No matter if a couple is planning their memorial design together or individually after the husband or wife passes, one of the first items that need to be considered is how the headstone design will honor both of their lives. Scott Holland, the fourth generation of his family to be buried in this parish, died during the recent natural disaster. The reason for their popularity is that they stay fresh without needing an abundance of maintenance and cleaning. It does not envy, it does not boast, it is not proud. In Loving Memory of. Sharing cherished memories with those who knew the deceased can help. So sometimes I encourage the person commissioning the headstone to let me add the epitaph later once they have died, although we can always design the final headstone with the epitaphs and both names at the time and put the design on file to be used once they die. In Loving Memory . We offer many monument styles including flat grave markers, upright monuments, benches and statues in a wide variety of shapes, granite colors, and price ranges. - Name of last husband who is still living, duration 13 years: "Clark". Then, when the living spouse does eventually pass, family members can have the death date etched into the granite monument. This traditional marriage vow takes on a new meaning when loving couples are laid together in their final resting place. This article discusses some inspiration when selecting an inscription for them. Get VA Form 40-1330 to download. We can guide you during each step of the process. What space will you need and what will the future inscription look like? Flat markers, in granite, marble, or bronze. Theyre a fitting name for memorial services that honor two deeply connected lives. However, there are many ways to enhance a headstone, and make it a richer tribute for your loved one. Death is a time of confusion and grief for the survivors. Unfortunately, that is not the case with headstones. People tend to be quite modest when it comes to their own epitaphs, so they often only want enough space for their name and dates alone to be added, having already included an inscription or epitaph for their husband or wife at the top of the headstone. These gravestones can be designed any way the family chooses. Get an understanding of the personalization, customization and ordering processes. When husband and wife are buried side by side there are a couple of options. Don't Force It: Seek Help Joined as One Heart. "Be devoted to one another in love. For gravestone inscriptions, there are poetry, Shakespeare, and the Bible quotes. Our skilled craftsmen have years of experience at inscribing letters, words, phrases, quotes and epitaphs in a decorative fashion on cemetery markers and public monuments. The more issues that are settled while alive, the less frustration there will be following a death. If you are looking for information on funeral services, you have come to the right place. My experience in designing headstones in collaboration with the surviving spouse or with the children of the husband and wife means that we can create something special and unique which honours both husband and wife as a couple, but also as individuals in their own right. A headstone is a marker that sits above a grave, and the headstone inscriptions written on them usually include the deceased's name, date of birth, date of death and sometimes simple sayings or verses. We tend to avoid leaving a space for a name and dates, followed by an epitaph at the bottom as the headstone will look as if it is waiting for a name to be added. Even if you are skilled with words, it is so hard to do a person's memory justice, and to sum up a whole life in just a short inscription can feel like another pressure among the many that come with the departure of someone close to you. The predominant materials used for double headstones are granite and bronze. Always say so long until we meet again. If you want to add a name to an existing headstone, an engraving is the simplest way to do so. bible verses, quotes, and sayings to choose from for your Headstone, Monument or Grave Marker. A double plot headstone, also known as a double, can be used to bury two people side by side at the same time. Never forgotten. It is critical that you work with a skilled professional in order to ensure a high-quality finish to the headstone. Chances are, when you were married, your friends were other couples. In 2021, Ralph and Dorothy Kohler celebrated their 86th wedding anniversary, as the U.S. Congress officially declared them the longest-married couple in the country. If the surviving spouse remarries there may then be a second spouse in which case there may be three names to be added to the headstone. Always Together. This is something that the person commissioning the headstone might not always consider at the time as they tend to be more concerned with their loved ones name and epitaph that that of their own or choosing a joint epitaph. Carvings can be added to the top of a headstone to free up space for the names on the face. In some cases, being single may change that, as it can feel awkward navigating solo in a world made up of twos. Our headstones tend to start at 6500 + vat. Here are a few lines from his works that may be used for headstone inscriptions: "So long as men can breathe or eyes can see, so long lives this and this gives life to thee." - "Sonnet 18". Our hearts still ache in sadness and our hearts will forever flow. There is no difference between how many times a parent is in love and how much he or she loves him or her, according to Robert Brault. This article hopes to guide you through the process of getting inspiration for a headstone inscription for a husband or wife, especially when one is going through hard times or emotionally downcast. Yet an epitaph inscription on a gravestone is not just meaningful words. Loved and remembered. If you have space and the desire, you can also bury your loved ones on your own property. Its a rare gift. Your love will light the way, and your memory will be forever with us. Choosing an inscription on a headstone can be a very difficult decision. Their Hearts, Forever. Great love lives on. A damaged headstone is naturally upsetting to the family. An additional inscription, not to exceed two lines (and shown at the bottom of the niche cover, under all decedents), can include a term of endearment or reference (e.g. ADDED HEADSTONE INSCRIPTION. Whether side-by-side or in a double-depth plot, its common for couples to be buried next to each other. Sometimes a husband or wife might choose a headstone for their beloved without thinking about their own inclusion. Friends and family can benefit from the comfort of placing a couple to rest alongside one another. A grieving person may not feel like doing the following, but making an attempt is crucial:if(typeof ez_ad_units != 'undefined'){ez_ad_units.push([[300,250],'elderguru_com-leader-4','ezslot_15',138,'0','0'])};__ez_fad_position('div-gpt-ad-elderguru_com-leader-4-0'); The death of a spouse will bring on turbulence of emotions at a time when there are major changes in your life. Survivors include his wife of 51 years Kathy, daughter Stacy and husband Eric Johnson, and granddaughter Katharine. As an Amazon associate, we earn from qualifying purchases. Imagine being together for decades, only to be separated in death. Headstone inscriptions and remembrance quotes, otherwise known as epitaphs or terms of endearment, are a final way to memorialize your loved one. Your Releationship to the Deceased. Most people regard the wording on a headstone as the most significant in creating a memorial. Choosing the design of the inscription will depend on a number of factors from the existing design, burial plot's regulations and level of skill of the engraver and space available. Died Feb 1975 Aged 63 Years . Memorialization. In life and death, each hand has a clasped hand. Gravestones have a long history of honoring loved ones who have passed on. There are so many things to consider when adding a name to a headstone from who can do it, to . It is not uncommon for people to ask for a name on their own. What happens if there is a second spouse? A bevel headstone is a vertical marker with only a slight rise that is so low on the ground it looks more horizontal. It is loved and cherished by family and friends. The Muslim cemetery order is First, Fathers First Name, Middle, Last, Given Name, followed by the Order of the Saints. Because weve come this far together, dont cry because its over, smile because it happened in our hearts forever. An independent family-run business with traditional qualities . Natalie Wood was one of the biggest movie stars of her generation when she died tragically in a mysterious drowning at age 43. Rome Monument, 300 West Park Street Rochester, PA 15074 Granite weighs more, is less expensive than bronze, and is not as useful to thieves. When children commission a headstone for their parents, both husband and wife tend to be already deceased, and in this situation it is much easier to create a design which incorporates both mother and father, wife and husband in a unified way. Emotions can run high in such an event.if(typeof ez_ad_units != 'undefined'){ez_ad_units.push([[300,600],'elderguru_com-large-mobile-banner-2','ezslot_10',127,'0','0'])};__ez_fad_position('div-gpt-ad-elderguru_com-large-mobile-banner-2-0'); If a deceased is ultimately buried between both spouses, the headstone inscription would need to be redone, or a brand new headstone needs to be purchased. During times of adversity, self-care is not a luxury; it becomes a necessity. "Free at last, free at last, thank God almighty I'm free at last. Etched images and portraits, engraved epitaphs and inscriptions, and other artistic elements make a husband and wife companion memorial both unique and beautiful. The beauty of a joint headstone for a husband and wife lies in the careful thought and consideration given to the design which incorporates both names into the final headstone. Although slow and steady wins the race, you can rest assured that taking your time will pay off down the road. While a forward-thinking couple may preplan the details together, the definitive decision will be made by the surviving spouse.if(typeof ez_ad_units != 'undefined'){ez_ad_units.push([[300,250],'elderguru_com-box-4','ezslot_5',106,'0','0'])};__ez_fad_position('div-gpt-ad-elderguru_com-box-4-0');if(typeof ez_ad_units != 'undefined'){ez_ad_units.push([[300,250],'elderguru_com-box-4','ezslot_6',106,'0','1'])};__ez_fad_position('div-gpt-ad-elderguru_com-box-4-0_1'); .box-4-multi-106{border:none !important;display:block !important;float:none !important;line-height:0px;margin-bottom:7px !important;margin-left:auto !important;margin-right:auto !important;margin-top:7px !important;max-width:100% !important;min-height:250px;padding:0;text-align:center !important;}. Because the cemetery and the design are both involved, there is no set standard for how to place names on a tombstone. Bronze markers frequently have a removable plaque with the name, date of birth, and date of death of the deceased. It is crucial to allow enough space for the name and dates of the living husband or wife to be added, whilst at the same time not allowing so much space that the deceaseds headstone looks as if it is waiting for something, and is unfinished. Alexander Pope Simply the best. There is a mention of the first Middle Last [Maiden]. Some people choose to have headstone inscriptions for both parents on their own headstone. This can be a way to remember both parents and to keep their memory alive. If one person is still alive and will be added in future, it is important to design the headstone to allow room for the husband or wife to be added to the headstone, without being cramped or to look like an afterthought, but at the same time it is important to design the headstone so that it does not look as if it is unfinished. One theory is that long ago husbands decided their wives belonged on their left side, the side closest to their heart. You can also enter your maiden name in brackets, such as this. You can also watch the videos about epitaphs and monument designs. You could resolve this by speaking with the funeral director. The deed will be passed on to the next of kin. It is not unusual for a deceased to be buried between two spouses, but everyone needs to feel comfortable with the idea. The goal of a funeral epitaph is to provide some words of wisdom, share the deceaseds most important values, or summarize the deceased persons life. Choosing an inscription for a grave can be difficult. People sometimes forget that an inscription cannot be too close to the ground as not only would it be illegible due to long grass but also it might be damaged by mowing and scratched. When a husband and wife die, they often leave behind a headstone as a final resting place for their loved ones. This site also participates in various other affiliate programs, and we may get a commission through purchases made through our links. Honor one another above yourselves. Romans 12:1014. The first design needs to look complete in itself, while still allowing space for the remaining spouses name to be added. There is no one answer to this question since there is no set formula for what to include on a wifes headstone inscription. Gravestones for couples is not an unusual idea. Typical headstone inscriptions "IN LOVING MEMORY OF JANETTE MCKAY DIED 3rd MARCH 1998 AGED 72 YEARS BELOVED WIFE OF JAMES JOHNSTONE " "IN LOVING MEMORY OF ROBERT ALAN TAYLOR A DEAR HUSBAND, DAD & GRANDA WHO FELL ASLEEP 28th FEBRUARY 1997 AGED 97 "Well done my good and faithful servant"" " CAMERON Treasured Memories of Joan (nee Clarke) If anyone has specific ideas for his or her funeral or headstone, it is best discussed while still alive. Email:, Appointments Are Required For Showroom Visits, Call Or. Gravestones have a long history of honoring loved ones who have passed on. A Dear Husband And Father Who Died 1st January 2009 Aged 56 Years: Pray For A Loving Husband Dad And Taid 10.07.1910 - 20.03.1993: Treasured Memories Of A Devoted Wife, Mum And Nana Passed Away April 19. Harsh heat, hail, or ice can cause them to crack and chip. It does not dishonor others, it is not self-seeking, it is not easily angered, it keeps no record of wrongs." 1 Corinthians 13:4-5 12. Personalized inscriptions on a headstone express what is truly meaningful to the deceased and to the family. Do you repeat the surname or not on a husband and wife headstone? Introduction- the challenge of designing a double headstone. Its a poem about the nights dream. McCole, Sheskinerone Headstone. The purpose of death is to gain, Philippians 1:1. The name order of a tombstone can be changed depending on the cemetery and the specific design. In loving memory. Ideally the headstone will have already been designed with both names in mind, and the original design will be on file. Blessed Are the Pure In Heart. I give consent to Stoneletters to store and handle my data. Then, when the . Good friends can be a lifeline. Try these classic inscriptions: In loving memory Rest in peace Peace, perfect peace Reunited at last Forever with the Lord Our loss is God's gain Of your charity, pray for the soul of You could also choose a popular quote from scripture and hymns. People are free to do whatever they wish, however. Because each individual is unique, this list may be used for inspiration in deciding to come up with your own meaningful and personal epitaph, or . A joint headstone for a husband and wife needs to honour both people equally, and might celebrate or declare their love for each other, and their unity and friendship both in life and death, whilst at the same time honouring each person in their own right, as an individual. The certified master carvers at Rome Monument use old world skills and stoneworking artistry to create unique, custom headstones and monuments. To help give you some inspiration in composing an inscription for your loved ones memorial, we have assembled below a small collection of inscription and verse ideas. Call 305-594-4628 for ordering information. Words or phrases that your mother or father always said, or even a line from their wedding vowels, can be included. By using this website, you agree to our privacy policy. Some sample memorial inscriptions to help you choose the right wording for a loved one's headstone engraving. Are you commissioning a headstone for both parents or is one still alive? It is not required for you to do so. They are a sensitive, concise way of commemorating the deceased . Our compassionate design experts will guide you through every step, detail, and artistic option to create a fully personalized memorial for a husband and wife. The Influence of a Father Upon His Children Lives Through Generations Forever, Husband, Father, Son, Brother, Uncle, Friend, Beloved Father, Brother, Grandson, Nephew, Cousin, & Friend. However, some common elements that are often included are the wifes name, dates of birth and death, and a brief epitaph or quotation. I have finished the course. Loved and remembered. It is an uncomfortable subject for most people, but it is best to be prepared for the unexpected. Scholar, Professor, Leader, Friend Loving and so loved husband and wife Here lies a (insert occupation) Married (insert number of years) Parents of (insert names) Because VA markers are government-issued items, their appearance . A monumental inscription or headstone inscription is typically carved in stone. Names. Inclusion may depend on the following:if(typeof ez_ad_units != 'undefined'){ez_ad_units.push([[300,250],'elderguru_com-leader-2','ezslot_13',111,'0','0'])};__ez_fad_position('div-gpt-ad-elderguru_com-leader-2-0'); Death can happen at any time. These gravestones can be designed any way the family chooses. A licensed counselor can help work through the pain and necessary stages of grief. These two headstones were designed as a pair from the same beautiful slate with rounded tops. Never Apart. Each headstone would need to be designed so that they looked complete in themselves, whilst at the same time looking part of a pair once the second headstone is in place. Fergus created Stoneletters Studio in 2003, after training at the Kindersley Workshop. Your smiles, love & heart will be missed forever. If either of them falls down, one can help the other up. Ecclesiastes 4:9-10, 15. The name should usually be displayed in the first, second, and third place, but it is also common to show the last place in the order. The legacy of a beloved dead person should live forever. The Roman Catholic Diocese of Chelmsford has updated their churchyard and headstone information. One option where there is a double grave, when quite a wide headstone is allowed, would be to make two headstones, each very narrow, where the top continues as if one headstone, leaving a very small gap in between the two headstones. The certified master carvers at Rome monument are experts at lettering and engraving for memorials, headstones, gravestones and gravemarkers made from granite and marble, although granite is the most common material used. We specifically use monolith fixings as this will allow the headstone to be safely lifted from the ground without damage. Some people will tell the monument maker, their friends, spouse, significant other or family members what epitaph they want inscribed or lettered on their tombstone before they pass. Learn a new language. Here lies a beloved husband, father, son, etc. For They Shall See God. John 6:47. Beloved wife, daughter, sister, granddaughter, neice, cousin, friend and poet, Loving & Loved, Wife, Mother, Daughter & Sister, "Never Say Goodbye, Always Say So LongUntil We Meet Again. Through your journey remember our paths will cross. Eat well. As a last resort, be on the lookout for someone who writes your obituary and will be remembered on your grave. May his/her memory be eternal. Toast to marriage with a champagne flute. This can avoid unnecessary arguments and hard feelings. On this traditional double headstone space has been left for the wife. Sometimes, people get lucky and enjoy many years together. Rep. Donald Norcross (D-N.J.) has introduced legislation that would change that. A headstone inscription, often known as an epitaph, is a short text that honours the person who is deceased. August 1, 1954-March 4, 2012. Sarah Marie Ellmore Jackie James Gleason IV Arlenis Kahlo Gutirrez If the decedent had a nickname, it's ideal to place it in quotes after the first given name. This design would depend on the cemetery or churchyard allowing such headstones, as sometimes there is a minimum width, so that this would not be possible. All rights reserved, Managing Funeral Costs: Tips For Saving Money While Planning A Meaningful Service, Understanding The Rules Of The Road When You Encounter A Funeral Procession, Securing Your Financial Future: Exploring Pennsylvanias Pre-Paid Funeral Program Requirements For Employers, Exploring The Reasons Behind Americans Decisions On Open Casket Funerals, Celebrating National Funeral Directors Day Recognizing The Important Role Of Funeral Directors In Our Lives. It is not uncommon for couples to choose images and symbols that convey more meaning. If a wife or husband wants an epitaph, we might add it after they die, or we could add an inscription around the top of the headstone or on the back rather than at the very bottom. Richard III was President of the United States from Richard, IIIs death. The surrender of a maiden name originated in English Common Law. Messages are written on a cross honoring Irma Garcia, a teacher who was killed in this week's elementary school . Below are some inspiring ideas for husband and wife headstone designs, as well as advice about choosing the wording for a husband and wife or parents headstone. Please read our completeDisclosures and Privacy Policyfor more information. The monolith headstone installation method does not use any fixer or cement so that removing the headstone is easy and safe. The back of a double headstone can be a good place for a decorative carving or circle of lettering. If tears could build a stairway, and memories a lane, I'd walk right up to heaven and bring you home again. It would suit the memorial of either a husband or a wife. God blessed the road that led me to you. Forever in our hearts. These are shades recognized and accepted by cemeteries. Rome Monument is one of the leaders in thecemetery monument and memorial industry. One of the most common uses of a double headstone design is to memorialize the passing of a husband and wife. A shared design of a favorite item or place can also be displayed. Military headstone inscriptions frequently include abbreviations that denote the branch of service, war service and awards. These types of grave markers are ideal when the husband and wife are buried along side each other. These companion memorials include space for commemorating the lives of both members of the couple individually and together. Well discuss dealing with loss later in this article. An honest man's the noblest work of God. Talk With a Funeral Home Selection Advisor, CAD Drawings Provided for Customer Approval, Donatelli Granite Co. Showroom, Pittsburgh, PA, Melrose Cemetery Showroom, Bridgeville, PA, Choose a Pittsburgh Area Showroom Near You, Headstone Sayings, Including Short Headstone Sayings, For Mother, What Headstones Say and Mean: About Designs, Symbols & Epitaphs, Headstones With Religious Sayings, Epitaphs and Symbols, Cemetery Monuments With Logos, Symbols, Emblems, Headstone Epitaphs That Can Be Used For Anyone, Click here for a list of the most commonly inscribed abbreviations placed on Government-furnished headstones and markers, headstone with lettering on the base of the monument, Rome Monument Offers Free Monument Lettering -- Learn More >, Bronze Lettering, Accents and Attachments, Order A Matching Veterans Grave Marker For A Spouse, Types of Cemetery Monuments and Memorials, Veterans, Armed Forces and Law Enforcement Monuments, High Quality Black Granite Mausoleums for Sale, Example Headstone Epitaphs And Inscriptions, The Influence of a Mother and Father Upon Their Children Lives Through Generations Forever, Infant Son/Daughter of (Insert Mother's First Name and Father's First Name), Loving Mother of (Insert Number) Nana To Many, Beloved Wife, Mother, Grandmother and Great-Grandmother, Beloved Wife, Daughter, Sister, Granddaughter, Niece, Cousin, Friend & Poet, Beloved Husband, Father, Grandfather and Great-Grandfather. For example, instead of writing about the pain and loss your family is feeling, you may want to write about the happiness and joy the person brought into your life. Cleaning the headstone is an option. Go see a movie or have a nice dinner out. Watch this video to see how Rome Monument completely personalizes every cemetery marker and monument just for you just the way you want! Together I Live & Eternally - hereafter lies creativity and innonence. To add a name to an existing headstone, you should hire a professional engraver who will engrave the gravestone on-site. The most important thing to keep in mind is to be respectful of the deceased and their loved ones. I have finished the course. Bible Verses for Husband and Wife Headstones 11. 2 Timothy 4:7. Joined As One Heart. Inscriptions will eventually fade to the point of becoming illegible. If it is a double grave, full dates are best avoided, as otherwise you would need four lines of dates which can seem a bit date heavy and boring. There are few experiences in life more challenging and heartbreaking than the loss of a loved one. 25 Memorial Quotes For Husband and Wife Headstones, Memorial Quotes For Athletes, Coaches and Sports Lovers, Love is patient, love is kind. Classic headstone inscriptions Dearly beloved In loving memory Once met, never forgotten Remembered with love In ever-living memory of. This arrangement is also seen in Western culture when . We normally perform monument lettering on the forward-facing side of the gravestone. We tend to quote only for the initial name and inscription to be added but if needed we can also quote for the entire headstone and sometimes the surviving spouse wants to pay for the whole headstone in advance. It also means that one half of the headstone might remain empty if it is only for one person at first, and will look as if it is waiting for the second name. 2004 Aged 74 years . The beauty of commissioning a bespoke hand carved headstone for a husband and wife, is that we can start with the inscription and then work backwards, choosing the right stone to fit the inscription rather than trying to fit an inscription to a specific stone. For gravestone inscriptions, there are poetry, Shakespeare, and the Bible quotes. western asset managed municipals fund tax information 2020, His family to be separated in death choose to have headstone inscriptions and remembrance quotes, otherwise known epitaphs... Free to do so, customization and ordering processes name order of a can... The noblest work of God and will be on the forward-facing side of the United States from richard, death! The desire, you can also be displayed by side there are poetry, Shakespeare, the. 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