One creepy fact that most people dont know about pigs is that there have been many records of farmers dying from being eaten by pigs. The wife of Anthony Perkins, the original Norman Bates, Berry Berenson, died as a result of being a passenger on one of the 9/11 planes. As It started when two soldiers stole a bucket from a well in the city center. Lake Superior contains 10% of the worlds freshwater. On the other hand, vegetarian dinosaurs such as the Triceratops had eyes that looked out to the side so they could stay vigilant, watching for danger as they ate. The swan has over 25,000 feathers on its body. Elephants think people are cute, the same way people think puppies or kittens are cute. The day after Thanksgiving is called Brown Friday by plumbers in America because it is their busiest day of the year. Hugh Jackman often will tell the paparazzi where he is when he goes home to Australia so they can get their photos, then leave him alone for the rest of his visit. They dont molt much at all, and they rarely smell, either. John Steinbeck was born on February 27, 1902. This means there are nearly 48 million accounts that are not controlled by humans. Every Pixar movie contains a reference to the Pixar movie that comes after it. This was to make sure he didnt get drunk and fall on anyone. Saturn is so big that Earth could fit into it a whopping 755 times! His notable Southern accent is fake he was born and raised in the midwest, not the South. Back when dinosaurs existed, there used to be volcanoes that were erupting on the moon. In the early 1900s, there was a pod of killer whales who helped humans hunt down other whales in Australia. An Italian banker, Gilberto Baschiera, is considered a modern-day Robin Hood. 85% of people have experienced a dream so real that they were not sure if it happened in real life or not. Due to paralytics administered, if you wake up during surgery, you probably wouldnt be able to tell anyone. Every day in the U.S., more than 100,000 people get a speeding ticket. Polygamy is the practice of having more than one husband or wife at the same time. The results of the Top 1,000 revenues in 2022 will be released in November or December this year. Using a hands-free device to talk on the phone while driving is shown to be equally or more dangerous than driving drunk. The average person in France sleeps 8.83 hours per day, the most in the developed world. The Cesky Terrier is the rarest breed of dog in the world. Only 2% of the worlds population has green eyes. The whole Harry Potter series contains 199 chapters, 4,224 pages, and 1,090,739 words and has been made into 19 hours and 39 minutes of the film. While Apple was building a huge data center in the middle of North Carolina, they wanted to occupy the area of a couple that had lived there for 34 years. Even though smoking has been banned on airplanes, ashtrays are mandatory on every plane. Red Solo cups are a common souvenir to bring back from the United States. To date, it was the biggest trial in the world. Jack Daniel (the founder of the whiskey) died from kicking a safe. The last case of smallpox was in 1977, and the last of rinderpest was in 2001. They raised over $100k. Any prime number higher than three, when squared and subtracted by one, will always turn out to be a multiple of 24. WPC Overview; About Secretary; Working Council Although Saturn is the second-largest planet in our solar system, it is also the lightest planet! This site is protected by reCAPTCHA and the Google. Cold showers have more health benefits than hot or warm showers. Despite being related to piranhas, Pacu fish have straight square teeth that look just like ours instead of sharp fangs. It was written as a farewell to her mentor of seven years. Subscribers were offered exclusive content and a BowieNet email. The law also says that police officers can offer up a firearm if the need arises. For example, if you hold a warm coffee as opposed to a cold coffee, you are more likely to be more selfless towards others. Both KitKat and Rolo are produced globally by Nestl, except in the U.S., where its made by their competitor, Hersheys. Think of it as the opposite of sleep paralysis, but just as creepy. The costume designers for The Lord of the Rings worked for two straight years making custom armor. Rabbits can be literally scared to death if approached by a predator when they are totally unaware. The Lego Group is the worlds most powerful brand. The Twenty One Pilots fan base is known as the Skeleton Clique. At the 1936 Olympic games, competitors from Liechtenstein were shocked to discover their flag was the exact same as Haitis. Rather, they circulate nutrients by using seawater in their vascular system. Today, 19,400 Coke products are consumed every second. Tammy, who has been facing a lot of weight issues because of her obesity, was seen adjusting A few are 12-37 miles in diameter, but most are barely 1 mile in size. The only letter that doesnt appear on the periodic table is J. The smallest thing ever photographed is the shadow of an atom. Every second, the human eye moves about 50 times. Geomelophagia is someone who has the urge to eat raw potatoes. The largest living thing on earth is a giant sequoia named General Sherman. When the couple refused to leave, Apple paid them $1.7 million dollars for their land. Pure cocoa can help prevent tooth decay. If it didnt bring you what you wanted, it taught you what you didnt want. All the paint on the Eiffel Towerweighs the same as ten elephants. Though most think its Italian, pepperoni is an American invention. An adults kidney weighs about 5 ounces (142 grams) and is the size of a fist. The caretaker discovered a doll floating in the water, which he hung on a tree to appease the drowned girls spirit. BTS was the first K-Pop group to get their own Twitter emojis. It was used to communicate with the ground crew before take-off. There are more people in the U.K. than in Canada, Australia, Norway, and Iceland combined. U.S. children make up 3.7% of children on the planet but have 47% of all toys and childrens books. Ziggy Marley, Bob Marleys son, wrote the theme song for the popular childrens cartoon Arthurwhen he was 26. Opposites attract is a common myth. This is a scary fact from the history of dentures, but at least science has made things easier for us today, right? A 2017 survey found Paraguay to be the happiest country in the world for the second year in a row. Canada eats more macaroni and cheese than any other nation in the world. In 2017, Adidas sold over 1 million pairs of shoes made from recycled ocean plastic, each pair taking 11 plastic bottles to make. The Apple Lisa was the first commercial computer with a graphical user interface (GUI) and a mouse. Because snow is composed of ice, it can be classified as a mineral. Jupiter completes a rotation of the Sun every 11.86 years. Foxes have whiskers on their legs. Pitbulls rank high among the most affectionate and least aggressive dogs. Pantheism is the belief that God did not create the universe, but rather the universe is God. The television took 13 years, and the iPod only took 3 years to reach a market audience of 50 million. About 1,000 students take the course each year. The tablet has since been lost, but the text remains preserved. If you like our interesting facts list, please share using the buttons below! The Great Pyramid of Giza actually has eight sides rather than four. After the release of the 1996 film Scream, which involved an anonymous killer calling and murdering his victims, Caller ID usage tripled in the United States. Museo delle Anime del Purgatorio or the Museum of the Souls of Purgatory is a small museum in Rome, Italy. ", "Thanks to pregnancy, the average number of skeletons in a human body is greater than one. The fear of vegetables is called Lachanophobia. One thousand may seem like a lot thats because it is! Butterflies have skeletons on the outside of their bodies. They believed that in drinking the blood of fallen warriors, they too would absorb the warriors powers and skills. Overwhelmingly, red states have the highest rate of dog ownership, while residents of blue states are more likely to keep a cat as a pet. It can hold up to 114,000 spectators. Every 10 years, the human skeleton repairs and renews itself. The country was named after Saint Lucy of Syracuse by the French. The word Android means a human with a male robot appearance. Canadian law requires citizens to answer a math question when entering sweepstakes. Instead of an agent, Bill Murray uses a 1-800 number where you can leave a message for him if you want to cast him for a movie or event. Facebook will track and record nearly everything you do if you browse the web while logged in to your Facebook account. It took 14 years to build from 1927 to 1941 and took 400 workers. It is still the most successful independent animated feature to date. It still has not been found. They would do this for the fins and tongues of the captured whales as rewards, and this agreement was known as The Law of Tongue.. In Indonesian, there is a word, Jayus, that means A joke told so poorly, and so unfunny that one cannot help but laugh.. It originated in England. Russia has the most man-made satellites in orbit, with 1,324. More tornadoes occur in the United Kingdom per square mile than in any other country in the world. The Monster in Frankenstein was never actually named, although the Monster itself proposed the name Adam.. Home; About WPC. Humans specifically have eyes that face forward for the purpose of seeing in 3D. The second is Vatican City. 1. The blue whales heart is the size of a VW Beetle and weighs up to 1,000 lbs (453 kg). Vernors Ginger Ale is the oldest soda still being sold. The mongoose is one of those rare animals that are immune to a snakes venom. In 2014 a YouTube video gained an international audience when they claimed that each segment of the claw mark looks like the Hebrew symbol for the number six, making the logo into 666, the number of the Beast. August 21st is Senior Citizens Day a day to honor the older generation. The Lost pilot was so expensive (over $10 million) that the Chairman of ABC was fired for green-lighting the project. The motto on the United Kingdoms Royal Coat of Arms is in French. Download Over 1000 Fantastic Science Facts Book in PDF, Epub and Kindle. Even though Cleopatra swears he is Caesars son, Caesar never officially acknowledged him. Their standard size is 290mm x 140mm x 90mm, and they are available only in grey. If you are about to die, they fly you back to mainland Norway to pass on there. I Will Always Love You was originally written and recorded in 1973 by Dolly Parton. Jupiter itself is 317 times the mass of the Earth. Julius Caesars only son, Caesarion, was the last Pharaoh of Egypt. The largest Japanese population outside of Japan stands at 1.6 million people who live in Brazil. This means that they are able to fly silently and are highly deadly hunters. Owls have specialized feathers where the edges protrude out to dissipate airflow. Only official members of federally accepted Native American tribes may legally possess or collect eagle feathers. Jessie Js full name is Jessica Ellen Cornish. A man who was hanged for his part in the Guy Fawkes Gunpowder Plot had his skin removed, and it was used to bind a book that listed his offenses. During 1922 & 1933, The Coca-Cola Company was offered a chance to buy the Pepsi-Cola company, and it declined on three separate occasions. The glass lens was added in post-production. She actually sold dinosaur bones and fossilized shells. The euphoric reaction commonly associated with catnip is hereditary. Only one of the developers had ever worked on a video game before. EURO facts: Turkey This is Turkey's fifth appearance at a UEFA European Championship, having made their finals debut in 1996. The Ethiopian calendar is 7.5 years behind the Gregorian calendar due to the fact that it has 13 months. At any given moment, there are 1,800 thunderstorms happening on Earth. Several of the facts on Snapple caps have been found to be outdated, incorrect, or exaggerated. Biting someone with false teeth in Louisiana, USA, is considered aggravated assault. This is for safe disposal in case someone breaks the law. Those inflicted with the plague, along with other diseased individuals, were left to die on this island. You can now get a headstone with a QR code. On April 1, 2005, NASA pulled an April Fools prank telling the world that they had found water on Mars. In Japan, many families eat a KFC for Christmas Dinner. The KKK headquarters were purchased by the Catholic Church and then turned into a church. This is called a sardonic grin. However, this show of respect did not work, and the drowned girls spirit continued to haunt the caretaker, causing him to hang more and more dolls in order to temper her anger. Doctors believe that Sidorkin accidentally swallowed a fir bud which later grew into a branch. If you keep smelling something that is not really there, you may be experiencing the earliest symptoms of schizophrenia. Just one Orc suit had 13,000 rings and took 3 days to make. 100 History Facts They Didnt Teach You At School, 100 Fun Food Facts You Wont Believe Are True, 100 Interesting Space Facts Thatll Blow Your Mind, 10 Interesting Facts About Jack In The Box. 35,000 hectares of peas are grown in the UK in a single year. DIXON, KENTUCKY: Focusing on the physical and mental health journey of sisters Amy and Tammy Slaton, TLC's '1000-Lb Sisters' spins mainly around the storyline The radio took 38 years to reach a market audience of 50 million. In 1868, a steel tanker crashed on the island, which killed 68 people, leaving the 15 survivors waiting 18 months to be rescued. Gatorade was invented to help the Florida Gators Football Team stay hydrated. A study from Harvard University finds that having no friends can be just as deadly as smoking. The pumpkin is a member of the cucurbit family, which are gourds, such as cucumbers and squashes. In reality, her biggest weakness is actually chocolate. Later, it was auctioned for $1,220 and is said to have orbited earth 3,000 times. Sudan has more pyramids than any country, with 255. document.getElementById( "ak_js_1" ).setAttribute( "value", ( new Date() ).getTime() ); The Fact Site is the number one source for the most interesting & random facts about animals, celebrities, food, films, games & so much more. Ancient Egyptians were known to insert an iron hook through the corpses nostril to draw out parts of the brain that they would then place in a jar. Owners of personalized license plates in Uganda are facing a tax increase of over 300%, which will raise the tax from $1,498 to $5,992. He passed away two years after the film was released. When Blackbeard captured ships, many of the African slaves on board would go on to become pirates. 15 Things To Know Before You Change Your Name, 25 Different Types of Swords to Slash Through, 100 Did You Know Facts Most People Have Never Heard About, 3 Essential Types of Insurance You Have To Know. Manatees can get frostbite in water below 68 degrees Fahrenheit (20C). They all have Southern-sounding stage names. Joe Arridy had an IQ of 46 and is known as the happiest prisoner on death row. He went into the gas chamber with a smile. Sometimes its accidental; other times, its left on purpose. If you translate Jesus from Hebrew to English, the correct translation is Joshua. The name Jesus comes from translating the name from Hebrew to Greek, to Latin, to English. It is called Madha village. There are more volcanoes on Venus than on any other planet within our solar system. Coca-Cola was the first drink that was ever consumed in space. Brain trauma can cause prosopagnosia or face blindness. Four of the top seven highest-grossing films of all time were released in 2015. The television was invented only two years after the invention of sliced bread. In the Pokmon games, Poliwag & Ditto have the same cry sounds. While most people think of Neil Patrick Harris as an actor, he is also a writer, producer, comedian, singer, and even amateur magician! On average, PewDiePie receives around 2 million YouTube views on each video after only 24 hours of uploading them. In Philadelphia, Pennsylvania, the Mutter Museum showcases preserved internal organs, models, and equipment for biomedical research and education. Although many people think shaving causes hair to grow back quicker, there is no scientific evidence for this. Meghan Trainor has Nyctophobia, which is a huge fear of the dark. He was found and stopped by his best friend Bernie Taupin. The British tried to invent a ship made out of wood pulp and ice during World War II. These arent mosquitoes but actual moths that feed on human blood. The last picture taken of John Lennon while he was alive had his killer in the frame. There is a Guinness world record for the longest amount of time needed to create an official government it is held by Belgium. The word kimono literally means a thing to wear. Ki is wear, and mono is thing.. The creators of the PNG image file format wanted it to be pronounced as ping.. On board would go on to become pirates size of a fist had found water on.... The worlds population has green eyes content and a BowieNet email accent is fake he was and... This means there are more volcanoes on Venus than on any other planet within our solar system someone breaks law... Iceland combined a well in the early 1900s, there used to be outdated, incorrect, or exaggerated swallowed. Although the Monster in Frankenstein was never actually named, although the Monster in was. Letter that doesnt appear on the planet but have 47 % of all and! 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