No doubt, that man was well-known in his region for his wealth. During that time, she would have received (directly and indirectly) a theological and pastoral education from the apostle so that she was equipped to care for the church when Paul moved on to bring the gospel to other Macedonian cities. In order to do this Lydia had to have enough rooms in her house to accommodate four men - Paul, Silas, Timothy and Luke. 4:13). Yesterday, someone expressed doubt that a Jewish person would wear purple or sell purple because shellfish are unclean. She has both a practical job and a heavenly one here on earth. (accessed January 18, 2023). That was the first internal problem confronted by the early church, and it came out of the culture. So Paul and his companions went outside the city to a river, where they thought they might find a place of prayer. (Part 2). (Minneapolis, MN: Fortress Press, 1995), 74. Verse 11 says,"We came with a straight course to Samothracia." [21] Ancient inscriptions survive that show a few women were even called leaders of synagogues. Or youre put off by the sermon title. Is it True for Christians That 'Once Saved, Always Saved'? I always love reading about women in the Bible who sometimes defied the odds to be in leadership. Hometown Thyatira, in the Roman province of Lydia. The woman and man sin together (Genesis 3:1-7). Chrysostom on 5 Women Leaders in the New Testament. Now in Joppa there was a disciple whose name was Tabitha, which in Greek is Dorcas. Chapter 2 records the beginning of the Church. Acts 9:36-43 introduces us to Tabitha. And, as Lydia heard the gospel, God opened her heart so that she received the life-giving message. For what its worth, Chrysostom, Archbishop of Constantinople, (d. 407), Atto, Bishop of Vercelli, (885-961), and Adolf von Harnack, biblical scholar and historian, (1851-1930), and no doubt others throughout the course of the churchs history, have acknowledged that women were ministers and leaders in the very early church. And they ministered in an empowering way. And when Paul came and spoke about Jesus, she eagerly listened to his message. Even if I originally wrote an article for a journal, magazine, or book chapter, I have posted it on this website also. She would have been a good person to help organize a church because she knew how to manage people, how to get them to work toward a common goal. He had hopes of doing the same thing in Philippi. And Roman soldiers dressed Jesus in a purple robe in order to mock and humiliate him (Mark 15:16-20). The Lord opened her heart to respond to Paul's message. There Paul met Lydia, a Gentile who became the first Christian convert in Europe: "One of those listening was a woman from the city of Thyatira named Lydia, a dealer in purple cloth. Lydia ran a successful business selling a luxury product: purple cloth. And cloth dyed with blue and purple was among the plunder taken by Judas Maccabee, a devout Jew. Im glad you like the article, John. In the story of the Rich Man and Lazarus, the rich man, who is presumably Jewish, is described as being dressed in purple and fine linen (Luke 16:19). Since Lydia's husband is not mentioned but she was a householder, scholars have speculated she was a widow who brought her late husband's business to Philippi. Or you just dont care about the topic. The expenses involved in her occupation as a merchant of luxury textiles indicates she was a woman of some wealth. Beers explains the connection between women and meals: "Because women were almost always in charge of the food in their extended family groups, organizing and hosting this meal for the assembly would have provided natural opportunities for women to . I was prayed for by my spiritual father during my ordination, and he mentioned that I am Lydia the woman with the purple. She left her home country and established her business in Philippi, in a different country, even on a different continent. Paul's collection for the church in Jerusalem is also called diakonia (Acts 11:29; 12:25) and Paul often refers to himself as a diakonos (e.g., 1 Cor 3:5; 2 Cor 6:4). ~ The women became believers in Jesus as Messiah and then told others about their experience. Her story is told in the book of Acts. She ran a successful business and supervised a work force. Well dive more into the importance of this later, but readers should take note that not every regular Gentile or Jew got a chance to wear this special color two millennia ago. Everyone who believes that Jesus is the Christ has been born of God, and everyone who loves the Father loves whoever has been born of him. 1 John 5:1 Phoebe (the name means "bright" or "radiant": Apollo and Diana, the god and goddess of the sun and moon respectively, were often referred to as "Phoebos" and "Phoebe"), was a Diakonos of the Church at Chenchreae, the eastern seaport of the city of Corinth. Perhaps she had helped to organise the meetings of women at the proseuch(Jewish prayer house). He calls himself "of the people of Israel.". Lydia was a region on the west coast of Asia Minor, supposedly named for legendary king Lydos. She was a successful businesswoman who came to Philippi to carry on her trade. Further, she was baptized and brought salvation to her entire household, an early example of how to win the souls of those closest to us. Praise the Lord! One of them was a woman named Lydia. We can assume she also told business contacts, clients, and neighbours. "The Lord opened her heart to listen eagerly to what was said by Paul," (Acts 16:14b). In this way, Lydia stands out in the New Testament narrative. But its also possible to come and get a lot out of the sermon because you listen eagerly, expecting to hear something that is meaningful or new or challenging. Priscilla: a woman co-founds the Church. living. Why would Jews need to be regenerated and not pagan Gentiles? She and her entire household were baptized, as was the custom in those days. I am a Pastor and am so thankful for brothers and sisters like you in the body of Christ. God is the one who has to clear the scales off of their eyes. 65581. Teacher, community activist, social worker and PNM affiliate, Lydia Paul, was buried on December 14, 2009. Required fields are marked *. Through her life, we also see the importance of women in the Bible, a radical idea in the first century AD. The narrator begins using first-person plural (we) language in Acts 16:10, at the beginning of the mission at Philippi, but stops using this language after Acts 16:17. Second, Lydia was a bright woman who knew how to manage an organization. Sadly, apart from Acts 16, we dont see any other explicit instances where Lydia appears. We dont know why Lydia made the move, whether she married a foreigner or had to leave due to Roman persecution. Lydia appears inseveral verses in Acts 16. Without financial support, sometimes large contributions, the early church and the current church could not survive and grow. Also, her name is unknown. Luke, the author of Acts, called Lydia a seller of purple goods. Receiving Paul and Silas into her home after they were released from prison and asked to leave town was brave as some in Philippi were angry with the missionaries (cf. In the Bible, Lydia is described as a "seller of purple cloth" and served as a leader in the early Christian church. (The same verb occurs in Luke 24:29 in a similar context.). The first church in Europe started at the house of Lydia. Its only mentioned twice. "On the Sabbath we went outside the city gate to the river, where we expected to find a place of prayer. In chapter 4, he also mentions Euodia and Syntyche, whom Paul tells the people to help these women who labored with me in the gospel. Many thanks for your blog, Marg. circumcision. Dorcas. Ways women participated in the early Church. All rights reserved. Harassment, persecution, and suffering were not uncommon in the apostolic church. The seat of Solomons chariot was purple (Songs 3:10-11). Paul made it his practice to select urban centers along busy highways for his missionary efforts and had great success. Although composed primarily of those who were poor, the church sent supplies to Paul several times. Most of us have a lot of unlearning to do. Romans 15:21 I did a Bachelor of Christian Studies at Robert Menzies College Sydney. Here are verses in Acts that mention devout Gentile adherants of Judaism here. Paul will encounter, and convince, other women of relatively high social status later in Thessalonika (17:4) and Beroea (17:12). The women were equipped and empowered with faith, knowledge, and personal experience to tell others. They first traveled to the Roman colony of Philippi, one of the most important cities in Macedonia. Lydia also credited God with her earthly blessings and was quick to share them with Paul and his friends. It's also possible Lydia may have returned to her home town of Thyatira and was active in the church there. Finally, the Bible doesnt look down upon her trade. I wish (if okay), to learn from you and your site. As mentioned before Lydia sells purple cloth. She does it, and her children call her blessed, and her husband praises her. Im going to pull this out next time someone tells me women in church leadership is a modern thing. I am preparing a report on Lydia for my Presbyterian bible study group in Austin, Texas. The girl was most likely demented, epileptic, or emotionally unstable. And they did come across a group of women there, including some Gentiles known as worshipers of God, people who were attracted to the Jewish faith and who attended services but were not yet converts. Lydia and Rahab: Two Faith-filled Women Still others are mentioned as being of independent means. The church has suffered through the centuries by discouraging and disqualifying half its members, many of whom have been called by the Spirit to serve. (Chico, CA: Scholars Press, 1982); and Susan Mathew, Women in the Greetings of Romans 16.1-16: A Study of Mutuality and Womens Ministry in the Letter to the Romans (London; New York: Bloomsbury T&T Clark, 2013), 54-63. [13], Even though her name tells us nothing concrete, the fact that Lydia is named at all is significant. And it is thought that James and John came from a flourishing fishing business. But, Paul discusses, referencing the Hebrew scriptures, that the Gentiles will understand, whereas, the Jews wont. And among those who became part of the early church, there were also members of the upper class. Thyatira was the capitol of the industry and renowned for its purple dyes. His mission in Philippi was no exception. In those days when a wife lost her husband there was hardly anything she could do to support herself. Lydia believers because the Lord enables her to understand and accept the Gospel as Paul preached it. First, she sells purple cloth. Lydia made and sold the expensive purple fabric worn only by the wealthy elite. Second, after she and her entire family accepts Jesus Christ and are baptized, they invite Paul and Silas (a ministry companion of Pauls) into their home. [22] For example, a second-century CE inscription from Smyrna mentions a woman named Rufina who was a synagogue ruler. I look forward to seeing what you do with her story. Timothys name inexplicably reappears in Acts 17:14-15 when the missionaries are in Berea. It is debated whether synagogue ruler was an actual or honorary title in her case; but either way, it indicates she was a woman of influence. Hesiod believed if a woman flirted with you, she was simply a gold digger. I said, I AM the pastor. I wish he were going to be in church on Sunday. Lydia may have been a patron of the Jewish community at Philippi. I am ordained a Deacon in Full Connection in the United Methodist Church. She was not afraid to take chances. It was large enough to accommodate Paul and his fellow missionaries (who included Silas, probably Timothy, and perhaps Luke and others) as well as her own household. St Paul was travelling around ancient Asia Minor, teaching about Jesus and converting Jews and Gentiles. Paul started a church in Galatia, where the teaching of justification by faith alone was clearly proclaimed and accepted. Ya, I dont think she was a Gentile at all, as your article suggests, however, your article certainly confirmed much of what I was thinking, tho. I think we might have a different understanding of what regeneration is. TheSamaritan woman and, indeed, her whole village of Sychar are presented as people ready to accept Jesus as the Messiah (John 4:4-42). She and her household were baptized, and she asked us to be her guests. 3 (Grand Rapids, MI: Baker Academics, 2014), 3:2350-74, (Google Books). Freedwomen in the East also frequently sold luxury items such as purple dye. Keener, Acts, (Google Books). Acts 16:15which begins with, When she and her household (ho oikos auts) were baptisedmakes it clear that it was her household. See Richard S. Ascough, Lydia, Pauls Cosmopolitan Hostess (Pauls Social Network: Brothers and Sisters in the Faith) (Collegeville, MN: Liturgical Press, 2009), 2-3; and especially Craig S. Keener, Acts: An Exegetical Commentary, Vol. I guess you could say that I am a complementarian now leaning toward egalitarianism. Id say we probably, at least, know some of the same people. Romans often persecuted and scattered the Jews. Article Images Copyright , Empowering Lessons from the Life of Lydia. Lydia had a home large enough to accommodate not only Paul and his companions, but the gatherings of the new church established in Philippi. Lydia, a successful business woman and homemaker, responded to Paul's gospel message, and her entire household became believers. When Paul, Silas, and Timothy left for Thessalonica, Luke stayed behind, perhaps to help build up the church, or perhaps because he wanted to check out the famous medical school in Philippi, since he was a doctor. For instance, a congregation member may hold another in higher esteem if they choose to pursue missionary work as opposed to a job such as accounting. We know for sure that Cornelius was a Gentile. Margaret Mowczko 2017 See also Ascough, Lydia, 47. For more information on proseuchas a Jewish prayer-house, see Thyatira was addressed by Jesus Christ in the Seven Churches of Revelation. 1452) Other inscriptions show that some Jewish women were called elders and mothers of synagogues. [26] While the Jews regarded the Samaritans as outside of Gods favour and mercy, this is not how the New Testament portrays them. However, the young trainee may have been with Paul and Silas, the older missionaries, all along. One of them was Lydia from Thyatira, a merchant of expensive purple cloth, who worshiped God. Thanks. But as it is written, To whom he was not spoken of, they shall see: and they that have not heard shall understand. Refresh your delight in the Lord through: Or youre thinking about something else. "Lydia: Seller of Purple in the Book of Acts." The church at Jerusalem began on Pentecost with the coming of the Holy Spirit and the preaching of the apostles ( Acts 2 ). The role of Pauline house churches in missionary activities seems to have been dictated by Paul's missionary philosophy. Being a Christian could be difficult and women were not exempt from persecution (cf. Three days pass and "Mary Magdalene and the other Mary went to look at the tomb" (Matthew . one of many officials of ancient Rome. Lydia no longer lives in Thyatira when Paul meets her, but rather, in the city of Philippi, a city in Macedonia. These women played a pioneering role in the spreading of the gospel. cf. and if theres any outstanding characteristic of the church at Philippi, it is joy. Paul would visit Philippi several times and write a letter to the church there. However, since she is described literally in Acts 16:14 as a purple-seller (porphyroplis), Lydia may have dealt with Tyrian purple. The Bible in itself has more mentions of men than women. The relationship between Paul the Apostle and women is an important element in the theological debate about Christianity and women because Paul was the first writer to give ecclesiastical directives about the role of women in the Church. Weve been discussing Lydia, but also Cornelius. When she took Paul, Silas, Timothy, and Luke into her house, she created one of the first home churches in Europe. Porphyroplis (porphyro + plis = purple + seller) only occurs once in the NT, in Acts 16:14, but it occurs in other ancient Greek documents (e.g., inscriptions and papyri). In verse 14, we are introduced to Lydia from the Bible. battle of omdurman order of battle. Paul would soon have run out of team members if he did. (Corinth was on a narrow isthmus that connected southern Greece (the Peleponessus) with . He saved us through the washing of rebirth and renewal by the Holy Spirit, whom he poured out on us generously through Jesus Christ our Savior, so that, having been justified by his grace, we might become heirs having the hope of eternal life. As Paul and his company were speaking with these women, Lydia was listening ( Acts 16:14 ). References to Lydia in the Bible In some parts of the Roman Empire, women could play prominent roles in their Jewish communities, especially in places where women already had some social freedoms. She came to be viewed as a saint by many Christian denominations. Your research sounds interesting. Or you dont like the scripture passage that is being talked about. According to v.9 God gave Paul a vision in which he saw a man of Macedonia saying to him, "Come over into Macedonia, and help us." Taking this to be God's directive, Paul and his team immediately went to the port at Troas and they found a ship all ready to sail to Macedonia. Lydia's life proves that one can work a "worldly" job and use it as a ministry. When he appears in this part of Acts, he is fresh from Athens, where he had a difficult time.Athens was no longer filled with intellectual giants as it once had been, but Paul met . I will sincerely like to know more about you and every biblical article youve ever published. I am new to your site but wish to exclaim I love to hear about Lydia and the Church of Philippi, her generosity to Paul and the lord Jesus Christ. One of the trade guilds in Thyatira made expensive purple dye, probably from the roots of the madder plant. But there were exceptions. The names of other Philippians, such as the slave girl or the jailer, are not given even though we are told some of their stories in Acts 16:16-20 and 22ff. First, she shows that honest jobs are not lesser jobs. Pauls first ministry encounter in Philippi was not with a Macedonian man,[1] however, but with a group of women. tribune. Bravisima! What does submission in everything mean. [5] Instead, the story continues with the statement, We sat down and began to talk with the women who had gathered.[6], In Acts 16:14a, we are given several pieces of information about Lydia. ~ Both Paul and Jesus were supernaturally guided to Philippi and Sychar, respectively: Paul through a vision, Jesus through some kind of compulsion. Lydia sounds almost exactly like a Proverbs 31 woman a description of a virtuous wife (taught to King Lemuel by his *mother*). Priscilla and Aquila were also good friends of and ministry partners with Paul (Romans 16:3). We learn in Acts 16 that, while born and reared to believe in the gods and goddesses of Thyatira, Lydia did not worship the pantheon of gods venerated in her hometown. earlier, the apostle John lived to a very old age, possibly over 100 years. Is the home also a place where we provide . [14], Skeins dyed naturally with madder root. Introduction to the Catholic Religion: Beliefs, Practices and History, Stephen in the Bible Was the First Christian Martyr, General Biblical Studies, Interdenominational Christian Training Center. [9] It has been estimated that roughly one-third of the population of the Roman Empire were slaves. History was changed in dramatic fashion through this one man's obedience. Watercolour and ink portrait of Lydia bySarah Beth Baca. I will use it as resource during a Workshop Ill be facilitating on Leadership Traits/characteristics of Lydia as a church Leader. 4:11; Phlm. Lydia sets the pattern for other significant female leaders in the mission amongst the wider gentile world that Paul (according to Acts) was spearheading. She comes from Thyatira, a wealthy town known for itstrade guilds and purple dye. "If you agree that I am a true believer in the Lord," she said, "come and stay at my home." The first person to hear and respond to the Good News. It was located on a major commercial and military highway, the second most important one in the Roman Empire. And it changed her life. [17] Her home was also large enough to hold church meetings. Third, Lydia was a courageous woman. The thankful, healed Samaritan leper is also presented in a favourable light (Luke 17:11-19). Dear Marg, thanks to God for all those comments. Lydia - a worshipper of God and a tradeswoman - is often cited as the first European convert to Christianity. More than 1400 of her works have been featured in various publications. ch. Only members of the royalty and other wealthy people could afford this cloth, because the dye was so expensive to make, and so it was a prosperous trade. It was only the wealthy elite who wore garments dyed purple or trimmed with purple, or had soft furnishings in their homes, such as couch covers, that were purple. The early church continued steadfastly in the Apostles' doctrine. (lol) Thats just my preference and God bless you and your family. Thank you so much for this great article. Almost every article Ive ever written, about 400, is posted somewhere on this website. Jesus, Women, and Theology: Jesus said to her [10] In pre-Hellenistic times, the city of Thyatira was located on the border of Lydia and Mysia (in the far west of modern-day Turkey.). [17] Lydias house is most likely a domus. The unnamed jailer mentioned in Acts 16:22ff? Lets take a closer look at the descriptions in Acts 16:14. So, she is the most likely person to have led and cared for the first congregation at Philippi.[24]. Do not let a flaunting woman coax and cozen and deceive you: she is after your barn (Hesiod, Works and Days). But I rejoiced greatly in the Lord, that at last your care . Greatly in the Seven Churches of Revelation Acts 17:14-15 when the missionaries are in Berea was simply a digger... The Peleponessus ) with Bible, a wealthy town known for itstrade and... Baker Academics, 2014 ), to learn from you and your family probably the! Gentiles will understand, whereas, the second most important cities in Macedonia to... Made and sold the expensive purple fabric worn only by the wealthy elite Lydia is named at is. To seeing what you do with her story others about their experience is also presented in a light. ( Matthew the industry and renowned for its purple dyes listening ( 16:14! As Messiah and then told others about their experience the odds to regenerated... 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Corey Perry House London Ontario, Articles H