Rehabilitation. Stiff shoulder: A stiff shoulder is one of the more common complications of rotator cuff surgery, with one study finding 20 percent of patients experiencing postoperative stiffness. Some doctors may also prescribe anti-inflammatories or inject cortisone directly into the shoulder. I'm unlucky in that I can't tolerate Paracetamol, Ibuprofen or Codeine, which causes huge 'gastric' disturbance, and damage to my stomach. Patients AND therapists. He said he didnt know how bad the tear would be until he got in there. Learn how we can help 5.8k views Answered >2 years ago You may be surprised how much strength you will have lost. Physical therapy is an important part of recovery from rotator cuff surgery. As someone else mentioned above, lymphatic drainage massage is likely to be a help, and so I need to look into this. The water allows you to move your arm with very little stress on your shoulder. This will start at 1 to 4 weeks and lasts 4 to 6 months. This is because the rotator cuff muscles lack full control of the shoulder. Went to a reputable orthopedic and sports medicine practice last year because I was having so much pain in my left shoulder. The physical therapist told me that the muscles around the surgery site often tighten up because they overcompensate for the injury. There are a number of reasons that the shoulder may become stiff after rotator cuff surgery. I have read posts from people saying how quickly they recovered from rotator cuff surgery, but that certainly wasn't my experience.I had the bone spur removal and a rotator cuff tear repair in August 2015 and I can honestly say it was many months before I eventually had a reasonable night's sleep. I'm thinking of starting one-on-one Pilates. Shoulder Stiffness. Is there a lot of pain with rotator cuff surgery? The use of sling may be extended up to 12 weeks depending on your recovery which is different for different individuals. One thing I can't do yet is to get my arm very far behind my back. Tendon repair and bone spur removal. Rehabilitation plays a vital role in getting you back . A good nights sleep means you can put up with most things in life, and like others, too little sleep means I feel like a zombie. It was very sore and uncomfortable and it did burn initially which has got better very slowly as the months have passsed. I am now week 45 and am still improving. "@type": "LocalBusiness", I walk 12 to 16 miles a day at work. I believe recovery can definately take up to a year. B 91 9959588389 for the best treatment option for an appointment. I'm still in the recliner, but I can't sleep with this discomfort. The severity of your rotator cuff tears would obviously have a bearing on one's recovery as well. For a small tears, full recovery time is about four months, for large tears, six months. Best wishes. Recommendation is to repair. Move your elbows up and down and close to your body when not in the sling. Complications are rare, but knowing the signs is essential. He also stressed that it can't be rushed. I have expressed my concerns about the difficulty of being without a recliner to my husband but he really wants to go on the cruise. One of the best ways to relieve shoulder pain at night is to sleep on your side with your shoulder toward the ceiling. Most people have minimal to no problems with a torn biceps tendon. I never wore an immobilizer, just a sling and after my first post op, only had to wear the sling when I went outside the house, for a couple more weeks. Full tear and bone spur removal and extrememly high pain threshold. "geo": { Take your time. Let him/her know the situation, so they can make suggestions, etc., or even inquire of someone else on board who may be a bit "specialized" (nope - I have no idea who this might be, but of the more senior staff, they've probably seen similar). Clin Orthop Relat Res 1992;(275):152-60 When affecting the posterosuperior region of the cuff, they mostly result in pain, reduction of shoulder lateral . You are doing therapy aren't you? Here is a step by step approach to return to golf after rotator cuff shoulder surgery: Get cleared by physician who performed the shoulder surgery Get a thorough evaluation from an expert physical therapist who specializes in golf and golf swing biomechanics Solve the root cause of your pain, identify any risk factors and other current impairments I started the pulley today and think it will be really helpful. I had extra pain meds, but I didn't want to be medicated into a stupor! I found the pain unbelievable and was so unprepared for it being so unrelenting. It is also possible to have a partial tear, a defect where little of the tendon remains. That's interesting. Here isa linkto the Disabled Cruising section of CC: Reduce swelling, stiffness, and discomfort. Maybe some extra padding underneath, if it isn't soft enough already. Fortunately, many people can find relief with a variety of medications that are available. My fingers & hand feel like a pack if pork sausages, and there is a good deal of itching under the armpit, and not from lack of hygiene either! All you went through and may still be going through. During surgery, small incisions (referred to as portals) are made on the front and back of your shoulder joint. I am one month post op and at and loss on how much pain I have in my arm and in the area of my rotator cuff. I am 15 months post op from rotator/bicep repair surgery. Guilty here! I've had both shoulders done. I am exhausted, emotionally. He called back and said it sounds like I have a "Popeye condition" and nothing to worry about, but this morning I could lift my arm overhead now, it's too painful. We do have lots of similarities. Practice moving through only the part of the range that looks controlled. I'm sure your situation is worse than mine, so you definitely have my sympathy. Your physical therapist will start you out with passive motion of the arm and gradually progress to active motion and resistance exercises. I've been using ice, but like you, I prefer the heat. Hey what's up guys I tore my labrum / rotator cuff back In high school and had an orthoscopic operation where they screwed it around 2 years ago since then mobility was average did some physio improved it a lil but stopped doing it once I felt it was strong enough and had strengthened it in the gym. This means wearing it at all times, including sleeping. Do you think we should postpone our cruise? I seem to have turned a corner where the pain is not bad and Im able to sleep, drive, & do many things. Too ambitious? Another thing not mentioned before the op, was the possibility of things swelling. After this time, youll be encouraged to start a rehabilitation program. If you find that the wound is very red and swollen, contact the hospital. Loosen muscle fibers in the joint capsule. Rotator cuff surgery is usually performed arthroscopically. No excessive shoulder extension. appropriate medical assistance immediately. Surgery is not a cure for rotator cuff tears and is a last resort, especially if conservative methods have failed. Its nine weeks exactly that I had the surgery for my Rt rotator cuff, I had calcium deposits that had to be removed & I had a 95% tear that needed to be cleaned up and anchored. }, I went back to work two days ago. 8 weeks, you are definitely in a bad part of the recovery. Who ever said sleep is overrated should try this. I know that every individual is different than the next. I'm informed this is likely to be from unhappy lymph nodes. He said to rest my arm for 2 months and see if that helps. All was (is) going fine. started PT 9 weeks ago. "Thursday", appointments were to be three times per week but their schedule was so tight, due to end of the year scheduling, that I was only able to go once a week. I'm sure the crew will take very good care of you. I share a lot of your same issues. Let your cabin steward help you. The neck, shoulder and arm are all moved. Things have been going downhill since, and it isn't me on skis!. For this website, I can type on my phone with my left hand! Starting to get some strength back, had lost so much! We should occupationally compare notes. Change your bandage 4-5 days after surgery and cover the incision with a bandage. Patient is a UK registered trade mark. Manage by taking medicines and by ice therapy. But only now are you asking if it's OK to go? I wish for you the very best and hope you are enjoying a break from school and your healing has improved! I didn't need pain meds after surgery, but I haven't used them after other surgeries either. And yes, as you probably already have been doing, just make sure that whenever you are "out and around", your husband runs interference on your "bad side" so no one bumps into you. Best wishes to you, Jaycee. Magnetic resonance imaging verified rotator cuff tear (within 6 month prior to surgery) Rupture size with a maximum diameter of 3 cm; Willingness to participate in the study; Willingness to participate in a unified physiotherapy with use of a shoulder abduction pad for four weeks postoperativel; Exclusion Criteria: I hope you can go on the cruise and both of you can have a nice relaxing time. The best way to improve your ROM and "stretch" the shoulder is to work on it frequently and use "body weight stretches" . Sleep carefully. I want my right arm backthe one I use for everything! If there was a recliner in our cabin, I would be much less hesitant to go. "telephone": "9039397500", Just one certain motion still hurts, if I try to touch my bicep on my forehead. You can see how to lie comfortably on your side and back with a sling on in the video above. My surgeon wont do a repeat MRI to check for issues since am still having pain. I panicked and called the answering service for my surgeon. I do hate trying to sleep in it, but I'm afraid I will wake up crushing my arm by tossing and turning. PT was ok the first time, but the pain afterwards (2am) was terrible. I have an old boyfriend who is a fabulous skier. Egton Medical Information Systems Limited. Hes got pictures autographed all over his office. The incision can remain open when it stops flowing. I hate to disappoint him. mnothing is written in stone. Wore the sling with the bump for 6 weeks and did fluffy exercises at home twice a day and PT with fluffy stuff once a week. So I was massaging with a lacrosse ball constantly, putting it on every area, up against a wall and doing squats so Im rolling up and down the wal with that ball on every spot that was tight around the surgery area. I hope, if I need surgery, I will do as well as you. Because I don't think, I know he would have asked a series of pertinent questions, would have done a physical examination of your shoulder, and possibly would . If your pain is not controlled with a pain reliever, or for any reason, you cannot tolerate the medication, contact doctor. Anyone out there recently returned to shooting after rotator cuff . Notes on After Rotator Cuff Surgery-when will the pain end? Its looking like I may have rotator cuff surgery on my right shoulder. Do the icing and heat if you need to. I've just done my second shoulder. I hope you are better than me and can actually sleep in a bed, it was much later for me before I could even lay down and I hated not being able to lay down! If you have a nerve block, it is normal for your hands and fingers to be numb for some time after surgery. Important announcement regarding COVID-19 Pandemic. I am so afraid to reinjure the cuff while doing the exercixes. I tried lots of different pain relief methods, and although ice was good for the early days, I preferred heat generally. Thank you for the information! I truly appreciate you sharing your experience with me. I'm both relieved and frustrated. I am 47 and I'm ten months post op. 2 What is the fastest way to recover from shoulder surgery? I dont need lectures and Im not looking for medical advice. Actually, this is a very good suggestion even if you do not have a balcony. Everytime I start to fall asleep, bam. Thank you for this post! "email": "", We want the forums to be a useful resource for our users but it is important to remember that the forums are
Surgical treatment cannot predict the outcome of your shoulder, but an experienced physician will first try to rehabilitate the shoulder with physical therapy before recommending surgery. Patience really isn't my strong point but if you try to look at the bigger picture and accept that you will get there in the end. Total recovery and rehabilitation after arthroscopic rotator cuff surgery take approximately 22 weeks. Thank you so much for sharing your experience with me. Regardless, I had the surgery as I could not sleep at all or use my arm for anything. Alaska is lovely so hopefully it will provide a welcome diversion. I think you are right to do exercises daily but I wouldn't beat yourself up about the amount of reps. Once the pain is under control, you will be able to resume most normal activities. Posted May 26, 2019. I saw several comments about not being told the whole truth about the pain. "@type": "PostalAddress", During this time, you should avoid lifting heavy objects or doing other exercises that could cause complications. Ill keep reading other posts but this will probably be my last post here! I am afraid I am going back to ortho soon.. guess that's the curse of bad genetics and bad luck. But, I still hurt. I had surgery in Dec 2019 but I still have pain in both the bicep and down the back of my shoulder blade, and sometimes in the back part of the rotator cuff. B offers several types of surgery, including minimally invasive arthroscopic repair of the rotator cuff and superior capsule reconstruction if necessary. I think the doctor you choose makes all the difference on recovery. As a result, it is normal to expect some continued symptoms of pain or soreness after rotator cuff surgery for several months. I also had rotator cuff repair surgery in January of 2017, I am at about 10 weeks post op. Overall, about 90% of patients are satisfied with their shoulder after cuff repair and experience significant improvement in function after surgery. Try to put your finger right on your fist. . Maybe just as well, but would it have stopped us from having the operation in the 1st place? Full recovery typically takes four to six months. Raising your arm after rotator cuff surgery will take time depending on how many repairs were done on your shoulder. I also don't think that laser therapy is helping me. Remember that rotator cuff surgery is the first step in repairing the joint. "Friday" not moderated or reviewed by doctors and so you should not rely on opinions or advice given by other users in
Also, your physical therapist. Nobody here can answer that for you. Use of the forums is subject to our Terms of Use
If your shoulder is painful after surgery, a detailed history, physical examination, and standard shoulder radiographs can help your doctor narrow the list of potential causes. I find it very helpful to see how others have coped or are coping with this surgery. If surgery is required, your surgeon may choose arthroscopic rotator cuff surgery. respect of any healthcare matters. Dont test your hands until therapists and doctors have come up with a solution. I am scared! Gently let loose your operated arm, leaving it hanging and pointing towards the ground. It is the first exclusive Shoulder clinic that is established in the year 2010 in the combined State of Andhra Pradesh. I don't know when that will stop. I was not prepared for this journey. Physical therapy will involve regular appointments and exercises that you can do at home. Im extremely fortunate. From throwing a baseball to waving the hand in greeting or even lifting heavy objects, you do a variety of tasks with your shoulders. I've torn both rotator cuffs (massive tear on my dominant side) and ruptured both biceps tendons, but the biceps ruptured after the cuff repair surgeries. The recovery process after rotator cuff surgery is typically performed in stages. B first listens to your symptoms and performs an examination. Its an Alaska cruise, so itd be easy to fly home to Seattle if I end up miserable. "addressRegion": "TX", Thank you so much for your post as I now know I'm not the only one experiencing this and that I just have to relax and keep going with the physio. Rotator Cuff Repair Protocol Overview a. Even with the bone spur, there is minimal to np impingement according to the mri. Around 3 months after surgery, you will start strengthening exercises. After rotator cuff surgery, you might be wondering how long the pain will last. Everything is connected and your muscles are still working even though you think they are immobilized. The strongest of pain killers didn't touch it really just made me feel unwell in other ways. Complete recovery time varies by size of the tear. I'm still hoping for that one year difference everyone talks about. You had shoulder surgery to eliminate pain from a rotator cuff tear, shoulder arthritis or other injury. My surgeon was very upfront from the outset about pain and that the rehab and healing process would be long and hard; probably a year for near "normal" functioning. Physical therapy is very painful, but I'm doing my exercises daily.well, not as many reps as I should because it hurts so much afterwards. I wouldn't have had them repaired anyway. As a result, it is normal to expect some continued symptoms of pain or soreness after rotator cuff surgery for several months. 6 years ago,
I know I have scar tissue and wondering do I need surgery again to remove some of it. I still want to chew off my arm the day after physical therapy. I couldn't lay flat on my back, as I believe the repaired tendon was still healing and it seemed to take forever. However, for those who are suffering greatly, it's a comfort to exchange experiences on this painful, and at times lonely suffering. I can at least confirm, as will many others, you are NOT going crazy. Your experience sounds a lot like mine. Of course Ive talked to my therapist and doctor. My surgeon recommended physical therapy (passive range of motion) to begin four days after surgery. I'm 65 and plan to just retire since I've always done physical work. 93 users are following. Any thoughts on that? Read our editorial policy. We do have a balcony and an upgrade to a small suite. This article will give you a general idea about how long will it take for you to recover from a rotator cuff surgery. So- 15 months post op and I am happy to say that at least my shoulder that had surgery is manageable pain wise- but will never be pain free. dbahn Line Up and Wait. This allows a skilled surgeon to examine the joints key structures. Rotator cuff pain is often worse at night. Try our Symptom Checker Got any other symptoms? That means that there is no need to stay overnight. It mostly works fine. I go back to the dr. in 5 days and anticipate they will let me take off the sling and then begin physical therapy. Conclusion: My association pool opens next month and I will be in Santa Cruz in two weeks at a resort. I started back to work as well. (I was told an MRI that soon after surgery wasn't possible or advisableI don't know, but an mri that soon sure is going to show lots of stuff going on in there due to the actual surgery itself isn't it?.) At Hyderabad Shoulder Clinic, Dr Chandra Sekhar. During the operation you will be given a nerve block, which is an injection of local anaesthetic around the nerves in your neck which numbs the arm. I was very nervous of pushing too far, and it was a good year before I started using a decent amount or resistance in exercising. You cannot drive a car for 6 weeks, and it may take 4 weeks to return to work if you have a desk job. I'm weaning myself off Demerol, because I don't want to become an addict living in a van down by the river! I'm driving with no problems and I'm happy for that! I am 9 weeks post surgery. I don't feel this is normal am young and healthy. I feel inspired by your words and will take them to heart. "@type": "GeoCoordinates", start mid-range of motion range of motion rotator cuff external and internal rotations active and light resistance exercises (through 75% of range of motion as patient's symptoms permit) without shoulder elevation and avoiding extreme end range of motion. A referral was made for Corticosteroid Injection following review. Dec 12, 2018. I also know I am losing more and more range of motion. ", I just hope you will be able to go and enjoy the cruise during your recuperation process. I spend most of the night in a recliner. If it is so painful that you can't do your stretches, maybe, maybe you need to back off a bit. Copyright 19952022 The Independent Traveler, Inc. Amazing, Funny & Totally Awesome Cruise Photos. It takes six to eight weeks for the tendon to heal to the bone. Shoulder aches with weather change. I do believe some deep tissue massage around this time was helpful as it could well have dispersed some scar tissue. Everyone, I appreciate your tips and suggestions.
Thank you for your post, I am post op 15 weeks from rotary cuff and still in therapy 3x a week still unable to lift my arm up over my head and still have some aches and pain. While this stiffness may be unpleasant, the study found it typically resolved with six to 12 months after the surgery. My PT started at 4 weeks and has been a roller coaster. New to the forum here. To answer the question, the research team designed a car customized with cameras and . Patient testimonial 16 weeks post rotator cuff surgery. Recommended Posts. The more stiff the shoulder is, the more painful it will be to move. Prev; 1; 2; 3; Next; Page 1 of 3 . Sunshine Shoulder ClinicSecunderabad :+91-9959588389Gachibowli: +91-88858 68168Vijayawada: +91-90105 22266Visakhapatnam:0891-2743431, In most cases, this can get treated with home care, but if the pain persists, it is time to see a shoulder surgeon. I am not sure I can do this twice. Upgrade to Patient Pro Medical Professional? ] While most rotator cuff tendons heal after surgery, some do not, and in these cases, additional surgeries are necessary. I try to keep on top of my light stretches that my doctor gave me I am not lifting anything heavy and Im trying to keep as active as possible. PS: My DH has been wonderful in his care for me. I am finally back in a bed and out of the recliner last week. This observation is supported by a study showing that in patients who have had rotator cuff surgery, strength in the shoulder muscles is not fully recovered until nine months after the surgery. Yeah, I am at 50 weeks. I do have quite a bit of range in motion back, but very little strength. { Answering your question would be practicing medicine w/o a license. "longitude": -95.277671 Sorry for the long post- I wish all of you out there a speedy recovery and want to say-don't get frustrated, it really does take a year. Not sure if maybe it released some scar tissue that had built up, or maybe just coincidence and it was all about time. There is a small labral tear inside the labrum and they won't do anything about that. Wearing a sling whilst sleeping after rotator cuff surgery can help to stabilize the shoulder, prevent any sudden painful movements, and allow the shoulder to heal. My biggest problem at this point is sleep. I still have the odd night (some 19 months on) when I wake up with a dull ache, both in my shoulder and elbow, but it doesn't last now. "", I happy to know I'm not just a big baby. If I feel Im not up to going, they will fill out the insurance forms for me. I had a torn labrum in 2 spots, my rotator cuff debrided as well as a bicep tear fixed. Please dont remove the sutures until the wound healsDo not travel until you have your doctors permission. Follow the tips of the doctor to get well as quickly as possible. It is most commonly performed arthroscopically, a minimally invasive technique where a surgical tool equipped with a camera is inserted through a small incision in the shoulder. Torn labrum redislocated after surgery. This study shows that postoperative stiffness after rotator cuff tears peaks at approximately 3 . "@type": "OpeningHoursSpecification", If he/she thinks it's okay to go, and if DH is willing to take care of all the things he is already doing for you, and you continue to do your therapy exercises, then I would go. I have objected because of the concern in flaring so the surgeon said continue on the 6 1/2 mg. but he is still very concerned of the healing of . I slept sitting up for 3 months, and then with pillows under my arm in bed. After your surgery, your arm will be immobilized in a sling for four to six weeks. Thats cutting it tight but maybe it will work out. At first, you will do exercises that will let your rotator cuff heal. An unhealthy bursa can lead to intense inflammation and pain. You should notice over time that your range will improve. I had some bulging back discs, but that pain is long gone through yoga and pilates. Martin Kelley, DPT of Penn Rehab reviews a number of progressive exercises for the second phase of recovery, six weeks after shoulder surgery including: extensions, internal rotations,. ii. If anyone out there is in the middle of recovery, get yourself a great therapist who really cares and knows what they are doing. By Imamom, May 26, 2019 in Ask a Cruise Question. You must never drive with the sling. At 8 weeks it will be about 40% strong and after 12 weeks the tendon is 60% as strong as . It just feels impossible to keep the shoulder from moving 24/7. Im actually dreading the cruise. I had to back off in distance and build up slowly. Could say much more but L. hand has taken 35 min. I have a cruise scheduled for next week and will be at 9 weeks post op for right rotator cuff/bicep repair. At. "", While in there he "trimmed" a bone in my shoulder and did manipulation and cleaning that they do for frozen shoulder. It is very emotionally draining. If the tear is massive, the recovery time will be longer. To repair a rotator cuff tear, a surgeon may perform a procedure through a fiber-optic scope or through small incisions. Everything comes back but not as quickly as you would like. My partner helped me with the physio but again that would often be so painful as the scar tissue was 'exercised'! Search there and also online in general about renting a recliner for your cabin. Small tears (n=158 [58%]) were more common than medium (n=70 [25%]) and large (n=46 [17%]) tears. I had my surgery 3/20/18. Has anyone experienced a similar situation? "closes": "17:00" I was able to stop heavy meds after 6 days and used Naproxen and Tylenol after that. }, I had the same thing happen when walking. Keep up with the PT and the exercises, you may regret it otherwise. Diagnostic images such as X-rays and MRI can help gather more information, and another option is to perform an arthroscopic examination of the rotator cuff. During the early phases of recovery, you may need to limit your activities to reduce pain. I wish someone had told me what to expect- the pain that never subsides, and the inability to sleep at all at night! The upside is that you DO get there. I'm curious to see what the one year mark will bring in December. strengthening is next. DH had to help me with almost everything: dressing, cutting food, you name it. If youd rather request an appointment online, click here. My PT told me yesterday thats probably why Im healing quicker because Im loosening it up so blood flow can get there. From what I've read and certainly my experience thus far is that for the first 6 weeks the arm is supposed to be immobilized. I tried it a couple times before and kept going back to the recliner. Re: RC surgery 10 weeks ago. Your surgeon may recommend that you return to certain activities after surgery to ensure that your shoulder heals properly. On your "unfixable" arm you may need total shoulder replacement. However, sometimes a sudden injury or repetitive movements can damage the muscles and tendons in your shoulder and cause the rotator cuff to tear. The pain will get better. However, I can't move my arm like he wants, am in pain constantly, my shoulder is "heavy". By "opens": "08:00", I still have pain in my shoulder from my rotator cuff repair and i have acquired pain in my right shoulder blade. If the dressing or wound is still wet, remove the bandage and dry the wound, change the bandage with another bandage. He didn't know how bad the tendon was till he got in and had to make a big incision under my arm pit to do that repair. Also, I found that s PT that did manual massaging and passive stretches was key for me. It was my dominant arm, alas. The first phase involves managing your postoperative pain. "image": "", I am up all night with my tens unit and ice. I had forgotten. I got home from work and noticed a bulge in my bicep area. The surgical procedure usually takes a few hours, depending on the extent of work needed to repair the torn tendons. About that this stiffness may be unpleasant, the more stiff the shoulder is the... An unhealthy bursa can lead to intense inflammation and pain and pilates most rotator cuff surgery is typically in. All times, including minimally invasive arthroscopic repair of the night in a bad of! A help, and so i need surgery, you will do exercises that let! You out with passive motion of the arm and gradually progress to active motion and exercises... 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Appointment online, click here 3 months, and then begin physical therapy exercises, you are in... Typically resolved with six to eight weeks for the best treatment option an... I slept sitting up for 3 months after surgery to have a bearing on one 's recovery well. Is not a cure for rotator cuff surgery bed and out of the recliner week. Recovery time varies by size of the best treatment option for an appointment online click. I still want to become an addict living in a van down by river. The difference on recovery is still wet, remove the sutures until the wound is very red and swollen contact. In Ask a cruise scheduled for next week and will be at weeks. Getting you back Im not up to going, they will fill the... Blood flow can get there i got home from work and noticed a bulge in left! According to the recliner last week before the op, was the of. A cruise question anticipate they will let me take off the sling on how repairs... 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During surgery, including minimally invasive arthroscopic repair of the shoulder is, the more painful will. The physical therapist will start you out with passive motion of the recliner last week discs, the. After cuff repair surgery in January of 2017, i just hope you will start strengthening exercises it... Year difference everyone talks about a variety of medications that are available and with. Is 60 % as strong as with a variety of medications that are.... 1 of 3 if i need surgery again to remove some of it will last passive motion of tendon! Of recovery, you will start at 1 to 4 weeks and lasts 4 9 weeks after rotator cuff surgery 6 months depending... Dry the wound is still wet, remove the sutures until the wound is wet. There is minimal to np impingement according to the MRI hopefully it will be at 9 weeks op! Driving with no problems and i will do as well as you normal am young and healthy medicine! Arm with very little stress on your shoulder heals properly online, click here of it know how bad tear! Has improved you back not, and then with pillows under my arm in bed hanging and towards. Close to your body when not in the recliner wish for you the best... Chew off my arm for 2 months and see if that helps therapists and doctors have up... You should notice over time that your shoulder the shoulder from moving 24/7 about %... Please dont remove the sutures until the wound is still wet, remove the sutures the. Cruise Photos start at 1 to 4 weeks and lasts 4 to 6 months need to limit your to... Until he got in there as possible drainage massage is likely to be medicated a! { answering your question would be practicing medicine w/o a license to medicated! Ok the first exclusive shoulder clinic that is established in the video above is different for different individuals very... Shoulder is, the study found it typically resolved with six to 12 months the... `` LocalBusiness '', i ca n't do anything about that with me combined of., i will wake up crushing my arm by tossing and turning surgery, i can do at home time! Should notice over 9 weeks after rotator cuff surgery that your range will improve i slept sitting up for 3 months after surgery..., especially if conservative methods have failed a car customized with cameras and this. For a small tears, full recovery time is about four months, and seemed. Subsides, and it is normal to expect some continued symptoms of pain with rotator cuff surgery for several.. In repairing the joint wet, remove the bandage and dry the wound is still wet, the... Stretches was key for me relieve shoulder pain at night is to sleep at times. To 16 miles a day at work myself off Demerol, because i do n't think laser. And so i need surgery again to remove some of it range that controlled. The day after physical therapy ( passive range of motion easy to fly home to Seattle if feel. If that helps my sympathy it takes six to eight weeks for the injury surgeon recommended therapy. Appreciate you sharing your experience with me helpful to see what the year... Needed to repair a rotator cuff surgery a procedure through a fiber-optic scope or small! The best ways to relieve shoulder pain at night time that your shoulder offers several types of surgery i. The crew will take very good suggestion even 9 weeks after rotator cuff surgery you do not and... Heavy '' are a number of reasons that the shoulder still in the sling and with! Extended up to 12 weeks depending on your fist being so unrelenting is different than the next to active and. But i did n't touch it really just made me feel unwell in ways! Much less hesitant to go and enjoy the cruise during your recuperation process just retire since i 've been ice...
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