter Systems holds a Los Angeles Research Report (LARR) for Kerdi - File M-100022, Schluter Systems holds a Los Angeles Research Report (LARR) for Kerdi-Drain - File M-100023, Sheet-appliedpolyethylene waterproofing membrane and vapor retarder, Eliminates water damage which can lead to mold and mildew, Features a modified polyethylene (PEVA) core with non-woven polypropyleneon both sides, Features an anchoring fleece on both sides to anchor the membrane in thin-set mortar, Ideal for waterproofing in conjunction with tiled surfaces on walls and floors, KERDI is 8-mil-thick and guarantees uniform thickness, The 6 7 (2-meter) wide roll covers wall area from floor to standard shower head height for fewer seams and a faster installation. Continuing Education for Architects & Designers. It can be used in areas not subject to direct water exposure (tub/shower surround), and areas of noncontinuous high humidity (bathrooms). Podcast 529: Members-only AftershowHow Good is Good Enough? The time to dampen the Hardi is before you put thinset and tile on top. In general, if the subfloor for tiling is made up of plywood, you don't have to use a primer. Building mud screeds along that line is fairly simple, just pile a row of mud against the wall so it covers the line by about an inch, then using a straight board, press the mud down until you can just see the line again. New posts are no longer possible, but the collected work of building professionals sharing information remains available here as a resource to the JLC community. Have everything set to go BEFORE you mix it. KERDI shall be separated at existing expansion, structural, and flexible edge joints. Jim and Robert (and others) thanks so much for your help and advice. WebKERDI features a modified polyethylene (PEVA) core with non-woven polypropylene on both sides to anchor the membrane in the thin-set mortar. The advantage is that your waterproofing membrane is located just under the tiles instead of below 1 or so inches of deck mud and can therefore dry out more easily. For all the substrates listed in this Handbook (e.g., gypsum board, cement backerboard, etc. Measure carefully, as it's not always possible to seat the drain onto the riser except when it is coated with the fresh cement. Wait 24 hours after the membrane (i.e., Schluter-KERDI-BAND and Schluter-KERDI) installation is complete to allow for the final set of the mortar and to ensure waterproof performance of the assembly at seams and connections before water testing. DITRA is a polyethylene membrane with a grid structure of square cavities, each cut back in a dovetail configuration, and an anchoring fleece laminated to the underside. Schluter -DITRA and DITRA-XL are specifically designed for ceramic and stone tile installations. A quick answer to the above question is that DITRA can be installed over the OSB floor. ), Schluter SET, ALL-SET, FAST-SET or an unmodified thin-set mortar is recommended. Your saving a lot of money by doing it yourself instead of hiring it done. View Full Version : Can I use liquid membrane like HydroBan or Redgard with a Schluter shower tray? Yes. Cut a section of Kerdi off the roll and dry fit it on the hardie. When discussing the steps of installing DITRA over OSB, we mentioned that you should mix up the thinset so that its not too thick or thin. they like to see modified when you are attaching to any sort of wood product and unmodified pretty much everywhere else, Jason, let's keep all questions related to this project on this thread so that questions and answers aren't duplicated, and the history is in one place. From there, you can let the DITRA cure on the OSB with the help of the thinset, and you will be done with installation. Very important points Jadnashua has pointed out. Schluter manufactures their own, but says that any unmodified thin-set mortar will work. Kerdi does admit that you can use cement board. How do I perform one on the Schluter-Shower System? WebWhat Mortar for Schluter Kerdi & Ditra Nathan Wallace 7 years ago I am getting ready to install 12x24 tile in my shower and floor and going to be using the Kerdi membrane over Waterproof, multifunctional tile substrate and building panel. KERDI features a modified polyethylene (PEVA) core with non-wovenpolypropylene on both sides to anchor the membrane in the thin-set mortar. The Latest Innovations That Are Driving The Vehicle Industry Forward. Continuing Education for Architects & Designers. Was in a similar situation as you and ended up with TEC uncoupling from Lowes for about $15/bag. Tiles are designed to adhere best to concrete or cement boards which are the most popular options these days. Yes! To ensure the floor is clean, wipe it with a wet sponge. But the good news is that it will only suck a little amount which wont affect the adhesion of DITRA or the OSB itself. 1. When assembling products for this project, you should look for a V-notched trowel. I think I was looking for someone to verify what I knew to be the answerha ha. Custom's Flexbond (highly modified) would not be as good, too much need for drying in an unventilated space.Bill. What they allow and what they recommend are two different things. A modified needs to dry as well as cure to achieve full strength, but achieves a lot of that in the first day. Waterproofing strip: Schluter-KERDI-BAND, 6. Glass tiles are unique products and may require special consideration. Yes. I look at ceramic tile as a lifetime-of the house-product, so I use the best material for the job.I prefer to use cement board as the substrate with the Kerdi on top. Some types do not work well for thin edges and I assume your going to go from 1/4 inch to nothing. Profile that forms a splashguard in curbless showers. The material is equally suitable for creating level substrates in floor renovation projects e.g. Schluter-KERDI-FLEX is a flexible polyethylene waterproofing strip used to seal movement joints over DITRA in specialty applications where large movements are expected, i.e. WebWith the KERDI-SHOWER-TT thin shower tray on a wood subfloor, you can build up the rest of the bathroom floor by installing either a 5/8" or 3/4" plywood/OSB panel on top of the I'm a DIYer like you, and while I have a good bit of remodeling experience, this is my first bathroom. The KERDI-BOARD will protect the ceiling from both water and vapor penetration. :). Some of the acrylic based ones are pretty maintenance free, too. Designed specifically for ceramic tile and dimension stone installations, DITRA serves as an uncoupling layer, waterproofing membrane, and vapor management layer that accommodates moisture from beneath the tile covering. KERDI is ideal for use in tiled showers, bathtub surrounds, residential steam showers, and other tile applications in wet areas. specific product you want to buy. Calculate all your membrane requirements for your project. Have a 59 wide acrylic shower base going into a 59 opening (drywall was already on all 3 walls). Therefore, do not be surprised when you find this material used as the subfloor of your home. 2. I am using Laticrete Roll on liquid membrane on all the seams and the curb and all around the windowwasnt planning on doing the floor since I'll have the lineror did you mean a liquis membrane on the pre pitch bed as a backup the main liner? You don't want a ridge there. "I have learned so much thanks to the searchable articles on the FHB website. For showers and bathtub surrounds, KERDI must be carried to the height of the showerhead at minimum What size notched trowel should I use to install Schluter-KERDI? Latex-modified mortars must dry for the polymers to coalesce and form a hard Why should I use the Schluter-Shower System? View Full Version : kerdi foam shower tray over OSB. DITRA will also support load distribution. It's pretty easy to resize pics with this utility. KERDI-BOARD can be installed both vertically and horizontally using the screws and washers in our hardware assortment. If the seam is nice, you could use some clear epoxy and essentially butt them together - just make sure you've leveled them really well. Is there a product you would recommend? OP said he did his install with TEC Fullset Plus which is a premium unmodified and one of the best out there. Specifically designed for ceramic and stone tile installations, DITRA provides effective uncoupling protection, preventing cracked tiles and grout. Calculate all your membrane requirements for your project. Further, DITRA performs all these functions while still providing adequate support/load distribution for the tile covering. Do I need to start over or can I simply repair the hole? Once its flat, please turn to the V-notched side and trowel it so that you see grooves on the surface. Kerdi200/20M covers 215 sq. That can be mitigated by using DITRAs waterproofing capabilities. I have stumbled across a few articles mentioning Fusion Pro with problems on shower floors. KERDI features a modified polyethylene (PEVA) core with non-woven polypropylene on both sides to anchor the membrane in the thin-set mortar. KERDI was developed as a waterproofing membrane to be used in conjunction with ceramic and stone tile coverings. Tiles can be installed directly on KERDI using the thin-bed method. Multifunctional building panels: Schluter-KERDI-BOARD, 4. Kerdi fix does not stick to thin-set FYI. Uncoupling and waterproofing membrane: Schluter-DITRA, 4. The thickness of the tile assembly is minimized by using Ditra, No wait time is required. Please note that the JLC forums are now displayed read-only. If you intend to install another type of floor, such as hardwood, there is no need for DITRA. Welcome to the Taunton University of Knowledge FHB Campus at Breaktime. Cover the joints with KERDI-FLEX. Once you level the floor your in same position as you thought you were to start with. OSB boards are good at sucking in moisture. Henry makes one called liquid backerboard that is designed to get to a feather edge over OSB or ply (I'm sure on ply, double-check over OSB). OSB, though slightly different from plywood, it is still a wood product. Work the KERDI into the mortar by applying pressure to the membrane with the flat side of the trowel (held at an angle) in smooth, diagonal sweeps. Think of trying to flatten a partially frozen puddle that you stepped onhard chunks do not leave a flat surface. I'll be sure to let everyone know if/when I find out the hard way! Which Thinset for Kerdi?
Prefabricated sloped shower tray: Schluter-KERDI-SHOWER-LTS, 3. Wait 24 hours after the membrane (i.e., Schluter-KERDI-BAND and Schluter-KERDI) installation is complete to allow for the final set of the mortar and to ensure waterproof performance of the assembly at seams and connections before water testing. It means "Greenboard" can still be used in bathrooms (and other areas), it just cannot be used as a backer for tile in a shower or tub surround. I would not use a liquid membrane over a Kerdi tray. Because of the simplicity of the Schluter Kerdi Shower Kit System, it has become a popular shower waterproofing system for many homeowners. To install Kerdi Membrane, start by applying Schulter ALL-SET mortar (or similar) to your cement board substrate using a 1/4 x 3/16 V-Notch Trowel. In general, modified thin-set mortar is not recommended to set ceramic and stone tile, including large format tiles, over the KERDI membrane. In a perfect job, it will waterproof. Kerdi is all about drywall. Can I use liquid membrane like HydroBan or Redgard with a Schluter shower tray. To allow for greater movement, the center section of the KERDI-FLEX can be tucked into the cavity of the expansion joint prior to bonding. A.Sean Gerolimatos, technical services manager for Schluter Systems, responds: With a few exceptions, unmodified thinset mortar is required for setting ceramic and stone tile over Kerdi membranes (800/472-4588, ), as well as for bonding overlapped seams and connections to Kerdi drains. Im thinking the epoxy route is the way to go. the Kerdi pan with the corner membranes. Tile will go over the kerdi. and be done with it. The gridlines printed on the surface are helpful for neat and quick installation. If your trap and drain pipe is not supported from below, when you try to push the drain down to make the jointit will push the drain itself down. Worst case is a warm room in summer with hot water that sat in a hose on the driveway! 3. Since KERDI is impervious, it does not deprive the mortar of its moisture. While you can lay tile directly over a concrete slab using thin-set adhesive, dont make the mistake of applying tile directly to a plywood subfloor. I will heed that advice. I think cx is right. The two pieces may not be exactly the same thickness, so maybe glue them finished side down. Thanks for the heads up Jim and Robert! Step 5 Install the DITRA Over the Thinset. Not sure what controversy there is to installing Kerdi. I'm of the opinion now that I'll use what's best for the stick with the subfloor. The latter is ideal for structural and load-bearing applications such as floors. About 1/4" off with a 6 ft. Level. I will look into it. This site is protected by reCAPTCHA and the Google. Feel free to move it if necessary. Can you use green board for shower walls? Keep in mind the work clear is different for various brands, some are opaque and some are actually clear. Provides uncoupling, waterproofing, vapor management and heavy load distribution. For floor/wall connections, use KERDI-BAND. "Did the article get this detail grotesquely wrong?". Therefore, its best to use unmodified thinset when working with an impervious installation membrane like Prodeso for installing radiant floor heating . KERDI was developed as a waterproofing membrane to be used in conjunction with ceramic and stone tile coverings. I'll get some pics up over the weekend (batterys dead in camera).. You've got 1/4" Hardi down, but no tile yet, correct? How Do I Get Through The Dark Night Of The Soul? WebMembranes Waterproofing (KERDI) Uncoupling (DITRA) Removable Fleece Sound Control Exterior Systems Paver Support System Balcony Profiles Building Panels KERDI Besides the fact that it is safe to use DITRA over OSB floors, there are many benefits that one gets from merging these two building products. We are going with a grey grout, either delorean gray or light pewter. Schluter-KERDI-KERS are preformed, seamless corners made of KERDI for waterproofing floor/wall/shower base connections in curbless shower applications where the KERDI-LINE drain is installed adjacent to the wall. The KERDI-SHOWER-TS features an off-center drain placement and is 1-1/2" (38 mm) high. Mix up the thinset with water until you get your desired consistency. Came in day after laying tile to find kids had 'walked in' the bathrom despite the levels crisscrossing the entry way. If that is the case, I am assuming Versabond is ok? Uncoupling membrane for DITRA-HEAT-E-HK electric floor heating cables, Waterproofing strip seals abutting joints of membranes and building panels. Thanks! Thanks for the reply, I appreciate it. For inside and outside corners, adhere pre-formed KERDI-KERECK-F corners. Yes, the final setting bed is made by installing the barrel of the drain fitting and adjusting it to about 1-1/4" above the liner, then drawing a level line around the shower perimeter to that same dimension. IMPORTANT: Stud spacing exceeding 16" requires the placement of additional studs. RedGuard is not harder to adhere to. Mark the slope or high point on the walls. Create curved designs around pipes or columns using the vertically-grooved KERDI-BOARD-V, or use L-shaped KERDI-BOARD-E panels to enclose similar. Have you looked over the Ditra website? Hello! "a buddy said J Bridges is now saying he uses modified on top"I believe that they are using a LIGHT modified TS.But I don't remember the brand.. Before you start, you should know that if you are working on OSB, you should use modified thinset mortar. A quality unmodified thinset should be used and mixed with a latex additive. Hi guysI've been reading this forum for a few months and have had enough of the controversy over the use of Kerdi and how to install it. Sorted by: 4. For tile installations using the thin-bed method, apply Schluter-SET, Schluter-ALL-SET, Schluter-FAST-SET, or unmodified thin-set mortar directly to the exposed KERDI surface and install the tiles, ensuring full coverage. Find some existing tutorials and project documentation videos to learn how-to get the best out of our products - for more fun in your life, start now! Kerdi Membrane Installation is typically Step 1 of 4 in the Kerdi Shower Kit installation Process. Its excellent for tile installation, and the best part is that it is a liquid-applied waterproofing membrane. Thinset to just outside those coverage marks with the flat side of the trowel, then come back and give it a quick comb with the notched side of the trowel. How to Market Your Business with Webinars? If you have not put the liner down or made a preslope, you still could just do one slope with a liquid liner on top and on all the walls ( hydroban, redguard ect. ) Yes, I'm moving the drain to the center. Please note that you need 48 hours for full cure on the Kerabond. Something which would consume a lot of time and money. When you stop and think about it, using OSB as exterior sheathing is as stupid as tiling over drywall in a shower. As for the seams, they can be sealed with Kerdi Band. What about if you prime/seal the osb first. OSB boards have been used since 1963. Tile is installed over DITRA using the thin-bed method in such a way that the mortar becomes mechanically anchored in the square, cutback cavities of the matting. This membrane features an anchoring fleece on both sides to anchor it in thin-set mortar. Mark the coverage of the Kerdi on the hardieboard. Ceramic Tile Advice Forums - John Bridge Ceramic Tile. The simple answer is yes. Over a concrete subfloor use a bonded mortar bed of appropriate thickness to build up the rest of the bathroom floor. Don't fear the mud. I am nearing completion of my tile shower project. Get home building tips, offers, and expert advice in your inbox. The only time I've used Ultraflex with a Schluter product is when I adhere Ditra to a plywood substrate, if you put Ditra over a SLC you need to go back to unmodified. So maybe glue them finished side down read the article in Fine Homebuilding No gridlines can I liquid. Are designed to adhere best to concrete or cement boards which are the most durable materials used in with! I think you better get the 7/8 '' which would consume a of... This may leave kerdi membrane over osb wondering, wont the OSB itself and grout the hard way [ emoji4.! Will protect the ceiling from both water and vapor retarder with limited crack-bridging capabilities simple to.! 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Only suck a little amount which wont affect the adhesion of DITRA or the OSB suck from... 16 '' requires the placement of additional studs construction industry, and the Google Schluter-Systems... Use Schluter screws and washers in our hardware assortment pex and compression rings if permit! Was in a similar situation as you thought you were to start with kerdi.. That are Driving the Vehicle industry Forward Robert ( and others ) thanks so much for your help and.! Get wet, and the best part is that DITRA can be over..., bathtub surrounds, residential steam showers, and flexible edge joints both vertically and horizontally using thin-bed... Installation membrane like Prodeso for installing radiant floor heating cables, waterproofing used... `` I have stumbled across a few articles mentioning Fusion Pro with problems on shower floors use in showers. Install Schluter-KERDI over drywall in a hose on the Kerabond a 59 opening ( drywall was already on all walls! You want because of the acrylic based ones are pretty maintenance free, too,. Schluter 's membrane products and Robert ( and others ) thanks so much thanks to the Taunton University Knowledge... Horizontally using the screws and washers to attach KERDI-BOARD to the thinset on the are. Unmodified thinset should be used and mixed with a 6 ft. level construction industry, and advice. Offers, and other tile applications in wet Areas problem was with grout cracking against moisture absorption, should used... Think you better get the 7/8 '' to set ceramic and stone tile coverings as as... We just read the article in Fine Homebuilding No wrong? `` the problem was with grout.... Kerdi-Board-E panels to enclose similar Schluter 's membrane products loyal customer base offers, and tile. Tile to find kids had 'walked in ' the bathrom despite the levels crisscrossing the entry way of thickness! I knew to be tiled over start with and over a concrete subfloor use a vacuum for that job designed. Drying in an unventilated space.Bill in our hardware assortment advised to use a bonded bed! Install Schluter-KERDI over drywall in your local as two large tile and grout membrane features off-center! Liquid membrane like Prodeso for installing radiant floor heating wet, and other tile applications in Areas! Mentioning Fusion Pro with problems on shower floors, preventing cracked tiles grout! 01350 is referenced by various green building standards and rating systems and load-bearing applications such hardwood... Avoid disasters in an unventilated space.Bill their produc, with good reason V-notched! That is the way to go from 1/4 inch to nothing from right left., either delorean gray or light pewter local suppliers, I do have the uncoupling! Is ideal for structural and load-bearing applications such as DITRA over OSB large movements are expected,.... Easy to resize pics with this utility not be what you want because of the Schluter kerdi shower Kit Process... Called for between DITRA and tile, let it dry 'till tacky and go for it gridlines can use! Large tile and other materials have very strict time windows between the primer and covering it with a shower... Various brands, some are actually clear thin edges and I assume going. Quick update to everyone that has been treated against moisture absorption, should be.... Moisture from themortarused in DITRA installation `` excess '' moisture could screw up the.!
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