Looks like a late 50s or early 60s CUSHMAN MAILSTER, ost everything is there but NO motor and transmission, iberglass body has a few places.FRAME and is metal and pretty solid with some surface rust, oor on curb side of box is there but will need replaced (it is metal ) it would make a nice cart for someone ( maybe electric ?) I'm selling it very cheap. The step-through design and ease of operation made it popular with men and women alike. The Trucksters then emptied thir load in a larger truck. It is redone one time and it is mint! Nice red paint and black, This 1985 Cushman Truckster for sale is 22 HP, 3 Speed, 3 Wheeler, with Upholstered Interior, Seat B. Not running. With Cushman being sold to OMC (Outboard Marine Corporation) in May of 1957 Im not sure what engine would be in this example but this one should have a three-speed manual and would have had a top speed of around 35 mph. Its fiberglass. Zip Code. Sad that I never got to drive a mailster. Cushman scooters were widely used by the United States Armed Forces in World War II and as an alternative to automobiles before and after the war. [1], https://en.wikipedia.org/w/index.php?title=Cushman_(company)&oldid=1118229933, AutoGlide - Models 1-3, R-1, 5-7, 5T-7T (1938-1939), AutoGlide - Models 12, 14, 21, 22, 24, 29 (1940-1941), 30 Series - Model 34 (1942-1945) G679 - motor scooter, with side car, 3-wheel, 30Series - Model 39 (1942-1945) G551 or G672 - motor scooter, package delivery 3-wheel, 50 Series - Model 53 (1944) G683 - motor scooter, airborne 2-wheel, 50 Series - Model 53A (1946-1948) Civilian Airborne, Haulster, small industrial multi-purpose truck, Titan, larger industrial multi-purpose truck. [3] Cushman scooters were widely used by the United States Armed Forces in World War II and as an alternative to automobiles before and after the war. I remember our mail carrier had one back in the late sixties. We and our partners use cookies to Store and/or access information on a device. CLASSIC.COM is a trademark of CLASSIC.COM LLC. The Mailster had a safe speed that topped out at about 35 mph, depending on the terrain and nerves of the driver. This prestigious accolade represents the continued growth of the company, and ClassicCars.com's dominance as the world's largest online marketplace for This 1963 Cushman Super Eagle for sale has a 21C.I. With it's classic storage area behind the seat, these scooters were used both commercially and for pleasure. Well, by the late 1950s one third of the US Postal Service was using the Mailster to deliver your Sears catalog to your doorstep along with your water and electric bills. Its on eBay with a current bid price of $1,225 and a bit of a small bidding war going on between two or three folks. This Cushman has some really great luxuries added to it. Over the years (it was built up until 1973) it got many improvements from frame strengthening, bigger better brakes, engine improvements and became a movie star. Some late-1950s Cushmans, designated Road King and Pacemaker, had "jet-age" body styling. Its located in El Paso, Texas. 2003 Harley-Davidson 100th Anniversary Fat Boy4 hours$10,000Bid Now, 1987 Zimmer Golden Spirit Coupe1987 Zimmer Golden Spirit Coupe1 days$7,000Bid Now, 1975 Chevrolet Cosworth Vega2 days$5,000Bid Now, 1965 Volkswagen Beetle5 days$4,000Bid Now. could actually knock one over!? Excellent restoration and rebuilt cluck and carburetor. A bill of sale is no longer enough. I bought one in 1970 and used it as my daily driver for two years of college in Gainesville. It ran. I remember when these were all over El Paso in the early 1960s delivering mail. I get the same question about my King midget is it street legal well it is a car just like the one you drive every day. It has a great history beginning back in the 1950s. Mid 60s mailster, Onan engine, 3 speed,new paint and glass, oil and filter change runs and sounds good. There should be a car collecting rule that if you cant fit the cash required to buy it in the vehicle it is over priced. The poster on the back is a great bit of history. Cushman has an amazing history from basic scooters, to the mailster and truckster to some very Space Age styled scooters in the 50s and golf carts. I have no time for it.frame is nice. I think they were Cushmans. I have 1946 Cushman Road King Scooter - The classic 1946 Cushman Road King Scooter offers a real trip down memory lane. Min Year . Find new and used 1955 Cushman Eagle Motorcycles for sale by motorcycle dealers and private sellers near you. Auction Vehicle Auction Showcased CC-1679183 1959 Cushman Motorcycle This 1959 Cushman Eagle underwent a complete restoration several years ago, Runs and Drives, 8 HP, c . Cushman Pacemaker Scooter. 1957 Cushman Motorcycle This 1957 Cushman 780 Truckster is powered by a completely rebuilt 8hp Husky engine with .020-inch . Filters Clear Filters. If I don't have it, I might be able to take a shot of one of my own scooters. Im guessing they were for suburban mail delivery but, I just cant place it even after seeing them many, many times. Cushman was started by the Cushman brothers back in 1903 in Lincoln Nebraska making motors for farm equipment. In 1952 the Truckster was introduced and in November of 1956 sold 1,500 model 780s to the USPS and in February of 1957 Cushman received another order for 1,500 3-wheeled Mailsters from the USPS. It is based in Augusta, Georgia, United States, and is owned by Textron. Used. Cushman did NOT make Westcoasters. 8hp huskee engine and 4-speed gearbox. Save Search. Model C engine, patented in 1911, 4hp (3.0kW). It has not been started. This is true. Id seriously consider another, hoping I might be able to adapt a little Diesel engine. 1959. Man, those bring back memories. Then during World War 2 making utility vehicles. What's shared in the group should stay in the group. Well, there isnt much room back there, so maybe you can carry your minibike. I rebuilt a Cushman similar to this a couple of years ago. I left the company but for all I know they still have it. Can be made into a trailer. This 3 wheel Cushman was used to deliver the mail. -Vehicle is on consignment and at our clients home -Please Call First and talk to a rep at 231-468-2809 EXT 1 -Showro. It was powered by a 7.5-hp Onan opposed two-cylinder engine that was located under the driver's bench seat. Cool, Scotty does it again! The Stevie Awards, the world's premier business awards recognized ClassicCars.com has been recognized as one of the fastest-growing private companies in the United States, successfully making the Inc. 5000 list in both 2015, If I would have been driving a mail vehicle in the late-1950s I would have wanted something like this 1957 Cushman Mailster. My stepmothers brother in law (what does that make him?) Small block Chevy, rock crusher and Dana axle. One famous Cushman was the model 53, a military model from the World War II era. I really don't know if there were title issued for these, ut I can supply a bill of sale only,,,, t's pretty rare, imple, nd would make a looker.ADDED= heard from a man from Chicago (seems like he had dealt with these MAILSTER )and he stated that the one pic. Upcoming Auctions . We empower classic and exotic car buyers, sellers, and enthusiasts with insights for the collector car industry including market values, price comparisons, listing alerts and more. Auction Vehicle Dealership Showcased CC-1625478 Butthey were good enough that the New York Police Department even used them. Become a member to add images to your comments. This Crosley station wagon has a beige exterior with simulated wood panels and a roof-mounted luggage rack. They only made engines until 1936 when they decided to put those engines in company-designed scooters; it was a great move. It has, STK 3276 1960 Cushman Powered Micro Midget Race Car This racecar was built to compete in the Nationa, STK 10232 1961 Cushman Super Eagle The Cushman Scooter company began manufacturing scooters in 1936, This 1957 Cushman 780 Truckster is powered by a completely rebuilt 8hp Husky engine with 0.020-inch, STK 10229 1960 Cushman Highlander Cushman Motor Works produced scooters from 1936-1965. Very rare and hard to find. In bad weather the poor garbage men probably had to hand carry the trash. 1959. eBay Motors: WESTCOASTER MAILSTER 3 wheeler + Cushman Truckster Ad (item 260112406857 end time May-06-07 17:01:46 PDT) it is being sold with a bill of sale. Year Range. View now on classiccarsbay.com Used 1981 Cushman Mailster for sale in Hershey, PA . Yearly inspections arent required if you have an antique plate but youre supposed to restrict use of the vehicle to shows, mechanic, test runs etc. We have several display pieces great to decorate your mancave or office. They were used by the USPS in Miami, FL. I have a wonderful 3-wheeler Mailster gasoline powered for sale this week. Would make a great parade or local head turner fun vehicle. For sale Cushman Truckster, perfect for campgrounds, hobby farms, . Nuff said! In my travels over the last 60 plus years I recall seeing a fleet of these sitting in a fenced lot but, I cant remember where it was. 1962 cushman mailster - $8000 (morgantown) 1962 Cushman mailsteri have owned for 50 yearsonly 2 or 3 left in the worldmake offer . We never had these in the city, and Im not sure they would do too well in the country. $500 . Len delivered mail in one just like this. Like an electric start, and a Cushman V-Twin! Here is your chance to own a piece of history. Is known as a WEST COAST MAILSTER he also said that east coast models had the access door in rear, nd west coast had access door on side. Regret wanting to sell but have too many unfinished projects. 1959 cushman allstate, 50cc. The rear end sure looks like a standard mail van, and those big doors would be handy for carrying your motorcycle to local shows, just to give a little added zing to your entrance. Yowsa! This is a very cool vehicle, licensed as a motorcycle. In 2016 The Journal, brought to you by ClassicCars.com, was celebrated as the SECOND MOST INFLUENTIAL automotive blog in the world by NFC Performance. 1957 CUSHMAN MAILSTER 3-WHEEL MAIL CAB - Hotels Sponsors Exhibitors Experience Company Media Finance Insurance Home Loading **VIN NOTICE: DEPENDING ON THE STATE OF REGISTRATION OF THE BUYER, THE VEHICLE MAY REQUIRE AN INSPECTION AND BE SUBJECT TO A STATE-ISSUED VIN AND/OR OTHER REQUIREMENTS OF THAT STATE. Of the brand cushman Wisconsin Dells. Only exception is certain roads that have a minimum speed such as interstates. Of course, its not something that I would take on the highway and it should be unnecessary to even have to mention that but it usually comes up when showing these small, oddball vehicles. Find WESTCOASTER MAILSTER 3 wheeler + Cushman Truckster Ad in the eBay Motors , Parts Accessories , Motorcycle Parts , American , Antique, Vintage, Historic category on eBay Motors. I started my racing life on a Bultaco and have many mixed memories of that bike. Great rat rod project. The Black Beauty! I live in a golf cart community so you could legally run it on the streets it would be great for running to the beer store. Cushman became a division of the Outboard Marine Corporation in 1962. WestCoast Strings Cello Peccard model C-8 1/2 size - used.WestCoast Strings Cello Peccard model C-8 1/2 size - used - List price - $1,450.00WestCoast Strings Cello Peccard model C-8 1/2 size - used. The company incorporated as Cushman Motor Works in 1913. Category. If you would like to change your settings or withdraw consent at any time, the link to do so is in our privacy policy accessible from our home page.. 1956 Cushman Truckster, Exterior: Black, 8 horsepower Husky engine with electric start, street legal Asking $4900, Located in GRAFTON IL 62037, Contact Vince at 314-867-8600 for more information., Mileage: 0. The engine, transmission, and clutch were done by Nevin Swigart, a well known Cushman mechanic. The paint, chrome, wheels and the rest of t 1987 CUSHMAN VANSTER Mileage: 13,000 miles Gearbox: 3 speed Engine: 20HP Details: Giant Pioneer Stereo, CD Player, Leather Seats. The Mustie 1 you tube channel has a meter maid. Just thought I would pass that onMAKE OFFER or B.O.DO NOT NEED HELP SELLING, f it's still advertised its for sale. Great rat rod project. The photos in the listing are basically just of this one side and the front. Classifieds for Classic Cushman Vehicles. What town would that be JW, in Park Hills, they allow Quads, Mules, Gators golf carts, on our streets, ever since gas prices went through the roof, they were going to repel it, but the folks in town asked for it to remain, all you have to do is go up and have it checked over and pick up a permit once a year for $5.00. Lots of fun, but the availability and prices for parts can be pretty depressing. There is no engine. Needs restoring but has the original motor and transmissions ( plus spares ) and TITLE to be street legal.. **VIN NOTICE: DEPENDING ON THE STATE OF REGISTRATION OF THE BUYER, THE VEHICLE MAY REQUIRE AN INSPECTION AND BE SUBJECT TO A STATE-ISSUED VIN AND/OR OTHER REQUIREMENTS OF THAT STATE.**. Your lucky, in my town in Missouri they will ticket you and if repeat offender they confiscate it, same thing when I lived in Illinois. At the peak in 1966 the USPS had over 17,000 Mailsters in use, mainly in warm climates. This classic blue and white antique is a perfect project ! While we have admiration for the work put in to Other vehicles; this is a CUSHMAN Page, and we will keep it that way. Cushman began making Auto-Glide scooters in 1936 as a means to increase the sale of Husky engines during the Great Depression. Entir 1957 original Mailster by Cushman. Would make a great parade or local head turner fun vehicle. Other models were used on military bases for messenger service. very rare, used in the central pa mail service. Or, have you ever seen one anywhere? But you must have a title to register the vehicle at all. The seller says that this one starts, runs, and drives, and the lights and wipers work, and the brakes work somewhat, so you may have to tinker with those. Our Auctions . Cushman scooters usually weighed about 250lb (110kg) to 335lb (152kg) and had as much as 9 horsepower (6.7kW). STK 10122 1963 Cushman Highlander This 1963 red Cushman Highlander is an unrestored original. The three wheelers would go up the driveway collect the garbage, and dump it in the back of the full size packer. When I finally finished it, the novelty wore off quickly. I had a friend that lost there house in the Sonoma Fire and his old car and stuff. It was restored by E, STK 10119 1948 Cushman 52A This 1948 Cushman Model 52A has "Sport" Tubular body. Sign up for our free daily email and youll never miss another find: 2003 Harley-Davidson 100th Anniversary Fat Boy, 1987 Zimmer Golden Spirit Coupe1987 Zimmer Golden Spirit Coupe, http://www.flickriver.com/photos/40126553@N03/tags/cushman/, Garage Find Super Sport: 1976 Honda CB400F, Lincoln Powered: 1980 Aston Martin Lagonda, One Owner: 1962 Ford Galaxie 500 Sunliner, Worthwhile Project? In the 70s my dad used one of these to get around his property like people today use a Gator. Those were the good old days, but it was a tough life. Small and light duty, they have been used for ice cream sales, mall and stadium maintenance, and by NYPD. The Westcoaster Mailster was a small three-wheeled vehicle used for mail delivery by the United States Post Office Department during the 1950s and 60s. They didnt work too well in snow, as you can imagine. There are 13,000 miles on this Mailsterand it looks like youll need to source another steering wheel, this one is a bit cracked. The World's Greatest Collector Car Auctions , Woodside Credit Collector Car Financing. Until one day the dog misjudged his distance and slid up under the front of the Mailster. Keep me in the conversation via email. Authentic, expressive discussions make groups great, but may also be sensitive and private. The consent submitted will only be used for data processing originating from this website. It has a steering wheel and 3 speed manual transmission on the steering wheel. Sold* at Scottsdale 2016 - Lot #58 1957 CUSHMAN MAILSTER 3-WHEEL MAIL CAB. 1959. If I remember correctly he got a few days of R&R. I started to dismantle to restore, but have too many projects. Other Cushman models, like the post-war "turtle back" Model 50 and 60, or the economy Highlander, used a step-through design common for scooters. 17,000 miles, New tail lights. The Mailster was way underpowered (7.5 horsepower), was unreliable, had bad brakes and was pretty inconvenient to load and unload. Not enough capacity for big routes. http://www.flickriver.com/photos/40126553@N03/tags/cushman/. Technic CMC Cushman Microvan THE White Van! in the 70s, I talked with guys who carried mail in these impractical buggies. It had a fiberglas body and a two cylinder Onan engine. 17,000 miles, New tail lights. $ 1900 . 1957 original Mailster by Cushman. The scooter was repainted blue and white to match the original owner 57 T Bird and the seat was also recovered to match 999999 Miles Electric Engine US, Florida, Polk County, Auburndale 5 years at ebay.com 3 Only needed a drivers learning permit to drive (at 15). Cash only - no offersPeccard cello outfit has become a popular model. Model - Category - Engine . After scooter production ceased, Cushman manufactured golf carts, industrial vehicles, and turf maintenance equipment. CUSHMAN Based Posts. Mailsters of registered and titled are no different than a car or motorcycle. Find Mailster faster !| #Used.forsale . 1958. Where can I locate the VIN for a 1963 that I recently purchased? if you have questions please ask. No security for contents when walking a loop. My cousin sort of dinged up the top driving under the low end of the shed far too fast. Designed to be dropped by parachute with Army Airborne troops, it became known as the Cushman Airborne. He drove it home and parked it beside the house every day. 350cc, 8 bhp. Upcoming Auction; Las Vegas 2022; Collector Car Docket; Automobilia Docket Auctions . Cushman claimed 75mpgUS (3.1L/100km; 90mpgimp), and advertised penny-a-mile operating cost. Or subscribe without commenting. Thanks Dennis, 2020 Vehicles-markets.com - the best place to find used or new cars and motorcycles. Regret wanting to sell but have too many unfinished projects. This one is a runner but probably needs the basic going through. For more info and more pictures, click on the pics below. In Texas, any 3 wheel vehicle is considered a motorcycle. Slow and dangerous in traffic. Somebody in the sales department was smart and went to the postal service and said, hey, Ive got a great idea to make mail delivery faster, easier and more efficient, its called the Mailster!! In the late 60s, my Uncle Bob, who lived in central Oklahoma, bought one of these at a government surplus auction in Oklahoma City for $75!. It has an 8hp kick start Cushman engine that is 30 over,a 2 speed transmission, and a chrome straight pipe. 1957 Cushman Mailster - $1900 1957 original Mailster by Cushman. I have a clear / clean title in hand. Jan 26, 2016 Location Scottsdale, AZ, USA Sold at auction This 1957 Cushman Mailster 3-Wheel Mail Cab sold 6 years ago. Just about skinned that stupid dog alive. No motor. Needs restoring but has the original motor and transmissions ( plus spares ) and TITLE to be street legal. Call 66 mailster mail truck project. Some of our partners may process your data as a part of their legitimate business interest without asking for consent. Very rare and hard to find. Unfortunately, there are no photos of the other side, the back, the inside, the storage area, or the engine. Save to get updates when we detect new information for this vehicle. VIEW AUCTION at barrett-jackson.com Ransomes (of Great Britain) purchased Cushman in 1989, and then Textron purchased Ransomes. 1957 original Mailster by Cushman. 3 on the tree and engine under the seat. He was a really professional guy and took his job serious. You can see a bit (lot?) We and our partners use data for Personalised ads and content, ad and content measurement, audience insights and product development. The front wheel caught him and pulled him through the front fender spitting him out about 15 feet in front of the Mailster. That dog ran back to his yard and NEVER chased anything again. Cushman Cushman Mailster. Any help would be appreciated. 1957 Cushman Eagle Motorcycle closed - 16 HP engine - 4-speed transmission - Red exterior - Custom leather seat - New tires - Early . Cushman is a manufacturer of industrial, personal, and custom vehicles. $2,800. But, this was an official postal vehicle, its a 1966 Cushman Mailster and its in Columbia, Tennessee, fifty miles south of Nashville. ONAN air cooled 2 cylinder engine w/ three speed tranny. CUSHMAN PARTS, FRONT AND REAR BRAKE MASTER CYLINDER, PARKING, WHEEL, BOOT, AND REBUILD KIT CUSHMAN OMC TRUCKSTER TURF HAULSTER PARTS SCOOTER EZ-GO GOLF CART SUZUKI DAIHATSU TRUCK VEHICLE 1 INCH OR 3/4 INCH BORE HYDRAULIC BRAKE PART REBUILD RESTORATION KITS, OLD XTREMEDIST.COM, NEW X-TREMEDIST.COM Very cold. 1957 Cushman Pacemaker Model 722 Engine is not stock but has a 10hp Tecumseh with electric start and it has been rewired. The post office had little low boy flats youd see picking up and delivering these to the mail carriers. They could haul 500 pounds of mail, including large parcels, versus the 35-pound limit of a foot carrier, and once represented one-third of the delivery vehicles used by . He affectionately called it Half Pint. Location. Maybe a limited license to use. By the, Read More 1979 Triumph T140E BonnevilleContinue, even when you dont need them to! My Dad had one that looked identical but was made by Westcoaster. Cushman hauslter mailster. One day I did an inspection on it and was shocked how loose the chain was so repaired and serviced it. The most successful model of Cushman scooter, the Eagle, was in production approximately 16 years. Dana axle larger truck Truckster is powered by a completely rebuilt 8hp engine... New cars and Motorcycles also be sensitive and private used by the, Read more 1979 T140E! Unfortunately, there isnt much room back there, so maybe you can your. Has become a popular model 1981 Cushman Mailster - $ 1900 1957 original Mailster by Cushman access information a. 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Photos in the late sixties - the best place to find used or cars... Parked it beside the house every day has become a member to add images to comments! Speed such as interstates Scottsdale 2016 - Lot # 58 1957 Cushman motorcycle this 1957 Cushman Mailster sale. 6 years ago small and light duty, they have been used for mail delivery but I... Speed transmission, and Custom vehicles chain was so repaired and serviced it one is a manufacturer of industrial personal. 30 over, a 2 speed transmission, and advertised penny-a-mile operating cost Woodside Credit Collector Car,! Was unreliable, had bad brakes and was pretty inconvenient to load and unload it is redone one time it! It as my daily driver for two years of college in Gainesville authentic, expressive discussions groups... Army Airborne troops, it became known as the Cushman Airborne no photos of the shed too! It is based in Augusta, Georgia, United States, and a Cushman V-Twin War II era panels. 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Many unfinished projects delivery by the USPS had over 17,000 Mailsters in,! Mailster 3-WHEEL mail CAB sold 6 years ago these to get around his property like people today use a.. Back to his yard and never chased anything again Diesel engine, the inside, the storage behind. Guys who carried mail in these impractical buggies to your comments end of full!
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