Jenna [00:45:52] All the little rules. Jenna [00:54:41] It isn't just that Dwight moves back to his desk? And then we have a little bit of Jim sass. We have a scene down at Caffeine Corner. Dwight gives Michael a huge hug. Do you think I should call Marcus? Angela [00:41:01] Oh, that is tasty. Angela [00:16:06] God. It's called Oi Frog, and it's about a cat. He spotted a mound of ants during a 4th of July picnic at his sister's poolside in Southern California. Sepinwall was further critical of the main story, calling it "flat and uncomfortable". Jenna [00:07:32] Well, moving on to fast fact number three, I've got, you know, a little nerdy production speak coming your way. He sings about the importance of hometowns. The episode was written by Amelie Gillette and directed by Randall Einhorn. Angela [00:49:04] No one buys this. did pam sleep with todd packer. Todd Packer is back! Ooh, Don't you want to drink it? The HomePod 2 is available for pre-order, too. Pam is going to walk by Andy's desk and see Erin's new computer. Jenna [00:39:30] A crime fighting beaver? Karen Filippelli/Todd Packer. I guess Gabe fell in the shower. And then I guess she's corrupt because she's covering up what she did by giving a favor to another person. Jenna [00:38:50] Yeah, don't do that. Have a great week, you guys. Stanley hade a mistress. Jenna [00:49:29] Yeah. Sam, what year do you think this was? Grease 2 cast [00:58:58] Let's bowl, let's bowl, lets rock n roll. Jenna [00:18:36] I didn't get that one. And Rainn ate through all of that. Recalling as a boy how he had collected ants and jars at his uncle's farm in Pennsylvania, he told his brother in law and business partner, We should make an ant-terranium. He doesn't get a lot of what Todd Packer is and he's like a little brother looking up to someone. Jenna [00:18:12] No, from Pam and Angela. Jenna [00:33:06] Well, I loved that. She says first is Bill Cosby. I googled Justice Beaver and there's so much fan art of like a-
Angela [00:32:18] Mr. Levine, he was quoted as saying this about the ants. Angela [00:45:53] I know. That's right, Dunder Mifflin's all-time leader in litigation liability for the company, Todd Packer, returned to the show for (what just has to be) his final hurrah. She's going to tell Andy he has to switch the computers back immediately. Well, there's a reason, a million reasons why not. Angela [00:13:07] Mm hmm. Todd Packer and I are total BFF Best Friends Forever. No one needs to be here. Angela [00:12:39] I mean, if it would make you feel better. Jenna [00:51:31] Like exactly like themselves. Jenna [00:38:33] But he also gives, like, 90 million reasons why he's prepared it. Jenna [00:56:56] Agreed. Jenna [00:37:29] That was what I loved about it. Here Are the 2023 Golden Globes Winners (Updating) Among a sea of superstars in film and television, some of music's biggest names are nominated at Tuesday night's (Jan. 10) 2023 Golden Globe Awards. Angela [00:25:02] I don't know. Apparently, as soon as corporate found out I wanted to come in off the road, Jo offered me a cushy new job in Tallahassee, which got a four dongs up rating on the hit that dot com. Teaches emotional awareness? Oh well, I added a few of Michael's outliers to the mix. And then they get like a little sinister look in their eyes. Pam: I'd just like to say that, my Mom's coming in today. Angela [00:01:21] Jenna was the first person here today at Earwolf, and apparently she found the thermostat, cause it was pretty chilly today and Jenna cranked it. Michael Scott [00:49:55] I was going to say dogs! I'm thinking of taking a pottery class. I've known Steve Carell since 1990. Meanwhile, Pam uses her power as Office Administrator to help Andy get a new computer. describe whats going on in the political cartoon answers. Jenna [00:12:57] I'm coming out to see what it is. Jenna [00:12:55] I don't know, but I'm coming out. Jenna [00:28:22] And the older brother gets his finger bit by his little brother. Donate. Then, the ladies reveal how David Koechner came to play Todd Packer, Jenna explains what a bottle episode is and how this episode is an example of it, and Angela deep dives into ant farms. Jenna [00:33:45] Oh, my gosh. Do you know that book? Who has kissed? I thought I was meeting Holly, not Jennifer Aniston. And Randy even sent us the before and after pictures. Well, I'll tell you what, Amy from Winnipeg, this was not a paid plug for Apple. One time, we were out, and we met this set of twins, and Packer told them that we were brothers. Angela [00:56:33] He's going to call bull (BLEEP) on that. And Holly agrees. But the A.V. Angela [00:44:21] Andy says, Pretty sneaky, sis. Case in point. Jenna [00:03:50] He gave it a B-minus. You know how Steve could do that? [13], IGN writer Cindy White enjoyed the episode, but criticized the ending for being too similar to a scene from the original British version of The Office in which David Brent tells traveling salesman Chris Finch to "fuck off". Ultimately, Koechner had one important message he wanted the ladies of The Office to share with fans.
Was pamela harris? In this episode, traveling salesman Todd Packer (David Koechner) comes to Dunder Mifflin looking for a desk job in the office. And it said, Michael spots Angela. Angela [00:58:03] She gets to hold power. I remember it. There is a regatta held in Yarmouth, which is on the Isle of Wight in the U.K..
Packer and Angela. Angela [00:18:29] Yes, I loved that. As he knows everything that is in the warehouse and where it is stored, he leverages Pam into giving him more sick days. So they went on and they started shooting the fourth episode, thinking, We'll go back to this. Jenna [00:09:37] He said you just do your best and not all episodes end up costing the same. Packer-Angela- ah! What did Todd Packer put in the cupcakes? Jenna [00:40:39] It is a cake with chocolate flavored coating and a peanut butter filling. Angela [00:12:26] What's the bowling alley dance? I was still laughing about our double sneer. Please, please. Jenna [00:00:06] We were on The Office together. You're so tickled. I'm 21 years old, and when I listened to the Office Ladies episode, The Meeting, you two explained what the White and Yellow Pages were. [6], Packer pretends to mistake Holly for actress Jennifer Aniston. Todd: Actually, they have a specific way I need to do this. 0. Jim says to Michael, Do this. Angela [00:32:23] I found out their most amazing feat yet, he said, They put three kids through college. He was 97 years old. Jenna [00:31:04] Uncle Milton? Angela. Angela [00:21:30] I love that he does that. He heard what he needed to hear. Expect to see more of these cases in the future. there were different people in the office back then, i'm pretty sure he meant back in the days when michael and packer were salesmen. For the character from the show, see, 18th episode of the 7th season of The Office, "Current Twitter trends: Swag Fail, Bosh Spice Gadgets & Tech, Life & Style", "Thursday Final Ratings: 'Grey's Anatomy' Adjusted Up; 'The Office,' 'Outsourced,' and 'Private Practice' Down", "Infographic: The Lifespan of The Office", "TV Ratings Broadcast Top 25: Oscars, 'American Idol,' 'NCIS,' 'Glee,' 'Modern Family' Top Week 23 Viewing", "Review: 'The Office' 'Todd Packer': Riding a Desk",, Short description is different from Wikidata, Television episode articles with short description for single episodes, Television episode articles with short description and disambiguated page names, Creative Commons Attribution-ShareAlike License 3.0, This page was last edited on 4 August 2022, at 23:55. Angela [00:17:50] And when I watched it, it had this moment where I was like, Wait, Todd Packer. Angela [00:30:03] I think that's great because I sort of remember that it went viral before people knew that you could monetize a YouTube video. Jenna [00:37:32] Exactly. No, you ahh. Jenna [00:12:50] Yeah. Angela [00:00:45] Yeah, it is. And then he makes fun of Kevin's weight. The shape of it, everything. Jenna [00:13:56] Yes! Jenna [00:09:23] So they would have a discussion with the writers to get sort of a general idea of what the season was going to be like. This is the scene that would have been set up by that Michael Holly scene earlier where Michael's going to talk to Todd. Jenna [00:20:07] See that I'm saying? Doused my pasta- the last of the pasta- in the sauce. Jenna [00:26:08] He did like this scene. Angela [00:13:27] As Dwight eats all of his slimy slurpy food, he grosses everyone out. Jim, Pam, Kelly, Ryan, and Meredith ask Holly why she hired Tom Packer, to which she says that he seemed nice to her. And John, whose shoulders- it's just his shoulders, it's Creed's face over John's shoulder, but you can see John's shoulders. did pam sleep with todd packer It will always bother me that Jim orders a ham & cheese What do you think of Charles Miner. Even with the warning, however, one station in Kentucky still refused to air "Sexual Harassment," and clips from the episode were later used in NBC's own HR training videos to highlight how not to behave in the workplace. Let's start first by playing the scene you're talking about in deleted scenes. I don't need you to accept my apology, but I'd love it if you did. Angela [00:38:37] I know. I know. Go . He liked Pam and Andy and all of that. Angela [00:22:06] Pam is so tickled. Hank nods and smiles. Milton Levine. At 9 minutes, you'll notice no logo again on the back of that monitor. And, I have to go through examples of stuff. Do you want to guess the date? Best Quality Product Distributor - Worldwide Angela [00:08:48] I remember Carolyn. Holly [00:38:01] Without naming names? In the early 1930s they added individually wrapped pies. Here's what the article said. Angela [00:18:41] Erin and Gabe arrived late. . Jenna [00:56:29] Mm hmm. At the end of his review, McNutt reminded readers that The A.V. Angela [00:51:24] Mm hmm. Angela [00:37:22] Lois. There is a moment I barely got through. They sound exactly like themselves. Just to be clear, innocence and childlike naivety does not excuse a person from sexually harassing anyone or standing idly by while someone else does, but we get what Koechner is saying. Weasels sit on weasels. B.J. Jenna [00:28:37] And the older brother is like, Charlie. Jenna [00:16:01] Because John laughing so hard. Jenna [00:29:13] Okay. I'm sorry. Michael's like, Hey, Packer, you need to take some of that charm upstairs to the bullpen. We got it in the UK when we lived in London. Angela [00:02:24] Did she have to write her own review? Thanks for signing up. Angela [00:21:33] There was more to the scene. If they have any kind of shared system, this doesn't make any sense from an I.T. The dad had uploaded the video because he just wanted to share it with their godfather, but it ended up going viral. Jenna [00:41:09] I'm going to try one. He was, however, critical of Holly seeming unaware that "Michael may not be the best judge of whether or not someone is funny". Jenna [00:27:11] Steve Martin. The city-run initiative aims to limit obstacles to accessing abortions. Angela [00:58:38] What is this? That was my thought process! I have no idea. Michael had a one-night stand with Concierge Marie, the woman who greets him at the hotel when he goes to Winnipeg, Canada with Andy and Oscar in Season 5's "Business Trip." Todd Packer is actually Vice President when they make the presentation to Robert California . Pam points out that if she were to get a new computer for one sales rep, she would have to get one for every sales rep, as compared to reception, a one-person department. Angela [00:16:17] It's because to quote Todd Packer, All right. Jenna [00:46:18] Oh, my gosh. Angela [00:01:15] Before we jump into fast facts, I just have to share something with everyone. Charlie bit my finger. Jenna [00:12:43] I don't need everybody to have a bunker. Angela [00:03:36] He had to stay unbiased. Jenna [00:17:45] I'm speechless over that. Angela [00:17:39] Yeah, that's, that's then she's like, Well, your sales speak for themselves. Yes, guys, this scene was originally scripted and shot during season six, The Chump. He's a sweet talker until he slams you. Jim and Karen did get a hotel together in New York (recall Michael's comment when they asked to leave early for the interview, or when Dwight mocked Jim, or when the two spent all those late nights together, or when Karen told Jim to sell paper so they could go on a trip, or that Karen cried for weeks after the break up). I want to see it. It's a humongous monitor. Phil Shea bought it. Angela [00:09:36] How do you do that? Everyone. Jenna [00:44:27] And? We never got it. Create an account to follow your favorite communities and start taking part in conversations. Pretty sure they imply Gabe and Ryan did something sexual together after the pool party at Robert California's house.. No evidence that Jim ever slept with either Katy or Karen. Who wants this? Angela [00:12:06] No. Jenna [00:24:57] Who made these decisions before she was office administrator? I looked. It had this moment where I was like, well, your sales speak for.... 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