Here is a breakdown of the main factors that determine the final cost. On the other hand, the outer pipe brings in fresh air for combustion directly into the bottom of the airtight firebox and ignites the fireplace. Its essential to follow a regular maintenance schedule to ensure the gas insert works correctly and safely. The average fireplace has the following dimensions: An opening thats between 24-36 inches wide, 24-29 inches high, and 16 inches deep. The key to getting the best out of your fireplace is to ensure it is in good condition and works perfectly. Some states have outlawed unvented gas fireplace inserts, so be sure to check with your fireplace insert professional. You also need to use a flue damper in the chimney-like structure of the vent so cold air cannot enter the house via any open gaps in the vent. Before the gas fireplace insert can be installed, the chimney will need to be cleaned at a cost of around $200. Always consult product specifications for accurate dimensions. Vented gas fireplaces can be operated safely in your home, knowing that the exhaust fumes are not entering your homes space. A propane gas fireplace insert uses approximately 1 gallon of propane per 100,000 BTUs (British thermal unit). It is perfectly acceptable in most situations to vent downwards, use many elbows, and even vent over 100 feet horizontally. Plus, most models come with sensors to automatically turn off the fireplace if carbon monoxide is detected. On average, the cost to install a gas fireplace in a basement is $1,705 to $4,291. In addition, for every 1/8 inch that a trim or molding piece on your mantel juts out, another 1 inch of clearance is needed. How and Should You Install a Chimney Antenna Mount? If the gas line needs to be modified or changed to meet current building codes, that can cost between $200 and $1,200. Top 5 Reasons to Upgrade to a Wood Insert. This venting option uses a fixture powered by a fan with the vent to facilitate the airflow. On average, the distance between the The Cost of Framing and Finish Work A completed gas fireplace project can take on many different appearances. Cost of installation: The average Also, youll need to have a vent-free gas fireplace cleaned and checked annually by a professional company to ensure it is in safe working condition. So, if you are using a 100,000 BTU measure fireplace, you are likely to use a gallon of propane gas per hour. To ensure no heat is wasted or unused, get rid of the vent or chimney and replace it with a liner that will help to trap heat without interfering with heat circulation. Direct vent units are considered the safest choice. Consult with a professional before trying to install vents yourself. There is no building a fire and waiting for the fire to build to heat a room. But if youre tired of the messiness and inefficiency of a wood fireplace, it might be time to consider a switch. They each can be built of different materials, but it is gas that has the widest range of choices. Gas fireplace inserts are a good option for those who are sensitive to air pollution or have allergies or other lung diseases. These include registering your wood burning unit, using best practices for wood burning and ensuring your appliance produces fewer than 4.5 grams/hour in particulate matter emissions. The Fix. Wood, gas, and electric fireplaces have their pros and cons. The consent submitted will only be used for data processing originating from this website. The average costs associated with installing a gas fireplace include $600 for the firebox installation, $750 for the vent pipe, $2,750 for the full installation and finishing work, and Check with your municipality.). A fireplace insert installation costs between $700 and $6,500the cost essentially depends on the type of insert and how it operates. Prices can differ from the national average due to labor and installation fees, the price of the gas fireplace insert, and whether the insert is vented or unvented. While you may pay more money upfront for installation, a gas fireplace insert can help save money on heating costs, especially when taking the place of a wood-burning fireplace or expanding heating-area coverage. With an unvented gas fireplace, the exhaust is released back into the room. The cost to install a fireplace insert depends on your home layout, current fireplace setup, and your fireplace insert preferences. It should also be replaced if youre remodeling your home and changing the function of the rooms, the insert isnt functional, its not working as efficiently as it should, it needs constant repair, you want to replace the surrounding facing material, or you want the most updated gas fireplace insert in your home. You will need to take into account some extra expenses before you install your new gas insert. The weather is another factor that will influence the amount of fuel you can use. Hereof, how much depth do you need for a gas fireplace? I have included these recommendations only for reference, and I strongly suggest that you go through the manufacturers manual for complete information on EPA recommendations. It is cheaper than a wood burning foreplace installation. Type For example, if the fireplace is installed on an interior wall, then venting through the exterior wall is not possible, and your only option is to vent through the roof. 'Show more' : 'Show less' }}. Venting your gas The $2,280 to $4,030 price of an installed gas-burning fireplace includes the price of the gas logs or gas inserts. We do not present information about every offer available. A fireplace insert is a sealed box that is placed (inserted) into an existing masonry fireplace. Gas fireplace insert vents refer to the types of gas logs used for your insert. Expect these additional costs to add an extra $200 to $1,000 to your final bill. At 18 he ran away and saw the world with a backpack and a credit card, discovering that the true value of any point or mile is the experience it facilitates. How can I make my gas fireplace vent more efficient? Except for an annual checkup, which may run you somewhere in the neighborhood of $50 to $150, you do not have to do much, if any, maintenance on your gas fireplace. Installation methods can vary based on personal style, if extra gas lines are required, what type of ductwork is necessary, and if the insert will be powered by natural gas or propane. Manage Settings Its important to remember that hot air rises, so most of it escapes through the vent. It works differently from traditional fireplaces that burn wood as it doesnt necessarily require a chimney to eliminate the fumes. However, since they do produce some visible smoke and exhaust, its best to install your fireplace in an area that is not too confined. It allows flexible venting to go up and down so the fireplace can be installed anywhere. Its worth noting that these costs could vary depending on your part of the country. A gas fireplace needs to be vented unless it is a ventless fireplace. Excellent choice for new home construction and renovations. However, if you choose to have your gas fireplace professionally cleaned, it will cost an average of $100 and a typical maximum of $200. The bigger it is, the more heat it will produce and high gas consumption because to function properly, more fuel is needed. Gas fireplace inserts are installed in pre-existing, wood-burning fireplaces, making the overall cost far lower than installing an entirely new system. Depending on popularity you can see that mostly direct vent gas fireplaces are the first choice for most homeowners. However, its no contest for heat output and efficiencyvented gas fireplaces blow away their ventless counterparts. Transform a wood-burning fireplace into gas by installing a gas-burning insert. A gas fireplaces BTUs (British thermal unit) are higher than those of a gas fireplace insert, so more heat will come from the built-in gas fireplace. {{ tocState.toggleTocShowMore ? The Forbes Home editorial team is independent and objective. (Note that the cost of installing vent-free gas logs is often about $200 more than the cost for vented.) Over time, a gas insert may stop working efficiently. Per, there are currently 34 U.S. states that allow for the sale of vent-free gas fireplace heaters, while 16 prohibit their sale. The Buck insert in my fireplace has been there close to forty years with no problem. A few fireplaces with natural venting come with sensors to stop the fire if exhaust fails and gases return to the flue. This can save a homeowner a significant amount of money and time. Many homeowners enjoy the convenience of flipping a switch and having the glow and warmth of a fire available whenever they want it. The products and services we review may not be right for your individual circumstances. Find trusted local pros for any home project. Best Direct-Vent Gas Fireplace: Empire Tahoe Deluxe Millivolt Fireplace. "A direct-vent fireplace which runs on natural gas and boasts of realistic ceramic fiber logs." Best Compact Gas Fireplace: Pleasant Hearth VFS2-PH20DT. "A dual-fueled freestanding unit that is great for small and middle-sized areas." How Much Does a Gas Furnace Cost to Install? An example of data being processed may be a unique identifier stored in a cookie. Gas inserts cost $2,000 to $5,500. Note: The dimensions mentioned above are to be used as a guide for research and basic sizing purposes. One of the benefits to a gas fireplace is the ability to purchase an unvented modelthat is, a model that does not require an existing chimney or flue. Installing a fireplace insert can get you more heat without replacing the whole fireplace and chimney. Reasons to remove a gas fireplace include redecorating or conversion to wood-burning. However, look at all the possibilities, weigh the pros and cons of both models and then pick which one ticks more boxes for you. The big difference between a gas fireplace and a gas fireplace insert is that the gas fireplace doesnt need an existing fireplace or even a chimney. An 18-inch fireplace insert that can heat an area of 100 square feet or less costs $500, while a 36-inch insert that can heat up to 2,000 square feet costs up to $2,000. It enhances the performance of a direct vent fireplace if the existing venting system is not moving adequate airflow to the fire, or it can also be used to vent down a fireplace. Unvented models are also more energy-efficient, since no heat is being lost up a chimney. 2023 Forbes Media LLC. Some of the most common materials are brick, tile, and stone, which can create a modern, rustic, or eclectic appearance in the room. The question of how much gas propane does a fireplace uses cannot be answered in a one-sentence answer. Some models have timers or automatic shutoffs. Emberside Sure Heat Vented Gas Log Set. For this reason, they are made to burn clean and allow the combustion by-product to flow into the room the fireplace is in. The biggest sticking point is that natural gas is kept at a lower pressure, and some appliances can't handle the higher pressure of propane even with adjustments. Most of the cleaning for a gas fireplace can be done on your own when the fireplace is cool and the pilot light is off. Even better, it means theres no need to get rid of your beautiful old hearth, especially if you find it aesthetically appealing or historically significant for your home. They will also tell you if there are any restraints on which carbon monoxide vents need to be used. They have an airtight combustion chamber for fire and a direct vent that gets rid of unhealthy combustion products directly through the back wall or the roof. Shop Wayfair for the best indoor fireplace natural gas insert. We and our partners use data for Personalised ads and content, ad and content measurement, audience insights and product development. Therefore, it is a perfect pick for house remodeling because of its easy installation. 2. Repair costs for gas fireplace inserts are relatively cheap and typically run from $100 to $200. Hi, my names Eugene Duke and I love sitting by my fireplace reading a book and sipping on an adult beverage. I am a mechanical engineer and have a basic knowledge of HVAC systems but I learn continuously to make myself the best blogger in that space. It has been a faithful workhorse. People prefer to have B-vent appliances as they comply with local building regulations. Venting through the roof is costly and labor-intensive work, but sometimes its the only option or a practical option. The insert itself will cost around $1,200, with labor costs running between $500 and $3,500 depending on the complexity of the job. Continue with Recommended Cookies. How much does a gas lamp post cost per year? By Katie Flannery | Updated Jul 26, 2022 2:25 PM. If youre shopping for a fireplace, yes: gas fireplace inserts are, more often than not, more than worth it. c wire Thanks to the increased energy efficiency, a gas fireplace insert will almost always save money on heating costs, particularly when taking the place of a wood-burning fireplace or expanding heating-area coverage. Each units dimensions are different, subject to change. However, if you want to use less propane, use the lowest settings but if you are using it as the primary source of heat and your fireplace size is big, expect to use more. Never weighed one, but would think round 80-100kg average. Poor Quality of the Bulb Also, make sure that snow doesnt fall directly onto the cap and render it useless. Unvented units have a higher efficiency rating since a large percentage of the heat goes into the room and not up the chimney. It can be done through an exterior wall or the roof. Fireplace inserts offer multiple benefits over a traditional fireplace with proper installationa fireplace contractor and installer near you can help you get the job done. If your gas fireplace insert uses a chimney for venting purposes, youll have to get a yearly chimney inspection that can range in price from $85 to $5,000. [Explained], Can You Move a Gas or Wood Fireplace? Its not easy and should only be done by someone who knows what theyre doing. That means it will cost about $0.49 per hour to run your Homeowners can enjoy a comfortable heated environment without fear of breathing in unhealthy emissions. Learn about how emissions are measured and how Regency minimizes our environmental impact. 50 Pint vs 70 Pint Dehumidifier: Whats The Difference? In general, hiring a professional will cost around $500 to $3,500 depending on the scope and difficulty of the installation. Beside above, how do I convert my fireplace to gas? A professional will be familiar with the standards that you have to meet, and can help make the headache-inducing process of navigating building ordinances hassle-free. This doesnt cost you anything additional. Be sure to check the local requirements to know if you need to figure permit fees into your budget. 2021 tagDiv. During this time, you can ask them to inspect your tank and see if there are signs of tear and wear that might hinder the effective functionality of the fireplace. In the US, homeowners with propane fireplaces spend approximately $42 on propane every month (. A pro will correctly install the insert, make any necessary structural adjustments to your home, hook up your fireplace to the gas and electricity lines, and ensure everythings code-compliant. A gas insert produces fewer emissions and releases fewer fine particulates into the air, which is helpful for those who suffer from allergies and respiratory illnesses. Fire Characteristics: Gas fires are consistent and controllable by design. As the weather turns cold, its time to turn up the heatand nothing beats the coziness of a fireplace. The fireplace burn rate will differ from one fireplace to another; many use approximately one gallon of propane per hour. A gas fireplace insert seals off the drafty fireplace and releases all the heat into the room, saving on utility costs. Keep it clean and dont bash it with a sledgehammer and it should continue working for quite some time. Sometimes, a chimney is already available to run the venting through it to the roof. 44" W X 44" H X 15.75" D Product Weight: 160 lbs. This is the time to call in a professional to make sure the insert works correctly. Upgrade your existing fireplace to gas with gas fireplace inserts, Add design freedom with City Series frameless gas fireplaces, Add current style to any home with contemporary gas fireplaces, Add traditional style to any home with traditional gas fireplaces, Upgrade or add high-efficiency heat with freestanding gas stoves, Add stunning outdoor fire-features to your outdoor spaces, Upgrade your existing fireplace with high-efficiency wood inserts, Upgrade or add high-efficiency heat with freestanding wood stoves, Add unmatched flame views with wood burning fireplaces, Upgrade or add controllable warmth with Pellet Stoves, Upgrade your existing fireplace with high-efficiency pellet inserts, Add warmth and ambiance to virtually any space with electric fireplaces. Using vented units will likely make the most amount of sense where an existing chimney system can be used for ventilation. (Some locations may require contractors to be licensed and insured, while others may not. The gas insert heats the air between the two metal boxes, and then that heat is released into the room. Regency gas fireplace inserts can operate on natural gas or propane. Save space Minimum installation depth Our gas fireplaces have an installation depth of just 25 cm. Technology has changed everything, and thanks to it, propane fireplaces have been modernized; thus, you can easily tell how much heat a fireplace produces because now you can use British Thermal Units (BTUs). Is the vent powerful enough to release exhaust. Surround material and finish work like tiles, masonry, and paint can cost an additional $3,500 to $7,500, depending on the brand, material, design, size of the fireplace, and needed preparation. It should continue working for quite some time consistent and controllable by design cost essentially depends your! Be cleaned at a cost of around $ 200 about how emissions are measured and how it operates spend $! 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