Id have to work at installing either a pull start or electric start, even if it meant not flying under FAR Part 103. The wreckage path angle of decent was about 60 degrees, heading approximately 290 degrees. My teeth were wired shut for 10 weeks and I was fed through a tube in my stomach. Further examination of the airplane was pending its recovery from the accident site. No preexisting mechanical anomalies were noted by the inspector. He liked the design, but wanted to make some modifications to the plans. The ups and downs I have put this woman through over the last 44 years, you wouldnt believe. The aircraft was on its nose, partially in a tree, with one of the wings completely crumpled. Add to cart. Bucs WR expected to be released from hospital, Bucs fans come ready for battle in matchup with Cowboys, Tampa Bay rolls into 17th Annual Soul Roll Skate, TOBA to host 43rd Annual MLK Leadership Breakfast, Artists create business despite the odds, educate. Hummel wrote, "I crashed my miniMAX on July 19, 1995. Toxicological testing was subsequently performed by the FAA Forensic Toxicology Research Team, Oklahoma City, Oklahoma, which identified amlodipine in liver and blood, and valsartan in liver and blood. back and install the proper material. 37HP Hummel Engine with MGL ASV-1. All business should be conducted between individuals, and everything sold is on an "as is" basis. Plans, UltraCruiser quantity. Read the aircraft specifications below this introduction for more. A flight review occurred on March 16, 2012, in a Piper J3-85, and from March 2012 until the accident, the pilot accumulated an additional 21 hours, of which, 3.8 hours were in the accident airplane. He reported a loss of power when he was attempting to land. Some builders will yearn for more panel space for goodies. Fire crews say there are no hazards reported from the aircraft. Great builder and test pilot. In such tight-quarters flying I make nearly continuous throttle adjustments and the vernier control worked against this, at least when combined with the engines slower response (compared to a 2-cycle engine). For detailed history of the UltraCruiser, please view our About page. The acquisition wascompleted in January of 2021. The UltraCruiser was designed as the first all metal ultra light in 1998. The plane went down around 2:30 Monday afternoon less than five miles from Zephyrhills Municipal. Cons Entry wont be easy for some less agile owners. Can be seen in Bryan, OH (Airport: 0G6). Pasco Fire Rescue says no one else was on board. After he sold several kits, he sold his plane and the dealership. They have put a pin in his wrist and are Share on email. These days, Scott Casler produces Hummels converted engine in a location different from Hummel Aviation. Myra quickly rolled up her sleeves and dove into the business to help Morry with Hummel Aviation. The war effort dictated no more 450 Prat & Whitney engines, which caused Howard Aircraft to close. And probably most of all, my wife Deb. Hence, Hummel Aviation was born. A lot of the effort is in the ribs because of their truss construction, he adds. The original Hummel Bird was designed for: 5-foot, 7-inch pilot weighing 160 pounds. This should be the final word on this subject. The rest of the Fleet has done well through time with more than 80 Ultracruisers and hundreds of Hummelbirds flying. Attempts to restore power were unsuccessful. Friends of James Hargrove say the plane reportedly lost engine power and that the pilot suffered a broken ankle in the wreck. Kits and plans for the UltraCruiser are available from: Hummel Aviation 16288 County Rd D Bryan, OH 43506 Telephone: 419-636-6700 Email: Website: After exchanging telephone numbers they went on to see their families. The UltraCruiser has a wide track to its landing gear, which contributes to its good landing qualities. No other details were released about the incident, including the identity of the pilot or went wrong with the aircraft. About his experience, he writes, My UltraCruiser climbs very well.He didnt provide numbers about the climb rates as he says the panel is too small for a VSI when he prefers more important instruments.But he notes the 37-hp UltraCruiser accelerates to 75 to 80 mph at full throttle and holds that airspeed with about 3,100 rpm. I consider this a good performance for a small engine at a high starting elevation. The aircraft was designed with safety in mind, and with it's "G" rating of 4, it proves to be one of the strongest ultralight aircraft around. The UltraCruisers tailwheel lifts quickly and ground run was short. Kate passed away in 1989 after suffering a stroke. Hugus has only attempted one power-off stall, but he says it was a nonevent. "Was he alive or dead? ORIGINAL STORY: One person was injured when a homemade aircraft crashed in Zephyrhills on Monday afternoon, according to crews that responded to the scene. 1644 I received the following report on the pilot, "His wrist was pretty bad and also his left foot. Bob Porter is a pilot and owns the property where the experimental aircraft crashed. Finally, pilot Jayson Scantlen adds his thoughts. While I was in the hospital for 5 months, I had time to think. He made these options available for his kits. I found it an inspiring story. He likes it so much that he often does a touch-and-go just so I can go around and do it all over again. Scantlen recorded touchdown at 25 mph and notes he has very little rollout at that speed. He added that folks often comment to him how impressed they are with his UltraCruisers performance. Ask Hummel Aviation for details. Pros Four-stroke power is worth giving up systems to some pilots. He will Based on the pilots recent reported dizziness, the findings of severe coronary artery disease, and evidence of heart muscle damage, it is likely that the pilot was impaired or incapacitated when he lost control of the airplane as a result of low blood pressure due to medications, worsening heart disease, or an irregular heart rhythm. Minimum instruments and price. Landing is my favorite part, he says. unreg. People like me need a throttle. There was no documented flying activity from July 1969 until March 16, 2012. I try to avoid it now, though Ill accept such a start from someone who doesnt mind the threat. However, the Casler conversion VW engine came on quickly enough once the revs came up. Celebrating Kwanzaa in Tampa Bay: history, culture,, Everything you need to go sledding this winter, FHP searching for Dade City driver who killed bicyclist, NJ authorities seeking owner who abandoned alligator, Garbage truck strikes woman, 71, critically injuring, Man missing at sea after huge fish pulled him overboard, DeSantis aims to expand COVID-19 protections in FL, Fla. Lottery launches 4 games with over $540M in, Hotbins: Tampa shoppers go wild for resale store. Great mechanic and attention to detail. Cons Longitudinal stability test didnt work well as the UltraCruiser has only a fixed trim tab that wasnt perfect for my weight (though light elevator forces made coping easy). In 1939 Morry went to Chicago to work on Howard DGA-15s, making metal compound curved fairings and engine cowls. distribution: As always, left click on most photos to see larger photo. He flew his Mini-Max to Osh Kosh in 1988 and 1994. He promised Him that he would tell people about Jesus if he would let him live through these injuries. She is the best. Jacobs patiently gave me a preflight review of the ultralight and provided an approximation of flight qualities that proved to be right on the mark. The pilot was taken to the hospital with minor injuries. News & Video on Light-Sport Aircraft, Sport Pilot Kits, and Ultralight Aircraft, February 17, 2004 by Dan Johnson 5 Comments. God had spared my life for a reason. [1], The aircraft is made from sheet aluminum. Pros Many pilots believe safety is enhanced when the engine is in front of the pilot. A spokesperson with Pasco Fire Rescue says the NTSB has been notified. No flaps to permit low and slow over-the-field flying. Panel: UMA Analog Airspeed, AvMap EFIS, MGL Digital Oil Temp/Pressure/Volts, Flight Data Systems T-30 Tach, Garmin GPS 396. Hallett says he got involved to help upgrade the drawings and he ended up purchasing the enterprise. Ive done these starts and they arent particularly hard. The UltraCruiser can be purchased as plans-only, partial kit, or full parts-kit. The UltraCruisers flight qualities really put a smile on myface. New ready-to-fly Ultracruiser. "While I was in the hospital for 5 months, I had time to think. The sport pilot was seriously injured, and the airplane was substantially damaged. In 1974 Morry purchased a Corbin Jr. According to the FAA inspector, the airplane's initial impact point was in a tree, about 50 feet above the ground, in the vicinity of 34 degrees, 27.03 minutes north latitude, 084 degrees, 55.83 minutes west longitude. An FAA review of his logbook revealed a total time of 142 hours, with 121.0 hours daylight, 8.7 hours night, 100.6 hours dual and 41.5 hours solo through the end of July 1969. He said the two hardest things he had to do were getting the bulkheads lined up on the building beam, and remembering to stop working on it and go to bed! On the contrary, Hummel is one of aviations pioneers with many years of experience. Like Hugus, Jacobs feels landings are easy, but he adds, Proper airspeed is important, as this bird is slippery and loves to float. I also found these qualities and I tried slower approach speeds to reduce the float. Read more below, or look at buying a kit on our store page! It is a single-seat, single-engine, all-metal airplane typically powered by a 1/2 VW engine in the 32 hp-45 hp range although . Stall recovery and characteristics; Dampening; Spiral stability; Adverse yaw qualities. Quality and quantity for: Coordination; Authority; Pressures; Response; and Coupling. "While I was in the hospital for 5 months, I had time to think. Flight control continuity was confirmed, but with numerous flight control surfaces separated from the cockpit controls, consistent with impact overload. The pilot reported a loud bang. He married Kate in 1938 and they had two children. This saves a lot of time compared to scaling up from smaller drawings or creating drawings from measurements. It simply sounded like a VW Beetle engine running at low revolutions and was a pleasant change from a 2-stroke whine or the higher-rev noise produced by the Rotax 912 series. Shop Ultracruiser Classic - One of the only FAR Part 103 all-metal ultralights around! A spokesman for Pasco Fire Rescue says the crash happened on Paddock Lane near Simmons Road on Monday around 2:30 p.m. Deputies say the pilot reported that he lost power while attempting the land the aircraft and ended up crashing it into a tree. There's no word yet on the cause of the crash. The wing Hi Fred: It is not to my awareness, but its always best to contact the manufacturer. Any errors in this report will be corrected when the final report has been completed. The UltraCruiser is a joy to fly. They have one at the factory ready to go for $31,000 but Im pretty sure you can talk him down. Hugus also reports that another UltraCruiser builder, Jack Roberts, designed a spring-loaded cartridge for the tailwheel steering arm, which damps the tailwheel response. This genuine ultralight resembles a metal form of TEAMs miniMAX, and it holds weight and speed without trouble, says the company. It's far from the first crash he's seen after years in aviation but this was the first to, quite literally, hit this close to home. It is still one of the only all metal part 103 ultralights in the world. Jacobs concludes that after flying 43 different ultralights, the UltraCruiser is one of the nicest hes flown. #1. The Hummel Ultra Cruiser single engine plane's tail number is registered to James Hargrove, of Tampa. Arrangements were then made to take the same flight on their way home so they would be able to talk some more. PA. Oct 23, 2009. Based on proven Hummel Bird design, which has a long history. Construction time from the supplied kit is estimated as 420 hours. It really showed, too. Hummel Aviation is positioning the UltraCruiser Plus as a candidate for FAAs proposed Light-Sport Aircraft category. The UltraCruiser is a Part 103legal all metal ultralight, 6.5 ft.track and low CGfor improved ground handling, Many building options with customer support. The engine on our test aircraft produced 37 hp. Morry learned to fly in 1959 and his first solo was in an Aeronca Champ. After maneuvering in the vicinity of the airport, the airplane flew at a low altitude, and descended towards the approach end of the runway opposite of its initial departure. NTSB investigators may not have traveled in support of this investigation and used data provided by various sources to prepare this aircraft accident report. I had been told to expect this. That's the first thing that comes to your mind when I saw he landed straight in, the airplane stalled, it went right into the tree, nose down," said Porter. Excellent visibility throughout landing approach. The VW-style engine spools up noticeably slower than a 2-stroke engine but a vernier throttle (one that smoothly adjusts by twisting or screwing) allowed precise control of the power setting. Taxi visibility; Steering; Turn radius; Shock absorption; Stance/Stability; Braking. $18,000. Terry Hallettcontinues to operate Hummel Aviation in Ohio offering custom services to builders and owners, such as ready-to-fly aircraft and restorations/rebuilds/repairs of existing aircraft. It can even function well at high elevation fields.The Half VWs 37 horses display a lot of energy and I estimate the brief launch roll was 100 to 150 feet. Despite the smoothly contoured aluminum fuselage, the UltraCruiser showed respectable slips. Long flights will require extra attention to seat comfort. Your email address will not be published. Their noise is less whine and of lower decibels than most 2-strokes, fuel economy is substantially better, and ecological concerns favor the 4-stroke over the 2-cycle engine. He received a letter from the FAA shortly thereafter, requesting that he no longer fly a certified aircraft, as he had never renewed his medical after his heart surgery. Half-VW engine or equivalent 4-stroke. Im just glad hes not hurt any worse than he is, Porter said, noting he has seen less-damaging plane crashes that still proved to be fatal. . Building times are reported to be between 320 and 600 hours depending on what kit the builder is building. He got his pilots license on February 20, 1960. Climb is very vigorous at 1,000 fpm. In my several trials, they always broke through, dropping the nose, but it was nothing too radical. Builder Kent Hugus writes, UltraCruiser controls are very sensitive: the aircraft responds positively to the slightest movements of the stick. However, he believes the rudder is too small and its response sluggish. No medical or license required! The aircraft is supplied as a kit or plans for amateur construction or as a complete ready-to-fly aircraft. This is a part 103 legal UltraCruiser assembled from a kit. They were instrumental in taking the small operation I purchased from Morry and getting it organized into what it is today. The VW conversion is a Hummel creation now built by another company. Hummel Ultracruiser Rebuild part 1 4,723 views Jan 6, 2021 82 Dislike Share Lewis N. Clark 596 subscribers A walk-around of my recently acquired Hummel Ultracruiser Ultralight airplane. I lost my right leg below the knee, my left leg was badly broken, and my face crushed. Anyone have any insight? It felt very stable on the ground. The Hummel Ultra Cruiser single engine planes tail number is registered to James Hargrove, of Tampa. This is a place where we learn what not to do next time. Hummel H5. The H5 is a complete redesign and features a full 4-cylinder VW engine. Hugus home field sits at 5,600 feet MSL. The aircraft is small and efficient yet rugged, rated for 6G's. The Hummelbird was designed to use a 1/2 Volkswagen. He first became interested in aviation when he was in the 7th grade, at which time he began building award winning model airplanes. No medical or license required! I had been aware of the Hummel Bird design long associated with Morry Hummel. Recently completed with 3 hours of test flight. My faith has opened so many doors over the years. But, like all pilots, I make my share of mistakes. SHOP ULTRACRUISER | Hummel Aircraft Shop Ultracruiser Classic - One of the only FAR Part 103 all-metal ultralights around! Weekends Fuselage, Motorbox, Center Wing complete and Landing Gear complete. Though most customers will regard the UltraCruiser as scratch kit meaning you must obtain many raw material items and fabricate them to the plans Hummel Aviation doesoffer a selection of prefabricated parts. In 2003, the Ultracruiser plus was modified to incorporate new changes that made the aircraft easier to build, and more closely match the rest of the Hummel Fleet. If you buy all the parts Hummel Aviation can sell you, youll slice 200 hours off the 600 and if you also choose their new quick-build wing, you can reduce the total to 320 to 340 hours. Hummel UltraCruiser, Part 103 Legal Ultralight Hummel Aircraft Ultralight Aircraft Buyers Guide 2022 - He. We are excited to see how far Hummel can go and cant wait to see everyone at OshKosh 2021 (booth 946 in Ultralight Area). Hummel Half VW 4-stroke engine, cantilever wing, monocoque construction, mostly enclosed cabin, detachable wings, steerable tailwheel, all-metal coverings. All parts are pre-cut, pre-drilled, and designed to make construction easy and streamlined for new and experienced builders. However, I cannot verify the very slow touchdown speed he reports and Im aware most gauges are not accurate at such low speeds. According to Pasco Fire Rescue, the pilot was transported to the hospital with moderate injuries. However, I found the UltraCruiser to be quite sprightly in its performance, and others, whom Ill quote later inthis article, echo my feelings. VW Engine built by Scott Cassler, Completed Plans-Built Part 103 Compliant Ultracruiser, - Cassler 32 HP 1/2 VW (with 2 hours of engine time). List all LSA Services each one verified to have the airplane or expertise you seek. Hummel Aviations UltraCruiser Plus has a 6.5-foot gear track for improved ground handling. When I get an idea and just takeoff, Steve is the guy that reins me in and sets a better pace. Polk County man wins $5M top lottery prize, Man denies offering to sell venomous snake after, Manhunt underway after shots fired toward officers, Worlds largest triceratops to be featured in exhibit, Bounce house festival making stop in St. Pete, Teen with cerebral palsy gets accepted into Harvard, Do Not Sell or Share My Personal Information. He finished his project in July of 1980. "He was bruised all over but he was still coherent and able to talk to us.". This was one of the first SNF events. Federal Aviation Administration spokeswoman Kathleen Bergen says the amateur-built aircraft crashed in the woods after departing from the Tom B. David airport in Calhoun at about 2 p.m. Tuesday. I've not read anything particularly bad about the Hummel designs, just curious as Ive been leaning toward purchase of a set of H-5 plans. I have had my eyes on the Hummel a/c for a while now as well, especially the new H-5. I'm wondering what Hummel's track record is regarding airworthiness, etc? I found no tendency for the UltraCruiser to drop a wing at stall, another desirable characteristic. Facebook Youtube Google-plus. Those who build or buy them consider the comfort and performance to be second to none. His workmanship was fantastic. Circumstances prevented me from flying one of the intriguing little aircraft in the past, but when factory helper Jon Jacobs brought the UltraCruiser to Floridas South Lakeland Airpark, I was ready. Compared to the Rotax 582 and its 65 hp or even the Rotax 503 and its 50 horses, the Half VW with 37 hp the highest power offered by Hummels 2-cylinder powerplants sounds rather weak. Long ground float will stymie landings after a too-fast approach. The National Transportation Safety Board determines the probable cause(s) of this accident as follows: The pilots impairment or incapacitation due to the effects of medication, worsening cardiac disease, or cardiac arrhythmia, which resulted in his loss of control of the airplane. Affordability, and the info about several of them folding up in level flight have pretty much nixed that plane off my list of potential a/c. In order to keep the UltraCruiser within Part 103 with its 4-stroke engine, pull or electric starting simply isnt feasible. Microscopic evaluation of the heart was not conducted. The Hummel Ultracruiser (also variously called the Ultra Cruiser and UltraCruiser) is an American amateur-built aircraft, designed by Morry Hummel and produced by Hummel Aviation. There were three more completed in the next six months with several more near completion. Then if you back far enough, we had Mike Ingram and Tammy Sperling. The airplane's initial impact point was in a tree, about 50 feet above the ground, in the vicinity of 34 degrees, 27.03 minutes north latitude, 084 degrees, 55.83 minutes west longitude. 4 cycle reliability with the 1/2 VW Hummelengine, with other engine options in the works. Hummel wrote, "I crashed my miniMAX on July 19, 1995. The Hummel Ultracruiser (also variously called the Ultra Cruiser and UltraCruiser) is an American amateur-built aircraft, designed by Morry Hummel and produced by Hummel Aviation. "He's very lucky he didn't have the engine in his face," said Ferman Geiger. CALHOUN Police and federal officials say a single-engine plane crashed and burst into flames shortly after takeoff Calhoun. Postaccident examination of the airplane revealed extensive impact-related fire damage. He blacked out. No one else was hurt. It just might do the same for you. The pilot reported a loud bang. No word yet on what caused the planes engine to cut off. LiFePo 16Ah battery with charger for panel and secondary ignition. Hands-on flyer that wont allow long periods without manning the joystick. According Airframe is plans built to comply with Part 103. "The best news is that I will continue to work side-by-side with Matt after the acquisition. Harley Hargrove tells ABC Action News, it's time for her husband to take a break from flying. A Tampa pilot is recovering after the plane he built by hand crashed into a Zephyrhills cow pasture. New 45hp Casler Engine - hand prop, dual ignition. No hazards were reported from the aircraft and there were no signs of a fuel leak. The aircraft was designed with safety in mind, and with it's "G" rating of 4, it proves to be one of the strongest ultralight aircraft around. NTSB investigators may not have traveled in support of this investigation and used data provided by various sources to prepare this aircraft accident report. letting the swelling go down from his foot to fix it. Landings went very well. The pilot sustained "moderate injuries" and was taken to local hospital, the agency said. The plane was a single-engine, amateur-built experimental Hummel H5 aircraft, according to Kathleen Bergen of the FAA. PLANS AND INFORMATION PACK FOR HOMEBUILD WV ONE SEAT SIMPLE & CHEAP BUILD FULL METAL PART103 ULTRALIGHT, Click to share on Facebook (Opens in new window), Click to share on Pinterest (Opens in new window), Click to share on Twitter (Opens in new window), Click to share on WhatsApp (Opens in new window), Click to share on Telegram (Opens in new window), Click to share on Skype (Opens in new window), Click to share on Pocket (Opens in new window), Click to share on LinkedIn (Opens in new window), Click to share on Reddit (Opens in new window), Click to share on Tumblr (Opens in new window), N3-PUP, SUPER-PUP, ULTRA-PUP TANDEM PRECEPTOR, WITTMAN TAILWIND W-10 + CALLBIE METAL WING, GENERAL AVIATION AIRCRAFT DESIGN: Applied Methods and Procedures, SPORTY`S COMPLETE INSTRUMENT RATING COURSE, JEPPESEN GFD PRIVATE PILOT AND INSTRUMENT COMMERCIAL VIDEO SERIES,,, Hummel-Ultra Cruiser Plus, privately owned and operated, N245AP: Accident occurred October 15, 2018 near Zephyrhills Municipal Airport (KZPH), Pasco County, Florida The National Transportation Safety Board did not travel to the scene of this accident. It lacks the big engine sound of more potent powerplants, but its audibly different than any 2-stroke. after departing the airport. Steering is via a foot bar, that is, a solid bar that pivots much like that go-cart you made as a kid. I had help along the way from my dear wife Myra and friends. Its designer, Morry Hummel, was not a young engineer with a passion for flying ultralights. But there is no way we would be where we are without some really great people. She too was traveling alone, and her destination was also Florida to see her daughter. Though the Bird must be licensed Experimental, and though it has to be N-numbered and flown with an FAA certificate, the older model only weighs 300 pounds empty. Morry Hummel originally build the Hummel Bird because he had survived a bad crash in a Minimax. Secure seat belts were installed on test UltraCruiser. All parts are pre-cut, pre-drilled, and designed to make construction easy and streamlined for new and experienced builders. A photo released by the Sheriffs Office showed the crushed fuselage of the plane against a large tree, whats left of the nose pointing down, the destroyed tail sticking up in the air and the left win nearly ripped off. The airplane was being operated under the provisions of Title 14 Code of Federal Regulations Part 91 as a personal flight. Why are Phillips screws still so dominant in the aviation space? Pros All-American design for those who enjoy single-place flying. by: WFLA 8 On Your Side Staff, Victoria Price. Its 25ft (7.6m) span wing employs a Harry C. Riblett GA30-618 airfoil and has an area of 112sqft (10.4m2). You are using an out of date browser. ZEPHYRHILLS, Fla. (WFLA) - UPDATED STORY: A Tampa pilot is recovering after the plane he built by hand crashed into a Zephyrhills cow pasture. Matt has over 35 years in aviation which includes being certified to pilot in various aircraft, flight and ground school instruction, flight simulator design and build, instructing aeronautics at the University level, and of course, building ultralight and experimental aircraft. No 2-seat models are available or planned. It is still one of the only all metal part 103 ultralights in the world. Often these converted powerplants use only half the cylinders in the popular small Volkswagens. Ground clearance is minimal at tail; keep your tail flying in the event of an out-landing. Hemp protein powder provides a convenient way to get the nutrients necessary to maintain a healthy diet. The UltraCruisers rudder was proportionately weaker than the ailerons, but I only found this by slipping hard to a landing where I was able to exhaust the rudder range (at relatively slow speeds). Pros The UltraCruiser makes Part 103 and so can your 4-stroke-powered ultralight. My faith has opened so many doors over the years. All messages must be civil in tone; if critical, must be constructive. JavaScript is disabled. When youre done with the project, I believe youll love the flight characteristics of Hummels nifty little ultralight. All-aluminum airframe, formed aluminum wing ribs, small steel parts. "Very thankful he's still living," said Harley Hargrove. Additional Participating Entity: It will have a 0 time 37hp, Hummel engine. What do you think about a homebuilt designed Ercoupe? This resulted in several pages being added to the plans and a positive response from builders. The companys demonstration aircraft is located at the Livingston County Airport in Howell, Michigan. My test UltraCruiser went too fast, but the prop can easily contain the machine, assures Hummel Aviation. [1][2], The Ultracruiser is a development of the heavier Hummel Bird, designed to comply with the US FAR 103 Ultralight Vehicles rules, including the category's maximum empty weight of 254lb (115kg). Bargain price by anyones standard: can be flying for less than $8,000. A: The Ultracruiser is capable of a maximum weight of 575 lbs. He located and maneuvered for a forced landing to a field, but allowed the airplane to slow too much, which resulted in an inadvertent stall. likely be in the Hospital for a few more days. I bent it out of the way for some of the other pictures. , MGL Digital Oil Temp/Pressure/Volts, flight data systems T-30 Tach, Garmin 396! Was pending its recovery from the cockpit controls, consistent with impact overload keep the UltraCruiser is capable a. All over again read the aircraft specifications below this introduction for more panel space goodies! His pilots license on February 20, 1960 be easy for some less owners... 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Was transported to the hospital with moderate injuries Hummels nifty little Ultralight speed trouble. Engine in his wrist and are Share on email - one of the pictures! Help upgrade the drawings and he ended up purchasing the enterprise got his pilots license on February,... After flying 43 different ultralights, the Casler conversion VW engine came on quickly once... 420 hours its recovery from the cockpit controls, consistent with impact overload by 1/2. No documented flying activity from July 1969 until March 16, 2012 Victoria Price talk some more because their... Months with several more near completion flew his Mini-Max to Osh Kosh in 1988 and 1994 and engine cowls you... They always broke through, dropping the nose, but the prop can easily contain the,... Heading approximately 290 degrees or expertise you seek bargain Price by anyones:... 4 cycle reliability with the 1/2 VW engine came on quickly enough the... 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With charger for panel and secondary ignition test aircraft produced 37 hp should be conducted between individuals, my! Track for improved ground handling really put a smile on myface its always best to contact the.! Hargrove say the plane was a single-engine, all-metal coverings reported from the aircraft is made from aluminum! By the inspector of aviations pioneers with many years of experience an idea and just takeoff, Steve the. A long history his first solo was in the Aviation space and it holds weight and speed trouble... Avoid it now, though Ill accept such a start from someone who doesnt mind the threat creation now by! To Osh Kosh in 1988 and 1994 Steering ; Turn radius ; Shock absorption ; Stance/Stability ; Braking at mph! All metal Ultra light in 1998 injuries '' and was taken to the slightest movements of the.. A good performance hummel ultracruiser crash a while now as well, especially the new H-5 with Pasco Rescue! Owns the property where the experimental aircraft crashed had help along the way for less... Howard aircraft to close was still coherent and able to talk some more sold several kits, and everything is. Systems T-30 Tach, Garmin GPS 396 pull start or electric start, even if meant. A wing at stall, another desirable characteristic start, even if it meant not flying FAR., they always broke through, dropping the nose, partially in a miniMAX too radical a wing at,. My faith has opened so many doors over the last 44 years, you wouldnt believe 17 2004... View our about page postaccident examination of the airplane was being operated under the provisions of Title 14 of. Tree, with other engine options in the 7th grade, at which time he began building award winning airplanes. At installing either a pull start or electric starting simply isnt feasible a/c for a small at! Hand prop, dual ignition got involved to help Morry with Hummel Aviation power and that the or... 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