In the second egg, a browneye peeks out. There's trust. Slowly, Owen lifts his head, watching her go, her thudding footsteps retreating into the distance. I can track it from the control room! I got for 150 dollars but the mint condition one goes for 300, easy--. HOSKINSLet's move it out!This is happening!With or without you. MASRANI(interrupting)No, no, no, how's it doing? MASRANIOkay.I intend to personallylook into your projectto determine its viability within themoral principles of this company. Owen and Nick enter the main area of the enclosure through a side door. The glum-looking Zach follows a little ways behind, Zara walking beside him, having some difficulty keeping pace with him. This is not a drill! ], [cut to the hotel room as Zara opens the door and enters a lavish-looking hotel room with the boys entering behind her.]. She walks over to the flight up steps leading up to the observation tower. This fragile balance will reshape the future and determine, once and for all, whether human beings are to remain the apex predators on a planet they now share with history's most fearsome creatures. Echo and Delta attack the Indominus. She roars back. (notices Owen laughing)What? Owen is now talking with the InGen soldiers, explaining the mission. LOWERYYou should put that in the brochure. (presses the clicker) Very good! Twenty years ago, de-extinction was right up there with magic. And text me pics so I don't forget what you look like. You're the new guy, right? CLAIRE: Okay, so you just wait here. CLAIREI guess that Mr. Masrani thinks, since you are able to control the raptors(voice trails off). [Her smile and pleasant demeanor seem a little forced. This one's for you. Claire and Owen run towards the other ACU officers, and Owen begins to shoot the flying reptilians. BARRY ( To Hoskins. The paddock opens. Hey. He puts his sunglasses back on and pushes the throttle forward. Come on. Get caught in the fray as she's confronted by her archrival, the Tyrannosaurus rex, in an epic battle for the ages. She grabs a flare and a walkie talkie. Nick looks confused. Jurassic Park River Adventure . Claire visits Owen at his bungalow near the sea.[1]. The ride is full of surprises and is sure to get your heart racing. ], [We see park operations manager, CLAIRE DEARING riding on an elevator, talking to herself. Should I tranq 'em or are your comin' over to take care of this? Then what if they decide they wanna be in control? ZARA: Your aunt arranged to meet you at one o'clock. Workers rush around in a wild panic, trying to escape, as Indominus gets halfway through before the door closes on her. She clawed it out. ANNOUNCER(over P.A. the big fierce reptile of the sea thunders out of the water and snaps its jaw onto the Great-White dragging it under the water within lagoon and sending a pool of water over the audience. You guys can'tjust be walking up in HOSKINSSimon Masrani'sdeath was a tragedy.The new mission is to preventfurther loss of life. Yes, Jurassic World: The Ride is open. CLAIREThe lab delivers us new assets and we show them to public. At least she knows that means food. CLAIRE(into the phone)Yeah. the ride is closed. CLAIREWe're up two and a half percent over last year, a bit lower than our initial projections--. AUTOMATED VOICEDue to technical difficultiesall our exhibits are now closed.Please disembark all ridesand return to the resort. GRAY: When they first opened, they had eight species. Lowery's desk is covered with toy dinosaurs and he's wearing a Jurassic Park shirt instead of a Jurassic World one. Fortunately, the tip remained on,so it doesn't spill. That is damn good. )Inbound chopper, Jurassic 1. The huge door begins to open. Come on, honey your flight's in two hours. HOSKINSOoh!You ever open them up,see what they can do? Welcome to Jurassic Park! ZACHHey, don't wander off, all right? What is happening? Masrani tries his best to avoid the reptilian birds, but suddenly, one grabs one officer. He has to be smarter. Owen watches her go, then turns and looks back out the window. Now, both dinos are fighting. )So then what should we do?What do you suggest we do? These doors haven't been opened in weeks. Jurassic World - The Ride. [1] Contents 1 Ride 2 Prehistoric Creatures 3 Gallery She continues down, still talking on her phone, but in a hurry to finish the conversation. ZACH:Turn it on!GRAY:I don't know how!ZACH:Now! When the elevator doors open, Claire is looking right at the camera. The others threatened to quit if I couldn't guarantee their safety. ( While in the Gyrosphere, )GRAY: Drive! Owen follows. Technicians work diligently. Are the animals enjoying life? LOWERYThat's good.You don't mention him, ever. Sponsored . Claire grabs Owen's gun, and smacks the dino in the head, making it yelp. Jurassic World: The Ride is a new attraction at Universal Studios Hollywood that opened on July 12, 2019 and is considered a thrill ride. ], [She grins at his apparent inability to tell her he loves her. GRAYHurry up!Hey!Help!Open the gate!Let us in!Open it up!- Come on!- Come on!That's a first.Open the gate!Open the gate!Let us in! Nothing in Jurassic World is natural. The Mosasaur grabs the last of the Great-White shark eating it whole then rapidly biting it. then Fade in to showtwo eggs beginning to hatch, with a title reading "universal presents, an amblimation film. Come with us now to a time before man when the river flowed through a new-born world and giants walked the earth. WUThe embryos are safe here.They can live up to eightweeks on the generators. Your safetyis our main concern.Now just re--laxand enjo--y the ride. My nephews are here. MAN #2(radio chatter)Yeah, got ahead and tranq 'em--. Claire closes the small door, blocking the boys from seeing what's playing on the tablet. ], [Gray rushes excitedly through the crowd as they all step onto a escalator]. The copter zooms off over the jungle. CLAIRE: Damn it, Lowery, be a man and do something for once in your life. Hoskins looks upset as he slowly puts his arm down. Owen places a hand over her mouth, and quickly shushes her. Celebrity visitors. HENRY WU:(He swallows his tea quickly, surprised) Really? CLAIREAnd what kind of a manshows up to a date in boardshorts? As she hangs up and reaches the bottom, Gray runs up and hugs her. Let's go! VIVIAN: We have eyes on the target,south of the Aviary.Proceed and engage. Owen lies back, perfectly still, as the dinosaur's bloodied, gore-encrusted jaws inch closer and closer until finally she withdraws, rising up out of view, and walks away. Jurassic World Park Operations Manager Claire Dearing prepares upcoming riders to ride a new rollercoaster in the Raptor paddock while Raptor behavioral expert Owen McGrady warns against it. Yeah, it's me.We might have an opportunity here. LOWERYClaire, I'm telling you, she's in the cage! Rexy is seen stomping on the old helicopter pad. MANAGER: (at the tourists)Sorry, folks. He isn't paying attention. CLAIREYeah, it's uh kinda what we do here. After years of studying genetics the scientists on the park genetically engineer a new breed of dinosaur. GRAYCytosine, guanine, adenine and thymine. He screams out in horror and pain. Back to Zach and Gray. Suddenly, the Indominus Rex appears. HOSKINSThe mother henhas finally arrived. CLAIREShe has an implant in her back! Gray and Zach stand at the rail.]. GRAY: Dane County Airport is thirty-six minutes away, sixty with traffic. 22 years after the original Jurassic Park failed, the new park (also known as Jurassic World) is open for business. [In the center of the lobby is a holographic platform, currently displaying a life-size projection of an Apatosaurus which roars, seemingly at the boys. We don't have a way to measure the animals' emotional experience. How long has InGen been practicing this pitch? The hybrid roars back, running towards the Ankylosaurus. Some people think that robots are the future. MASRANILet Asset Containment capture it quietly. She walks around the left side as Nick, mustering his courage, peers around the right front bumper. Go. WUEverything mustbe accounted for.I want all backupgenerators online.Where have you been? Claire gets aboard and sits in the backseat. ], [Zach responds by putting his headphones on. Go! MASRANIOkay, now show me my new dinosaur Everyone braces. ANNOUNCER: The triceratops could go horn-to tooth with T.Rex. You can't put a price on that. Jurassic World (2015) - full transcript. The rebranded and upgraded Jurassic . CLAIREOkay, so, um, have fun. The minute a real war breaks out, all that fancy tech is gonna go dark. Let him inspect the paddock. The original Jurassic Park: The Ride, which operated from June 21, 1996, to September 3, 2018, underwent a major refurbishment and reopened as Jurassic World: The Ride. WU: Oh, Indominus wasn't bred. CLAIREPlease, no.Do not tell your mother about that, ever. One falls, and Zach holds Gray's hand, who's screaming and crying. MAN: Did they give youthe green light yet?HOSKINS: They will. Today turned outto be a really bad day for me.They're in great hands.They're with my assistant.She's British,so they invented nannies.Wait, are you crying? Announcements over the P.A. You come here and youdon't learn anything about these animals except what you want to know. The ride takes guests on a thrilling journey through the Jurassic Park movie set, where they can see dinosaurs up close and personal. The vehicles converge on the Indominus Rex. The raptors try to follow and ram their heads into the metal. We'regonna get arrested.They'll shave our heads,and we're gonna have to makeroot beer in the toilet. CLAIREOk, ok. Can we just focus on the asset, please? It clicks in her head. [Gray waves goodbye as he and Zach head through the gate to board.]. She looks over the island, and lets out a proud, loud roar. ], [Zach looks sullen and doesn't reply. PARK ANNOUNCER: Welcome to the Innovation Center, where technology meets prehistory. CLAIREThey say it can sense thermal radiation, like snakes. But then, the Mosasaurus jumps out of the water, chomping on Zara and the Pteradon that is holding her. ZACHYeah.See, nothing is gonna get youwhile I'm around, okay? [Gray gawps at everything he sees. Only static anwsers. Join us on an exciting journey 65 million years into the past. Triceratops is half as tall as T. rex [Cut to a theater where children and their parents are watching a documentary about the extinction of the dinosaurs.]. CLAIREHoskins, you wanted this to happen,you son of a bitch! Transit to the jungle, where the team have dismounted their vehicles and proceeded on foot to the I rex. We have always filled gaps in the genome with the DNA of other animals. Kinda like the space program. HENRY WU:All of this exists because of me. KAREN: How many minutes to get your little butt in the van? Karen is going over the plane ticket with Gray.]. Owen, Clarie Mitch and Zack leave. You might want to change your shirt, there very sensitive to smell. [She turns to hand the tickets to Zach. The two boys trudge over to meet Zara. Claire runs towards the hybrid, throwing the flare. It's gonna be a while.We've got our hands full out here. While uneaten, he is crushed as the Rex flattens him. ], [Zach's girlfriend waves to him. CLAIRESecurity said the invisible fences were a no-fail. AUTOMATED VOICEParents be aware,this show may bedisturbing for smaller children. Last time I saw you, you were like She holds a hand at about roughly Gray's height. Beyond the hotel room balcony, we see John Hammond's dream come true as the sun burns bright onto Jurassic World and built beside the fences of the Mosasaur Lagoon stands the Monorail. I need your help.My nephews, they'reout in the Valley.Please, if anythinghappens to them Owen leads a scared Claire away from the crowd. On the park map, a blinking red dot indicates trouble in the Restricted Area. Claire is sitting with the boys. VIVIAN(surprised)He just got five milligrams of carfentanil. The fight begins! where one shows a 3d DNA strand]. In response, a 3-D representation of MR. DNA appears onscreen. Henry Wu sees people in the tourist hallway and recognisesSimon Masrani looking at him. ( He reaches over, grabbing Lowery's drink. GRAY: ( Terrified, )Go, go, go!ZACH: Shit!Hold it together, man! MR. DNA(for the next visitor)Test your knowledge! I've just seen they can respond to commands. Near the end of the ride, the pendulum abruptly fell almost 26 meters . How many lives would that save? MASRANIBut your program was totest their intelligence. We hear crunching sounds. She screams in the water as well, flailing about. VIVIAN: She can sense thermal radiation.Our emergency measuresjust put all the warmbodies in one place. She flops back into the water. The entire room watches in silence and horror. You can see in their eyes, right? LOWERYI like to think of it as a living system. PARK ANNOUNCER: Welcome to Isla Nublar, home of Jurassic World. HOSKINSYeah, it was.And we did.And in the process,we learned something.They follow orders.You see, thesolution to your crisisis standing rightin front of you. KARENYou were supposed tocall me when you landed.Are you having fun? ], [A large white ferry sails across the water. CLAIREBoys, it's your parents.It's your parents.Come on, come on. By the rear door of the paddock, we can see numerous deep scratch marks in the concrete going up very high. Soon, the hyrbid snaps her foes neck. OWEN: Easy, Blue.Easy.Attagirl.You don't scare me. Lowery and Vivian exchange confused glances. AUTOMATED VOICEThe next T. rex feeding will begin in 10 minutes. It was terrible, but(gushing again)That first park was legit! ], ["Merry Little Christmas" plays in the background. Because Ijust hung up with Zach,and he said that youweren't even with them. mantaguy Veteran Member. I got it on eBay. Claire: Hold on. 5.3M views 10 months ago Jurassic World Dominion is the final film in the Jurassic World franchise and Universal Studios Hollywood opened Jurassic World: The Ride in 2019. LOWERYWe can't lock him in there with that thing! They run over. GRAY:What do you think's gonna happen from you just staring at them? Right?Easy.I'm on your side. Hey! GRAYBut you're notalways gonna be around. Claire notices something, interrupting him. Jurassic World: The Ride is a refurbished version of the Jurassic Park: The Ride at Universal Studios Hollywood themed to Jurassic World. You should hear a four year old try to say "Archaeornithomimus.". CLAIRE OWENI'm okay. ANNOUNCERThe Mosasaurus was thought to have hunted near the surface of the water where it could prey on anything it could sink its teeth into. CLAIREOkay, I'm sorry.Tomorrow, I'm gonna spendthe entire day with them.I'm going to take off work,and I will not leave their side.I promise. Claire gasps as suddenly the aircraft lifts up awkwardly into the air. They spot Zara, who turns to them. PERSON ON THE OTHER END Lowery shuts off the control room. Zach reaches down, and Gray shoves him, seeing the hybrid staring at them. CLAIREYour raptors are born in captivity OWENWith siblings. CLAIREMr. Jurassic World exists to remind us how very small we are. They brace themselves once more as the helicopter flies past a waterfall and comes in low over Paddock 11. Jada Nano Hollywood Rides: 1.65" Jurassic World 3-pack set . Now please (turns in his seat and smiles) we're flying! Look, nature gave us the most effective killing machines 75 million years ago. Stay right there.I'm on my way. There'sone in the field. Something enormous begins moving through the trees at the far end of the enclosure. Is swallowed whole while firing his shotgun at the monster. BARRYWhat do you think?Want to take one home? A high-tech control room consisting of numerous consoles and workstations facing a huge wall of monitors, the center most of which displays a map of the island. In the control room, the personnel watch as the chaos ensues. Masrani, Lowery and Vivian listen to Ellis' screams over the radio. Delta! SCOTT: Zach, you're not goin' off to war, here. Finally, Zach and Gray break free. But, you know, close. Jurassic World: The Ride is a dark ride / water ride attraction that is themed to the Jurassic World series at Universal Studios Hollywood.The original Jurassic Park: The Ride, which operated from June 21, 1996, to September 3, 2018, underwent a major refurbishment and reopened as Jurassic World: The Ride.. Hogwarts Express: Kings Cross Station. CLAIRE: The good news? The very existence of this park is predicated on our ability to handle incidents like this. Claire enters holding a Starbucks coffee cup and addresses two of the technicians, VIVIAN KRILL and LOWERY CRUTHERS. LOWERYI didn't know that you guys were,like, together-together. MAN #1(radio chatter)Two juvenile Triceratops are goin' at it again. The Indominus rex makes us relevant again. OWENWatch your six.Raptors got a new alpha. Jurassic World ~ Nano Hollywood Rides ~ Jada ~ Die Cast . Since the day we hired you out of the Navy. Owen pushes past Nick and the three begin running for the door they entered through. Um "Cooler" (He laughs) I believe is the word that you used in your memo. OWENNever seen anything outside of these walls? A trooper heads towards the camera, and a stun device in his hand is activated as he does, the blue bolt visible. You listen.The park's gonna be Channel 11 by morning.Okay? We need to take the research and get it on its feet. We're the same. Zach looks down, and see's that his Aunt is calling him. What is this here? I was just there! Great idea. There's a pointyou have to grow up. It greatly resembles that of the original Jurassic Park, complete with lit torches, except it reads "JURASSIC WORLD" in large blue letters. To a man, he asked, )Are you recording this thing? Blue runs off, alone. GREYLook. Everything is fine. The phone rings. [She grabs his bag and they walk out together. CLAIRE: It means I'm ready to go.OWEN: Okay.Let's get one thing straight.I'm in charge out here.You do everything I say,exactly as I say it. More teeth. 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