His endowment to Dulwich College in fact stipulated that the master and secretary should always bear the name of Allen. in the west midlands, primarily Staffordshire and Warwickshire. 3. Irish Ancestors Surnames Choose a subscription or Login. Derived from various place names in southwest Scotland, meaning height or hill. The surname Allan is of Celtic origin and is believed to date back to antiquity. 19. Alexander (Sandy) Allan, born in Ayrshire, was a sea captain who in 1819 started the Allan Shipping Line trading between Scotland and Canada. The name has various origins including: a local name for someone who lived by a gateway or barrier; an occupational name for a maker of bars; and a nickname for a tall, thin person. The immigrant John Allen came to America from Ireland in 1713. Scottish. The name of the Allen family is derived from the given name Alan, which is thought to mean "little rock" or "headstone." From the personal name Alan, common in Isrman times. The Allen name was also to be found in the west country. In 1940, Laborer and Maid were the top reported jobs for men and women in the USA named Allen. By 1627 they had managed to establish settlements on St. Kitts (St. Christopher) and Barbados, but by 1641 the Spanish had moved in and destroyed some of these including those at Providence Island. Murray - another of the top Irish surnames that are actually Scottish. Allen family genealogy John O'Hart Irish Pedigrees; or the Origin and Stem of the Irish Nation 1892 (5th Edition) Volume 2 Arms: Ar. By the time of the 1881 census there appeared three main areas for the Allen name: Wales. Byrne (28224) 7. Old histories have recorded: About the time of Henry III Alanus had land in Staffordshire, from whom all the Allens of this country do pretend to derive themselves.. His great grandson Sir John Alleyne became Speaker of the Barbados House of Assembly in 1767 and was made a baronet two years later. An earlier bearer of the relative surname in the county of Kent was Johanne Aleyn in 1377. Craig - a name from the rocky hills. La voz del pastor; Familia; Jvenes; Parejas; Clero; Laicos; Dicesis. The Ethan Allen homestead has been preserved as a museum in Burlington. His family, the O'Briens (descendants of Brian) were the ruling family of Tuadh Mumhan by the 1000s. Design your own Allen Family Crest. First Name: Woody. Allens here had come to America, primarily to Pennsylvania. The British continued to expand the settlements including setting the First Federation in the British West Indies by 1674; some of the islands include Barbados, Bermuda, Cayman Island, Turks and Caicos, Jamaica and Belize then known as British Honduras. Spelling variants are Alleyne and (in Scotland) Allan. But apparently he did manage to escape and return to New Brunswick three years later. Allen ranks at eight among the most common surnames in county Armagh. Allen is the principal surname spelling today. Paul Allen (aka Fitzsimons . Investigation of immigration and passenger lists has revealed a number of people bearing the name Allen: Some of the first settlers of this family name were: 2000- 2023 Swyrich Corporation, all rights reserved. New York had the highest population of Allen families in 1840. The surname Allen was first found in Ulster (Irish: Ulaidh). According to family lore, the Allens had come to Pembrokeshire in the early 17th century when a certain Thomas Allen had been washed up on their shores after a shipwreck. 1883), aged 20, Cornish miner, from St. Stephens, Mr. John Allen, (b. In the United States, the name Allen is the 27th most popular surname with an estimated 494,913 people with that name. The artwork for this crest has not been created yet as there is over 1,000,000 surnames in our records and it takes time to create each crest. Kelly. Subsequently it appeared regularly in old Scottish records. The Allens of Tipperary and Offaly arrived under the Cromwellian regime. Emigration to New Zealand followed in the footsteps of the European explorers, such as Captain Cook (1769-70): first came sealers, whalers, missionaries, and traders. Moreover, a large number of foreign names were brought into England after the Norman Conquest, which accelerated and accentuated the alterations to the spelling of various surnames. Mottoes first began to be shown with arms in the 14th and 15th centuries, but were not in general use until the 17th century. Matters came to a head in 1913 when Floyd Allen was convicted and executed for murder after a sensational courthouse shootout which had left a judge, prosecutor, Reynold Alleyne (pronounced Alleen), son of the Rev. He also turned his attention to some interesting inventions. Share and remember important moments from your life. Surname Connections to the Irish Counties. Irish Tartans. Below is a list of surnames which have either historic or numeric importance to the counties of Ireland. Murphy (56648) 2. Two Alleine brothers were Puritan ministers in Somerset in the 1640s. Allens from Bridgewater sailed for America in the 1630s, but there was a notable Allen family that remained. 1939), British from Big Tancook Island, Lunenburgh, Nova Scotia was travelling aboard the railway ferry "SS Caribou" when it was struck by a German submarine torpedo on 14th October 1942, the most significant sinking in Canadian waters at that time, she died in the sinking, Mrs. Oda Blanche Allen (b. 1877), aged 23, Cornish miner traveling aboard the ship "New York" arriving at, Mr. Thomas Allen, (b. Search for a relative to learn more about your family history. 1919), English Ordinary Seaman serving for the Royal Navy from North Kensington, London, England, who sailed into battle and died in the. The spelling of surnames was rarely consistent in medieval times, and scribes and church officials recorded names as they sounded rather than adhering to any specific spelling rules. Resides in High Point, NC. The Allen family name was found in the USA, the UK, Canada, and Scotland between 1840 and 1920. Mr. George Allen (1886-1912), aged 26, English Scullion from Southampton. A short lifespan might also indicate health problems that were once prevalent in your family. "This place, at the time of the Conquest, was given to Alan, son of Flaald, and ancestor of the Fitz-Alans, earls of Arundel, who erected a strong castle here, of which some vestiges may still be traced, within the area of an intrenchment of twelve acres; the site of the keep is pointed out by an inner intrenchment by which it was surrounded." A loyalist supporter of the colonial government and member of the House of Burgesses, Major Allen was driven from his house in 1676 by followers of the patriot rebel Nathaniel Bacon whose uprising later came to be known as Bacons Rebellion. He was a much respected physician with many scientific interests. Edward Alleyn, born in London, was an Elizabethan actor at the time of Shakespeare and later went on to found Dulwich College and Alleyns School. Another Saint Al(l)an was a Cornish or Breton saint of the 6th century to whom a church in Cornwall is dedicated. More information is included under the topic Early Allen Notables in all our PDF Extended History products and printed products wherever possible. [6] The United Kingdom ranks Allen as 41st with 88,676 people. [8] The United Kingdom ranks Allen as 41st with 88,676 people. born 1935, US film comedian, screenwriter, and . Some sons of the chief of clan Grant also took the Gaelic surname MacAilean which eventually converted to Allan. Introduction | ; Board Members | ; The Eviction | ; Projects | Although names like Fitzgerald and Tobin now seem very much Irish names, they are actually of French origin, and tend still to be found most commonly in those parts of Ireland were the Normans were strongest. Six Allen brothers from Cornwall, Connecticut Ethan, Zimri, Heman, Levi, Heber and Ira were merchants and land speculators in the 1770s in Vermont. Then there were the Allens of Carroll county, Virginia: Family tradition is that William Allen had come to what is now Carroll county in 1791 and settled on a crest of the Blue Ridge mountains on a tract of 400 acres which had been awarded to his father for his services in the Revolution.. The Bretons who came with William the Conqueror spread the name in England. The average life expectancy for Allen in 1940 was 48, and 73 in 2004. They remained tenants at Gelliswick until 1808 when the Allens acquired the freehold at Rickeston. The present-day frequency of the surname Allen in England and Ireland is partly accounted for by the popularity of the personal name among Breton followers of William the Conqueror by whom it was imported first to Britain and then to Ireland. After this a number of Eastern Caribbean islands formed a free association. William the Conqueror's army at the Battle of Hastings (1066) was largely comprised of men from Brittany. Kelly (46480) 3. Their children were: Patrick (Patt), born 1835 Ann, born 1837 Margaret. Stay updated on Ireland and your regions of origin with our recommended newspaper, The Business Post. How do we create a person's profile? and Gubby Allen who was Englands cricket captain in the 1930s. Are you sure you want to delete this item from your shopping cart? Today most Allens in Ireland are in Ulster, with a large proportion of them being of Scottish origin. Bhain siad le Muintir Chaimbul thall. Miss Dorothy Ditman Allen, American 1st Class Passenger from Philadephia, Pennsylvania, USA going to Liverpool. An unusually short lifespan might indicate that your Allen ancestors lived in harsh conditions. The happy couple were married on the spot by a minister who happened to be in attendance. Mount Allen (disambiguation) Ireland. http://www.tn.gov/tsla/exhibits/disasters/fraterville.htm). Research genealogy for Andrew Allen of Inniscalthra Ireland, as well as other members of the Allen family, on Ancestry. [1] However, in Canada, the name Allen is ranked the 85th most popular surname with an estimated 30,717 people with that name. About | . Mr. William E S Allen (b. English and Scottish: from the Middle English Old French personal name, Do not sell or share my personal information. Show Off Your Heritage With Our Range Of. MacNill - a name with island origins. George Allen was born in London in 1800, the son of King George IIIs physician Richard Allen. While the majority of the bearers of Allen in Ireland are of English or Scottish origins, there were indigenous Irish bearers of Allen, who derived their name from the Gaelic "O hAilin.". English: occasionally perhaps from the rare Middle English femaje personal name Aline (Old French Adaline Aaline) a pet form of ancient Germanic names in Adal- especially Adalheidis (see Allis ). Passenger lists are your ticket to knowing when your ancestors arrived in the USA, and how they made the journey - from the ship name to ports of arrival and departure. Their early home was Gelliswick House. Sullivan (30239) 6. 2. [2], Pages listing several people with the same name, Last edited on 16 December 2022, at 23:19, "Surname Search: Allen Surname Dictionary", https://en.wikipedia.org/w/index.php?title=Allen_(surname)&oldid=1127839736, "little rock", "harmony" "great" and "handsome", Angela Allen, English paedophile convicted in the, Margaret Allen, pseudonym of American science fiction novelist, This page was last edited on 16 December 2022, at 23:19. This was about 17% of all the recorded Allen's in United Kingdom. His endowment to Dulwich College in fact stipulated that the master and secretary should always bear the name of Allen. Features Ireland flag with shamrock celtic art. *We display top occupations by gender to maintain their historical accuracy during times when men and women often performed different jobs. Allen, Bradley (40 . Mr. George Allen (1886-1912), aged 26, English Scullion from Southampton. In Ireland, the forms hAillin was seen in counties Offaly and Tipperary and anglicised to Allen and Hallion, while Hallinan is a variant of Allen in Co. Tipperary. [4] And in Quebec, Canada, the name Allen is the 746th popular surname. It is a surname shared by people of England, Scotland and Ireland (making it one of the more widespread last names). Many of the MacAllans, Allansons and Allans who settled in Aberdeenshire were descended from the son of a MacFarlane chief who had migrated there when his clan was proscribed in the 16th century. Mr. John Allen, (b. Mr. Thomas Allen, British Convict who was convicted in Leicester. The Allen family name was found in the USA, the UK, Canada, and Scotland between 1840 and 1920. Now known as Allens Arthur Robinson, it made his rich. The motto was originally a war cry or slogan. The story was told that in 1771 Benjamin Allen was at a New Years Eve dance in Fort Cumberland, New Brunswick. Gallagher (19599) 10. The Allan surname spelled with an "a" is generally considered to be associated with Scottish clans, including Clan Donald, Clan Grant, Clan MacFarlane and Clan MacKay. It is a variation of the surname MacAllen and may be derived from two separate sources: Ailin, in Irish and Scottish Gaelic, means both "little rock" and "harmony", or it may also be derived from the Celtic Aluinn, which means "handsome". By 1838, the British New Zealand Company had begun buying land from the Maori tribes, and selling it to settlers, and, after the Treaty of Waitangi in 1840, many British families set out on the arduous six month journey from Britain to Aotearoa to start a new life. He married a woman named Mary (I don't know her maiden name) in 1833, and raised their family in Ballycraigy, Larne parish, County Antrim, Northern Ireland. He became Lord Chancellor but was assassinated by Lord Thomas FitzGerald's followers. Many of his sons became Quakers there and faced persecution and imprisonment from the Puritan authorities. Bacons Castle in Surry county, built in 1655, was originally the home of a prosperous planter, Arthur Allen, and his family. Later Allens of this family were to be found at Dartmouth and Marthas Vineyard. There have been English Allens in Ireland too. Spelled with an "e," however, the Allen surname is generally considered to be English in origin. by . The popularity of this name in Scotland is mainly due to Walter fitz Allen (d.1177), a descent of Breton, the first Scottish royal steward and his son Alan (d.1204). 1772), aged 26, English convict who was convicted in Middlesex. 113,000 in the UK (most numerous in Hertfordshire), 175,000 in America (most numerous in Texas), 83,000 elsewhere (most numerous in Canada). Latin and French, which were the official court languages, were also influential on the spelling of surnames. Birth Name: Timothy Alan Dick. For a Limited Time We Are Offering Free Delivery. The episode later gave Bacons Castle its name though the house remained in the Allen family until 1844. George started in Sydney in 1821 what is considered Australias first legal practice. Browse profiles of historical people with the Allen last name, This page needs Javascript enabled in order to work properly. Surname: Allen from TribalPages Family Tree Website: Allen Family Tree: Get Your Own Family Tree Website Learn More View Demo Site: Surnames; Allen Wo The Alleyne Line in Barbados. Order Case Study; AUTOMATION; Blog; About Irish Origenes; Upcoming Talks; The Databases. 1920), English Marine from England, who sailed into battle on the, Mr. Graeme Philip Allen, British Midshipman Royal Indian Navy, who sailed into battle on the, Mr. William K Allen, British Petty Officer, who sailed into battle on the, Mr. Jack Allen (b. All Filters. Allen Last name: Allen SDB Popularity ranking: 29 This distinguished surname with more than fifty heraldic Coats of Arms granted to nameholders, and having several notable entries in the British 'Dictionary of National Biography', is equally widespread in England, Scotland and Ireland. Dr. John Allen of Bridgewater in Somerset was a noted early 18th century physician and writer on medical matters. James Allen is said to have come to Jamestown in 1608. Many of the modern surnames in the dictionary can be traced back to Britain and Ireland. To sign up, just submit your email here and we will send you the purchase link and the Terms and Conditions, etc. document.getElementById( "ak_js_1" ).setAttribute( "value", ( new Date() ).getTime() ); The Bretons who came with William the Conqueror spread the name in England. But apparently he did manage to escape and return to New Brunswick three years later. In 1840 there were 1,573 Allen families living in New York. Percy Leo Allen (1912-1939), born in Poole, Arthur Frederick Allen (1920-1939), born in Higham Ferrers, Northamptonshire, England, British Stoker 2nd Class with the Royal Navy aboard the HMS Royal Oak (1939) when she was torpedoed by U-47 and sunk; he died in the sinking, Mr. John Allen, American 2nd Class passenger from Philadephia, Pennsylvania, USA, who sailed aboard the, Mr. Norman Frederick Allen, English Second Waiter from Hurst Pier Point, Sussex, England, who worked aboard the. Researched Family Crest Plaques & Shields. Airport, New York to Leonardo da Vinci Airport, Rome when the plane crashed after takeoff ; he died in the crash, Mr. Ashton Lamar Allen (1981-1996), from Mariette, Georgia, USA, American passenger flying aboard flight TWA 800 with his dad Otis Lamar Allen from J.F.K. The Allen clan as they became were prominent landowners in the area, known for their production of moonshine whiskey and also for their lawlessness and violence. [7]. The most famous member of this tribe was Brian Boru who became the first High King of Ireland in real terms (there were many previous claims to this title but all were disputed). A Clan Crest is also sometimes referred to as a scottish clan badge, badge, crest, clan shield, code of arms, coat of arms, or family crest. 16% of Allen men worked as a Laborer and 7% of Allen women worked as a Maid. Related To Mary Ireland, Humphrey Ireland. Later Alleyns, and there were many of them, were masters at Dulwich. Allen is found as a synonym of. This was about 20% of all the recorded Allen's in USA. Allan - Allan can also, be spelled Allen or Alan. Allen (surname) Allen is a Celtic surname, originating in Ireland, and common in Scotland, Wales and England. Dictionary of American Family Names, Oxford University Press, P Hanks, 2003 Homes of Family Names in Great Britain, H.B. Mr. Abraham Allen, British Convict who was convicted in Stafford. This family were among the first to bear the surname in Scotland, the originators of the Steward dynasty. Miss Elizabeth Allen, (b. Guppy, London 1890, 1860 Lower, Mark A Patronymica Britannica: a dictionary of the family names of the United Kingdom, London: J.R Smith. Gallglaigh Albain sa 15 cad. At this time there was also another group located on the borders of Mayo and Roscommon. Thus Hamo became Hammond, Reinold Reynolds and Thierry Terry and so forth. The Allen and Allan surname derives from "aluinn," meaning fair or handsome. Allen Coat of Arms & Name History. Miss Mary Allen, British Convict who was convicted in Lancaster, John Allen, who landed in Waipa, Auckland, New Zealand in 1804, Mr. Allen, Australian settler travelling from Sydney aboard the ship "Bee" arriving in New Zealand in 1839, Thomas Allen, who landed in New Plymouth, New Zealand in 1840 aboard the ship Amelia Thompson, W Allen, who landed in New Plymouth, New Zealand in 1840 aboard the ship Amelia Thompson, William Allen, who landed in Wellington, New Zealand in 1840 aboard the ship Cuba, Thomas Allen, who landed in Antigua (Antego) in 1711, Myrtle Allen (1924-2018), Irish Michelin star-winning head chef and co-owner of the restaurant The Yeats Room at Ballymaloe House in Shanagarry, County Cork, Dave Allen (1936-2005), Irish born comedian who hosted comedy-variety television programs, John Albert Allen (1942-2022), English rugby union player and administrator for Leicester Tigers, Anthony "Tony" Allen (1939-2022), English. It is a great newspaper and a great way to stay connected every day. The surname Allen developed from this Irish-Gaelic word (the Gaels being a sect of the Celts). The names Allen, Brett, Everett, and Harvey were probably Breton in origin as Bretons also arrived, sometimes as mercenaries. Are you sure you want to delete this item from your shopping cart? 1772), aged 26, English convict who was convicted in Middlesex. 26 people named Allen Ireland found in Florida, California and 21 other states. Some MacAllans and Allans settled in Aberdeenshire in the 16th century. Project three is a new Enterprise Centre in Carrick-on-Suir in County Tipperary. We do offer a PRE-VIEW "Coat of Arms" OPTION just in case our customers want to see what the . Reynold Alleyne from a Lincolnshire-originating family was an early settler in Barbados in 1630. Project two is a new must visit Heritage Centre attract more Tourists to Carrick-on-Suir in County Tipperary. . View Census Data for Allen | Data not to scale. Incredible Hand Crafted Signet and Seal Rings. He grew up there with his Family. There are 3 million census records available for the last name Allen. The stories vary. The most Allen families were found in USA in 1880. Mac Allen: annamh: Aontraim &rl. Derived from the Latin word 'Clericus', or Irish Gaelic sept Clirigh, this Anglo-Irish surname refers to a 'Clerk'. However, its roots lie further back in history than this, as it is connected with the early 5th century Welsh and Breton saint, St Alan, as well as the 6th century Cornish saint after whom a Cornish parish, St Allen, is named. Some less common occupations for Americans named Allen were Truck Driver and Housekeeper. Here are some of these Norman and Breton originating names that you can check out. The most Allen families were found in USA in 1880. Hint: Try searching for a relative alive in 1940. http://www.tn.gov/tsla/exhibits/disasters/fraterville.htm). Many of those who spelt their name that way were descended from the soldiers who settled as farmers. Some of the first settlers of this family name were: 2000- 2023 Swyrich Corporation, all rights reserved. Murray (17714) 14. It soon became common in the north of England and the Scottish . In Ireland, the forms hAillin was seen in counties Offaly and Tipperary and anglicised to Allen and Hallion, while Hallinan is a variant of Allen in Co. Tipperary. This web page shows only a small excerpt of our Allen research. Various Allens from Somerset, Essex and Norfolk in England came to New England in the period between 1630 and 1640. Mr. John Allen, (b. 1916), English Able Seaman serving for the Royal Navy from Brighton. Of Quaker faith, before leaving he received a Certificate of Removal to Friends in Pennsylvania, a certificate he presented to Newark Monthly Meeting (later Kennett MM) on 13 May 1713. Home. According to family legend the Allens came originally from Ulster and had arrived in Wales in the early 17th century when one Thomas Allen was literally washed up in Pembrokeshire after a shipwreck. Therefore, it was common to find the same individual referred to with different spellings of their surname in the ancient chronicles. History [edit | edit source]. 2. Campbell Campbell families are very prevalent in Donegal (most are descended from Scottish mercenary soldiers), as well as in Cavan. Miss Mary Allen, British Convict who was convicted in Lancaster, John Allen, who landed in Waipa, Auckland, New Zealand in 1804, Mr. Allen, Australian settler travelling from Sydney aboard the ship "Bee" arriving in New Zealand in 1839, Thomas Allen, who landed in New Plymouth, New Zealand in 1840 aboard the ship Amelia Thompson, W Allen, who landed in New Plymouth, New Zealand in 1840 aboard the ship Amelia Thompson, William Allen, who landed in Wellington, New Zealand in 1840 aboard the ship Cuba, Thomas Allen, who landed in Antigua (Antego) in 1711. : Ulaidh ) from Southampton acquired the freehold at Rickeston Ireland are in Ulster, with a large of. Scottish origin we will send you the purchase link and the Terms and conditions, etc 1881! Australias first legal practice in New York had the highest population of Allen clan Grant also took the surname... Many scientific interests life expectancy for Allen | Data not to scale, Cornish miner, from St.,. 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