*For safetys sake, use Ramped / FULLY supported bbls, (My 1.911s been cut for Para/Clark/Briley style ramps),like Bar.Sto, (My Bar.Stos being fire.lapped / crowned @ 11 degree muzzle, as well as most others, for best accuracy), Wilson.Nowlin, Para.Ord, Springfield, RIA, (EAA/ Tanfoglio, very strong, but different platform, also ramped bbls). This pistol will certainly give you no grief at all. at the time. Item Number: O1911C-SS38-DHM. At the time i knew nothing about guns At all. Lehman.[12]. Both a 38 Super and 9mm round are identical to each other. Why it Stands Out to Us We kick off the list with a Colt brand 38 Super Pistol. . Cheaper Than Dirt and Academy Sports both offer good supplies, and the Internet lists a number of suppliers, both foreign and domestic. Even if you do have money to play around with, this is a pistol that will not disappoint in terms of performance. The Lockheed P-38 Lightning is an American, twin-engine, multi-role, long-range fighter with a double-bar structure with a three-wheeled undercarriage and a full metal structure. I have heard all the bull about the 9mm. Who knows? Sold my Glock 17 (after 15 years of daily service as my carry gun) and bought a new Tangfoglio Combat 38 Super. Besides roles in sports shooting and hunting, the .38 Super was also considered an excellent and powerful load for self-defense uses. Be the first to write a review! A small number of .45 ACP submachine guns were also made in .38 Super, such as the Ingram Model 6[10] and Thompson submachine gun. Wow! The new Colt Competition .38 Super builds on the success of Colt's prior design, adding another new model for competitors to consider. At the time, single-stack 1911s in .45 ACP were dominant. The .38 Super +P is very popular in Australia (partly due to firearms laws prohibiting calibers over .38 caliber from use in IPSC) and Latin America in regards to competition shooting and is also finding its way back into the role of a concealed carry caliber. Shopping with us is absolutely safe - you never have to worry about credit card safety when shopping here Share your latest AR build or photos from the range with #RangeDayFriday for a chance to win a new firearm! I certainly do! Sometimes, Timing is everything. While the .38 Super isnt a mainstream cartridge (rather, its an enthusiasts choice), it is an interesting caliber with much to recommend. The metric designation for the round is 923mm SR (semi-rimmed), which is not to be confused with other 923mm . If you have a description in mind you can then note the features and characteristics of each pistol on the list. Academy 38. 38 Super Auto HANDGUN AMMO 38 SUPER AUTO Ammunition Stock- Box & Case Deals Available.38 ACP also known as .38 Automatic, is a popular cartridge that fires a .356-inch-diameter. Regardless, once you get the brass, a Super can be just as economical to shoot as a 9mm. One is a Taurus and the other is a Colt. It is a great, slim design and functions flawlessly like most Colts. Its too bad, that it didnt take off the way Colt intended, because it is a good round that most likely would have had a stellar LEO career. Add to Cart. My carry ammo is loaded considerably hotter (think 923 Winchester level). Although the military rarely uses revolvers nowadays, they're still extremely popular in the civilian world, especially for . Julianne is a great role model and mentor and my children always see an immediate effect on the field as they are playing with an increased level of confidence. Liberty Tree Guns and 15 more offers. Where in AZ do you live? Was an excellent firearm but I let it wiggle its way out of my collection and into one of my buddys who had become obsessed about acquiring it till he offered a deal that I couldnt pass up. They cost me $35.00 a box, so $105.00 is nothing to sneeze at. Got my Star in 1970 and the Colt in the early 1980s. Shot it and fell in love with it. List. $200.00. At the time, you . It made an excellent weapon for aircrew members, combat medics , radiomen and machine gunners. I fitted a .38 Super barrel and stronger spring. With an aluminum frame, the Guardian is the lightest 1911 in the Dan Wesson lineup, and makes a fantastic concealed carry firearm. guidelines, the .38 Super case can handle up to 230 MPa (33,359 psi) piezo pressure. The 9mm and .38 Super will be the same size frame, while the latter hits harder. The cartridge was originally designed to headspace on the semi-rimmed case, which worked in the Colt M1900 due to the design of the feed ramp. Ironically, they may be a better choice again given the advancements in bullet design. While this is often the stated purpose of the .38 Super, there were two other roles that were more important on a commercial basis. Competitors still using .45 ACP pistols attempted to keep pace, both by adding compensators and by reducing bullet weight, quickly reaching the limit at 152-155 grains. Paras quality sometimes left much to be desired, but the best Paras are excellent handguns. To Chris. Fact is, its like the .357 magnum or at least the .357 SIG in 1911s. What Recent Buyers Report A lot of new users were pretty impressed with how well this pistol was performing overall. While I have relegated most of my collection to the comfort of the safe, I loved the pistol and carried it for years. While I enjoy the wonderful 45 cartridge I much prefer the higher capacity and easier control of follow up shots with the 9mm and 38 Super. If you want the closest thing to maximum concealability in a 38 Super Pistol, then make no mistake about it. The following is a list of frequently asked questions that are often asked by prospective buyers. We carry a variety of brands and bullet grains to ensure that you find exactly what you're looking for. Find a large selection of handguns from reputable firearm manufacturers at the best prices. No Reserve. As you go through the list, you should get a good idea of what your ideal 38 Super Pistol is. So you have a good amount of superior firing power at your disposal. Love my Colt 1911 in .38 super. [2] When the .357 Magnum was introduced in 1935, this advantage of the .38 Super was no longer enough to lure police departments and officers from the traditional double-action revolver. in 923. In 1974, the industry added the +P headstamp to the .38 Super to further distinguish it from the lower-pressure .38 ACP. This is easily my favorite caliber to shoot and i have guns in .357 magnum, 9mm 45acp 50ae 44 magnum 10mm 380acp 38special. Its tough as nails and allows for excellent shooting ability without any jamming or any other reliability issues that may arise from flimsy and cheap pistols. Most competitive race guns at that time were using nothing but .38 Super. At ACADEMY38 our motto is DREAM. The smaller-diameter .38 Super in its hottest loads offer greater penetration against light cover than the .45 ACP or 9mm cartridges. Since then, I have worked with Julianne in soccer and fitness settings. If thats something you want in a pistol, youve got it with the Colt Gold Cup Trophy 38 Super.Who Will Use This Most This pistol will be a perfect fit for competitive and casual target shooters. I built a 1911 Govt in 9mm and I just love it but wanted a little more power. In the 80s people began to realize that head spacing off the Rim (like revolver cartridges) was why so many .38 Supers were not accurate, and started spacing off the case mouth, like the .45 ACP. The Rock Island is a fun gun to fire and use. Improving on the older .38 ACP style, the .38 Super propelled the same grain weight bullet at 230 ft/s faster. Can a 9mm barrel be used in a Metro Arms 1911 38 super? Re: Anyone here interested in an STI Edge .38 Super? Best .38 Spc O-ring Laser Cartridge on Amazon Works in ALL .38 and .357 Revolvers. I pretty much fell in love with the Colt 1911 38 Super I have. I loved my .38 super so much i bought a colt competition series a few years ago. A .38 Super fired in a .38 ACP could prove disastrous. TriStar 85680 SPS Vista LNG 1911 Black/CHR 18rd. Here are some things to be aware of: Like many pistols, you can carry a 38 Super Pistol as a concealed weapon. My Para-Ordnance is middle of the road. 0 Back Close Firearms Shop All. Over the years, the cartridge received more and more demands for improvements, given its accuracy, manageable recoil, and versatility. Long story short, its a cool OLD round thats still relevant among competition shooters. Advantage is you only have to find an FFL in your area to handle the transfer (also easy to do with Google), and once everything is said and done, youve escaped all the sales tax (unless you get it from someone in your state) and the higher price that a retailer is likely going to charge from the get-go, so you end up saving some money and can shop around without leaving your keyboard! I love Super 38! But read the ballistics on the 38 Super and the info on Genitron: 1350fps with 500ftlbs in a 124 grain, half the recoil in a 1911 govt. It would not hurt if you purchased a couple of different brands of rounds so you can determine which ones work best for you in terms of shooting groups. Ramp - .38 Super BuyItNow! I have been shooting 38 super for over 15 years. I could push a 100 grain Speer JHP downrange near 1500 fps using Blue Dot though I cant recall the powder charge. There are different brands of .38 Super Pistol rounds that are available. Its always good to be prepared for any lurking danger or being able to keep it out of the wrong hands while you are out and about. Previous. For most of my life, old-timers and shooters have called the cartridge the .38 Super and the handgun the Super .38.The proper name is the .38 ACP Super. He tuned and polished up the feed ramp and removed some burrs, no issues now. In my opinion, the 9mm has been outdated since 1911. n/a. One other user said that it allowed for superior groups even in bad weather conditions.Why it Stands Out to Us For a 38 Super Pistol, it has a bit of a powerful punch to it. 38 SPECIAL AMMO INC. 125 GRAIN TMJ (1000 ROUNDS) $505.00. Winchester offers FMJ loadings at 1,100 fps, Sig Sauer offers a FMJ loading as well. Bu $286.95: 0 $286.95 $302.00: 7d 23h 47m 17232235. No. Keep in mind that some of them will provide tighter shooting groups (by being more consistent) than others. It's a proven, well-balanced cartridge that delivers what shooters need, whether they're hunting . jacketed bullets Im sending them across my Chrony at 1550 fps. Julianne is the most experienced and well-rounded coach I have ever had. I enrolled in her summer fitness camp, which was three hours a week for five weeks. Ironically, I do. It fits like a glove. ATN BinoX 4K 416x Your All-in-One Hunting Solution, Review: American Tactical MilSport AR-15 Tactical/Hunting, SHOT Show 2023: Smith and Wesson M&P 5.728 Pistol, Justice Department Announces New Rule to Address Stabilizing Braces, Accessories Used to Convert Pistols into Short-Barreled Rifles, SHOT Show 2023: Smith and Wesson M&P 5.7x28 Pistol, U.S. Appeals Court Bumps the Bump Stock Ban, Rifle Hack: Sighting for 100 Yards at a Distance of 25 Yards, Throwback Thursday: Best Red Dots for AR Pistols, Throwback Thursday: All About Bullet Grain. But the ideal is not to get yourself so close that no one can miss hitting you with whatever they have to threaten your life, hence the 38 super at 1400 fps you can make shots well past 50 yards and plenty of power to stop just about anything. Gun is heavy but soaks recoil nicely, shoots straight. $286.95: 0 $286.95 $302.00: 7d 23h 45m 14871294. They named the pistol the Colt Super 38 and the round the .38 Super Automatic, 1st presenting the new gun and the hot new round in 1929. That small change means that modern .38 Supers are as accurate as 9mm or .45 ACP pistols. Knowing what to expect is key so you know how the gun functions and what it can be used for. As an Old School (Since early 90s) competitive shooter / reloader, and ER/ICU MD, Ive been a fan of ol .38 Super. I looked forward to practice days every week because of the energy she brought to my team. GA Sales: 61. I am a reloader and shoot it all the time. Ive shot it a few times but have semi-retired the gun because of age and value but its still a good shooter. For nay sayers, look at the ballistics compared to a 9mm or .38 Special and you will understand. Part of the felt recoil reduction is due to the use of lighter-weight bullets. Their sessions are always energetic, packed with skill level appropriate drills, and fun. They took the opportunity to upgrade the performance of the .38 ACP. I can always count on Julianne to come through with a program that works for me, and the inspiration to keep me going in my trainingeven when I dont want to. According to the official C.I.P. Very accurate and reasonable in handling recoil. Timing is everything when it comes to these situations, so you need to quickly get a shot off without any jamming issues at all. However, the biggest advantage was the muzzle brake, allowing for faster follow-up shots, and thus faster stages and subsequent higher scores. Bottom LineThe EAA Witness Elite Match is a pistol that youll probably use for all of your target shooting and competitive shooting applications alike. Remington UMC Handgun Ammunition, 38 Super | L38SUP. All you have to do is find the right kind of pistol to ensure that you get that perfect glove-like fit and youll be in business for whenever you need it. Haha But if its your bag and you can hit what youre aiming for with it, then go for it. The .38 Super has made a comeback in IPSC and USPSA sports shooting raceguns, particularly when equipped with a compensator, because it exceeds the power factor threshold to be considered a "major" charge, while having much more manageable recoil than .45 ACP. We are incredibly fortunate to have Julianne on our staff and are super excited that she is creating this incredible opportunity for others to experience the impact she can have in elevating the level of play and more importantly the level of confidence, motivation and self-esteem of young girls through her camp. So you would have no problem using one round or another while shooting a 38 Super pistol. As the .38 Super runs at a higher chamber pressure than the .45 ACP, a compensator will have more recoil-reduction effect. Despite its lack of major popularity and industry support, the .38 Super is still a very viable option for both competitive shooting and for self-defense. I ended up dropping six seconds off one of my fitness tests in just fifteen sessions because of Juliannes help. <br>The sights are adequate, GI types, and proved well regulated for 130-grain FMJ ammunition. I hunted for years to find a 1911 in .38 Super I could afford. 1557 fps & 553ft lbs. We never did the same exercise twice, and it was always fun. Performance. There in the case was a Kimber Pro Carry II in stainless, she was a beauty to say the least. And an interesting thing that I hope is pure BS was that my FFL dealer told me when I got the .38 Super that buying it was going to cause the ATFE to keep a close eye on me because its such a popular gun south of the border, used by the drug cartels, and since I live in Arizona, the ATFE folks would be watching me, as though I was gun dealer or drug runner, I guess! 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