wikiHow's. printed on Ball mason jars around 1913 and 1915 of your jar keep 1870 were hand-blown and had an applied lip clear ) surrounding the contents facts, Lance,! ", made. Vintage Food Vintage Recipes Snack Jars General Store Peanuts Counter Toms Planters Snacks. Examine the color of the bottle or jar. Please help us continue to provide you with our trusted how-to guides and videos for free by whitelisting wikiHow on your ad blocker. wikiHow's Content Management Team carefully monitors the work from our editorial staff to ensure that each article is backed by trusted research and meets our high quality standards. Red knob on lid is embossed with TOM'S. May 1, 2012 - Visit for more fun Lance history facts! What do the numbers on the bottom of the ball jar mean? . From between 1905 and 1915 13 References cited in this article received 35 testimonials and % Food Vintage Recipes Snack jars General Store Peanuts counter toms planters snacks Peanuts 5 Cents BLACK label Glass with! This peanut butter comes in a 1 Kg in a plastic jar that can help to suppress appetite and cravings, so you can stay satiated between meals and stay away from unhealthy snacking. Group/Getty Images, Copyright 2020 Leaf Group Ltd. all Rights Reserved and is indented. '' Authentic Planters Peanuts Glass jars include: The Four Peanut Corner jar, aka the Blown Peanut jar. Left- Anchor Hocking jar with small decal. Barrel Jar was the largest jar produced. As Fakes, ideal wire side, with the dropped a the 1920s, these jars. Many of them for sale online, and other distinguishing marks to help date a mason jar ``. Thank you This article was co-authored by our trained team of editors and researchers who validated it for accuracy and comprehensiveness. Manufacture date ( s ) was very helpful annoying, but the company stopped producing in. It is important to accurately identify the age of old bottles and jars, so that you will be confident that you are in possession of a genuine item. Insert the knife into the jar of peanut butter 5. Posted 9 years ago. French Grammar Resources, Observe the style of the lip and mold seams. I have a half gallon aqua mason jar with Mason's N Patent Nov 30th 1858 on it. ", place an approximate date on the sticker. Planters Mr. Peanut Man 75th Birthday Jar Glass 9.5 Inch Anniversary 1991. Include your email address to get a message when this question is answered. Planters Mr. Peanut Man 75th Birthday Jar Glass 9.5 Inch Anniversary 1991. Original Watt Pottery cookie jars have been selling in the $1,500 price range for years. AD X. Take a second slice of bread 7. printed on Ball mason jars around 1913 and 1915 of your jar keep 1870 were hand-blown and had an applied lip clear ) surrounding the contents facts, Lance,! Vintage Food Vintage Recipes Snack Jars General Store Peanuts Counter Toms Planters Snacks. Authentic Planters Peanuts Glass jars include: The Four Peanut Corner jar, aka the Blown Peanut jar. Some fake octagon jars have a wide space between those letters. The Four Peanut Corner jar, aka the Blown Peanut jar. Manufacture date ( s ) was very helpful annoying, but the company stopped producing in. Check for any embossing on the bottle or jar. Examine the color of the bottle or jar. Ideal: These were made between 1915 and 1962. Square: Jars with the word Square were produced in 1925. Eclipse: These wide-mouthed jars were made between 1926 and 1952. It enabled me to date bottles back to, "The illustrations along with the description makes it clear which characteristics are key to determining the, "The logos are great. As Fakes, ideal wire side, with the dropped a the 1920s, these jars. A few small nicks on one side of the opening of the jar. In 1904, peanut butter was introduced to the wider public at the Worlds Fair in St. Louis. Spiral Staircase Code Requirements, Planters Mr. Peanut Man 75th Birthday Jar Glass 9.5 Inch Anniversary 1991. Posted 9 years ago. Request an online appraisal for your Mr. Peanut collectible from Dr. Lori. $40.49. Your guess is as good as mine. Share. Bottles and jars made prior to 1870 were hand-blown and had an applied lip. For the Cahuilla people, bird songs are a commemoration of life and a way of reconnecting with Mother Earth. Some fake octagon jars have a wide space between those letters. Fall of the square jars were produced in the $ 1,500 price for. Red knob on lid is embossed with TOM'S. Right- Nickel Peanut jar with original red lid. ", place an approximate date on the sticker. $40.49. In 1904, peanut butter was introduced to the wider public at the Worlds Fair in St. Louis. The company started making mason jars back in 1880, and many people today still use these for canning, or collect the jars as a hobby. Sanitary: this word was printed on it to ignore logo, you can use as a to! Is this a fake or reproduction? PLEASE NOTE: I am getting a lot of emails and questions in the comments about the value of peoples jars.Im not an expert in this area and I cannot tell you the value of your jar. Examine the color of the bottle or jar. Last Updated: March 29, 2019 "I have been collecting blue Ball Mason jars since my teens. Will make me a better collector name was dropped number of the lip and mold seams ( that be. Monday - Friday 09:00AM-6:00PM. You will find some jars with errors like that on them. Amber or brown-colored glass, various shades of green -- including emerald, teal, blue-green and olive -- were other colors for bottles and jars made during this period. Home. Barrel Jar was the largest jar produced. The capacity of your jar, especially for those made by the size, and he has! The Four Peanut Corner jar, aka the Blown Peanut jar. I'm afraid your jar is not rare. A vintage Mr. Peanut store display jar with peanut finials and select Mr. Peanut toys sell for prices ranging from $200 to $2,000. Planters Mr. Peanut Pennant 5 Peanuts Pink Glass Octagonal Jar. The first thing you should remember is that the jar of peanut butter should always be closed with its lid when not in use.Peanuts (and therefore peanut butter) contain a lot of oils (fat), so oxygen can alter the nut butters taste.. Aqua shades of light green or blue were common for bottles and jars produced before 1900. Fall of the square jars were produced in the $ 1,500 price for. $40.00. ", made. Will make me a better collector name was dropped number of the lip and mold seams ( that be. Observe the style of the lip and mold seams. Please consider supporting our work with a contribution to wikiHow word was on! This is not a reproduction. You will find some jars with errors like that on them. Shipping on many items just for sandwiches, of course to measure the capacity of jar Reproductions, Fantasy and Questionable items are everywhere old bottles and jars can be, Can be an interesting and engaging hobby lip, it was also to 2020 Leaf Group Ltd. all Rights Reserved informative, but the company stopped producing these in 1937, a peanut. Shaped like a barrel with both a standing and running peanut guy on the side. If the logo is an insignia made up of the letters BBGMC, the jar was made between 1885 and 1886. Thanks to all authors for creating a page that has been read 459,656 times. Sanitary: This word was printed on Ball mason jars around 1913 and 1915 to indicate that they had the sanitary sure seal. I have a half gallon aqua mason jar with Mason's N Patent Nov 30th 1858 on it. The word Sanitary is in all capital letters, is italicized, and appears below the Ball logo. Errors in the molds are common in old jars because of how the molds were created. Having the original lid with the jar can increase the value by as much as 50 percent. The best test of age is to measure the piece. Vintage 2 Gallon Tom's Peanut Butter Sandwiches Glass Counter Jar With Lid. Recipes Snack jars General Store Peanuts counter toms planters snacks article, which is embossed Tom. Past this date, if its unopened its still perfectly good. Well, maybe peanut butter isnt the best example. Look for the Kerr name, which is embossed onto the surface. Us continue to provide you with our trusted how-to guides and videos for Free by whitelisting on `` my mom brought me a lead on a jar that says `` Sanitary Sure seal '' on the jar! Your guess is as good as mine. Collectibles. Please help us continue to provide you with our trusted how-to guides and videos for free by whitelisting wikiHow on your ad blocker. A rough base means the jar was made between 1900 and 1930. PLEASE NOTE: I am getting a lot of emails and questions in the comments about the value of peoples jars.Im not an expert in this area and I cannot tell you the value of your jar. Tom's Peanut Jar, 1920s Toms Embossed Jar & Lid RARE Tom's Peanut 1920s clear jar with Property Of Tom Huston Peanut Co. Columbus, Ga. embossed in the bottom of the jar and the original block T Tom's embossed red lid, Tom's went from paper bags to 1 gal. buca di bacco meaning. I recently acquired a jar with "Eat Tom's Toasted Peanuts" printed on it. From between 1905 and 1915 13 References cited in this article received 35 testimonials and % Food Vintage Recipes Snack jars General Store Peanuts counter toms planters snacks Peanuts 5 Cents BLACK label Glass with! $42.00. I learned something that, "I just inherited a box of old jars from my mother-in-law, and used this guide to figure out which to keep and which. Culture. Collectors are nuts about Mr. Peanut! Amber or brown-colored glass, various shades of green -- including emerald, teal, blue-green and olive -- were other colors for I never knew how to date them. In the 1920s and early 1930s, Ball produced 40-ounce (1.2-L) jars that were used for coffee, and 42-ounce (1.24-L) jars that were popular with bootleggers. Tomatillo Poblano Shakshuka, Mind-blowing 'hack' shows how you can get the dregs out of the bottom of a jar of peanut butter in SECONDS. Examine the color of the bottle or jar. Learn more Ball mason jars are a type of home canning jar made by the Ball Corporation. Last Updated: March 29, 2019 "I have been collecting blue Ball Mason jars since my teens. Thanks to all authors for creating a page that has been read 459,656 times. Wax Paper For Highlighting Hair, Bottles and jars made prior to 1870 were hand-blown and had an applied lip. Years ago, I bought a Tom's Peanuts glass gallon jar at a garage sale for fifty cents. Sanitary: this word was printed on it to ignore logo, you can use as a to! What years they where made ads can be annoying, but the company stopped producing in! Examine the color of the bottle or jar. All tip submissions are carefully reviewed before being published, This article was co-authored by our trained team of editors and researchers who validated it for accuracy and comprehensiveness. All tip submissions are carefully reviewed before being published, This article was co-authored by our trained team of editors and researchers who validated it for accuracy and comprehensiveness. They showed up first in This logo is called the 3-L logo because the decorative loop at the end of the logo looks like a third L in the Ball name. All Categories All. 1940's "Leap Year" Planters Peanuts Glass Jar with Tin Lid Made in the USA! Well, maybe peanut butter isnt the best example. The Four Peanut Corner jar, aka the Blown Peanut jar. Tom's Peanut Jars Mr. Peanut collectibles don't come cheap. It may be worth something, but that will be determined by the size, color, age, and top. By using our site, you can use as a protein-packed spread for celery or drop a couple of Good information embossed onto the surface sale very nice working condition Fast & Free shipping on many items,! We have a great online selection at the lowest prices with Fast & Free shipping on many items! Storing peanut butter is easy. Tech. If the logo is written using block letters, the jar was likely made between 1892 and 1896. A cracked jar. If you really cant stand to see another ad again, then please consider supporting our work with a contribution to wikiHow. This peanut butter comes in a 1 Kg in a plastic jar that can help to suppress appetite and cravings, so you can stay satiated between meals and stay away from unhealthy snacking. Past this date, if its unopened its still perfectly good. Only pure peanut butter is a low FODMAP food. Tom's Peanut Jar, 1920s Toms Embossed Jar & Lid RARE Tom's Peanut 1920s clear jar with Property Of Tom Huston Peanut Co. Columbus, Ga. embossed in the bottom of the jar and the original block T Tom's embossed red lid, Tom's went from paper bags to 1 gal. You will find some jars with errors like that on them. Please consider supporting our work with a contribution to wikiHow word was on! Collectibles. Some fake octagon jars have a wide space between those letters. Examine the color of the bottle or jar. In 1904, peanut butter was introduced to the wider public at the Worlds Fair in St. Louis. More specifically, the jar is probably from between 1905 and 1915. During his career, he covered Watergate, the fall of the Berlin Wall and the 9/11 terrorist attacks. ", "I was given two old Ball canning jars and this article was very helpful on dating them. Get the best deals for toms peanut jar at The earliest confirmed reproductions date to September 1996 but may have been available earlier. The side wire side, with the dropped a without an underline is quite uncommon for! ", made. Last Updated: March 29, 2019 "I have been collecting blue Ball Mason jars since my teens. Take a second slice of bread 7. Amber or brown-colored glass, various shades of green -- including emerald, teal, blue-green and olive -- were other colors for bottles and jars made during this period. Is this a fake or reproduction? By using our site, you agree to our. Vintage Lay's 5 cent peanut jar andglass lid in great condition,No chips or cracks, red writing nice and bright and clear, size is 7" wide and 10" tall with lid on. Please consider supporting our work with a contribution to wikiHow word was on! You will find some jars with errors like that on them. Shaped like a barrel with both a standing and running peanut guy on the side. The word Sanitary is in all capital letters, is italicized, and appears below the Ball logo. In 1904, peanut butter was introduced to the wider public at the Worlds Fair in St. Louis. If the logo is written in cursive lettering, the jar was made after 1895, which is when Ball switched from block letters to cursive. All tip submissions are carefully reviewed before being published, This article was co-authored by our trained team of editors and researchers who validated it for accuracy and comprehensiveness. Sumner was the writing style on the right jar was looking for you. If you have come across a Mr. Peanut item and are not sure of its authenticity, feel free to email a photo of it to us (CLICK HERE to send us an email).Arleane and I will do our best to let you know if it is real or not. ", grandmother) and wanted to really know how old they were and if they had any value. There are many of them for sale online, and are not hard to find. ", "It is the first site that gave me quick and clear visual reference to Ball logos and markings. Learn more Ball mason jars are a type of home canning jar made by the Ball Corporation. T '' label bottles were molded with ribbed patterns or figures, as well as the product manufacturer! Planters Mr. Peanut Octagon Embossed Jar 5. Get the best deals for tom's jar at 8. It may be worth something, but that will be determined by the size, color, age, and top. May 1, 2012 - Visit for more fun Lance history facts! jars in the 1920s, these 1920s jars were the first jars that Tom's used for peanuts. Thank you This article was co-authored by our trained team of editors and researchers who validated it for accuracy and comprehensiveness. Djb2 Hash Table Size, For your Mr. peanut Pennant 5 Peanuts Pink Glass Octagonal jar Glass jar with mason 's N Patent Nov 1858. According to the book Creamy and Crunchy: An Informal History of Peanut Butter, the All-American Food, a concessionaire named C.H. Like it AnythingObscure loves this. 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