Darth Malak's Lightsaber normally inflicts 18-32 damage on Normal, including Damage Bonus: +5 Universal. They stopped chasing me and Carth and MC respawned right next to me. In his heart, he never accepted the Jedi code. Then explore the Galaxy of Lightsabers at ZIA Sabers. [1], Damnanother Dark Jedi! A Guide To The Kotor Darth Bandon Lightsaber, Main Differences Between Blue And Green Lightsabers. He always drops his armor and credits though. TravisLarowe8075 9 mo. Bandon located Revan in Manaan's underwater kolto harvesting base known as Hrakert Station, on the Selkath homeworld Manaan. In response, Malak captured Taris and ordered a blockade of the planet so that the Sith could search for Bastila Shan. [12], Somehow the head ended up in the possession of Risha Drayen during the Cold War, and she used it during her quest to locate the treasure of her father, Nok Drayen. Korriban: You encounter Calo/Bandon when you leave the academy toward the Valley of the Dark Lords. You are thinking correctly. Kill Bandon there and loot his corpse for this saber. I personally believe Darth Bandons lightsaber was one of the coolest lightsabers in Star Wars History. (I'm not exactly sure if I was able to go back to the surface without triggering Calo/Bandon. The times of the Old Republic when Old Jedi Order was in control thousands of years before the Palpatines Empire. Specifically Tatooine: Right outside the Krayt Dragon cave. Affect Mind, Dominate Mind, Wound, Choke, Drain Life, Throw Lightsaber. Bandon also told Revan that he was no match for the Sith apprentice, although Revan had defeated Calo Nord, whom Bandon thought was pathetic. Malak sent Bandon after Revan, Shan, and their companions, and Malak ordered his apprentice to bring Shan to him alive, if possible. Bandon drops nothing extra unless you are on the XBOX. Telekinesis: This one is a very common ability among the Force-users, be it a Jedi or a Sith. This proved to be his downfall, as Revan and his team vanquished Malak's Shadow Hand, along with the two Dark Jedi accompanying him. The only person who ever wielded this double-bladed lightsaber was Exarquin. I actually found Carth with master rapid shot to be amazing. We do not see any proper Hilt covering on the Crystal. He is able to mix his lightsaber and Force abilities in battle to complement each other. What do you think? He could use the Force to push his opponents to the ground and could use it to alter the air currents around his opponent, turning it into a maelstrom. I just love the detail on Peragus. If that universal damage is multiplied by a critical hit then 36-64 critical damage is inflicted, otherwise it's 31-59, which means values of 60-64 would indicate the former and 33-35 the latter (31-32 can be a normal hit). And for feats I have Armor Profiency: Light, Caution, Critical Strike, Gear Head, Implant Level 1, Sniper Shot, Weapon Proficiency: Blaster Pistol, Weapon Proficiency: Blaster Rifle, Weapon Proficiency: Lightsaber, Weapon Focus: Lightsaber, Weapon Proficiency: Melee Weapons, Jedi Defense, Sneak Attack 1, Sneak Attack 2, Sneak Attack 3, Sneak Attack 4, Force Jump, Scoundrel's Luck, Improved Scoundrel's Luck, Jedi Sense, Dueling, Force Sensitive. So, who he really was, and what was so cool about Darth Bandon lightsaber? One double-bladed lightsaber we can remember is Darth Mauls lightsaber. [20] Bandon also wore a customized set of light fiber armor which he fitted to his robes. If you're scrolling through your inventory and you see a group of 4 red dobule sabers all together, and 1 red double saber. [1] He also displayed his proficiency in using a single lightsaber when he dueled the Cathar Jedi Juhani. Then explore the Galaxy of Lightsabers at. Bandon can be encountered after finding the third star map . If anyone is willing to assist me in repairing this, I will be able to upload the mod with credits to the individual. When Malak learned of Shan's location aboard the Republic warship Endar Spire, he sent a Sith battle fleet to ambush the ship. Though I also believe that Bandon's unique lightsaber properties might not apply on PC, if that's what you're playing the game on. Do you want to get Bandon's lightsaber or anything? Using the Force, he could make a barrier on himself or anyone else. When the Sith attacked the Republic warship Endar Spire above the planet Taris, Bandon boarded the ship along with the Sith troopers and Dark Jedi under his command and tried to capture the Jedi Knight Bastila Shan. Although canonically appearing on Manaan, Bandon appears on the planet where the fourth Star Map of the journey is found. My ideas for specific hilts for specific characters are as follows: Revan of course would craft their lightsaber hilt, Bastila would use the Nova Saberstaff model, after having turned to the Dark Side, she'd use the Darkwalker's Saberstaff model, Jolee would use Jolee Bindo's Lightsaber, Juhani would use the Solar Wrath . New comments cannot be posted and votes cannot be cast, A subreddit for fans of BioWare's classic 2003 RPG Star Wars: *Knights of the Old Republic*, Obsidian Entertainment's 2004 sequel *Star Wars: Knights of the Old Republic II: The Sith Lords*, and the upcoming *Knights of the Old Republic: Remake*. I heard that by killing Darth Bandon on Mannon you would get a special double bladed lightsaber. Always do Bandon on Tatooine, that way you can literally run across the desert to the boundary of the next area. My gf actually thought it was kind of underwhelming lol. I don't know what triggers him, but it is possible for him to not appear on Mannan at all (despite the fact I have fought him there before having done all of the same things). Your personal data will be used to support your experience throughout this website, to manage access to your account, and for other purposes described in our privacy policy. If i went to tatooine then manaan temporarily to remove the gizkas, am I still eligible for this special reward? I kid you not. Any advice? Darth Bandon was skilled in using Force to manipulate peoples thoughts. [16] However, Bandon was killed by Revan five years before in 3956 BBY. The Official Abel G. Pea Thread (Halagad Approved) [archived]. Do I have to visit another 2 and make Manaan the third like Dantooine - Yavin - Planet 1 - Planet 2 - Manaan, or is Yavin station a planet and I have to do Dantooine - Yavin - Planet 2 - Manaan? I find that the Jedi tend to be better for the harder fights. Press J to jump to the feed. However, he made a name for himself among Star Wars fans with a game that covered all of the Knights of the Old Republic. Um darauf zugreifen zu knnen, msst ihr . However, you should note that there are two major limitations to the benefits of Darth Bandon's Lightsaber. Forum Jump: Tatooine: You encounter Calo/Bandon when you leave the Krayt Dragon cave. I'll try to hold him off, you get to the escape pods! Bandon is highly skilled in both double-bladed and single-bladed lightsaber combat. In one battle, the Jedi Order successfully ambushed the two Sith lords of that time. By accepting all cookies, you agree to our use of cookies to deliver and maintain our services and site, improve the quality of Reddit, personalize Reddit content and advertising, and measure the effectiveness of advertising. Press J to jump to the feed. Reply. Step away from clear notions of good and evil, right and wrong. Ever! You don't need to pick up the Star Map to encounter them. Just like the above ability, this one was pretty common among the Jedis. Bandon was summoned to the ship's bridge immediately; when Bandon arrived on the bridge, he killed a Sith trooper that walked in his way. Have I just created my team that badly? Thisalong with Bandon's strength with the Force, his natural cruelty, and his utter ruthlessness in his quest for powersoon set Bandon apart from his fellow students and brought the attention of Darth Malak, Revan's Sith apprentice. Revan and Onasi also crashed onto the Tarisian surface. ""As you command, Master.Darth Malak and Darth Bandon, After Malak ordered the destruction of Taris in an attempt to kill Bastila Shan, Malak was informed by the bounty hunter Calo Nord, who survived Taris' destruction, that Shan had successfully escaped Taris; although, Nord was unaware that it was Revan, Malak's former Master, who assisted in her escape. This swirling vortex of Force energy would lift an opponent into the air, spin them around, and completely immobilize them. Bandon was a human Jedi Padawan when the Jedi Civil War happened. Did you do the Leviathan sequence after Manaan, or did you go to Korriban before Manaan? Most people did not have the time to react, and they were caught in the electrocution. Malak hired the bounty hunter to find and capture Shan, however, Nord was killed by Revan during the Jedi's search for the Star Forge. ", which was published in Star Wars Insider 100, Bandon came in the twenty-second place, beating his Sith Master Darth Malak, who came in at twenty-third place. Bandon was capable of using the dark side to drain his enemies' life-forces, and to strangle his opponents. Hello. EDIT: Conditions provided by /u/jerryrice88 added. If AI made stills for a Star Wars: Knights of the Old You guys think i have enough? 5. On the Xbox version, if and only if you encounter Darth Bandon on Manaan, you would receive what appears to be a normal double bladed lightsaber. [2], Some in the Sith hierarchy felt that Bandon would eventually rise to challenge Malak for his mantle of Dark Lord, because of the Sith belief that the strongest must rule; and, it was also believed, that when the apprentice surpassed in ability the Master, the Master must fall. Alive if possible. [3] As time went by, Bandon grew arrogant, and he began plotting to overthrow Malak. Like most of Malak's followers, Bandon was once a student of the Sith. Darth Bandon Lightsaber and his amazing Force abilities have made him a fan favorite. Trigger: You encounter Calo/Bandon when you leave the academy toward the Valley of the Dark Lords. It's a shame that you can't change the crystal color and maintain the mods through crystals. Accompanied by two Dark Jedi,[1] he presumed that Revan and his team would be no match for him. You're browsing the GameFAQs Message Boards as a guest. However, this saber has some alternate effects (some better some worse) on saber crystals. The guide Jedi vs. Sith: The Essential Guide to the Force states that Revan killed Darth Bandon after escaping the Leviathan. Don't know who Jolee is as this is my first playthrough and I killed Juhani. After becoming the Sith Lord, he boarded with his Master Darth Malak and killed many Jedis during his lifetime. To understand Darth Bandon, we have to go back to Star Wars history. Edit: Found a cheap way to win the fight. This lightsaber is quite intricate in its design, the hilt covered in delicate runes and inlaid with black markings. . Deceased. Soldiers can straight up fight him if you have 2 other jedi with you. Hasbro recently announced in a press release that Revan's lightsaber would be the next to receive the Force FX Elite treatment. Or anywhere as Ive found out through my difficult mode adventures (especially against those with lightsabers). gamespot.comgiantbomb.commetacritic.comfandom.comfanatical.com, Privacy PolicyCookie SettingsDo Not Sell My InformationReportAd. If AI made stills for a Star Wars: Knights of the Old You guys think i have enough? Maul Darth Bandon also used a red, After becoming the Sith Lord, he boarded with his Master Darth Malak and killed many Jedis during his lifetime. [19] A picture of Darth Bandon in the Knights of the Old Republic Campaign Guide depicts him dueling the female Cathar Jedi Juhani. [14] At some point after Bandon's death, his double-bladed lightsaber also came into the possession of the resurgent Sith Empire, and was available for purchase by a well-trained Force-sensitive agent. also called Saberstaff. The only differences I can think of are bashing that door near the hallway that takes forever to open and finding how to get into the locked room in the submerged section of the base (through broken window). He expressed his fear that someone else had killed Revan, thereby depriving him the "pleasure" of slaying Revan. Darth Bandon is one of the first-named enemies the protagonist meets aboard the Endar Spire. : Yes! You can totally deck out mission with blasters for this fight. [3] His Jedi Master tried to curb these strong emotions, but the brash Padawan chafed under his Master's guidance. I've been on a craze painting old republic minis for my Do you guys like the KOTOR 2 random loot system? it was the first I've visited after Dantooine. loaded my saves and tested it, here's results, Tatooine: Calo/Bandon will spawn once you walk deep enough into the cave, you don't need to access the Star Map (I could see them pop out if I walk backwards into the cave). [2], My apprentice, Darth Bandon, shall take care of our young Jedi friend. He killed the Republic ensign Trask Ulgo, who sacrificed himself to save the former Sith Lord Revan, who had been mentally reprogrammed to be loyal to the Republic and to serve as a common soldier by the Jedi Council. [1], Darth Bandon was light-skinned with dark brown eyes. To encounter Calo/Bandon, you need to see the respective conversation between Malak and Saul. Bandon rejected his old Master and the Jedi Order, fleeing to the revitalized academy on the ancient Sith homeworld of Korriban. I just love the detail on Peragus. Required fields are marked *. Kashyyyk: In the Shadowlands, near the elevator that leads you up near the treetops again. History tells us that Sith lords kept trying and challenging the old Jedi Order one after another following the Siths , One such character who worked for the Siths cause was Darth Bandon. Ever! [1] Contents 1 Specifications 2 History 2.1 Bane's gift 2.2 Renegade Sith's weapon 2.3 Usage by the Dark Lord All other trigger locations have been satisfyingly located. Like other Force FX Elite sabers, Revan's will come with a removable blade, LED lights, and sound effects along with a gorgeous-looking hilt. Darth Bandon also used Force lightning through his fingers. We do not learn more about him in the Star Wars Tv series or their movie counterparts but can be found in Novels the Old Republic. However, he got fame among Star Wars fans through the Video games that cover all the Old Republic knights. Actually, after you're done with the machine, you can not go back into the base without grabbing the Star Map. Bandon was supposed to appear on Manaan, but the game triggered him when I was helping Bastila find her father's holocron in the Krayt D. Although this lightsaber can be used as a weapon, it cannot be upgraded. [8] Bandon thought that his skills were more than adequate to defeat Revan and his companions, telling the former Dark Lord that he was no match for him. Ironically, Darth Revan, a former Sith Lord, turned to the Dark side. I don't think I've ever had the encounter on Manaan, so I'm not sure how it works. A double-bladed lightsaber has a hilt in the center with blades emerging from both sides. This thread is archived New comments cannot be posted and votes cannot be cast 4 6 6 comments Best Once the conversation happens, you will encounter Calo/Bandon when you arrive at any of the triggering locations. Powerful emotions like love and peace lingered within him, and they fueled his will. DARTH BANDON'S UNIQUE LIGHTSABER ON SWITCH VERSION On the Xbox version, if and only if you encounter Darth Bandon on Manaan, you would receive what appears to be a normal double bladed lightsaber. Star Wars: Knights of the Old Republic II - The Sith Lords. [] Find Bastila and bring her to me. The Human male who would be known as Darth Bandon was a Jedi Padawan, though he never fully accepted the teachings of the Jedi Code. But though the Force flowed through him, Bandon could never accept the Sith teachings. The Dark Lord determined, however, that no mere bounty hunter could stand against a Jedi. Darth Bandon failed on Revan and was killed by whomever he was trying to break free. In his heart, he never accepted the Jedi code. Unless it has some rare power crystals on it, it doesn't seem to be any different from any other staff saber. Conquer. As far as I know, as long as Manaan is your 3rd planet (therefore where you would fight him) you would be able to get it. I killed him and got a lightsaber but it apears to to no differnt than any other lightsaber. I want to know how to script a lightsaber onto Darth Bandon during his appearance in both of these settings. During the days of the Old Republic, the Old Jedi Order was in control thousands of years before Palpatine's Empire. I'd advise swapping Carth and HK out for Jolee and Juhani if you can. So when are we going to see a current Star Wars timeline sequel where Is it true if you update the game on Series X you get Yavin station as well? Adhesive grenades mixed with high damage grenades always saved me in boss fights. [23] A miniature figure of the Jedi Academy wave of Star Wars Miniatures resembles Darth Bandon, although the figure, released on June 30, 2009, was simply named "Sith Apprentice. Darth Bandon's Lightsaber can change the effects of power crystals you add to the saber. They can both be the same spot. When you gas the shark, you can say these two line: Ok you got me I poisoned the kolto but you cant touch me I know too much! This ability was extremely useful due to its speed. New comments cannot be posted and votes cannot be cast. [2] The Shadow Hand confronted Revan and his allies in the station after Revan located a fourth Rakatan Star Map, which was necessary to learn the location the Star Forge. So I know that if you get Bandons saber on Manaan it interacts with crystals in a different way, I accidentally triggered his encounter on Kashyyyk but ran away using the lift, can I still trigger him on manaan or am I fucked? The exposed crystal is fixed between the centers of the hilt. 2023 GAMESPOT, A FANDOM COMPANY. [10] However, Bandon was defeated by Revan after he found the fourth Star Map, shortly before Revan and the crew of the Ebon Hawk were captured by the Leviathan. and our You get it when heading toward the Valley, not when returning. The one double-bladed lightsaber we remember is Darth Maul's lightsaber. Address: 15500 Voss Rd Suite 11, Sugar Land, Texas, 77498, USA. However, he got fame among Star Wars fans through the Video games that cover all the Old Republic knights. Star Wars: Knights of the Old Republic (Xbox) I heard that by killing Darth Bandon on Mannon you would get a special double bladed lightsaber. The barrier could withstand many attacks before breaking down. The Calo boss fight was a breeze on Tattooine, but now I am stuck. After Darth Revan was captured, Darth Malak became the new Lord of the Sith. We don't learn much more about him in the Star Wars TV series or their film counterparts, but that can be found in the novel The Old Republic. gamespot.comgiantbomb.commetacritic.comfandom.comfanatical.com, Privacy PolicyCookie SettingsDo Not Sell My InformationReportAd. [21] Bandon's name was derived from the word "abandon. Star Wars: Knights of the Old Republic knnt ihr auch auf der Nintendo Switch spielen. Do you want to get your hands on Bandons lightsaber or any other? I turned on solo mode and kept my companions outside the cave so I could switch to them and completely skip the encounter without triggering the dialogue. Go!Trask Ulgo sacrifices himself against Bandon, In the year 3956 BBY,[1] Darth Malak was searching for a Jedi Knight named Bastila Shan, fearing her strength in Battle meditation, a Force power that boosted the Republic forces' morale during battle while sapping the Sith's will to fight. You can say the Crystal was the Hilt. Darth Bandon's lightsaber hilt is one of a kind. The new cut is 92 minutes long - giving the movie a fresh and fast paced feel. The acolytes eventually embarked on a misguided attempt to reattach the head to a new body, attracting the attention of the Jedi, who put an end to this cult. I am on Korriban as my 3rd Star Map Planet which means no Bastila. I killed him and got a lightsaber but it apears to to no differnt than any other lightsaber. Darth Bane's lightsaber was the weapon wielded by the Dark Lord of the Sith for most of his career. Check out the Lightsaber Crystal Guide for the most comprehensive list of the changed effects (that I am aware of). He faced off Darth Bandon in a duel. Thanks for any help. Okay I am literally taking this directly out of one of the walkthroughs on this site (paraphrasing a little): I thought what it was is that it had a certain special crystal that appeared like an ordinary modifier crystal but if you removed it and readded it, it would show it as another lightsaber with that crystal. When the Jedi lost power, Bandon rejected his old Master and fled to the Jedi Academy. If you cant go back to an earlier save to change party members, then just stim and shield. So when are we going to see a current Star Wars timeline sequel where Is it true if you update the game on Series X you get Yavin station as well? Yeah blaster characters are not the best choice here. Darth Bandon Lightsaber and his amazing Force abilities made him a favorite among the fans. You blackmail them into not banning you. 1. Dr.Fumetastic Feb 21, 2017 @ 5:56am. However, this saber has some alternate effects (some better some worse) on saber crystals. Force Lightning: Yes! I did Mannan as my 3rd planet in my last run and Brandon never did show up. Revan recognized Bandon, stating that he would pay for killing Trask Ulgo. Then take it to a bench and see if any of the below crystals have these effects. By rejecting non-essential cookies, Reddit may still use certain cookies to ensure the proper functionality of our platform. [1], In the year 3959 BBY, the former Jedi Knights Revan and Malak, the heroes of the Mandalorian Wars, found the ancient space station known as the Star Forgea relic of the Rakatan Infinite Empire that had ruled the galaxy nearly 20,000 years beforeand named themselves the new Dark Lords of the Sith. Grew arrogant, and he began plotting to overthrow Malak like love and peace within. Revan and Onasi also crashed onto the Tarisian surface it apears to to no differnt than any other staff.. 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