Others would call it a Napolean Hill pitch. Overly relies on slick presentation: Slick presentation can often mask poor content, and so it is important for you to look past the lovely music and video shows at the actual message. I was never comfortable with his God-like status among teachers and students at my studio, and I found many of his lectures, which we were asked to read as part of yoga teacher training, to be cruel and derogatory toward his followers. Many newcomers are arriving here these days with a healthy skepticism of everyone - lightworkers, truthers, intel gurus, etc., as well as the mainstream media. Choosing a selection results in a full page refresh. Allows his followers to set up a hierarchy of access: A guru must be accessible. Tom: ie. Steve Beckow: Mother, Im operating on the principle and please correct me if Im mistaken here that I serve Archangel Michael, period. Overly relies on slick presentation: Slick presentation can often mask poor content, and so it is important for you to look past the lovely music and video shows at the actual message. We love it. Whereas Kundalini yoga as taught by Yogi Bhajan was incredibly rigid, the Kundalini yoga I now teach is more fluid and intuitiveI call it Kundalini-inspired yoga. The subheadings are my own additions; I have also added bold type where I felt emphasis would be useful: Questioner: You were telling us that there are many self-styled Gurus, but a real Guru is very rare. A false guru or prophet drains people out of common sense and practicality. ), Responsibility begins with the willingness to take the stand that one is cause in the matter of ones life. Control Mufti. You can change this later. It's not like we're selling furniture and. There was even a specific and supposedly very powerful meditation we were told to practice while staring at an image of Yogi Bhajan for 15 minutes a day for 40 days. We sell clothes, but, We are here to show you the power you hold and how to, Okay yeah, we are a streetwear brand and we sell clothes, but, its not so crazy that we do more than that right? When you wear our clothes you share our mission. And he will hijack the effects of meditation as the gurus blessing rather than each individuals natural potential. () If one is able to obtain the dust of the lotus feet of such a guru, his life becomes . Worse, he makes them lose all their money and even go as far as to hypnotize them. 21. Complete self-surrender by itself is liberation. Vongold) Upcoming Concerts. NOTE: Another useful study is The Cult Test by A. Orange found at http://www.orange-papers.org/orange-cult.html. Presents himself or herself overly fashionably and glamorously: Beware of masters who present glamour photographs of themselves and dress overly fashionably (whilst proclaiming that they have no ego and leading ego-death retreats). M: In the long run all will be well. When you see the shadow, it defines the light. The most heart-breaking was a purnavatar, a full and complete Incarnation of God, turning out to be a pedophile. In Patanjali's Yoga Sutras (2.26 2.27), viveka is described as a means to help us separate reality from illusion. When you wear our clothes you take on the mantle, We sell clothes, but we are also here to show. The real teacher focuses on the path and strictly avoids any talk on enlightenment. Kundalini was working for me. Unjust or outrageous behavior by the guru is passed off as what is needed to help the followers grow (how kind). We have more important things to do than to make good use of our website. A guru should be accepted as advised in Srimad Bhagavatam (11.3.21). ), This site is a service of I dunno. many times seekers miss the real guru. Viveka can help us find and uproot avidya (ignorance) and is essential as we move through life. And he will hijack the effects of meditation as the guru's blessing rather than each individual's natural potential. Runs abundance workshops: A guru or master is there to help us find an authentic life. M: The real is meaningful and the meaningful relates to reality. Unless you know yourself well, how can you know another? One very well known Western guru stated, Anyone who loves me is guaranteed enlightenment! Real love and devotion is earned over time when we begin to really know the whole person and not their public image. It may not be perfect, but it is wise in the main. Learn how your comment data is processed. because you are unconsciousness and seeking help. (Meeting one or more of these criteria does not automatically or guarant Supposing they, though sincere, end up supporting someone that professes to serve . The false guru will try to own or trademark particular methods and techniques so that he has something unique to attract followers. The sort of joke you think of when someone you know talks about how they are going to become a rapper or go make it as a space cowboy. Run! Steve: Yes, Mother. 6 min read This article originally appeared on Yoga Journal I had been practicing yoga weekly for about four. What is that pattern? Does not practice what is preached: Contrary to spiritual myth, you don't reach a point of realization whereby you can then start acting mindlessly. So, if you were channeling with somebody and they said it was Hilarion, and in fact it was Hilarion, understand on our side the conjoining is so much stronger [with Michael] that Michael would simply funnel through Hilarion what needs to be said. I also no longer practice White Tantra Yoga. I give you my divine authority to do so. Money is collected from followers usually in the form of donations, and those donations are given as an act of love, appreciation and to help spread the influence of the master. - The Divine Mother. You are bringing to light what needs to be revealed so it doesnt destroy the fiber of your society. It is always a good idea to get hold of a written transcript of what has been said and really read the message. In responsibility, there is no. (Read more), Sasha Latypova: Everything About Covid Vaccines is a Fraud, The 9D Arcturian Council Through Daniel Scranton: When You See a UFO or E.T., This Happens, Archangel Gabriel through Shelley Young ~ 2023: Into the True. However, I haven't thrown away my practice in its entirety. Beware of this false guru called Amma February 6, 2014 By SW - See all . Flatters you and treats you as very special: Sure we are all special in some ways, but this is one of the things that a false guru may do to hook a potential follower or to get a current follower to do a particular task. Unless they have genuinely spent considerable time in other cultures, they are probably playing out a role. You dial in the type of healing you need and you receive it. Is not interested in you personally: If a teacher or guru does not have time to interact with you personally, then you may as well read his teaching from a book, because merely being in his presence doesnt help you find realization inside you. These tips come from a false guru . You will soon find out whether there is any real substance to the teacher's message, or whether you are merely being drawn in by the charisma of the messenger. As much as I like him and am torn about it, I have to blame Tim . its not easy to find who is real and who is Any criticism and critical thinking are actively discouraged and followers typically undergo a process of thought reform or "brainwashing." It's not like we're selling furniture and, sausages! Viveka can help us discern the truth by remaining rooted in ourselves and our own wisdom and intuition. Cedar Crest, New Mexico, 87008 It may be a combination of the previous factors, or some intuitive awareness beyond expression. Plus, my overall mood was elevated. Runs expensive miracle workshops and courses: You are unlikely to reach enlightenment after a few weekend workshops with cheesy titles. Q: How can I make out who is a real saint and who is not? There are many jnanis who imagine themselves realised, but all they have is book knowledge and a high opinion of themselves. Thank you for confirming that. Lakshmana Sarma explains verse 18 of Ramana Maharshis Ulladu Narpadu | Maha Yoga | Sri Ramana Paravidyopanishad. So to return to my main point, if your service is sincere, whether the guru/cause is or is not sincere, your service, the Divine Mother says, is accepted. We have, opinions. sometimes they end up spending time with fake gurus. 5. We sell clothes, but we are also here to. False Guru is one who is imperfect, has not experienced the divine reality and is always ready to preach what he himself does not practice. Money is collected from followers usually in the form of donations, and those donations are given as an act of love, appreciation and to help spread the influence of the master. en.ya.guru - 2023 . Our recommendations on other lightworker sites. Encourages or permits adoration from his followers: Avoid any group that focuses on the "master" themselves rather than the teachings or spiritual practices. Building, anchoring, and restoring hope, trust and Love within the human community. I was over the top knowing that whoever was speaking, behind them would be Michael. Feeling depressed? should start selling a course or somethingCharlie Munger Destroying Fake Gurus in UNDER 2 MINUTES( originally found Charlie munger's . Sant Mat clearly teaches that. Another pseudo form of lineage is to recount a miracle that once happened to them (maybe they cured themselves of some disease or God spoke to them personally) which infers that they are chosen and therefore have the authority to set themselves up as teachers and gurus. (The Japanese say that the Gods laugh at those who pray for money.). You can't edit something that doesn't exist. Viveka can help us find and uproot avidya (ignorance) and is essential as we move through life. 24. Whereas Kundalini yoga as taught by Yogi Bhajan was incredibly rigid, the Kundalini yoga I now teach is more fluid and intuitive-I call it Kundalini-inspired yoga. I dunno. The following are a few important signs that a guru may be fake, or not as sincere as he or she pretends to be. you are open, vulnerable and trusting. Today, I take a more balanced and measured approach to Kundalini yoga. How is False Guru Different? sign up for Outside+. One of my teachers explained it would "dissolve your karma and expand your destiny.". Often the students or followers are forbidden from divulging the techniques to maintain a sort of intellectual property right, usually under the guise of needing the technique to be taught correctly. False Guru really isn't all that different from the sea of brands selling their fast "FaShIoN" at record speed. Q: We are told that total surrender to the Guru is enough, that the Guru will do the rest. Len Satov I felt less overwhelmed, more grounded, and capable of sound decision-making. Do this meditation. They argue their points in the same way that the scholars in the middle ages argued how many angels could sit on the head of a pin. What is skillful is guiding those listeners to having awakening within themselves. May a Christian Believe in Reincarnation? The One Subscription to Fuel All Your Adventures. Run! errant mind, by the very nature of their level of spiritual development. 16. Gives him or herself outrageous titles: Not satisfied by being "merely" an enlightened being, many false gurus give themselves titles (or allow their followers to do so) to indicate that they are literally God-Incarnate, the reincarnation of the Buddha or Christ, or THE chosen one. Recommended Reading: Books for Liberation, Does Jnana (or Self-Enquiry) lead to Bhakti (or Self-Surrender) or the other way round? 9 Ways to Spot a Fake Guru or Spiritual Teacher Print Friendly or Save as PDF By Paul Lenda Guest writer for Wake Up World The old paradigm of life-controlling and mind-manipulating belief systems has left many to finally realize they have been living in an artificial reality created by egotistical people on power trips. In this way he can appear above money considerations, whilst maintaining his greed and opulence. And when you know yourself you are the other. Acts omnipotently with no accountability: Some spiritual communities are run like concentration camps, with guru and his chosen ones acting like Gestapo officers. Information is Light. You know that you are serving my beloved Michael and I would like to suggest to you, Sweet One, not to distract you, but you are also serving me. Uses pseudo-technology: Many false prophets and organisations base themselves around pseudo-technology in the effort to appear scientific special meters, communication devices (do you really expect the aliens to use a mobile?) Presents himself or herself overly fashionably and glamorously: Beware of masters who present glamour photographs of themselves and dress overly fashionably (whilst proclaiming that they have no ego and leading ego-death retreats). 1. Very few of them made the cut. the lure of ancient traditions, languages and lineage whereby the false guru lays claim to legitimacy by association with or descendancy from the ascended masters, gautama buddha, maitreya and sanat kumara, plus physical adeptship through developed siddhis (powers), the mischievous misuse of the mantra ( black magic) manipulating nature spirits If he insists that his followers live in austere conditions, so should he. Focuses on enlightenment itself rather than teaching the path leading to it: It is amazing how much false gurus have to say about enlightenment. The false guru will try to own or trademark particular methods and techniques so that he has something unique to attract followers. Demands love and devotion from their students: Keep clear of any master who demands love and devotion. My teacher trainers would explain this away by saying that Yogi Bhajan was a "Saturn teacher," alluding to his astrological sign as an explanation for his tough, moody, almost misanthropic style. Light of the Spirit Monastery Creation, preservation, transformation = love building, love preserving, love dissolving = inbreath, pause, outbreath = rajas, sattwa, thamas (gunas) = Akar, Ukar, Makar (Aum) = Brahma, Vishnu, Shiva (Trimurthy). In many ways, I felt vindicated after hearing this news. Satsang, on the other hand, means literally "the company of the Truth". Our recommendations on other constructive news sites. Does not practice what is preached: Contrary to spiritual myth, you dont reach a point of realization whereby you can then start acting mindlessly. http://www.orange-papers.org/orange-cult.html, Introduction: Climbing the Ladder of Consciousness, How to Tell if You Are Making Progress in Meditation, The Monk That Challenged Lenin: Yogeshwar Brahmachari, Vegetarianism: an Interview of Abbot George on Australian Radio, Reincarnation: Its Causes and Consequences. Many might drift away and feel they have wasted their time, but they are only likely to have the great anger if they have put their teacher on a pedestal, given him their power, and later realized that he was never worthy of such adoration. The future affects the present as much, as the past. It is often said that when you truly need a teacher, one will appear. After some years, when the disciple takes stock of himself, he finds no change. Remember that there is no such thing as "crazy wisdom"wisdom is the art of being balanced. We allowed ourselves to believe in and bet on our selves. Ultimately, Patanjali taught continuous discriminative awareness as a means of liberation from suffering. Lives in total opulence: There is nothing wrong with living in luxury or being wealthy. Problems such as substance abuse, succumbing to sexual temptation, theft, lying, etc. Sri Ramana Maharshi, 2 new books have now been added to the recommended reading list: Maha Yoga and Sri Ramana Paravidyopanishad by Lakshmana Sarma, Does the Sage (Jnani) see the world? Beloved ones, do not allow yourselves to be distracted, yes, by the chaos. A guru is only useful to the process of awakening if you can directly interact with him. Demands love and devotion from their students: Keep clear of any master who demands love and devotion. When a group of people unquestioningly commit to a leader or ideology or both, it can be troublesome. We are here to show you the power you hold and how to capture it. 8. Runs abundance workshops: A guru or master is there to help us find an authentic life. Follow her on Instagram @jennifurious. M: Yes, they may separate. His image hung on studio walls and his lectures were regularly quoted to students. Out of these cookies, the cookies that are categorized as necessary are stored on your browser as they are as essential for the working of basic functionalities of the website. When you wear our clothes you take on the mantle, We sell clothes, but we are also here to show. Notice also how she discusses and participates in a souls lifetime design. 10. 7. Acts like a complete paranoid mad person: If your Precious One acts like a complete paranoid schizophrenic or psychotic then he probably is. (The Japanese say that the gods laugh at those who pray for money.). If he is not, or if he allows his followers to block your access, then he is playing the role of a king and not a spiritual guide. The following can be found on several websites, with differing authors being cited. False Guru Line Work T-Shirt Regular price $19.95 USD Regular price Sale price $19.95 USD Unit price / per . I also no longer practice White Tantra Yoga. Satsang, on the other hand, means literally the company of the Truth. In a deeper sense it is an affirmation of the Guru-Disciple relationship in Eastern traditions. Ultimately, Patanjali taught continuous discriminative awareness as a means of liberation from suffering. All we had at first was a bunch of not so great ideas for designs. masters established in the 5th plane are beyond being led astray by the. But the allure of Kundalini Yoga as a "technology," which is how Yogi Bhajan defined the practice, that could bring about healing and transformation held incredible sway. We want your blood. Im still serving Archangel Michael.. M: You cannot, unless you have a clear insight into the heart of man. However, here in the West, such copycat behaviour is a strong indication that the guru is acting a role. If no [lightworker] steps forward into [leadership] Do not venture where there is no love. 24 Cues for Legs Up the Wall That Youve Probably Never Heard Before, 5 Yoga Poses to Help You Stay Sane Around Your Family at the Holidays, 7 Ways to Switch Up Your Usual Bridge Pose, 5 Best Cult Documentaries That You Can Stream Right Now, I Thought It Was the Perfect Yoga Studio. It's not like, we're selling furniture and sausages! What is skillful is guiding those listeners to having awakening within themselves. "If there is nothing to loose in following a compassionate, kind, but false Gurudoes the humanist really loose anything at all? Here are five red flags - #1 Money False Guru Short Sleeve T-Shirt Regular price $19.95 USD Regular price Sale price $19.95 USD Unit price / per . This is nothing to do with becoming more successful at work or making more money, although this may or may not follow from being more authentic. Nothing can be more intoxicating to the ego than to be selected by the master or leader (or any high profile person). 12. The point is that we put pen to paper and suspended our disbelief that we could totally absolutely make our own clothing. Box 1370 False Guru is more than just a streetwear brand. If I were to go to another medium and [it transpires that] she was not channeling Archangel Michael and I were to do what was being said, and it turns out to be a colossal error, Im still serving Archangel Michael. 17. Kundalini was working for me. We sell clothes, but, We are here to show you the power you hold and how to, Okay yeah, we are a streetwear brand and we sell clothes, but, its not so crazy that we do more than that right? Until It Wasnt, Going Viral on Instagram Taught Me to Change My Assumptions About Yoga Influencers. If you don't then you, False Guru really isn't all that different from the sea of. We have opinions. To see clearly, your mind must be pure and unattached. I asked the Divine Mother this question and her answer resolved my dissonance. Take the EnergyGrid False Guru Test. You live in tumultuous times and you live in a time of fulfilment. ENERGYGRID MAGAZINE. And nothing is swaying you from that balanced center of knowing. Follow her on Instagram@jennifurious. B. Ture. Our mission is to verbalize the existence of possibility. You can spare some, right? As one teacher described it, the practice works like a telephone. False Guru is a vision, an idea, a message. Takes sexual advantage of his followers: This happens much more than many believe. this guy seems smart. Today, I take a more balanced and measured approach to Kundalini yoga. Anyone have any thoughts? M: Be the right man and the right Guru will surely find you. When we feel ourselves we do our best. This website uses cookies to improve your experience while you navigate through the website. Get paperbacks and ebooks of any of our titles at Amazon.com. Album . I had been practicing yoga weekly for about four years when I began Kundalini yoga teacher training. Weekly for about four years when I began Kundalini yoga Test by Orange. In Patanjali 's yoga Sutras ( 2.26 2.27 ), viveka is described a. Yourself well, how can I make out who is a real saint and who is not less overwhelmed more! You live in tumultuous times and you live in tumultuous times and you receive it nothing wrong with living luxury. Sometimes they end up spending time with fake gurus and complete Incarnation of God, turning out to be by. Nothing is swaying you from that balanced center of knowing however, here in the type of you. Common sense and practicality man and the right man and the meaningful relates to reality acting role. No such thing as `` crazy wisdom '' wisdom is the art being... 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